GUANGZHOU SYBLE CO LTD HS3080-NEW-RB 2D Barcode Scanner User Manual

June 5, 2024

GUANGZHOU SYBLE CO LTD HS3080-NEW-RB 2D Barcode Scanner User Manual
MKETECH MKE 411 Wireless Mouse Instruction Manual

Bluetooth Pairing instruction

Factory Default
QR Code

Pair instruction
A: Barcode Scanner pair with USB dongle
Step 1, Scan Below Pairing barcode I, barcode II in sequence, and the scanner LED indicator become blue and flashing.
QR Code
QR Code

Step 2 , Connect the USB dongle to host device and wait a second, the LED indicator both become blue on barcode scanner and USB dongle after succeed pair.
B: Barcode scanner pair with bluetooth device
Step 1 , Scan Below Pairing barcode I, barcode II in sequence, and the scanner LED indicator become blue and flashing.
QR Code
QR Code

Step 2 , Open mobile device bluetooth settings and search for “RB_Scanner_HID” then connect it. When the scanner LED indicator becomes blue, the pairing is complete

Wired Direct Transmission Mode

**Wired Mode

Wireless Mode (default)
QR Code

Note: Plug in the charging cable to connect to the computer device, scan this setting code, you can switch to wired transmission mode.

3 Optional Wireless Mode

QR Code
QR Code
Automatic storage(default)
QR Code


  1. Instant upload mode: Scan the barcode to enter the instant upload mode. You will hear a “beep” sound normally. In this mode, the scanned results will be uploaded to the computer instantly.

  2. Internal storage mode (inventory mode):
    Scan the barcode to enter the inventory mode. The scanned data will be stored in the internal memory. A “beep” sound will be heard normally. All barcodes stored in this mode can be uploaded by scanning the setting code. data to computer.

  3. Automatic storage mode (default mode): Scan the barcode to enter automatic storage mode, that is, no loss mode. In this mode, when there is a signal (the normal sound is a “beep”), the data will be uploaded to the computer immediately. When the signal is weak or there is no When there is a signal (the normal sound is a “tick”), the scanned data will be stored in the internal memory. When there is a signal, the data will be automatically uploaded to the computer.

Data Upload Instruction in Inventory Mode

  • Upload all data
    QR Code

  • Upload new data
    QR Code

  • Display all data
    QR Code

  • Display new data
    QR Code

  • Data delete
    QR Code

Transmit Speed

  • No Delay(default)
    QR Code

  • Delay 10ms
    QR Code

  • Delay 20ms
    QR Code

End Character

  • CR(default)
    QR Code

  • CR&LF
    QR Code

  • Disable
    QR Code

Scan Mode

  • Manual(default)

  • Continuous
    QR Code


  • ON
    QR Code

  • OFF
    QR Code

  • High

  • Mid
    QR Code

  • Low
    QR Code

  • Image Reverse
    QR Code

  • Disable
    QR Code

  • Enable
    QR Code

Prefix Setting

QR Code


Eg , Add prefix “A”
Step 1 , Scan above code to add” prefix ”
Step 2 , Scan the numeric code is 9 9, Refer to Appendix 1,
Step 3 , Scan the numeric code correspond to “A”, the ASCII value of A in Hexadecimal is 4 1, Refer to Appendix 1 & Appendix 2
Step 4 , Scan “save” code to save(refer to Appendix 1)

Suffix Setting

QR Code


Eg , Add Suffix “A”
Step 1 , Scan above code to add” Suffix ”
Step 2 , Scan the numeric code is 9 9, Refer to Appendix 1,
Step 3 , Scan the numeric code correspond to “A” , the ASCII value of A in Hexadecimal is 4 1, Refer to Appendix 1 & Appendix 2
Step 4 , Scan “save” code to save(refer to Appendix 1)

URL Barcode Configuration


QR Code


QR Code

Turn on/off all symbologies

  • Enable all 1D barcodesQR Code
  • Disable all 1D barcodesQR Code
  • Enable all 2D barcodesQR Code
  • Disable all 2D barcodesQR Code

UPC-A to EAN13


QR Code


QR Code

Appendix 1:

  1. QR Code

  2. QR Code

  3. QR Code

  4. QR Code

  5. QR Code

  6. QR Code

  7. QR Code

  8. QR Code

  9. QR Code

QR Code
QR Code

QR Code

QR Code

QR Code

QR Code

QR Code

Appendix 2:

Hex Char
00 NUL (Null char
01 SOH (Start of Header
02 STX (Start of Text)
03 ETX (End of Text)
04 EOT (End of Transmission
05 ENQ (Enquiry)
06 ACK (Acknowledgment
07 BEL(Bell
08 BS(Backspace
09 HT (Horizontal Tab)
Oa LF(Line Feed)
Ob VT (Vertical Tab)
Oc FF (Form Feed)
Od CR (Carriage Return)
Oe SO (Shift Out)
Of SI (Shift In)
10 DLE (Data Link Escape)
11 DC1 (XON) (Device Control 1)
12 DC2 (Device Control 2)
13 DC3 (XOFF) (Device Control 3)
14 DC4(Device Control 4
15 NAK(Negative Acknowledgment
16 SYN (Synchronous Idle)
17 ETB (End of Trans. Block)
18 CAN (Cancel)
19 EM (End of Medium)
1a SUB (Substitute)
1b ESC (Escape
1c FS (File Separator)
1d GS (Group Separator)
1e RS (Request to Send)
1f US (Unit Separator)
20 SP (Space
21 ! (Exclamation Mark)
22 (Double Quote)
23 # (Number Sign)
24 $ (Dollar Sign)
25 % (Percent)
26 & (Ampersand)
27 (Single Quote)
28 ( (Right/ Closing Parenthesis)
2 9 ) (Right/Closing Parenthesis)
2a (Asterisk)
2b + (Plus)
2c (Comma)
2d (Minus / Dash)
2e (Dot
2f /(Forward Slash)
30 0
31 1
32 2
33 3
34 4
35 5
36 6
37 7
38 8
39 9
3a : (Colon
3b ; (Semi-colon
3c < (
3d =(Equal Sign)
3e > (Greater Than)
3f ?(Question Mark)


40| @ (AT Symbol)
41| A
42| B
43| C
44| D
45| E
46| F
47| G
48| H
49| I
4a| J
4b| K
4c| L
4d| M
4f| N
Of| O
50| P
51| Q
52| R
53| S
54| T
55| U
56| V
57| W
58|  X
59| Y
5a| Z
5b| [ (Left/Opening Bracket)
5c| 1 (Back Slash)
5d| (Right/Closing Bracket)
5e| (Caret/Circumflex)
5f| (Underscore)
60| (Grave Accent
61| a
62| b
63| c
64| d
65| e
66| f
67| g
68| h
69| i
6a| j
6b| k
6c| l
6d| m
6e| n
6f| o
70| P
71| q
72| r
73| s
74| t
75| u
76| v
77| w
78| x
79| y
7a| z
7b| (Left/ Opening Brace)
7c| (Vertical Bar
7d| (Right/Closing Brace)
7e| (Tilde
7f| DEL (Delete

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