unilux Universe Thermostat User Guide

June 5, 2024


Welcome to your new home and Universe Thermostat.
Please refer to this user guide to help set up your thermostat.

Installation Manual

For installation and wiring information, please refer to the installation manual that was provided in the original thermostat packaging.
The following content relates to user operation of the Universe Thermostat only.

Wi-Fi Registration and Setup

The Universe Thermostat can be connected to Wi-Fi and supported by the Universe app ­ available for desktop and Apple and Android mobile devices. Search for it on the App Store or Play Store. This allows you to control comfort settings anywhere at anytime.

What you’ll need (we suggest writing these down):

Your unique Wi-Fi enabled thermostat SSID:
(This information is available in the original thermostat packaging. It can also be found in Wi-Fi settings)

  1. Click on the gear icon to go to the settings page.
  2. Select system reset.
  3. Select Wi-Fi reset.
  4. Press Wi-Fi reset now.
  5. Record the SSID and password that appears on the screen.
  6. Press save in the top right.

Your wireless router SSID and pasword:
A personal email address for your Unilux VFC Universe account

  • If you are registering multiple thermostats in the same suite, please use the same wireless router and email to ensure they are associated with the same Universe account.
Register your Wi-Fi Enabled System
  1. Check that your HVAC system is on with power to both the unit and Universe thermostat.
    a Lift up the front access panel
    b Make sure the main power switch is in the up and/or on position

  2. Ensure your wireless router is on and is connected to the internet.

  3. Turn on your personal computer, tablet or smartphone and connect to the internet.

  4. Please temporarily disable firewall settings that may prevent your device from connecting to the Wi-Fi transceiver.

  5. Open your Wireless Network Connections on PC/Mac (where you connect to Wi-Fi)
    • In the list of wireless connections, you’ll see the SSID of your Wi-Fi- enabled VFC, select it.

  • First-time connections will be asked for the Wi-Fi enabled VFC password. 6. Our configuration page appears for Windows 8, Windows 10 and iOS users.
    Windows 7 and Android users will need to enter uniluxvfc.com into the address bar.
    a You’ll see “Hello from Thermostat” in the address bar and a drop-down box will appear with the following fields for you to fill in:
    SSID: Choose from list SSID name of your wireless router
    Password: Enter your wireless router password
    Email: Enter your personal email address
    Server:** Enter thermostat.uniluxvfc.com
    b Once completed, you’ll see a message, “Try to Register”
    c Within a minute you’ll see “Device Registered”

    1. You’ll receive an email from our web app, Universe. If you don’t see it arrive in your inbox, please check your junk folder. ***
    2. Follow the prompts to our app, Universe (thermostat.uniluxvfc.com) to set/change your password.

You can log in once you’ve set/changed your password. Enter your username (email address used) and password, then select the blue sign-in button.

  • If you are registering multiple thermostats in the same suite, please use the same wireless router and email to ensure they are associated with the same Universe account.
    ** If the configuration page does not appear, please follow the process for Windows 7 and Android users.
    *** If you do not receive an email, please visit settings and select “Forgot Password” to generate a new link.
Log out & Disconnect

If you are moving or choose not to use the Wi-Fi enable controls, you have to logout and disconnect from the thermostat.
To logout in the web and mobile app, simply select logout from the menu bar (web app) or on the settings page (mobile app).
To disconnect the thermostat from either the web or mobile app, visit the settings page on the app and select deregister device.
Note: this will only disconnect the device you are on. If you use both the web app and mobile app, you will need to complete this process for both.

Thermostat Legend

This is a touchscreen thermostat. All selections can be made by simply tapping the screen.

1. Current room humidity (if applicable)
2. Current room temperature
3. Temperature mode
4. Fan speed
5. Time| 6. Wi-Fi connection indication
7. Set temperature
8. System operating mode
9. Settings
10. Temperature adjusment up and down
| Heat mode puts the system into heating to produce hot air
| Cool mode puts the system into cooling to produce cold air
| Auto mode puts the system into heating or cooling automatically depending on the set temperatures
| Off mode shuts the whole unit down including heating, cooling and the fan

| Turns the fan completely off
| Low fan speed
| Medium fan speed
| High fan speed
| Automatic fan speed adjusts the fan speed based on the difference between the room temperature and set temperature. The further away the room temperature is from the set temperature, the faster the fan speed.

System Setup & Settings

To customize your thermostat for your display preferences, you will need to set up your thermostat system.
To set up your system and adjust settings, select settings in the top right corner of the display.

Time and Date Setup

To set your time and date:

  1. Choose time and date setup in the top right of the settings screen.

  2. Choose Date:
    a Using the up and down arrows input the current date.
    b Press save in the top right corner.

  3. Choose Time:
    a Using the up and down arrows select 12 or 24-hour time display.
    b Using the up and down arrows input the current time.
    c Press save in the top right corner.

Note: If your thermostat is already connected to Wi-Fi, you will be prompted to adjust these settings in your Universe App.

Temperature Display Setup

You can choose to have your temperature displayed in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit. To update your temperature display settings:

  1. Select Temp. Unit in the bottom left corner of the settings page.
  2. Select Celsius or Fahrenheit on screen.
  3. Select save in the top right corner.
Schedule Setup

You can schedule daily programs so the system runs according to your set programs (time & temperature). You can set up 4 programs per day for each day of the week. For the thermostat to follow these programs, you must have the thermostat in schedule mode (see more about scheduled mode on page 14). To setup your schedule programs:

  1. Select schedule setup in the top left corner of the settings page.

  2. Select the day of the week you would like to update the schedule for. Alternatively, you can choose weekdays (Monday-Friday) or weekends (Saturday & Sunday).

  3. Select the program you would like to update. These are arranged in columns from 1-4.

  4. Adjust the program start time using up and down arrows.

  5. Set your heating temperature setpoint using up and down arrows.

  6. Set your cooling temperature setpoint using up and down arrows.
    a Setting both heating and cooling temperature set points allows the program to work in auto as well as heating and cooling modes depending on the time of year.

  7. Press save in the top right corner of the screen.

  8. Repeat this process for each program and each day you would like to set a scheduled program for.

Vacation Setup

You can set a vacation hold on your thermostat if you are going to be away for an extended length of time. This feature is used to save energy while residents are away. If in heating season, you can allow the suite to get cooler than if you were home. If in cooling season, you can allow the suite to get warmer than if you were home.
Access vacation setup through settings or through operating modes. To setup a vacation hold:

  1. Select vacation setup in the middle of the top row on the settings page.

  2. Choose SET UP.

  3. Using the up and down arrows, choose your vacation start date and start time. a Select next in the top right corner.

  4. Using the up and down arrows, choose your vacation end date and time. a Select next.

  5. On the left-hand side, choose your operating mode (Auto, Heat or Cool).

  6. Select your temperature setting(s). Auto mode requires a heat and cool set point.

  7. Select save in the top right corner.
    | Heat mode puts the system into heating to produce hot air
    | Cool mode puts the system into cooling to produce cold air
    | Auto mode puts the system into heating or cooling automatically depending on the set temperatures

Ending Vacation Hold

When your vacation is over and you’re ready to resume normal operation, you must end your vacation hold. To do so:

  1. Select Vacation Setup.
  2. Select Stop Vacation on the right.
  3. Press Home in the top right corner.

Setting System Operating Mode

You can set the Universe thermostat to five different operation modes to dictate when the HVAC system will engage.

  1. Permanent Hold ­ holds all comfort settings (temperature mode, set temperature and fan speed) 24/7 for consistent continuous operation.
  2. Timed Hold ­ holds all comfort settings (temperature mode, set temperature and fan speed) until the next scheduled program. Ensure your scheduled programs are set up for timed hold to revert back to.
  3. Schedule ­ adjusts comfort settings (temperature mode, set temperature and fan speed) according to your set programs. You can set 4 programs per day for each day of the week to match your schedule and save energy. You must set these programs in schedule setup.
  4. Setback ­ uses door and window contacts to detect when a door or window is open and reverts to the setback temperature set by the initial installation. In the summer, this turns the air conditioning down to save energy when doors and windows are open. For some buildings, this setting is standard according to building codes. Setback will override all other system operation modes depending on the building code in your jurisdiction.
  5. Vacation Hold ­ holds comfort settings (temperature mode, set temperature and fan speed) for a period set by you. It can be set to start and end on specific dates.
Permanent Hold

To put the system into permanent hold:

  1. Select the system operation mode in the bottom middle of the screen.
  2. Select “PERM HOLD”.
  3. Select auto, heat or cool mode on the left.
  4. Set your desired temperature on the right using the up and down arrows.
  5. Select save in the top right.
Timed Hold

To put the system into timed hold:

  1. Select the system operation mode in the bottom
  2. Select “TIMED HOLD”.
  3. Select auto, heat or cool mode on the left.
  4. Set your desired temperature on the right.
  5. Select save in the top right.
    | Heat mode puts the system into heating to produce hot air
    | Cool mode puts the system into cooling to produce cold air
    | Auto mode puts the system into heating or cooling automatically depending on the set temperatures

To put the system into schedule:

  1. Select the system operation mode in the bottom middle of the screen.
  2. Select “SCHEDULE.”
    Note ­ Schedule programs need to be set for this operation. To set programs, refer to Schedule Setup on page 10.

To put the system in setback:

  1. Select the system operation mode in the bottom middle of the screen.
  2. Select “SETBACK.”
    a This will change the temperature to the setback temperature set by the initial installer.
    b You can update the temperature using the up and down arrows on the right. However, the next time setback is engaged it will revert to the setback temperature set by the initial installer.
Vacation Hold

Access vacation setup through settings or through operating modes. To set up a vacation hold:

  1. Select vacation setup in the middle of the top row on the settings page.

  2. Choose SET UP.

  3. Using the up and down arrows, choose your vacation start date and start time.
    a Select next in the top right corner.

  4. Using the up and down arrows, choose your vacation end date and time.
    a Select next.

  5. On the left-hand side, choose your operating mode (Auto, Heat or Cool).

  6. Select your temperature setting(s). Auto mode requires a heat and cool set point.

  7. Select save in the top right corner.
    | Heat mode puts the system into heating to produce hot air
    | Cool mode puts the system into cooling to produce cold air
    | Auto mode puts the system into heating or cooling automatically depending on the set temperatures

Ending Vacation Hold
When your vacation is over and you’re ready to resume normal operation, you must end your vacation hold. To do so:

  1. Select Vacation Setup.
  2. Select Stop Vacation on the right.
  3. Press Home in the top right corner.

Setting Fan Speeds

To adjust your fan speed setting, tap the field in the bottom left of the home screen to reach your desired speed.

| Turns the fan completely off
| Low fan speed
| Medium fan speed
| High fan speed
| Automatic fan speed adjusts the fan speed based on the difference between the room temperature and set temperature. The further away the room temperature is from the set temperature, the faster the fan speed.

Humidity Control

Humidity control is an optional feature that some buildings may have. This feature is only available when a humidifier is connected. Depending on the building, the humidifier may be factory installed or an aftermarket humidifier can be installed by a Unilux technician. To update your humidity settings:

  1. Select/tap the current room humidity in the top left corner.
  2. Using up and down arrows, select your desired humidity level.

Note ­ There is a 5% humidity dead band. The room humidity will have to be +/- 5% beyond the set humidity before the humidifier will engage.

Safety Sensors & Warnings

HVAC systems can be equipped with many different safety sensors to help prevent energy loss, drain pan flooding, coil leaks and more.

Standard Sensors

Unilux HVAC systems come standard with the following sensors:

Drain pan overflow sensor ­ Alerts the HVAC unit and unit owner that the drain pan is full and about to overflow. An alert appears on the thermostat and through the Universe app. It also shuts down the HVAC system to prevent creating any more condensate water which would cause the drain pan to overflow.

Freeze protection sensor ­ Alerts the HVAC unit and unit owner when air entering the unit drops below 4°C/39°F. An alert appears on the thermostat and throughout the Universe app. It also forces the unit to run hot water through the coil to prevent the hydronic coil from freezing.

Clearing Safety Warnings

Safety warnings will clear automatically, and proper operation will resume only when the issues have been resolved. To resolve safety warnings, contact your property manager and an authorized service technician for your type of HVAC system.

Drain pan overflow sensor ­ This step below should only be performed by an authorized technician. Remove all blockages from the drain pan and snake the drain to ensure proper drainage. Use a soft, flexible tool to snake the drain so the hose does not get punctured.
Freeze protection sensor ­
Close all exterior windows and doors and prevent freezing air from entering the HVAC system.
Heat pump warnings ­ All system warnings on heat pumps will show a red dot on the screen. This can mean the drain pan is full, the incoming air is below the threshold or another heat pump related issue.

System Reset

There are two system reset options. Residents can reset their Wi-Fi or perform a factory reset. A factory reset should only be performed by a qualified technician with the Universe installer codes.

Wi-Fi Reset

If you reset your Wi-Fi settings on your thermostat, you will need to re- register your device following the steps on page 5. To reset your Wi-Fi settings:

  1. Click on the gear icon to go to the settings page.
  2. Select system reset.
  3. Select Wi-Fi reset.
  4. Press Wi-Fi reset now.
  5. Record the SSID and password that appears on the screen.
  6. Press save in the top right.
Factory Reset

This restores the thermostat to the factory settings. This should not be performed by residents. This should be performed by an authorized service provider that has the Universe installer codes. For the service provider to perform a factory reset:

  1. Click on the gear icon to go to the settings page.
  2. Select system reset.
  3. Select factory reset.
  4. Press factory reset now.
  5. Using the installation manual, reconfigure the thermostat for the HVAC system it is paired with.


You can contact Unilux for any questions or concerns regarding the thermostat. Our Parts & Service Department can be reached at:

Our contact information can also be found on the thermostat:

  1. Select the gear icon to go to the settings page.
  2. Press the mail icon in the top left.
  3. Record the contact information.
  4. You can also use your smartphone camera to capture the QR code for our contact information.

Parts & Service
905.265.2418 800.397.3680

Office: 905.851.3981 | info@universe-thermostat.com
7930 Huntington Rd, Unit A, Woodbridge, ON L4H 4M8


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