genie WMP300 Intergrated Management Server User Guide

June 12, 2024

genie WMP300 Intergrated Management Server User Guide
genie WMP300 Intergrated Management Server

Please read these instructions carefully before operating the unit and keep for further reference. All the examples and pictures used here are for reference only. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.

Front & Rear Panel Interfaces

Rear Panel
Rear Panel

Front Panel
Front Panel

Number Description
1 USB3.0 *2
2 Ethernet port (LAN)
3 USB2.0 *2
4 HDMI output
5 VGA output
6 DC power supply
7 Power button (LED)
8 USB3.0 *1
9 USB3.0 *1
10 Audio Input
11 Audio Output

Login & Network Configuration


Before beginning, please make sure that a network cable, power cable and a monitor are connected. After the WMP300 has powered up, the following window will appear as shown below.

Server mode or client mode can be selected when logging in. If ‘Client mode’ is selected, you need to enter the IP address and port number of the authentication/ management server. The WMP300 will then be used as a client. If ‘Server mode’ is selected, this WMP300 can be used as a server directly.
Login Network Configuration

  1. Enter username and password (the default username is admin; the default password is 123456).
  2. Check “Remember Password” or “Auto Login” as needed.
  3. Click [Login].

If you forget your password, please click ‘Reset password’. A window will appear where you can reset your password by answering the pre-defined questions.

If this is the first time logging in, it is highly recommended that you fill out the security questions with the appropriate answers.

Network Configuration

After logging in, enter Local Configuration and the Network Config interface page as shown below.
Login Network Configuration

Set the network parameters according to your requirement.


Add Devices

In the home interface, select ‘Add, Edit or Delete’ to get to the following interface
Login Network Configuration

Quickly Add

Select [Refresh] to search for devices on the same local network as shown below. Select the required device and choose the transfer server, storage server and area for the device. Once this is carried out, select [OK]. Select [Create Area] to quickly create the area.

Manually Add
Login Network Configuration

  1. Enter the device IP address/IP range/domain name/URL/Serial number, username and password and then choose the protocol type.
  2. Select [Test] to check whether the device can connect successfully or not.
  3. Select the transfer server, storage server and the area and then select [OK].

Live View

Select Home, Live View to open the following interface.
Login Network Configuration

Toolbar icons on the taskbar display are explained below:
Login Network Configuration

Number Description
1 Screen display mode
2 Full screen
3 Enable/disable broadcast
4 Manual alarm output
5 Show the smart event detection area
6 Close all preview
7 Save the current view mode
8 Image export
9 Choose the camera stream
10 Show smart snapshot

Toolbar icons on the camera display window are explained below:

Button| Description
Close image| Button
a| Description
3D zoom in
| Start/stop recording| | Zoom in
| Enable/disable audio| | Zoom out
| Snapshot| | Fit to window
| PTZ control| | Enable/disable talkback
| Device setting| |

Face Surveillance

If it is the first time you are using the face surveillance function, please configure it correctly, and in the following order.

Create a group, then Add targets to the group, then Set task, then Real-time view, then Search faces.

Object Library

Select Home, People Management, People Management, Person List
Object Library

Right click on the blank grey area of the person list column and the ‘Add’ button will appear. Select ‘Add’ to create the group name.

Place the cursor on the parent group name and then you will see the follow buttons. Click ‘+’ to add the subgroup name.
Object Library

Select to modify the group name; select to delete the group; select to bind the camera.

Bind the camera to the group : Add person’s images of the selected group to the face database of the bound camera. When a person’s face image that has been transferred to the face database of the bound camera appears in the detection area, a face comparison result will be sent to the platform.

Note: the added group or person must be bound with one or more cameras, or the face comparison result will not be generated by the platform.
Object Library

Only devices with face comparison capability will be listed in the above window. Devices that do not support face recognition, or only support face detection, will not be displayed.

In the people management interface, select ‘Sync Records’ ‘People’ or ‘Device’ to view the synchronization status.
Object Library

Add Target

You can add targets for four libraries – people, VIP, Visitor and Blacklist.

Add target one by one

Select the group name and then select [Add] to add the target information.
Object Library

Select and choose a face image saved on the local PC, then provide the corresponding information and select [OK] to save.

Note: the resolution of the face image must be less than 3840*3840 pixels. If a target is added to the VIP group, registration date and VIP level must be fill in.

Batch Import

In the above interface, select [Export template] to export an Excel template and then fill out the corresponding information in the table as shown below. After that, create a file named ‘Image’ and place the face images under this file.
Object Library

Place the image file and the personal information file into the same directory. Select [Import] then [Excel Import].
Object Library

Bind personal permission: After the person is added, click to bind the person and camera. You can also synchronize the person information to camera in the Sync Records interface.

Task Configuration

Set the face capture source, schedule, and applicable scenario.
Task Configuration

  • Face Capture by IPC: it is applicable to the face detection camera.
  • F ace Match by IPC: it is applicable to the face recognition camera.

Note: Face recognition NVR, Temperature Reading Panel, Thermal network camera and IPC without face detection function cannot set task here. More parameters about face comparison can be set by selecting [Setup].
Task Configuration

Similarity: Set the similarity of the face comparison in percentage.

Intelligent Server Setting: please select ‘Enable face detection of the face recognition IPC’ as needed.

If checked, the intelligent server will collect face captured pictures from the IPC after you configure the face comparison parameters and set the schedule for the IPC. All these face snapshots can be searched in the Search interface (Home, Face Surveillance, Search).

If unchecked, the intelligent server will only get the matched face snapshots after you configure the face comparison parameters and set the schedule for the IPC. Only face snapshots that are successfully matched with the face database can be searched for in the Search interface (Home, Face Surveillance, Search).

FTP Settings: Send the captured pictures to FTP. Please set the corresponding parameters according to your FTP server.

Set Task for the NVR with Face Recognition Function

For the added NVR that supports face recognition, please set the face comparison parameters by entering Resource Management, Device Setting interface. Please refer to the following interface.
Task Configuration

Please select ‘Successful Recognition’ or ‘Stranger’ as required and then set the schedule separately. After that, select the group and set the similarity. Finally, save the settings by selecting [Apply].

If the face comparison settings cannot be set following the mentioned above, you can log in to the web client of the NVR and configure face recognition to recognize the auto report of the face match result as shown below.

Additionally, please make sure the face detection function is enabled for the AI IPC (select Device Setting, Face Detection).
Task Configuration

Real-Time View

Select Face Surveillance, Real-Time View to open the following interface. Drag the face detection IPC to the chosen window to view. The face capture picture will be shown under the window as shown below. The face match result also can be shown on the right side of the screen. The interface supports 1-, 4-, 9- and 16- way IPC image layouts.
Task Configuration

Double click the face match result to view the match details.
Select the button on the top left corner of the captured face picture to add the face picture to the library quickly; select the button to enter the Search by Face interface quickly.
Real-Time View

The right panel of the real-time view interface is for face match result to be displayed.

Select the image to view the matched details.

Face Attendance

The attendance records of employees can be viewed and traced after adding the persons to the person list and setting up the attendance rules.

Flow Chart:
Face Attendance

Create an attendance group and add targets for this group in the person list interface. Then bind the person and the attendance camera.

Note: the attendance camera must support face recognition capability, such as face recognition and access control panel, face recognition camera and so on.

Configure the schedule and face match method of the camera. (See 5.3 Task Management) for details.

Attendance Period Settings
Period Settings

If a company has different shift patterns for different employees, you can add varied attendance rules.

Select [Add] to set the detailed attendance rule. After that, choose [Save] to save the settings.

Attendance Shift Settings

Attendance Shift: The employees are to perform their duties according to a shift schedule. Select [Add] to set the shift name and shift schedule.

Shift cycles can be set by day, week, or month. The schedule will automatically repeat according to the set day(s), week(s), or month(s). After you set the shift schedule, choose [Save] to save the settings.

Personnel Scheduling

You can set different schedule for different attendance groups or employees.
Personnel Scheduling

Select the attendance group or employee and then select [Scheduling] toselect the shift and schedule start and end time. Finally, select [Ok] to save the settings.

If the schedule for the attendance group or the employee needs to be modified, select the group or person, select [Delete the scheduling] to delete the current schedule.

Attendance Handling

If someone needs to apply for leave or correct the check-in/out record, you can do this from within the attendance handling interface.

  1. Select the employee who want to apply for leave or do business trip.
  2. Select [Leave/Business-trip].
  3. Select the date the employee wants to apply for leave or attend a business trip.
  4. Select the type, sub type, leave time and a remark.
  5. Select [OK] to save the settings.

Select to set the sub type of leave or business trip.
Attendance Handling

Attendance Record Search & View

You can search the desired attendance records to view the employee’s attendance status by filtering the conditions, for example, attendance group, name, etc…

Select Home, Face Attendance, Camera Deployment, drag the attendance camera to the preview window and you will see the live video. The face match result will be displayed on the right side of the interface.

Note: The compared person in attendance system must be added in the person list in advance. Only one person can be added in one group. If this person also be added in other groups, for example the VIP list, the comparison result will not be obtained or displayed.

In the statistics interface for Face Attendance, you can view the attendance data in chart form.

Face Greeting

Face Greeting: After a successful face comparison, the word/voice of welcome will be heard by the guests and their photos will be displayed on the screen. Select ‘Face Greeting’ to open the face greeting interface. The setting steps are as follows:

  1. Create a VIP group and add targets for this group in the VIP list interface, then bind the VIP person and the camera. The setting up is a similar process to adding targets to the person list.
    Note: the camera for face greeting must support face recognition capability, such as face recognition and access control panel, face recognition camera and so on.

  2. Select the schedule, face match type in the Task interface of the people management (See 5.3 for details).

  3. Set camera deployment and drag the camera name to the preview window. When there are targets detected, the match result will be displayed on the right-side panel.

  4. View the match result of the greeting screen. select the ‘Display Setting’ tab to set the sub screen.

Search the face greeting records. Select ‘VIP Search’ tab as shown below.
Face Greeting

Parking Lot Management

Before using this function, please add the relevant devices.

Select Home, Resource Management, Add, Edit or Delete Device, Encoding Device to open the encoding device adding interface. Select [Add] to add yourANPR camera. Add an ANPR camera to your NVR with license plate recognition capability and then add the NVR to the WMP300 platform.

Select Home, Resource Management, Add, Edit or Delete Device, LED Display Device to open the LED display device adding interface.

System Settings

Navigate to Home, Parking Lot Management, System menu, Entrance/Exit Setting as shown below.
System Settings

Select to set the display contents of the LED display. Select [Add] to add a new entrance.

In the above interface, you can set the total parking spaces, remaining parking spaces, entrance and lane, barrier and gate opening duration, temporary vehicle charge rule and so on.

Lane Management

  • Select [Lane management] to open the lane management interface.
  • Select [Add] to add a new lane.
  • Select the lane, enter the lane name and choose the lane type.

Lane type: set this as ‘Entrance’, ‘Exit-Charge’ or ‘Exit-Free’ as required.

Set the automatic pass rule.

  • Linked vehicles: Vehicles added to the allow list.
  • Temporary vehicles: Vehicles not added to the vehicle database.
  • ‘Linked vehicles’ is checked by default, these vehicles linked to the parking lot can automatically pass the parking lot without stopping.

Bind the ANPR camera and the LED screen to the lane.

Select the window and then select [Apply]. The ANPR camera and the LED screen will be bound to the window shown below.

Uncheck this window and then select [Apply] to unbind the ANPR camera and the LED screen with the window.
Automatic Pass

Barrier Gate Opening Duration: For example, if this value is set to 15s, the barrier/gate will automatically close after 15 seconds.

Set the Charge Rule for Temporary Vehicles.
Temporary Vehicles

Select ‘Schedule Plan’ to set a schedule for the linked and temporary vehicles.

If the vehicle in the vehicle group wants to enter the parking lot in its non- scheduled period, it will be not allowed to enter, but vehicles can leave the parking lot at any time.

Vehicle Management

In the vehicle management interface, you can add or delete the vehicle group and add vehicles to the vehicle group. There are two vehicle groups by default – whitelist group and blacklist group. These two default groups cannot be deleted. You can add other whitelist groups as required.

Add vehicles to the vehicle group
Add vehicles

After the vehicle information is added, select this vehicle and the detailed information will be shown on the right side.

This interface allows you to renew your vehicle parking time allowances, 1-month renewal, 3-month renewal, 6-month renewal and 12-month renewal are available.

Import/Export Vehicles

To add multiple vehicles in a batch, select [Import] and then select ‘Export template’ to export a template that can be edited in Excel.

Fill out the vehicle information according to the template and then save it, then go to the vehicle management interface, select ‘Excel import’ to import the vehicle information file.

Check the vehicle you want to export and then select [Export] to export the vehicle information into the designated path.

There is a single blacklist, it is the default blacklist. This blacklist cannot be deleted; however you can add vehicles to it. The setting steps to achieve this are the same as adding vehicles to the whitelist.

Vehicle Monitoring

After configuring the following;

  • ANPR camera binding
  • Allocating the corresponding lanes for vehicle monitoring
  • Adding vehicles to vehicle list

The captured vehicle pictures and the detailed information will be displayed on the following interface when the vehicle passes the ANPR camera beside the lane and its license plate number is captured and recognized accurately by the ANPR cameras
Vehicle Monitoring

Temporary Vehicle: If the vehicle passing the lane is neither added to the linked vehicle list nor added to the blacklist, and ‘Temporary Vehicle’ in the automatic pass rule is not selected, this vehicle will not be allowed to pass automatically.

If the lane type is set as ‘Exit-Free’, the temporary vehicle will be allowed to pass automatically, if the lane type is set as ‘Exit-Charge’, the temporary vehicle will be allowed to pass after the parking fee is paid according to the ‘set temporary vehicle charge rule’.

If the temporary vehicle charge rule is set as ‘None’, the operator shall enter the correct amount of the parking fee and then open the barrier manually so the vehicle can pass.

Linked Vehicles: When a vehicle added to the whitelist vehicle group enters or exits the parking lot, it will be considered that the parking fee has been paid by the month.

For example, if the owner of the linked vehicle has paid a 1month’s parking fee, then the vehicle can enter/exit the parking lot automatically for a one- month duration.

At entrance, the parking time of the linked vehicle is within the period of validity and the linked vehicle enters in the effective schedule, it can be allowed to enter automatically. If the parking time of the linked vehicle is expired, it will be treated as a temporary vehicle.

At exit, the linked vehicle can pass through automatically whether charged or not.

Blacklisted Vehicles: The vehicles added to blacklist are not allowed to pass, even if the license plate number is captured by the ANPR camera.

Note: Vehicles that have been linked to a parking lot cannot be added to blacklist, and vice versa.

Vehicle Information Search

Within the Integrated search interface, detailed information of vehicles can be searched. This includes the information of vehicles entering and exiting the parking lot, temporary vehicle charge information, whitelist vehicle payment information and overdue parking information.

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