greenteg CORE Body Temperature Monitoring User Manual Product Information
- June 1, 2024
- greenteg
Table of Contents
CORE Body Temperature Monitoring
Product Information
Product Name: CALERAresearch
Functionality: Continuous Core Body Temperature Monitoring
Manufacturer: greenTEG
Connectivity: iOS / Android / WatchOS / Garmin ConnectIQ /
WearOS -
Communication: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and ANT+
Data Resolution: 1Hz (Logging Mode)
Additional Benefits: Tailored for research studies, two modes –
standard and logging
Product Usage Instructions
1. How to Wear CORE & CALERAresearch
The device is optimized for measurements on the chest, with
acceptable results on the upper arm, stomach, and back. For
research studies, it is recommended to measure on the left apical
position for the best accuracy.
Accessories such as chest straps, arm straps, and medical
adhesive patches are available for wearing the device.
2. Standard Mode Usage
In standard mode, CALERAresearch needs to be used with the CORE
Android or iOS app. After activation, the device will start
recording data. Upon connecting to the app, all measured data
(temperature, skin temperature, heart rate) will be uploaded to with a 1-minute resolution.
3. Logging Mode Usage
In logging mode, all raw data is saved on the device with a 1Hz
resolution for in-depth analysis. Refer to Chapter 3 in the manual
for instructions on accessing logging mode.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Can I use CALERAresearch with any smartphone?
A: CALERAresearch is compatible with iOS, Android, WatchOS,
Garmin ConnectIQ, and WearOS devices for seamless data monitoring
and analysis.
Q: What are the primary use cases for CALERAresearch?
A: CALERAresearch is ideal for health and wellness monitoring,
worker safety, sleep cycle monitoring, sports performance tracking,
research applications, elevated body temperature monitoring, and
early detection of thermoregulatory diseases.
CALERAresearch Manual
Continuous Core Body Temperature Monitoring
greenTEG Hofwisenstrasse 50 A 8153 Rümlang, Zürich – CH
T: +41 44 515 09 15
Table of Contents
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 How to use
CORE & CALERAresearch ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
How to Wear CORE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 CORE vs.
CALERAresearch ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Connect
CALERAresearch…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 How to get the best
out of your measurements? …………………………………………………………………… 7 2. Research Mode
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Access Logging Mode
………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Encryption levels
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Data export file
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 3.
Pricing………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 4.
Accessories…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 5. Clinically
Validated Solution……………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 greenTEG AG @ A
GLANCE ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 6. Datasheet
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15 7.
Disclaimer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
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1. Introduction
Core Body Temperature is a vital parameter for monitoring an individual’s
health status and refers to the body’s organs’ temperature. It fluctuates
following physiological processes, such as physical activity, circadian and
ovulation rhythm, or various illnesses and sleeping disorders.
CALERA ® is a new thermometer technology developed by greenTEG that enables
the monitoring of the core temperate with a wearable device. CALERA is
accurate, non-invasive, and continuous. This technology is based on a new
thermal energy transfer (heat-flux) sensor developed by greenTEG that enables
a solution which works independently of the physical activity level and
external environmental conditions. Truly a breakthrough technology in
measuring Core Body Temperature!
greenTEG has released its consumer device CORE to the market in the middle of
2020. CORE is a compact wireless device that can be worn on the chest with a
strap or adhesive patch. CORE has an accompanying phone and watch applications
that can be used to display live data and can alert the user with a
configurable alarm. CORE communicates wirelessly using Bluetooth Low Energy
(BLE) and ANT+ communication profiles.
CALERAresearch is our premium version and is Figure 1: Dimensions of CORE [mm]
tailored for research studies. The hardware of CORE and CALERAresearch are the
same. But CALERAresearch comes with services and functionalities that are
designed specifically for researchers. CALERAresearch is also compatible with
all apps & tools developed for CORE.
Features CALERAresearch Features o High-res. Data (1hz) o Local Storage (6.5 days) o Individually Calibrated devices o Remote Support o Research tool (PC/Mac) High accuracy o ±0.1°C Skin temp o 0.21°C (MAD) core temp Compact Design o 50 x 40 x 8.35 mm o 17 grams Easy to use o Patch or Strap application o Long Battery life >6d o Waterproof up to 5ft o Disinfect with alcohol
Connectivity o iOS / Android / WatchOS / Garmin ConnectIQ / WearOS o BLE &
ANT+ Standard profiles o API available
Use Cases Health and Wellness Worker Safety Sleep (circadian cycle) Monitoring
Sports Performance Research Applications Elevated body temperature monitoring
Early Detection of Thermoregulatory Disease
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2. CALERAresearch Description
CALERAresearch has the same functionalities as CORE plus some additional
benefits tailored for research purposes. The main operating difference is that
CALERAresearch has two modes: standard and logging. CORE users will only have
access to the standard mode.
Standard Mode: In standard mode, CALERAresearch needs to be used in
combination with the CORE Android or iOS app. After turning on CALERAresearch,
it will directly start recording. When you connect the device to the app, all
the measured data (T, Ts, HR) will be uploaded to
The data can be downloaded with a 1minute resolution.
Logging Mode: In logging mode, all the raw data is saved on the device with a
1Hz resolution.
CORE vs. CALERAresearch
CALERAresearch has all the same functionalities as CORE plus some additional
benefits tailored for research purposes. See Chapter 3 for the instructions to
access the logging mode.
Measurement modes
Data Resolution Data Streams
Calibration Other Benefits
· Standard mode · Logging mode 1x per second · Timestamps · Core temperature ·
Skin temperature · Accelerometer (x,y,z) · Heart rate (ext. device) · Heat
flux (under contract) · Battery level Individually calibrated devices (best
accuracy) · Remote support · Research support · Research tool (PC/Mac
· Standard mode
1x per minute · Timestamps · Core temperature · Skin temperature · Heart rate
(ext. device)
Batch calibrated
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How to use CORE & CALERAresearch
How to Wear CORE & CALERAresearch
Our algorithm is optimized for measurements on the chest. It will also give
acceptable results on the upper arm, stomach and back, but for research
studies, we urge you to measure on the left apical position to get the best
possible accuracy. CORE is initially designed for athletes that can attach
CORE to their heart rate belt, but we also offer several other accessories to
wear CORE, e.g., chest straps, arm straps, and medical adhesive patches (see
Chapter 5 for more details).
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Connect CALERAresearch
CALERAresearch can be connected to all the CALERAresearch and CORE Apps but only our PC software (Research tool) and the CALERAresearch app gives access to the logging mode.
CALERAresearch · Android · iOS
CORE · · · ·
Android WearOS iOS & WatchOS Garmin connect IQ
Unique to CALERAresearch is the Research tool. With this PC application you
can control multiple devices directly and simultaneously from your PC. To use
the Research tool you need to use our special Bluetooth dongle.
Example functions · Download data · Update Firmware · Start / stop
The Research tool (previously called COREtool) can be downloaded from (PW = HotHotHot)
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How to get the best out of your measurements?
All the instructions for CORE are also valid for CALERAresearch. For the most
up-to-date instructions, have a look at our online CORE manual:
CORE Manual An Introductory guide to using and maintaining CORE Data
Quality: The app indicates the data quality of the body temperature. Low
quality can be caused due to:
· Bad skin contact · No thermal equilibrium · Sudden jumps in HR >50 It can
take up to 30 minutes to achieve thermal equilibrium. We, therefore, advise
you to start the on-body measurement with the device at least 20 minutes
before the actual start of your study. Note: Do not heat or cool the device
Physical Activity: For high physical activity, the device needs to be paired
to a heart rate monitor, and it will switch automatically and use the
algorithm optimized for sports to deliver accurate core body temperature. You
can use almost any heart rate monitor that supports ANT+ (compatibility list)
Note: If you are not physically active, do not connect the heart rate monitor,
as this will lower the accuracy. Note: The sports algorithm cannot detect
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3. Research Mode
Access Logging Mode
With logging mode, you can save high-resolution data. Please follow these steps to record a measurement. Please make sure you have updated to the newest firmware.
STEP 1 Connect device
Charge CORE Turn on CORE by shaking Start Scan Select CORE and connect to
Since FW 0.4.1 your CORE account must own the device or access must have been
shared with you before you can access the research functionalities. You will
see this by a [owned] or [shared] behind the CORE name.
STEP 2 Settings menu
Open settings menu
STEP 3 Logging mode
Press “Logging Mode” This button will only be available when you have bought
CALERAresearch or research functionality.
You CORE account must own the device or the device must have been shared with
your account.
Note: Internet connection is required for logging mode
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STEP 4 Start Measurement
Fill in measurement fields Next measurement will take
the same values Press Start Recording
Note: You can also share your downloaded data from here
STEP 7 Data Download
Tips & tricks for stable download
o Install latest firmware o Use Android o Leave app on foreground o Close
other apps o CORE & phone always need
to be close, recommended to lay them down. Warning: Data download takes
approximately 4 minutes per hour of data
Note: If you have multiple COREs, inquire us for our download dongle.
STEP 5 Show Temperature
The measurement will start. You can now close the APP.
STEP 6 End Measurement
Press stop Note: CORE has a maximum local storage for 6,5 days of data. There
will be no warning if this is exceeded and data will not be overwritten.
STEP 8 Data export
Share your downloaded data
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Encryption levels
There are three encryption levels that give access to different raw-data
streams. Encryption C is our standard encryption level for CALERAresearch. The
device can also be used as a heat-flux sensor using encryption level B.
Encryption level A gives full access, but this is rarely shared. Please
contact us if you need A or B access.
Time Timestamps Core Temperature Skin Temperature Heat-Flux Heart rate Accelerometer Battery level
Encryption A X
Encryption B X
Encryption C X
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Data export file
The generated CSV file is separated by a semicolon (;). The file contains a
header section with 11 to 13 rows of metadata (can vary depending on firmware
version) followed by the measurement data (see figure below). First save file
as .XLSX if you want to work directly in this file, otherwise you will lose
Measurement columns:
timestamp [us] time [UTC-OFS=+0100] hf_a0 temp_a0 [mC] status hr ax, ay, az battery_voltage [mV] cbt [mC]
Timestamp in UNIX time in us (microseconds elapsed since January 1th 1970). Timestamp of the data point in the format `DD:MM:YYYY hh:mm:ss’ Raw heat flux sensor signal in ADC counts (unitless). Uncorrected skin temperature signal in millidegree Celsius. Debugging Information beats per minute (bpm) of the heart X, Y and Z component of acceleration in counts. Divide by 64 to get acceleration in G. Coin cell voltage in millivolts. Can be used to estimate battery health. Core body temperature estimation output in millidegrees.
How to obtain heat flux and skin temperature:
Heat Flux:
Multiply the raw heat flux sensor signal by 1.953125 uV to get raw sensor voltage. To obtain a heat flux value in W/m2, you additionally need to divide the sensor signal by its corresponding sensitivity. The sensitivity of each sensor is given in row 13 of the header section (S0 and S1) in the unit of nV/(W/m2)
Heat flux sensor A voltage [in uV] = hf_a0 [in counts] 1.953125 uV Heat flux A [in W/m2] = hf_a0 [in counts] 1.953125 / (S0/1000)
Skin temperature:
Remove sensor offset (T0off in row 13 of the header) and divide by 1000. Skin Temperature A [in °C] = (temp_a0 [in mC] T0off) /1000
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4. Products
Article Number Description
A-166255 A-166251
COREreserach / CALERAresearch -Individually calibrated devices (highest
-Indefinite access to logging mode
-Consumer version w/o logging mode or individually calibration
-upgrade available for logging mode
5. Accessories
The latest updates can be found on our webshop. The most important accessories
are summed below.
Accessory Description
CORE heart rate monitor For high physical activity, a heart rate monitor needs
to be paired with CORE to ensure the best accuracy. The heart rate signal
delivers crucial metrics that help CORE recognize fast changes in intensity
(for example, a cyclist who reaches the summit and then descends).
CORE can be paired to most existing (current generation) heart rate monitors.
This is the CardioSport TP5 Heart Rate Monitor, which has proven to be a
reliable and robust solution compatible with CORE.
CORE chest strap For the most accurate core body temperature measurements,
CORE is worn on the chest. The chest strap is a convenient and reusable
solution for wearing the CORE discretely for an extended duration
CORE arm strap Many people find the convenience of wearing CORE on the arm
strap (compared to a chest strap) an acceptable trade-off.
Please note, when CORE is worn on the arm, the accuracy of the core body
temperature measurements is lower as the thermoregulation of the arm can
different from the torso/chest.
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CORE adhesive patches (24 Pack)
Our specially designed medical-grade patches are a convenient way to wear your
These custom patches are explicitly produced for CORE using highgrade,
medically certified materials. The patches are designed to minimize skin
The medical patches are suited for every-day use and can be used while
sleeping. For active sports-use and excess movement, sweat, or water
immersion, we recommend instead switching to a chest strap to ensure your CORE
remains securely fitted.
Six bay CORE charging station charging station The CORE six-bay charging
station is a convenient way to store and charge up to six CORE devices.
Specifically designed for CORE, the charging station is simple and helps
organise and charge multiple CORE devices. CORE charging cable Replacement
magnetic charging cable for CORE. Charging a fully drained CORE takes about 2
hours and CORE will operate for 5 – 6 days on a single charge.
Note, it is recommended to use a powered USB port. As CORE draws a small
current, portable power packs / battery packs may not activate when trying to
charge CORE.
WASP router for BLE & ANT+ devices We offer a router solution able to monitor
multiple CORE and other devices simultaneously inside your organization.
The WASP-N bridges Bluetooth® and/or ANT+ sensor data directly onto wireless
networks using its integrated 802.11b/g/n radio.
· Monitor 50 ANT+ and BLE devices · WIFI connection to your network ·
Rechargeable battery and USB powered · Range:10+ m
Note, we offer several router solutions, please contact us for more
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6. Clinically Validated Solution
The accuracy of the core body temperature solution from greenTEG has been
validated through numerous independent clinical and case studies.
CORE ePill [°C]
The algorithm has been tested on many candidates over the past several years with varying ages, weights, BMI, and under different activities including sports, sleeping and daily life. For the reference temperatures to validate accuracy, ingestible thermometer pills have been used with a duration of 24h to 72h.
ePill (Gold Standard) [°C] Figure 2: Bland-Altman plot showing the confidence interval for different core body temperature measurements of CORE compared to the ePill (Gold Standard)
The accuracy based on the conditions mentioned
above is shown in Figure 2. It leads to a mean
absolute deviation of 0.21 °C, a 95% limit of
agreement of ±0.55 °C and a correlation
coefficient of 0.92. A comparative study between
various thermometers over 200 patients
concluded that the best non-invasive medical
grade thermometer had a limit of agreement
between -0.7 and 0.5 °C. However, only when
measured by a professional, at low activity and
room temperature1. Figure 3 shows the measured temperature profile of a subject with an elevated body temperature. One can see that the predicted core body temperature follows the reference temperature closely.
Figure 3: Core body temperature of a subject before and during a time of elevated body temperature. The blue curve representing the reference temperature measured with an ingestible temperature pill and the green curve is core body temperature measured with the CORE device.
greenTEG is focused on delivering the highest quality thermal sensing
solutions. Founded as a spin-off from ETH Zürich, greenTEG’s expertise in
thermal sensing solutions has been developed for more than 10 years through
partnerships with our international customer base. greenTEG develops,
manufactures and markets thermal sensor solutions for a growing customer base
active in photonics, building physics, MedTech, automotive, processing
industry, and R&D. CORE ventures is affiliated with greenTEG AG.
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7. Datasheet
Product Name Article Number CALERAresearch
In the box
Automatically updateable to the latest technology
A rechargeable wearable device for continuous monitoring of Core Body
CALERAresearch Body Temperature Patch Set of medical-grade adhesive tapes USB
charging cable Quick Start guide, warranty and manual
Smartphone Apps: Android & iOS Smartwatch Apps: Garmin ConnectIO, Apple
WatchOS, soon Android WearOS Compatible with many existing third-party apps
and devices
Over the air firmware updates enable CORE to automatically update to the
latest and most accurate solutions available without having to upgrade
Technical Data Outer casing
Compact Size Power supply Battery life Internal memory Data streams
Communication Protocol Sampling rate Skin temperature accuracy Core Body
Temperature accuracy measured at chest Calibration Water Rating
Product features
Made of durable skin-compatible polymer. Fully sealed with no moving parts
50mm x 40mm x 8.5mm Lightweight at only 17 grams
Rechargeable lithium-polymer battery via magnetic USB cable Constant transmit
time > 6 day Standby mode > 5 weeks
Record up to 6.5 days of high-resolution data Core & skin temperature,
acceleration, timestamps, battery level , heat flux (under NDA), heart rate
(from external device)
Standard BLE Health Thermometer profile Standard ANT+ Thermometer profile
1 HZ ±0.1°C
± 0.55°C (2); 0.21°C Mean Absolute Deviation
Individually calibrated to ensure the highest performance
Waterproof up to 5ft – Smartphone application (Android/iOS/WatchOS/Wear
OS/Garmin) – Live display of current core body and skin temperature (via app)
– Download of high-resolution data
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1 J.Rubia-Rubia – Measurement of body temperature in adult patients:
Comparative study of accuracy, reliability and validity of different devices –
8. Disclaimer
Warning: CALERAresearch is not a medical device. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. It does not
have FDA or Medical CE approval. CALERAresearch should be used by healthy
adults in a safe environment and is only meant to inform you about your
overall wellbeing. No medical advice can be concluded from the measured
temperature data, and it cannot replace the services of health care
professionals. Deviations from the normal body temperature range should be
investigated by a certified medical professional and no conclusion regarding
your health can be drawn from a core temperature that is within the healthy
range. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it
because of the temperature measurements by CALERAresearch. The use-case
scenarios that are shown on any printed or digital material from
CALERAresearch or greenTEG are only used to inform the public about our
research topics. It does not prove the current application of CALERAresearch
in these fields. If the CALERAresearch causes any redness or skin irritation,
remove the product immediately. greenTEG is not responsible for any decisions,
and potential subsequent incidents, you or someone that takes care of you
might make, based on the measured core body temperature by CALERAresearch.
CALERAresearch received emergency use case authorisation (EUA) in October of
2020 to use the device as a clinical thermometer in the US during the Covid-19
Battery Safety Instructions The following precautions are necessary to ensure
safety when using and storing the CORE sensor:
– replacement of a battery with an incorrect type that can defeat a safeguard
(for example, in the case of some lithium battery types);
– disposal of a battery into fire or a hot oven, or mechanically crushing or
cutting of a battery, that can result in an explosion;
– leaving a battery in an extremely high temperature surrounding environment
that can result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas; and
– a battery subjected to extremely low air pressure that may result in an
explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas.
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Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
Read User Manual Online (PDF format) >>