EarthQuaker Devices Spatial Delivery Envelope Filter with Sample And Hold User Manual

June 1, 2024
EarthQuaker Devices


Spatial Delivery Envelope Filter with Sample And Hold


  • Product: Spatial Delivery Envelope Filter with Sample & Hold
  • Origin: Handmade in Akron, Ohio, USA
  • Modes: Upward sweep, downward sweep, sample and hold
  • Filters : High pass, low pass, band pass
  • Preset Slots : 6 available for saving and recalling settings

Product Usage Instructions

Selection mode:

Toggle between upward sweep, downward sweep, or sample and hold modes using the MODE switch.

Envelope Sensitivity Adjustment:

RANGE controls the sensitivity of the envelope in Up and Down modes. In Sample & Hold mode, it adjusts the speed.

Filter Control:

Use the FILTER knob to crossfade between high-pass and low-pass filters, allowing you to blend the filters for different sounds. The center position is bandpass.

Filter Feedback:

Adjust the RESONANCE knob to control the filter feedback, adding more body and ring to the filter voice.

Preset Saving and Recalling:

  1. To save a preset:
  2. Turn the Preset switch to the desired location.
  3. Adjust settings and hold down the Save/Recall switch until LED flashes between green and red.
  4. Your preset is saved.
  5. To recall a preset:
  6. Select the preset with the Preset selector switch.
  7. Hold down footswitch (0.75 sec) or tap the Save/Recall switch to switch between Live and Preset mode.
  8. To edit/overwrite a preset:
  9. In Preset Mode, make desired changes and hold Save/Recall switch until LED flashes between green and red.
  10. The preset is now overwritten.


  • How many preset slots are available on the Spatial Delivery pedal?
    • The pedal has 6 available preset slots for saving and recalling your favorite settings.
  • What does the GREEN color on the Save/Recall switch indicate?
    • The GREEN color indicates LIVE MODE where the pedal operates based on current settings without affecting presets unless saved.

What’s up there, you glorious filter enthusiast? You’re obviously reading this because you already know about this little voltage-controlled envelope filter. You’re smart, well researched, and above all, an outside the box player with a quick wrist and an ear for greasy rhythms. Well, let us show you something that is very spatial to us, to say the least. We proudly present to you the new and improved Spatial Delivery® Envelope Filter!

We took the already cosmic, original Spatial Delivery and added six available preset slots for you to store your preferred settings – whether they be dissonant sweeps, rhythmic auto-wah frequencies, oscillating robot gibberish or honestly whatever filtered frequency fun you want. Even the expression jack assignment can be saved and recalled in any of the slots so that the signature sounds you dial in are readily available with a quick tap of the switch. Save your settings confidently on the go thanks to the two modes indicated by the LED Save/Recall switch. Green means you’re in Live Mode so what you see is what you get; current control settings will be what you hear. Red means you are in

Preset Mode, where your selected pre-saved setting will be what’s taking the journey through your amp. You didn’t think this pedal could get any better, and then, bam! We go and surprise you with this.
And of course, for all of you Spatial Delivery diehards, all the familiar features of the original are still in place. This baby has three modes with the switchable Up Sweep, Down Sweep, and Sample & Hold functions, along with Range,

Resonance and Filter controls. Get some wild filter sweeps with the Up and Down modes and adjust the Range to control the sensitivity and reaction time of the envelope, which alters the width of the frequency sweep. The higher the Range and harder the attack equals a faster reaction time and higher frequency sweep and vice versa. But again, you’re a smart player, you get this stuff.

In the Sample & Hold mode, the filter is controlled by random voltage and the Range controls the speed. The filter can be crossfaded between high pass (counterclockwise), band pass (center) and low pass (clockwise) for a wide variety of voices. The Resonance control goes from zero to the brink of oscillation and adds more body and ring to the filter voice. Due to its envelope control, we recommend placing the Spatial Delivery first in your signal chain, however, experimenting with pairing and signal chain placement can take the potential of the Spatial Delivery even further. How far will you take it? Only time will tell.

Each Spatial Delivery pedal is handmade in Akron, Ohio, USA and is hand delivered … espatially for you.

  • MODE
    • Toggles between upward sweep, downward sweep or sample and hold.
    • Adjusts the sensitivity of the envelope in Up and Down mode. In Sample & Hold mode, this controls the speed.
    • Crossfades between high pass and low pass filters and allows you to get everything in between. High pass is fully counterclockwise, low pass is full clockwise and center is band pass. This is much more useful than a simple switch you would typically find on a multi-mode because it allows you to blend the filters for different sounds!
    • This is the filter feedback control. It adds more body and ring to the filter voice.
    • Six available preset slots for you to save and recall your favorite settings! The settings for each of the three controls, the Mode switch and the expression jack assignment can be saved and recalled in any of the slots.
    • Spatial Delivery has six available preset slots for you to save and recall your favorite settings. The settings for each of the three controls, the Mode switch and the expression jack assignment can be saved and recalled in any of the slots.

Saving a preset

  1. Turn the Preset switch to the desired location you wish to save your preset.
  2. Dial in the settings you want to save. Remember: expression pedal assignment and the selected Mode can also be saved!
  3. Hold the Save/Recall switch down until the LED flashes between green and red and then release.
  4. Your preset is now saved!

Recalling a preset

Select the desired preset you wish to use with the Preset selector switch and do one of the two following actions:

  1. When the pedal is activated and the effect is in use, hold down the footswitch for at least 0.75 seconds, and it will switch from Live Mode to Preset Mode. You can switch between Live and Preset mode on the fly!
  2. Tap the lighted Save/Recall switch. The switch LED will turn from green to red, indicating you are now in preset mode. Tap again and the switch LED will turn from red to green indicating you are in live mode.

Editing/Overwriting a preset

  1. Once in Preset Mode (the lighted Save/Recall switch LED will be red), make the desired changes to any of the controls in the selected preset. The Save/ Recall switch LED will begin to flash red, indicating a change has been made to the stored preset. Any controls that are not changed will remain as previously saved.
  2. Hold the Save/Recall switch down until the LED flashes between green and red and then release.
  3. The Save/Recall switch LED will return to static red and the previous preset has been overwritten.

Helpful preset tips

  • Different EXP assignments can be saved in each preset!
  • Presets can be stored and overwritten when Spatial Delivery is in Live Mode or Preset Mode.
  • To make changes to an existing preset, you must first be in Preset Mode before making the desired changes.
  • There is no undo for preset saving, so make sure you are not overwriting your favorite sound, especially when you are saving presets from Live Mode!


Spatial Delivery has two operating modes which are indicated by the color of the Save/Recall switch.


In Live Mode, the pedal will operate exactly where the controls are set, and any changes will have no effect on the presets unless saved. The Save/Recall switch LED will stay static green.


In Preset Mode, stored presets are selected using the Preset switch, and the physical settings of the controls will be ignored. The Save/Recall switch LED will stay static red.



Use any TRS expression pedal to take control over the Range, Resonance or Filter controls! Spatial Delivery ships with the EXP jack mapped to the Resonance.

Follow these steps to reassign the EXP functionality

  1. Insert the expression pedal TRS plug into the EXP jack.
  2. Place the expression pedal in the toe down position.
  3. Turn the panel control on the Spatial Delivery that you wish to put under the control of the expression pedal. It doesn’t matter how far or which direction you turn the control.
  4. Put the expression pedal in the heel-down position.
  5. This control is now assigned to the EXP jack and can be used with an expression pedal!

Helpful expression assignment tips

  • If you turn the control that is assigned to the EXP jack while the expression pedal is plugged in, the panel control will override the expression pedal setting. The expression pedal will reassume control the next time it is used.
  • Different EXP assignments can be saved in each preset.
  • You can use Control Voltage with the EXP jack! The CV range is 0 to 3.3v.

TRS expression pedal wiring

Tip ……………………………….. Wiper

Ring ……………………………..+ 3.3V

Sleeve ………………………… Ground


This device features Flexi-Switch Technology! This relay-based, true bypass switching style allows you to simultaneously use momentary and latching-style switching.

  • For standard latching operation: Tap the footswitch once to activate the effect and then tap again to bypass.
  • For momentary operation: With the effect off, hold the footswitch down for as long as you’d like to use the effect. Once you release the switch, the effect will be bypassed.

Since the switching is relay-based, it requires power to pass signal.


Current Draw ……………….. 75 mA

This device takes a standard 9 volt DC power supply with a 2.1mm negative center barrel. We recommend using a pedal-specific, transformer-isolated, wall-wart power supply or a power supply with multiple isolated-outputs. Pedals will make extra noise if there is ripple or unclean power. Switching- type power supplies, daisy chains and non-pedal specific power supplies do not always filter dirty power and may result in unwanted noise.



  • Input Impedance ………….500 kΩ
  • Output Impedance ………….100 Ω


This device has a limited lifetime warranty. If it breaks, we will fix it. Should you encounter any issues, please visit



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