TCS SZ1051 Communicating Thermostat User Guide
- May 15, 2024
Table of Contents
Building Automation Systems
Communicating Thermostat
SuperSTAT SZ1051
Congratulations on choosing the SuperSTAT™ Thermostat SZ1051! The SuperSTAT
series of thermostats are feature rich, multifunction devices providing
extensive controls across a wide range of HVAC applications.
Complete the configuration after installation (refer to the SZ1051/1053
SuperSTAT Installation Manual for instructions on mounting the device, wiring
the communications network and connecting other devices to the SuperSTAT.)
Your configuration settings will be uploaded to Ubiquity Cloud the first time
you make a connection to the site. Alternatively, you can skip configuring the
SuperSTAT via the keypad and perform all configurations via Ubiquity Cloud, or
via a PC running TCS Insight software, which is available for download on the
TCS website.
NOTE: When configuring the SuperSTAT via a connected PC, you must first
set the SuperSTAT’s address, baud rate, and temperature scale using the keypad
(see “Programming Keypad Access” on page 4).
If you have any questions regarding your SuperSTAT, do not hesitate to contact
TCS Technical Support at 800.288.9383, ext. 2. Our Technical Support
Department hours are Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (CST).
Display Screen and Keypad
The display screen on the right side of the cover provides at-a-glance
information including day, date, time, and temperature (based on sensor
selection and wiring).
Locating the Programming Keypad
The SuperSTAT is programmed through a keypad behind the panel on the left side
of the cover. Access the keypad by swinging open the cover panel.
Programming Keypad Access
The keypad can be configured to restrict access to the Programming Setup and
Clock and Schedule functions. You can control the access to either function by
configuring the keypad dip switches on the inside of the front cover as
Navigating Via Keypad
All settings on the SuperSTAT can be made via the keypad. Each screen will
display the name of the setting, a selection option, and current values for
that screen, which will flash to indicate which is active. Pressing the WARMER
button will increase the value or advance the active setting to the next
option on the screen; pressing the COOLER button will reverse the process. For
screens with multiple values (e.g., date setup), pressing the OVERRIDE button
will advance you to the next value. After adjusting the values, press the
PROGRAM SETUP or CLOCK SETUP button again to save the values and advance to
the next screen.
buttons in order to scroll through screens and values more quickly. Press the
return to the main screen.
Keypad Button Functions
| Press to change fan speed and system modes (when enabled)| | Press to raise
or lower temperature settings when OCCUPIED LED is on
| Press to change fan thermostat’s program or temperature setback times (when
enabled)| | Press when
OCCUPIED LED is off to restore occupied
temperature settings
| Press to review service screens
Program Setup Mode
Before entering PROGRAM SETUP Mode, ensure that the temperature sensor dip
switch settings match your intended use (see the SZ1051/1053 SuperSTAT
Installation Manual). If the dip switch settings do
not match the configuration settings in this section, the SuperSTAT will not
function properly.
NOTE: PROGRAM SETUP Mode can be disabled via dip switch settings (see
“Programming Keypad Access” on page 4, or access can be restricted by
requiring an access code (see “Keypad Access Code” on page 10).
The main screen displays when not in PROGRAM SETUP Mode or CLOCK SETUP Mode.
The SuperSTAT will revert to this screen if no entries are made after 10
From the main screen, press the PROGRAM SETUP button on the keypad to
configure the settings.
If the SuperSTAT has been configured to require an access code to enter
PROGRAM SETUP Mode, this screen will appear (see “Keypad Access Code” on page
10). If you enter the wrong code, the screen will revert to the main screen.
Basic Setup
STEP 1 Controller Address: Select a unique address between 0 and 255,
excluding 248 (each controller on a network must have a unique address).
STEP 2 Communication Baud Rate: Choose a baud rate between 2.4K, 4.8K, 9.6K,
and 19.2K (each controller on network must have the same baud rate).
STEP 3 Temperature Scale: Choose between Celsius or Fahrenheit for temperature
System Mode
STEP 1 System Access: Select whether to enable or disable user access to the
System Mode settings.
STEP 2 Set System Mode: Select AUTO, HEAT, COOL, or OFF mode.
STEP 3 User Access to Fan Mode: Select whether to allow user access to FAN
Occupancy Settings
STEP 1 Occupied Fan Mode: Choose between ON (continuous), COOL (gas heat or
no heat), or AUTO for fan run times during occupied periods
STEP 2 Unoccupied Fan Mode: Choose between AUTO or COOL for fan run times
during unoccupied periods.
STEP 3 Occupied Heat Setpoint A: Set the heatpoint for the occupied period.
STEP 4 Occupied Heat Setpoint B: Set the heatpoint for the occupied period.
STEP 5 Occupied Heat Setpoint C: Set the heatpoint for the occupied period.
STEP 6 Occupied Heat Setpoint D: Set the heatpoint for the occupied period.
STEP 7 Unoccupied Heat Setpoint: Set the Unoccupied Mode’s heating setpoint.
STEP 8 Occupied Cool Setpoint A: Set the cooling setpoint for this occupied
STEP 9 Occupied Cool Setpoint B: Set the cooling setpoint for this occupied
STEP 10 Occupied Cool Setpoint C: Set the cooling setpoint for this occupied
period. STEP 11 Occupied Cool Setpoint D: Set the cooling setpoint for this
occupied period.
STEP 12 Unoccupied Cool Setpoint: Set the Unoccupied Mode’s cooling setpoint.
STEP 13 User Setpoint Limit: Enter the amount a user is allowed the to adjust
the preset occupied setpoints
STEP 14 Override Time: The number of minutes (0 – 255) the SuperSTAT will
maintain overridden occupied setpoints.
Heat/Cool Digital Outputs
STEP 1 Stage Output: Select whether stages 1 and 2 perform heating or cooling,
or whether both are disabled.
STEP 2 Stage 1 Offset: Enter a stage 1 offset value (normally 0).
NOTE: This screen will only display if Stage Output (Step 1) is enabled.
STEP 3 Stage 2 Differential: Enter a stage 1 differential value.
This screen will only display if Stage Output (Step 1) is enabled. STEP 4
Stage 2 Offset: Enter a stage 2 offset value (normally 0).
NOTE: This screen will only display if Stage Output (Step 1) is enabled.
STEP 5 Stage 2 Differential: Enter a stage 2 differential value.
This screen will only display if Stage Output (Step 1) is enabled
STEP 6 Control Mode: Select whether to control both Stage Outputs by
temperature only (P) or whether to add a time factor (P+I).
Time Clock
STEP 1 Time Clock Output: Select whether the auxiliary output will be OPEN
during occupied periods and closed during unoccupied periods, or CLOSED during
occupied periods and open during unoccupied periods.
Modulating Output
STEP 1 Modulating Output 1 Define: Select whether the modulating output will
be used for COOL, HEAT, or AQUASTAT.
NOTE: When DI2 is set to AQUASTAT, AO 1 will be used for cooling when
open and heating when closed.
STEP 2 Modulating Output 1 Action: Select whether the output will be direct-
or reverse-acting.
NOTE: When DI2 is set to AQUASTAT, the output will automatically reverse
action when DI2 is closed.
STEP 3 Modulating Output 1 Range: Select whether the modulating output range
will be 0 – 20 mA or 4 – 20 mA.
STEP 4 Modulating Output 1 Unoccupied Action: Select whether the unoccupied
action will be modulating 0 mA, 4 mA, or 20 mA.
STEP 5 Modulating Output 1 Proportional Band: Enter the number of degrees from
the setpoint that the heating or cooling device will be completely open.
STEP 6 Output Setpoint Offest: Enter a value below the heating setpoint or
above the cooling setpoint where the AO1 begins to modulate.
STEP 7 Discharge Air Sensor: Select whether to use a discharge air sensor. To
monitor only, select NO.
NOTE: Refer to the SZ1051/1053
SuperSTATInstallationManual for dip
switch settings, which must also be set.
STEP 8 Outdoor Air Economizer: Enter an outdoor setpoint:
NOTE: This screen appears only if the discharge air sensor function is
enabled (Step 7).
STEP 9 Discharge Air Economizer: Enter a discharge air setpoint:
NOTE: This screen appears only if the discharge air sensor function is
enabled (Step 7).
STEP 10 Discharge Air Low Limit: Enter a discharge air low limit value.
NOTE: This screen appears only if the discharge air sensor function is
enabled (Step 7).
STEP 11 Economizer Proportional Band: Set the discharge air proportional band
or throttling range.
NOTE: This screen appears only if the discharge air sensor function is
enabled (Step 7).
STEP 12 Outdoor Air Damper Minimum Position: Set the minumum damper position.
NOTE: This screen appears only if the discharge air sensor function is
enabled (Step 7). STEP 13 Economizer Output Range: Select whether the
economizer output range will be 0 – 20 mA or 4 – 20 mA.
NOTE: This screen appears only if the discharge air sensor function is
enabled (Step 7).
STEP 14 Economizer Control Action: Select whether the economizer control
action will be direct or reversing.
NOTE: This screen appears only if the discharge air sensor function is
enabled (Step 7).
STEP 15 Outdoor Air Sensor Function: Select whether you are using an outdoor
air sensor. To monitor only, select NO.
NOTE: Refer to the SZ1051/1053 SuperSTAT Installation Manual for dip
switch settings, which must also be set.
STEP 16 Cooling Lockout: Enter an outdoor air cooling lockout temperature.
NOTE: This screen appears only if the outdoor air sensor function is
enabled (Step 15).
STEP 17 Heating Lockout: Enter an outdoor air heating lockout temperature.
NOTE: This screen appears only if the outdoor air sensor function is
enabled (Step 15).
Digital Inputs
STEP 1 DI1: Select either FAN PROVING or MONITOR. If DI1 is unused, select
STEP 2 DI2: Select SERVICE, AQUASTAT, or MONITOR. If DI2 is unused, select
MONITOR. STEP 3 DI2 Setpoint Shift: Enter the setpoint shift value.
NOTE: This screen will only appear if DI2 is set to Monitor (Step 2).
If DI3 is unused, select EXTERNAL OVERRIDE. Energy Saving
STEP 1 Delay on Powerup: In the event of a power interruption, entering a
value (in seconds) that will delay the powerup of the SuperSTAT.
STEP 2 Smart Recovery: Select whether to use Smart Recovery Mode.
NOTE: Smart Recovery is not available when DI3 (see “Digital Inputs: STEP
4” on page 10) is configured for an external time clock. Keypad Access
STEP 1 Programming Access: Select whether an access code is required to access
Programming Setup.
NOTE: Use dip switch settings to lock out access completely (see
““Programming Keypad Access” on page 4).
STEP 2 Clock and Schedule Access: Select whether an access code is required to
access the Clock and Schedule menus.
NOTE: Use dip switch settings to lock out access completely (see
““Programming Keypad Access” on page 4).
STEP 3 Access Code: This screen will appear if you configured an access code
requirement for either the Programming Setup or Clock and Scheduling Setup om
the previous two steps. Select an access code value (0 – 255) to access the
Programming Mode and/or the Clock and Schedule Mode.
The default value is 248.
Setting Clock and Schedule
NOTE: Access to the Clock and Schedule Mode can be completely disabled
via dip switch settings (see “Programming Keypad Access” on page 4, or access
can be restricted by requiring an access code (see “Keypad Access Code” on
page 10).
The main screen displays when not in Programming Setup Mode or CLOCK SETUP
Mode. The SuperSTAT will revert to this screen if no entries are made after 10
From the main screen, press the CLOCK SETUP button on the keypad to configure
the settings.
If the SuperSTAT has been configured to require an access code to enter
Programming Mode, this screen will appear (see “Keypad Access Code” on page
10). If you enter the wrong code, the screen will revert to the main screen.
Time and Date
STEP 1 Time and Day: Set the hour, minute, AM or PM, and day of the week.
STEP 2 Date: Set the month, date, and year.
Occupancy Schedules
STEP 1 Set Occupancy Time Periods: This screen indicates that the day of the
week shown is ready for configuring up to four occupancy time periods. Press
the CLOCK SETUP button on the keypad to advance to the setup screens for the
day shown.
STEP 2 Occupancy Time Periods (1 of 2): Set hours and minutes (military time)
for start and stop times for occupancy time periods A and B.
NOTE: Time periods with start and end times of 00:00 are inactive.
STEP 3 Occupancy Time Periods (2 of 2): Set hours and minutes (military time)
for start and stop times for occupancy time periods C and D.
STEP 4 Set Occupancy Time Periods: This screen indicates the day of the week
shown is ready for configuring up to four occupancy time periods. Press the
CLOCK SETUP button on the keypad to advance to the setup screens for the day
shown. STEP 5 Copy Schedules: Select whether to copy the occupancy time
periods from the previous day. If you select YES, the settings from the
previous day’s Steps 2 and 3 will be copied to the day shown and you will skip
to the next day. If you select NO, the screens for Occupancy Time Periods will
appear, allowing you to enter different schedules for that day. Repeat this
process for each day of the week. Holiday Occupancy Schedules
The SuperSTAT has two separate holiday occupancy groups (Holiday #1 and
Holiday #2). Within each occupancy group you can assign up to four occupancy
time periods (A – D). After programming the occupancy time periods, you can
then assign them to multiple holidays. You can also configure the duration for
each holiday schedule (in days).
STEP 1 Set Occupied Times Holiday No. 1: This screen indicates that the
occupancy time periods for the first holiday group are ready to be configured.
Press the CLOCK SETUP button on the keypad to advance to the setup screens for
the holiday group.
STEP 2 Copy Sunday For Holiday 1: Holiday 1 gives you the option of copying
the schedule from the previous Sunday. If you select YES, the occupancy time
periods from the previous day (Sunday) will be copied and you will skip to
Step 4. If you select NO, screens for Occupancy Periods A – D (not shown) will
appear. As with the occupancy time periods for regular days, You can enter up
to four different occupancy time periods. STEP 3 Set Occupied Times Holiday
No. 2: This screen indicates that the occupancy times for second holiday group
are ready to be configured. Press the CLOCK SETUP button on the keypad to
advance to the setup screens for the holiday group.
STEP 4 Occupancy Time Periods (1 of 2): Holiday 2 does not give you the
opportunity to copy occupancy time periods from a regular day. Set hours and
minutes (military time) for start and stop times for occupancy periods A and
NOTE: Occupancy time periods with start and end times of 00:00 are
STEP 5 Occupancy Time Periods (2 of 2): Set hours and minutes (military time)
for start and stop times for occupancy periods C and D.
STEP 6 Holiday Group 1 Dates: This screen indicates that the Holiday 1
occupancy time periods are ready to be assigned to specific dates. Press the
CLOCK SETUP button on the keypad to advance to the setup screens for the
holiday group.
STEP 7 Holiday Group 1 Dates: In this screen, you can assign the Holiday 1
occupancy time periods to as many as 12 holidays.
Enter the two-digit month, date, and duration in days. To add additional dates
to this group, press the OVERRIDE button.
Press the WARMER button to advance the Date number and add additional months
and dates.
STEP 8 Holiday Group 2 Dates: This screen indicates that the Holiday 1
occupancy time periods are ready to be assigned to specific holidays. Press
the CLOCK SETUP button on the keypad to advance to the setup screens for the
holiday group.
STEP 9 Holiday Group 2 Dates: In this screen, you can assign the Holiday 1
occupancy time periods to as many as 12 holidays.
Enter the two-digit month, date, and duration in days. To add additional dates
to this group, press the OVERRIDE button.
Press the WARMER button to advance the date and add additional months and
dates. Daylight Saving
STEP 1 Set Daylight Saving Time: Determine whether to enable automatic
Daylight Saving adjustments to your time periods.
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Middleton, WI 53562
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