TELEMED EXT-1H Ultrasound Diagnostic System User Guide

May 15, 2024

TELEMED EXT-1H Ultrasound Diagnostic System


ArtUs beamformer can be equipped with additional I/O module which allows controlling it using an external signal providing device, such as signal generator. I/O module provides several coaxial cable connectors used for getting input and providing output signals. ArtUs with I/O module installed can be used in various scenarios of getting ultrasound images which are described later in this document.

Terms Used In This Guide

  • Line (Ultrasound Line) – a set of ultrasound echo signals acquired as a result of one transmission event.
  • Frame (Ultrasound Frame) – a set of ultrasound lines combined together and displayed simultaneously.
  • ScanStart – signal that triggers the state of beamformer between FREEZE and SCAN.

I/O Module Connectors Description

ArtUs EXT-1H with I/O module installed looks like shown on a picture below (rear view), cooling fans “looking” down, see attached photo. Connectors are of SMA female type and require 50 Ohm coaxial cable equipped with SMA male plug on beamformer end.

Connectors are labeled as shown in a table:

Line output| Frame output| Scan Start output| Scan Start input| Line input| Frame input

The names and designation of connectors:

A) Ultrasound Line Output (label Line output) signal, a falling edge of the output signal corresponds to start of ultrasound data acquiring from a tissue for one ultrasound line. Signal stays in logic level “0” at the end of the line
B) Ultrasound Frame Output (label Frame output) signal, a falling edge of the output signal corresponds to start of ultrasound data acquiring from a tissue for one ultrasound frame. Signal returns to logic level “1” at the end of the frame
C) Scan Start output signal, system generates logic level “0” in FREEZE state and logic level “1” in SCAN state. This signal is not configurable
D) Scan Start input signal, system changes state from FREEZE to SCAN and from SCAN to FREEZE at each rising edge of the input signal (works like FREEZE button). This signal is not configurable
E) Ultrasound Line Input (label Line input) signal, upon receiving a rising edge of the input signal system starts acquiring of ultrasound data from a tissue for one ultrasound line with delay of approximately 20 us
F) Ultrasound Frame Input (label Frame input) signal, upon receiving a rising edge of the input signal system starts acquiring of ultrasound data from a tissue for one ultrasound frame with delay of approximately 20 us.

ArtUs OEM-1H with I/O module has the same set of connectors labeled as shown in the table below:

Line output| Frame output| ScanStart output| ScanStart input| Line input| Frame input

I/O Module Triggering Signals Description

Signal| Trigger| SCAN state| FREEZE state| Final State
Line Input| Rising Edge| Acquire one line delay 20 us| n/a| Logical 0
Line Output| Falling Edge| Acquired one line| n/a| Logical 0
Frame Input| Rising Edge| Acquire set number of frames delay 20 us| n/a| Logical 0
Frame Output| Falling Edge| Acquired set number of frames| n/a| Logical 1
ScanStart Input Unconfigured (FREEZE button simulation)| Rising Edge| To FREEZE| To SCAN| Logical 0
ScanStart Input Configured| n/a| Logical 1| Logical 0| n/a
ScanStart Output| Device state| Logical 1| Logical 0| n/a

Ultrasound Line input and Ultrasound Frame input signals require to be configured by ArtUs Sync utility:

  • Ultrasound Line input – system starts acquiring of ultrasound data from tissue for one ultrasound line approximately in 20 us after rising edge of the signal
  • Ultrasound Frame input – system starts acquiring of ultrasound data from tissue for one ultrasound frame approximately in 20 us after rising edge of the signal

Note: When using an external generator to synchronize ArtUs, the jitter of launches and signal reception by ArtUs can be upto 25 ns, i.e. period of the “system” clock.

Ultrasound Line output and Ultrasound Frame output works automatically, not require additional configuring:

  • Ultrasound Line output – falling edge of the input signal corresponds to start of ultrasound data acquiring from tissue for one ultrasound line. Signal stays in logic level “0” at the end of line
  • Ultrasound Frame output – falling edge of the input signal corresponds to start of ultrasound data acquiring from tissue for one ultrasound frame. Signal returns to logic level “1” at the end of frame

ScanStart input and ScanStart output without additional configuring:

  • ScanStart input – system changes state from FREEZE to SCAN and from SCAN to FREEZE at each rising edge of the signal (works like FREEZE button)
  • ScanStart output – system generates logic level “0” in Freeze mode and logic level “1” in scan mode

ScanStart input and ScanStart output with additional configuring:

  • ScanStart input – system scans during logic level “1” and does pause (not equal FREEZE) of scanning during logic level “0”. Ultrasound Line output is synchronized with ScanStart input
  • ScanStart output – system generates logic level “0” in Freeze mode and logic level “1” in scan mode

ArtUs Sync Options Utility

NOTE: If you have installed Echo Wave II 64-bit application only then you may require to install additionally Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 libraries. For additional instructions please see Q&A Section.

  1. Run ArtUs Sync Options utility in Administrator mode, select Ultrasound Line input synchronization mode, see picture below.

Please note, after clicking “OK” button user gets warning message as shown below.

To activate device settings user needs to run EchoWave II program or if EchoWave II is already running – to push “Probe” button.

  1. Run ArtUs Sync utility in Administrator mode, select Ultrasound Frame input synchronization mode, see picture below. “Number of Frames to scan after synch pulse” define, how many frames will be received after each “Ultrasound Frame Input” signal. Set “0” to start non-stop scanning after rising edge of “Ultrasound Frame Input” signal.

Please note, after clicking “OK” button user gets warning message as shown below.

To activate device settings user needs to run EchoWave II program or if EchoWave II is already running – to push “Probe” button.

  1. Run ArtUs Sync utility in Administrator mode, select ScanStart Input synchronization mode, see picture below.

Please note, after clicking “OK” button user gets warning message as shown below.

To activate device settings user needs to run EchoWave II program or if EchoWave II is already running – to push “Probe” button.
Note: Ultrasound Frames have one additional “passive” ultrasound line when any of inputs is chosen in ArtUs Sync Options utility.

Voltage Levels for Interface Signals

  • Input signals – 2,5V or 3,3V CMOS level (5V logic tolerance)
  • Output signals – 3,3V CMOS level

Signal Diagrams

Diagrams show external equipment input signals and corresponding outputs.

Ultrasound Line Input vs Ultrasound Line Output
Ultrasound Frame Input vs Ultrasound Frame Output

ScanStart Input in Sync Mode vs Ultrasound Line Output

ScanStart Input in Sync Mode vs Ultrasound Frame Output

External Equipment Connection Diagram

Block schematics below demonstrates how ArtUs inputs must be connected to external equipment outputs.

Return to normal scan mode

To switch ArtUs scanner back to normal scan mode do not forget to run ArtUs Sync utility in Administrator mode, clear checkbox Enable synchronization and click “OK” button. Please note, after clicking “OK” button user needs to disconnect/reconnect USB cable.

How to enable/disable I/O signals without ArtUs Sync Options Utility

  • Run Registry Editor utility (regedit.exe)

  • Locate Registy path:

  • To Enable synchronization and enable Ultrasound Frame input Write value 1 to “External synch mode“ register

  • To Enable synchronization and enable Ultrasound Line input Write value 2 to “External synch mode“ register

  • To Enable synchronization and enable ScanStart output Write value 4 to “External synch mode“ register

  • To define Number of Frames to scan after ultrasound frame synchronization pulse Write number of frames to “Synch frames number“ register

Twin Synchro ArtUs Setup

Some ultrasound applications require synchronous work of two or more beamformer devices. You can use ArtUs system in such scenarios. There can be several possible configurations which are described below.

To use external hardware Freeze/Run button, edit a line shown below and save options2.txt file (located in C:\Program Files (x86)\TELEMED\Echo Wave II\Config\Options directory):


Configuration 1: 2 ArtUs, 2 PCs, Signal Generator for external frame synchronization
Figure 1 Twin ArtUs with 2 PCs

Configuration 1 setup:

  1. Connect both ArtUs beamformers to their respective PCs using USB 3.0 or higher ports
  2. Connect Signal Generator to both ArtUs devices as shown on Figure 1 Twin ArtUs with 2 PCs using 50 Ohm coaxial cables and appropriate connectors. ArtUs has SMA50 connectors for coaxial cable attachment
  3. Connect hardware Freeze/Run button to ScanStart Inputs of both ArtUs devices as shown on Figure 1
  4. Run ArtUs Sync Options.exe utility on each PC
  5. Check Enable Synchronization and select Ultrasound Frame Input
  6. Push OK button. Now both ArtUs devices are in external synchronization mode
  7. Set Signal Generator to pulse triggering with frequency depended on probe and scanning parameters (number of probe elements, depth, line density and other, which fluence on ultrasound frame time)
  8. Run Echo Wave II program on each PC
  9. To get synchronous Cine files, do the next steps:
  10. Turn OFF generator
  11. Click Freeze button on Echo Wave II on each PC or press hardware Freeze/Run button to stop scanning
  12. Click Freeze button on Echo Wave II on each PC or press hardware Freeze/Run button to start scanning
  13. Turn ON generator
  14. Perform scanning
  15. Turn OFF generator
  16. Click Freeze button on Echo Wave II on each PC or press hardware Freeze/Run button to stop scanning
  17. Save Cine clips as “avi” files on both Echo Wave instances
    Note: Signal Generator can run continuously. In this case captured frames at two PCs may be shifted one or more frames relatively to each other.

Configuration 2: 2 ArtUs, PC with 2 Monitors, Signal Generator for external frame synchronization
Figure 2 Twin ArtUs with a PC and optional external monitor (Frame Input)

Configuration 2 setup:

  1. Connect both ArtUs beamformers to PC using two USB 3.0 or higher ports
  2. Connect Signal Generator to both ArtUs devices as shown above using 50 Ohm coaxial cables and appropriate connectors. ArtUs has SMA50 connectors for coaxial cable attachment
  3. Connect hardware Freeze/Run button to ScanStart Input of one of ArtUs devices as shown on Figure 2
  4. Run ArtUs Sync Options.exe utility
  5. Check Enable Synchronization and select Ultrasound Frame Input
  6. Push OK button. Now both ArtUs devices are in external synchronization mode.
  7. Set Signal Generator to pulse triggering with frequency depended on probe and scanning parameters (number of probe elements, depth, line density and other, which fluence on ultrasound frame time).
  8. Run two Echo Wave II instances. Use each monitor to display one Echo Wave II window. Chose active probe for each instance
  9. Run CopyData.exe utility (located in C:\Program Files (x86)\TELEMED\Echo Wave II\Config\Plugins\CopyData directory)
  10. To get synchronous Cine files, do the next steps:
  11. Turn OFF generator
  12. Click Freeze/Run button on CopyData.exe utility window or press hardware Freeze/Run button to stop scanning
  13. Click Freeze button on CopyData.exe utility window or press hardware Freeze/Run button to start scanning
  14. Turn ON generator
  15. Perform scanning
  16. Turn OFF generator
  17. Click Freeze button on CopyData.exe utility window or press hardware Freeze/Run button to stop scanning
  18. Save Cine clips as “avi” files on both Echo Wave instances
    Note: Signal Generator can run continuously. In this case captured frames at two PCs may be shifted one frame relatively to each other.

Setting the highest frame rate

To set the maximum possible frame rate raze slowly triggering frequency on Signal Generator. At the same time monitor the frame rate shown in Echo Wave II ultrasound window. Both frequencies should change accordingly. When you reach maximum framrate you will see dramatic frame rate drop (approximately 2 times) in Echo Wave II. Adjust the frequency a little to lower value to regain frame rate in Echo Wave II window as shown on Signal Generator. Now you reached the maximum frame rate for current scanning settings.

Achievable result example:

You can reach up to 150 frames per second with the following settings:

  • 128 element transducer
  • Scan depth: 40 mm
  • Line density: Standard
  • Number of focuses: 1

NOTE: If you need other scanning parameters the achievable frame rate can be different. In this case you will need to adjust triggering frequency.

Q&A Section

Where can I purchase needed cables for I/O module connection?

A: You can purchase ready to use cables at Amazon, see example link.

Q: Is it possible to achieve higher frame rates than in your example case?

A: Yes, you can. To get higher frame rates you can:

  • Lower Line Density
  • Make smaller View Area
  • Lower number of Focuses
  • Lower Scan Depth

Q: Can I run two EchoWave II instances with two beamformers attached to one computer?

A: Yes, you can. To run two instances of Echo Wave II application follow these steps:

  1. Find options2.txt file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Telemed\Echo Wave II\Config\Options\
  2. Open it with notepad.exe
  3. Set parameter: allow_scanning_by_all_software_instances;1 (replace “0” with “1”)
  4. Save and close file options2.txt
  5. Run Echo Wave II application
  6. Open Menu->Tools->Options
  7. Select tab Technical
  8. Set checkbox Allow to start several software instances
  9. Shutdown Echo Wave II application
  10. Attach two beamformers to the same computer using different USB ports
  11. Start Echo Wave II application and allow it load completely
  12. Start another instance of Echo Wave II application
  13. On both instances you should see live images from one of attached beamformer/transducer sets. You Probe button to choose another transducer.

Q: When I run ArtUs Sync Options utility I get the error message:

A: This message is caused by absence of required 32-bit libraries required to run the utility. To fix that you can do any of the following:

  1. Install “Echo Wave II” 32-bit version. This software will install MS Visual C++ 2005 libraries.
  2. Download and install MS Visual C++ 2005 libraries:

Revision History

Revision| Revision Date| Description of Revision| Revision Author
1.0| 2018.07.17| Initial Release| A. Prysiazhniuk
1.1| 2018.07.19| Was added photo of rear panel| G. Volkov
1.2| 2018.07.24| Added additional description| G. Volkov
1.3| 2019.04.10| Added chapter 6.| A. Prysiazhniuk, G. Volkov
1.4| 2019.05.07| Mistakes fixes| A. Prysiazhniuk
2.0 – 2.5| 2020.02.05–      2020.12.18| Chapters 9, 10, 11 edited. Small typo fixes| A.Kovalev
2.6| 2020.01.12| Edited chapters 2, 3, 4. Added chapter 12| A. Prysiazhniuk
2.7| 2021.03.18| Updated Sync Options Utility description – Chapter 4| A.Kovalev
2.8| 2021.07.22| Added info in Q&A section| A.Kovalev
2.9| 2022.12.21| Added company info. Added jitter note in ch. 3| A.Kovalev

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