RTMOK Sippy Cup Strap Instruction Manual

June 17, 2024

RTMOK Sippy Cup Strap


Product Information


  • Sample Name: Silicone Baby Toy Strap/Silicone Baby Bottle Strap
  • Style No: GY-YMX001
  • Colour Options: 2050C, 2060C, 277C, 7542C, cool grey7C, 2070C
  • Age Group for Testing: 18m+
  • Manufacturer: Dongguan Bochuang Electronic Co., LTD

Product Usage Instructions

Attaching the Silicone Baby Toy Strap/Bottle Strap
Ensure the strap is securely attached to the baby toy or bottle by following these steps:

  1. Wrap the strap around the toy or bottle.
  2. Insert the end of the strap through the loop and pull tight.
  3. Adjust the length of the strap as needed.

Cleaning and Maintenance
To maintain hygiene and prolong the lifespan of the strap, follow these cleaning instructions:

  • Use mild soap and water to clean the strap regularly.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners.
  • Air-dry the strap thoroughly before reusing it.

Safety Precautions
Ensure the following safety measures are taken when using the Silicone Baby Toy Strap/Bottle Strap:

  • Do not leave the baby unattended while using the product.
  • Regularly inspect the strap for any signs of wear or damage.
  • Keep small parts of the strap away from children to prevent choking hazards.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: Can the Silicone Baby Toy Strap/Bottle Strap be used with all types of baby bottles?
    A: Yes, the strap is designed to be versatile and can be used with most standard baby bottles.

  • Q: Is the Silicone Baby Toy Strap/Bottle Strap adjustable in length?
    A: Yes, the strap is adjustable to accommodate different sizes of toys or bottles.

  • Q: How should I store the Silicone Baby Toy Strap/Bottle Strap when not in use?
    A: Store the strap in a clean and dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality.

Manufacturer Statement

  • Report No.: PTC23052202908C-EN01
  • Issue Date: May.26, 2023
  • Applicant: Dongguan Guangyuan Network Technology Co., LTD
  • Address: Room 503, No.30 Banhu Road, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

The following merchandise was (were) submitted and identified by the client:

  • Sample Name: Silicone Baby Toy Strap/Silicone Baby Bottle Strap

  • Style No: GY-YMX001

  • Colour: 2050C,2060C,277C,7542C,cool grey7C,2070C

  • Age Group for Testing: 18m+

  • Applicant’s Specified

  • Age Group for Testing: 18m+
    Manufacturer: Dongguan Bochuang Electronic Co., LTD

  • Address: No.6, 18 Lane, Shuixiang New District, Weide Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

  • Sample Received Date: May.22, 2023

  • Completed Date: May.26, 2023


Test Requested and Conclusion


| Test Sample| Standard and Requirement|



| ****

Submitted sample

| ASTM F963-17 American Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety

–     Mechanical and Physical Properties

| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| ASTM F963-17 American Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety

–     Flammability

| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| U.S. Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA) CPSC 16 CFR 1500.3(c)(6)(vi)

–      Flammability of Solids

| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| CPSC 16 CFR 1500.48, CPSC 16 CFR 1500.49, CPSC 16 CFR


–     Sharp Points, Sharp Edges, Small Parts

| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| ASTM F963-17 “Standard consumer safety specification for toy safety,” Section

–     Total Lead content in the substrate material

| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| ASTM F963-17 “Standard consumer safety specification for toy safety,” Section

–     Soluble Heavy Metals content

| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008(CPSIA), section 101 (a)(2)

–     Total Lead (Pb) in accessible substrate materials

| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of (CPSIA)and its amendment 16 CFR 1307

–     Phthalates(DEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, DIBP, DCHP,DPENP,


| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| Client’s Requirement according to the Consent Decrees of California Proposition 65

–     Total Lead (Pb), Total Cadmium(Cd), Phthalates

| ****


| ****

Submitted sample

| As specified in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008 section 103 tracking labels for children’s products. (For Packaging)| ****


11)| Submitted sample| CPSC 16 CFR 1303: Ban of Lead-containing paint and certain| N.A.
 |  | consumer products bearing lead-containing paint

–     Total Lead (Pb)


  • Remark:N.A.= Not Applicable

Test Result(s): Please refer to the next page(s).

Test Result(s)

ASTM F963-17 American Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety
Mechanical and Physical Properties

Section Test Item Assessment
4.1 Material quality PASS
4.3.7 Stuffing Materials N.A.
4.4 Electrical/Thermal Energy N.A.
4.5 Sound-producing toys N.A.
4.6 Small objects
4.6.1 Toys intended for children under 36 months of age PASS
4.6.2 Mouth actuated toys and inflatable toy N.A.
4.7 Accessible edges PASS
4.8 Projections N.A.
4.9 Accessible points PASS
4.10 Wires or rods N.A.
4.11 Nails and fasteners N.A.
4.12 Plastic film PASS
4.13 Folding mechanisms and hinges N.A.
4.14 Cords, straps, and elastic N.A.
4.15 Stability and over-load requirements N.A.
4.16 Confined spaces N.A.
4.17 Wheels, tires, and axles N.A.
4.18 Holes, clearance, and accessibility of mechanisms N.A.
4.19 Simulated protective devices (such as helmets, hats,and goggles) N.A.
4.20 Pacifiers N.A.
4.21 Projectile toys N.A.
4.22 Teethers and teething toys N.A.
4.23 Rattles N.A.
4.24 Squeeze Toys N.A.
4.25 Battery-operated toys N.A.
4.26 Toys intended to be attached to a crib or playpen N.A.
4.27 Stuffed and beanbag-type toys N.A.
4.28 Stroller and carriage toys N.A.
4.29 Art materials (For label) N.A.
--- --- ---
4.30 Toy gun marking N.A.
4.32 Certain toys with nearly spherical ends N.A.
4.34 Balls
4.34.1 Balls intended for children under 36 months of age N.A.
4.35 Pompoms N.A.
4.36 Hemispheric-shaped objects N.A.
4.37 Yo Yo elastic tether toys N.A.
4.38 Magnets N.A.
4.39 Jaw entrapment in handles and steering wheels N.A.
4.40 Expanding materials N.A.
4.41 Toy Chests N.A.
5 Labeling Requirements
5.4 Aquatic toys N.A.
5.5 Crib and playpen toys N.A.
5.6 Mobiles N.A.
5.7 Stroller and carriage toys N.A.
5.8 Toys intended to be assembled by an adult N.A.
5.9 Simulated protective devices N.A.
5.10 Toys with functional sharp edges or points N.A.
5.11 Small objects, small balls, marbles, and balloons N.A.
5.12 Toy caps N.A.
5.13 Art materials N.A.
5.14 Electric toys N.A.
5.15 Battery-operated toys N.A.
5.16 Promotional materials PASS
5.17 Magnets N.A.
6 Instructional Literature
6.1 Definition and description PASS
6.2 Crib and playpen toys N.A.
6.3 Mobiles N.A.
6.4 Toys intended to be assembled by an adult N.A.
6.5 Battery-operated toys N.A.
--- --- ---
6.6 Battery Powered Ride-on Toys N.A.
6.7 Toys in contact with food N.A.
6.8 Toy Chests N.A.
7 Producer’s marking


| Name of the producer or the distributor| YES
Address of the producer or the distributor| YES
7.2| Battery-powered ride toys| N.A.
7.3| Toy Chests| N.A.


  1. N.A.= Not Applicable

The submitted samples underwent the use and abuse tests by the Federal Hazardous

Substances Act (FHSA), Title 16, Code of Federal Regulations:

Test Items| FHSA| Parameter
Drop Test| Section 1500.51(b)| 10×4.5 ft
Torque Test| Section 1500.53(e)| 4.0 inch •lbf
Tension Test| Section 1500.53(f)| 15 lbf

ASTM F963-17 American Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety
Flammability of Solids and Soft Toys


| Ignition


| Burn

Length (in.)

| Burn Time


| Burn


| Limit


Silicone Baby Toy Strap/Silicone Baby Bottle Strap|











  1. DNI = Did Not Ignite
    All styles of the submitted sample(s) (and its accessories) were/were tested, the above result only showed the most severe burn rate.

CPSC 16 CFR 1500.48, CPSC 16 CFR 1500.49, CPSC 16 CFR 1501
Sharp Points, Sharp Edges, Small Parts

  Sharp Points (1500.48) Sharp Edges (1500.49) Small Parts (1501)
As received PASS PASS PASS
Impact test (1500.5 1 (b)) PASS PASS PASS
Bite test (1500.5/(c)) N.A. N.A. N.A.
Flexure test (1500.5/(d)) N.A. N.A. N.A.
Torque test (1500.53(e)) PASS PASS PASS
Tension test (1500.5 3 (f)) PASS PASS PASS
Compression test (1500.5/(g)) N.A. N.A. N.A.

Note: N.A. = Not Applicable

The submitted samples were undergone the use and abuse tests in accordance with the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA), Title 16, Code of Federal Regulations:

Test Items| FHSA| Parameter
Impact Test| Section 1500.51(b)| 10×4.5 ft
Torque Test| Section 1500.53(e)| 4.0 inch •lbf
Tension Test| Section 1500.53(f)| 15 lbf

ASTM F963-17 “Standard consumer safety specification for toy safety,” Section
Total Lead content in the substrate material

ASTM F963-17 Section 8.3.1, was analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).

Material No.| RL (mg/kg)| Limit (mg/kg)| Result (mg/kg)| Conclusion
1+2+3| 5| 100| N.D.| PASS
4+5+6| 5| 100| N.D.| PASS


  1. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram (ppm).
  2. N.D. = Not Detected (< RL ).
  3. RL = Report Limit.

ASTM F963-17 “Standard consumer safety specification for toy safety,” Section
Soluble Heavy Metals content

ASTM F963-17 Section 8.3.2 to Section 8.3.5, was analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical

Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).

Elements| Sb| As| Ba| Cd| Cr| Pb| Hg| Se|


Limit (mg/kg)| 60| 25| 1000| 75| 60| 90| 60| 500
RL (mg/kg)| 5| 2.5| 5| 5| 5| 5| 5| 5
Material No.| Result (mg/kg)
1| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| PASS
2| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| PASS
3| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| PASS
4| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| PASS
5| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| PASS
6| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| PASS


  1. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram (ppm).
  2. N.D. = Not Detected (< RL).
  3. RL = Report Limit.
  4. All the reported results are adjusted analytical results with the analytical correction shown in the following table.
Element Sb As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se
Analytical correction (%) 60 60 30 30 30 30 50 60

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008(CPSIA),section 101 (a)(2)
The Lead content of accessible substrate materials

Metal – CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3,Nonmetal – CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3, was analyzed by Inductively

Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).

Material No.| RL(mg/kg)| Limit (mg/kg)| Result (mg/kg)| Conclusion
1+2+3| 5| 100| N.D.| PASS
4+5+6| 5| 100| N.D.| PASS


  1. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram (ppm).
  2. N.D. = Not Detected (< RL).
  3. RL = Reporting Limit.

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of (CPSIA)and its amendment 16 CFR 1307

CPSC-CH-C1001-09.4, analyzed by Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).

Substance name



| RL


| Limit (mg/kg)| Result (mg/kg)
1+2+3| 4+5+6
Di (2-ehylhexy)phthalate (DEHP)| 117-81-7| 50| 1000| N.D.| N.D.
Dibutylphalate(DBP)| 84-74-2| 50| 1000| N.D.| N.D.
Butylbenzylphthalate (BBP)| 85-68-7| 50| 1000| N.D.| N.D.

Diisononyl phthalate (DINP)

| 28553-12-0










Diisobutylphthalate (DIBP)| 84-69-5| 50| 1000| N.D.| N.D.
Di-n-pentyl phthalate (DPENP)| 131-18-0| 50| 1000| N.D.| N.D.
Dihexyl phthalate(DHEXP)| 84-75-3| 50| 1000| N.D.| N.D.
dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP)| 84-61-7| 50| 1000| N.D.| N.D.
Conclusion| PASS| PASS


  1. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram (ppm).
  2. N.D. = Not Detected (< RL).
  3. RL = Report Limit.
  4. 1000mg/kg = 0.1%

Client’s Requirement according to the Consent Decrees of California Proposition 65

Total Lead (Pb)

Metal – CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3 ,Nonmetal – CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3, was analyzed by Inductively

Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).

Material No.| RL(mg/kg)| Limit (mg/kg)| Result (mg/kg)| Conclusion
1+2+3| 5| 100| N.D.| PASS
4+5+6| 5| 100| N.D.| PASS


  1. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram (ppm).
  2. N.D. = Not Detected (< RL).
  3. RL = Reporting Limit.

Total Cadmium (Cd)

Regarding IEC 62321-5:2013, analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).

Material No.| RL(mg/kg)| Limit (mg/kg)| Result (mg/kg)| Conclusion
1+2+3| 5| 300| N.D.| PASS
4+5+6| 5| 300| N.D.| PASS


  1. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram (ppm).
  2. N.D. = Not Detected (< RL).
  3. RL = Reporting Limit.


CPSC-CH-C1001-09.4, analyzed by Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).



CAS No.| 84-74-2| 85-68-7| 117-81-7| 28553-12-0


| 84-75-3| 26761-40-0


Limit (mg/kg)| 1000| 1000| 1000| 1000| 1000| 1000
RL (mg/kg)| 50| 50| 50| 100| 50| 100
Material No.| Result (mg/kg)
1+2+3| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| PASS
4+5+6| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| N.D.| PASS


  1. mg/kg = milligram per kilogram (ppm).
  2. N.D. = Not Detected (< RL).
  3. RL = Reporting Limit.

As specified in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008 section 103 tracking labels for children’s products.(For Packaging)
Tracking label on the packaging

Requirement Result
Name of the manufacture or the name of the private labeler PASS

Manufacture location, including the name of the city and country, or the name of other means of coding of city and state|


Date of the production of the product: Month /Year, or any other coding system| PASS
The cohort information(including the batch, run number, or other identifying characteristics)|


Permanent remark| PASS

The tracking label assessment was based on the submitted samples and the information provided or not provided by the applicant. There is no verification on the validity of such information.

Test Material List

The following materials apply only to the samples submitted for testing

Material No. Description Location
1 Rose red silicone String/star
2 Pink silicone String/star
3 Yellow silicone String/star
4 Blue silicone String/star
5 Green silicone String/star
6 Gray silicone String/star

Photo(s) of Sample:

RTMOK-Sippy-Cup-Strap-fig-3 RTMOK-Sippy-Cup-Strap-
fig-4 RTMOK-Sippy-Cup-Strap-fig-5

This report is issued according to the general clauses in www.ptc-testing.com by PTC. Responsibility, guarantee and law restriction are defined in the general service clauses. The report is only responsible for the submitted sample(s) except as otherwise noted. The report could not be copied without permission of the company.

Precise Testing & Certification (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. (PTC)

  • Building 1, No. 6, Tongxin Road, Dongcheng Street, Dongguan, Guangdong, China.
  • Tel: 86-769-38808222
  • Fax: 86-769-38826111
  • http://www.ptc-testing.com.

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