chemometec NucleoCounter NC-202 NC-View Software User Guide
- June 17, 2024
- Chemometec
Table of Contents
Technology that counts
Software User Guide
P/N 991-2022
Revision 1.3
January 2020
NucleoCounter NC-202 NC-View Software
ChemoMetec A/S
Gydevang 43 · DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark
Telephone: (+45) 48 13 10 20
This software must be operated as described in this user guide and documents
referred to herein. Please read the entire guide and referred documents before
attempting to use the software.
Contacting Support
Technical information that is not covered in this document or referred
documents, is available from our support:
- Email questions to
- Speak to a Technical Support Specialist, by calling (+45) 48 13 10 20
Please create support files in NC-View™ via Help -> Create support files,
before contacting ChemoMetec for support.
Sales and Ordering Information
To order NucleoCounter® NC-202™, NC-View™ software, and consumables, call
(+45) 48 13 10 20 or send an e-mail to
Disclaimer Notices
The material in this document and referred documents is for information only
and is subject to change without notice. While reasonable efforts have been
made in preparation of these documents to ensure their accuracy, ChemoMetec
A/S assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions in these
documents, or from the use of the information contained herein.
ChemoMetec A/S reserves the right to make changes in the product design
without reservation and without notification to its users.
Copyright Notices
Copyright © ChemoMetec A/S 2019. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication or referred documents may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of
ChemoMetec A/S, Gydevang 43, DK-3450 Allerod, Denmark.
ChemoMetec and NucleoCounter are registered trademarks owned by ChemoMetec
A/S. Via2-Cassette and NC-View are trademarks of ChemoMetec A/S.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Quick Guide
- Start the NC-View™ software via the NC-View™ icon in the Windows start menu
- Once NC-View™ is open, NucleoCounter® NC-202™ will initialize. When the LED indicator on the instrument becomes green, the instrument is ready to use
- Select a protocol in the drop-down menu, or via the Select Protocol icon
- Load the Via2-Cassette™ with a cell sample and place it into the instrument cassette fixture OPTIONAL: enter Sample ID and Operator name
- Start the analysis by selecting the Run icon or press the RUN button on the instrument A few moments later the result of the analysis will be displayed
Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 to perform the same protocol on a new sample.
Getting Started
The NC-View™ software is required for control and data acquisition with the
NucleoCounter® NC-202™ instrument. NC-View™ is available for Windows 10 only –
refer to the Installation Guide section for more information.
This manual is integrated into NC-View™. Pressing ‘F1’ while in NC-View™ will
open the manual to the relevant section.
Get Started in 8 quick steps
Log into your dedicated computer (see requirements) with your Windows administrator credentials
Unpack the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ instrument and locate the software installation package on the USB key provided.
Launch the Install NC-View™ X.X.X.X.exe (the Xs indicate the version number e.g. using administrator permissions.
WARNING: Do NOT open the .bin file -
Follow the on-screen instructions to install the camera and other device drivers. To complete installation, restart the computer
Next, open the NC-View™ software in the Windows start menu
Insert the USB data cable included in a USB 3 port on the computer
Unpack the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ instrument and connect it to the computer. Using the enclosed mini screwdriver, fasten the USB data cable with the screw lock mechanism to secure the connection
Insert the power cable into the outlet at the back of the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ and then connect it to a 3-prong outlet (i.e. including a grounding wire). The NucleoCounter® NC-202™ is ready to use when the RUN-indicator turns green (this may take a minute)
For more details see the Installation Guide section below.
On the computer, open NC-View™ using the NC-View™ icon in the Windows start
menu. The instrument will initialize, and the motor can be heard aligning
during this process. When the LED indicator on the instrument turns green and
the Run icon becomes enabled, the instrument is ready to use. If the
NucleoCounter® NC-202™ fails to connect, ensure that the instrument is
connected to the computer using the supplied USB cable and ensure power supply
is connected to the main power outlet.
Validation with IQ/OQ Protocols
For the initial NucleoCounter® NC-202™ installation or when the instrument has
been moved to a new location, performing a system validation is recommended
via the Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operation Qualification (OQ)
Installation Qualification (I Q) and Operation Qualificati on (OQ)
- Start NC-View™ up via the NC-View™ icon in the Windows start menu
- Click the Select Protocol icon to launch the Protocol Browser
- In the Protocol Browser select the NC-202 IQ/OQ protocol
- Press the Run icon and select IQ or OQ protocols, respectively
- Follow the instructions on-screen to perform the IQ and OQ test
- After run has completed, a message will confirm whether it has passed analysis
Introduction to NC-View™
For optimal user experience, a display resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels or
higher is recommended. NCView™ consists of multiple windows that can be moved
and resized:
- Main Window: Appears when NC-View™ is launched. It is used to operate the NucleoCounter® NC202™, acquire data files and display acquired images
- Protocol Browser: Used to select and manage protocols
- File Browser: Shows the acquired data files (CM files) and is used to open files in the image display, export data or administrate data files
NC-View™ Basic Concepts and Terminology
- CM file: A ChemoMetec proprietary file format that contains the images, the result data and the metadata with file information. The file type is displayed as .cm
- Protocol: A file containing the settings on how the instrument acquires images, performs the image analysis and presents the results
- View: The photographed area of a cassette. A view typically contains two images, one for the UV channel and one for the green channel. A CM file may contain a variable number of views depending on the protocol
Using NC-View™
Operating the Main Window
The Main Window is divided into three areas (indicated by numbers in the image
- The control section for Acquisition of new files
- The Image Panel displaying images and Main Results
- The File List below the image is populated with the files acquired on the same date as the CM file displayed
Use the Control Section to Acquire Data
The control section on the Main Window is used for acquisition of new data.
- Use the drop-down or the Select Protocol icon and select the protocol of interest
- Load the Via2-Cassette™ with the cell sample and place it into the cassette fixture OPTIONAL: Enter Sample ID and Operator name
- Start the analysis using the Run icon
- The result will display after a few moments
NOTE: Acquisition can be aborted using the Stop icon
Once your analyses are complete, turn off the computer. There is no need to
turn off the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ after use as the power consumption is very
low when not running a sample. The instrument is calibrated by ChemoMetec and
no subsequent calibration is required.
Graphical User Interface | Functi ons |
Run |
Start acquisition with the selected protocol
| Stop
Stop a running acquisition session
| Eject
Ejects the piston and releases the Via2-Cassette™
| Select Protocol
Drop-down to select one of the 10 last used protocols. Click on the folder
icon to open the Protocol Browser, and select a protocol from the list
| Operator
User-defined input: For multiple operators using the same Windows login
Sample ID
User-defined sample naming field
| Volumes
The user can enter the volume before starting an analysis. The dilution or
concentration of the sample will be factored in when calculating the results
Sample and Dilution Volumes
Information about the sample dilution can be provided prior to starting an
analysis, and the dilution or concentration of the sample will be factored in
when calculating the results.
- When selecting a protocol, the volumes fields will automatically update with the recommended volumes for the assay. The Reload icon will load the recommended volumes
- If the sample has been diluted, enter the used sample and dilution volumes or simply enter the dilution factor
- The dilution factor is defined as the sample divided by the sum of all the volumes. Entering a number greater than 1 in the input field represents a dilution of the sample, whereas entering a number less than 1 represents a concentration of the sample. Subsequently, the volume field will automatically update to show the recommended volume
- If the sample has been concentrated, enter the original sample volume and include the volume removed as a negative number in the dilution field or use the dilution factor as described above
- Depending on the selected protocol, a solution field may be present. If the volume of the sample odilution is changed and a solution input field is present, it will be updated with the recommended solution volume to add. If the user changes the volume in the solution input field, this volume will not be automatically updated anymore
Operating the Image Panel
Fluorescent images can be reviewed in the image panel using the zooming
functionality with the mouse scroll wheel while the pointer is inside the
image view area. To move the image, click and hold the left mouse button and
drag to a new image position. Display a CM file in the image display by
clicking on the CM file in the File List or by opening the File Browser and
double clicking on a CM file.
Configure Result Fields
On the right side of the image panel, three results fields are shown. These
fields can be configured by right clicking on the results category, for
example Diameter, and selecting the desired result output.
Graphical User Interface | Functions |
Name and ID |
File name and sample ID of the current CM file displayed
| Previous and next view
Click to change display if file contains multiple views
| Channels
List of channels in the current image. Click on a channel color to disable or
enable the display of this channel
| Overlays
List of overlays in the currently displayed image. Click on an overlay color
to enable or disable the display of the overlay. Utilize this function for
inspection of the counted cells
Visual Inspection of Counted Cells
The overlays within a CM file can be used to visually inspect how the cells
are counted by clicking the Live and Dead overlay checkboxes to enable the
display of both overlays.
File List in Main Window
The file list below the image shows the files acquired on the same date as the
displayed CM file.
Tool Bar
The tool bar at the top of the file list contains the following icons:
File Browser: Find CM files that open in the image display or administrate
data files
Export Result Data: Select file(s) and click the Copy selected table data icon
to copy the data for the selected files to the clipboard. Data can
subsequently be pasted into a spreadsheet
PDF Report: Create PDF reports for selected CM file(s)
Data in the File List
There are two types of columns in the file list and File Browser, File
information columns and Result columns. The file information columns can be
used to sort the file list by clicking on the column header. Sort the
information in ascending or descending order by using the up and down arrows
- File information columns
Name| CM file name: date and run count
Time| Timepoint for when the CM file was created
Sample ID| User defined sample ID
Tags| Tags that have been added to the CM file
Protocol| Protocol name used when generating the CM file
Media| Media type (typically Via2-Cassette™)
User| Windows username used when generating the CM file
Operator| Operator name used when generating the CM file
Approved by| Windows username used for approving the CM file
Instrument| Serial number of the instrument used for generating the CM file - Result columns
Total (cells/ml)| Total cell concentration
Live (cells/ml)| Live cell concentration
Dead (cells/ml)| Dead cell concentration
Viability (%)| Percentage of live cells in the sample
Diameter (µm)| Median size estimation of the cells
Aggregates (%)| Percentage of cells in aggregates with five or more cells
Debris Index| Index of debris events in relation to the cell count. E.g. if the total cell count is 2 × 10 6 cells/ml and debris index is 50, the amount of debris is approximately 1 × 10 6 events/ml. The index value is rounded to the nearest 5.
Status| Shows Ok or warnings such as Foreign object detected or Out of range
NOTE: Not all result columns will be available for all CM file types
Warnings that appear in the status column for a CM file:
Out of range (5×10 4 – 1×10 7 cells/ml)| The cell concentration in the
Via2-Cassette™ is lower than 5 × 10 4 cells/mL or higher than 1 × 10 7
Bubble detected| A bubble that significantly affects the results is detected
and removed from the analysis.
Foreign object detected| A foreign object that significantly affects the
results is detected and removed from the analysis.
Define Columns to Display
In the File Browser and file list in the Main Window, a filter can be used to
toggle column display by rightclicking on the heading rom, opening the display
columns dialog box. Select the column headings to be displayed.
NOTE: File Name cannot be deselected
Selecting a Protocol
A protocol is a file that contains settings for how the instrument acquires
images and how the images are analyzed. Protocols are selected via the
Protocol Browser or the drop-down menu. The Protocol Browser is opened from
the Main Window with the Protocol Browser icon . By selecting a protocol and
clicking the Application note icon, an application note for the selected assay
will be displayed.
Graphical User Interface | Functions |
Application Note |
Opens the application note for the selected protocol
| Users
All Users or a single user can be selected as a search tool for locating the
protocol of interest
Open Previously Acquired Data Files
The File Browser provides an overview of the stored CM files. To open the File
Browser, click on the File Browser icon in the Main Window. When double-
clicking on a CM file, it will open in the image panel on the Main Window.
This will also update the File List in the Main Window with the CM files
acquired on the same date as the opened file. Sorting CM files, Column Types
and Column Display Configuration work in the same way as with the File List
(for more information see below).
Right click on one or more selected CM files to open a menu with the following options:
- Reuse the run input parameters: Updates the input fields on the Main Window with the parameters that the selected file was acquired with
- Copy file(s) to folder: Opens a new window where files can be copied to another destination
- Copy selected table data to clipboard: Copies the selected table data to the clipboard so it can be pasted into another application
- Copy table data to clipboard: Copies the full table data to the clipboard so it can be pasted into a spreadsheet
- Copy name to clipboard: Copies the name of one or more selected files to the clipboard so it can be pasted into a spreadsheet
- Copy file name to clipboard: Copies the name with the full path of one or more selected files to the clipboard
- Approve: When using the Secure Mode feature in NC-View™, a new window will appear, requesting to approve the selected CM files
- Change sample ID: The Sample ID for one or more selected files can be changed in a new window
- Properties: File properties of a selected CM file open in a new window
Icon | Functions |
Synchronize |
Synchronization will update the listing of the CM files in the File Browser
| Delete file
This action will delete the selected CM files
| Import CM files
Select the location of CM files to be imported into the File Browser. To
export CM files simply select one or more files and drag and drop them to the
desired destination
| Copy selected table data
Copies the selected table data to the clipboard so it can be pasted into
another application
| Create PDF report
Select one or more files and click this icon to create a PDF report for each
| Users
Select all users or a single user to locate the specific CM files of interest
| Tags
Select all tags or a single tag to locate the specific CM files of interest
| Calendar
Select year, month and day to locate the specific CM files of interest
| Add Comment to CM file
The user can add comments to a CM file. Note that comments are permanent and
cannot be deleted
| Add Tag
User-defined keywords (e.g. project name) can be added to CM files as a tag
for improved searchability
| Delete Tag
Select a tag in a CM file to delete
Export Result Data
- Select one or multiple files in the File List of the Main Window or in the File Browser
- Click on the Copy selected table data to clipboard icon to copy the data for the selected files or all shown files to the clipboard. Alternatively, right click on the file list and select Copy table data to clipboard to copy the data for all shown files to the clipboard
- Paste the data into a spreadsheet
Export PDF Reports
- Select one or multiple files in the file list of the Main Window or in the File Browser
- Click the PDF report icon to open the print options window
- The PDF report name is named as the CM file name by default. If a single file is selected, the PDF file name can be edited
- To select the destination folder for the PDF file(s), use the folder icon
- Select the print options (Result Table, Images, Signatures) and click Ok to save the PDF report(s)
Software Options
Locate software options in the menu line of the Main Window. Select Tools in the menu line and then Options. The Options window has two tabs: General and Authorization. From the Authorization tab, NCView™ can be configured to require a user to login when launching the application. Furthermore, this tab can be used to activate the Secure Mode feature. For details see the NC-View™ NC-202™ Secure Mode Guide (doc. No. 991-2021).
Certificate of Product Testing
When connected to an instrument, the Certificate of Product Testing for the instrument can be opened via the About box. This is opened by selecting Help in the menu line of the Main Window followed by choosing About.
Installation Guide
Minimum Computer Requirements and Preparations before Installation
Recommended minimum hardware and software requirements for running the NC-
- Operating System: Windows 10. The latest service packs and any critical updates for the operating system must be installed prior to installing NC-View™
- Windows administrator credentials are needed to install NC-View™
- Intel Core i7 or i9 processor with at least 2.5 GHz clock rate
- M2 SSD disk with at least 500GB
- At least 16 GB RAM and 50GB of free disc space
- At least one USB 3.1 type C port
- 1920 × 1080 pixels screen resolution
NOTE: If the requirements are not met, the setup will not block
installation nor provide any warnings
Installing and Upgrading
If the NC-View™ application has previously been installed, the previous
version will be removed during a new round of installation. Acquired data and
saved protocols will not be deleted.
Ensure that the NC-202™ instrument is disconnected from the computer
IMPORTANT: Log on with administrator rights for the installation session -
Open the location of the installation files in Windows File Explorer
Double click on the Install NC-View X.X.X.X.exe file to launch the installation program. The version number will vary depending on the software build, e.g.
NOTE: Double click on the .exe file, NOT the .bin file -
Follow the instructions until the installation is complete
NOTE: During the installation, dialogs for installing third-party drivers will appear (e.g. Point Grey camera and other device drivers). Installing these drivers is required
Uninstall Procedure
- Right click on NC-View in the Windows start menu and select Uninstall
- Follow the instructions until the uninstall process is completed
NOTE: Uninstalling NC-View™ does not delete protocols and acquired data
Maintenance and Backup
A CM file is approximately 25 MB in size. Consequently, acquiring many CM files will accumulate a large amount of data. We therefore recommend to backup CM files and free up disc space in good time to ensure trouble-free operation. To export bulk amounts of CM files for a specific time period, open the File Browser and select the time period for which backup is required. Select all files by using the ‘ctrl’ and ‘a’ key. Drag the selected files to an external hard disk or a network drive. When backup is secured, the backed-up files can be deleted from the File Browser. Be aware that NC-View™ will add a comment to the CM files if they are exported or copied to show that the data integrity may have been compromised.
For support and troubleshooting regarding the NucleoCounter® NC-202™ and NC-
View™ please contact ChemoMetec Support at
In case the solutions below still do not solve the issue at hand, please
create Support Files and contact ChemoMetec Support.
Issue | Solutions/options |
The NC-View™ software or the NucleoCounter® NC-202™
instrument is not installed correctly.
Server (ChemoMetec service) error Camera not connected via USB3| The user must
be logged on with administrator rights during installation to ensure correct
If the installation of NC-View™ fails, try to run the installation process
again using administrator rights login.
NC-View™ requires a ChemoMetec server to run automatically after startup of
the computer.
Please try to restart the computer.
A warning is displayed if the USB connection to the instrument initializes as
a USB 2 connection. Please ensure the following: 1) The USB cable supplied by
ChemoMetec is used. 2) A USB 3.1 port on the computer is used. 3) The USB
cable is securely connected to the instrument with the screws. 4) The USB
cable is correctly inserted into the USB 3.1 port on the computer. Make sure
that the USB cable is not bent in the USB 3.1 port. Also, try to use another
USB 3.1 port on the computer to see if this resolves the issue.
NC-View™ software
Protocol aborted because the cell concentration is estimated
to be above 2×10 7 cells/ml
Export of results data with the wrong decimal separator| If the cell
concentration is above 2×10 7 cells/ml in the Via2Cassette™, the cells
overpopulate the counting window which prevents completion of the image
analysis. The run is therefore aborted.
When copying result data from the file browser or file list, NC-View™ will
place the data on the clipboard with the regional setting selected in the
Windows OS.
Be aware that if the region format has been set to Match Windows display
language, changing the Windows decimal separator symbol will have no effect.
Some applications, like spreadsheet software applications, also have their own
options for setting the decimal separator symbol.
No cassette is detected
Flow detection error
The cassette is stuck in the instrument| This may be because either no
Via2-Cassette™ is detected in the instrument or the Via2-Cassette™ is placed
incorrectly. In the latter case, remove the Via2-Cassette™ and re-insert it.
The sample loaded into the Via2-Cassette™ has failed to reach the counting
chamber within the given time limits.
Inserting an empty or an already used Via2-Cassette™ will trigger this error.
If the sample volume is too small, it may also give this error.
Click Ok if any dialog boxes pop-up with this error. If the LED indicator on
the instrument is green, click on the Eject icon. This will position the
piston motor correctly.
If this does not help or the LED indicator is red or orange, turn off the
instrument via the main switch or socket, wait for 10 seconds and then turn it
back on. Check the USB connection from the instrument to the computer.
NucleoCounter® NC-202™
Abnormal sounds from the instrument
Instrument not initialized
Instrument is unresponsive or stopped during a run| Typically, the piston
motor has been blocked by a Via2-Cassette™ that has been inserted incorrectly.
Press the Stop icon. When the instrument has stopped running, press the Eject
icon. This will position the piston motor correctly. Remove the Via2-Cassette™
and re-insert it again before starting a new run.
Power off the instrument via the main switch or socket, remove the USB cable,
wait for 10 seconds. Next, connect the USB cable and turn the power back on.
If the problem persists, please turn off the instrument, create support files
in NC-View™ and contact ChemoMetec Support.
Click Ok if any dialog boxes pop-up with this error. If the LED indicator on
the instrument is green, press the Eject icon. This will position the piston
motor correctly.
If the LED indicator on the instrument is turned off, the power to the
instrument has been cut off or the fuse has blown. Reconnect the power or
replace the fuse.
Creating Support Files
Please create support files in NC-View™ via Help -> Create support files,
before contacting ChemoMetec Support. Using this functionality will create two
files: and These files should be referred
to when communicating with ChemoMetec Support. Be aware that the size of the file can be very large. ChemoMetec Support can assist with
transferring files that are too large to send by e-mail.
Doc. No: 991-2022 v. 1.3
Issue date: 24-January-2020 ·
ChemoMetec A/S · Gydevang 43
DK-3450 Allerod · Denmark
FORM 880-0011-79 v.2
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