ZEBRA JR2588 WorkForce Connect PTT Express User Guide

June 1, 2024

ZEBRA JR2588 WorkForce Connect PTT Express


  • Product Name: WorkForce Connect PTT Express
  • Manufacturer: Zebra Technologies Corporation
  • Communication Capability: Push-To-Talk (PTT)
  • Supported Devices: Android clients 3.1.x, Windows Mobile/CE clients 1.2.x

Product Information

The WorkForce Connect PTT Express client enables Push-To-Talk communication capability between different enterprise devices. It utilizes existing Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) infrastructure to provide simple PTT communication without requiring a separate voice communication server. Additionally, the client allows PTT communication with 2-way radios through the Interworking Gateway (IWG). This guide is suitable for associates, managers, network engineers, or IT administrators who will use the client.

Note: Refer to the latest version of the PTT Express Installation and Configuration Guide on zebra.com/support for detailed instructions.

Product Usage Instructions

Installation and Setup

  1. Download and install the WorkForce Connect PTT Express client on your device.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the client based on your device type (Android or Windows Mobile/CE).

Using PTT Communication

To initiate a Push-To-Talk communication:

  1. Launch the PTT Express client on your device.
  2. Select the contact or channel you want to communicate with.
  3. Press and hold the designated PTT button to speak.
  4. Release the button to listen to incoming messages.

Communication with 2-way Radios

To communicate with 2-way radios using the Interworking Gateway (IWG):

  1. Ensure the IWG is properly configured and connected to the PTT Express client.
  2. Select the radio channel you want to communicate with from the client interface.
  3. Follow the same PTT button operation as with other contacts or channels.


  • Q: Can I use the PTT Express client on iOS devices?
  • A: The PTT Express client is currently compatible with Android clients 3.1.x and Windows Mobile/CE clients 1.2.x. iOS devices are not supported at this time.
  • Q: Is there a limit to the number of contacts or channels I can communicate with?
  • A: The PTT Express client supports communication with multiple contacts and channels; however, the actual limit may vary based on network conditions and device capabilities.

ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
© 2020 Zebra Technologies Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of those agreements.
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This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries (“Zebra Technologies”). It is intended solely for the information and use of parties operating and maintaining the equipment described herein. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the express, written permission of Zebra Technologies.

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  • Continuous improvement of products is a policy of Zebra Technologies. All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice.

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  • Zebra Technologies takes steps to ensure that its published Engineering specifications and manuals are correct; however, errors do occur. Zebra Technologies reserves the right to correct any such errors and disclaims liability resulting therefrom.

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In no event shall Zebra Technologies or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the accompanying product (including hardware and software) be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, consequential damages including loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of business information) arising out of the use of, the results of use of, or inability to use such product, even if Zebra Technologies has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

Publication Date

  • December 16, 2020


  • PTT Express client creates Push-To-Talk (PTT) communication capability between disparate enterprise devices. Leveraging existing Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) infrastructure, this solution delivers simple PTT communication without the need of a voice communication server.
  • The client also enables PTT communication with 2-way radios using the Interworking Gateway (IWG).
  • This guide is intended for use by any associate, manager, network engineer or IT administrator who will use the client.

NOTE: This guide refers to Android clients 3.1.x and Windows Mobile/CE clients 1.2.x. Screens, icons, and options may differ on each device.

Related Documents

  • Refer to the following documents for associated information about the system.
  • PTT Express Installation and Configuration Guide – Provides an overview, general requirements, installation and configuration instructions for the PTT Express.
  • For the latest version of this guide and all guides, go to: zebra.com/support.

Chapter Descriptions

Topics covered in this guide are as follows:

  • PTT Express Client provides an overview of PTT Express and gives a general description of the PTT Express client.
  • Advanced Features describes the advanced features of the PTT Express client.
  • PTT Communication describes PTT communication and other useful information.
  • Configuration provides information for modifying the configuration file used to configure the PTT Express client.

Notational Conventions

The following conventions are used in this document:

  • Bold text is used to highlight the following:
  • Dialog box, window and screen names

About This Guide

  • Drop-down list and list box names
  • Check box and radio button names
  • Icons on a screen
  • Key names on a keypad
  • Button names on a screen.
  • Bullets (•) indicate:
    • Action items
    • Lists of alternatives
    • Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential.
  • Sequential lists (such as those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists.

Icon Conventions

  • The documentation set is designed to give the reader more visual clues. The following graphic icons are used throughout the documentation set. These icons and their associated meanings are described below.
  • NOTE: The text here indicates information that is supplemental for the user to know and that is not required to complete a task.
  • IMPORTANT: The text here indicates information that is important for the user to know.
  • WARNING: If danger is not avoided, the user CAN be seriously injured or killed.
  • DANGER! If danger is not avoided, the user WILL be seriously injured or killed.

Service Information

If you have a problem with your equipment, contact Zebra Global Customer Support for your region. Contact information is available at zebra.com/support.
When contacting support, please have the following information available:

  • Serial number of the unit
  • Model number or product name
  • Software/firmware type or version number
  • Zebra responds to calls by email, telephone or fax within the time limits outlined in support agreements.

If your problem cannot be solved by Zebra Customer Support, you may need to return your equipment for servicing and will be given specific directions. Zebra is not responsible for any damages incurred during shipment if the approved shipping container is not used. Shipping the units improperly can void the warranty.
If you purchased your Zebra business product from a Zebra business partner, contact that business partner for support.

PTT Express Client


The PTT Express client plays received audio only in a hands-free modality delivered through a speaker or a headset. Handset mode of operation is not supported by the PTT Express client.
The PTT Express client supports the following Push-To-Talk use cases:

  • Group Call – One to Many
  • Private Response – One to One
  • Group Call with 2-Way Radios – One to Many (requires IWG).
    • allows users to listen to multiple Talk Groups at one time.
    • allows a Talk Group to preempt another Talk Group.
    • provides flexibility to configure multiple configurations and profiles.
    • provides the use of friendly names for Talk Groups.
    • provides notification status icons to easily see current PTT Express client status. (Applies to Android clients only.)
    • is backward compatible with PTT Express client V1.1.
  • PTT Express Android client v3.1.46 and above requires a Zebra license to use the app. Refer to the Zebra Licensing User Guide for information on installing a license for this app.

The PTT Express client can be configured to contain one or more Profiles. Each Profile can be assigned a unique name and has a set number of available Talk Groups. The Profile name and the Talk Group names are defined in the Configuration file.
PTT Express does not support Bluetooth accessories.
PTT Express is available on the following devices:
Table 1 Supported Devices

Operating System Devices
WEHH/Windows CE MC55A0, MC75A0/6/8, SB1, VH10
Android CC600, CC6000, EC30, L10A, MC33, MC33x, MC40, MC67, MC92, MC93, TC20,

TC21, TC25, TC26, TC51, TC52, TC56, TC57, TC70, TC72, TC70x, TC75, TC75x, TC77, TC8000, TC8300, VC80x, VC8300, VC8300, WT6000

PTT Express Client

NOTE: When using a Speaker/Mic with Push-to-Talk, the M1000 accessory is required for PTT Express operation on the VH10, VC80x, and VC8300.

Device Communication

There are two ways to communicate when operating the PTT Express client: Group Call and Private Response. Depending upon the device and the PTT Express client configuration, these can be hard buttons on the device or soft buttons.

  • Group Call: Press and hold to start communicating with other voice client users.
  • Private Response: Press and hold to respond to the originator of the last call.

Buttons on the device can be configured to perform various functions. Contact your system administrator for exact button functionality.

ZEBRA-JR2588-WorkForce-Connect-PTT-Express-FIG-4While a PTT communication button is pressed the user will not be able to use other device buttons to perform separate tasks. In general, pressing multiple buttons simultaneously leads to inconsistent PTT Express client behaviour. Also, when the PTT Express client is installed on a mobile computer, the action button is no longer available.
Table 2 Group and Private Key Assignment/Mapping

Device| Recommended Group Key (Key Code)| Recommended Private Key (Key Code)
MC40| Left side top PTT button (L2)| Left side lower button (L1)
MC55A0| 197-Single| 125-Single
MC67| L2-Single| L1-Single
MC75A0/6/8| 197-Single| 114-Single
MC92| L1-Single| L2-Single
Device| Recommended Group Key (Key Code)| Recommended Private Key (Key Code)
SB1| 134-Single| 135-Single
CC600, CC6000, EC30, L10A, MC33, MC33x, MC93, TC20, TC21, TC25, TC26, TC51, TC52, TC56, TC57, TC70, TC72, TC70x, TC75, TC75x, TC77, TC8000, TC8300, VC80x, VC8300, VC8300, WT6000| L2-Single| L2-Double
VH10| 7-Single| 7-Double

Soft Buttons

  • The PTT Express client can be configured to use on-screen buttons for Group Calls and Private Responses.
  • To use the on-screen buttons, touch and hold the button just as you would with the device’s hard buttons.


PTT Audible Indicators

The following tones provide helpful cues when using the PTT Express client.

  • Talk Tone: Double chirp. Plays when the Talk (or Private) button is pressed. This is a prompt for the user to start talking.
  •  Access Tone: Single beep. Plays when another user just finished a call or response. The user is now able to initiate a Group Call or Private Response.
  • Busy Tone: Continuous tone. Plays when the Talk (or Private) button is depressed and another user is already communicating on the same talkgroup.
  • Network Tone:
  • Three increasing pitch beeps. Plays when PTT Express client has acquired the WLAN connection and the service is enabled.
  • Three decreasing pitch beeps. Plays when PTT Express client has lost a WLAN connection or the service is disabled.

PTT Express User Interface

  • The PTT Express client User Interface (UI) is highly configurable.
  • The default UI provides basic PTT functionality and can be configured to use Profiles which provide additional customized functionality.

Default User Interface

  • The default UI provides basic PTT communication and features.


  • PTT Express Notification Icons – Indicates the current state of the PTT Express client. Applies to Android clients only.
  • Service Indication – Indicates the status of the PTT Express client. Options: Service Enabled, Service Disabled, or Service Unavailable.
  • Enable/Disable Service Switch – Turns the PTT service on or off.
  • Talk Groups – Lists all 32 Talk Groups available for PTT communication.
  • Settings – Opens the PTT Express client settings screen. (Available on Android clients only)

Profile User Interface

The default UI can be configured to meet the needs of the customer’s solution. The client can be configured with:

  • up to 12 Profiles.
  • up to 32 Talk Groups in each Profile.
  • both hard buttons and on-screen soft buttons for Group Calls and Private Responses.
  • ability to display other buttons and controls.

Android User Interface


  • Service Indication – Indicates the status of the PTT Express client. Options: Service Enabled, Service Disabled, or Service Unavailable.
  • Enable/Disable Switch – Turns the PTT service on or off.
  • Profile Name – Displays the name of the current Profile.
  • Profile Enable/Disable Checkbox – Indicates that the Profile is enabled (checked) or disabled (un-checked).
  • Previous/Next Profile Buttons – Scroll to the previous or next Profile screen. If at the first or last Profile, the button is not available.
  • Talk Groups – Lists (up to 32) Talk Groups available for PTT communication.
  • Speaker Icon – Mutes and un-mutes the client. If muted, a call cannot be heard or initiated.
  • Settings – Opens the PTT Express client settings screen. (Available on Android clients only)

Android Settings

  • Use the Settings to configure PTT Express client settings.



  • Display Call Statistics – Check to display call statistics on the screen.
  • About – Displays the PTT Express client version number.

Windows Mobile/CE User Interface


  • Enable/Disable Checkbox – Turns the PTT service on (selected) or off (unselected).
  • Profile Name – Displays the name of the current Profile.
  • Profile Enable/Disable Checkbox – Indicates that the Profile is enabled (checked) or disabled (un-checked).
  • Previous/Next Profile Buttons – Scroll to the previous or next Profile screen. If at the first or last Profile, the button is not available.
  • Talk Groups – Lists (up to 32) Talk Groups available for PTT communication.
  • Mute Checkbox – Mutes (if selected) and un-mutes (unselected) the client. If muted, a call cannot be heard or initiated.
  • About – Displays the PTT Express client version number.
  • OK – Closes the PTT Express User Interface. PTT service continues to run in the background.

Windows Mobile/CE About Window


PTT Express Notification Icons

  • Indicates the current state of the PTT Express client.

Table 3 PTT Express Notification Icons

Status Icon Description

| Indicates that PTT Express client is disabled.

Indicates that PTT Express client is enabled but not connected to a WLAN.

Indicates that PTT Express client is enabled, connected to a WLAN and listening on the Talk Group indicated by the number next to the icon.

Indicates that PTT Express client is enabled, connected to a WLAN and communicating on the Talk Group indicated by the number next to the icon.

Status Icon Description

| Indicates that PTT Express client is enabled, connected to a WLAN and in a private response.

Indicates that PTT Express client is enabled and muted.

Indicates that the PTT Express client is enabled but it is not able to communicate due to a VoIP telephony call is in progress.

Audio Feedback

For Android Clients

The PTT Express client (when configured) provides audio feedback for:

  • Channel number – whenever the user presses a hard button to change to another Talk Group/Channel, the device speaks to the channel number or name. For example, Channel 3, or Apparel.
  • Profile name – whenever the user presses a hard button to change to another profile, the device speaks to the profile name. For example, Groceries.

By default, audio feedback is enabled. It can be enabled or disabled for each configured profile by modifying the configuration file. The PTT Express client can also be configured to set Profiles to different languages. The languages supported are those installed on the device. To view supported languages select Settings > Language & input > Text-to-Speech-output > Preferred Engine

Settings > Language.

For Windows Mobile/CE Clients

  • There is a small difference in Audio Feedback functionality for Windows Mobile/CE clients. The audio clips for Profile and Channel are not included in the installation. The Administrator has to prepare and store audio clips in a specified folder for the client to use them at run time.
  • The Audio clips used to announce Profile and Talk Group changes are located in the following folder: \Application\PttExpress\Audio\
  • The setting is part of the Profile in the configuration (See Table 14 on page 29). For example:
  • In the example, language=”en” means that audio clips shall be placed in the following folder: \Application\PttExpress\Audio\en
  • Talk Group/Channel Audio Clip file name format: channel_0000X.wav (Where X = Channel Id).
  • Profile Clip Audio file name format: profile_0000X.wav (Where X == Profile Id).
  • The audio clips should be .wav files with 8000 samples per second and mono (1) channel.
  • NOTE: For VH10, use the following folder to store the audio clips: \Flash Disk\PttExpress\Audio\

Free third party tools (for example, Jampal Text To Speech) are available, which allow you to convert text to speech and save the output in .wav format.


  • The PTT Express client can be configured to contain one or more Profiles.
  • Each Profile can be assigned a unique name and have a set number of available Talk Groups.
  • The Profile name and the Talk Group names are defined in the Configuration file.

Switching Between Profile Screens

  • If the PTT Express client is configured for more than one Profile, the user can switch (if configured) between Profiles by:
    • swiping the screen to the left or right (Applies to Android clients only)
    • touching the Previous/Next Profile buttons
    • pressing a hard button.
  • When the user swipes the screen or touches the Previous/Next Profile buttons, the new Profile screen appears but is not enabled. The user must touch the Profile Enable/Disable checkbox to enable the current Profile.
  • If configured, pressing a hard button switches the client to the next Profile from the currently enabled Profile. The new profile then automatically becomes enabled. The user can continue this process until the desired Profile screen is enabled.

Selecting Talk Groups

  • Each Profile screen can display a list of up to 32 Talk Groups. The home Talk Group is highlighted in blue.
  • To switch to another Talk Group:
    • touch the Talk Group on the screen
    • quickly press the configured button (if configured to change the talk group on a button press).
  • The selected Talk Group becomes blue. If the Audio Feedback feature is enabled, the device speaks the
  • Talk Group name or number.

Licensing General Notes

  • Applies to Android Operating System only.
  • If Ala Carte licensing is not available, a dialogue box appears indicating that the licensing is not available.
  • When the user touches the close button, PTT Express process is turned off. The user must launch the PTT Express app again.
  • After restarting the PTT Express app or switching to a new user, wait approximately two minutes until the
  • License Manager app and PTT Express app are up and running.
  • After switching from one Android User Mode to another, the user must launch PTT Express application to enable PTT Service.

Advanced Features

Listening to Multiple Talk Groups
The client monitors multiple Talk Groups at the same time. If multiple Talk Group conversations are detected, the client determines which message is heard based on configuration parameters.
For example, multiple groups are communicating in a department store. The Manager’s PTT Express client scans all Talk Groups (Hardware and Paint).


  • Based on PTT Express client configuration, the client determines which Talk Group conversation will be heard by the Manager. In this example, the Hardware Talk Group.


  • The Manager can then communicate with the Hardware Talk Group.


Preemptor Feature

  • When configured, a user on a Talk Group can preempt a conversation between other users on that Talk Group.
  • For example, employees are communicating on the Hardware and Paint Talk Group. The Manager hears the conversation between the employees.


  • For some reason the Manager wants to communicate with all employees, he can interrupt the conversations and send a message to all employees.


  • When the Manager is done communicating, employees can continue communicating with each other.

Alternative Channels Feature
The Alternative Channel feature allows the PTT Express user to temporarily select another Talk Group other than the Home Talk Group. The user can then communicate on that Talk Group. After a configured time frame, the PTT Express client will return to the user’s Home Talk Group.

PTT Communication

PTT communication may be established as a Group Call, a Group Call with 2–Way Radio, or a Private Response.
NOTE: For additional information about enterprise devices, see the website at: zebra.com/support.

Group Call

A group call is a call that is sent from one device to all devices on the same Talk Group. To initiate a Group Call:
NOTE: This procedure also applies to communicating with 2-way radios.
Actual Group Call and Private Response buttons are dependent upon client configuration.
Selection of Profile and Talk Groups is dependent upon client configuration.

  1. If configured, select a Profile.
  2. Select a Talk Group.
  3. Press and hold the configured Group Call button.
  4. Listen for the talk tone to play.
    • If you hear the busy tone, release the Group Call button and wait for a moment before you press and hold the Group Call button to make another attempt.
    • If you do not hear a tone, make sure the PTT Express client is enabled and on the network.
  5. Start talking immediately after the talk tone plays.
  6. Release the Group Call button when you finish talking.

Responding to a Group Call
You can respond to a Group Call by:

  • responding with another Group Call
  • responding with a Private Response.

Responding with a Group Call

  • To respond to a Group Call with another Group Call:
  • NOTE: This procedure also applies for communicating with 2-Way radios.
  • Actual Group Call and Private Response buttons are dependent upon client configuration.
  • Selection of Profile and Talk Groups are dependent upon client configuration.
  1. Wait until you receive an access tone.
  2. Press and hold the configured Group Call button.
  3. Listen for the talk tone to play.
    • If you hear the busy tone, release the Group Call button and wait for a moment before you press and hold the Group Call button and make another attempt.
    • If you do not hear a tone, make sure your client is enabled and on the network.
  4. Start talking immediately after the talk tone plays.
  5. Release the Group Call button when you finish talking.

Responding with a Private Response
NOTE: A Private Response can only be initiated once a Group Call has been established.

  • The initial Private Response is made to the originator of the Group Call.
  • The steps for making the first Private Response and all subsequent Private Responses are the same.
  • Users cannot initiate Private Responses to 2-way radios.
  • Actual Group Call and Private Response buttons are dependent upon client configuration.
  • Selection of Profile and Talk Groups are dependent upon PTT Express client configuration.
  • To establish a Private Response:
  1. After the Group Call is completed, wait until you receive an access tone.
  2. Press and hold the configured Private Response button.
  3. Listen for the talk tone to play.
    • If you hear the busy tone, release the Private Response button and wait for a moment before you press and hold the Private Response button and make another attempt.
    • If you do not hear a tone, make sure your client is enabled and on the network.
  4. Start talking immediately after the talk tone plays.
  5. Release the Private Response button when you finish talking.

Operating Information

  • Use the following information to operate the PTT Express client:
  • Use the device volume control buttons to change the client volume.
  • Only one user at a time can initiate a Group Call on the Talk Group. Other users on the same Talk Groups get the busy tone.
  • Users can talk for up to 60 seconds (configurable) at a time when communicating on the network.
  • A private response is possible for up to 60 seconds (configurable) after receiving a Group Call.
  • The initiator of a Group Call cannot initiate a private response until a response (either group or private) is received.
  • If you do not hear a talk or busy tone when initiating a Group or Private Response, check 1) the device network status indicator to make sure the device is on the network, 2) the client is enabled, and 3) the volume level.
  • PTT Express communication has been designed to minimize end-to-end audio delay. However, an audio delay may be up to two seconds or more depending on the conditions of the network.
  • While a PTT communication key is pressed, the user is not able to use other device keys to perform separate tasks. In general, pressing multiple keys simultaneously leads to inconsistent client behaviour.

See PTT Express Installation and Configuration Guide or contact the website at: zebra.com/support for additional PTT Express client details.


Configuration of the PTT Express client is controlled by a configuration XML file. The configuration file is divided into:

  • Application settings
  • Profile List settings
  • Channel settings.

Application Settings
The Application setting control PTT Express client functionality.

  • General Settings
  • Diagnostic settings
  • Coexistence settings
  • Hard Button settings
  • GUI settings
  • Group Call/Private Response Transport/Timers settings.

Windows Mobile/CE Clients
To change the application settings, modify ptt_settings.xml located at: \Application\PttExpress\
NOTE: For VH10, ptt_settings.xml is located at: \Flash Disk\PttExpress

Android Clients
To change the application settings, modify ptt_settings.xml located at: /enterprise/device/settings/ptt/

General Settings

Table 4 General Settings

Name Options Default Description
enable true false false Enable or disable the PTT service. True = Enabled

False = Disabled

true defaultProfileID| 1 through 12| 1| Numeric identifier of the default profile. 1 disablePTTClient| true false| false| Enable or disable the PTT Express client. If the value is true, PTT Express client functionality is disabled. This settings is optional and is not shown in the default XML file. false ignoreKeysInLockMode| true


| false| Ignore keys in lock mode.

(Available on Android clients only.)

false muteExitTimer| 0 to 10000


| 120000| The amount of time (in milliseconds) that has to elapse after which the device will come out of the mute state. Decimal value in milliseconds: 0 implies an infinite switch. Minimum = 0 ms.

Maximum = 8,640,000 ms. Default = 120,000 ms.


Diagnostic Settings

Table 5 Diagnostic Settings

Name Options Default Description
logLevel None None Set the type of logs that will be collected. None = No

logs collected.

Error = Only error logs collected.

Warning = Only warning logs collected. Info = Only informational logs collected. Debug = Only debug logs collected.

 | Error|
 | Warning|
 | Info|
 | Debug|

None logDir| | PTT| Sets the path storage to store the PTT log files. PTT **Name**| **Options**| **Default**| **Description** ---|---|---|--- enableCDR| true false| false| Enable or disable the CDR logs. false cdrSize| 100 to 25,000| 5,000| Size of the CDR log file in kilobytes. 5000

Coexistence Settings

Table 6 Coexistence Settings

Name Options Default Description
fullDuplexClient Coexistence true


| true| Allows the PTT Express client to coexist with full duplex clients installed on the same device.

false vibrateOnVoiceCall| true false| true| Allows full duplex incoming calls to vibrate the device when PTT Express client is in call. true

Hard Button

  • These settings determine the buttons that can switch profile screens and a headset button.
  • For Windows Mobile/CE clients, use the virtual key code for the key to be used.

Table 7 Client Options

Name Options Default Description
profileSwitchKey L1-Single L1-Double L2-Single L2-Double L1-Double Sets the

key used to switch profiles. Contains two parts: 1. the key code and 2. Single or double press. The parts are separated by a hyphen.

Refer to device’s Integrator Guide for key mappings.

L1-Double allowProfileSwitchFrom Key| true


| true| Allows Profile screen switching using defined button.

true headsetKey|  | R2| Sets the Headset key.

(Available on Android clients only.)



  • These settings determine the screen options.

Table 8 GUI Settings

Name Options Default Description
allowProfileSwitch FromUI true


| true| Allows Profile screen switching on the screen.


Group Call/Private Response Transport/Timers

  • These settings set Group Call and Private Response options.

Table 9 Group Call/Private Response Transport/Timers Settings

Name Options Default Description
ipBroadcastGroup 239.192.2.


| Sets the multicast address used for Group Call communications. ipBasePort| | 5000| Sets the IP Port number of the multicast address used for Group Call communications. Decimal value. 5000 sipLocalPort| | 4080| Sets the client IP Port to be used for Private Response communications. Decimal value. 4080 gcJitterSize| 2 to 4| 3| One group call packet holds 200 ms data. Decimal value: min = 2, max = 4, default = 3: which means the maximum data the jitter holds is 600 ms. 3 pcJitterSize| 2 to 4| 3| One private response packet holds 100 ms data. Decimal value: min = 2, max = 4, default = 3: which means the maximum data the jitter holds is 300 ms. 3 gcFloorHoldTimer| 0 (disabled)

10000 to


| 60000| In a group call, the amount of time the user is allowed to hold the floor (talk without interruption). Decimal value in milliseconds. disable = 0.

60000 **Name**| **Options**| **Default**| **Description** ---|---|---|--- pcFloorHoldTimer| 0 (disabled)

10000 to


| 60000| In a private response, the amount of time the user is allowed to hold the floor in the private response (talk without interruption). Decimal value in milliseconds. disable = 0.

60000 gcHangTimer| 0 (disabled)

1000 to


| 10000| The amount of time that has to elapse after which a Private Response cannot be made to the last known talker in the session. Decimal value in milliseconds.

10000 pcHangTimer| 0 (disabled)

1000 to


| 10000| The amount of time that has to elapse after which the Private Response can not be initiated. Decimal value in milliseconds. Min = 1000 ms. Maximum = 10000 ms. Default = 10000 ms


Profile List Settings

The PTT Express client must have at least one Profile and can have up to 12 Profiles. Each Profile must have its own configuration settings in the XML file.
In the section, each Profile has the following options:

  • Profile attributes
  • Profile channel attributes
  • Profile UI attributes
  • Profile hard buttons
  • Profile user attributes.

Profile Attributes

  • These settings determine the profile attributes.

Table 10 Profile Attributes Descriptions

Setting Value Default Description
id 1 – 12 1 Set the Profile identifier. Each Profile has to have a unique

name| |  | Assigns an ASCII string name to the Profile. The name can consists of a 16 alphanumeric character string that can include symbols. This name displays on the Profile screen.
Setting| Value| Default| Description
enable| true false| true| Enables or disables the Profile. When set to true, the Profile can be selected during Profile switching.
language|  | en| Set the audio feedback language for the Profile.

The value for language attribute should be a locale string defined as per http://developer.android.com/reference/java/util/ Locale.html. (Available for Android clients only)

Profile Channel Attributes

  • These settings determine the channel attributes.

Table 11 Profile Channel Attributes Descriptions

Setting Value Default Description
scanOnlyHome true false true If this parameter is true, the device will

only listen on the channel it is set to transmit upon.

i.e. that scan only the HOME channel (as in 1.1).

true alternativeChannel SwitchTimer| 0 to 8640000| 0| The amount of time, in milliseconds, that has to elapse after which the current channel will change from Alternative Channel to Home Channel. 0 implies an infinite switch. 0 enablePriority| true false| false| The value true implies that the per channel priority settings will be honored, else it will be ignored. false

Profile Screen Attributes

  • These settings determine the Profile screen attributes

Table 12 Profile Screen Attributes Descriptions

Setting Value Default Description
pttClientStatusUILock true


| false| Allow the PTT Express client to be enabled/disabled from screen.

false allowChannelSwitch FromUI| true false| true| Allow switching Talk Groups on the screen. **Setting**| **Value**| **Default**| **Description** ---|---|---|--- true allowChannelSwitch FromKey| true false| true| Allow switching Talk Groups using a hard button. true allowMuteFromUI| true


| false| Allow muting or unmuting operation from the screen.


Profile Hard Buttons

  • These settings determine the Profile hard button attributes.

Table 13 Profile Hard Buttons Descriptions

Setting Value Default Description
gcKey L2-Single, R2-Single L2-Single, R2-Single Sets the key to use for

making a Group Call. Contains two parts. 1. the key code and 2. Single or double press. The parts are separated by hyphen. Dependent upon available device buttons.

Refer to device’s User Guide for key mappings.

See Table 2 on page 8 for Windows Mobile/CE clients.

L2-Single,R2-Single pcKey| L1-Single, R2-Double| L1-Single, R2-Double| Sets the key to use for making a Private Response. Contains two parts. 1. the key code and 2. Single or double press. The parts are separated by hyphen. Dependent upon available device buttons.

Refer to device’s User Guide for key mappings.

See Table 2 on page 8 for Windows Mobile/CE clients.

L1-Single,R2-Double muteKey|  |  | Sets the key to use for muting and unmuting the application. Contains two parts. 1. the key code and 2. Single or double press. The parts are separated by hyphen. Dependent upon available device buttons.

Refer to device’s Integrator Guide for key mappings.

**Setting**| **Value**| **Default**| **Description** ---|---|---|--- alternativeChannel SwitchKey|  |  | Sets the key to use to switch to an alternative channel. Contains two parts. 1. the key code and 2. Single or double press. The parts are separated by hyphen. Dependent upon available device buttons.

Refer to device’s Integrator Guide for key mappings.

oneKeyTimerDelay| 400 – 1000


| 600 ms| One key timer delay. Decimal value in milliseconds. Minimum = 400 ms. Maximum = 1000 ms. Default = 600 ms.

600 allowMuteFromKey| true false| false| Enables muting operation using a key. false

Profile User Attributes

  • These settings determine the Profile user attributes.

Table 14 Profile User Attributes Descriptions

Setting Value Default Description
disablePrivateCall true false false Disable or enable a Private Response.
false **Setting**| **Value**| **Default**| **Description** ---|---|---|--- audioFeedback| Off Default| Default| Controls audio feedback feature. Set to Off to disable audio playback. Set to Default to play the Profile and Talk Group names while switching Profiles or Talk Groups. default callKeyConfiguration| 0


| 1| Determines whether the Group Call and Private Response buttons are hard or soft buttons. Set to 1 to enable the device hard buttons as defined in the gckey and pckey settings. Set to 0 to enable on-screen soft buttons.


Setting callkeyConfiguration to “0” is not supported on VH10, VC80x, and VC8300 devices.

The soft button can only be pressed for up to 30 seconds on devices with the Android operating system.


Channel List Settings

Each Profile can have a list of Talk Groups. In the section, list each Talk Group (up to 32) as follows: <channel id=”1″ name=”” priority=”1″ type=”Alternative” replyable=”true” preemptor=”false” cdr=”false”/>
Table 15 Channel List Descriptions

Setting Values Default Description
id 1 through 32 N/A Identifies the Talk Group number.
name N/A Sets the name for the Talk Group. A 16 character

alphanumeric string that includes symbols. This name displays on the Profile screen.
priority| 1 through 32| N/A| Set the priority of the Talk Group. Where 1 is the highest priority and 32 is the lowest priority.
type| Home Alternative Emergency Scan


| N/A| Talk Groups that are not mentioned in the list will be disabled from scan group and from UI,
replyable| true false| true| When set to true, allows a Talk Group to be in a conversation in response to an inbound traffic on this Talk Group.
preemptor| true false| false| When set to true, a pre-emptor Talk Group of higher priority can preempt a conversation on lower priority Talk Group.
cdr| true false| false| Enables or disables CDR logging for this channel.

Adding Soft Buttons to a Profile

  • To add soft buttons to a Profile, set the callKeyConfiguration setting to 0. 0 Set as 0 to use soft key for GC and PC. Set as 1 to use hard keys as defined by key codes in XML for Group Call, Private Response


Configuring a Profile with Three Talk Groups

To configure a Profile to have three Talk Groups with individual names:

  • Talk Group 1 = Everyone
  • Talk Group 2 = Apparels
  • Talk Group 3 = Household

Set the following



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