MyTana MS Series Combo Kit Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024

User Guide
for MSA-, MS9-,
MS11-NG2 and
MS11+ Combo Kit

MS Series Combo Kit

Please read these instructions and do a TEST RECORDING before you perform your first inspection in the field.
Inspect your system carefully upon receipt.
Let us know right away of any damage you note.
Included with your purchase are:

  • Removable USB (flash) drive
  • WiFi Router (dongle) to establish wireless connection to your phone or tablet with our Viewer APP. Plugs in to USB port, see separate instructions for using Viewer APP.
  • 3 sizes IceBalls (MS11-NG2 only)
  • Mini SnoBall (MSA-NG2, MS9 & Combo Kit only)
  • Interchangeable mini camera head, 4” IceBall, dielectric grease (Combo Kit only)

MyTana MS Series Combo KitManufacturers of Quality Sewer and Drain Cleaning Equipment since 1957
746 Selby Ave • St. Paul, MN 55104
fax: 651-222-1739
Factory Direct Customer Service
M –F 7am – 5pm CST
Competent • Polite • Clear

Warranty Informatio Inspection Systems

Help prevent repairs, see our Care Tips back cover
All products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for one year from date of purchase. All products are individually tested prior to shipment. Damage due to negligence, abnormal usage, accidents, or alteration is not covered by this warranty.
Examples of damage not covered by warranty:
Damaged Connector Ends for NG connection style
If the camera head is disconnected for transport or to swap heads (using MS11+ Combo Kit), be sure to carefully align the push rod with the head and screw on until snug and there are no skipped threads. Don’t over-tighten or use tools to tighten.

Damaged or Broken Connection Pins
For our older systems with pin connectors on the camera head. We recommend keeping the head attached to the push rod at all times to avoid accidental damage to the pin
For our current PGR systems with a patch cord:

  • Carefully align the patch cord to the Control  Box when connecting or you could breakthe pins. Follow instructions included with your system.
  • The patch cord should NOT be disconnected from the push rod reel. Check occasionally to make sure it is snug.

Broken Sapphire Window

The sapphire is nearly as hard as diamond; however it can break with extreme impact, especially on sharp edges of broken concrete or clay tile. Using our IceBall, Snoball or other protective guides greatly reduces impact to the camera head.
Damaged Pushrod
The camera should not be forced through blockages. The camera won’t work if the wires inside the push rod become kinked, buckled or severed. Guides and running water can help reduce friction as you push the camera through a pipe.
Should repair be necessary, please call us first so we can issue a return call tag.
Ship your product to:
MyTana 746 Selby Ave Saint Paul, MN 55106
phone: 800-328-8170

Controls and Ports

Give the unit 30 seconds to fully boot up (MyTana logo will show when unit is ready to operate)
Blinking Blue light indicates low battery. It will blink for 5-10 minutes before battery fails.

TRANSMIT Generates 512hz signal at camera head for use with a Locator. This has nothing to do with Wi-Fi transmission.
LED CONTROL Full clockwise = full brightness
COUNTER RESET Resets on-screen footage counter to zero
Use these buttons for recording and working with files, see instructions on following pages.
The arrow buttons are frequently used, and are indicated as in the instructions USB PORTS

MyTana MS Series Combo Kit - USB PORTS

Operating the System

We strongly recommend doing a test recording BEFORE you perform your first inspection in the field.
Keep the shipping caps that are on the ends of the camera head and the push rod. Use them to protect these connections whenever you remove the camera head in the future.

In this manual, the term “Files” refers to your recordings, whether video (.mp4) or snapshots (.jpg) File Naming – by default, files are named with the date (YYYYMMDD) and a numbering sequence (-XX) ex: 20230605-02.mp4 – would be the third video recorded on June 5, 2023 the first will be “20230605-00”, the second “20230605-01”, etc.
You can customize the names of files in the Overlay menu, see pgs 6-7 requires a USB keyboard

– Push POWER button. Blue light around switch will glow. Wait about 30 seconds for MyTana logo to appear.
Recharge the internal battery by plugging the unit in to a standard wall outlet. Store the unit with half charge and in cool temperatures to extend battery life.
Transmit mode drains battery more quickly, use this only when locating 512Hz signal from camera head.
Make sure the battery is charged up before field work.
Don’t power the camera with a conventional generator, they produce power fluctuations that can ruin electronic circuitry.


  • Push REC/PAUSE

  • Use the Control Panel arrow buttons to choose the drive you want to record to: Internal, External or Both.
    If external, be sure to insert USB (flash) drive in USB port.
    You can copy or move recordings to a different drive later. (see File Management menu selections next pages)

  • Push MENU/OK to start recording.
    Red dot appears on screen and timer will start.

  • Push STOP/BACK to stop recording.

MUTE is the default setting for recording, meaning NO sound will be recorded (MUTE is ON if you see “MUTE” on the screen).
NG2 units have no speaker for playback, so sound can only
be heard when playing back on a computer.
To Record Sound
– Push UNMUTE and “MUTE” will disappear from the screen, the built-in microphone is now active.
Make sure cover is removed, see image opposite page.
If a wiFi dongle/router is in one of the USB ports, it could cause sound interference while recording to either the Internal or an external USB drive.
Remove the dongle to prevent interference

– Press the SCREEN SHOT button if you want still shots, (not available while recording video)

See separate Viewer APP instruction sheet for using WiFi operations.

Screen Menus

Push MENU/OK on the control panel to bring up the Main Menu on the screen.
Use the arrow buttons on the control panel to move the cursor to select any menu item.  Press STOP/BACK repeatedly to exit any menu and return to previous screens.
Play Video
View recordings by selecting the drive that you recorded to, Internal or external.
Refer to pg 3 for file naming information.
Use the buttons on the control panel to Fast Forward or REWIND during playback.

View Snapshots
Lets you see static (.jpg) images – if you took snapshots rather than full video. See page 3 for instructions on how to take snapshots.
Overlay (see pages 6-7)
Lets you to add, change or move the overlays that appear on your videos or images. Most tasks require a USB Keyboard to be connected to one of the USB ports.

File Management (see right)
This is the menu where you will work most with your files.
You can copy, move, or delete files.

Lets you change the time and date in the unit. Your unit will arrive preset. If you wish to reset or change the time:
Select Setup then MENU/OK
Select Set Date/Time then MENU/OK
Use and MENU/OK to set the date and time
Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to exit menus
You can change the time format in the Overlay Menu, see pages 6-7


If an external (flash) drive is NOT inserted in one of the USB ports, this menu will show and you can only delete individual files from the internal drive. When a USB flash drive is inserted into one of the ports, there will be new options to copy (or move) files from one drive to the other, and you will be able to work with a group of files.
The default menu gives options to Copy or Delete files from the either the internal or external drive.
You can change the COPY option to MOVE ( read caution below )
Use the buttons to move the cursor to > Toggle Copy or Move

Menu items will now say
“Move video from…” etc.
Press STOP/BACK to return to previous screen.

COPYING files duplicates file(s) from one drive (internal or external) to the other.
The file(s) remain in the original location Recommended

MOVING files transfers file(s) from one drive (internal or external) to the other.
The file(s) are then automatically deleted from the original location.
Do this procedure with care

FIRMWARE VERSIONS These instructions are current for MyTana Firmware ver. 1755. Older versions may have slightly different options in the screen menus.
To find your system’s version, follow this path:
Main Menu > Setup > System Information > Firmware![MyTana MS Series Combo Kit

  • FILE MANAGEMENT MENU 2]( /MyTana-MS-Series-Combo-Kit-FILE-MANAGEMENT-MENU-2.png) You can change INDIVIDUAL to GROUP so you can select multiple files to work with at the same time
    Use the buttons to move the cursor to

    Select Files: Individual
    Press MENU/OK
    Menu changes to
    “Select Files: Group”
    Press STOP/BACK to return to previous screen.


There must be a flash drive inserted in the USB port to Copy or Move files.
Read information in previous section (left) before doing these procedures.
Copying/moving files from a selected drive (internal or external) automatically chooses the other drive as the destination.
Use the buttons to move the cursor (>) to the procedure you want to do
Your list of files will appear for selection. Selecting an Individual file: (default)
Use the buttons to move the cursor to the file you want to Copy/Move or Delete

File will automatically Copy/Move or be Deleted.
** Remember: if you MOVE a file, it will automatically be deleted from the original location (see CAUTION, opposite page).
Press STOP/BACK repeatedly to exit menus.

To select a GROUP of files:

Be sure the Menu shows “Select Files: Group” (see “change Individual to Group” left)
Use the buttons to move cursor to the first file you want to work with
File will be selected as indicated by [x] Move cursor to the next file
Repeat until you have selected all the jobs you wish to work with

A screen will appear to confirm selections, it also gives options to Change the selection or Cancel the process. Press STOP/BACK to apply the function and return to previous screens.


The Overlay menu lets you edit the text field overlays that appear on your videos or images.
You can also change the time format of the time/date stamp. Many tasks require a USB Keyboard Connect the keyboard to one of the USB ports on the front of the camera.
Tasks that do not require a keyboard are indicated >>


Adding Custom Text
Replaces date/time stamp at bottom of screen

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen

  • Select Overlay, then MENU/OK

  • Select Set Up Primary Overlay, then MENU/OK

  • Select Custom Text, then MENU/OK

  • 5 custom text lines appear, select one then push MENU/OK
    Each selection allows 2 lines with 20 characters each
    You can enter all 5 custom names while you are here, or just one at a time

  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen

Reposition Custom Text on the screen

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen

  • Select Overlay, then MENU/OK

  • Select Set Up Primary Overlay, then MENU/OK

  • Select movement you need, then press MENU/OK repeatedly until the title is in the desired location.
    Use the buttons to toggle between the movement choices

  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen

Delete Custom Text on a job

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen
  • Select Overlay, then MENU/OK
  • Select Set Up Primary Overlay, then MENU/OK
  • Select Custom Text, then MENU/OK
  • Select custom text to remove, then MENU/OK
  • Use backspace or Delete/Back keys to delete the title, then MENU/OK
  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen

Replace Custom Text with the time/date stamp

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen

  • Select Overlay, then MENU/OK
    Check that Primary Overlay at the top of the Overlays menu has 16 x 16 showing.MyTana MS Series Combo Kit - FILE MANAGEMENT MENU
9 16 x 16 is the display size of the time stamp 8 x 13 will also show the stamp but very small
    None will display nothing and the following steps won’t work
    Press the MENU/OK while the arrow is next to Primary Overlay to toggle between these… once it says 16×16, continue on.

  • Select Set Up Primary Overlay (2nd menu item) then MENU/OK

  • Select Text , then MENU/OK

  • Select ^d^t , then MENU/OK
    Time/date stamp will display with CURRENT time/date

  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen

Find jobs with Custom Text

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen

  • Select Overlay, then MENU/OK

  • Select Set Up Primary Overlay , then MENU/OK

  • Select Custom Text, then MENU/OK

  • Choose the job you want to record that you have already named, then MENU/OK
    To display text, push MENU/OK

  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen and continue with recording


Entering a Custom Title

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen
  • Select Overlay, then MENU/OK
  • Select Secondary Overlay, then MENU/OK
  • Select Title , then MENU/OK
  • Enter your title using the keyboard. If a 2nd line is needed, push MENU/OK to move cursor to the second line for typing
  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen

Reposition Title on the screen

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen

  • Select Overlay, then MENU/OK

  • Select Title Overlay, then MENU/OK

  • Select movement you need, then press MENU/OK repeatedly until the title is in your desired location
    Use the buttons to toggle between the movement choices

  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen

Remove a Title

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen
  • Select Overlay, then MENU/OK
  • Select Title Overlay, then MENU/OK
  • Select Edit Text, then MENU/OK
  • Use backspace or Delete/Back on the keyboard to delete the title, then MENU/OK
  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen


Replaces the default file name (ex: 20231116 – 01.mp4 ) with your own text. Consider using what you use for
Custom Title or Custom Text.
File names appear on your USB drive lists, or will display in Play Video Screen

  • Push MENU/OK on control panel to access the Main Screen

  • Select File Management, then MENU/OK

  • Select Rename, then MENU/OK

  • Select Internal, External or Both, then MENU/OK

  • Rename files
    **Important Type in .mp4 at the end of the file name for videos, or . jpg at the end of the file name for snapshots– be sure to include the . (dot)

  • Press MENU/OK

  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen


  • Select Overlays, then MENU/OK
  • Select Primary Overlay, then MENU/OK
  • Select Time Format, then MENU/OK
  • There are 7 options to choose from, Select HH:MM AM/PM, then MENU/OK
  • Push STOP/BACK repeatedly to return to the Main Screen

Camera Care Tips Avoid costly repairs!

NEVER USE A CAMERA TO CLEAR BLOCKAGES or ram it to jump an offset. This can result in kinked/broken push rod, or damaged camera head.
Generators produce dirty power that can ruin electronic circuitry.
Make sure the battery is charged up before field work, or use an Inverter Generator that is rated safe for electronics.
TRAPS Don’t use your camera in any kind of traps. Even if a trap seems large enough, due to the tight turns involved, the camera could become lodged and incur damage. *Our DrainTracker mini camera is designed to go through traps in smaller lines.
If it’s an option, run water to reduce friction as you push the camera through a pipe.


KEEP DRY Be sure to keep a camera frame or control box (both in-use and out- of-use) out of the “spray” of cable machines and jetters.

  • Control panels are generally water resistant, but not waterproof
  • Electronics housing is vented for air circulation, so it is not water proof
  • Keep reel interiors as dry as possible

Never use wet/dirty gloves when operating the controls.
This can get dirt/grit into the buttons and cause them to not function properly.

Don’t use a camera in the same line as a cable machine, the spinning cable can damage both the push rod and camera head.
Cleanouts and entrances can be sharp; cover edges with a rag or use our Tiger Tail guide to avoid cutting the pushrod.

ALWAYS USE A POLY COVER, like our SnoBall or IceBall camera guides. They are integral to the functionality and protection of the camera head. Keep a cover on the camera during transport to protect the threads and the head.
At the end of the day, check the camera head for damage and signs of water ingress. MyTana MS Series Combo Kit - FILE MANAGEMENT MENU

When pulling the camera out of the line, wipe the pushrod down with a cleaning solution on a rag.
When rewinding, stack the push rod carefully into the reel to avoid kinking.

During transport, to avoid jarring the camera head /push rod connection. Either:

  • remove the camera head from the push rod, and cap both rod and head with the protective caps that came with the system
  • or tuck the camera head inside the reel

To reconnect, align the push rod with the head and screw on until snug and there are no skipped threads.

  • Don’t over-tighten—never use tools to tighten
  • Avoid getting grime on the connection components

ICEBALLS The MS11-NG2 system includes multiple sizes suited for different sizes of pipes.

  • Remove the small IceBall before adding a larger size.
  • The 2.5” and 3” IceBalls are rounded to help jump offsets

Remove and clean the threads regularly. Not doing this can result in micro amounts of crud hardening on the threads making them difficult to remove.

  • Apply dielectric grease to the threads periodically or when changing sizes.

A SNOBALL guide is included with our 11/16″ camera head. Inspect regularly for damage, replace as needed.

800-328-8170 M–F
7a to 5p CST
ST. PAUL, MN 55104


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