DE DISIBEINT dePACK Industrial IoT Controller User Manual

June 13, 2024

DE DISIBEINT dePACK Industrial IoT Controller

Product Information

The dePACK is a device designed for operation and configuration purposes. It is manufactured by DISIBEINT, a company based in Barcelona. The device comes with various features and connectivity options, making it versatile and suitable for different applications.

Main Features

  • LED indicators for status monitoring
  • Compact dimensions for easy installation
  • Various connectors, including power, antenna, Ethernet, SIM card reader, RS-232/RS-485
  • Supports Wi-Fi and GPRS connectivity
  • Access to Node-RED, Dashboard, and WebAdmin for configuration

Technical Characteristics

The dePACK has compact dimensions, ensuring easy installation in different environments.

Electrical Connection
Instructions for electrical connection are provided in section 8 of the user manual.

Power Connector
The user manual provides instructions on how to connect the power to the dePACK device. Please refer to section 9.

Antenna Connector
For antenna connection instructions, refer to section 10 of the user manual.

Ethernet Connector
Section 11 of the user manual provides information on how to connect the device to an Ethernet network.

SIM Card Reader
Instructions for using the SIM card reader can be found in section 12 of the user manual.

RS-232/RS-485 Connector
For information on connecting devices via RS-232/RS-485, please refer to section 13 of the user manual.

Connection Examples
Section 14 of the user manual provides various examples of how to connect the dePACK device.

Connect to the Same Network as dePACK
Instructions on how to connect to the same network as the dePACK device are provided in section 15 of the user manual.

Access Node-RED
Section 16 of the user manual explains how to access Node-RED for configuration purposes.

Access to Dashboard
For instructions on accessing the dashboard, please refer to section 17 of the user manual.

Access to WebAdmin (Configurator)
Section 18 of the user manual provides information on how to access WebAdmin for configuration purposes.

Wi-Fi Configuration
Instructions for configuring Wi-Fi settings can be found in section 19 of the user manual. It includes STA mode and AP mode configurations.

Ethernet Configuration
For Ethernet configuration instructions, please refer to section 20 of the user manual.

GPRS Configuration
Section 21 of the user manual provides instructions on configuring GPRS settings for the dePACK device.

Safety and maintenance

These instructions provide necessary information for assembly, connection, commissioning, and configuration, as well as important information for maintenance, troubleshooting, and user safety. For this reason, it is necessary to read it before start-up and always keep it close at hand in the vicinity of the equipment as an integral part of the product.

Before starting
Please read these instructions before unpacking and putting the instrument inside into operation. Follow the instructions as described in this document.
The equipment must only be handled by qualified personnel, familiar with this type of instructions and in accordance with the specific health, safety and accident prevention regulations regulated for the area where it is located.


  • The sections indicated with this symbol must be read carefully.
  • This symbol indicates danger of electric shock.
  • This symbol indicates that the equipment is protected by double insulation.
  • Equipment under European directive 2012/19/EC. At the end of its useful life, do not leave the equipment in a household waste container. It is necessary to follow the local regulations regarding the recycling of electronic equipment.
  • Complies with the relevant European directive.

Authorized personnel
All the operations described in this documentation must be carried out exclusively by qualified personnel authorized by the owner of the installation. During work on and with the device it is always necessary to use the necessary protective equipment.

Objective of the manual
This manual explains the general guidelines that must be considered for the
correct operation of dePACK. Contact us if you need more information.

Notice against misuse
In the event of inappropriate or unforeseen use of this equipment, it is possible that at specific risks for each application may arise from it, for example, a tank overflow due to poor assembly or poor configuration. This may result in material, personals or environmental damage. The computer’s protection properties may also be affected.

General safety instructions
The equipment corresponds to the level of technical development under consideration of the regulations and directives in force. The operation of this equipment is only allowed in an n impeccable and safe technical state.
The owner is responsible for thee perfect functioning of the equipment. In casee of use in aggressive or corrosive environments in whichh a malfunction of the equipment may give risse e to possible risks, the owner must guarantee the correcctt operation of the equipment by taking the appr roopriate measures.
The user must comply with the s safety instructions in this instruction manual, t the specific installation regulations of each country and thhe current safety and accident prevention regulaattions.
For security and guarantee reasons, any manipulation that goes beyond what is described in the instruction manual must be carried out by personnel authorized by the manuuffaacturer. Remodeling or changes carried out on your own Aare explicitly prohibited.

Safe use of the equipment

Risk of injury

  • Disconnect power from the equipment before handing it.
  • Operate the equipment t only if it is in an impeccable technical condition,, w without errors or failures.
  • The person responsible for or handling the equipment without interference is the operator.

The installation of the equipmeennt is carried out on a DIN rail, leaving all thee connections inside an electrical panel. The equipment mmust be connected to a power supply circuit prootected with type gl (IEC 269) or type M fuses, between 0..55 and 2 A. It must be fitted with a magnet othermmal switch or equivalent device to disconnect the equipmment from the power supply network. The poowwer supply and voltage measurement circuit must be connnnected with a cable with a minimum section of 11 mm².
Do not install the equipment insiddee a metallic box and WiFi), as this would make it ddiif fficult for it to function correctly.

Remove dirt from the box from time to time.

When carrying out cleaning, keep p tthe following in mind

  • Disconnect power from tthe equipment before handling it.
  • Only use cleaning agent tss that do not damage the casing, the type plate oor the seals.
  • Use only cleaninngg methods that correspond to the degree of proottection.


  • The packaging is made of carddbboard and wood, compatible with the enviroonment and recyclable. Eliminate waste packaging materiiaal produced through specialized recycling compaannies.
  • Electronic products can NOT be tthhrown away because they are recyclable, in adddition to their impact on the environment.
  • Hand over the equipment directlyy to a specialized recycling company and do not uuse municipal collection points for this.
  • First remove any batteries that mmaay be present, whenever possible to remove theem from the equipment, and proceed to dispose of them s seeparately in the proper manner.

General descriptionn

dePACK is an industrial IoT contrrooller equipped with a high-performance control unit with a fully integraatted Yocto Linux system and Node-RED software.
The device includes RS-232/485 sserial communications, 10/100 Ethernet network interface, and quaad d-band GPRS and Wi-Fi wireless communications. Ideal for fog co ommputing applications where it is required to monitor, control and send dataa..
Regarding inputs, it contains s Conductive, PNP, Namur, 4..20mA, potentiometric and capacitive ttoo connect the necessary sensors for a multitude of applications.

 Main features

  • ARM CORTEX-A7 700 Mhzz..
  • 256 MB DDR3 memory.
  • 512 MB NAND flash mem moory
  • High performance embedddded system integrated with Linux Yocto
  • GPRS, digital and analog I I//O O of different types
  • Wifi.
  • RS-232/485 from 9600 to 115200 bps.
  • 10/100Mbps Ethernet po orrt t
  • Node-RED integrated.

Identification tag


Led Description
Power On : Green
RS-232/RS-485 Data transmission : Red

Data reception : Green
Modem| Data transmission: Red
Data reception : Green
S/Ix| If Sx= True and Ix = False: Green If Sx= False and Ix = True : Blue
I f Sx= True and Ix = True : White
S4| If S4= True: Green


DE-DISIBEINT dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller
\(4\)Technical characterriis

Electrical data|
Power supply| 85 .. 264 VAC
Frequency| 47 .. 63 Hz
Maximum consumption| 4,6 .. 7,5 VA
Control unit|
CPU| ARM Cortex-A7 700 MHz
RAM memory| 256 MB DDR3
Flash memory| 512 MB NAND
Clock| RTC with battery to save time
Environmental conditions|
Temperature| -20 .. +50 ºC
Humidity| 5 % .. 95 %
Maximum working altitude| 2000 m
Mechanical data|
Surround material| UL94-V0 self-extinguishing plastic
Protection degree| IP20
Dimensions| 105 x 88,5 x 48mm
Weight| 180 g
Mounting| DIN rail
Characteristics and electrical safety|
Electrical safety| CAT III 300 V according to EN 61010
Electric shock protection| Double insulation class II
Isolation| 3 kVCA
Serial interface|
Type| RS-485 three threads (A+/S GND/ B-) (RX/GND/TX)
Transmission speed| 9600 / 19200 bps configurable
Wireless interface|
Wi-Fi| 802.11 b/g/n (2,4 GHz)
Network interface|
Type| Ethernet
Speed| 10/100 Mbps
Conductive inputs|
Number and type| 5 inputs for conductive probes
Resolution| 12 bits (4096 points)
Configurable inputs|
Number and type| 4 configurable inputs for Namur, PNP and capacitive sensors
Resolution| 12 bits (4096 points)
Analog input (AI0)|
Number and type| 1 analog input 0…20 mA / 4…20 mA
Resolution| 12 bits (4096 points)
Potentiometric input (AI1)|
Number and type| 1 Potentiometric input
Resolution| 12 bits (4096 points)
Voltage outputs|
Voltage| 2 of 8V2 and 1 of 24V
| IEC 60664, VDE 0110, UL 94, EN-61010-1, EN 55011, EN 61000-4-3,

EN 61000-4-11, EN 61000-6-4, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-6-2, EN

61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-4-5 -CE

Electrical connection

DE-DISIBEINT dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller  \(6\) DE-DISIBEINT dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller

Power connector
It can be powered with single-phase or three-phase connection

  • Single phase: wire V3 and N N
  • Three-phase: wire connectors V1, V2, V3 and

Antenna connector

To install the external antenna, simply screw the connector clockwise.

Ethernet connector

The equipment has an Ethernet p poort that allows access to dePACK from the outsiddee.

SIM card reader

dePACK requires a SIM card (1FF) tto operate on a mobile network.
The SIM card reader slot is locateedd on the back of dePACK. A SIM card must be innsserted into the SIM card holder. To insert a SIM card, inseerrt the card with the contacts facing up and the sshorter end in. The card should not protrude once it has b beeen inserted correctly.
Once the SIM card is installed, youu can enable mobile data connectivity.

RS-232/RS-485 connector

To use RS232 or RS485 follow the connection diagram

In this example, an SBL8 230 with RS-485 communication is connected to the dePACK Modbus connector. This connection must be made using a shielded cable to connect the shield to the dePACK GND, the other end of the shield must not be connected.

Connection examples

Conductive inputs
Example connection of a two-contact NR conductive probe.

  • C1 = Contact 1
  • C2 = Contact 2
  • CMN = Common

20mA Input
Example connection of a TMN magnetic transducer with 4-20 mA output.

  • + = Positive
  • AO = 4-20 mA output
  •  = Negative

Potentiometric input
Example connection of a TMR magnetic transducer with potentiometric output.

  • + = Positive
  • AO = Potentiometric output
  • – = Negative

PNP inputs
Example connection of a SCMM capacitive sensor with PNP/NPN output.
To use PNP inputs, the Ix inputss must be configured using Node-RED to be of this type.

  • + = Positive
  • NO = Normally open PNP output
  • – = Negative

Namur inputs
Example connection of an indduuctive sensor with Namur output.
To use Namur inputs, the Ix inpuutts must be configured using Node-RED to be of this type.

  • + = Positive
  • NO = Exit Namur
  • – = Negative

Capacitive inputs
Example connection of a capacitivvee sensor.
To use Capacitive inputs, the Ix innpputs must be configured using Node-RED to be of this type.

  • + = Positive
  • – = Negative

Connect to the same network as dePACK

To connect to dePACK it is necessary that the device from which you want to connect (PC, mobile, etc..) is in the same network as dePACK. There are 4 different ways to do this:

If you connect dePACK to a Wi-Fi network, the router will assign you an IP (E.g. Your device must be connected to the same network as dePACK in order to interact with each other.

If you connect dePACK to a network via Ethernet, the dePACK router will assign you an IP (E.g. Your device must be connected to the same network as dePACK in order to interact with each other.

Ethernet point to point
If a device is connected directly to dePACK via an Ethernet cable, it generates a network in which its IP is To interact with dePACK you must change the IP of your device to 10.1.10.x (i.e.

Access point
dePACK comes from the factory in ´Access point´ mode. In this mode, dePACK generates its own Wi-Fi network to which the device can connect to communicate. In this network, the IP is assigned to dePACK by default.

Access Node-RED

Node-RED is the tool with which dePACK is programmed.
To access Node-RED our device must be on the same network as dePACK. There are two options to access

  • Write the address in the browser: dePACK-xxxxxx:1880 Being xxxxxx the last 6 characters of the dePACK MAC
    depack-7a34dc :1880/ui

  • If the IP address on the network of dePACK is known, write the address in the browser “ip”:1880 :1880/ui)

DE-DISIBEINT dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller  \(17\)

Access to dashboard

The control panel is the portal from which the status of the application running in dePACK is viewed and controlled.
To access the control panel our device must be on the same network as dePACK. There are two options to access

  • Write the address on the browser: dePACK-xxxxxx:1880/ui Being xxxxxx the last 6 characters of the dePACK MAC

  • If the IP address on the network of dePACK is known, write the address in the browser : “ip”:1880/ui

DE-DISIBEINT dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller  \(18\)

Access to WebAdmin (Configurator)

WebAdmin is the portal from which all Wi-Fi and Ethernet settings of the dePACK are viewed and configured.
To access WebAdmin our device must be on the same network as dePACK. There are two options to access

  • Write the address in the browser : dePACK-xxxxxx:80 Being xxxxxx the last 6 characters of the dePACK MAC.

  • If the IP address of the dePACK is known on the network, write the address in the browser : “ip”:80

Once in the WebAdmin, it asks us for a username and a password.

  • Username : admin
  • Password : depack

Wi-Fi configuration

The dePACK Wi-Fi settings are found and modified in WebAdmin. It has two Wi-Fi modes: STA mode and AP mode.

STA mode
In this mode, dePACK connects to an external Wi-Fi network.

  1. To configure the STA mode, you must access the WebAdmin (review the section “Access to WebAdmin”).
  2. Once inside the WebAdmin, you must select the “Network settings” section and within it the “WiFi” box.
  3. Then select the Station mode.
  4. Scan available Wi-Fi networks and select the desired one.
  5. Finally enter the Wi-Fi network password and save the changes.

AP mode
dePACK comes from the factory in AP (Access point) mode. When in this mode, dePACK generates its own Wi-Fi network (without an internet connection) to which another device can connect to interact with dePACK.

  1. To configure this mode, you must access WebAdmin (see section “Access WebAdmin”)
  2. Once inside WebAdmin, you must select the “Network settings” section and within this the “WiFi” box.
  3. Then select Access point mode.
  4. Finally enter the password that will have the network generated by dePACK and save changes.


The dePACK Ethernet settings are found and modified in WebAdmin. The dePACK IP within the Ethernet network can be configured as dynamic or static.

  1. To configure the type of IP, you must access WebAdmin (review the section “Access WebAdmin”)
  2. Once inside WebAdmin, select the “Network settings” section and click on the Ethernet box.
  3. Then choose the type of IP you want in “IP Protocol”
  4. In the case of choosing dynamic IP (DHCP) just click on “save” to save the changes. In the case of choosing static IP, you will have to complete the pop-up fields and then save the changes.

GPRS configuration

To configure dePACK’s GPRS you must connect to it using an SSH client. For example

  • OpenSSH command line client (the ssh command) : An open source implementation that is typically included with MacOS and Linux distributions.
  • Putty : a free implementation for Windows.
  • SecureCRT : a commercial implementation with a free trial for Windows, Mac and Linux
  1. To connect we will open our SSH client (in this case PUTTY) In host name we will introduce the IP of the dePACK, we will choose SSH connection and the “port” 22 and finally we will click on “open”.

  2. Once connected we must log in

    • Username : root
    • Password : dePACK
  3. Create the network operraator file name and fill in the APN name. For eexample, apn.EXAMPLE. Check the “Operator APNNss table” section to find out which APN to use.
    echo ´AT+CGDCONT=1,”IPP””,”operator_apn”´ >/etc/ppp/chatscripts/apn.EXXAMPLE DE-DISIBEINT dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller  \(33\) Assign the symbolic link aappn to point to the newly created file : ln -sf/etc/ppp/chatscriptss//apn.EXAMPLE/etc/ppp/chatscripts/apnDE-DISIBEINT
dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller  \(34\)If the APN requires a userrnname and password, follow steps 3.1 and 3.2: 3.1. Edite the mobile authennttication file using
    Edite the mobile authentication file using

    • nano/etc/ppp/peers/mobile-auth
    • Type your username on the ‘user’ field.
    • Write your password on the password’ field.
    • Save and exit: CTRL + X. Confirm save with YDE-DISIBEINT dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller  \(35\) Use this command
    • In -sf/etc/ppp/peers/mobile-auth/etc/ppp/peers/provider
  4. If the SIM requires a PIN code, create a PIN code file with the correct PIN

    • echo ´AT+CPIN=PIN´ > /etc/ppp/chatscripts/pin.CODE
    • Assign the symbolic link pin to point to the newly created file
    • ln -sf /etc/ppp/chatscripts/pin.CODE/etc/ppp/chatscripts/pin
    • If the SIM card does not require a PIN code, assign the symbolic link pin to pin.
    • NONE: ln -sf /etc/ppp/chatscripts/pin.NONE/etc/ppp/chatscripts/pin
  5.   Use this command to start the ppp service and connect to the mobile network: systemctl start ppp@provider.service
    If you need to connect automatically at every startup, you must enable the service : systemctl enable ppp@provider.serviceDE-DISIBEINT dePACK-
Industrial IoT-Controller  \(36\)

  6. Check the status of the connection and the assigned IP address using this command : ip a | grep ppp0

DE-DISIBEINT dePACK-Industrial IoT-Controller  \(37\) Operator APNs table
This table shows the APNs, users and passwords of the mobile operators that Disibeint recommends.

Mobile operator APN name User Password
Vodafone wap@wap wap125
Orange orangeworld orange orange


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