CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2×2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer User Manual

June 4, 2024
City Theatrical

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer User Manual

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer User

Multiverse® Transceivers are covered by U.S. Patent # 7,432,803 and other U.S and foreign patents pending.
Made in USA

TEL 800 230 9497 / 201 549 1160
FAX 201 549 1161

TEL +44 (0) 20 8949 5051
FAX +44 (0) 20 7183 6061


1.1 Safety Notice
  • This product is designed for use in dry locations only. Exposure to rain or moisture may cause damage to the transceiver and increase risk of electrical shock.
  • Check all external wiring before applying power.


This device complies with Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
  2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.

2.1 IC Statement

This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause interference; and
  2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.


QolorFLEX 2×2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer (P/N 5917) is a small, constant voltage, twooutput dimmer designed to be mounted in small spaes such as props, costumes, wands, and candles. It can be controlled wirelessly using City Theatrical’s Multiverse or SHoW DMX Neo wireless DMX/RDM technology, or with wired DMX. This dimmer provides 20-bit PWM resolution and four DMX personality options (two variations of 8-bit and 16-bit control) for
extremely smooth dimming at the low end of the dimming curve. Configuration is performed using RDM, such as with a City Theatrical DMXcat®, or with City Theatrical’s USB Configuration program for PC/MAC. A plastic case is included with the QolorFLEX 2×2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer to allow easy mounting to scenery while enabling removal of the dimmer from the case for wiring and configuration. This dimmer is designed and built in the USA by City Theatrical.

3.1 Features
  • Ideal for props and costumes with a low profile
  • Wireless or wired DMX input
  • Wired DMX output
  • Plastic case included
  • Compatible with all 900MHz Multiverse and SHoW DMX Neo SHoW IDs (2.4GHz version available as P/N 5916)
  • DMX termination selector switch
  • Per channel level indicator lights
  • Per channel PWM frequency, response time, and curve selections
  • Per channel bump buttons, with disable function
  • Per channel offsets to balance the point at which each dimmer first turns on (important for perfect low-end balance)
  • DMX data loss options
  • Micro USB port for firmware updates and configuration
  • Low profile latch connections for power, dimmer outputs, and DMX
  • Class 2 outputs
  • Error detection and signal light for short circuits, over current, over/under voltage, over temperature
3.2 Part Numbers

Table 1: Part Numbers

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Table 1
Part Numbers

3.3 Product Detail

Product is shown larger than actual size.

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Figure

Figure 1: Top and Bottom Detail

*Dimensions of bare circuit board: 3.2” (81mm) L x 0.75” (19mm) W x 0.38” (10mm) H**

Dimensions of plastic case: 4.125″ (108mm) L x 0.875″ (22mm) W x 0.562″ (14mm) H

*Shown here larger than actual size.

3.4 Mounting

A plastic case is included with each QolorFLEX 2×2.5A Multiverse Dimmer. Two mounting holes are provided for mounting to scenery. The dimmer may be removed from the case for wiring by prying the locking tab slightly and lifting the cover.

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Figure

Figure 2: Opening the Dimmer

Insert wires by sliding in (no need to depress tab). Remove by depressing tab.

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Figure

Figure 3: Inserting Wires


Table 2: Physical Characteristics

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Table 2
Physical Characteristics


5.1 Installation

The QolorFLEX 2×2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer requires standard DC power from 5- 30VDC. The input voltage must be the same as the load connected to the output ports requires.

Connect your power supply’s DC “+” and “-” to the two DC input terminals on the 5917 labelled DC “+” and DC “-”.

Connect the “+” lead(s) of the load device(s) to the “+” “OUTPUT” terminals, and connect the “-” leads of the load device(s) to “A” and “B” “OUTPUT” terminals.

Use the “A” and “B” bump buttons to check your connections prior to applying DMX control.

To set DMX Termination Switch. (See label on the plastic case)

  • “OFF”: When used as a wired dimmer and DMX is passing through to another DMX device
  • “ON WIRED”: When used as a wired dimmer and it is the last device in a DMX chain

For Multiverse and DMX settings, see the RDM section below.

5.2 Multiverse, DMX, and RDM Settings

Important setup information!

Unit ships defaulted to “wired” mode, and RDM configuration begins in that mode.

The status light shows green for wired mode, blue for wireless mode, and red for fault detected (see pages 6 or 19 for fault codes).

Revert to wired mode and reset all factory defaults by holding down the “A” and “B” bump buttons together for five seconds until the “STATUS” and “SIGNAL QUALITY” lights flash in unison.

Factory Default Settings

DMX tab

– RDM Traffic Enabled
– DMX Port Label: Label
– Universe 1
– DMX Address 1
– DMX Personality 8-Bit (5ch)

Dimmer tab

– Bump Buttons Enabled
– Apply to All: No
– Device Label: Default Dim 1 Label
– Curve Logarithmic (LED)
– Output Response Time 100ms Ramp Time
– Modulation Frequency 5000Hz-LED
– Control Offset 0

Multiverse Tab

– DMX Input Mode Wired
– SHoW ID 24250
– Antenna Selection Internal
– Output Power Max
– SHoW Key 0


– DMX Fail Mode: Hold last look before changing to a level: Infinite
Hold level before blacking out: Infinite


To configure as a WIRED device using an RDM controller:

Start by connecting an XLR5M to bare end jumper to the DMX terminals of your 5917. Be careful to maintain polarity. On the XLR connector pin 1 = common, pin 2 = DMX “-“, pin 3 = DMX “+”. Connect an RDM controller such as a City Theatrical DMXcat.

Using RDM, discover your 5917.


– Enable or disable RDM traffic downstream of device
– Set DMX Port Label (user selectable name)
– Set Universe (must match between Transmitter and 5917)
– Set DMX Address
– Four DMX Personality options:

  • 8-bit (5ch)
  • 16-bit (10ch)
  • 8-bit Tunable White Single (2ch)
  • 16-bit Tunable White Single (4ch)

Dimmer Tab

– Enable or disable bump buttons
– Select “Apply to All” to apply your choices to both Dimmers. Note: This must be selected before making any setting changes.

– Set Device Label (user selectable name)
– Select Dimmer Curve (changes the slope of the dimmer curve, see page 13 for all choices)
– Select Output Response Time (lengthens the dimmer response time to achieve smoother dimming, see pg. 13 for all choices)
– Modulation Frequency (sets the dimming PWM to prevent interference or flickering with film and video camera shutters, see pg. 13 for all choices)
– Set Control Offset (At very, very low levels in slow fades, the LED emitters may energize at different times. If for instance you are using a bi-color tape, you can offset the time that either of the two emitters begin to fade by raising the value of the Control Offset above zero for that output channel. Try a value of 100 first. Range is -32,768 to +32,767.

Apply DMX and verify system is working.

See page 14 for information on Sensors Tab and page 15 for information on Info Tab.

To configure as a WIRELESS device using an RDM controller:

Start by connecting an XLR5M to bare end jumper to the DMX terminals of your 5917. Be careful to maintain polarity. On the XLR5M pin 1 = common, pin 2 = DMX “-“, pin 3 = DMX “+”. Connect an RDM controller such as a City Theatrical DMXcat.

If starting from default mode, your 5917 will be in Wired mode, and the green status light will be blinking.

Using RDM, discover your 5917.


– Enable or disable RDM traffic downstream of device
– Set DMX Port Label (user selectable name)
– Set Universe (must match between Transmitter and 5917)
– Set DMX Address
– Four DMX Personality options:

  • 8-bit (5ch)
  • 16-bit (10ch)
  • 8-bit Tunable White Single (2ch)
  • 16-bit Tunable White Single (4ch)

Dimmer Tab

– Enable or disable bump buttons
– Select “Apply to All” to apply your choices to both Dimmers. Note: This must be selected before making any setting changes.
– Set Device Label (user selectable name)
– Select Dimmer Curve (changes the slope of the dimmer curve, see page 13 for all choices)
– Select Output Response Time (lengthens the dimmer response time to achieve smoother dimming, see page 13 for all choices)
– Modulation Frequency (sets the dimming PWM to prevent interference or flickering with film and video camera shutters, see page 13 for all choices)
– Set Control Offset (At very, very low levels in slow fades, the LED emitters may energize at different times. If for instance you are using a bi-color tape, you can offset the time that either of the two emitters begin to fade by raising the value of the Control Offset above zero for that output channel. Try a value of 100 first. Range is -32,768 to +32,767.

Multiverse Tab

– (skip setting DMX Input Mode for now)
– Select SHoW ID (Choose any 900MHz SHoW ID to match your Transmitter settings) See page 16 or Multiverse Transmitter, Node, SHoW Baby, or SHoW DMX Neo products manuals for more information on SHoW IDs.
– Select Antenna Setting if not default Internal (other choices are Omni, Panel, Yagi)
– Select Output power if not default Max (other choices are Low, Medium, High)
– Choose a SHoW Key, if desired.
NOTE: Universe, SHoW ID and SHoW Key must match between Transmitter and Dimmer.
– Now change the DMX Input Mode from the default Wired, to Wireless. At this point, you will lose control over the 5917 since it is now a wireless device and will receive an error message, the STATUS light will turn blue and will be blinking if there is no DMX being received, and will be solid blue if you have a Transmitter already properly set and operating nearby

Apply DMX through a transmitter set on the same SHoW ID, SHoW Key, and Universe, and verify system is working.
Note: RDM traffic needs to be enabled at the transmitter to view the wireless 5917 in RDM.

To configure as a WIRED or WIRELESS device using the City Theatrical USB Configurator controller: Download the City Theatrical USB Configurator from the 5917 webpage on the CTI website, and install the program on your computer (Mac or PC). Connect your computer to your 5917 via a USB to micro USB cable. Select your serial port from the Serial Port tab in the USB Configurator program and select “Connect”. Follow the instructions (above) as you would for using an RDM controller for wired or wireless use.

Using the USB Configurator can be easier since you will not lose control when you switch from wired to wireless mode.

5.3 RDM Settings

5917 Menu Descriptions

The full 5917 menu is reachable through RDM via the City Theatrical DMXcat app, other RDM controllers, or the City Theatrical USB Configurator. The following screenshots show what the menus look like in the DMXcat app.

DMX Screen

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - DMX

Use the “Light Bulb” icon to do an RDM identify command to the 5917. All indicator lights will flash.

Enable/disable RDM traffic downstream of the 5917.

Relabel the DMX port on the 5917.

Choose universe number.

Choose starting DMX address for the five dimmers.

Choose from four DMX Personality options:

  • 8-bit (5ch)
  • 16-bit (10ch)
  • 8-bit Tunable White Single (2ch)
  • 16-bit Tunable White Single (4ch)

Dimmer Screen

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Dimmer

Enable/Disable Bump Buttons.

Apply changes made to all Dimmers.

Edit Label.

Choose Dimming Curve (default is Logarithmic (LED); other choices are Square Law (Incan); Linear; and Non-Dim).

Choose Output Response Time (default is 100ms ramp time; other choices range from 10ms to 400ms).

Choose Modulation Frequency (default is 5000Hz-LED; other choices range from 60Hz Incan to 50000Hz LED, including 1200Hz Candle mode).

Choose Control Offset (default is 0)

Multiverse Screen

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Multiverse

Select Wired or Wireless operation (default is Wired).

Select SHoW ID (default is 24250) See Figure 4 on page 16 about Multiverse SHoW IDs. SHoW ID must match on Transmitter and receiving devices.

Select Antenna in use (default is Internal).

Select Output Power (default is Max).

Select SHoW Key (default is 0) If optional SHoW Key is used, it must match on Transmitter and all receiving devices.

Sensors Screen

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Sensors

Use the Sensors screen to monitor various data collected by the Dimmer.

Press record to record a level for future comparison. Press reset to reset high and low values.

Info Screen

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Info

Shows Device Model Description

Shows City Theatrical as manufacturer (made in USA).

Device Label (user editable).

Shows Software Version.

Shows Bootloader Software Version.

Restore all configuration options to their factory default settings.

Shows RDM UID.

DMX Fail Mode: Choose what action device will take upon loss of DMX.

Hold last look for a user selectable amount of time, before changing to a user selectable level (set below).

Hold user selectable level for a user selectable amount of time before blacking out.

Set level.

Multiverse SHoW ID Example:

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Figure

Note: Not all combinations of digits are possible and unused numbers are reserved for future use.

Figure 4: Multiverse SHoW ID


For SHoW DMX Neo SHoW IDs consult the manual for the transmitter you are using, or use these SHoW Baby SHoW IDs:

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - SHoW DMX
Neo SHoW IDs

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - WIRED


CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - WIRELESS



Table 3: Troubleshooting Guide

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Table 3
Troubleshooting Guide

6.1 Firmware Updates

City Theatrical issues firmware updates occasionally to add features or to fix bugs. The firmware version is found on the Info section of the 5917. Firmware updates are found on the CTI website on the 5917 Downloads tab. Update instructions and the firmware files themselves are found in that download.

6.2 Accessories

Table 4: Accessories

CITY THEATRICAL 5917 QolorFLEX 2x2.5A 900MHz Multiverse Dimmer - Table 4

6.3 Customer Service

City Theatrical, Inc.
475 Barell Avenue
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
Phone: 800-230-9497 or 201-549-1160
Fax: 201-549-1161
[email protected]

City Theatrical Ltd.
Office 31, Units 1-3, Wyvern Estate, Beverley Way
New Malden, Surrey KT3 4PH
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 20 8949 5051
[email protected]

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