CANDO 720014-015 Exercise Band Loop User Manual

June 3, 2024

CANDO 720014-015 Exercise Band Loop

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Exercise Manual
Note: Before performing any of these exercises, read the exercise tips on the back of this manual


Arm Push
  • Step 1. Assume a staggered-step posture.
  • Step 2. Place a 15” band loop around upper back and grasp other end of loop in hands.
  • Step 3. Extend arms forward, keeping back straight. Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Shoulder Spread
  • Step 1. Place the ends of a 15” band loop around both hands.
  • Step 2. Keeping your elbows straight, slightly spread outward with your arms in opposite directions.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Double Shoulder Rotation
  • Step 1. Grasp the ends of a 15” band loop in both hands in front of you with elbows bent at your side.
  • Step 2. Extend both arms outward, keeping your elbows by your side and forearms parallel to the ground.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Single Shoulder Rotation

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  • Step 1. Hold one end of a 15” band loop in your hand in front of you with elbows bent at your side.
  • Step 2. Grasp the other end and extend outward, keeping your elbow by your side and forearm parallel to the ground.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Lat Pull Down
  • Step 1. Begin by grasping a 15” band loop around each hand above your head.
  • Step 2. Pull down and push out at the same time, bringing the band behind your head.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Shoulder Retraction
  • Step 1. Grasp both ends of a 15” band loop in your hands.
  • Step 2. Pull the ends of the band loop apart by pinching / squeezing your shoulder blades. The workload should only be carried by your shoulders in this workout, not your arms.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Bent-Over Pull
  • Step 1. Begin with one end of a 15” band loop underneath your foot.
  • Step 2. Stagger your feet and bend slightly forward at the hips.
  • Step 3. Pull the other end of the band upward, bending your elbow and pulling your shoulder back.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Wrist Pull

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  • Step 1. From a seated position place one end of the loop under your foot.
  • Step 2. Grasp the other end in your hand (palm down) by your side.
  • Step 3. Slowly bend your wrist backward.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Wrist Stretch (Flexion)

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  • Step 1. From a seated position place one end of the loop under your foot.
  • Step 2. Grasp the other end in your hand with your palm up and forearm resting on your thigh.
  • Step 3. Slowly bend your wrist upward.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Wrist Extension
  • Step 1. From a seated position place one end of the loop under your foot.
  • Step 2. Grasp the other end in your hand with your palm down and forearm resting on your thigh.
  • Step 3. Slowly bend your wrist upward.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Wrist Bends
  • Step 1. From a seated position place one end of the loop under your foot.
  • Step 2. Grasp the other end in your hand with your thumb upward and forearm resting on your thigh.
  • Step 3. Slowly bend your wrist upward.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Wrist Rotation

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  • Step 1. From a seated position place one end of the loop under your foot.
  • Step 2. Grasp the other end in your hand with your palm down and forearm resting on your thigh.
  • Step 3. Slowly rotate your wrist upward against the band. Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Vertical Shoulder Rotation on Balance Board
  • Step 1. Stand on a balance board.
  • Step 2. Place both ends of a 10” or 15” band loop around your hands.
  • Step 3. Place your arms in front of you.
  • Step 4. Keep your elbows straight as you pull one end of the band up and the other end down.
  • Step 5. Hold and slowly return.
Double Shoulder Rotation on Balance Board
  • Step 1. Stand on a balance board.
  • Step 2. Place both ends of a 10” or 15” band loop around your hands.
  • Step 3. Place your arms straight in front of you.
  • Step 4. Keep your elbows straight as you spread your arms out in opposite directions.
  • Step 5. Hold and slowly return.
Shoulder Spread on Balance Board

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  • Step 1. Stand on a balance board.
  • Step 2. Place both ends of a 10” or 15” band loop around your hands and let your arms hand down.
  • Step 3. Keep your elbows straight as you spread your arms out in opposite directions.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.


Ankle Walk

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  • Step 1. Place 10” band loop above your ankles. Step 2. Walk slowly as you normally would.
Knee Walk (Forward / Backward)

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  • Step 1. Begin with 10” band loop around knees.
  • Step 2. Walk slowly forward as you would normally.
  • Step 3. Stop, then carefully walk backward.
Thigh Walk

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  • Step 1. Begin with 15” band loop wrapped around your thighs, above the knees.
  • Step 2. Slightly bend your hips and knees.
  • Step 3. Keep your back straight as you walk slowly forward.
Side Step
  • Step 1. Place 10” or 15” band loop around your ankles.
  • Step 2. While standing on one leg, step out with the exercising leg.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Back Step
  • Step 1. Place 10” or 15” band loop around your ankles.
  • Step 2. While standing on one leg, step back and out to the side with the exercising leg.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Standing Sideways Hip Extension
  • Step 1. Stand with 15” band loop around ankles. Extend leg outward to your side while keeping knee and back straight.
  • Step 2. Use support as needed.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Step Up

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  • Step 1. Begin with 15” band loop wrapped around your thighs, above the knees.
  • Step 2. Keep your back straight as you step upward against the band. (If you cannot keep balance, use a stepper for support.)
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.

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  • Step 1. Begin with 15” band loop wrapped around your thighs, above the knees.
  • Step 2. Slightly bend your hips and knees into an athletic position.
  • Step 3. Keep your back straight as you step forward and out at an angle.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Loop Squat
  • Step 1. Stand with 10” or 15” band loop around thighs, just above the knees.
  • Step 2. Keep feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Step 3. Slightly bend the hips forward, keeping back straight and bending knees to about 45 degrees.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Squat and Extend
  • Step 1. Stand with 10” band loop around thighs, just above the knees.
  • Step 2. Bend one knee to about 45 degrees while at the same time extending the other leg forward with your foot off the ground, using support as needed.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Straight Leg Raise
  • Step 1. Laying down flat, place a 10” band loop around both ankles.
  • Step 2. Keep one leg on the ground as you lift the other between 1 and 2 feet off the ground. Step 3. Keep your knees straight.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Side Leg Extension

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  • Step 1. Lay on your side with one end of 15” or 30” band loop wrapped around your top foot.
  • Step 2. Stabilize the other end in your top hand on the mat.
  • Step 3. Begin with your knees bent.
  • Step 4. Lift and extend your top leg.
  • Step 5. Hold and slowly return.
Kneeling Leg Extension

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  • Step 1. Begin in kneeling position on elbows and knees.
  • Step 2. With one end of 30” loop around your foot, hold the other end with your hands on the floor.
  • Step 3. Extend leg backward, keeping your back straight.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Ankle Rotation
  • Step 1. While seated, place 10” band loop around the outside of each foot.
  • Step 2. Stabilize one end of the loop with one foot.
  • Step 3. Lift and point your foot outward, keeping your heel on the ground.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Toe Lift

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  • Step 1. While seated place a 15” band loop around the bottom of your foot and around the top of your thigh.
  • Step 2. Hold one end of the band on your thigh, and the other end under your toes.
  • Step 3. Lift your leg a few inches off the ground and point your toes down.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Sitting Ankle Lift

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  • Step 1. Sit with one foot crossed on opposite knee.
  • Step 2. Place one end of 15” band loop on floor under your foot while placing other end around crossed foot.
  • Step 3. Lift foot and rotate ankle upward against band.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Ankle Inversion

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  • Step 1. Sit with your legs extended and crossed.
  • Step 2. Place 15” band loop around the bottom foot. Bring the loop under the other foot, grasping the end at waist level.
  • Step 3. Rotate your foot sideways against the band.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Ankle Pull

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  • Step 1. With legs straight, place 15” or 30” band loop around the foot.
  • Step 2. Bring the loop around the bottom of the opposite foot, grasping the end at waist level.
  • Step 3. Pull your foot upward against the band.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Ankle Extension

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  • Step 1. Place 15” or 30” band loop around your foot. Bend your other knee and grasp the other end of the band at waist level.
  • Step 2. Point your toes forward.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Hamstring Curl
  • Step 1. Lay on your stomach with one end of a 15” band loop around your foot and the other end around the ankle of the other foot.
  • Step 2. Keep the bottom foot on the mat as you bend your knee up.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Hamstring Stretch

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  • Step 1. Lay on your back with one end of a 30” band loop around the foot and hold the other end in your hands.
  • Step 2. Lift your leg upward, stretching your hamstrings.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Standing Hamstring Curl

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  • Step 1. Place one end of a 10” band loop under the foot.
  • Step 2. Place the other end around your ankle.
  • Step 3. Keeping your back straight, bend your knee, pulling your foot up.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Knee Curl
  • Step 1. Lay flat on your stomach with one end of a 15” band loop around the ankle and hold the other end with your hands.
  • Step 2. Bend your leg toward your head.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Knee Extension

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  • Step 1. Lay back on your elbows with one end of the 10” band loop secured under foot with knee bent.
  • Step 2. Place other end of band around opposite ankle.
  • Step 3. Slowly extend knee, lifting foot toward ceiling.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Kneeling Hip Extension

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  • Step 1. Begin in a kneeling position on elbows and knees.
  • Step 2. Place one end of the 10” band loop under one leg and the other end around your knee.
  • Step 3. Keeping your back straight, lift your leg toward the ceiling.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Side Hip Lift

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  • Step 1. Lay on your side and wrap 10” or 15” band loop around the ankles.
  • Step 2. Keep knees together while lifting top ankle upward.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Standing Hip Extension
  • Step 1. Stand with 15” band loop around ankles. Extend leg forward while keeping knee and back straight.
  • Step 2. Use support if needed. Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Hip Extension on Exercise Ball

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  • Step 1. Lay on an exercise ball.
  • Step 2. Place the ends of the 10” band loop around your ankles.
  • Step 3. Keep one foot on the floor while lifting your leg.
  • Step 4. Keep your knees and back straight.
  • Step 5. Hold and slowly return.
Backward Hip Extension

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  • Step 1. Stand with 15” band loop around ankles. Extend leg backward while keeping knee straight.
  • Step 2. Use support as needed to maintain an upright trunk.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Flat Hip Extension

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  • Step 1. Lay on your stomach with both ends of a 15” band loop around your ankles.
  • Step 2. Keep one foot on the mat as you lift your leg upward toward the ceiling.
  • Step 3. Keep your knees straight.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Hip Extension on Balance Board

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  • Step 1. Stand on a balance board with 15” loop around ankles.
  • Step 2. Extend your leg outward while keeping your knee and back straight.
  • Step 3. Use support as needed.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Side Knee Lift

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  • Step 1. Lay on your side with a 15” band loop around knees. Slightly bend knees.
  • Step 2. Push the bottom knee into the mat while lifting the top leg.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Side Ankle Lift

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  • Step 1. Lay on your side with a 15” band loop around ankles.
  • Step 2. Lift leg upward, keeping the knee straight. Be sure leg is in line with trunk; don’t lift in front of body.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Back Knee Spread

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  • Step 1. Lay with a 15” band loop around your bended knees.
  • Step 2. Push knees outward, keeping feet together.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.


Crossover Abdominal Crunch

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  • Step 1. Lay on back and bend your knees with 15” band loop around your upper back, holding the ends in each hand.
  • Step 2. With one arm flat, lift your head and other shoulder off ground, reaching and crossing your arm over.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Forward Abdominal Crunch

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  • Step 1. Lay on back and bend your knees with 15” band loop around your upper back, holding the ends in each hand
  • .Step 2. Lift your head and shoulders off ground reaching forward.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Bridge Knee Lift

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  • Step 1. Place 15” band loop around your knees.
  • Step 2. Assume the bridge position with feet flat and rear raised up off floor.
  • Step 3. While keeping your back straight, lift one knee towards your head.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Side Bend

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  • Step 1. Stand with one end of a 15” band loop secured under your foot.
  • Step 2. Grasp other end of band at your waist.
  • Step 3. Bend your trunk away from the band, keeping your elbow straight.
  • Step 4. Hold and slowly return.
Back Extension

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  • Step 1. Sit on floor with knees straight and one end of a 15” band loop wrapped around both feet. Grasp the other end of the loop at chest level.
  • Step 2. Keeping your back straight and upright, lean backward away from your feet. Don’t arch your back.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
Bridge Hip Lift

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  • Step 1. Place a 15” band loop around knees with feet shoulder width apart.
  • Step 2. Lift rear off mat while pushing knees outward.
  • Step 3. Hold and slowly return.
  • Made from high quality latex band pre-formed into a loop
  • Use to perform upper, lower and full body exercises
  • Available in 3 lengths and 8 color-coded resistance levels
  • Full Body Set contains 10”, 15” and 30” exercisers for total body workout
                                             each         set
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  • Use discretion when choosing band loop size and/or resistance for the exercises mentioned.
  • The exercise tips are guidelines. They do not replace any instructions or directions given by your clinician.
  • CAUTION: This product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions.
  • Examine loops before each use and discard if nicks or tears are present.
  • As with any exercise program, muscle soreness may be experienced after initial usage over the first few days. If muscle soreness persists for more than a few days, consult your clinician.
  • Do not exercise while experiencing pain.
  • For beginners, practice exercises without the band loop until you are comfortable with the movements. Then begin exercises with this product.
  • Proper body stance is critical while practicing standing exercises. Square your balance at all times. Be sure to practice the safest posture possible by maintaining your natural spinal position.
  • Avoid hyper-extending or over-flexing joints while exercising. Do not lock-up joints.
  • Control your breathing while practicing exercises. Never hold your breath while exercising. Exhale during the more difficult phase of your exercise repetition.
  • Use the exerciser to practice slow and controlled exercises. Always maintain control of your exerciser. Never allow the exerciser to snap back.
  • Only perform exercises with the color/resistance level prescribed to you by your clinician. If the color/resistance level is too easy to use, consult your clinician prior to advancing to the next color/resistance level.
  • Don’t over-exercise. Take a break between sets.

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