CMLFDMB XZH-1800W 2D Barcode Scanner Owner’s Manual
- June 17, 2024
Table of Contents
CMLFDMB XZH-1800W 2D Barcode Scanner
- A: This setup manual includes most of the setting codes, if not, please contact the seller
- B: When you need to scan the setup code, please cover the setup code next to the setup code you want to scan to avoid mis-scanning
Appendix A
Hexadecimal | Decimal | Character of Prefix or Suffix |
0 | 0 | NUL (Null char.) |
1 | 1 | SOH (Start of Header) |
2 | 2 | STX (Start of Text) |
3 | 3 | ETX (End of Text) |
4 | 4 | EOT (End of Transmission) |
5 5 ENQ (Enquiry)
6| 6| ACK (Acknowledgment)
7| 7| BEL (Bell)
8| 8| BS (Backspace)
9| 9| HT (Horizontal Tab)
0a| 10| LF (Line Feed)
0b| 11| VT (Vertical Tab)
0c| 12| FF (Form Feed)
0d| 13| CR (Carriage Return)
0e| 14| SO (Shift Out)
0f| 15| SI (Shift In)
10| 16| DLE (Data Link Escape)
11| 17| DC1 (XON) (Device Control 1)
12| 18| DC2 (Device Control 2)
13| 19| DC3 (XOFF) (Device Control 3)
14| 20| DC4 (Device Control 4)
15| 21| NAK (Negative Acknowledgment)
16| 22| SYN (Synchronous Idle)
17| 23| ETB (End of Trans. Block)
18| 24| CAN (Cancel)
19| 25| EM (End of Medium)
1a| 26| SUB (Substitute)
1b| 27| ESC (Escape)
1c| 28| FS (File Separator)
1d| 29| GS (Group Separator)
1e| 30| RS (Request to Send)
1f| 31| US (Unit Separator)
20| 32| SP (Space)
21| 33| ! (Exclamation Mark)
22| 34| ” (Double Quote)
23| 35| # (Number Sign)
24| 36| $ (Dollar Sign)
25| 37| % (Percent)
26| 38| & (Ampersand)
27| 39| ` (Single Quote)
28| 40| ( (Right / Closing Parenthesis)
29| 41| ) (Right / Closing Parenthesis)
2a| 42| * (Asterisk)
2b| 43| + (Plus)
2c| 44| , (Comma)
2d| 45| – (Minus / Dash)
2e| 46| . (Dot)
2f| 47| / (Forward Slash)
30| 48| 0
31| 49| 1
32| 50| 2
33| 51| 3
34| 52| 4
35| 53| 5
36| 54| 6
37| 55| 7
38| 56| 8
39| 57| 9
3a| 58| : (Colon)
3b| 59| ; (Semi-colon)
3c| 60| < (Less Than)
3d| 61| #NAME?
3e| 62| > (Greater Than)
3f| 63| ? (Question Mark)
40| 64| @ (AT Symbol)
41| 65| A
42| 66| B
43| 67| C
44| 68| D
45| 69| E
46| 70| F
47| 71| G
48| 72| H
49| 73| I
4a| 74| J
4b| 75| K
4c| 76| L
4d| 77| M
4e| 78| N
4f| 79| O
50| 80| P
51| 81| Q
52| 82| R
53| 83| S
54| 84| T
55| 85| U
56| 86| V
57| 87| W
58| 88| X
59| 89| Y
5a| 90| Z
5b| 91| [ (Left / Opening Bracket)
5c| 92| \ (Back Slash)
5d| 93| ] (Right / Closing Bracket)
5e| 94| ^ (Caret / Circumflex)
5f| 95| _ (Underscore)
60| 96| ‘ (Grave Accent)
61| 97| a
62| 98| b
63| 99| c
64| 100| d
65| 101| e
66| 102| f
67| 103| g
68| 104| h
69| 105| i
6a| 106| j
6b| 107| k
6c| 108| l
6d| 109| m
6e| 110| n
6f| 111| o
70| 112| p
71| 113| q
72| 114| r
73| 115| s
74| 116| t
75| 117| u
76| 118| v
77| 119| w
78| 120| x
79| 121| y
7a| 122| z
7b| 123| { (Left/ Opening Brace)
7c| 124| | (Vertical Bar)
7d| 125| } (Right/Closing Brace)
7e| 126| ~ (Tilde)
7f| 127| DEL (Delete)
Appendix B
Allow and disable the mandatory output function of additional codes
Users can enable and disable the UPC-E0 additional code forced output function
by reading the following setting codes.
- Mandatory output UPC-E0 Additional code
- Nonoutput UPC-E0 Additional
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