MarketHype Email Builder User Manual

June 1, 2024

MarketHype Email Builder


Product Information


  • Product Name: MarketHype Email Marketing Guide
  • Produced by: MarketHype Sweden AB
  • Year of Production: 2024
  • Features: Data-driven processes, personalized content, measurement and follow-up

Product Usage Instructions

The MarketHype Email Marketing Guide provides comprehensive information on leveraging email marketing in the event and hospitality industry. It emphasizes the longevity and effectiveness of email as a communication channel.

Email is the Solution
Email is highlighted as a valuable communication tool that offers direct access to your audience. Managing your customer list effectively is crucial to retaining subscribers and maximizing engagement.

Developing a strategic approach to email marketing is essential for success. Focus on personalization, relevance, and precision in your communication. Consider the following steps:

  1. Effect: Define the purpose of your emails – selling, informing, engaging, or educating.
  2. Target Group & Presentation: Tailor your content to meet the needs and preferences of your audience.
  3. Buying Phase: Understand where your recipient stands in their buying journey and tailor your message accordingly.
  4. Channels: Utilize multiple channels in conjunction with email to reach your audience effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • Q: Who is MarketHype Sweden AB?
    A: MarketHype Sweden AB is the producer of the Email Marketing Guide. They specialize in marketing events and experiences, providing valuable insights and utilizing technology to enhance sales.

  • Q: Why is email marketing still relevant?
    A: Email marketing remains relevant due to its direct access to customers, lack of dependency on social media algorithms, and high user engagement rates.

About MarketHype
This guide was produced in 2024 by MarketHype Sweden AB.
MarketHype is your system for marketing your events and experiences. We efficiently correlate your customer data, provide valuable insights and use the latest technology to quickly increase your sales. All data is saved in a secure cloud solution, with built-in functions for proper GDPR management.


Email – as relevant now as it was in 1971.

  • Did you know that 94 percent of the Swedish population uses the internet? Well, of course it is, and perhaps that figure is not very surprising. But did you know that 97 percent of all internet users use – by checking, reading or writing – emails?
  • Email is the old lady that has been around since 1971. The fact that the channel is still highly topical, more than 50 years later, is fascinating. 97 percent of internet users use this resource, and email is one of the few communication channels that you have control over. You don’t have to consider any social media algorithms, and the customers and subscribers have actively agreed to receive your messages.
  • For many, email marketing is old fashioned. But, in a society in which the number of digital channels is only increasing, and their recipients increasingly overwhelmed, it is incredibly important to use the channel in the right way to retain subscribers. You must stay up to date with strategies, areas of application and best practice. You must also keep track of segments, send relevant content and continuously monitor parameters, such as click-through rates. (No, rushing something together, clicking Send and ignoring the result is not a good strategy!)
  • This guide offers a wealth of knowledge about email as a communication channel. What should your strategy include? Why is it good utilise datadriven processes? And, how do you really maximize your mailings? We will delve into all this and a little more.

Email is the solution

Email – your only self-owned channel.

  • Perhaps you want to contradict us when we write ”your only self-owned channel”? Your company has accounts on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok – but do you really own those channels? Are they self-owned? Both yes and no. You are, of course, the sole owner of the account, and you choose the content posted on the various social channels, but you are not the one who controls their existence. What would you do if they were banned or shut down?
  • We do not believe that all social media will disappear, but we still point out that you do not own the channels. However, email is a channel you own. People have consented to you communicating with them. You have your own contact list of customers, guests and visitors who have consented and actually want to hear what you have to say. In addition, the contacts are ”free”. They are easy to attract and you can prioritise them, provide discounts and exclusive offers to make them stay even longer. It’s your – and only your – very own list.
  • In short, email is your own channel. And the contacts are yours as long as you manage the customer list well. So you must do everything in your power to prevent them from clicking Unsubscribe, and for that you need to have a clear strategy, keep your communication relevant and keep track of things like tonality and AOR (Average Open Rate).MarketHype-Email-Builder- \(1\)


Grow your audience with the right strategy.
If we were forced to choose just one piece of advice, it would be to not send everything to everyone. You must be relevant, personal and precise in your communication, and get to the point quickly. Which is exactly what we’re going to do now.

Strategy in 4 steps:

  1. Effect
    What do you want to achieve with your mailing? Should they be selling, informative, engaging or educational? Or should they only be to build brand and relationships?

  2. Target group & presentation
    Who wants, or should want, to listen to what you have to say? What do your customers want to hear? Think from the outside in, and present the email content as the customer wants.

  3. Buying phase
    In which buying phase is the customer you wish to talk to? Has the person just become a customer of yours? Is the visitor a regular or are you talking to a newsletter subscriber who has never bought anything before? Does the recipient need to be encouraged to make a decision? You must keep track of the recipient’s intention and buying phase.

  4. Channels
    Which channels should you use to achieve the desired effect? Email is a very good channel, but it must be used together with other channels, such as Instagram, SMS and TikTok. Through simultaneous channel visibility, make sure to tap the customers and potential buyers in several different places.

Data-driven processes in 3 steps

How can data-driven processes help you?
When life feels toughest and you don’t know who your customers are, what they like and what buying phase they are in, there is help available. This help is spelled data-driven. Working in a data-driven manner – making decisions based on data rather than gut feeling – affords you many valuable customer insights for your marketing and email creation.

This is how to use data-driven processes:

  1. Collect data
    Step 1 is to listen to visitors and collect customer data. Examples of data sources are transaction data, information relating to purchasing behaviour and website statistics. You can also check data from your ticketing or booking system and statistics from social media. Remember that you don’t have to collect all of the data at once. It’s about getting started. Start simple!

  2. Visualize, analyze and segment
    You’ve collected the data, so now it’s time to analyze it. In order for the analysis to run as smoothly as possible, you should first visualize the data through graphs, tables and diagrams, using different colours and shapes. Make it so simple that your grandma would understand it. Who buys annual passes? Who buys close to the date? Where do the customers live and how old are they?
    In the same phase, take the opportunity to segment and organise your customers into clusters. Do this to identify who to talk to, in which channel and with which frequency. How many segments should you create? Once again: start simple. Create them on the basis of interests, demographics or buying behaviours, and develop them later.

  3. Utilise the data
    The time has come to utilise your data. The most important thing is that you don’t send everything to everyone – we know you’re smarter than that! Send the rocker information about hard rock concerts and send the opera fan discounts on opera performances. Not the other way around. Consider who you want to talk to, the messaging you want to convey and what you want the recipient to do after reading the mailing. Consult the checklist in the next chapter before you send your email.

Checklist for creating emails

Sharpen your pencil & get into the details!

9 questions to ask before sending your emails:

  • Who will read the email?
    Is it a new customer or a regular? Is it someone who opened your previous emails or someone who never opened your emails? You need to be clear about who your recipient is.

  • What is the purpose of the mailing?
    Is it to sell, inform or build stronger customer relationships?

  • Does the subject line tickle your fancy?
    Will the recipient be wary of opening the email?

  • Is the content relevant?
    If it’s not relevant and you repeatedly send emails that lack interesting content, the recipient will not want to open your mailings. Both the content and the tonality must be adapted to the recipient.

  • Is the email visually appealing?
    One tip is to use animated material, as it attracts the eye. Since you are selling an experience – an expectation and perception of something and not a physical product, which is bought at one point in time but consumed later – you can advantageously use a video that explains your offer in a little more detail.

  • Are your your emails straightforward?
    The days of fluffy emails are past. You must be clear, come to the point and promptly tell the customer what you want them to do. Keep it simple and get to the point.

  • Are all of the links working?
    This is a housekeeping issue – review all links in your mailing to ensure they work as intended.

  • Is the email mobile friendly?
    Don’t forget mobile phones. Most people open their emails on the fly on their mobile phones.

  • Final cheque: Send yourself a test email.
    Have you read through everything one last time? Have you corrected any typos? Have you double-checked buttons, subject lines and preview texts, and ensured that the images are where they should be? Have you selected the correct recipient list?

Well done! Shake off your nervousness and click Send.

The experience industry enjoys very good relationships and commitment among customers. Customers may be football fans that are very excited about the next game. Customers may have a particular interest in music and long to see their favourite artist. Or they really enjoy life and are just waiting for the right spa offer. In other words, it is easier to stand out from the noise in an industry with high customer expectations. Make sure to capitalize on these expectations and keep customers interested through relevant content.

Personalized content

Create personalized content that really grips the recipient.

How do you create personalized content? Personalization in the world of email is a very good thing. Especially if you want to increase customer engagement, attract attention, create better customer relationships and sell more. You wouldn’t say no to that, would you?

Here are some tips on creating more personalized content:

  • Use merge tags to pick up the recipients’ names.
  • Send a personal video greeting from an actor, sports profile or artist.
  • Provide recommendations and offes based on the customer’s purchase history. This shows thoughtfulness, that you are in control and that the customer can trust you.
  • Send a Spotify list to put the customer in the right mood.
  • Use emojis to hook the selected target group.
  • Engage the customer in their specific interests. You might ask the customer to provide their interpretation of their favourite artist before the tour starts? Or why not offer something for free?
  • Delevop a competition for a specific segment. For example, you can offer merch, gift cards or signed shirts in the prize pool.

Measurement and follow-up

What’s a good Open Rate?
Only you know the answer to that question. And if you don’t know, it’s time to start tracking and assessing your mailings. Because here’s the thing. As your business is unique and the experiences you sell are different from your competitors, you shouldn’t compare Open Rates and Click Rates to others. You can find an average figure, but only you can find out how good your mailings are.

Success recipe for optimized AOR & CTR:

You need:

  • X previous mailings (you choose the number, but aim for at least 10-15)
  • One Excel sheet, Google Sheet, Notion page or similar
  • A pinch of analytical skills


  1. Start by opening the email tool(s) you use.
  2. Create a new Excel sheet and add column headings, such as date and time of mailing, Open Rate and Subject Line.
  3. Extract figures such as Open Rates, Click Rates and Unsubscriptions for the number of mailings you selected.
  4. Add the information from steps 2 and 3 in your Excel sheet.
  5. Compare the results from the various mailings, and highlight the mailings that worked particularly well and those that did less well.
  6. Harness your analytical abilities. Consider why some newsletters did well while others did less well. Are there any patterns related to timing, subject line or content?
  7. Tweak the parts you wish to change. Can you try something new? Make your mailings more personalized? Add an extra emoji to the preview text?
  8. Create new mailings. Monitor the statistics. Compare with your previous mailings.

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About MarketHype

Creative email tool, updated customer lists and smart statistics.

Of course we want to practice what we teach. We also want you to spend less time on unnecessary tasks, understand your customers better and make more money.

MarketHype provides:

  • An easy-to-use email tool with ready-made templates, Canva integration and statistics.
  • Direct connection to your customer and purchase data – that is updated automatically.
  • Powerful filtering for targeted communication.
  • A whole new depth in behaviour and oucome monitoring.
  • Intelligent automations that build personalized guest journeys and save lots of time.

”Because the email tool and all the ticket buyers are in the same system, we no longer have to import and export contact lists – the data is already there! The filter function also makes it easy to filter out the genres and age groups we want to talk to.”
– Mattias Ezra, Uppsala Konsert & Kongress

Want to learn more?
We are passionate about the marketing of the experience industry and want to help you maximize the impact of your marketing efforts.
Read more and contact us on our website:


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