HOBART HPR2 Series Proofer HPR Proofer Retarder Instruction Manual

June 17, 2024


HOBART HPR2 Series Proofer HPR Proofer Retarder

Product Information


  • Available Models:
    • HP1: ML-132394, ML-132395, ML-132396, ML-132397, ML-132398, ML-132399
    • HPR1: ML-132406, ML-132407, ML-132408, ML-132409, ML-132410, ML-132411
    • HP2: ML-132291, ML-132292, ML-132293, ML-132303, ML-132304, ML-132305
    • HPR2: ML-132368, ML-132369, ML-132370, ML-132371, ML-132372, ML-132373
  • Manufacturer: Hobart Corporation
  • Address: 701 S. Ridge Avenue, Troy, Ohio 45374-0001
  • Contact: 937 332-3000
  • Website: https://www.hobartcorp.com

Models HP Proofers and HPR Proofer/Retarders must be installed by authorized Hobart Bakery Systems trained service technicians.

The following pages cover the operation procedures for the various control options of the HP Proofer and HPR Proofer/Retarder cabinets. The control panels come in two configurations: standard proofer and proofer/retarder.

The proof feature allows thawed dough to rise by gradually increasing the temperature and humidity of the dough.

Proofer Settings for French Crust Bread 14 oz:

  • Proofing % Humidity: 85%
  • Proof Time: 55 minutes

Proofer Settings for French Crust Bread 10 oz:

  • Proofing % Humidity: 85%
  • Proof Time: 45 minutes

Proofer Settings for Bagels and Croissants:

  • Proofing % Humidity: 85%
  • Proofing % Humidity for Croissants: 70%
  • Proof Time for Bagels: 45 minutes
  • Proof Time for Croissants: 50 minutes
  • Proof Time for Bagels in Retarding Mode: 30 minutes

It is likely that condensation will form if the product is placed directly into the proofer from the retarder. For best results, allow the product to reach room temperature before placing it into the proofer. Units equipped with auto mode will slowly and automatically bring the proofer up to temperature without removing the product from the unit.

Controls – Standard Proofer

  • Proof Mode:
    • On/OFF: Press to start/stop the proof mode.
  • Temperature:
    • Temp up or down arrow: Press to set the temperature.
    • Temp window: Displays the current temperature.
  • Humidity:
    • %Humidity up or down arrow: Press to set the humidity.
    • %Humidity window: Displays the current humidity.
  • Timer:
    • Timer number up arrow: Press to select a timer (1 through 4).
    • START/STOP: Press to start/stop the selected timer.
    • Timers up or down arrow: Press to set the desired time on the selected timer.
    • Timers window: Displays the hours and minutes remaining on the selected timer.



The HP Proofer and HPR Proofer/Retarder cabinet-proof racks of dough products under controlled temperatures and humidity prior to baking. There are two to choose from. The standard proofers are equipped to proof dough only. Proofer/Retarders gradually thaw the frozen dough. The retarders operate like a refrigerator by keeping the interior cool, which also provides an excellent environment for storing dough. The cooler temperature slows the yeast fermentation process and prevents the dough from rising. The Automatic Retard/Proof feature adds the flexibility of programming times to retard and automatically proof in one operation.

The HP Proofers and HPR Proofer/Retarders offer a unique modular design, allowing for a wide variety of sizes in both standard and pass-through models. They can be ordered as one-, two-, or three-section roll-in or roll-through models. All HP Proofer and HPR Proofer/Retarder cabinets have easy-to-clean stainless steel interior and exterior panels. It is suggested that you thoroughly read this manual and carefully follow the instructions provided.


Models HP Proofers and HPR Proofer/Retarders must be installed by authorized Hobart Bakery Systems trained service technicians.


The following pages cover the operation procedures for the various control options of the HP Proofer and HPR Proofer/Retarder cabinets. The control panels come in two configurations: standard proofer and proofer/retarder.

Controlled temperature and humidity in the proofer promotes yeast fermentation, which generates gas and causes the dough to rise. Proofing takes from 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the product. A temperature setting of 95°F (35°C) and humidity at 85% are typical but will vary slightly, depending on the product being proofed. To dry-proof, set the humidity to the lowest setting. The chart below is only a guide. Ask your dough supplier for technical product reports to set up your own chart.


| P roofing
Temperature| % Humidity| P roof Time Minutes
Rolls| 95°F (35°C )| 85%| 55 min.

French C rust Bread 14 oz.


90°F (32°C )




45 min.

French C rust Bread 10 oz.| 90°F (32°C )| 85%| 45 min.
Bagels| 85°F (29°C )| 85%| 50 min.
Croissants| 75°F (24°C )| 70%| 30 min.

The retard feature gradually thaws frozen dough. Set the temperature between 36°F and 38°F (2°C to 3°C) for best results. Thawing frozen dough at retarder temperatures takes approximately 6 hours minimum. Retarding slows the yeast fermentation process, reduces gas formation and inhibits the dough from rising. This also provides an excellent environment for storing dough products up to 48 hours by keeping the dough interior cool. The dough should not be refrozen after thawing.

It is likely that condensation will form if a product is placed directly into the proofer from the retarder. For best results, allow the product to reach room temperature before placing into the proofer. Units equipped with auto mode will slowly and automatically bring the proofer up to temperature without removing the product from the unit.



  • ON/OFF
    Press to start/stop the proof mode.

    Press to set the temperature.

    Displays the current temperature.

    Press to set the humidity.

     Displays the current humidity.

NOTE : When the actual humidity is less than 26%, the humidity window will show 25%. When the actual humidity is higher than 25%, the humidity window will show the actual humidity. To view the temperature or humidity set point, touch the up or down arrow once.


    Press to select a timer (1 through 4).

  • Start /stop
    Press to start/stop the selected timer.

  • Timer UP or DOWN ARROW
    Press to set the desired time on the selected timer.

  • Timers window
    Displays the hours and minutes remaining on the selected timer.

The proof feature allows thawed dough to rise by gradually increasing the temperature and humidity of the dough.

  1. Press the ON/OFF button to start the proof mode. The ON/OFF Indicator Light is lit.
  2. Enter the desired temperature by pressing the UP or DOWN arrow next to the TEMP window. The small ON dot located in the lower right corner of the TEMP window will light if the actual temperature is below the set temperature and the unit is calling for heat.
  3. Enter the desired humidity by pressing the UP or DOWN arrow next to the %HUMIDITY window.
  4. Enter the desired time. (See Entering Time below.)

NOTE : For best results, allow the proofer to reach set temperature and humidity before putting product in. Proof at lower temperatures rather than higher temperatures.

Entering Time
There are four individual timers that can be used for timed operations. Timers run independently and will not start or stop an operation.

  1. Press the UP arrow button next to the TIMER NUMBER window to select one of four timers. The number will be displayed in the TIMER NUMBER window.
  2. Enter the desired time by pressing the UP or DOWN arrow next to the TIMERS window.
  3. Press the START/STOP button to activate the timer. The small ON dot located in the lower right corner of the TIMER NUMBER window blinks to indicate the timer is running.
  4. When the timer expires, a beeper sounds and the timer number flashes in the TIMER NUMBER window. Press START/STOP to silence the beeper.
  5. If more than one timer is needed, select another timer and enter the desired time. To begin the timing countdown on the timer you want to run, select the timer and press the START/STOP button. The START/STOP button only starts or stops the timing operation for the timer shown in the TIMER NUMBER window.
  6. When multiple timers are in use, the timer number will flash on the screen as each one times out.
  7. Previous time settings remain in the timers until changed.

The Retarder/Proofer has several options to choose from the control panel.

  • Manual Proof Operation
  • Manual Retard Operation
  • Automatic Retard and Proof Operation


  • ON/OFF
    Turn on/off the setup mode.

    Press to set the temperature level.

    Displays the current temperature. Displays set temperature when being adjusted.

    Press to set the humidity level.

    Displays the current humidity. Displays set humidity when being adjusted.

    Press to select a timer (1 to 4).

    Press to start/stop the timer.

    Press to set the desired time.

    Displays the hours and minutes remaining on the timer.

    Use with LCD operation.

    Displays all setup options of the Proofer, Retarder, or automatic Retard/Proofer operation.

To enter the operation mode, press ON/OFF button (See Fig. 1).

The LCD panel displays three options after the ON/OFF button is pressed (See Fig. 2).


  • Press the “PROOFER” operation arrow button (See Fig. 2).
  • Enter the desired temperature (65°F – 115°F) by pressing up or down arrow button.
  • Enter the desired humidity (25% – 95%) by pressing up or down arrow button.
  • Enter the desired time for timer. (If it is timed out, beeper is pulsed and timer number flashes.)
  1. After entering desired time and pressing the timer START/STOP button, the LCD displays message “PROOF TIMINGoooo” to indicate the proof operation is now running with timers (See Fig. 4).
  2. To stop the proof timer operation, press START/STOP button. To stop the proof operation, press “CHANGE MODE” arrow button or ON/OFF button.

NOTE : It is normal to notice that one proofer fan per airduct keeps running for 20 minutes to cool down after the proof operation is canceled.


  • Press the “RETARDER” operation arrow button (See Fig. 2).
  • Enter the desired temperature (34°F – 50°F) by pressing up or down arrow button.
  • Enter the desired time for timer. (If it is timed out, beeper is pulsed and timer number flashes.)

NOTE : Retard operation does not offer humidity control. A fixed humidity value is used for this operation.

NOTE : Defrost cycle can be set by entering the Parameter Setup Mode. See chart for default value. During defrost cycle active, the LCD flashes “DEFR” at the bottom left corner.

  1. Enter the desired timer and press timer START/STOP button. The LCD displays message “RETARDER TIMINGoooo” to indicate the retard operation is running with timer (See Fig. 5 and Fig. 6).
  2. To stop the retard timer, press timer START/STOP button. To stop the retard operation, press “CHANGE MODE” arrow button or ON/OFF button.

This operation will put Retard and Proof in one operation. The automatic Retard/Proof operation can be programmed for either a single day or seven days. (See chart for the parameter value setup.) After one operation cycle (Retard and Proof) is finished, the unit now runs Proofer mode. To resume the next day program, the operator must go to Retard/Proofer Mode and press “Start Retard/Proofer” arrow button.

Note : Rest period and Recover time are setup times before the unit enters the proof stage. (See chart for the default value.) The operator must select “CHANGE MODE” arrow button, “RETARDER/PROOFER” arrow button, then press “Start Retard/Proof” arrow button to resume the program for the next day.

Follow the steps below to program automatic Retard/Proof operation.

  1. To enter the Retard/Proof operation, press “Review/Edit Settings” arrow button (See Fig. 7).

  2. After pressing Review/Edit Settings, the next screen on the LCD is shown here (See Fig. 8). In Fig. 8, the LCD displays “7 DAY PROGRAM” because the parameter P15 value is set to “1”.
    Note : This step is for service only. If single day program is preferred, see Operating Parameter Setup to change P15 value to “0”.

    • If day is not correct, then press “Change DAY?” arrow button. The LCD next screen displays the option to select days as shown below.
  3. Use the arrow buttons to change day. Then select NEXT button or arrow button to set the clock.

  4. If time is correct, then press NEXT button or arrow button. If time is not correct, select the “Set CLOCK?” arrow button to change time. Note : Programming is based on Proof cycle completion Time/Day. The program always starts with Sunday as the first day for programming. To activate the program, select the arrow button as shown below

  5. Operator also has the choice to skip the program on that day by pressing NEXT button or arrow button (See Fig. 11).

  6. If the program on Sunday is activated, this screen will display (See Fig. 12). The next LCD screen displays time that the program will be completed for proofing (See Fig. 13).

    • * Press NEXT button or arrow button.
  7. Enter the desired time when to complete Proofing by pressing “Hours” and “Minutes” arrow buttons. Keep in mind that hour or minute is changed by one arrow button. If the desired hours or minutes is missed, keep pressing the arrow button until the desired time is reached.

    • Press NEXT button or arrow button.
  8. Follow the LCD instructions to setup the Retard temperature. Press the Up or Down arrow button to select desired temperature (See Fig. 14 and Fig. 15).

  9. After entering the Retard temperature, press NEXT button or arrow button to go to the Proof setup as shown in Fig. 16 and Fig. 17.

  10. Operator can enter desired temperature, humidity, and timer to end proof operation. This is the end of Retard and Proof cycle (for one day).

  11. The next screen shows the program for the second day after the NEXT button is pressed (See Fig. 18). Again, the LCD displays a choice of the next day program by activating or deactivating the program button. To skip the next day, the next day program must be inactive. Then press NEXT button. If next day program is activated, then proceed with similar steps as shown in screen shot Fig. 11 through Fig. 17.

    • After a 7-day program is finished, the LCD displays the final message as shown in Fig. 19.
    • The operator has two options, either to review/edit new change or go back to other operation options (manual Retard or manual Proof) by pressing “CHANGE MODE” arrow button. Otherwise, the auto Retard/Proof operation will start after the arrow button is pressed as shown in Fig. 19.


  • Press and hold the TIMER NUMBER arrow button.
  • Press ON/OFF button. (See Fig. 20).
  • After entering parameter setup mode (Fig. 21), the LCD panel shows function of each parameter definition. For more information of parameter value, see the parameter value chart to understand each parameter value.
    • Press up or down button to enter new value.
    • Press up or down button to select parameter number.
    • LCD displays function or each parameter number.

Definitions and Default Values for Retarder Proofer

Definitions and Default Values for Retarder Proofer

/ P0| Software Version number|
P1| Fahrenheit or Celsius|
/ P2| Temp Offset for Calib.| Min. 0 Max. 30, 15 is zero offset
P3| hum Offset for Calib.| Min. 0 Max. 30, 15 is zero offset
/ P4| Minimum Temp for Proof| 65°F
P5| Maximum Temp for Proof| 115°F
/ P6| Minimum humid for Proof| 25%
P7| Maximum humid for Proof| 95%
/ P8| Dummy (undefined)|
P9| Preheat without humidity| Preset T=105°F, Time out after 15 min. If Timer Start/Stop button is not pressed

after 30 sec, the unit will go to Proof operation.

/ P10| Minimum Temp for Retard| 34°F
P11| Maximum Temp for Retard| 50°F
/ P12| Rest Time| Min. 5 min. Max. 480 min.
P13| Recovery Time| Min. 30 min. Max. 480 min.
/ P14| 1=AM/PM, 0 = Military Time|
P15| 1= 7Day, 0= Single Day|
/ P16| Defrost every xx (hours)| Max. 10 hrs.
P17| Defrost FOR xx (minutes)| Max. 60 min.

NOTE : P10 thru P17 are for the Retarder Proofer only.

Default Parameter Values

101| / P0| Software Version number
1| /
P1| 1=Fahrenheit, 0=Celsius
15| / P2| Temp Offset for Calib.
15| /
P3| hum Offset for Calib.
65| / P4| Minimum Temp for Proof
115| /
P5| Maximum Temp for Proof
25| / P6| Minimum humid for Proof
95| /
P7| Maximum humid for Proof
0| / P8| not used
1| /
P9| Preheat 1= disabled, 0=enable
34| / P10| Minimum Temp for Retard
50| /
P11| Maximum Temp for Retard
30| / P12| Time for Rest Time
60| /
P13| Time for Recovery
1| / P14| 1=AM/PM, 0 = Military
0| /
P15| 1= 7Day, 0= Single Day
6| / P16| Defrost every x hours
10| /
P17| Defrost time x minutes

The HP Proofer and the HPR Proofer/Retarder controls have the capability of being customized to fit your own personal needs using the setup mode.

NOTE : Before entering the setup mode, read all the instructions to make sure you are completely clear on what to do. If you need assistance, please call your authorized Hobart Bakery Systems Service office.

Entering Setup Mode

  1. Press and hold the TIMER NUMBER arrow button. While pressing the TIMER NUMBER arrow button, press the ON/OFF button.
  2. A zero will appear in the TIMER NUMBER display.
  3. Release both buttons.
  4. You are now in setup mode.

Changing Items in Setup Mode

  1. The number in the TIMER NUMBER display is the setup number. The other display windows will light up, depending on what item is being changed.
  2. To change the setup item being displayed, go to that display and use the arrow buttons to the left of the display to adjust the setting.
  3. To change the setup number, press the UP or DOWN arrow to the left of the TIMERS display.
  4. To exit the setup mode, press the ON/OFF and TIMER NUMBER arrow button once to get back to normal operation.

NOTE : There may be setup numbers in the setup mode that do not pertain to your particular proofer. Do not attempt to set these. Skip them and go to the next appropriate number.

Setup Guide

setup number setup item
1 Degrees Fahrenheit
2 Temperature Offset (0= -15°F/C, 15= 0°F/C, 30= +15°F/C)
3 humidity Offset (0= -15%Rh, 15= 0%Rh, 30= +15%Rh)
4 Minimum proof temperature that can be set
5 Maximum proof temperature that can be set
6 Minimum proof humidity that can be set
7 Maximum proof humidity that can be set
9 Preheat Disabled (1=Disabled, 0=enabled) (hP only)
10 Minimum retard temperature that can be set (hPR only)
11 Maximum retard temperature that can be set (hPR only)
12 Rest period (hPR only)
13 Recovery period (hPR only)
14 Military or standard time (hPR only)
15 Daily/Weekly (1= 7 Day Cycle, 0= 1 Day Cycle)
16 Defrost Refrigeration equipment every xx hours (Max. 10 hours)
17 Defrost Refrigeration equipment for xx minutes (Max. 60 minutes)

Setup Hints

  • During Rest Period, the unit does not heat, cool or circulate air; this allows the dough to “rest.”
  • During Recovery Time, the unit slowly heats up and adds humidity, bringing the unit to the preset temperature and humidity and into the proof stage of the automatic retard/proof process.



Every 6 months have authorized service personnel check refrigeration coils (clean if required), air duct drain, heater plate and spray nozzle. Oil the fan motor (if required).

Replace light bulb(s) with 40-watt incandescent appliance-type bulb(s) ONLY.


  1. Remove all remaining product.
  2. Turn off proofer.
  3. Clean the proofing chamber. (See Cleaning below.)


  1. Using a clean cloth moistened in warm, soapy water, wash the stainless steel interior of the cabinet. Rinse with clear water and dry with a clean cloth.
  2. Clean the outside daily with a clean, damp cloth.
  3. Use care when cleaning around sensitive interior parts, such as probes and sensors.
  4. Do not use cleaners containing grit, abrasive materials, bleach, harsh chemicals or chlorinated cleaners. Do not use steel wool on stainless steel surfaces. Never spray down the proofer with water, steam or power wash.
  5. Be cautious with new or improved cleaning formulas; use only after being well tested in an inconspicious place.

Contact your authorized Hobart Bakery Systems Service office for any repairs or adjustments needed on this equipment.


Machine will not turn on. 1.  Make sure that the power cord is plugged in.

2.  Verify that the main power supply is on.

3.  Contact your local hobart Bakery System Service office.

Machine will not heat up.| 1.  Verify that the temperature is set properly.

2.  Contact your local hobart Bakery System Service office.

Machine will not humidify air .| 1.  Verify that the humidity is set properly.

2.  Verify that the water supply is turned on to the equipment.

3.  Contact your local hobart Bakery System Service office.

Machine will not cool.| 1.  Verify that the temperature is set properly.

2.  Contact your local hobart Bakery System Service office.



What are the recommended settings for proofing different types of bread?

  • French Crust Bread 14 oz:

    • Proofing % Humidity: 85%
    • Proof Time: 55 minutes
  • French Crust Bread 10 oz:

    • Proofing % Humidity: 85%
    • Proof Time: 45 minutes
  • Bagels and Croissants:

    • Proofing % Humidity: 85%
    • Proofing % Humidity for Croissants: 70%
    • Proof Time for Bagels: 45 minutes
    • Proof Time for Croissants: 50 minutes
    • Proof Time for Bagels in Retarding Mode: 30 minutes

How should I handle products from the retarder when placing them in the proofer?

It is recommended to allow the product to reach room temperature before placing it directly into the proofer to avoid condensation formation. Units equipped with auto mode will slowly and automatically bring the proofer up to temperature without removing the product from the unit.

Who should install the HP Proofers and HPR Proofer/Retarders?

Models HP Proofers and HPR Proofer/Retarders must be installed by authorized Hobart Bakery Systems trained service technicians.


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