KENTON PRO-DCB mk 3 Professional Bi Directional MIDI To DCB Converter User Manual

June 17, 2024

KENTON PRO-DCB mk 3 Professional Bi-Directional MIDI To DCB Converter


FCC Statement for PRO-DCB Mk3

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, under Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used by the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
  • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Information on Disposal for Users of WEEE
This symbol on the product and/or accompanying documents means that used electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) should not be mixed with general household waste. For proper treatment, recovery and recycling, please take this product(s) to designated collection points where it will be accepted free of charge. Alternatively, in some countries, you may be able to return your products to your local retailer upon purchase of an equivalent new product.

Disposing of this product correctly will help save valuable resources and prevent any potential negative effects on human health and the environment, which could otherwise arise from inappropriate waste handling. Please contact your local authority for further details of your nearest designated collection point. Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this waste, per your national legislation. For disposal in countries outside of the European Union, This symbol is only valid in the European Union (EU). If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for the correct method of disposal.


The PRO DCB mk3 is much more than just a MIDI to DCB converter, incorporating a built-in LFO as well as filter and arpeggio clock control. Please take some time to read through the entire manual to avoid any subsequent operational difficulties.



Plug your MIDI keyboard or sequencer`s MIDI Out into here.

Plug this into the MIDI In of your MIDI keyboard, when using the unit DCB-MIDI capabilities

Plug this into the MIDI In of another piece of your MIDI equipment should it be necessary.

Plug this into your synth’s input marked DCB. This transmits and receives DCB information.

Plug this into your synth`s input marked VCF. This controls the filter cutoff via MIDI.

Plug this into your synth`s input marked ARP CLOCK, this controls the speed of the arpeggio clock, and syncs it to a MIDI clock.

Plug the supplied power adaptor into here. The converter is designed to use a 9V unregulated power adapter or can be used with up to a 12V regulated supply. The PRO-DCB must not share a power adaptor with any other device of any kind as this may damage your unit, and/or the other device.


Switching On
When the PRO DCB is switched on, the words KENTON PRO DCB scroll across the display.

The Display

There are 3 digits on the 7-segment display. The 1st digit shows which parameter is ready for editing. The right-hand, 2nd & 3rd digits will then display what the value of the parameter is. There are also 3 red dots which you may see appear. The 1st dot when lit indicates the SELECT button is in reverse operation (see below), the middle dot when MIDI information is being received on the selected channel, and the 3rd dot will light when the unit receives DCB information (i.e. when it is being used in DCB-MIDI mode)

Stepping through parameters
Each parameter is accessed using the SELECT button. There are 14 parameters in the menu, listed in the next section Parameters. Press the SELECT button to get to the parameter in question, then use the INCrement (+) and DECrement (-) buttons to edit the value. If you press and hold the SELECT button for more than 1 second, you can step through the parameters in the opposite direction. A red LED dot will light up to indicate this. If the SELECT button is pressed and held for 1 second again, the direction will return to normal and the red LED dot will disappear.

Displaying values above 99
When displaying values from 0 to 99, you will see the digits as you would expect.
When displaying values above 99, the following format is used:

  • a dash ” – ” at the bottom of the left-hand display = 100+
  • a dash ” – ” in the middle of the left-hand display = 110+
  • a dash ” – ” at the top of the left-hand display = 120+
  • No values above 127 are used.

Speeding up editing
If you press and hold the INC key, and then also hold the DEC key, the value will increase faster. If you Press and hold the DEC key and then also hold the INC key, the value will decrease faster.

Storing Set-ups
The set-ups can be stored in non-volatile memory. To do this, press & hold the SELECT button (for approx. 6 seconds) till the display reads st.


Below is a list of parameters available to edit. The letters in square brackets show (where applicable) what will be displayed in the parameter 7-segment LED.

Menu number Parameter (default)
MIDI receive channel (default: 1)

Range 1 to 16 (and off)

  1. Sets the MIDI receive channel.
  2. MIDI transmit channel (default: 2)
    • Range 1 to 16 (and off)
    •  Sets the MIDI transmit channel.
  3. AUX controller number (default: 16)
    • Sets which MIDI controller will control the auxiliary output.
  4. The following can be selected;
    • Off [Of]
    • Pitch bend [Pb]
    • Velocity [VL]
    • Aftertouch [Af]
    • MIDI controllers 0-120
  5. ZAUX minimum value (default: 0)

LFO waveshape (default: TR)


  • Sets the level for the Auxiliary output when the MIDI controller source is at its minimum. 10 units correspond to approximately 1 volt.
  • N.B. – the aux minimum can be set above the max, in which case the controller will work in reverse
  • AUX maximum value (default: 90

Range 0 to 12

  • Sets the level for the Auxiliary output when the MIDI controller source is at its maximum.

AUX reset value (default: 0)

Range 0 to 127

  1. Sets the level the Auxiliary output will reset to when the PRO DCB is powered up or receives a controller reset MIDI command.
  2. LFO to AUX controller (default: 1)
  3. Sets which Controller will control the LFO depth applied to the auxiliary.
  4. The following can be selected;
    • Off [Of]
    • Pitch bend [Pb]
    • Velocity [VL]
    • Aftertouch [Af]
    • MIDI controllers 0-120
  5. LFO speed (default: 90)
    • Range 0 to 127
  6. Sets the speed of the LFO. This can also be adjusted in real-time over MIDI using controller #18 (general purpose controller #3)
  7. NB – when the unit is receiving MIDI sync, the LFO speed will be directly related to the MIDI clock rate and the divide ratio.
  8. The window will then say SY until either the speed is edited or the unit is powered on again. If the unit stops receiving MIDI sync, the LFO will continue to run at the same speed as when the sync stopped.
  9. LFO waveshape (default: TR)
  10. Sets the LFO waveshape. All waveshapes modulate Aux any value between 0 to a positive value, except triangle, which modulates positive and negative.
  11. The waveshapes can be changed in real-time over MIDI using controller #19 (general purpose controller #4). The following may be selected;  (arrow indicates trigger point for MIDI sync).

LFO MIDI SYNC (default: off)

Range off [of] and 1 to 48)
Use with caution – leave this setting at OFF unless you specifically require it. Settings of 4 to 48 are usable settings, lower values, although not restricted, should only be used with low BPM settings. This allows the LFO waveform to be synchronised to the MIDI clock, with a variable divide ratio. The LFO waveform will automatically adjust its length so that it fits almost exactly between MIDI clocks, and lasts for whatever musical time it is set for (see below for divide ratios). A divide ratio can be set so the LFO only retriggers every so many MIDI clock messages. If set to 1, there will be 1 cycle of the LFO for every 1 MIDI clock. (i.e. 24 cycles per quarter note). If set to 24, there will be 1 cycle of the LFO for every 24 MIDI clocks. (i.e. 1 cycle of the LFO per quarter note)
Note: MIDI sends 24 clocks per quarter note. Below is a table of values you can set the divide ratio to obtain LFO cycles of various musical lengths:


Juno/Jupiter Mode (default: Juno)

  • Set this to receive optimum performance from your PRO-DCB depending on which synth you use.
  • However, if this is set up incorrectly it will not cause any problems.
  • Clock Divide Ratio (default: 2)
  • Range 1 to 24
  • displays the ratio of MIDI clocks to output pulses from the ARP clock jack socket.
  • If set to ” 2″ there will be 1 pulse from the arp clock jack socket for every 2 MIDI clocks. (i.e. 12 pulses per quarter note). If set to “24” there will be 1 pulse from the arp clock jack socket for every 24 MIDI clocks. (i.e. 1 pulse per quarter note). N.B. MIDI sends 24 clocks per quarter note. C Positive / Negative edge clock pulse (default: Positive)
  • sets whether the clock pulse train starts with a positive going edge or a negative going edge.
  • Most synths/sequencers & drum machines will want the Positive edge pulse, (inc. Junos and Jupiters) but a few require the Negative edge instead. (e.g. Korg Monopoly).
  •  Continue = start – (values on, off, default = on)
  • when set to off, MIDI continue messages are ignored. If set to on, then continue messages are treated as if they were MIDI start messages.


The PRO DCB also has a MIDI analyser function. This feature allows you to see what types of MIDI messages are being transmitted by your master keyboard/sequencer making the PRO DCB a useful diagnostic tool. To enter analyser mode, you must power on the PRO DCB whilst holding the SELECT button. The display will then show ‘nt’. ‘nt’ means the display will show the MIDI note number of any notes it receives. Using the INC, DEC, and SELECT buttons, different types of MIDI messages received may be displayed;


For whichever of the above is selected, the PRO DCB will display the value it receives for the message selected. Although pitch bend and after-touch are not controllers when the Controller number is selected, ‘pb’ will be displayed if a pitch bend is received, & ‘af’ will be displayed if after-touch is received. If Controller values are selected, and pitch bend or after-touch are received, their values will be displayed. For values over 99, the usual method is employed for displaying large numbers. The MENU 7-segment LED in this mode operates as a received MIDI message indicator. LEDs will flash when the following types of messages are received; Note on, Note off, Sysex, Timing clock (MIDI clock), Start, Stop, and Continue. To exit MIDI analyser mode, the PRO DCB must be powered off and then on again.


Your PRO-DCB is bi-directional, i.e. it can also be used to effectively turn your Juno or Jupiter into a master keyboard so that when you play the Juno/Jupiter itself, the notes will appear at the MIDI out. In fact, due to the way that DCB works, when you play your MIDI master keyboard – the Juno/Jupiter will echo the notes played straight to the MIDI out. As a result of this, it is possible to play a chord on either the master keyboard or the Juno/Jupiter – and if the arpeggiator is on, the arpeggiated notes will appear, in sync, at the MIDI out (depending on the arpeggiator being MIDI synced of course).

The Juno and Jupiter synths, do not have velocity-sensitive keyboards, nor does the DCB protocol support velocity. So you will not get velocity when using the PRO-DCB – however, the aux output can be set to respond to velocity, in which case the velocity from your MIDI or master keyboard can be used to control the VCF on a Juno, or VCF/VCA on a Jupiter 8. When a chord is played the Aux will take the level of the highest velocity note currently being played. The DCB cable that is supplied will work in this mode without any change being necessary. However, you will have to plug the MIDI out from the PRO-DCB into the MIDI IN of your sequencer or other MIDI keyboard. Filter and arpeggio controls are one way only (i.e. this information can only be sent to the Juno).

When using the MIDI clock in conjunction with the PRO-SOLO, please note the following. First, ensure that the PRO-SOLO is receiving the MIDI clock. This is not as silly as it sounds – there are several reasons why it may not be receiving MIDI clock messages in the first place. If you are having problems, go into the MIDI analyser mode described on page 13 and see if the PRO SOLO is receiving the MIDI clock messages. If the PRO-SOLO is not receiving clock messages, here are a few points to watch for

Some MIDI mergers & patch bays remove MIDI clock information from the data stream, or you may have to enable it for the port you are using. Users of CUBASE note that the default for MIDI clock is for it NOT to be sent, you will have to go into the MIDI synchronisation page and select MIDI clock to transmit. Users of UNITOR/EXPORT on an Atari note that the MIDI clock will only come out of port A, (that is the Atari’s own MIDI port), unless you can re-assign it.

The Roland Juno 6 while operating similarly to the 60, is not usually equipped with a DCB port. However here at KENTON we can fit one, or sell a kit for you to do it yourself. It will then operate in the same way as the Juno 60. Contact us here at KENTON for more details.


The PRO DCB is supplied with a cable that will connect it to all Junos and some Jupiter 8s. The pinouts of this cable at the converter end are as follows: n.b. The receive and transmit wires must be separately screened from each other.




Some Jupiter 8’s are fitted with 20-pin sockets rather than the standard 14-pin version included with your PRO-DCB. These are available from us here at Kenton, alternatively, it is possible to make your own, wiring is as follows. Note that Kenton cannot be held responsible for any problems caused by leads not supplied by us.



Decimal| Hex|
0| 00H| Bank switch MSB
1| 01H| Modulation wheel/lever
2| 02H| Breath controller
3| 03H| Undefined
4| 04H| Foot controller
5| 05H| Portamento time
6| 06H| Data entry MSB
7| 07H| Main volume
8| 08H| Balance
9| 09H| Undefined
10| 0AH| Pan
11| 0BH| Expression controller
12-15| 0C-0FH| Undefined
16-19| 10-13H| General purpose controllers (1-4)
20-31| 14-1FH| Undefined
32-63| 20-3FH| LSB for values 0-31
64| 40H| Damper pedal (sustain)
65| 41H| Portamento
66| 42H| Sostenuto
67| 43H| Soft pedal
68| 44H| Undefined
69| 45H| Hold 2
70-79| 46-4FH| Undefined
80-83| 50-53H| General purpose controllers (5-8)
84-90| 54-5AH| Undefined
91| 5BH| External effects depth
92| 5CH| Tremolo depth
93| 5DH| Chorus depth
94| 5EH| Celeste (detune) depth
95| 5FH| Phaser depth
96| 60H| Data increment
97| 61H| Data decrement
98| 62H| Non-registered parameter number LSB
99| 63H| Non-registered parameter number MSB
100| 64H| Registered parameter number LSB
101| 65H| Registered parameter number MSB
102-120| 66-78H| Undefined
121-127| 79-7FH| Reserved for channel mode messages


Turning the PRO DCB on whilst holding down all three push buttons will return the units settings to default values.Fd` will momentarily be displayed when this has been done.

Power on the PRO DCB whilst holding the INC and DEC buttons pressed and the software revision [43xx] and build number [0xxx] will be displayed. Releasing the buttons will revert to the normal operational mode.


  • Power Input 9V DC (unregulated or regulated supply required)
  • Power 100mA, 2.1mm plug (centre positive)
  • MIDI In, Out, Thru
  • Digital Input/output DCB (In and Out)
  • Analogue outputs Clock (0-5v)
  • Aux (0-12.5v)
  • Weight 600g
  • Dimensions 167 x 97 x 40 mm
  • Non-volatile memory EEPROM (no backup battery required)

The PRO DCB comes with a 12-month (from the purchase date) back-to-base warranty, (i.e. customer must arrange and pay for carriage to and from Kenton Electronics).

Unit 3, Epsom Downs Metro Centre, Waterfield, Tadworth, KT20 5LR, UK
+44 (0)20 8544 9200 firmware rev# 3145 e. & o. e. © 22nd December 2023


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