Guangzhou Bde Technology Bluetooth 5.1 Dual Mode Module BDM209 User Manual

June 5, 2024
Guangzhou Bde Technology

Guangzhou Bde Technology Bluetooth 5.1 Dual Mode Module BDM209

General Description

BDE-BDM209 is a Bluetooth 5.1 BR/EDR & BLE Dual Mode module. The module offers a unique combination of Bluetooth classic and Bluetooth Low Energy radio TI’s CC2564C and an ARM 32-bit Cortex-M4F CPU MSP432, with integration of all external components including antenna at a very affordable cost. The module provides the best-in-class RF performance with transmit power and receive sensitivity that provides twice the range and higher throughput than other Bluetooth-low-energy-only solutions. The power-management hardware and software algorithms provide significant power savings in all commonly used Bluetooth BR/EDR and low energy modes of operation. The certified and royalty free Dual-mode Bluetooth 4.2 protocol stack software provides a complete Bluetooth BR/EDR, and Bluetooth Low Energy sample applications that reduce design effort and ensure a faster time to market.

Key Features

  • Processing and memories

  • Arm® 32-bit Cortex®-M4F CPU with floating point unit and memory protection unit

  • Frequency up to 48 MHz

  • 56KB flash main memory (organized into two banks enabling simultaneous read or execute during erase)

  • 16KB of flash information memory

  • 64KB of SRAM (including 6KB of backup memory)

  • 32KB of ROM with MSP432™ peripheral driver libraries

  • Bluetooth 5.1 Declaration ID D049226

  • BR and EDR Features Include:

  • Up to Seven Active Devices

  • Scatternet: Up to Three Piconets Simultaneously, One as Master and Two as Slaves

  • Up to Two Synchronous Connection Oriented (SCO) Links on the Same Piconet

  • Support of Multiple Bluetooth Profiles with Enhanced QoS

  • Bluetooth Low Energy Features Include:

  • Support of up to 10 Simultaneous Connections

  • Multiple Sniff Instances Tightly Coupled to Achieve Minimum Power Consumption

  • Independent Buffering for Low Energy Allows Large Numbers of Multiple Connections Without Affecting BR or EDR Performance

  • Built-In Coexistence and Prioritization Handling for BR, EDR, and Low Energy

  • Best-in-Class Bluetooth (RF) Performance (TX Power, RX Sensitivity, Blocking)

  • Class 1.5 TX Power up to +10 dBm

  • –93 dBm Typical RX Sensitivity

  • Internal Temperature Detection and Compensation to Ensure Minimal Variation in RF Performance Over Temperature, No External Calibration Required

  • Improved Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) Algorithm with Minimum Adaptation Time

  • Provides Longer Range, Including Twice the Range of Other Low-Energy-Only Solutions

  • Advanced Power Management for Extended Battery Life and Ease of Design

  •  Low Power Consumption for Active, Standby, and Scan Bluetooth Modes

  • Shutdown and Sleep Modes to Minimize Power Consumption

  • MCU Ultra-low-power operating modes when Bluetooth is Shutdown

  • Active: 80 µA/MHz

  • Low-frequency active: 83 µA at 128 kHz

  • LPM3 (with RTC): 660 nA

  • LPM3.5 (with RTC): 630 nA

  • LPM4: 500 nA

  • LPM4.5: 25 nA

  • Operating characteristics

  • Wide supply voltage range: 2.05V to 3.7V

  • Temperature range: –40°C to 85°C

  • Flexible clocking features

  • Tunable internal DCO (up to 48 MHz)

  •  32.768-kHz low-frequency crystal support (LFXT)

  •  High-frequency crystal support (HFXT) up to 48 MHz

  • Low-frequency internal reference oscillator (REFO)

  • Very low-power low-frequency internal oscillator (VLO)

  • Module oscillator (MODOSC)
    System oscillator (SYSOSC)

  • Code security features

  • JTAG and SWD lock

  • IP protection (up to four secure flash zones, each with configurable start address and size)

  • Enhanced system features

  • Antenna: Chip antenna or U.FL connector

  • Encryption and data integrity accelerators

  • 128-, 192-, or 256-bit AES encryption and decryption accelerator

  • 32-bit hardware CRC engine

  • Bluetooth 4.2 Dual-mode stack

  • dual-mode Bluetooth 4.2 certified and royalty free

  • Fully qualified Bluetooth stack (QDID 85355 and QDID 69886)

  • Classic Bluetooth Profiles Available

  • A2DP1.2, AVDTP1.2, AVRCP1.3, HSP1.2, GAP, HID1.0, MAP1.0, PBAP1.0, RFCOMM, SDP, SPP.

  • Bluetooth low energy Profiles Available

  • ANS1.0, BAS1.0, CSCS1.0, DIS1.0, FMP1.0, GAPS1.0, GATT1.0, HTS1.0, HRS1.0, HIDS1.0, IAS1.0, LLS1.0, PASS1.0, PXP1.0, TPS1.0.

  • Packaging

  • 12 mm x 22 mm x 2.1 mm package

  • Large variety of Sample Applications

  • Classic Bluetooth Sample Applications include: HID, MAP, PBAP, SPP application demos.

  •  BLE Sample Applications include: ANP, iBeacon, HRP, HTP, PASP, HOGP, PXP, FMP, CSCP application demos.

  • Classic Bluetooth + Bluetooth low energy Sample Applications include: SPP+SPPLE, SPPDMMulti application demos.

  • Development Environment supports


  • Mobile Accessories
  • Sports and Fitness Applications
  • Wireless Audio Solutions
  • Set-Top Boxes and Remote Controls
  • Toys
  • Test and Measurement
  • Industrial: Cable Replacement
  • Wireless Sensors
  • Automotive Aftermarket
  • Wellness and Health


  1. CC2564C Dual-Mode Bluetooth® Controller, Datasheet, Texas Instruments.

  2. MSP432P401R/MSP432P401M SimpleLink™ Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers Datasheet, Texas Instruments.

  3. CC2564C Dual-mode Bluetooth® stack on MSP432™ microcontroller unit (MCU) User’s Guide, Texas Instruments. \



Pin #| Pin Name| Type| Reset


| Description
1| GND| GND| N/A| Ground
2| GND| GND| N/A| Ground
3| GND| GND| N/A| Ground
4| VDD| GND| N/A| 3.3V DC voltage supply
5| NC| N/A| N/A| No connect
6| VDD| PWR| N/A| 3.3V DC voltage supply
7| NC| N/A| N/A| No connect
8| NC| N/A| N/A| No connect
9| NC| N/A| N/A| No connect
10| NC| N/A| N/A| No connect
11| NC| N/A| N/A| No connect


| ****


| ****


| ****


| General-purpose digital I/O with port

interrupt, wakeup, and glitch filtering capability.


| ****


| P1.7| ****


| OFF| General-purpose digital I/O with port

interrupt and wake-up capability

UCB0SCL| N/A| I2C clock – eUSCI_B0 I2C mode


| ****


| P1.6| ****


| OFF| General-purpose digital I/O with port

interrupt and wake-up capability

UCB0SDA| N/A| I2C data – eUSCI_B0 I2C mode

Bluetooth 5.1 Dual Mode Module

Pin # Pin Name Type Reset State Description
29 TX_DBG DO   CC2564C Internal debug messages
30 NC N/A N/A No connect
31 GND GND   Ground
32 GND GND   Ground
33 GND GND   Ground
  1. Type:
    DIO Digital Input Output, DI = Digital Input, DO = Digital Output, AI = Analog Input, AO = Analog Output, PWR Power , GND Ground HY = Input H ysteresis, x mA = T ypical output current

  2. Reset States:

  3. OFF = High impedance with Schmitt trigger and pullup or pulldown (if available) d isabled

  4. PD = High impedance input with pulldown enabled

  5. PU = High impedance input with pullup enabled

  6. N/A = Not applicable

  7. For detail information, please refer to References

Px.0 to Px.7 Open Set to port function in output direction, and leave

RSTn/NMI| DVCC or VCC| 47-kΩ pullup with 1.1-nF pulldown.


| ****


| The JTAG TDI pin is shared with general-purpose I/O function (PJ.4). If not being used, this pin should be set to port function in the output direction. When used as JTAG TDI pin, it should remain open.


| ****


| The JTAG TDO/SWO pin is shared with general-purpose I/O function (PJ.5). If not being used, this pin should be set to port function in the output direction. When used as JTAG TDO/SWO pin, it should be pulled down externally.
SWDIOTMS| DVCC or VCC| This pin should be pulled up externally.
SWCLKTCK| DVSS or VSS| This pin should be pulled down externally.
TX_DUG| Open| Remain open.


specification limits are guaranteed by design, production testing and/or statistical characterization. Typical values are based on characterization results at default measurement conditions and are informative only. Default measurement conditions (unless o therwise specified): V DD = 0 V, TA = 25 ℃℃. All radio measurements are performed with standard RF measurement equipment.

Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, so functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specification are not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended perio ds may affect device reliability.

Parameter| Description| Conditions| Min| Max| Unit
VDD| Power Supply voltage at VDD pins|  | -0.3| 4.17| V
TSTG| Storage temperature|  | -40| 125| °C

Recommended Operating Conditions

Parameter| Description| Conditions| Min| Typ| Max| Unit
VDD| Power supply voltage|  | 2.05| 3.0| 3.7| V
T|  |  | -40|  | 85| °C
IINRUSH| Inrush current into the VDD pins|  |  |  | 100| mA

Device Characteristics

Parameter| Description| Conditions| Min| Typ| Max| Unit
VIT+| Positive-going input threshold voltage| VDD = 3V| 1.35|  | 2.25| V
VIT-| Negative-going input threshold voltage| VDD = 3V| 0.75|  | 1.65| V
VOH| High-level output voltage| VDD      =      3V,

IOHmax = -6mA

| VDD-0.6|  | VDD| V
VOL| Low-level output voltage| VDD = 3V,

IOLmax = 6mA

| VSS|  | VSS+0.6|

: Radio for Bluetooth BR EDR Recommended Operating Conditions

Parameter| Description| Conditions| Min| Typ| Max| Unit
fOPER| Operating frequency|  | 2402|  | 2480| MHz
NCH| Number of channels|  |  | 79|  | 1
FCH| Channel frequency| K = 0 to 78|  | 2402+K|  | MHz

Radio for Bluetooth Low Energy Recommended Operating Conditions

Parameter| Description| Conditions| Min| Typ| Max| Unit
fOPER| Operating frequency|  | 2402|  | 2480| MHz
NCH| Number of channels|  |  | 40|  | 1
FCH| Channel frequency| K = 0 to 39|  | 2402+K*2|  | MHz

AC Characteristics

Parameter| Description| Conditions| Min| Typ| Max| Unit
TXGFSK| Maximum RF output Power – GFSK| GFSK|  | 12|  | dBm
TXEDR| Maximum RF output

Power – EDR

| EDR|  | 10|  | dBm
RXSEN_1| RX sensitivity – GFSK| GFSK, BER = 0.1%|  | -95|  | dBm
RXSEN_2| RX sensitivity -π/4-DQPSK| π   /4-DQPSK, BER = 0.01%|  | -94.5|  | dBm
RXSEN_3| RX sensitivity – DPSK| 8DPSK,     BER     =


|  | -87.5|  | dBm

Mechanical Specifications



PCB Footprint
The footprint for the PCB is presented in the following figure:


Ordering Information

Part Number Size (mm) Shipping Form MOQ
BDE-BDM209 12 x 22 x 2.4 Tape & Reel 1000

FCC Warning

  1. List of applicable FCC rules FCC Part 15.247
  2. Specific operational use conditions conditionsThis transmitter/module and its antenna(s) must not be co-co-located or operating in conjunction with any transmitter . This information also extends to the host manufacturer’s instruction manual.
  3. Limited module pro cedures ceduresNot applicable
  4. Trace antenna designs It is “not applicable” as trace antenna which is not used on the module.
  5. RF exposure considerations This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This compliance to FCC radiation exposure limits for an uncontrolled environment, and minimum of 20cm separation between antenna and body. The host product manufacturer would provide the above information to end users in their end end-product manuals.
  6. Antennas
  7. Label and compliance information The end product must carry a physical label or shall use e e-labeling followed KDB784748D01 and KDB 784748 stating “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2ABRU2ABRU-BDM209BDM209”.
  8. Information on test modes and additional testing requirements For more information on testing, please contact the manufacturer.
  9. Additional testing, Part 15 Subpart B disclaimer The modular transmitter is only FCC authorized for the specific rule parts (FCC Part 15.247) listed on the grant, and that the host product manufacturer is responsible for compliance to any other FCC

(OEM) Integrator has to assure compliance of the entire end-product incl. the integrated RF Module. For 15 B (§15.107 and if applicable §15.109) compliance, the host manufacturer is required to show compliance with 15 while the module is installed and operating. Furthermore the module should be transmitting and the evaluation should confirm that the module’s intentional emissions (15C) are compliant (fundamental / out-of-band). Finally the integrator has to apply the appropriate equipment authorization (e.g. Verification) for the new host device per definition in §15.101. Integrator is reminded to assure that these installation instructions will not be made available to the end-user of the final host device. The final host device, into which this RF Module is integrated” has to be labeled with an auxiliary label stating the FCC ID of the RF Module, such as “Contains FCC ID: 2ABRU-BDM209 “This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.”

Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.”  The Integrator will be responsible to satisfy SAR/ RF Exposure requirements, when the module integrated into the host device.

Module statement
The single-modular transmitter is a self-contained, physically delineated, component for which compliance can be demonstrated independent of the host operating conditions, and which complies with all eight requirements of § 15.212(a)(1) as summarized below.

  1. The radio elements have the radio frequency circuitry shielded.
  2. The module has buffered modulation/data inputs to ensure that the device will complywith Part 15 requirements with any type of input signal.
  3. The module contains power supply regulation on the module.
  4. The module contains a permanently attached antenna.
  5. The module demonstrates compliance in a stand-alone configuration.
  6. The module is labeled with its permanently affixed FCC ID label.
  7. The module complies with all specific rules applicable to the transmitter, including all the conditions provided  in the integration instructions by the grantee.
  8. The module complies with RF exposure requirements.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

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