Homedics BPW-O300A Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor Instruction Manual

June 2, 2024

Homedics BPW-O300A Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor



  • Product: Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor
  • Model: BPW-O300A
  • Document Number: L-04437, Rev.1

Product Information

The wrist blood pressure monitor is designed to accurately measure blood pressure levels. It includes features such as a storage case, LCD display, user select button, date/time set buttons, wrist cuff, and various indicators to provide comprehensive readings.

Product Usage Instructions

Battery Installation:
To install or replace batteries:

  1. Slide the battery cover to open.
  2. Install 2 AAA alkaline batteries ensuring the polarity is correct.
  3. Close the battery cover by sliding it back into place.

Date and Time Set:
To set the date and time:

  1. Press the DATE/TIME SET button to start setting.
  2. Adjust the settings for hour, minute, month, day, and year using the buttons provided.
  3. Press the DATE/TIME SET button to confirm each setting.

Measurement Error:
If there is a measurement error, adjust the cuff and ensure your wrist is steady during measurement. If the 3D calibration value is off, reposition your wrist using the positioning sensor and remeasure.

Risk Category Index:
The risk category index provides information on blood pressure levels and irregular heartbeat detection. Seek medical advice if irregular heartbeat symbols appear frequently.


What should I do if the low battery symbol appears?
When the low battery symbol appears, replace the batteries with new ones to ensure accurate readings.


When using your blood pressure monitor, basic precautions should always be followed. Please read and follow all instructions and warnings before using this product. Save these instructions for future reference.

  • Please note that this is a home healthcare product only and it is not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a physician or medical professional.
  • This device uses oscillemetric method to measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as heart rate.
  • DO NOT use this device for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or disease. Measurement results are for reference only. Consult a healthcare professional for interpretation of pressure measurements. Contact your physician if you have or suspect any medical problem. Do not change your medications without the advice of your physician or healthcare professional.
  • This product is not suitable for people with arrhythmias. This device may have difficulty determining the proper blood pressure for pregnant women, and for users with irregular heartbeat, diabetes, poor circulation of blood, kidney problems, or for users who have suffered a stroke.
  • For those who have undergone mastectomy or lymph nodectomy surgery, it is recommended to take a measurement on the unaffected side.
  • Not suitable for those undergoing intravenous injection on any limb or women with pre-eclampsia.
  • Excessive use may result in blood flow interference, which is likely to cause uncomfortable sensations, such as partial subcutaneous hemorrhage, or temporary numbness to your wrist. In general, these symptoms should not last long. However, if you do not recover in time, please seek advice from a medical professional.
  • The pulse display is not suitable for checking the frequency of heart pacemakers.
  • Electromagnetic interference: The device contains sensitive electronic components. Avoid strong electrical or electromagnetic fields in the direct vicinity of the device (e.g., mobile telephones, microwave ovens). These may lead to temporary impairment of measurement accuracy.
  • When used among medical electronic equipment on the same limb, pressurization of the cuff may cause the other devices to temporarily malfunction.
  • Please use this device indoors only, in a home healthcare environment.
  • Use blood pressure monitor only for its intended use.
  • DO NOT wrap the cuff around body parts other than your wrist.
  • Not for use by or on persons under the age of 18.
  • DO NOT use this device on infants, children, or those who cannot express their own intention.
  • Please use only the 1.5V AAA alkaline batteries for power supply. Blood pressure measurements determined with this device are equivalent to those obtained by a trained observer using the cuff/stethoscope auscultatory method within the accuracy limits prescribed by the American National Standard for manual, electronic, or automated sphygmomanometers.


  • What is blood pressure?
    Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the artery walls while blood flows through the arteries. The pressure measured when the heart contracts and sends blood out of the heart is systolic (highest) blood pressure. The pressure measured when the heart dilates with blood flowing back into the heart is called diastolic (lowest) blood pressure.

  • Why measure your blood pressure?
    Among today’s various health problems, those associated with high blood pressure are very common. High blood pressure dangerously correlates with cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, blood pressure monitoring isimportant for identifying those at risk.

  • Why do my readings vary?
    Blood pressure is a body parameter that is subject to normal variations throughout the day. A single reading that is different from your and your doctor’s readings are not necessarily inaccurate. The average of several readings, taken under similar conditions, using the same arm, is preferred for accurate blood pressure readings.

  • Why are my readings different than those taken at my doctor’s office?
    Many experience a phenomenon called “White Coat Hypertension” when measured by a doctor. White Coat Hypertension refers to blood pressure that rises above its usual level when measured in a clinical setting, such as a doctor’s office.


The table below contains defined levels for hypertension that are publicly available from the American Heart Association® (AHA 2017).
Users can compare their own blood pressure readings against these defined levels to determine if they may be potentially at increased risk.

Blood Pressure Category| Systolic mm Hg (upper number)|  | Diastolic mm Hg (lower number)
Normal| Less than 120| and| Less than 80
Elevated| 120–129| and| Less than 80
High Blood Pressure (hypertension) Stage 1| 130–139| or| 80–89
High Blood Pressure (hypertension) Stage 2| 140 or Higher| or| 90 or Higher
Hypertension Crisis (consult your doctor immediately)| Higher than 180| and/or| Higher than 120

Blood pressure tends to go up and down, even in people who normally don’t have high readings. If your numbers stay above the “normal” range most of the time, you may be at increased risk and should consult your physician. Although one can easily find where their own blood pressure readings fall on this table, this monitor comes equipped with a Risk Category Index that automatically compares each reading to the defined levels and provides a helpful cue if your reading falls into one of the stages that could potentially indicate an increased risk. See Risk Category Index section for more information on this feature.




  1. Slide the battery cover to open.
  2. Install or replace 2 AAA alkaline batteries in the battery compartment. Make sure the polarities “+” and “-” ends coincide with similar markings inside the compartment.
  3. Close the battery cover by sliding back into place.

Replace the batteries if:

  • The low battery symbol appears on the display.

  • Nothing appears on the display when the power is switched on.

    • Date and time must be reset if batteries are removed or replaced.
    • Replace all batteries at one time (as simultaneous set). Use only 1.5V “AAA” alkaline batteries. DO NOT mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or rechargeable (cadmium) batteries.
    • When the batteries are removed, the measurement values stored in memory are retained.
    • Remove batteries when unit is not in use for extended periods of time.
    • Clean contacts on battery and in battery compartment with a soft, dry cloth each time you install batteries.
    • Batteries are hazardous waste. DO NOT dispose of them together with household garbage.
    • DO NOT dispose of batteries in fire. Batteries may explode or leak.
    • Recycle or dispose of properly in accordance with local, state, province, and country regulations.


Press the DATE/TIME SET button and the display will show a blinking ON. By default, the wrist positioning guide is ON. To turn it OFF, press the + button. Press the DATE/TIME SET button again and the HOUR will flash on the screen. Press + button to increase to the desired time; press DATE/ TIME SET button to confirm. Repeat steps for MINUTE, MONTH, DAY, and YEAR.





This monitor comes equipped with a Risk Category Index that automatically compares each reading to defined levels established by the American Heart Association® (AHA 2017) as described earlier in this manual, and provides a helpful cue if your reading falls into one of the stages that could potentially indicate increased risk. Please note that the cues provided by this monitor are only intended to assist you in using this table. The table and cues are only provided for convenience to help you understand your non- invasive blood pressure reading as it relates to the AHA 2017 information. They are not a substitute for a medical examination or diagnosis by your physician. It is important for you to consult yourphysician regularly. Your physician will tell you your normal blood pressure range.



  • The appearance of the icon indicates that a pulse irregularity consistent with an irregular heartbeat was detected during measurement. Usually, this is not a cause for concern. However, if the symbol appears often, we recommend you seek medical advice. Please note that the device does not replace a cardiac examination, but serves to detect pulse irregularities at an early stage.
  • Movement, shaking, or talking during the measurement can result in pulse irregularities that may cause the appearance of this icon. Therefore, it is of great importance to not move or talk during measurement.
  • To determine the presence of an irregular heartbeat, the average of the heartbeat intervals is calculated with the first 3 normal effective heartbeat values. It is important to note that the average is not a strict mathematical averaging of all recorded intervals. At least 3 beats with 25% or greater difference from the average heartbeat interval will generate the icon on the screen.


  1. Wrap the pressure cuff snugly around the bare wrist with the monitor facing you. The hook and loop strap should be fastened securely around your wrist to ensure and accurate measurement. Do not make it too tight.
  2. Leave approximately 0.4” between the cuff and bottom of your palm.
  • When using wrist blood pressure monitors, it is important to take the measurement while relaxing with your wrist at heart level. This will help ensure an accurate reading will be taken. Because it is difficult to find the ideal location for a wrist measurement, we have included an optional Wrist Positioning Sensor that will assist in directing your wrist to the ideal location for a blood pressure measurement.
  • After you press the START/STOP button, the display will illuminate with different icons that are designed to help you move your wrist. Once the ideal location is found, the Pulse Symbol will flash and measurement will begin.


  • If and the EE symbol appear on the screen, an error has occurred with your reading. Reposition your wrist using the Wrist Positioning Sensor and remeasure.
    NOTE: Even if the monitor is not in the ideal position after 10 seconds, the measurement will still begin. If this occurs, the wrist symbol will appear and will be stored in the memory with the measurement.



  • Wait 30 minutes after exercising, bathing, eating, drinking anything with alcohol or caffeine, or smoking before using the blood pressure monitor.
  • Sit quietly and rest for 15 minutes before each reading.
  • Empty your bladder, as a full one can temporarily raise blood pressure.
  • Take your blood pressure at normal body temperature.


  • DO NOT talk or move your arm or hand muscles.
  • DO NOT cross your legs. Sit with feet flat on the floor.
  • DO NOT touch cuff or monitor during measurement.
  • Position the blood pressure monitor on your wrist.
  • Place your elbow on the table and rest the back of your hand on the device storage case or other object.
  • Rest your wrist on the armrest until it’s at the same height as your heart.
  • Relax your hand and turn your palm upward.
  • DO NOT use this device if your wrist has any wound or injury.
  • Once the measurement has started, keep your wrist steady until the measurement is complete.
  1. Press START/STOP button to turn the monitor ON.
  2. Press USER button to choose User 1 or 2.


  1. With the cuff wrapped around your wrist, press the START/STOP button. Do not inflate the cuff unless it is wrapped around your wrist. If your wrist is not in the ideal position, the screen will suggest moving your wrist up or down, or rotating to the left or right. NOTE: Even if the monitor is not in the ideal position after 10 seconds, the measurement will still begin. If this occurs, the wrist symbol will appear and be stored in the memory with the other measurement. When the Wrist Positioning Guide function is turned OFF, this instruction will not appear.
  2. All digits will light up to check the display function. The checking procedure will be competed after about 1.5 seconds.


  1. After all symbols disappear, the display will show “00”. The monitor is “Ready to Measure” and will automatically inflate the cuff to begin measurement.
  2. When the measurement is completed, the cuff will deflate entirely. Systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and pulse will be shown simultaneously on the LCD screen. The measurement is then automatically stored into memory. NOTE: This monitor automatically turns off approximately 1 minute after last operation. You may also press the START/STOP button to turn the unit off. To interrupt the measurement, you may press the START/STOP button. The cuff will deflate immediately after a button is pressed.


This monitor can be used by 2 individuals. Each user can store up to 60 measurements.

  1. Press + button to select User 1 or 2.
  2. Press MEM button to access the Memory.


  1. If there is no data stored in memory, nothing (except for month, date, and time) will appear on the display. If there is data stored, the first reading will be the average of the last 3 measurements.

  2. Every new press of the MEM button will recall a previous reading. The latest reading will be recalled first.

  3. To stop recalling readings from memory, press the START/STOP button.


  1. Press USER button to select User 1 or 2.
  2. Press MEM button to access the Memory.
  3. Press and hold the DATE/TIME SET buttons ( +) at the same time while in memory recall mode, and the data for the selected user will be erased automatically.
    Note: Once deleted, your readings cannot be restored.



  • Clean the blood pressure monitor body and cuff carefully with a slightly damp, soft cloth. Do not press. Do not wash cuff or use chemical cleaner on it. Never use thinner, alcohol, or petrol (gasoline) as cleaner.
  • Leaky batteries can damage the unit. Remove the batteries when the unit will not be used for a long time.
  • Follow local ordinances and recycling instructions regarding disposal or recycling of the device and device components, including batteries.
  • If the unit is stored near freezing, allow it to acclimate to room temperature before use.
  • This blood pressure monitor is not field-serviceable. You should not use any tool to open the device nor should you attempt to adjust anything inside the device. If you have any problems with this device, please contact Homedics Consumer Relations (contact information can be found on the Warranty page).
  • DO NOT immerse the unit in water as this will result in damage to the unit.
  • DO NOT subject the monitor or cuff to extreme temperatures, humidity, moisture, or direct sunlight. Protect from dust.
  • DO NOT fold the cuff and tubing tightly.
  • DO NOT disassemble the monitor or cuff. If in need of repair, refer to the Warranty section of this manual.
  • DO NOT subject the monitor to extreme shocks (do not drop on floor).
  • DO NOT inflate the cuff unless wrapped around wrist.
  • DO NOT wrap the cuff around body parts other than your wrist.
  • DO NOT drop or insert any object into any opening or hose.
  • Always store the unit in the storage case between uses.
  • This monitor may not meet its performance specifications if stored outside these temperature and humidity ranges:

Storage/Transportation Environment

  • Temperature: -13°F ~ 158°F (-25°C ~ 70°C)
  • Humidity: less than 93% RH

Operating Environment

  • Temperature: 41°F ~ 104°F (5°C ~ 40°C)
  • Humidity: 15% ~ 93% RH


If any abnormality arises during use, please check the following points.

Unit does not turn on when the START/ STOP button is pushed. Batteries
have run down. Replace them with 2 new AAA alkaline batteries.
Battery polarities (+/ -) have been positioned incorrectly. Re-insert the

batteries in the correct positions.
EE measurement error symbol shown on display or the blood pressure value is displayed excessively low (or high).| The wrist cuff has been positioned on the arm incorrectly.| Re-wrap the cuff properly so that it is positioned correctly. Take new measurement.
Did you talk or move during measurement?| Keep arm steady during measurement. Measure again. Refer to “Measurement Procedure” instructions.
Shaking of the arm with the cuff on.
E1 error symbol shown on display.| Air circuit abnormality. Cuff tube may not be plugged into monitor correctly.| Check cuff connection. Take new measurement. See “Using the Wrist Cuff” section.
E2 error symbol shown on display.| Inflation pressure exceeding 300 mmHg.| Switch the unit off and then turn back on. Take new measurement.
E3 error symbol shown on display.| Error determining measurement data.| Re- wrap the cuff properly so that it is positioned

correctly. Take new


EP error symbol show on display.| System error.| Remove batteries. After 1 minute, re-insert the batteries. Take new measurement.

Note: If the unit still does not work, contact Homedics Consumer Relations. Under no circumstance should you disassemble or attempt to repair the unit by yourself. Contact information for Homedics Consumer Relations can be found on the Warranty page.


Measurement Method: Oscillometric
Rated Range of Cuff Pressure: 0-300 mmHg
Measurement Range: Pressure: 40~280 millimeters Mercury (mmHg)

Pulse: 40~199 beats/minute

Rated Range of Determination:| 40-280 mmHg
Accuracy:| Pressure: ±3 mmHg

Pulse: +5% Max.

Pressure Sensor:| Semi-conductor
Inflation:| Automatic inflation (air pump)
Deflation:| Automatic air release control valve
Display:| Liquid Crystal Display
Memory:| 120 memory total for 2 users
Unit Dimensions:| 69.0 x 78.0 x 28.4 mm (L x W x H)

2.72 x 3.07 x 1.12 inch (L x W x H)

Unit Weight:| 107 g + 5 g (3.77 oz + 0.17 oz)

(without cuff and batteries)

Cuff Size:| 135 ~ 195 mm (approx. 5.3 ~ 7.7 inch)
Storage/Transportation Environment:| Temperature: -25°C ~ 70°C (-13°F ~ 158°F)

Humidity: < 93% RH

Operation Environment:| Temperature: 5°C ~ 40°C (41°F~104°F) Humidity: 15% ~ 93% RH
Atmospheric pressure:| 700 hPa ~ 1060 hPa
Power Supply:| DC 3 V, AAA “LR03” (1.5 V) alkaline

battery x 2

Battery Life:| Approx. 250 measurements
Product Life:| 5 years (4 times a day)
Sleeping Mode:| Without any operation for 1 minute, device automatically shuts off
Accessories:| Instruction manual, storage case, 2 AAA (LR03) alkaline batteries

| Internally powered equipment Type BF equipment

IP22-degrees of protection provided by enclosures

Not suitable for use in presence of flammable anesthetic mixture with air, oxygen, or nitrous oxide

Continuous operation with short-time


| Follow instructions for use

Note: These specifications are subject to change without notice.

To avoid inaccurate results caused by electromagnetic interference between electrical and electronic equipment, do not use the device near a cell phone or microwave oven. For most wireless communication devices, it is recommended to maintain a distance of 10.8 feet (3.3m) in order to avoid electromagnetic interference.


  • Product Description: Blood Pressure Monitor
  • Model Numbers: BPW-O300, BPW-O300A
  • Trade Name: Homedics
  • FCC Compliance Statement
  • This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
  • U.S. Contact Information
  • Company: Homedics, LLC.
  • Address: 3000 N. Pontiac Trail, Commerce Township, MI 48390 8:30am-7:00pm EST Monday-Friday 1-800-466-3342 Homedics is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user authority to operate the equipment.
  • This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
  • However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
    • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
    • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
    • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
    • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions
The device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environments listed below, and should only be used in such environments:

Emissions test| Compliance| Electromagnetic environment – guidance
RF emissions CISPR 11| Group 1| RF energy is used only to maintain device‘s operation. Therefore, its RF emissions are so low that it’s not likely to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.
RF emissions CISPR 11| Class B
Harmonic emissions IEC 61000-3-2| Not Applicable| The device is suitable for use in all establishments, including domestic establishments, and those directly connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
Voltage fluctuations/flicker emissions IEC 61000-3-3| Not Applicable

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environments listed below, and should only be used in such environments

Immunity test| IEC 60601

test level

| Compliance level| Electromagnetic environment-guidance
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) IEC 61000-4-2| ± 8 kV contact discharge

± 15 kV air discharge

| ± 8 kV contact discharge

± 15 kV air discharge

| In the case of air discharge testing, the climatic conditions shall be within the following ranges:

Ambient Temperature:15°C~35°C Relative Humidity: 30%~60%.

Power| 30 A/m| 30 A/m| Power frequency magnetic fields should
frequency magnetic field| 50 or 60 Hz| 50 or 60 Hz| be at levels characteristic of a typical location in a typical commercial or
IEC 61000-4-8|  |  | hospital environment.

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The device is intended for use in the electromagnetic environments listed below, and should only be used in such environments:

Immunity test| IEC 60601 test level| Compliance level| Electromagnetic environment- guidance
Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6| 3V rms

At 0.15-80 MHz

6V rms

At ISM & Radio Amateur Freq

| Not Applicable| Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the device, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable

to the frequency of the transmitter.

adiated RF IEC 61000-4-3

Proximity fields from RF wireless communications equipment

IEC 61000-4-3

| 10 V/m at

80-2700 MHz

AM Modulation And 9-28V/m at 385-6000MHz,

pulse Mode and other Modulation. The system shall be tested as specified in IEC60601-

1-2 Table 9 for proximity fields from RF wireless communications equipment using the test methods specified in IEC 61000-4-3

| 10 V/m at 80-2700

MHz AM Modulation And 9-28V/m at


Mode and other Modulation. The system shall be tested as specified in IEC60601-1-2 Table

9 for proximity fields from RF wireless communications equipment using the test methods specified in IEC 61000-4-3

| Recommended separation distance Considering to reduce the minimum separation distance, based on RISK MANAGEMENT, and using higher IMMUNITY TEST LEVELS that are appropriate for the reduced minimum separation distance. Minimum separation distances for higher IMMUNITY TEST LEVELS

shall be calculated using the following equation:

E = 6/d where P is the maximum

power in W, d is the minimum separation distance in m, and E is the IMMUNITY TEST LEVELS

in V/m.

 |  |  | Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromagnetic site survey a., should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range b.

Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:

NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by

Test specifications for enclosure port immunity to RF wireless communications equipment. absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.

Test frequency (MHz)| Modulation| IMMUNITY TEST LEVEL (V/m)
385| Pulse modulation 18 Hz a)| 27
450| FM ± 5 kHz deviation 1kHz sine b)| 28

Pulse modulation 217 Hz a)




Pulse modulation 18 Hz a)




Pulse modulation 217 Hz a)



2450| Pulse modulation 217 Hz a)| 28

Pulse modulation 217 Hz a)



NOTE: If necessary to achieve the IMMUNITY TEST LEVEL, the distance between the transmitting antenna and the ME EQUIPMENT or ME SYSTEM may be reduced to 1 m. The 1 m test distance is permitted by IEC 61000-4-3.
a) The carrier shall be modulated using a 50% duty cycle square wave signal.

b) AS an alternative to FM modulation, 50% pulse modulation at 18 Hz may be used because while it does not represent actual modulation, it would be worst case.



  • Homedics sells its products with the intent that they are free of defects in manufacture and workmanship for a period of 5 years from the date of original purchase, except as noted below. Homedics warrants that its products will be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. This blood pressure monitor meets the simulated measurement cycles test requirement per EN1060-3, part 8.10. This warranty extends only to consumers and does not extend to Retailers.
  • To obtain warranty service on your Homedics product, contact a Consumer Relations representative by telephone at 1-800-466-3342 for assistance. Please make sure to have the model number of the product available.
  • Homedics does not authorize anyone, including but not limited to Retailers, the subsequent consumer purchaser of the product from a Retailer, or remote purchasers, to obligate Homedics in any way beyond the terms set forth herein. This warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse or abuse; accident; the attachment of any unauthorized accessory; alteration to the product; improper installation; unauthorized repairs or modifications; improper use of electrical/power supply; loss of power; dropped product; malfunction or damage of an operating part from failure to provide manufacturers recommended maintenance; transportation damage; theft; neglect; vandalism; or environmental conditions; loss of use during the period the product is at a repair facility or otherwise awaiting parts or repair; or any other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control of Homedics.
  • This warranty is effective only if the product is purchased and operated in the country in which the product is purchased. A product that requires modifications or adoption to enable it to operate in any other country than the country for which it was designed, manufactured, approved, and/or authorized, or repair of products damaged by these modifications is not covered under this warranty.
  • This warranty does not extend to the purchase of opened, used, repaired, repackaged, and/or resealed products, including but not limited to sale of such products on internet auction sites and/or sales of such products by surplus or bulk resellers. Any and all warranties or guarantees shall immediately cease and terminate as to any products or parts thereof that are repaired, replaced, altered, or modified, without the prior express and written consent of Homedics.
  • This warranty provides you with specific legal rights. You may have additional rights that may vary from state to state. Because of individual state regulations, some of the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you.

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