SILICON LABS UG575 SiWx917 NCP Manufacturing Utility User Guide

June 2, 2024

SILICON LABS UG575 SiWx917 NCP Manufacturing Utility


Product Information


  • Product Name: SiWx917 NCP Manufacturing Utility
  • Version: 1.0
  • Release Date: February 2024

Product Usage Instructions

Simplicity Commander CLI:

Refer to section 1.1.2 in the user guide for detailed instructions on using the Simplicity Commander CLI.

Baud Rate Configuration in EFR32:

To configure the baud rate in EFR32, follow the steps outlined in section 2 of the user guide.

Flash EFR MCU Firmware to EFR Board:

For flashing EFR MCU firmware to the EFR board, refer to section 2.1 for a step-by-step guide.


Q: How do I add security to TA firmware image files?

A: To add security to TA firmware image files, follow the instructions provided in section 4.3 of the user guide. This includes extracting keys and securing the TA firmware images.

Q: How can I perform calibration using the manufacturing utility?

A: Calibration using the manufacturing utility is covered in section 7 of the user guide. It includes steps for transmission in burst mode and frequency offset correction.

UG575: SiWx917 NCP Manufacturing Utility User Guide
Version 1.0
February 2024

Note: This content may contain offensive terminology that is now obsolete. Silicon Labs is replacing these terms with inclusive language wherever possible. For more information, visit /inclusive-lexicon-project.


SiWN917 (SiWx917 NCP) Network Co-Processor mode: In this configuration the application runs on the external microcontroller unit (MCU) host, and the connectivity stack runs on the SiWx917 chipset. In addition, in adherence to the Trusted Execution Environment architecture, this product allows customers to program the production information into the device under test (DUT), for example, like updating/loading the required Master Boot Record (MBR), Security Keys, Secure TA Firmware Update along with reading data from primary calibration location and write calibration data to flash.

Manufacturing Utility

Manufacturing Utility or Simplicity Commander CLI (Command Line Interface) is used to update the required Master Boot Record (MBR), Enable the Security and Calibration in SiWN917.
This utility is enabled to work with Simplicity Commander through its Command Line Interface (CLI). Simplicity Commander CLI supports multiple commands for the user to program the production information into the device.
Master Boot Record (MBR): Stored in flash and contains information like clock frequencies, offsets of structures like FMC, eFuse copy, SPI configurations, External Flash details, etc. Any SiWx917 NCP that is shipped out of the factory will have a default MBR. Based on the OPN, the user can update it.
Enable the Security: The security fields in MBR, PUF Activation code, Key descriptors, and the Keys are to be programmed in the device while enabling the security features in the device.
Calibration: The CTUNE and gain offset adjustments can be done in burst and continuous mode in the SiWN917 using the manufacturing utility.


Simplicity Commander
Simplicity Commander is a single, all-purpose tool to be used in a production environment. It can be invoked using a simple Command Line Interface (CLI) that is also scriptable.
Simplicity Commander enables users to complete these essential tasks:

  • Flash the application
  • Configure the application
  • Create binaries for production

Simplicity Commander CLI
To execute Simplicity Commander commands, start a Windows command window, and change to the Simplicity Commander directory, or you can also open Commander as described below.

  • Navigate to C:\SiliconLabs\SimplicityStudio\v5\developer\adapter_packs\commander folder.
  • Type ‘cmd’ in the address bar and press Enter key. The Simplicity Commander CLI will be seen. We have taken Windows PC as reference and added the pictures.


Baud Rate Configuration in EFR32

The below steps are required to increase the baud rate of the host MCU (EFR32MG21/EFR32MG24)

  1. Plug in the EFR32 and use the command below to check the IP address.
    Command: commander adapter ip –serialno


  1. After getting the IP address, open “commander GUI”, and enter the IP address in the field provided for “Enter IP Address:” and then go to the console tab in the left menu and click on “admin console.”


  1. Next click on “connect” and send the command “help.”


  1. Next send the command “serial vcom config speed 921600”

Flash EFR MCU Firmware to EFR Board
Below is the Firmware for EFR MCU Firmware.

  • MG21 Board – Mcu-Firmware.bin
  • MG24 Board – wifi_CMFG_Tool_App.bin

Download the MCU firmware based on the requirements and flash it in the EFR32 host MCU.

  1. Open “simplicity commander” by navigating to “Tools”
  2. click on “Select Kit” and then select “Flash” and Browse the .bin file to flash.
  3. Then click on “Flash”


Error Recovery Procedure
If the board goes to reset mode in between sending commands, it means that commander is taking some files backup i.e., MBR, bootdesc, keydesctable, efusecopy, taipmu files.
These backup files can be found at location, “C:/Users/xxxxx/AppData/Local/SiliconLabs/commander/BackupStore/” and the filename format is Macaddress_field_YearMonthDay-HourMinuteSecond.bin


Manufacturing Procedure – Non-Secure Device

MBR loading can be done based on the OPN number: a user can program the MBR by specifying the default option with the OPN number. This will load the factory default MBR. If the users receive a flash-less device or OPNs which have an external flash, MBR loading should not be done based on the OPN number.
MBR is to be loaded from a file given as input in .bin format.
Here is the sequence to follow for programming the devices in which security is disabled.

  • Write TA MBR
  • Write the Calibration data to the TA flash.

Write TA MBR
Below is the Syntax for writing the TA MBR.



  1. Load the default MBR.
    Command: commander manufacturing provision –mbr default -d SiWN917M100LGTBA –serialinterface –skipinit

  2. Load a specific MBR
    Command: commander manufacturing provision –mbr ta_mbr_SiWN917M100LGTBA.bin -d SiWN917M100LGTBA –serialinterface –skipinit

Manufacturing Procedure – Secure Device

To do the production programming of security-enabled parts, we need to update the security key programming in the SiWN917 and then program the MBR by selecting security levels.

The following steps are to be followed for securing your SiWN917 device.

  1. Back-up the original TA and eFuse data/content (Optional)
  2. Security Key Programming
  3. Add Security to TA firmware image files.
  4. Flash the Secured images into flash.

Back up the Original TA and eFuse data/content (Optional)
Recommendation: Back up the original TA and the eFuse data/content before doing any updates. Backing up these is optional.

Field Syntax Example
TA MBR back-up commander manufacturing read –out

< filename.bin> serialinterface –skipinit

| commander manufacturing read tambr –out tambr.bin
eFuse data copy (back-up) – optional| **commander manufacturing read


< filename.bin> serialinterface –skipinit

| commander manufacturing read efusecopy –out efusecopy.bin

Note: If no MBR is present in the device, you will see an error. Refer to the Possible Error Codes section for more information on error codes.

Security Key Programming
This part of manufacturing includes generation of static keys and Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) generated keys and loading them into flash. While programming the static keys, the keys are saved in wrapped format in the flash. There are multiple keys that are generated inside and outside of the device. Refer to Secure Key Management and Protection section for information on keys generated at commander and PUF Intrinsic keys.

The sequence to do security key programming is as follows:

  1. Activation code generation for PUF Block.
  2. Power cycle the device to boot again after step 1.
  3. Generate keys from commander (generates keys at commander).
  4. Intrinsic key generation (PUF generated keys) and loading keys (loads both device-dependent keys and generated keys at commander)

Activation Code Generation for PUF Block

This command is used to generate an activation code from the PUF module present in the SiWN917 device. Once generated, the firmware will burn this activation code into flash.


MBR (filename.bin) files are present at the folder “Commander_xxx_xxx\Simplicity Commander\resources\jlink\Si917”s

commander manufacturing init –mbr ta_mbr_SiWN917M100LGTBA.bin –data updated_mbr_file.json -d si917 –serial interface

Return Code

  • Success – 0xa05a
  • Failure – Try again.

Power Cycle the device
The users need to power cycle the device after the Activation Code Generation and flash completion. This is a mandatory step.

Generate Keys from Commander
These keys are generated at commander. The key generation will produce a JSON file containing the OTA keys, public keys, and Attestation keys. For each of the public or private keys, the respective pair counterpart


commander until genkeyconfig –out file commanderkeys.json -d si917

Return Code

  • Success – 0xa05a
  • Failure – Try again.

Intrinsic Key Generation, Update MBR, and Loading Keys
This step performs the actual provisioning of the intrinsic keys (PUF generated keys), static keys, and final TA MBR and key descriptor table.
Along with keys loading and burning, the MBR will be updated with filename.bin or the “default” option (selected based on the OPN).


commander manufacturing provision –mbr ta_mbr_SiWN917M100LGTBA.bin –keys commanderkeys.json –data updatedmbrfields.json -d si917 –serialinterface

Note: The updated-mbr-fields.json file provided is to be updated with different security levels discussed in MBR Programming with Security Section. Once we give this command, it updates default OPN-based MBR with .json file parameters and loads to the flash after keys loading.

Add Security to TA Firmware Image Files
When the security is enabled in the device, it expects the TA file also to have the same level of security enabled. If the user tries to flash the non- secured image, the system will give an error.

Extract Keys

We need some of the keys generated in the section Generate Keys from Commander to secure the TA firmware image. We will have to extract these keys to a different folder


Note: If security is enabled in your device (according to section 4.2 – Security Key Programming), you will have to load the secured image. Or else the loading fails.

MBR Programming with Security
In the catalogue parts, the SiWN917 devices do not have security features enabled. The devices will have a default common flash configuration if the device’s OPN has a flash.
In all the default cases, the device’s MBR and EFUSE configurations have all the security features programmed to disabled state – the PUF is not enabled, the activation code for the PUF is not programmed, keys or key descriptors are not programmed.

  • The security fields in MBR, PUF Activation code, Key descriptors, and the Keys are to be programmed in the device while enabling the security features in the device.
  • The MBR includes the address of the sector where the PUF Activation code must be programmed as well as the address where the Key descriptors must be saved.
  • This way the user can change the location of the PUF Activation code, Key descriptor table, and the address of the Keys.
  • The MBR contains a field – valids, which has bits to set the PUF_ACTIVATION_CODE_ADDRESS_VALID and KEY_DESCRIPTOR_ADDRESS_VALID
  • The device uses these bits to determine the address of the PUF Activation code, Key Descriptor, and the Keys.

Programmable Fields in MBR
The table below shows a few of the Requirements and the MBR fields which can be programmed.

Feature Structure MBR Field
To enable TA MIC and encryption efuse_data ta_secure_boot_enable = 1;
To enable TA Signature efuse_data ta_digital_signature_validation = 1;
To enable TA inline encryption efuse_data ta_encrypt_firmware = 1; (2 for

XTS mode)
Start address of the sector where the PUF Activation code must be saved, 0x2000 is the default|



puf_activation_code_addr = 0x2000;

Start address where the key descriptor table must be saved. (0x300 is the default)|



key_desc_table_addr = 0x300;

If PUF Activation code’s start address is being changed|




If Key descriptor’s start address is being changed|




Security Levels
There are three different security levels available as described below. The levels are defined to make the security configurations easier for the user.

  1. Security Level 1 or Low Security Level
  2. Security Level 2 or Partial Security Level
  3. Security Level 3 or Full Security Level

Security Level 1 (Low Security)
If the user wants to enable only secure boot, this level should be selected. This security level enables the bootloader to carry out the Message Integrity Check (MIC) of the firmware image during firmware loading and firmware update.
In this configuration, the firmware update process will be faster, the bootup time will be less, and the execution also will be faster.
This configuration is selected using the following fields:


Security Level 2 (Partial Security)
This level is for the user who wants to enable Secure boot along with Signature check of firmware image. This security level enables the bootloader to carry out the Message Integrity Check (MIC) and Signature validation of the firmware image during firmware loading and firmware update.
In this configuration, the Firmware update process will be slower but faster than Security Level 3, the bootup time will be relatively less than Security Level 3, and the execution will be same as Security Level 3.
This configuration is selected using the following fields:


Security Level 3 (Full Security)
This level is for the user who wants to enable the Secure Boot, the Signature check, and the Inline Encryption. This security level enables the bootloader to carry out the Message Integrity Check (MIC), Encryption, Signature check of the firmware image during firmware loading and firmware update and Inline Encryption while saving the firmware in the flash.
In this configuration, the Firmware update process will be slower, the bootup time will be higher, and the execution also will be slower compared to security levels 1 and 2.
This configuration is selected using the following fields:


Example JSON file with security parameters of MBR
The following example shows the structure and the available fields:
Download the .json file from the link


Manufacturing Procedure – eFuse Data

In the case of eFuse/OTP data, Commander will first check that the requested update is possible (since bits can only be set to 1 and never cleared). Then it will ask for confirmation from the user. It is possible to skip the confirmation via the –noprompt option although note that this is a one-time operation.
It is possible to check the results of the operation before physically going ahead with the one-time programming by using the –dryrun option.
This command is used to write eFuse data into flash.


Security Features – Manufacturing Utility

The following sections provide information on how to enable security using a manufacturing utility (Simplicity Commander CLI) to enable different SiWN917 Security features.

Secure Boot
Configure or enable/disable a pre-flashed secure bootloader on the chips to encrypt your software intellectual property (IP). Safeguard your competitive edge in the market.
Secure Boot is a feature for ensuring only an authenticated code can run on the chip. If any device fails its security check, it is not allowed to run, and program control will typically stall in the validating module.
The SiWx917 includes a Security Bootloader or Secure Bootloader. The Security Bootloader runs on the ThreadArch processor. On any reset, the Security Bootloader configures the module hardware based on the configuration present in the eFuse. It also validates the integrity and authenticity of the firmware in Flash and detects and prevents the execution of unauthorized software during the boot sequence.

Secure Boot Process:

  1. Upon reset, the Security Bootloader configures the module hardware based on the configuration present in the ROM and Flash.
  2. Device configurations in Flash are authenticated by Security Bootloader
  3. Security Bootloader validates the integrity and authenticity of the firmware in the Flash and invokes the Application Bootloader.
    To enable only secure boot or secure boot along with other security features refer to Security Levels section.

Secure Key Management and Protection
Inject custom public and private keys and other custom secret keys on the chips during manufacturing – safeguard your products right from the beginning of their lifecycle. The Bootloader uses public and private key-based digital signatures to recognize authentic software. The Security Bootloader provides provision for inline execution (XIP) of encrypted firmware from Flash.
If this feature is enabled, PUF engine will be invoked. PUF Keys will be generated internally via PUF and stored in flash. Images are encrypted and decrypted using PUF intrinsic keys.
The PUF Intrinsic Keys are device-dependent keys. They are unique for each device.
PUF Intrinsic Keys are as below. These are generated randomly.

  • Master Key – Used to encrypt the TA OTA Key and TA Public Key for storing in the Flash.
  • Unwrap Key – Used to encrypt the M4 OTA Key and M4 Public Key for storing in the Flash.
  • TA FW Keys (2) – Used for Inline decryption.

Keys generated at the commander are as follows.

  • OTP Symmetric Key – Used for flash content (Message Integrity Check) verification.
  • OTP Public Key – Used for flash content (digital signature) verification.
  • TA Public Key – Used for TA firmware signature verification.
  • TA OTA key – Used for TA Firmware upgrade.
  • Attestation Private Key – Used for secure attestation.
  • M4 OTA Key – Used for M4 firmware upgrade.
  • M4 Public Key – Used for M4 firmware signature verification.

For information on how to generate the keys at commander, refer to Generate Keys from Commander. For PUF activation, refer to Activation Code Generation, and to generate intrinsic keys and load the keys (both the intrinsic keys and keys generated at commander), refer to Intrinsic Key Generation and Loading Keys.

The table below shows the Key type, Key length, and Storage type.


Note: For TA Public key actual key size is 91 bytes, remaining 5 padding bytes added to make key size multiple of 16 for AES encryption. For the Attestation key also, the actual key size is 227 bytes.

Calibration Using Manufacturing Utility

The following two flows are possible with the manufacturing utility (Simplicity Commander CLI) to calibrate the SiWN917 device.

Transmission in Burst Mode

Steps for Frequency Offset Correction.

  1. Set up the radio and start transmission. commander manufacturing radio –power 16 –phy 6MBPS –channel 1 –start -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface
  2. Measure the frequency on the instrument which has the capability of measuring frequency error in modulated packets. For example, Keysight instruments with modulation analysis measurement setting capability reports the frequency error in burst packets.
  3. Adjust the CTUNE values by providing the frequency error as input. This is a frequency offset correction, with the value ranging from –255 to 255 Offset = measured frequency (in kHz) – 2412000 commander manufacturing xocal –offset –skipload -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface –skip-init
  4. Check the instrument and verify that the channel frequency is within expectations. If not, repeat from step 3.
  5. Store the CTUNE values. The radio transmission will stop. commander manufacturing xocal –store –skipload -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface –skip-init

Steps for Customer Gain-Offset

  1. Setup the radio and start transmission on channel 1. Commander manufacturing radio –power 16 –phy 6MBPS –channel 1 –start -d SiWG917M111MGTBA —serial interface
  2. Measure the output power with the instrument that has the capability of measuring burst power. For example, Keysight instruments with modulation analysis measurement setting capability report the burst packet power.
  3. Calculate the offset to meet the expected output power (16 dBm). Offset = ceil ((output power measure (dBm) + cable loss — 16) * 2)
  4. Store the gain values for channel 1 commander manufacturing gain –ch1 –skipload -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface –skip-init
  5. Repeat from step 1 for channel 6 and 11. In step 4m replace –ch1 with –ch6 and –ch11 when measuring for channels 6 and 11 respectively.
  6. Stop the radio. commander manufacturing radio –stop –skipload -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface –skip-init

Transmission in Continuous Mode

Steps for CTUNE Adjustments

  1. Set up the radio and start transmission. commander manufacturing radio –power 16 –phy CW –channel 1 –start -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface
  2. Measure the frequency on the instrument using peak search (use the instrument that supports spectrum mode/modulation).
  3. Adjust the CTUNE values by providing the frequency error as input. This is a frequency offset correction, with the value ranging from –255 to 255. Offset = measured frequency (in kHz) — 2412000 commander manufacturing xocal –offset –skipload -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface –skip-init
  4. Check the instrument and verify that the channel frequency is within expectations. If not, repeat from step 3.
  5. Store the CTUNE values. The radio transmission will stop. commander manufacturing xocal –store –skipload -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface –skip-init

Steps for Gain Offset Adjustments

  1. Setup the radio and start transmission on channel 1. commander manufacturing radio –power 16 –phy 6MBPS –channel 1 –noburst –start -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface
  2. Measure the output power (use the instrument which supports spectrum mode/modulation). Measure the integrated power in 20MHz bandwidth.
  3. Calculate the offset to meet the expected output power (16 dBm). Offset = ceil ((output power measure (dBm) + cable loss — 16) * 2)
  4. Store the gain values for channel 1. commander manufacturing gain –ch1 –skipload -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface –skip-init
  5. Repeat from step 1 for channels 6 and 11. In step 4 replace –ch1 with –ch6 and –ch11 when measuring for channels 6 and 11 respectively.
  6. Stop the radio. commander manufacturing radio –stop –skipload -d SiWG917M111MGTBA –serial interface –skip-init


  • There can be a variation of up to +/- 2dB in power across parts at Typical/Room temperature.
  • It is recommended that the user makes the “Customer Gain-offset” correction on customer-end products to correct for IC part-to-part variation and insertion-loss variations in the RF front-end on customer boards. This calibration process would ensure accurate Transmit power control for Regulatory compliance @ volume production.

Read Manufacturing Parameters

This command is used to read the manufacturing parameters from DUT and to save the data to a file.
Command: commander manufacturing read <tambr|taipmu|efuse|efusecopy> –out <filename.bin|filename.json> –serialinterface –skipinit

Read Region Region to read the data from
Read tambr Read the TA flash MBR data available for memory

 | –out | Filename to store the read data in. “*.bin”
 | taipmu| Read the TA flash ipmu data available for memory region
 | efuse| Read the OTP data
 | efusecopy| Read the efusecopy data in flash

Possible Error Codes

Command Error Code Description Cause of failure
MBR 0xa0ac Verification failed from flash There may be a wrong input

from the user to select pinset/damaged MBR file
Activation code| 0xa0b0| Activation code generated failed| security module might throw an error if PUF enroll fails, if the device is locked to use PUF
Intrinsic keys| 0xa0b1| Intrinsic keys generation failed| This may occur if this command triggered before activation code command.
Static keys| 0xa0b2| Static keys stored failed| This may occur if there are no intrinsic keys.
Update Firmware| 108| Failed to load firmware| This may occur if the header part of rps file is not proper.


Parameters – Manufacturing Utility

Field Description
write command for writing the MBR
read read the contents
init generate the activation code
–mbr master boot record
–keys security keys
tambr Read the TA flash MBR data available for the memory region
–out Filename to store the read data in. “.bin”, or “.json”

if a JSON parser is available for this memory region data.
taipmu| Read the TA flash IPMU data available for the memory region
efusecopy| updating eFuse data to flash for selected region

| Provide the **OPN** number. **Example** : SiWG917M111MGTBA | File in which Security Level is programmed -d| device –skipinit| to skip the initialization part –skipload| Skip loading the TA provisioning firmware –pinset| pin set (Self-explanatory) n| pin set number

Internal Flash pin set: 0

External flash pin set: [ 2/3 ]



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