Ingersoll Rand TS700 Series Turbine Powered Starters Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024
Ingersoll Rand

Ingersoll Rand TS700 Series Turbine Powered Starters

Turbine Powered Starters
Series TS700

Installation and Maintenance Information


  • Product Name: Turbine Powered Starters Series TS700
  • Model Number: P7170 03540739
  • Edition: 4 March 2014

Product Safety Information

Intended Use:

These air starters are intended for use in starting reciprocating internal combustion engines. These starters are designed to be operated from a remote location after proper installation on the engine requiring starting.
For additional information refer to Air Starters for Internal Combustion Engines Product Safety Information Manual Form 45558624.
Manuals can be downloaded from

Model TS700 Turbine-Powered Starter Operating Guidelines

Never exceed the Nameplate pressure rating.
Always release the start button immediately after the engine starts.

Whenever assembling the exhaust cover to the starter, be sure to add 15 ml of grade C3 turbine oil to the pipe plug hole marked “oil here”.
If the engine has not started after 30 seconds of cranking, refer to the engine maintenance guides for information on starting, ignition, and fuel systems.

When using the starter for dynamic timing measurements, rest the starter for 2-3 minutes between 30 second measurements.

ST900-267-24 Strainer or equivalent is required for all starters used in GAS applications.

Placing the Starter in Service


For maximum performance, read this manual prior to the installation or operation of Series TS700 Turbine-Powered Starters.

General Information

1. All pipe connections to the starter must be designed to provide continuously leak proof joints. Piping the starter should not impose stress on the starter as the result of operating vibration, thermal expansion or unsupported weight.
2. All piping, hoses, ttings and components must be clean, free of weld splatter, and any contamination that can enter the starter. 3. The exhaust of the starter has a 90° housing for use in piping away the exhaust (ST700K-350). Refer to Dwg. TPA1471 for instructions.
4. The installation of the starter must comply with all appropriate specications; such as torquing threaded fasteners and ttings, lubrication as installed and during operation, air (or gas) ow to and from the unit, cleanliness and safety.
5. It is required that a Strainer be installed in the inlet line for each starter. Ingersoll-Rand oers 3 sizes of Strainers: ST900-267-24 for 1-3/4 inch lines, ST900-267-32 for 2 inch lines and ST900-267-64 for 4 inch lines. These 150 mesh strainers provide 100 micron ltration and oer signicant protection against supply line contaminates which could damage the turbine components.
Replacement elements are ST900-266-24 for 1-3/4 inch, ST900- 266-32 for 2 inch, and ST900-266-64 for 4 inch lines.
6. All air (gas) line connections must be bubble tight. Ingersoll-Rand No. 5MB-441 sealant applied to clean threads will help assure a leak proof system.
7. In gas installations, all exhausts must be piped to a safer location.
This applies to the exhaust from the Relief Valve and the Control Valve (SMB-G618 or 150BMD-Z451B) as well as the starter exhaust.
8. If the supply air (gas) to the starter is at a higher pressure than that stamped on the nameplate of the starter, a pressure regulator must be installed in the supply line ahead of the relay valve. The pressure setting of the regulator is to be the operating pressure of the starter and not greater than the nameplate stamping. A relieving type regulator is recommended. If this type is not available it is important to install a relief valve between the regulator and relay valve. The opening pressure of the relief valve should be 15 psi. above the regulator setting.

9. The air supply lines between the relay valve, top control valve, and starter should be as short and free of ttings as practical.
10. The air supply lines should be arranged to provide drainage for condensation. This is especially important when the lines are long.
11. The starter, control components and air lines should be arranged so that they are protected from heat, vibration and contamination.
12. Apply a lm of Dextron® *II Automatic Transmission uid to the driving spline and mount the starter using the Mounting Cap Screws. Tighten the Mounting Cap Screws to 40-45 ft-lbs (54-61 Nm) torque.
13. Refer to Dwg. TPA1464 for torque and lubrication specications.

Barring Over the Engine

The rotor shaft has a 1/4” hex socket in the end that can be used to rotate the engine shaft. This hex socket can be accessed by removing the directional exhaust 1/4” NPT plug (31) from that housing to access the 1/4” hex socket.

Orientation of the Starter

Orientation refers to the rotational location of the lubrication ports in the Drive Housing, the rotational location of the air (gas) inlet, and if used, the rotational location of the directional exhaust cover.
It is recommended that the correct orientation be ordered from the factory. If it is necessary to reorient the unit in the eld, refer to Dwg.

TPA1462 and proceed as follows:

1. To rotate the Drive Housing relative to the inlet:
Remove the Cap Screws (35) holding the Drive Housing (32) to the Gear Case.
Rotate the Drive Housing to the required position. Do not remove the Drive Housing from the Gear Case (3).
Install the Cap Screws (35) and tighten to 28 ft.-lbs. (38 Nm) torque.

2. To rotate the Directional Exhaust cover with respect to the inlet:
Remove the Starter Assembly Cap Screws (6).
Rotate the Exhaust Cover to it’s required position. Do not remove the Cover from the Motor Housing or separate the Motor Housing and Gear Case.
Reinstall the Cap Screws (6) and tighten them to 60 ft.-lbs.
(81.4 Nm) torque in 20 ft.-lbs. (27 Nm) increments.

How to order a Starter

How to order a Starter

How to order a Starter

  • Pinion Code must be specied when ordering.
    For dierent models or special applications, contact your nearest Ingersoll- Rand distributor or Ingersoll-Rand Engine Starting
    Systems, Box 8000, Southern Pines, NC 28387 910-692-8700.

Mounting Dimensions (Pre-Engaged) for Series TS700 Starters

Mounting Dimensions

TS700 Mounting Dimensions

TS700 Mounting Dimensions

Piping Diagram for a typical TS700 Turbine Installation

Piping Diagram

Piping Diagram for a Typical TS700 Multiple Starter Installation

Piping Diagram

Series TS700 Turbine-Powered Starters are designed for air or gas operation in o-highway, marine and stationary applications.

Parts Information

TS700 Turbine Powered Starter – Section View

Parts Information

TS700 Turbine Powered Starter – Section View

TS700 Turbine Powered Starter - Section View

TS700 Turbine Powered Starter – Exploded View

TS700 Turbine Powered Starter - Exploded View

ST600 Turbine Powered Starter – Parts List

Item| Part Description| Part Number| Item| Part Description| Part Number
| Exhaust Kit| ST700K-350| 18| Front Bearing| SS875-278
1| Directional Housing Exhaust| 19| Clutch Housing| TS875-14
Cover| ST700-350| 20| Drive Shaft| TS700-8S
2| Exhaust Cover Seal| Y327-162| 21| Cap Screw| TS700-25S
| Plug| R0H-377| 22| Shaft (3)| ST700-191
3| Gear Case| TS700-37B| 23| Spacer (2)| TS700-100B
4| Rear Gear Case O-ring| Y327-163| 24| Bearing (2)| TA-22
5| Front Gear Case O-ring| Y327-158| 25| Frame
6| Starter Assembly Cap Screw (4)| SS800-25| A Ratio| TS700-108A
7| Cap Screw Washer (4)| SS800-26| B Ratio| TS700-108B
| Motor Housing Assembly| TS725S-A40| 26| Spacer (6)| ST700-364
8| Motor Housing| TS725S-40| 27| Gear (3)
9| Inlet Flange Kit (Includes Inlet Flange, Flange Mounting Bolts And Lock Washers)| ST700-K166| A Ratio| TS700-10A
B Ratio| TS700-10B
| Sight Glass| TS700-38| 28| Bearing (3)| ST700-363
10| Housing Plug (2)| CE110-29| 29| Bearing| TS700-22
11| Housing Plug Inlet Boss| R0H-377| 30| Spacer| TS700-20
| Nameplate| ST900-301| 31| Pipe Plug (2)| R0H-377
| Nameplate Screw (4)| R4K-302| 32| Drive Housing| TS875-300
12| Motor Assembly| 33| Seal| TS700-54
For 725 RH Rotation Models| 34| Washer (8)| TE223A-415
A Ratio| TS725R-A53A| 35| Cap Screw (8)| SS800-744
B Ratio| TS725R-A53B| 36| Splined Shaft A Model| TS710-13A
For 725 LH Rotation Models| 36| Splined Shaft B Model| TS710-13B
A Ratio| TS725L-A53A| 36| Splined Shaft C Model| TS710-13C
B Ratio| TS725L-A53B| 36| Splined Shaft D Model| TS710-13D
For 750 RH Rotation Models| 36| Splined Shaft E Model| TS710-13E
A Ratio| TS750R-A53A| 36| Splined Shaft F Model| TS710-13F
B Ratio| TS750R-A53B| 36| Splined Shaft G Model| TS710-13G
For 750 LH Rotation Models| 36| Splined Shaft H Model| TS710-13H
A Ratio| TS750L-A53A| 37| O-ring| Y327-123
B Ratio| TS750L-A53B| 38| Snap Ring| TS700-16
For 799 RH Rotation Models| 39| O-ring| Y327-046
A Ratio| TS799R-A53A| 40| Exhaust Flange| ST700-351
B Ratio| TS799R-A53B| 41| Weld Sleeve| ST700-352
For 799 LH Rotation Models| 42| Lockwashers (6)| 845-58
A Ratio| TS799L-A53A| 43| Cap Screw (6)| ST700-703
B Ratio| TS799L-A53B| 44| Studs (6)| TS700-745
12a| Cylinder O-ring Seal (2)| ST700-67| 45| B Flange| TS700-300-B
12b| Housing O-ring Seal (2)| Q4032V75| 45| C Flange| TS700-300-C
13| Snap Ring| SS875-366| 45| D Flange| TS700-300-D
14| Rear Bearing| SS875-399| 45| E Flange| TS700-300-E
15| Spacer| SS875-367| | Tune-up Kit| TS700-TK1
16| Clutch| TS700-359|
| Rebuild Kit| TS700-RM1
17| Spacer| TS700-368|

Motor Assembly Diagram

Motor Assembly Diagram

Motor Assembly Parts List

Item Part Number Part Description Qty.
1 * Shaft 1
2 * Nut 1
3 * Bearing 2
4 * End Plate 1
5 * O-ring 2
6 * Spacer 1
7 * End Plate 1
8 * Rotor 1
9 * Spacer 2
10 * Seal 2
11 * Spacer 2
12 * Screw 2
13 * Pinion 1
14 * Nut 1
15 * Washer 1
16 * O-Ring 2
17 * Spring 2


Always wear eye protection when operating or performing any maintenance on this starter. Always turn off the air supply and disconnect the air supply hose before installing, removing or adjusting any accessory on this starter or before performing any maintenance on this starter.


Each time a Series TS700 Starter is disassembled for maintenance or repair, lubricate the starter as follows:

1. Lubricate all o-rings with o-ring lubricant.
2. Add 300 ml (approximately 3/4 pint) of C32 Grade Turbine Oil through the side plug hole in the Motor Housing (8).
3. Wipe both end splines of splined shaft with Ingersoll-Rand No. 130 Grease.
4. Add 15 ml of C32 grade turbine oil at (31) plug in exhaust cover.


General Information

1. Do not disassemble the Starter any further than necessary to replace worn or damaged parts.
2. When grasping a part in a vise, always use coppercovered vice jaws to protect the surface of the part and help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded and die cast members.
3. Do not remove any part which is a press t in or on a subassembly unless the removal of that part is necessary for replacement or repairs.
4. Always have a complete set of seals and O-rings (TS700TK1) on hand before starting any overhaul of a Series TS700 Turbine Starter. Never reuse old seals or O-rings.
5. Mark adjacent housings so they can be reassembled into the same relative positions with adjacent center punch marks on the out side of the anges on the Exhaust Cover (1), Motor Housing (8), and Gear Case (3). A quick drying marking pen can be used as an alternative.
6. Do not press any bearing from a part unless you have new bearings on hand for installation. Bearings are always damaged during the removal process.

Housing Exhaust Cover, Motor Assembly, and Motor Housing.

1. If replacing the Motor Assembly (12), remove Housing Plug (10) and drain the oil from the gearing before beginning disassembly of the Starter. Inspect the Magnetic Housing Plugs (10) for metal particles. Very ne metal particles are normal. Remove particles and reinstall plugs. Large particles or chips are an indication of a problem. If apparent, disassemble Gear Case (3) and inspect.
2. Using an 8 mm Hex-head wrench, unscrew and remove the Starter Assembly Cap Screws (6) and Washers (7).
3. Pull the Housing Exhaust Cover (1) from the Motor Housing (8).
To dislodge the Housing Exhaust Cover, rotate it until the ears clear the Motor Housing. Using a plastic hammer, tap the ears alternately until the Housing Exhaust Cover can be removed from the Motor Housing. Refer to Dwg. TPD1782.

4. To disassemble the Housing Exhaust Elbow and components.
Refer to Dwg. TPD1773.

5. Tap the Motor Housing with a plastic hammer to dislodge it from the Gear Case (3).

6. Grasp the rear of the Motor Assembly (12) and pull from the rear of the Motor Housing. If the Motor Assembly is dicult to remove, lightly, push the motor pinion which is in the front of the Motor Assembly toward the exhaust side of the Motor Housing in order to free the Motor Assembly.The Motor Assembly (12) is replaced as a unit and not disassembled in the eld.
Refer to Dwg. TPD1783.

Drive Housing and Gear Case Disassembly

1. Remove the 8 Hex Head Cap Screws (35) that hold the two housings together. Refer to Dwg. TPD1775.

2. Using two pry bars on opposite sides of the assembly, carefully pry the two housings apart.
3. To remove the Splined Shaft (36) from the Clutch Shaft (19), remove Snap Ring (38).
4. Using a 10 mm wrench remove the Cap Screw (21) from the Clutch Shaft.
5. Remove the clutch assembly from the Gear Case. The clutch assembly is replaced as a unit from the opposite side of the Gear Case and not disassembled any further in the eld.

6. Remove the Planet Frame (25). Refer to Dwg. TPD 1776.
7. Using a bearing puller remove the two Bearings (24) from the planet frame (25).
8. The two Gear Shaft Retaining Washers (23) can be removed from the Planet Frame.
9. The three Planet Gear Shafts (22) can be pushed from the planet frame.

This will free for removal the Planet Gears (27), the Bearing Spacers (26), and the Needle Rollers (28).


Assembly of the Starter
General Instructions

1. Always press on the inner ring of a ball bearing when installing the bearing on a shaft.
2. Always press on the outer ring of a ball bearing when pressing the bearing in a bearing recess.
3. Whenever grasping a part in a vise, always use leather-covered, copper- covered vise jaws to protect the surface of the part and help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded and die cast parts.
4. Always clean every part, and wipe every part with a thin oil lm before installation.
5. Note the orientation markings that were placed on the mating anges before disassembly and assure the assembled unit is arranged as before disassembly.
6. Coat all O-rings and the contact surface on their mating parts with o-ring lubricant immediately before assembling those parts.
7. When pressing parts together, assure that the parts are located rmly against a shoulder or otherwise positioned as specied.

Assembly of the Directional Housing Exhaust Cover

1. Coat the Exhaust Cover Seal (2) with o-ring lubricant and install in the groove in the Directional Housing Exhaust Cover (1).
2. Install Directional Housing Exhaust Cover on the rear of the Motor Housing (8) in the desired orientation and using a plastic hammer, tap the Directional Housing Exhaust Cover until it seats.

3. Secure the Directional Housing Exhaust Cover on the rear of the Motor Housing using the Starter Assembly Cap Screws (6) and Cap Screw Washers (7). Using an 8mm hex-head wrench, tighten each Cap Screw a little at a time to a nal torque of 55 ft-lb (74.5 Nm) in 20 ft-lb (27 Nm) increments. Refer to Dwg. TPD1782.
4. Lubricate Exhaust Adapter Seal (39) with o-ring lubricant and install in groove in Exhaust Flange.


Use Loctite® 56747 **Pipe Sealant on all plugs.
5. Place the starter in a vertical position with Exhaust Elbow Plug (31) up. Pour 15 ml of C32 Grade Turbine Oil and replace Plug.
6. Install the bottom Housing Plug (10) with Loctite® 56747 and the Housing Plug Inlet Boss (11). Put the Starter on its side with the side plug hole upward. Add 300 ml (approximately 3/4 pint) of C32 Grade Turbine Oil through the side plug hole in the Motor Housing (8).


Change oil annually or every 500 starts.

Clutch Assembly


The Clutch should be replaced after 1500 starts.

1. Press the Front Clutch Bearing (18) onto the Drive Gear Shaft (20).
2. Insert the Shaft Bearing Assembly into the Clutch Housing (19).
If necessary, tap into position with a plastic hammer using the correct adapter.
3. With the Clutch Shaft in a vertical position, insert in sequence, Spacer (17), the Clutch (16), and Spacer (15). For opposite rotation units (right hand or counter clockwise starter rotation), reverse the clutch orientation from that shown in Dwg. TPD1793.


4. Using a 28 mm maximum diameter Gear Shaft support which extends through the splined end of the Clutch Shaft, carefully press the Rear Clutch Bearing (14) into place.
5. Install the Retaining Ring (13) into the groove in the Clutch Shaft.
6. Press the Bearing onto the Clutch Shaft (20) so that it seats against the shoulder on the shaft.

Gear Case Assembly

1. Assemble Gear Shaft Retaining Washer (23) onto end of Planet Frame opposite the driving dogs. The counterbored side of the Washer must be towards the Planet Frame.
2. Press Bearing (24) onto Planet Frame so that it seats against the Washer.
3. Hold the end of the Planet Gear Shaft (22) in a leather covered or copper covered vice jaws. Place a Bearing Spacer (26) over the Shaft. Lay a llet bed of Ingersoll-Rand No. 100 grease around the Shaft and Spacer. Place Planet Gear (27) over the Shaft and seat onto the grease. Insert eighteen pieces of Needle Rollers (28) between the Shaft and Gear. Add a llet of Grease over the end of the Rollers and seat a Bearing Spacer over the Shaft.
4. Carefully lift the assembly of two Spacers, Gear and Rollers from the Shaft and slide it onto the Planet Frame so that the holes line up.
5. Remove the Shaft from the vise, holding it by the plain end, and position it so that the step on the opposite end lines up with the Retaining Washer on the opposite side of the Planet Frame. Slide it into the Planet Frame, through the Gear and Spacer Pack, and through the opposite side of the Planet Frame. Tap lightly with a plastic hammer if necessary. Repeat this procedure for each Planet Gear.

6. Place a Gear Shaft Retaining Washer (23) on the driving dog end of the Planet Frame. The counterbored side of the washer must face the Planet Frame.
7. Press the Planet Frame Bearing (24) onto the Planet Frame so that it seats against the washer.
8. Press Shaft Seal (33) into the front of the Drive Housing (32). The metal case of the Seal must enter the housing first.
9. Place the Motor Housing Assembly in a vertical position with the Gear Case end up. Assemble the Planet Gear Frame by fitting the Bearing (24) into the bore in the Motor Housing.
10. Assemble the O-ring (4) onto the Gear Case. (3).
11. Carefully set the Gear Case down over the Planet Frame Assembly and onto the Motor Housing. Rotate the Gear Case slightly
as needed to engage the Planet Gear Teeth into the internal Gear in the Gear Case. Rotate the Gear Case onto the indicated orientation and tap into position with a plastic hammer.
12. Lay the assembly on its side and thread the Starter Assembly Capscrews (6) with Lockwashers (7) into the four holes. Alternately tighten the screws to 50 ft.-lb. (68 Nm) in 10-15 ft-lb. (16 Nm) increments.
13. Assemble the Clutch Assembly into the Planet Frame. Make sure that the driving dogs on the Planet Frame mesh with the driving dogs on the Drive Gear Shaft.
14. Insert the Screw (21) with Loctite 242 through the Drive Gear Shaft and thread onto the Planet Frame. Tighten to 90 ft.-lb. torque (122 Nm). For right hand rotation, hold the Clutch Shaft with a strap type wrench.
15. Assemble the O-ring (5) onto the Drive Housing (32).
16. Carefully lower the Drive Housing down over the Clutch Assembly onto the face of the Gear Case being careful not to damage the top of the Housing Seal. After the seal has been positioned onto the Clutch Shaft, the Drive Housing can be tapped onto place with a plastic hammer.
17. After positioning the Drive Housing to the orientation marks, thread the eight Capscrews (35) and Lockwashers (34) into the tapped holes in the Gear Case. Tighten the cap screws to 28 ft.-lb. (38 Nm) torque.
18. Assemble the O-ring (37) onto the Splined Shaft (36). Carefully insert it into the Clutch Shaft. Tap it into place with a plastic hammer. Insert the Snap Ring (38) into the Clutch Shaft (19).

Test and Inspection Procedure

1. Turn the Splined Shaft by hand in the direction of starter rotation. It should turn freely and easily.
2. Turn the Shaft in the opposite direction. It will be more difficult to turn; however, it should turn smoothly with no binding. Turn the shaft through 12 to 15 revolutions.
3. Confirm orientation by referring through to previously placed markings or installation drawing.
4. Secure starter in a vise and apply 90 psi (6.2 BAR/620kPa) pressure using a 3/8” (9 mm) supply line to the inlet of the motor. The starter should run smoothly. Confirm that the Splined Shaft is turning in the correct direction. If applicable, confirm that the exhaust deflector returns to it’s normal position after the air is turned off.
5. With the starter immersed in a non-flammable, bubbleproducing liquid, slowly apply 20 psi (1.38 Bar/138 kPa) to the inlet of the motor for 30 seconds. No bubbles should appear.

Troubleshooting Guide

Trouble Probable Cause Solution
Motor will not run No air supply. Check for blockage or damage to air supply

lines or tank.
Damaged Motor Assembly (12)| Inspect Motor Assembly and power train and repair power train or replace Motor Assembly if necessary.
Foreign material in Motor and/or piping| Remove Motor Assembly and/or piping and remove the blockage.
Blocked exhaust system.| Remove Housing Exhaust Cover (1) and check for blockage.
Defective Control Valve or Relay Valve.| Replace Control Valve or Relay Valve.
Loss of Power| Low air pressure to Starter.| Check air supply.
Restricted air supply line.| Check for blockage or damage to air lines.
Relay Valve malfunctioning.| Clean or replace lines or Relay Valve. Lubricate Relay Valve.
Exhaust flow restricted.| Check for blocked or damaged piping. Clean or replace piping. Check for dirt or foreign material and clean or remove. Check for ice build-up. Melt ice and reduce moisture build-up to Starter.
Damaged Motor Assembly.| Replace Motor Assembly.
Oil blowing out of exhaust| Oil in air supply line.| Inspect air line and remove source of oil.
Splash Deflector Retaining Screw (31) or pipe plug missing.| Install Splash Deflector Retaining Screw or pipe plug.
Worn or damaged rotor seals or static O-Rings.| Replace static seals on outside of Motor or send Motor to Ingersoll-Rand to be rebuilt.
Oil leaking from Gear Case| Worn or damaged O-Rings.| Replace O-Rings.
Loose joints.| Make sure that joints fit properly and Starter Assembly Cap Screws are tightened to 60 ft-lb (81 Nm) torque. Make sure all seals and O-Rings fit and seal properly at their perimeters. If they do not, replace with new seals and O-Rings.
Excessive high-speed operation.| Operate according to recommendations.
High number of start cycles.| Replace worn components.
Loose or leaking Pipe Plugs (31) (11).| Tighten or replace Pipe plugs using Ingersoll-Rand SMB-441 Pipe Sealant.
Splash Deflector Retaining Screw or pipe plug missing.| Tighten Splash Deflector Retaining Screw or replace pipe plug.
Air or gas leakage| Loose Joints.| Make sure that joints fit properly and that Starter Assembly Cap Screws are tightened to 60 ft-lb (81 Nm) torque. Make sure that all seals and ORings fit and seal properly at their perimeters. If they do not, replace with new seals and O-Rings.
Excessive high-speed operation| Operate according to recommendations.
High number of start cycles| Replace worn components.
Loose or leaking Pipe Plugs| Tighten or replace pipe plugs.
Splash Deflector Retaining Screw loose or pipe plug missing| Tighten Splash Deflector Retaining Screw or replace pipe plug.

TS700 Maintenance Schedule

Starts Components Recommendation
500 C3 Turbine Oil Change
500 All External Cap Screws Check Torque
500 Strainer Check Element
1000 C3 Turbine Oil Change
1000 All External Cap Screws Check Torque
1000 Strainer Check Element
1500 C3 Turbine Oil Change
1500 All External Cap Screws Check Torque
1500 Strainer Check Element
1500 Clutch, TS700-359 Change
1500 Rear Bearing, SS875-399 Change
1500 Front Bearing, SS875-278 Change
1500 Seal, TS700-54 Change
1500 O-ring, Y327-158 Change
1500 O-ring, Y327-123 Change
1500 Bearing, TS700-22 Change
2000 C3 Turbine Oil Change
2000 All External Cap Screws Check Torque
2000 Strainer Check Element
2500 C3 Turbine Oil Change
2500 All External Cap Screws Check Torque
2500 Strainer Check Element
3000 C3 Turbine Oil Change
3000 Clutch, TS700-359 Change
3000 All External Cap Screws Check Torque
3000 Strainer Check Element
3000 Rear Bearing, SS875-399 Change
3000 Front Bearing, SS875-278 Change
3000 Seal, TS700-54 Change
3000 O-ring, Y327-158 Change
3000 O-ring, Y327-123 Change
3000 Bearing, TS700-22 Change
3500 C3 Turbine Oil Change
3500 All External Cap Screws Check Torque
3500 Strainer Check Element

Parts and Maintenance


The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement parts may result in safety hazards, decreased motor performance, and increased maintenance, and may invalidate all warranties.
Ingersoll Rand is not responsible for customer modification of Starters for applications on which Ingersoll Rand was not consulted. Repairs should be made only by authorized trained personnel. Consult your nearest Ingersoll

Rand Authorized Service center.
When the life of the Starters has expired, it is recommended that the Starters be disassembled, degreased and parts be separated by material so that they can be recycled.
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