INTERPHONE EDGE Bluetooth Helmet Intercom User Manual

June 5, 2024

EDGE Bluetooth Helmet Intercom


USER Manual

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1. Introduction

1.1 Hello!
Thank you for choosing our product. Interphone EDGE is a Bluetooth® helmet headset for wireless entertainment and communication system among multiple bikers.
The ergonomic shape of the unit is user-friendly also with motorbike gloves. Interphone EDGE is waterproof tested, up to IP67 protection degree (using the sealant provided).

1.2 Main features

  1. Intercom: Interphone EDGE allows Bluetooth Intercom communication between two riders up to 1 km (in the best environmental condition). It also allows Intercom Communication between three or four riders in conference mode.
  2. Phone: Interphone EDGE has a Multipoint Bluetooth® connection for dual mobile phone or other Bluetooth devices (mobile phone/GPS navigation).
  3. FM Radio : Interphone EDGE includes a built-in FM-RDS (88-108MHz) receiver with a 8 preset memories.
  4. Music: Interphone EDGE is able to play music from a Bluetooth® device, supporting A2DP and AVRCP profiles (smartphones, MP3 player etc.).
  5. Vocal guide: Interphone EDGE is equipped with a Text To Speech vocal guidance system, that helps the user to operate each product feature and menu.

1.3 Box contents

Introduction Pic.1

A. Bluetooth® unit
B. Microphone for full face helmet
C. Microphone for Jet/flip up helmet
D. Left speaker
E. Right speaker
F. Velcro set for speaker/mic + spare POP wind protection
G. Fixing plates
H. USB data cable
I. Quick guide

2. Installation Instruction

Getting Started

Getting Started

(!) Warnings on installation:

  1. The centre of the speakers must be placed in correspondence with the ears, as close as possible.
  2. The marking “MIC” on the microphone must be directed towards the mouth.

Composition of the Kit


2.1 Main Commands (Pic.2)

Main Commands

2.2 Status led (Pic.2)

Status led

2.3 First Switch on (only twin pack)

Press MFB (1) button to turn on both units. The units are already factory- paired, wait for your language and press MFB (1) button to confirm.
Later two units will be in “INTERCOM” Standby status (Chapter 4).

2.4 First Switch on (only single pack)

Press MFB (1) button to turn on unit.
The unit will enter in “PAIRING MODE”, choose one of these:

– Pairing with mobile phone or GPS navigator.
– Short press of Up (2) button – intercom pairing with INTERPHONE device.
– Short press of DOWN (3) button – intercom pairing with other brand device(NON INTERPHONE) ANYCOM mode.
– Long press of MFB (1) until the beep – to cancel “PAIRING MODE”. Unit will enter in “INTERCOM” Standby status(Chapter 4) and Blue led (6) will flash every 3 seconds.

2.5 Language selection (after first switch on):

EDGE in Standby mode (Blue led(6) flashing), press UP button(2) and then MFB button(1) to enter in “SETUP” menu. Press again UP button(2), “LANGUAGE SELECTION” start, wait for your language and then press MFB button (1)to confirm it.

If you select a wrong language, follow the steps below:

  1. Turn off the EDGE. (Press the MFB for 5s, or until the led lights RED).
  2. Turn on the EDGE (Press the MFB for 2s).
  3. Short press UP button (2).
  4. Short press MFB button (1).
  5. Short press UP button (2).
  6. Press MFB when you hear your language.

2.6 Audio priorities

EDGE determinates the audio source priority in the following way:

  1. Mobile phone
  2. Intercom
  3. A2DP audio (Smartphone/Player MP3)
  4. FM Radio


  • Incoming mobile call interrupt ongoing A2DP music.
  • Incoming Intercom call does not interrupt an ongoing mobile phone call; the rider, who started the intercom call, will hear a “connection failed” message.


Insert the micro USB charging cable in the special intercom connector, as shown in the
picture. Connect the cable to a standard USB charger.

LED indications:
– orange LED: charging.
– green LED: fully charged


Turn the device on
Press the central MFB button until the blue LED comes on.

Turn the device off
Press the central MFB button until the red LED lights up and the device turns off.

Factory Reset
With the device off, press together the central MFB button and UP button and DOWN
button until the device switches on. All settings and pairings will be erased.

3. Settings

You can easily customize your EDGE . From Standby mode (Blue led (6) flashing), press UP button (2) and after MFB button (1) to active “SETUP” menu, entering in the main functions Pic.3.


3.1 System settings
Once in “SETUP” menu, scroll items by UP (2) and DOWN (3) button until you find the one you want.
Press MFB (1) button until the beep to change setting or enable a function.

  • RDS: allows the EDGE receiver to re-tune to a different frequency, providing the same station when the first signal becomes too weak. It is possible enable/disable the function.
  • Call ID: when you receive a phone call, EDGE pronounce the name of the caller. It is possible enable/disable the function.
  • AUTOMATIC VOLUME: (FULLFACE HELMET/JET HELMET/OFF): EDGE can adjust volume automatically according as helmet you are using. The user can completely disable the function and adjust the volume manually. AUTOMATIC VOLUME CONTROL OFF allows to gain maximum.
  • VOICE ANSWER: user can answer to a phone call just speaking a voice command. It is possible enable/disable the function.
  • ERASE PAIRINGS: this function allows to cancel all devices paired before from EDGE memory. At the first restart EDGE will enter in pairing mode automatically as explained in Chapter 2.4.
  • VOCAL HELPS: EDGE has two different levels for vocal helps: FULL for unskilled user and LIMITED for skilled user. It is possible to choose one of these two options.
  • ANYCOM SEARCH: active search for other brand’s Bluetooth® headsets.
  • INTERCOM SEARCH: active search for INTERPHONE branded devices.
  • PAIRING MODE: active search for Bluetooth® devices such as mobile phone, GPS navigator, MP3 player etc.
  • LANGUAGE SELECTION: active the selection of languages. Wait when you hear your language and then press MFB (1) button to confirm it.

4. Intercom

EDGE allows intercom communication (INTERCOM) between multiple devices in conference mode (people speak at the same time).

4.1 Pairing
Before starting the communication between headsets, is necessary to pair together the units. This process has to be done only one time. EDGE will automatically recognize devices previously paired.

EDGE is compatible with all range of INTERPHONE device (also previous series) and by ANYCOM function is also compatible with other brands of helmet Bluetooth headsets.
Each EDGE can be paired to maximum two other units. To set the conference communication between 3 and 4 users follow instruction of Chapters 4.3/4.4.

If a EDGE unit has been paired with two different units, running a third pairing, with another unit, will delete the pairing with first unit.

4.1.1 Pairing with an INTERPHONE EDGE unit With both units in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing):

  1. On your EDGE unit press once the UP(2) button and then press once the MFB (1) button to activate the “SETUP” menu.
  2. Press three times the UP(2) button to select “INTERCOM DEVICE SEARCH” feature, press the MFB (1) until the beep to start the search.
  3. On the other unit press UP(2) button and then press once MFB (1) button to activate the “SETUP” menu.
  4. Press UP(2) button two times, the second EDGE unit will go in “PAIRING MODE”.
  5. After few seconds the units will be paired, intercom connection will be automatically started (led BLUE (6) on). To stop the intercom communication press once MFB (1) button on one of the two units.

4.1.2 Pairing with an INTERPHONE unit (not EDGE). With your unit in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing):

  1. press once the UP(2) button and then press once the MFB (1) button to activate the “SETUP” menu.
  2. Press three times the UP(2) button to select “INTERCOM DEVICE SEARCH” feature, press the MFB (1) until the beep to start the search.
  3. On the second Interphone unit with unit off, push and keep pressed the MFB button until the alternate flashing red/blue of unit led.
  4. After few seconds the units will be paired, intercom connection will be automatically started (led BLUE (6) on). To stop the intercom communication press once MFB (1) button on one of the two units.

4.1.3 Pairing with units not Interphone (other brands) – ANYCOM With your unit in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing):

  1. Press once the UP(2) button and then press once the MFB (1) button to activate the “SETUP” menu.
  2. Press four times the UP(2) button to select “ANYCOM SEARCH” feature, press the MFB (1) until the beep to start the search.
  3. On the second unit NOT Interphone start the “phone search/phone pairing mode”, see user manual of NOT Interphone unit for more details.
  4. After few seconds the units will be paired, intercom connection will be automatically started (led BLUE (6) on). To stop the intercom communication press once MFB (1) button on your EDGE unit.

4.2 Intercom communication between two units (from “INTERCOM” menu)
To start an intercom communication between your EDGE (unit nr1 Pic. 4) and another one (unit nr2 Pic. 4) follow these steps:

  1. Pair units 1 and 2 (chapters 4.1.1/4.1.2/4.1.3), this is necessary only once.
  2. With your EDGE unit in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing), press once the MFB
    (1) button, connection will be started. The vocal guidance will prompt a message for intercom activation, BLUE (6) led of EDGE units will lights up. To stop the intercom communication press once MFB (1) button on your EDGE, both units will go in Standby mode.

Attention: during intercom activation in your EDGE unit, will be prompted the message “intercom connection failed” and after “Intercom active, press center button to disconnect” . This is ok, because only one intercom channel has been activated.

4.3 Intercom communication between three units (from “INTERCOM” menu)
To start an intercom communication between your EDGE (unit nr1 Pic. 5) and other two units (units nr2 and 3 Pic. 5) follow these steps:

1. Pair units nr1 with nr2 (Pic.5)
2. Pair units nr1 with nr3 (Pic.5)

Chapters 4.1.1/4.1.2/4.1.3 for more details on pairing Interphone EDGE / Interphone previous range / non Interphone devices. Pairing procedure is necessary only once.

3. Follow the chart shown in Pic.6 to start intercom conference.
4. When connection has been started the vocal guidance will prompt a message for intercom activation, BLUE (6) led of EDGE units will lights up.
5. To stop the intercom conference press twice MFB (1) button on unit nr1 (Pic.5): the first press will disconnect unit nr1 from units nr2, the second press will disconnect nr1 from unit nr3. All units will go in Standby mode.


4.5 Intercom auto-reconnection

  • When your EDGE unit is over the communication range, connection hangs. EDGE will try to recover the connection for 30 minutes. Within this time interval, if EDGE unit will come again into communication range, connection will be automatically resumed.
  • During reconnection attempts, a double-beep will be generated, as a reminder that unit is attempting to reconnect.
  • After 30 minutes, if reconnection fails, EDGE will go in Standby mode, stopping reconnection attempt.
  • If you need to stop reconnection attempt, press MFB (1) button on your EDGE unit.

4.6 Intercom tips
Once activated the intercom channel, communication remains active until it is manually stopped by the rider. It is suggested to suspend the intercom conversation, if not necessary, to optimize battery life.

During the conference with three/four riders, in order to ensure the best system stability, it is suggested to don’t connect other Bluetooth ® devices (phones, GPS, etc..) to the units.
The best behavior of the group conference is guarantee only using Interphone branded intercom units.

“INTERCOM” audio quality is strongly influenced by:

  • Proper installation of speakers and microphone inside the helmet. Always check very carefully that speakers are placed exactly on your ears, and microphone is placed as close as possible to your mouth. Any error on these positions will cause an important decrease of performances.
  • Environment (electromagnetic interference, natural obstacles, etc.).
  • Aerodynamic protection of your motorcycle.
  • Type of helmet used.

5. Phone/GPS

EDGE can be used together with Bluetooth® devices, as mobile phones, GPS devices, MP3 players.

To each EDGE unit is possible to connect, in the same time, max two Bluetooth® devices, except when an INTERCOM conference is active with three or four units (as described at chapters 4.3 / 4.4).

5.1 Pairing
Before using the EDGE unit with these devices, is necessary to run the pairing procedure. This is necessary only once, after EDGE will automatically recognize and connect devices already paired.

Pairing procedure

  1. Start Bluetooth® service on mobile phone / GPS / MP3 player (check the device’s user guide for more details).
  2. With EDGE in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing), press UP (2) button and then press MFB (1) button to activate “SETUP” menu. Press UP (2) button twice, EDGE will enter in “PAIRING MODE” .
  3. Start searching for new Bluetooth® devices on mobile phone / GPS / MP3 player.
  4. After few moments the device in searching mode will list “Interphone EDGE”. Select it.
  5. If prompted for a PIN number, type “0000” (four times the zero number). (6) EDGE vocal guide will confirm the successful pairing with the message “PAIRING SUCCESSFUL, CONNECTED TO PHONE”. EDGE will go in Standby mode, the led BLUE
  6. will flash twice, every three seconds.
  7. If the Bluetooth® device ask authorization to phonebook access, confirm.

If you want to pair a second device, repeat the pairing procedure from step 1).

5.2 Incoming phone calls
As indicated in chapter 2.6, phone calls have the highest priority and will override each of other EDGE feature. During an incoming phone call these are the possible commands:

phone calls

5.3 Phone
All features related to phone can be activated entering into “PHONE” menu of EDGE. With EDGE in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing), push DOWN (3) button one time and then press the MFB (1) button to activate the “PHONE” menu.


5.4 Phone tips

  • If two different phones are connected at the same time to a single EDGE unit, the features “Redialling last number” e “Voice dial” can be used only with the FIRST connected phone.
  • The second connected phone can only receive calls, or managed by hand commands directly on the phone.
  • Depending on the phone model it could be necessary to have an active internet connection to use the “Voice dial” feature.
  • The “Voice dial” feature could not be supported by your phone. Check the phone user manual for more details.
  • From “SETUP” menu is possible to change two settings for the phone usage (Caller ID ON/OFF e Voice answer ON/OFF), see chapter 3.1 for more details.
  • From “PHONE” menu, it is possible to go in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing-menu “INTERCOM”), pressing once the MFB (1) button.

5.5 GPS
After completing the pairing between EDGE and GPS device (see chapter 5.1) is possible to listen to vocal instructions from the GPS for the routing. The GPS will stop any intercom communication each time that will send a vocal instruction.

WARNING: Check that the GPS device is compatible with Bluetooth® headsets, “HFP” Bluetooth® profile has to be supported by GPS. Check GPS user guide for more details. EDGE uses the “HFP” Bluetooth® profile to manage the connection with GPS devices.

Navigation apps, installed on smartphone devices, use the A2DP Bluetooth® profile to send routing indications to headset. This profile doesn’t let to automatically stop the intercom communication when needed.

Car GPS navigator usually don’t support the HFP Bluetooth® profile. For this reason these devices can’t send vocal routing instructions to Bluetooth® headset. Check GPS user guide for more details.

6. FM radio

EDGE includes an integrated FM RDS radio receiver with memory to store eight radio stations. To start the FM radio listening, with EDGE in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing), push DOWN (3) button for two times and after press the MFB (1) button to activate the “FM RADIO” menu.

FM radio

“RDS” allows these features:

  • allows the EDGE receiver to re-tune to a different frequency, providing the same station when the first signal becomes too weak.
  • when EDGE re-tunes to a different frequency, the vocal help (TTS) will speak the name and the frequency of the FM station.

WARNING: When the signal strength is not enough weak to activate the re- tune to an alternative frequency, the listening quality could be decreased due to the low quality of signal. FM stations listening is strongly influenced by the environment (EMC noise, poor signal coverage, etc).

During the FM radio listening, it is possible to go in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing-menu “INTERCOM”), pressing the MFB (1) button.

7. Music streaming

With EDGE is possible to listen to music from an A2DP Bluetooth® device (smartphone, MP3 player, etc..). To play music from these devices is necessary to pair the EDGE unit with the music source device (Chapter 5.1).

7.1 Music play
With EDGE in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing), push DOWN button for three times and then press the MFB (1) button to activate the “MUSIC STREAMING” menu.

Music play

During the music listening, it is possible to go in Standby mode (led BLUE (6) flashing-menu “INTERCOM”), pressing the MFB (1) button. To resume the music listening it will be necessary to go again into “MUSIC” menu, as described at beginning of this chapter.

7.2 Song sharing
EDGE is equipped with the “SONG SHARING” feature, to share the music streaming among two Interphone EDGE units.

Song sharing

7.3 Important information’s for “MUSIC STREAMING” feature

  • Only Bluetooth® devices supporting A2DP profile can stream stereo music to EDGE.
  • Only Bluetooth® devices supporting AVRCP can be managed by EDGE.
  • The song sharing feature couldn’t be used to share other audio sources , like GPS, Phone calls or intercom calls.
  • The listening audio quality is strictly connected to the quality of music source (bitrate and codec type of audio file, quality of Bluetooth® player, etc.).

Appendix 1

Menu chart.

Menu chart.

Important information

Do not store the device without charging it. Failure to do so may irreversibly damage the capacity of the battery. Recharge the battery completely every TWO months.

The external unit (control unit) is classified IP67 as per the IEC60529 standard. Therefore, the control unit may be submerged in a meter of freshwater for a maximum of 30 (thirty) minutes.

Despite this classification, the device is not immune to greater stresses, such as prolonged immersion or high-pressure jets of water.

Using the device in conditions of bad weather, at high speeds, may be equivalent to subjecting it to a high-pressure jet of water.


  • Do not immerse the device in freshwater over one metre deep for more than
    30 minutes.

  • Do not store the device when it is wet: dry it with a clean, soft cloth.

  • Keep the device away from salt water, ionised water, beverages and other liquids. If the device is exposed to liquids other than freshwater, wash it with cold, freshwater and dry it carefully with a clean, soft cloth.

  • Keep the device away from high-pressure jets of water.

SAR is measured with the device at 0 mm to the body, while transmitting at the highest certified output power level in all frequency bands of the device. The maximum SAR value is 1.75 W/kg (head/body) averaged over 10 gram of tissue.

WARNING: To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.

Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications

Fully charge the battery before using the product for the first time.
Do not store the product without charging it. Failure to do so may cause irreversible da-mage to the battery capacity. Charge the battery every TWO months.

The external unit (control unit), connected to the audio kit, is classified IP67 according to the IEC60529 standard. The control unit, can therefore be immersed in a meter of fresh water for a maximum of 30 (thirty) minutes.
Despite this classification, the device is not immune to greater stress, such as prolonged immersions or high pressure water jets.
Using the product during intense meteorological phenomena, at high speeds, may be equivalent to subjecting the product to a high pressure jet.


  • Do not immerse the product in fresh water which is more than a metre deep for more than 30 minutes.
  • Do not store the product when still wet: dry it with a clean, soft cloth.
  • Do not expose the product to salt water or ionised water, drinks or other liquids.
  • If the device is exposed to liquids other than fresh water, wash the device with cold fresh water and dry it carefully with a clean, soft cloth.
  • Do not expose the product to high pressure water jets.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement

Industry Canada (IC) Statement 15.21
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. 15.105(b)

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC/IC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.

This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.

However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.

If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures :

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules and Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s)

Operation is subject to the following two conditions :
1)This device may not cause interference and
2)This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

FCC/IC RF Radiation Exposure Statement :
This equipment complies with FCC/IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

(Applicable in countries in the European Union and those with separate waste collection systems)

This mark on the product or documentation indicates that this product must not be disposed of with other household waste at the end of its life. To avoid any damage to health or the environment due to improper disposal of waste, the user must separate this product from other types of waste and recycle it in a responsible manner to promote the sustainable re-use of the material resources.

Domestic users should contact the dealer where they purchased the product or the local government office for all the information regarding separate waste collection and recycling for this type of product. Corporate users should contact the supplier and verify the terms and conditions in the purchase contract. This product must not be mixed with other commercial waste.

This product has a battery than cannot be replaced by the user. Do not attempt to open the device to remove the battery as this could cause malfunctions and seriously damage the product. When disposing of the product, please contact the local waste dis-posal authority to remove the battery. The battery inside the device was designed to be able to be used during the entire life

cycle of the product
Hereby, Cellular Italia S.p.A declares that the radio equipment type BTF8 (Interphone Edge) is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU and Directive ROHS (2011/65/EU). The user is prohibited from making any type of change or variation to the device. Variations or changes not expressly approved by Cellular Italia S.p.A will cancel the user’s authorisation to use the device.
Only update with software provided by Cellular Italia S.p.A.
Bluetooth® is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: conformita/

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