GoldenEar T66 Loudspeaker System User Guide

June 17, 2024

T66 Loudspeaker System


Product Specifications:

  • Product Name: Loudspeaker System With Built-In High-Powered

  • Quick Start Guide Languages: English, German, French, Spanish,
    Italian, Dutch, Swedish

  • Symbol Meaning: European Union symbol for separate collection
    of electrical and electronic equipment

Product Usage Instructions:

Safety Precautions:

Before using the loudspeaker system, please read and follow all
safety precautions in the user manual to prevent any accidents or


1. Place the loudspeaker system in a suitable location with
enough space for proper ventilation.

2. Connect the necessary cables to your audio source following
the provided instructions.

Powering On:

1. Plug the power cord into a suitable power outlet.

2. Turn on the power using the designated power button on the

Adjusting Settings:

Use the control panel or remote control to adjust volume, bass
levels, and other settings according to your preferences.


Regularly clean the loudspeaker system with a soft, dry cloth to
ensure optimal performance.

Avoid exposing the system to extreme temperatures or

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: What should I do if the loudspeaker system is not producing


A: Check the connections to ensure they are secure, adjust
volume settings, and verify that the audio source is functioning

Q: Can I connect additional devices to the loudspeaker


A: Yes, you can connect compatible devices such as smartphones,
tablets, or laptops using the appropriate cables or wireless
connection methods.

Q: How can I enhance the bass performance of the


A: Adjust the bass levels using the provided controls to
customize the sound output to suit your preferences.


Loudspeaker System With Built-In High-Powered SuperSubwoofer
Quick Start Guide
Schnellstartanleitung Guide de demarrage rapide
Guia de inicio r6pido Guida rapida all’avvio
Snelstartgids Snabbstartguide
KpaTK08 PYKOBO,D,CTBO nOJlb30BaT8m:i
Guia de iniciac;ao r6pida

The crossed -out wheeled bin is the European Union symbol for indicating separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment. This product contains electrical and electronic equipment which should be reused, recycled or recovered and should not be disposed of with unsorted regular waste. Please return the unit or contact the authorised dealer from whom you purchased this product for more information.

DE Die durchgestrichene Mulltonne out Radern ,st dos Symbol der Europaischen Union fur die getrennte Sommlung van elelctrischen und elektronischen Geraten Dieses Produkt entholf

elektrische und elektronische Gerbte. die wiederverwendet. recycelt oder verwertet werden soHten und nicht mit unscrtiertem HausmOII entsorgt werden dOrfen. Bitte geben Sie dos GerOt

zuruck oder wenden Sie sich fur weitere lnformotionen on den outorisierten Handler, bei dem Sie dieses Produkt erworben hoben. FR Lo poubelle borree est le symbole de !’Union europeenne

indiquant la collecle separee des 8quipements 61ectriques et 01ectroniques. Ce produit contient des 8quipements eiectriques et 91ectroniques qui doivent etre reutiltses. recycles ou r6cup8r9s

et ne doivent pas etre jetes ovec les d8chets ordinaires non tries. Veuillez retourner l’appareil ou contacter le revendeur agree auprSs duquel vous avez achete ce produit pour plus d’infor-

motions. SP El conlenedor con ruedos tochodo es el simbolo de lo Union Europeo que indico lo recogido seleclivo de oporotos electricos y electr6nicos. Este producto contiene equipos

electricos y electr6nicos que deben ser reutilizados. reciclados o recuperados y no deben ser eliminodos con la basuro normal no clasificada. Por favor. devuelva la unidod o p6ngase en
contocto con el distribuidor outorizodo al que compr6 este producto para obtener m6s informoci6n. IT Ubidone barrato eii simbolo dell’Unione Europea che indica la raccolta differenziota

per le opporecchioture eletlriche ed eletlroniche. Questa prodotto contiene opporecchioture eletlriche ed eletlroniche che devono essere riutilizzote. riciclote o recuperate e non devono

essere smaltite con i rtfiuti normali non differennati. Si prego di restituire l’unitCI o di contattore ii rivenditore autorizzato presso ii qua1e estate acquistoto questo prodotto per ulteriori informozi-

oni. NL De doorgekruisle vuilnisbok op wielljes is het symbool van de Europese Unie voor het gescheiden inzomelen van eleklrische en elektronische opporotuur. Dit product bevot elelctrische

en elektronische opporotuur die moet warden hergebruikl. gerecycled of leruggewonnen en niet met hel ongesorteerde gewone ofvol mag warden weggegooid. Breng het toestel terug

of neem contact op met de erkende deolerwoor u dit product hebl gekocht voor meer informolie. SE Den overkryssode popperskorgen pa hjul or EU:s symbol for seporot insomling av

elektrisk och efektronisk utrustning. Denno produkl innehaller elelctrisk och elektronisk ulruslning som ska ateronvondos. atervinnos eller atervinnos och far inte slongos med osorterot vonligt

ovfoll Lomno tmboko enheten eller kontokto den ouktoriserode aterforsoljore som du kapte produkten av for mer information. RU nepeyepKHYfbl~ MYCQPHbn’I KOKT9″1Hep All” Konec asMerc,i


– 0 Cot0Ja AflR o6oJHaseH”” pa3A8JlbHOro c6opa 3ffiKTPWl8CKOCO ” 3neKTpOHHOro o6opyAOBatMSI- ,[laHHOe “3Ae/l”e COAeP”””‘ 3ffiKT])W<8Ct<oe ” 3Jl8KT])OHH08 o6opyAOBSH”e, l<OTOpoe

c~yer f10BTopHO l-D”K>flb30Bc!Tb, nepepa6aTh1BaTb 111.111,1 BOCCraH88JllllBaTb, H He AO/DKHO yrw11,131,11poaaTbC~ BMBCTe C H9COPll1po88HHblM OObNHblM My’COpoM. no>K.8.JlyilcTa, oopt,MT8 ycrpoVICTBO WM CBR>KWT8Cb C

“”Al1/18PClM, y KOroporo Bbl np,,,o6pene A8HHOe ’13,£e!lYle. All” no,-“” 6o11ee no/lj)OOHO” ~HQJOPMaLl>M. PT No Unic’io Europeio. o simbolo do coixote do lixo com rodos. com umo cruz

par cima. indico que os dispositivos eletricos e eletr6nicos est<Jo sujeitos a uma recolho separada. Este produto inclui equipamento eletrico e e1etr6nico que dever6 ser reutilizado, reciclado

ou recuperado Clo deve 6 er eti inado ju to com o lixo dom0shco Devolve a unidade ou contacte o distribuidor autorizodo onde adquiriu o produto para obter mais infer ac;Oes.


Read All Instructions
DE Alie Anweisungen lesen FR Lire toutes les instructions SP Lea todas las instrucciones IT Leggere tutte le istruzioni NL Lees olle instructies SE Los olo instruktioner RU npoy”ra”re see


IIHCTpYKU,lllL-1 PT Ler as instruc;Oes no integra

Avoid Direct Sunlight


DE Vermeiden Sie direkte Sonneneinstrohlung FR Eviter la lumiere directe du soleil SP Evitar lo luz solar directo IT Evitore lo luce diretto del sole NL Vermijd direct zonlicht SE Undvik direkt solljus RU 1136era~Te npsiMblX coJ1H84HblX
.ny,-te~ PT Evitar a exposi<;Oo a luz solar direta


·: – Te-chnical Specifications

Avoid Extreme Temperatures
OE Vermeiden Sie extreme Temperaturen FR Evitez les temperatures extremes SP Evitar las temperoturos extremos IT Evitore le temperature estreme NL Vermijd extreme temperaturen SE Undvik extrema temperaturer RU l1136eraVITe 3KCTpeManbHblX TeMneparyp PT Evitar temperaturas extremas
Avoid Solvents
DE Vermeiden Sie Lasungsmittel FR ~vitez les solvants SP Evitar las disolventes IT Evitare i solventi NL Oplosmiddelen vermijden SE Undvik lasningsmedel RU 1136eraVITe pacraopITTenei;, PT Evitar o uso de solventes

@ Avoid Moisture DE Vermeiden Sie Feuchtigkeit FR ~vilez l’humidite SP Evitor lo humedod IT Evitore l’umidit6 NL Vermijd vochl SE Undvik fukl RU 1136erml1Te BJ18rvl PT Evitar humidode


Secure Cables
DE Sichere Kobel FR Fixer les cables SP Aseguror las cables IT Fissore i covi NL Kobels vostzetten SE Sokro koblor RU 3aKpem1Te Ka6e111,1 PT Assegurar

o seguronc;o dos cobos

DE Techn,sche Doten FR Spec,ficot,ons techniques SP Espec1ficoc1ones tecnicos fl Spec,fiche tecniche NL Techn,sche Spec,ficot,es SE Teknisko spec1fikohoner RU TexH”Y0CKY1e xapaKrep”CTMK” PT Espec,ficoc;iies tecn,cos

One High-Gauss Reference High-Velocity Folded Ribbon AMT Tweeter


Driver Compliment

Two 4.5″ High-Definition Cast-Basket Mid/Bass Drivers Two 5″ x 9″ Long-Throw Quadratic Subwoofers

Two 8″ x 12″ Quadratic Planar Back-Wave-Driven Radiators

Passive Radiator Surface Area

53.36in2 (344.3cm2)

Frequency Response:

9ldB l W/1 M@ 40 (2.83V/1M)
– + – – – – – – – – – – – – —
29 Hz- 25kHz typical
(-6dB on axis @ 29Hz, anechoic bass response)

Nominal Impedance


Recommended Amplification

20 – 500 watt/channel

Built-In Subwoofer Power Amplification

1000W peak/500W RMS, DSP-Controlled

. “”

Speaker Dimensions
Power Requirements/ Consumption:

7’/i’ (19.1 cm) w x 14¾” (37.6 cm) D x 481/,” (124.1 cm) H



:~;:;~~~~;I: =- -.-7-I (Approved forNA (TUY) and the CE market)

Speclfic attons Subject to Change Without Notic e
DEAnderungen der Spezifikationen ohne VoronkOndigung vorbehollen FR Les specifications peuvent ~Ire modifiees sons preovis SP Especificociones sujetos o comblos sin previo oviso IT Specifiche soggette o modifiche senzo preovviso NL Speciflcoties kunnen zonder voorolgoonde kennisgeving worden gewijzigd SE Specifikotionerno kon Ondros utan f0reg6ende meddelonde RU TeXHi.NeCKl.1e xapaKTep111CT111K111 MOryr 6brTb 113MeHeHbl 003 npe,A133P1,1TenbHOfo VOOAOMneHlllsi PT Especificoc;Oes sujeitos o olteroc;Oes sem oviso previo

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-‘j, -‘,· Unpacking f;Please Follow·These Steps to Safely Unpack Your Speakers

· DE Auspocken – B1lte befolgen s,e d,ese Schntte, um lhre Loulsprecher sicher ouszupocken FR Debolloge – Veu1llez su,vre les elopes su,vontes pour deboller vos ence,ntes en toute securtte SP Desembofaje – Sigo ostos posos para desembolor las oltovoces de formo seguro IT D1s1mbollogg10 – Seguo quesh poss, per d,s,mbollore ,n s,curezzo , suo, d1ffuson NL
· – u,tpokken – Vofg deze stoppen om uw lu1dsprekers ve1hg uil le pokken SE Uppockn,ng – Fol1desso steg for ott pocko upp hogtolorno pa ell scikert scitt RU PacnaKOBKa – no>Kallyi,cra. , · ·, Bb1n9.r]1;~~ ~<;!81-111, ’17Q®.-6839!!1!CJ;P,~ ~ sawH KOJ10HK11 PT Desembolor – S190 esles posses para desembolor as seus olt1falontes em seguronc;o , .
. , ~ , & ~ ~ ~ – . : ‘ ; ” ~ – ; ‘ ; ~ ‘ -:. “°”fr’:,~,~

T66 speakers are heavy, we recommend 2 people to unpack them
DE 166-Loutsprecher sind schwer. Daher werden zum Auspocken 2 Personen ben6tlgt. FR Les enceintes T66 sent lourdes, nous recommandons
de les deboller a deux personnes SP Los oltovoces T66 son pesodos. Par
eso. recomendamos que el desembalaje se haga con 2 personas IT Gli oltoportonti T66 sono pesonti. e consigliobile che a disimbollorli siono 2 persone NL De T66-luidsprekers zijn zwoor. We roden oon ze te loten uitpokken door twee personen. SE 166 hagtolore or tungo. vi rekommenderor att tv6 personer packer upp dem RU AK}’CTlll4eGKrul c111cTeMa T66 AOCT8TO4HO TS!>K8Jl~. Mbl peKOM8HAY0M pacnaKOBbl88Tb ee BABOOM. PT Os altifalante T66 sc’io pesodos e devem ser desembolodos par 2 pessoos.

1. Remove any wrapping and lay box flat as shown
DE Verpackung entfernen und Karlan nach hinlegen, wie abgebildet. FR Coupez soigneusement le ruban SP Retire el envoltorio y coloque la caja sabre una sup erficie piano. ta1 como se muestra IT Togliere eventuale moteriale avvolgente e stendere la confezione in orizzontale come illustrate NL Verwijder de verpakking en leg de doos neer, zeals in de afbeelding SE Avli:igsna ollf omslagsmoteria l och sti:ill ladan plant sasom visas RU YAaJ10Te
ynaKOBKy Ill no11o>t<J11T8 KOpo6Ky rop11130HTanbHO,
K8K noKa38HO Ha p111cyHKe. PT Remove quolquer material de embrulho e coloque a embalagem no horizontal. tal como ilustrado
3. Stand box up as shown with top piece on top
OE Karton wie abgebildef mil dem Kopfteil nach oben aufstellen FR Mettez le carton en position verticale comme sur l’illustration, avec la partie sup ‘rieure sur le dessus SP Ponga la caja de pie coma se indica. con lo parte superior hocia arriba IT Mettere la confezione in posizione verticale come illusIra to con la parte superiore verso I’ alto NL Zet de doos recht, zoals in de afbeelding, met het bovenste onderdeel bovenaan SE Sti:ill ladan sasom visas med ovansidon uppat RU
nocT88bT8 KOPo6KY eepTll1KaT1bHO,
K8K nOKa3aHO Ha p111cyHK8, aepxHs;is;i YaCTb ynaKOBKIII AOJl>KHa 6b1Tb ceepxy PT Coloque a coixo no vertical com a parte superior para cima

2. Carefully cut tape
DE Sorgfi:iltig geschnittenes Band FR Coupez soigneusement le ruban SP Cortar la cinta con cuidado IT Tagliare occuratamente ii nastro NL Snij voorzichtig tape SE Skar f6rsiktigt av tejpen RU AKKypaTHO nepepeaaHHas:l neHTa PT Corte a fita com cuidado

4. Slide the packing out of the box, and remove the top piece to reveal the base of the speaker

DE Schieben Sie die Verpackung aus dem Kerton, und entfernen Sie den oberen leil, um die Basis des Lautsprechers freizulegen FR Faites glisser l’emballage hors de la boile. puis retirez la portie superieure pour dl9couvrir la base de l’enceinte SP Deslice el embalaje fuera de la caja, y retire la piezo superior para reveler la base del altavoz IT Far scorrere l’imballaggio fuori dalla scatola, e rimuovere ii pezzo superiore per rivelare la base del diffusore NL Schuit de verpakking uit de doos en verwijder het bovenstuk om de basis van de luidspreker te onthullen SE Skjut ul f6rpackningen ur IOdon och to bort den Ovre delen s6 aft du ser h6gtalarens bas RU BblABIIIHbTe ynaKOBKY 1,13 KOpo6Klll Ill CHl-1MITT8 eepxHIOIO 48CTb, 4To6bl OTKPblTb OCHOBaHl-18 A1t1HaM111Ka PT Empurre O embolagem para fora do coixa e remove a porte superior para expor a base do oltifolonte

5. Carefully turn the speaker over and place base on floor
DE Drehen Sie den Lautsprecher vorsichtig um und stellen Sie die Basis auf den Boden FR Retournez dellcatement l’enceinte et posez lo base sur le sol SP Gire con cuidado el altavoz y coloque lo base en el suelo IT Girare con attenzione ii diffusore e appoggiare la base sul povimen to NL Draai de luidspreker voorzichtig om en plaats de voet op de vloer SE Vi:ind fi:irsiktigt pa hi:igtaloren och placera bosen pa golvet RU OcropO>KHO nepeeepHIIITe K0110HKY Ill nollO>KVITS OCHOBaHl/18 Ha non PT Rode o altifolante cuidodosamente e coloque a base no c hCm

6. Carefully remove the packing shell and the protective bag
DE Entfernen Sie vorsichtig die Verpackungsschale und die Schutztasche FR Retirez avec precaution la coque d’emballage et le sac de protection SP Retire con cuidado la carcasa del embalaje y la bolsa de protecci6n IT Rimuovere con cura ii guscio di imballaggio e ii sacchetto protettivo NL Verwijder voorzichtig het verpakkingsomhulsel en de beschermzak SE Ta fi:irsiktigt bort torpackningsskalet och skyddsp6sen RU OcroPo>KHO CHIIIMIIITe ynaKOBOYHYK) o6o!10YKY Ill 38w_lllTHblVI naKer PT Retire cuidadosamente a carcac;a do embalagem e a balsa de prote,;:60

Positioning – Check the User Manuaffor Detailed Instructions

DE Anschlusse – Lesen Sie dos Benutzerhandbuch fur detaillierte Anweisungen FR Connexions. Consultez le monuel de l’utitisoteur pour des instructions detaillees SP Conexiones – Con-

suite el manual del usuario para obtener instrucciones detollados IT Connessioni – Conlrollare ii manuale utente per istruzioni dettagliote NL Aonsluitingen – Roodpleeg de gebruiker-

shondleiding voor gedetailleerde inslructies SE Anslutningar – Se bruksanvisningen 16 delal”e

inst le ·oner RU noAJVII048H’1Sl – noMQOHbl0 aHCTJ)YKl.lL1e CM. B p)IKOBOACTBB rl0Jlb308aT8/111.

PT Posic me to onsulte o monuot Rora obter nstru~Oe perm ·zadas

Positioning T66 as left/right fronts
DE Positionierung des T66 als Links/Rechts-Fronten FR Positionnement du T66 en font que fronts gouche/droit SP Posicionamiento de 166 como frentes izquierdo y derecho IT Posizionamento di T66 come frontoti sinistro/destro NL Positionering 166 als links/ rechts front SE Placering av T66 som v6ns ter/h6gro frontar RU n o3111u,1110H1-1poeaH111e T66 KaK neeoro/npasoro (ppoHTOB PT Posicionamenlo do T66 como frentes esquerdo/direito

Positioning T66 as surrounds
DE 166 ols Surrounds positionieren FR Positionnement du 166 en tent qu’enfouroge SP Posicionomiento de 166 come Rodeos IT Posizionamento del 166 come c ircondario NL Positionering T66 als Surrounds SE Plocering av l 66 som surrounds RU n o3111u,vioH1-1poeaH1-1e T66 KaK OKPY>+<SHl-1~ PT Posicionomento do l 66 come som surround




. Connections – Check the User Manual for Detailed Instructions
: DE Anschlusse – Lesen S1e dos Benutzerhandbuch fur deta1U1erte AnweIsungen FR Connexions – Consultez le monuel de l’ut1hsoteur pour des instructions d8″to1llees SP Conex1ones – Consulte el manual del usuono para obtener InstnuccIones detollodos IT Conness,on, – Controllare 11 monuole utente per ,stnuz,on, dettoglIote NL Aonslu,tingen – Roodpleeg de gebnu1kershondle1d1ng
‘ voor gedeta,11eerde 1nstruches SE Anslutningar – Se bruksanv1sningen for detal1erode 1nstrukhoner RU noAK1110YSH~ – noAPQ6Hb1e IIHCTPYKU,1-1111 CM s pyKOBOAcme nonb30BaTe.ns:i PT llgoc;Oes ~ . , c~’:sulte o manual ~re obter 1nstrU<;:6es porrnenonzadas

Connecting Speaker Cables
DE AnschlieBen van Loutsprecherkobeln FR Connexion des cables d’enceintes SP Conexi6n de las cables de las oltovoces IT Collegomento dei covi dei diffusori NL Luidsprekerkobels oonsluiten SE Anslutning av hogtolorkoblar RU noAK1110YeHae ru<yCT111′-lecK111x i<a6eneVI PT Conex0o dos cobos do oltifalante

1. Using full -range speaker cables
DE Verwendung van VollbereichsLoutsprecherkobeln FR Utilisation de cables d’enceintes 6 large bonde SP Uso de cables de oltovoz de range complete IT Utiliuo di cavi per oltoparlonti full-range NL Gebruik van full-range luidsprekerkobels SE Anv0ndning av fullrangehogtolarkoblor RU Vlcnoflb30BaHee Ka6ene11 Afl~ nOJ1HOAV1ana30HHblX AV1HaMV1KOB PT Usar cabos de oltifolonte de gomo complete

2. Using bi-wire speaker cables, jumpers must be removed
DE Bei Verwendung von Bi-WireLautsprecherkabeln mOssen die Jumper entfernt werden FR Si vous utilisez des cCJbles d ‘enceinte bifilaires. les cavaliers doivent etre retires SP Sise utilizan cables de altavoz bifilares, hay que quitar los puentes IT Se si usano cavi per altoparlanti bifilari. i ponticelli devono essere rimossi NL Bij gebruik van bi-wire luidsprekerkobels moeten de jumpers warden verwijderd SE Om du onvdnder tv6tr6digo hogtolorkoblar m6ste du to bort byteno RU npvi 111cnOJ1b30BaHVIVI A9yxnpoBOAHblX aKYCT114ecKvix Ka6eneVI Heo6xoA1,1Mo YAaJllllTb nepeMbl4KVI PT Na utilizac;:Oo de Cabos de oltifolonte bicoblodos, os jumpers tern de ser removidos



Connect AC power cable


DEAC-Netzkobel onschlieBen FR Connecter le cable d’olimentation

CA SP Conector el cable de olimentoci6n de CA IT Collegare ii

covo di olimen tozione AC NL AC-stroomkobel oonsluiten SE Anslut

AC-str6mkabel RU noAKJ1I04VITe Ka6enb nviTaHvis:i nepeMeHHOro TOKa

PT Ligue o cobo de olimentoc;:60 CA




Set Subwoofer Level to 12 o’clock (straight up) to start, see user manual for more information
DEZunochst Subwoofer-Regler ouf 12 Uhr stellen (direkt noch obenj. Weitere lnformotionen siehe Bedienungsanleitung. FR Reglez initialement le niveau du haut-parleur d’extremes graves en position 12 h (droit vers le haul), voir les details dons le monuel de l’utilisoteur SP Poro empezar, estoblezco el nivel del subgrove a las 12 en punto (directomente hocio orriboj y consulte el manual del usuario para obtener m6s informaci6n IT lmpostare ii livello del subwoofer a o re 12 (diritto in verticale) per iniziare, per maggiori informazioni vedere ii manuole di istruzioni. NL Stel het Subwoofer-niveou in op 12 u. (recht omhoogj om te storten: roodpleeg de gebruikershondleiding voar meer informotie. SE Till en borjon, stoll in subwoofer-niv6n rokt upp6t, se bruksanvisningen f6r ytterligare information RU Ans:i Ha4ana ycTaHOBITT8 PY’-tKY perym1poeKV1 ypoBHSl ca6aycpepa (Subwoofer Level) Ha 12 sacoa (pyYKa perynepoeKe HanpaaneHa aaepx), AflS nonyYeHas AOnonHviTenbH011 viHcpopMa1.iv1111 CM. pyKOBO/CTBO nonb3osaTens:i. PT Para comec;or, define o nivel do subwoofer para as 12 horas (diretamente para cima) . ver o manual para mais inform0<;:6es
Connecting the LFE Input
DE AnschlieBen des LFE-Eingongs FR Connexion de I’ en tree LFE SP Conexi6n de lo en trod a LFE IT Collegomento dell’ingresso LFE NL De LFE-ingong oonsluiten SEAnslutning ov LFE-ing6ngen RU noAKlllOYeHae axoAa LFE PT Conexao do entrodo LFE

Using the LFE Input is always in addition to connecting speaker cables, it is never a replacement for connecting speaker cables

DE Die Verwendung des LFE-Eingangs isl immer eine Erg nzug

zum Anschluss van

Lautsprecherkabeln, er ist niemals ein Ersatz fur den Anschluss van Loutsprecherkabeln FR L’utilisotion

de l’entree LFE vient toujours en complement de lo connexion de cClbles de haut-parleurs, elle ne

remplace jamais la connexion de cClbles de haut-parleurs SP El uso de lo entrada LFE es siempre un

complemento a la co nexi6n de las cables de las oltavoces, nunca sustituye a la conexi6n de las
cables de las oltovoces IT L’uso dell’ingresso LFE e sempre in oggiunto al collegomento dei covi dei

diffusori. non sostituisce moi ii collegomento dei covi dei diffusori NL Het gebnuik van de LFE-ingang

is altijd een oanvulling op het aansluiten van luidsprekerkabels, het is nooit een vervonging voor het
aonsluiten van luidsprekerkabels SE Anvondning av LFE-ing6ngen or olltid ett tillogg till onslutning av

hogtalorkoblar, den ersotter oldrig onslutning av hogtolorkoblor RU Vlcnonb30BaHae axoAa LFE acerAa

5lBJ15l0TC5l AOnOJ1H0HVl0M K nOAKJ11040HVIIO 8tcyCTVl40CKVIX Ka6ene11, OHO HVIKOrAa, He 3aM0H5l0T nOAKJ11040HVl8
aKYCnt48CKvix Ka6ene~. PT A utiliza<;Oo do entrada LFE e sempre um complemento 6 conexClo dos

cobos do oltifolonte, nunco substi tui a conexao dos cobos do oltifolonte.

For receivers or processors with only one LFE output, use a “Y” Connector
DE FOr Receiver oder Prozessoren mit nur einem LFE-Ausgang verwenden Sie einen “Y”-Anschluss FR Pour les recepteurs ou les processeurs avec une seule sortie LFE, utilisez un connecteur “Y” SP Paro los receptores o procesadores con una solo salida LFE, utllice un conector “Y” IT Per ricevitori o processori con una solo uscita LFE, utilizzare un connettore “Y” NL Voor ontvangers of processors met slechts een LFE-uitgong, gebruik een “Y”-connector SE For mottogare eller processorer med endost en LFE-utg6ng, onvond en “Y”-kontokt RU P,lls pecaaepoa “”” npo~eccopoe, VIM8IO~X TOJlbKO OAVIH BblXOA LFE, VICOO/lb3yiirre pa3b0M ‘Y “. PT Pora OS recetores OU processadores com apenas uma saida LFE, utilize um conector “Y”

UK This product complies with the essential CA requirements of the EMC d irec tive 89/336/EEC

For Additional Help With Installation Visit:
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Loudspeaker System With Built-In High-Powered SuperSubwoofer

T66 Owner’s Manual

Congratulations and thank you for purchasing GoldenEar’sTM T66 speakers. You are about to hear the spectacular difference these very special speakers (which include a built-in powered subwoofer system) will make in your music and/or home theater system.
Our engineers’ many years of experience in developing loudspeakers has led to this extraordinary product. In order to ensure that you experience maximum performance, please take a moment to fully read this owner’s manual and familiarize yourself with the unique installation and set-up procedures for your T66 speakers.
Please visit our website at for more information on the technology behind your new speaker system. If you have additional questions, contact your Authorized GoldenEarTM Dealer or visit the Q&A page in the Tech Support section of our website.
Safety Precautions


The lightning flash with arrowpoint within an equilateral triangle warns of the presence of uninsulated “dangerous volta~·· within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a nsk of electric shock to persons.



The exclamation point within an equilateral trian9le warns users of the presence of important operating
and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.

In accordance with the European Union WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive effective August 13, 2005, we would like to notify you that this product may contain regulated materials which , upon disposal, according to the WEEE directive. require special reuse and recycling processing. For this reason GoldenEar (manufacturers of GoldenEar speakers) has arranged with our distributors in European Union member nations to collect and recycle this product at no cost to you . To find your local distributor please
contact the dealer from whom you purchased this product or go to our website at www goldenear com.
Please note that the product only falls under the WEEE directive. When disposing of packaging and other shipping material we encourage you to recycle through the normal channels.


GoldenEar T66 Manual

Important Safety Instructions
1. Rea d Instruction s- All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated . 2. Retain Instructions – The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference. 3. Heed Warnings – All warnings o n the prod uct and in the operating instructions should be adhered to . 4. Follow Instructions -All operating and use instructions should be followed. 5. Cleaning – Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp,
soft cloth for cleaning the gloss black surfaces. Use a lint brush or vacuum with soft brush attachment for g rilles. 6. Water and Moisture – Do not use this product near water-for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub;
in a wet basement: or near a swimming pool; and the like. 7. Accessories – Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table. The product may fall, causing serious
injury to a child or adult and serious damage to the product. Use only w ith a cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table recommended by the manufaturer, or sold with the product. Any mounting of the product should follow manufacturer’s instructions and should use a mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturer. 8. Ventilation – Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, and these openings must not be blocked or covered . The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug , or other similar surface. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to. 9. Power Sources – This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your product dealer or local power company. For products intended to operate from battery power, or other sources, refer to the operating instructions. 10. Grounding and Polarization -This product may be equipped with a polarized alternating-current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other). This plug will fit into the power outlet only one way. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug . If the plug should still fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug . 11 . Power-Cord Protection – Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the product. 12. Lightning – For added protection for this product during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet. This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and powerline surges. 13. Overloading – Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or e lectric shock. 14. Object and Liquid Entry- Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing, and ensure that no objects filled with water, such as vases, are placed on the apparatus. 15. Servicing – Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. 16. Damage Requiring Service – Unplug this product from wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified personnel under the following conditions:
a . When power supply cord or plug is damaged; b. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fal len into product: c. If the product has been exposed to rain or water; d . If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions.
Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an imprpper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation: e. If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way: f. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance. 17. Replacement Parts – When replacement parts are required , be sure the technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire , electric shock, or other hazards 18. Safety Check – Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the product is in proper operating condition. 19. Wall or Ceiling Mounting – The product should be mounted to a wa ll or ceiling only as recommended by the manufacturer. 20. Heat – The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.

GoldenEar T66 Manual



T66 Owner’s Manual

The cautionary marking label is located on back of speaker.
1. The power disconnect device is located on the back of the speaker. 2. The disconnect device is the power cord, detachable at either the speaker or the wall.
The mains plug shall remain readily accessible/operable. 3. The power cord must be disc onnected from the _speaker before servicing.

Unpacking your T66 Loudspeakers
Please Inspect for Shipping Damage
Each loudspeaker leaves our plant in perfect condition. Any visible or concealed damage most likely occurred in handling after it left our plant and should be reported at once to your Golden Ear Dealer and/or the delivery company that delivered your loudspeaker. Please unpack your system carefully.
Save all cartons and packing materials in case you move or need to ship your system. Record the serial number found on the back of the T66 loudspeaker here:

(Serial Number)
Please go to and use the serial number(s) above to complete your warranty registration.
When removing the speaker from the box, NEVER pull the speaker out by the front of the speaker as this is likely to damage or dislodge the grille assembly. With the speaker carton laying down with end cap arrows facing up, cut the tape around the three sides of the front flap. Open the front flaps, and then (with two people) lift and stand the carton up. Then carefully slide the speaker out of the carton following the Quick Start Guide diagrams; if you cannot locate the printed QSG, please to go: and download.
Please note, if the grille has popped off and is standing away from the cabinet at some point, DO NOT try to push it back as you can damage the grille. Seek assistance from your dealer for proper removal and reinstall.
We do not recommend the removal of the grilles except for servicing by authorized personnel.
4 GoldenEar T66 Manual

Instructions to Install Spikes/Rubber Tips On Speaker Bases
The T66 ships with the foot cones and locking nuts pre-installed into the speaker bases.
Parts included: 4x Steel Spikes 4x Rubber Tips 1x Hook Spanner lx Hex Key
Choosing Spikes or Rubber Tips

Hook Spanner


Hex Key

· · · Rubber Tips



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Using spikes provides much greater stability when placing your T66 loudspeakers on carpeting. But using spikes on wooden floors, or other floors susceptible to scratching, can cause damage to the floor. Use the rubber tips instead of spikes to protect these types of surfaces. Golden Ear is specifically not responsible for damage which may result from the use of spikes.

NOTE: If you are using spikes it minimizes the potential for carpet/rug damage to wait to install spikes until after room placement is optimized and connections to equipment are complete as outlined on pages 7-1 O of this user manual.

For safety and installation ease, two people are recommended.

Installing the spikes or rubber tips
1a. With the speaker standing upright, have one person tilt the speaker to the side on its base by touching only the cabinet. Do not touch the grille to do this.
1b. Person two can now either screw in spikes or attach rubber tips to the bottom of two accessible feet. Tilt the speaker in the opposite direction and install the two additional rubber tips or spikes on the remaining two feet. Repeat on other speaker.
2. With the rubber tips or spikes now installed, two people can lift the speaker upright and lower it to the desired location. If you are using spikes on a carpeted surface, push down on the top of the speaker to force the spikes through the carpet to make contact with the floor beneath.
3. Once you have positioned the speakers, wiggle them to see if they are stable and level. To achieve the best level and stability, adjust the height of the feet using the supplied hex key inserted through the foot access holes in the top of the base, and then tighten the locking nut against the bottom of the base (see diagram).

Reinstalling Foot Cones and Locking Nuts
The Foot cones and locking nuts are pre-installed in the speaker base, but if disassembled they can be reinstalled as follows. Two people are required.
1a. First tighten the threaded locking nuts onto each foot cone {x 4 per speaker, see diagram at right) .
1b . With the speaker standing upright, have one person tilt the speaker to the side on its base by touching only the cabinet. Do not use the grille to do this. Person two can now screw the assembled feet {with locking nuts in place) into two of the threaded foot holes in the bottom of the base. Tilt the speaker in the opposite direction. Install the two additional assembled feet into the other two threaded holes in the bottom of the base. Repeat on other speaker.

Hex Key
Locking Nut Foot Cone Spike or Rubber Tip

GoldenEar T66 Manual



T66 Owner’s Manual

Preventing Speaker Damage
GoldenEar T66 speakers are efficient and can be driven to loud listening levels with moderate amplifier power. They are also able to handle the output of very powerful amplifiers. To prevent damage to your speakers, please read the following guidelines before hooking them up.

Amplifier Distortion – #1 Threat to your New Speakers!
Amplifier distortion is the principal cause of speaker damage. When listening at loud levels your amplifier may run out of clean power. It will then begin to produce speaker-damaging distorted power. This will damage any brand of speaker very quickly! More powerful amplifiers are actually safer – For example: A 40 Watt/channel amplifier will have substantial distortion above 40 Watts. If driven to SO watts, this amplifier will deliver speaker-damaging distorted power! But a 100 Watt/channel amplifier will have very low distortion below 100 watts. Therefore, when the speaker requires SO Watts, this more powerful amplifier will deliver clean power and speaker damage is less likely to occur. (See your GoldenEar dealer for amplifier recommendations.)

Volume Setting
Do not be fooled by the Volume setting of your receiver/preamplifier. It only adjusts listening level – it is not a “power-output” dial. The amount of amplifier power actually used at a given Volume setting depends solely on the nature of the source material you are listening to (at a given Volume setting a quiet section of music will use less amplifier power than a loud section). With typical material, the rated output power of many receivers/ amplifiers is often reached when the Volume is set to around -1 OdB, or between the “11” and “1 o’clock” settings with an analog control (with bass/ treble and loudness controls not used – otherwise rated power may be reached at even lower Volume settings) . Remember, all amplifiers produce distortion when operated beyond their rated output power. The resulting distortion will damage all speakers! If you listen at loud levels, be careful to listen for the point of audible distortion – if the speakers begin to sound distressed, turn the Volume down or your speakers and/or amplifier(s) will be damaged! This type of damage constitutes abuse and is not covered by the warranty. If louder volumes are desired, consider a more powerful amplifier.

There is Actually a Limit!
Even with these safer, more powerful amplifiers, there is a point at which you could have more power than the speaker can handle. At that point you will overpower the speaker and damage it. At loud levels do not increase bass/treble controls from zero and ensure that all loudness/contour/bass EQ buttons are off (otherwise rated output power will be reached at even lower volume control settings).
The Right Amount of Power
A power-range rating is given in the specifications as a guide to indicate the approximate minimum and maximum power input of your GoldenEar T66 speakers. Amplifiers that meet or even exceed the speaker’s power-range rating are recommended as their greater power reserves provide better sound. But always use the speakers within their power-range rating to prevent damage – that is, keep listening levels below the point of obvious audible distortion.


GoldenEar T66 Manual

Speaker Placement
GoldenEar T66 speakers are designed to allow flexible placement while providing a very large window of sound throughout your listening room . Please remember that although the following recommendations are usually valid , all rooms and listening sets-ups are somewhat unique, so do not be afraid to experiment with the speakers. Remember, whatever sounds best to you is correct.
Room Acoustics
GoldenEar T66 speakers are designed to provide exceptional sound in a wide variety of domestic settings. It is important to note however that listening room construction, dimensions and furnishings all play a part in the quality of sound you will ultimately achieve from your new speakers. The listening room will impose its own character on the performance capabilities of the speaker system . Regarding the room , please note that:
Mid and high frequencies are affected by the amount of soft furnishings in your room – curtains, carpets, sofas, wall coverings, etc. An excess of such items can result in a somewhat dull sound. The same room without any soft furnishings can produce an overall bright sound. The typical quantity of soft furnishings found in most living environments provides the right acoustic characteristics to allow the speakers to sound balanced. · Concrete floors and walls tend to aggravate low-frequency standing wave problems and are less preferred. Rooms where height, width and length are similar should be avoided as they can exhibit significant low-frequency standing wave problems. This may result in reduced clarity. If no other room is possible, experiment with speaker placement to minimize acoustic problems.
The extra care you take in correctly positioning the speakers will result in greater listening enjoyment. So, keep the following guidelines in mind when deciding on the best speaker placement (see page 8.)
Speaker Break-in
Your new T66 loudspeaker system should sound good right out of the box; however, an extended break-in period of 40-60 hours or more of normal playing time is required to reach full performance capability. Break-in allows the driver suspensions to work-in and crossover components to “heal,” resulting in fuller and tighter bass, a more open “blossoming” midrange and smoother high frequency reproduction .

GoldenEar T66 Manual


T66 Owner’s Manual

Positioning T66 as Left/Right Fronts





To ensure the best performance possible, observe the following placement guidelines
Accurate Timbre: For the most accurate and natural timbre , speakers’ highfrequency drivers should be at approximately ear level.
Balanced Bass: Placing speakers in corners will over-emphasize bass and reduce overall clarity. If possible, position speakers 8 in (20 cm) or more from the wall behind the speaker and as much as possible from either side wall. This will ensure better bass performance and optimal midrange clarity. If you can’t, don’t worry; just use the subwoofer level control on the back of the speaker to adjust for optimum sound in your room.

Best Imaging: Measure the distance from the main listening area to the left front speaker {we’ll call this distance “X”). For optimal imaging and largest soundstage, place speakers “X” distance apart from each other and no less than 3/4 of that distance – 3/4 of “X”= from the speakers to the listening position. To further optimize imaging, turn speakers inward so they point toward the listening position with their axes crossing just behind it .

Positioning T66 as Surrounds
When used as surround speakers, T66 speakers may be located on the side or behind the listeners. When used on the sides, take care never to locate the speakers forward of the listeners {A). If the speakers are placed along the rear wall as surrounds, it is suggested that they be positioned fairly wide apart if possible. For instance, if there is a couch in the center of the rear wall on which the listeners will sit, try to position the speakers wider apart than the couch {B).




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8 GoldenEar T66 Manual

T66 speakers have a set of speaker-level 5-way binding posts and, in addition, each speaker has a line-level LFE (Low-Frequency Effects) input. The LFE input can be used with AV Receivers and Processors to separately feed the discrete LFE channel (the ” .1″ signal in a 5.1- or 7.1-channel surround system) into each T66 ‘s subwoofer. Unlike a conventional system in which the powered subwoofer is driven only by a discrete LFE or subwoofer signal, the T66 speakers’ powered subwoofer is also driven by low frequencies from the speaker-level inputs from left/right channels. Using the LFE input with this connection method allows independent adjustment of the LFE channel volume level for movie playback (or any source with a ” .1″ channel) from an AV receiver/processor.
If the T66 speakers are main left/right speakers, connect the left main/front channel red{+) terminal of the receiver or amplifier to the red(+) terminal of the left loudspeaker and the left main/front channel black(-) terminal of the receiver or amplifier to the black(-) terminal of the left loudspeaker. Connect the right channel main/front channel red(+) terminal of the amplifier or receiver to the red(+) terminal of the right loudspeaker and the black(-) terminal of the right main/front channel of the receiver or amplifier to the black(-) terminal of the right loudspeaker. It is essential that both speakers be connected in the same way (“in phase”) to its own channel of the amplifier. If a great lack of bass is experienced, it is likely that one speaker is out of phase {+ and – reversed) with the other.
If using the T66 speaker as surround speakers, connect the left surround red{+) terminal of the receiver or amplifier to the red{+) terminal of the left surround speaker and the left surround black(-) terminal of the receiver or amplifier to the black{-) terminal of the left surround speaker. Connect the right surround red(+) terminal of the amplifier or receiver to the red(+) terminal of the right surround loudspeaker and the black{-) terminal of the right surround channel of the receiver or amplifier to the black(-) terminal of the right surround loudspeaker. Again , it is essential that both speakers be connected in the same way (“in phase”) to its own channel of the amplifier.

Connecting Speaker Cables Only
Illustration l shows the simplest setup, which is to connect the T66s with a pair of Full-Range, equal-length speaker cables. T66s are bi-wire capable, and ship with special “jumpers” joining the TREBLE or FULL RANGE and BASS inputs that must remain place in this configuration. These short jumpers should remain in place even if connecting bare wire or spades to the speaker-level inputs. But if they fall out contact your dealer, or simply replace them by running them through the hole in the center of the binding posts and curling them around the posts to secure them in place while connecting speaker cables.



If using an AV receiver or processor, simply set the receiver or processor’s speaker setup menu to indicate “Large” for left and right main speakers and “No” for subwoofer (note that some receivers/processor setup menus might use “Full-Band” or “Full-Range” instead of “Large.”). The bass management system will then send all low frequencies (including the LFE ” .l ” channel) into the left and right channels and it will be reproduced by the subwoofers in your T66s, giving you all the benefits of their two built-in subwoofers. {The speakers have a special circuit that takes the signal from the speaker level input and converts it to a low-level signal which then drives the subwoofer power amp.)

Illustration 2 is for connecting two discrete equal-length speaker cables to each speaker in a bi-wire configuration(follow same bass management instructions as above on your AV receiver or processor). This requires the removal of the two bi-wire jumpers referenced above. Simply open the positive and negative speaker-level inputs and remove the jumpers. Please store for future use if needed again.

Whenever possible, this is the preferred connection from your AV receiver or power amplifier(s) to your T66. When bi-wiring, the current modulation of delicate high-frequency audio signals is virtually eliminated from the isolated midrange/treble cable. This and other audio distortions can be greatly minimized when using a bi-wire speaker connection with your T66.

GoldenEar T66 Manual


T66 Owner’s Manual

Connecting the LFE Input
*Using the LFE Input is always in addition to connecting speaker cables, it is never a replacement for connecting speaker cables.
With surround sound playback you also have the option to use the line-level LFE input in addition to speaker cables. Many AV receivers and processors have two LFE outputs, one for each T66. However, for receivers or processors with only one LFE output, simply use a “Y” connector (available from your dealer) out of the Sub/LFE output to feed two line-level cables from the Y connector to each T66.
Now set the receiver or processor’ s bass management system for “Large” left and right front speakers and also select “Yes” for subwoofer. This will send only the .1 LFE signal via the line-level cables to the T66’s LFE input. This configuration allows the AV receiver/processor to set the LFE channel volume level independently for movie playback (or any source with a “.1” channel) . PLEASE NOTE: Some AV receivers/processors have a setting called “Double Bass” , “Super Bass” or “Bass+.” This option sends both LFE and bass above a specified crossover frequency to the LFE channel. We recommend avoiding this configuration as it will likely cause the speakers to sound bloated and bass heavy.






10 GoldenEar T66 Manual

If You are Using a Source Component’s Multi-Channel Analog Outputs
Because of the nature of their bass management systems, when using the multi- channel analog output from a Blu-Ray, SACD or DVD-Audio player {or any other setup that requires using 6-8 channel analog interconnects), the particular connection method chosen for your T66 speakers will determine the settings in the player’s speaker setup menu. If you are using the multi-channel analog outputs from one of these players, access the player’s setup menu and set all channels using T66 speakers to “Large” and:
If you used the connection method outlined in the “Connecting Speaker Cables Only” section, set the player’s speaker setup menu to indicate “No” for subwoofer. If you used the connection method outlined in the “Connecting the LFE Input” section, set the player’s speaker setup menu to indicate “Yes” for subwoofer.
Setting Bass and Treble Controls on Receiver or Amplifier
Normally we recommend that you set the “Bass” and “Treble” controls on flat {or off, or 0 dB). Same applies for a graphic equalizer; we recommend that you leave it flat {or off). This will give you the most accurate and natural sound. If you want more bass, raise the subwoofer’s “Level” control on your T66 speaker, keeping in mind that even a little turn of the knob can make a big difference in the sound. The reason for this recommendation is that we have discovered what is often thought to be improper sounding speakers is, in fact, a problem caused by the use of tone controls. When in doubt, leave them out {flat); this almost always results in the best possible and most natural sounding system performance.
Powering Up the Active Subwoofer Section
Each of your T66 speakers contains a built-in powered subwoofer section as well as an electronic crossover. Each T66 speaker must be plugged into on electrical socket of the appropriate voltage {as indicated on the back of your unit) using the plug on the end of the electrical cord which you have attached to the back of the speaker. The T66 speaker has a special auto on/off circuit which automatically turns the powered subwoofer section on when a signal is fed to the loudspeaker and therefore does not require an on-off switch.
When the T66 is first plugged in, the LED will flash for 30 secs while the speaker conducts a self-test, initializing the software and hardware. After 30 sec, if there is no audio signal, the LED will turn off and the subwoofer will go into standby mode drawing a low amount of power while waiting for an audio signal. The LED on the back panel will light up when a signal is sensed and the amplifier will turn on. After you stop listening, it may take up to an hour for the amplifier to actually turn off. In some instances, because of RF- Noise present in your area, the LEDs may not turn off. However, this is nothing to be concerned about as the amplifiers draw almost no power when they are idling . Please note: It is normal to hear a slight pop from the speaker when the amp powers up.
NOTE: To prevent accidental damage to the subwoofers built into your T66 speakers from overdriving the system, the subwoofers feature an internal overload protection circuit, which will turn the subwoofers off or down when overdriven or overheated and will then resume normal operation after a few minutes.

GoldenEar T66 Manual


T66 Owner’s Manual
Adjusting the Subwoofer Level Control
Your T66 speakers have a Subwoofer Level control which allows you to perfectly tune the output of the powered low-frequency subwoofer section to match your room , and your own personal taste . We suggest beginning with the level control set at the 12 o’clock position. Please note there is no adjustment of the crossover points or phase because these have already been designed and engineered into the speaker for the best possible overall system response – a major performance benefit of having the “built-in” subwoofer.
VERY IMPORTANT: Setting Channel Levels and Bass Management Systems
Multi-channel surround sound systems have a critical channel balancing procedure for setting the level for all speakers which must be followed if the system is to perform properly. Many problems relating to the overall sound of the system can be clearly traced back to improper system balance. Also note that multi-channel surround sound systems have bass management systems (systems which direct the bass to the various channels) which vary from unit to unit. This bass management system must also be properly adjusted . Many problems relating to the overall sound of the system can be traced back to improper bass management.
Bass Management Settings:
On your receiver or A/V processor’s Speaker Setup Menu, set Left and Right main speakers to “Large” and set Subwoofer to “Yes” or “No” depending on whether you are using the additional LFE input (as discussed in Speaker Connection section). If you are using the T66 speakers for surround speakers, set the surround channels of your receiver/processor’s bass management system to “Large” also.
Setting Channel Levels
On your AV receiver or processor’s Speaker Level Calibration Menu, set each speaker (channel) in the system to the same volume level. While you can get reasonable results doing this by ear, it is best to use an inexpensive Sound Pressure Level (SPL) meter to get better channel-to-channel balance . Some new receivers and processors have Auto Set Up functions that use a supplied microphone to set levels automatically.
Adjusting Low-Frequency Balance When Using LFE Input
When using the LFE input we suggest adjusting the Subwoofer Level on the T66s to sound balanced when listening to music, and using the LFE or subwoofer level control in the AV receiver/processor to raise or lower the bass/LFE level for movie/surround sound effects as desired . Normally the Subwoofer Level of the left speaker will be set the same as the right speaker. However, these Levels can also be set differently on the two speakers to vary the response of left and right speakers separately to compensate for variations such as asymmetrical positioning of the speakers in your room (i.e. , when one speaker is closer to a side wall or corner, etc.) if this is how they best fit in your room . This is a unique and useful feature of the T66 design which allows much greater flexibility in loudspeaker placement, as well as additional ability to optimize what could otherwise be a difficult placement situation.
12 GoldenEar T66 Manual

Complete Home Theater Systems
We strongly suggest using a matching GoldenEar center channel and rear/surround speakers to complete your GoldenEar home theater system. T66 speakers can be used as rear or side surround speakers, with exceptional results for both music and movies.
Using Your T66 Speaker with an Additional Subwoofer
Although the T66’s built-in subwoofers deliver superb low frequency response and are all that are required for amazing performance, bass is sort of like horsepower and some listeners (and some very large rooms) may demand even more output and want to add additional powered subwoofers to the system . For those who choose to do so, we strongly suggest one or more GoldenEar SuperSubTM subwoofers in order to achieve perfect matching with the T66s and the highest level of performance and quality possible. This should be connected with an additional RCA line-level cable connected to the LFE output of the AV receiver or processor. (An AV receiver or processor’s bass management system may have multiple setup options for integrating the subwoofer – consult the AV receiver/processor’s manual and your GoldenEar dealer to select the best setup option.)
A typical setup would have only the additional outboard sub(s) connected to the LFE output of the AV receiver/ processor, still setting as Left and Right Main as “Large” and Sub as “Yes,” thus directing the LFE bass only to the outboard sub{s). Another interesting option is to run the AV receiver ‘s/processor’s LFE-out into both the T66 Towers as well as your additional subwoofer{s), splitting the LFE-out{s) as necessary to achieve three {or more) sources of low-frequency energy in the room. This provides, in effect, 3 {or more) LFE subwoofers, which can be quite impactful, as well as providing smoother bass response throughout the listening room. To get the LFE level balanced properly between the additional subwoofer{s) and the T66s, the key is to take full advantage of the additional subwoofer’s capabilities while keeping the LFE energy sent to the T66s appropriate. Normally, the additional subwoofer{s) will play louder than the T66s on an LFE signal, using the additional sub’s level control{s) to achieve this.

GoldenEar T66 Manual


llllr. T66 Owner’s Manual
If you experience any difficulties with your T66 speakers, try the suggestions described below. If you are still having problems, please consult your GoldenEar Authorized Dealer for assistance.
1. Make sure all your system interconnects and power cords are solidly in place. 2. Should you experience any level of ground hum or noise, try plugging the power cord into the same
circuit as your amplifier. 3. The system is provided with sophisticated internal protection circuitry. If for some reason the protection
circuitry is tripped , please turn down your system ‘s volume and wait five minutes before trying the system again. If the amplifier should overheat, the system will turn off until the amplifier cools down and resets . 4. Check to be sure that your power cord has not been damaged . 5. Check that no foreign objects or liquid has entered the speaker. 6. If you cannot get the powered subwoofer to turn on or if no sound comes out and you are sure the system is set up properly, please bring the loudspeaker to your Golden Ear Authorized Dealer for assistance. Please make sure you call first.
Technical Assistance
It is our pleasure to offer assistance if you have any questions regarding your T66 speakers or their set-up. Please contact your nearest GoldenEar dealer or contact us directly at 949-800-1800.
Service and warranty work on your GoldenEar loudspeakers will normally be performed by your local GoldenEar dealer. If, however, you wish to return the speaker to us, please contact us first, describing the problem and requesting authorization as well as the location of the nearest factory service center. Please note that the address given in this booklet is the address of our office only. Under no circumstances should loudspeakers be shipped to our offices or returned without contacting us first and obtaining return authorization.
The Quest Group dba G o l d e n EarTM
2621 White Road Irvine, CA 92614 USA Phone : 949-800- 1800
14 GoldenEar T66 Manual


Driver Complement:
Passive Radiator Surface Area: Efficiency: Frequency Response: Nominal Impedance: Rec. Amplification: Built-In Subwoofer Power Amplifier: Speaker Dimensions:
Base: Weight: Power Requirements/ Consumption:

One High-Gauss Reference High-Velocity Folded Ribbon AMT Tweeter Two 4.5″ High-Definition Cast-Basket Mid/Bass Drivers Two 5″ x 9″ Long-Throw Quadratic Subwoofers Two 8″ x 12″ Quadratic Planar Back-Wave-Driven Radiators
53.36in2 (344.3cm2) 91dB lW/lM @ 40 (2.83V/1M) 29Hz-25kHz typical (-6dB on axis @ 29Hz, anechoic bass response) 40 20 – 500 watt/channel
1000W peak/500W RMS, DSP-Controlled 7½” (19.1 cm) W x 14¾” (37.6 cm) D x 48¼” (124.1 cm) H
(h eight is w ith base and feet installed, no spikes)
l l 13/i6″ (30 cm) W x 17″ (43 .2 cm) D 60 lbs (27.2 kg)
Low Voltage Version – 120 V at 50 or 60 Hz / 1200 Watts High Voltage Version – 240 V at 50 or 60 Hz / 1200 Watts (Approved for NA (TUV) and the CE market.)

GoldenEar T66 Manual


Limited Warranty
GoldenEarTM warrants to the original retail purchaser only that this GoldenEar Loudspeaker Product (the “Product”) will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five (5) years covering the drivers and cabinets, and three (3) years for the electronic components from the date of the original purchase from a GoldenEar Authorized Dealer. However, this warranty will automatically terminate prior to the expiration of five (5) years for the drivers and cabinets and three (3) years for the e lectronic components if the original retail purchaser sells or otherwise transfers the Product to any other party. The original retail purchaser shall hereinafter be referred to as “you.” Defective Products must be shipped, together with proof of date of purchase, prepaid insured to the Authorized Dealer from whom you purchased the Product, or to the nearest factory service center. Product(s) must be shipped in the original shipping container or its equivalent; in any case the risk of loss or damage in transit is to be borne by you. If. upon examination at the Factory or a GoldenEar Authorized Dealer, it is determined that the unit was defective in materials or workmanship at any time during this Warranty period, GoldenEar or the GoldenEar Authorized Dealer will, at its option, repair or replace this Product at no additional charge, except as set forth below. All replaced parts and Product(s) become the property of GoldenEar. Product(s) replaced or repaired under this Warranty will be returned to you, within a reasonable time, freight collect.
This Warranty does not include service or parts to repair damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, negligence, inadequate packing or shipping procedures, commercial use. voltage in excess of the rated maximum of the unit, cosmetic appearance of cabinetry not directly attributable to defects in materials or workmanship, or service, or repair or modification of the Product which has not been authorized by GoldenEar. GoldenEar makes no Warranty with respect to its Products purchased from dealers or outlets other than GoldenEar Authorized Dealers. This Warranty is in lieu of all other expressed Warranties. If this Product is defective in material or workmanship as warranted above, your sole remedy shall be repair or replacement as provided above. In no event will GoldenEar be liable to you for any incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Product, even if GoldenEar or a GoldenEar Authorized Dealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
All implied warranties on the Product are limited to the duration of this expressed Warranty. Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied Warranty lasts. so the above limitations may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you also may have other rights which vary from state to state.

This product complies with the essential requirements of the EMC directive 89/336/EEC
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Copyright© 2023 GoldenEar. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without our express permission is prohibited.


T66 Manual

PART#: 2982AG0I


T66 Accessory Kit Includes:

· 1 x Hook Spanner / Hakenschlussel / cle a
crochet / Llave de gancho / Chiave a gancio
/ Haaksleutel / Skiftnyckel med krok / raeYHbllll KntoY / Chave de gancho

Hook Spanner

· 1 x Hex Key / lnnensechskantschlussel / cle hexagonale / Llave Allen / Strumento esagonale / lnbussleutel / Sexkantsverktyg / WecT1,1rpaHHb1111

Hex Key

“1HCTpyMeHT / Chave Allen

· 4 x Rubber Tips / GummifuBe / embouts en caoutchouc / Pies de goma / Piedini in gomma

Rubber Tips



/ Rubberen voetjes / Gummifotter / PeJ1,1Hoeb1e

HO>KKl,1 / Pes de borracha


· 4 x Steel Spikes / Edelstahlspikes / pointes

en acier / Puntas de acero / Punte in acciaio /

Stolen spikes / Stalspikar / CTanbHb1e w1,1nbI /

Pontas de ac;o

Please refer to page 5 of the user manual for detailed instructions and illustrations.
Detaillierte Anweisungen und Abbildungen finden Sie auf Seite 5 der Bedienungsanleitung.
a Veuillez vous referer la page 5 du manuel de
l’utilisateur pour des instructions detaillees et des illustrations.
Para una informaci6n mas detallada por favor consultar pagina 5 del manual de usuario.
Per istruzioni e illustrazioni dettagliate, consultare la pagina 5 del manuale d’uso.
Gedetailleerde informatie en afbeeldingen kunt u vinden op pagina 5 van de gebruiksaanwijzing
Se sidan 5 i bruksanvisningen for detaljerade instruktioner och illustrationer.
noApO6Hble IIIHCTPYKl..1111111 Ill lllflfllOCTpa1..1111111 np111BeAeHbl
Ha CTpaHl/ll..le 5 PYKOBOACTBa nOJlb3OBaTefl5l
Para obter informa96es mais pormenorizadas, consulte a pagina 5 do manual do utilizador.

1 HexKey /
Locking Nut
Foot Cone Spike or Rubber Tip

~ ~or


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