Labgear MRX270 Handylink Pro Kit User Guide

June 16, 2024

Labgear MRX270 Handylink Pro Kit


Product Information


  • Product Name: Handylink Pro System
  • Function: Remote control extension facility
  • Compatibility: TV, satellite receiver, VCR

Product Usage Instructions

Installing the Handylink Pro System

  1. Check all components are included in the package.
  2. Place the Base Unit near the main set.
  3. Connect the Base Unit to the TV using the LINE connection.
  4. Connect the Base Unit to the Distribution Unit using the appropriate connections.
  5. Connect the Distribution Unit to each room where remote control extension is desired.
  6. Tune the TV(s) to the satellite RF channels.
  7. Enable modulators if necessary using the OSD menu.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Check Your Coaxial Plugs: Check that the coaxial plugs on the cable run to the remote room are correctly fitted, as shown in the diagram on page ?. The inner wire of the coax cable must be firmly connected in the center pin of the plug. On plugs without a clamping screw, this wire must be soldered.
  • Outlet Plates: The Handylink PRO remote control extension facility will only work with non-isolated outlets. If you have re-used wiring from an older distribution system, you will need to replace any isolated outlets.


  • Q: Is there a power switch on the Base Unit?
    A: Yes, there is a power switch on the Base Unit. Please make sure it is switched on.

  • Q: What should I do if the TV channels are still snowy after following the troubleshooting steps?
    A: If the TV channels are still snowy, please check the connections between the Base Unit and the Distribution Unit. Make sure they are securely connected.


This MRX27O Handylink PRO kit contains the major parts that you need to install a professional TV and FM radio distribution system in your home. The system is designed for distribution of DVD, VCR (‘video’) and satellite receiver (‘Sky’) outputs as well as the usual TV channels. FM radio can also be distributed. Handylink PRO is compatible with all UHF TV transmissions, including Channel 5 and digital terrestrial services, provided that your aerial system is suitable. Handylink PRO replaces any TV distribution system already in place.

System Features

  • Up to four room outlets can be connected, in addition to the existing main TV (4+1).
  • Each of the additional outlets can be used for TV, FM or both.
  • All four outlets are enabled for remote control extension – This feature allows you to control your VCR/DVD (or satellite receiver, etc.) from another room, using the normal remote handset.
  • Straightforward installation, fully explained in this manual.
  • Minimum ‘wiring clutter’ in the lounge.
  • Only one power point required.

HANDYLINK PRO Components – what’s in the box?

  • Base Unit and Senders
    The Base Unit is located near the VCR and main TV in the lounge (it can be hidden if desired). It contains a signal booster amplifier and the central system power supply. The 3 Sender Buttons are fixed to the front of your DVD, VCR and satellite unit and relay the infra-red remote control commands.

  • Distribution Unit
    The central wiring point for the four outlets, contains a second signal amplifier and has provision for connection of an FM radio aerial. The Distribution Unit may be installed in any convenient location (e.g. in the roof space or in a cupboard). No mains supply required.

  • 4x Remote control receivers and 4x Couplers
    These components can be used together on any outlet from the distribution unit. They allow remote control of the VCR etc. from a remote location (e.g. a bedroom) using the distribution system wiring.

  • Accessories
    A fly lead is included for connection between the base unit and main TV. What’s Not Included? Because everyone’s requirements are different, this kit does not include coaxial cable, outlet plates or fly leads for the TV or FM sets in the additional rooms. A satisfactory TV aerial is required. If you also wish to distribute FM radio to the outlets you will need an FM aerial.

Before Starting Installation – please study this instruction manual.
Make sure that you understand where each part needs to be located and how they are connected. Stages of Installation:

  1. Plan the system layout
  2. Run the cables
  3. Fix and connect the Distribution Unit
  4. Complete remote room installations
  5. Fix and connect Base Unit
  6. Commission and test the system.

Tools – No special tools are required to install the Handylink PRO system, but you will need:

  • Screwdrivers (various sizes)
  • Drill and drill bit
  • Wire cutters and strippers (or knife for stripping)
  • Additional tools if cable is being run in walls or under floorboards, etc.


Step by Step
See the system diagram below. To avoid risk of electric shock if any of your TV equipment has a safety fault, we strongly recommend that you do not connect your TV’s, VCR, DVD or satellite receivers to the system until all installation work has been completed. If any appliances are connected they should be unplugged from the mains whilst work is in progress.Labgear-MRX270
-Handylink-Pro-Kit- \(4\)

Step 1 – Planning your System
To avoid wasting time and cable, don’t start work until you are sure about your system layout. Always try to minimize the length of cable runs as the longer the run, the greater the signal loss. The Base Unit must be situated near to the main VCR/DVD recorder/Sky+™ box (and satellite receiver, if used). This normally means in the lounge or living room, on a wall or skirting board behind the main TV set. The Distribution Unit can be installed in any convenient place, to suit the cabling, and is usually hidden from view. The roof space (loft or attic) is often a convenient location, especially if you are installing outlet points in bedrooms. Other possibilities include the under-stairs cupboard or a cellar. An airing cupboard can also be used if the temperature is less than 40C. (The Distribution Unit can also be placed alongside the Base Unit if desired.)

Up to four Room Outlets can be installed wherever required. Flush outlet plates or surface-mounted outlet boxes (not included) can be used for a more professional appearance (any aerial outlets used must be non-isolated). The main system diagram shows outlet options. If you are using the FM radio distribution option, remember that FM is not present at the MAIN TV outlet of the Base Unit. If you want a separate FM point in the lounge or living room, one of the four outlets from the Distribution Unit should be used for the purpose.

Step 2 – Installing the Cables
All system wiring is carried out in coaxial cable. Good quality, well-screened coaxial cable should be used throughout the system. We recommend the use of type PF100 or CT100 cable (available from your local TV aerial or satellite TV stockist). This is a double-screened cable approved for use with digital TV and Satellite systems. Use of inferior quality may cause signal loss, especially on longer cable runs. The wiring of an older TV distribution system may be re-used, if appropriate, provided that it is of good quality and in satisfactory condition. Cable runs are required as follows: TV aerial to satellite box/Freeview™ box/VCR/DVD recorder – this will usually be in place already. FM aerial to Distribution Unit – this is only required if you wish to distribute FM radio signals on the system. Base Unit to Distribution Unit – this run should not exceed 20m. Distribution Unit to room outlets – each room outlet must have a separate cable run from the Distribution Unit. These runs should be kept as short as possible and not exceed 30m.

Any of the usual cable installation methods can be used, depending on your level of skill. Some methods are listed below. Most installations will involve a mixture of some of these. Run on a surface and secure with cable clips. – Run in ‘mini-trunking’ on the surface. – Plastered into walls (no special impact precautions are necessary). – Run under floorboards and in building voids. – Run on the outside of the building. It may be convenient to run the cable on the surface initially and to hide it at a later date – when a room is redecorated, for instance. Observe the following precautions: Handle the coaxial cable with care to avoid crushing it. – Avoid sharp bends wherever possible. – Always use a ‘drip loop’ at the bottom of an outdoor vertical run to reduce the risk of rainwater entering the building. Keep the wiring of your Handylink PRO system at least 50mm (2 inches) away from mains wiring.(This does not apply in a trunking system with rigidly divided compartments.)

Step 3 – Fixing and Connecting the Distribution Unit
The Distribution Unit should now be fixed to a suitable surface. It can be mounted with the cables entering either horizontally from the left or right, or vertically from below. Very little heat is generated in the Distribution Unit and there are no mounting restrictions or ventilation requirements. To secure the Unit proceed as follows: Loosen the two securing screws from the polished cover strip and remove the cover. Offer the Unit up to the fixing surface and mark through the two fixing holes. If fixing to a masonry wall, drill 6mm for the wall plugs provided. On a timber surface drill pilot holes or use a bradawl. Replace the unit and fix with the screws provided.

The cables can now be connected. The Distribution Unit uses saddle and clamp terminals. Strip the cables and connect as shown in the diagrams. Take care that stray strands of braid wire do not cause short circuits. Take care to connect the cables to the correct terminals – FM IN for the FM aerial (if used), LINE IN for the cable from the Base Unit and OUT for the four-room feeds. All four OUTs are the same and can be connected in any order, If you are installing fewer than four remote outlets simply leave some of the OUT’s unconnected. Replace the front cover strip.

Step 4 – Room Installations
At each room outlet the simplest option is to fit a coax plug to the end of the cable running from the Distribution Unit. This is then plugged directly into the TV (via the coupler if a remote control extension is being used) or the FM receiver. Alternatively, the use of screened wall outlet plates will enhance your system and give a more professional appearance. You can also install one or more displaced outlets to enable one outlet to serve both a TV and an FM receiver. Outlet plates and coax plugs are not included in the Handylink PRO kit, make sure you use nonisolated plates for single connections to the remote eye coupler.

Step 5 – Fixing the Base Unit
Next secure the Base Unit to a wall or skirting board using the mounting bracket provided. Choose a location where all the cables will reach, including the Sender Buttons (see Commissioning Remote Control Extension on page ?). The Base Unit also needs to be within reach of a mains socket, but don’t plug it in yet. Detach the mounting bracket from the bottom of the base unit, position the bracket to the fixing surface and mark positions of screw holes. Allow sufficient space under the unit for the mains and Sender cables. If fixing to a masonry wall, drill 6mm for the wall plugs provided. Take care to avoid cables or pipes in the wall. On a timber surface drill pilot holes or use a bradawl. Use the screws provided fix the bracket to the wall and firmly push the Base Unit on to it.

WARNING: do not leave the Base Unit resting on a carpet, and do not cover it with curtains, etc. which could restrict ventilation and cause overheating.

Step 6 – Connecting the Base Unit
Now make the signal connections to the Base Unit: Locate the fly lead which currently runs from the output socket of your AV equipment to the main TV. Unplug this from the TV and plug it into the SAT/VCR in socket of the Base Unit. Use the fly lead provided in the kit to connect the MAIN TV socket of the Base Unit to the aerial socket of the main TV. Connect the line cable (the one that goes off to the Distribution Unit) to the LINE OUT socket of the Base Unit. You will need to fit a coax plug (not supplied) to the end of the cable first. Alternatively, for a neater installation, the line cable can be wired to an outlet plate mounted near the Base Unit and a fly lead (not supplied) used to link it to the Base Unit LINE OUT socket.Labgear-MRX270-Handylink-
Pro-Kit- \(9\)

Step 7 – Commissioning and testing your system
The majority of the installation work is now complete. It is important to commission and test the system thoroughly to make sure that it is working correctly.

  • Testing the Distribution System
    The first step is to ensure that the signal distribution system is working. Only then proceed to check the remote control extension facility. When all connections have been made, plug the Base Unit into the mains and switch on. Note that the LED on the Base Unit is not a power-on indicator and will not light up at this stage. Check that the red LED indicator on the Distribution Unit is alight. Check that the main TV, and other connected AV equipment are all working as before. Check that good pictures are obtained on all the TVs in other rooms – the remote TVs. These TVs should already be tuned in to the off- air channels (BBC, TV, C4 and C5 if receivable in your area) unless they are new sets. If the system is working correctly, pictures on the remote TVs will be just as good as on the main TV.
    TVs will need tuning to the VCR and satellite output channels. To do this, first activate the VCR/DVD recorder by inserting a recorded tape/DVD and selecting play. Tune each remote TV in turn on a free channel position for best picture and sound quality (refer to TV handbook for tuning instructions). (Note that some, mostly older, TVs need a dedicated channel button to be used for the VCR channel.) Stop the tape/DVD when tuning is completed, and return the VCR to standby mode. If you have a satellite receiver select a satellite channel and repeat the tuning process on the remote TVs (after selecting a different free channel position). Now check that interference-free reception is available with both VCR/DVD and satellite outputs present at the same time. If interference is experienced, retune the VCR/DVD to a different channel (see VCR/DVD handbook) and try again, after retuning the VCR/DVD channel position on all TVs. Ignore this step if you don’t have a satellite receiver. If you are using the FM facility, check that good radio reception is obtained on all connected tuners or receivers.

  • Commissioning the Remote Control Extension
    Before testing the remote control extension facility The sender buttons need to be positioned near your VCR/DVD/Sky+™, satellite receiver (and any other equipment that you wish to control from a remote room). The sender has 3 small ‘’buttons” that re-emit infra-red commands coming from remote rooms. Position the buttons near the IR sensors on the front of your VCR/DVD/Satellite receiver or other AV equipment that you wish to control. Do not stick the buttons in place yet, as you may need to move them around during the tests that follow. Run the Sender wires discreetly back to the Base Unit. Running the wires underneath the equipment will usually be best. Plug the jack plug into either of the SENDER sockets on the Base Unit. If only one or two buttons are used (i.e. you are only controlling one or two pieces of equipment), coil up the surplus wire and tuck the second and/or third button out of sight. DO NOT CUT THE EXTRA BUTTONS OFF AS THIS WILL STOP THE SYSTEM WORKING!

Insert a recorded tape/DVD and select play to activate the VCR/DVD recorder. Set the main TV to the VCR/DVD channel to display the ‘video’ picture. Get a helper to operate the VCR/DVD remote control handset in a remote control- equipped room (use play, pause, FF, etc.). The handset should be pointed toward the infrared receiver and your helper should see a green LED indicator flash on the Receiver when buttons are pressed. The green LED on the Base Unit should also flash to show that the Sender is relaying commands from the remote room. You will probably find that the VCR/DVD is already obeying the commands, but for continuing reliable operation the Sender button should be attached to the front of the VCR using one of the sticky pads supplied. Before doing this, experiment with the position of the Sender button to find the optimum position. (The buttons are transparent to infrared and will not interfere with normal operation of the VCR.) Repeat the test procedure and attach a Sender button for each additional piece of equipment to be controlled. (In the remote room remember to set the TV to the appropriate channel and use the correct handset!). Check that the remote control also works from any other rooms where you have installed a receiver. If you later need to remove a Sender button, prise it gently away from the equipment. Your Handylink PRO installation is now complete.


Distribution System Problems

Symptom The problem may be Solution

Snowy’ pictures on all TV’s including the main set/ or no digital Freeview™ signal| No power to Base Unit – Incorrect connections to Base Unit| Check fuse, plug in and switch on! Check your connections (see main diagram)
Snowy pictures on all TV’s including the main set/ or no digital Freeview™ signal| No power reaching the Distribution unit (red LED not alight)| Check LINE connection between Base Unit and the Distribution Unit
’Snowy’ pictures/or no digital Freeview™ signal on one or more remote TV’s (but others are OK)| Faulty cabling/connections to particular room(s)| Check connections between the Distribution Unit and room (s) in question
Poor picture quality with faint image of other channels in the background| Very strong signals from aerial are over-loading the amplifiers| Fit a 12dB attenuator between aerial and satellite receiver or VCR
Patterning on satellite or ‘video’ pictures| Satellite and VCR tuned too close in frequency (or close to off-air channel)| Retune satellite and/or VCR (refer to handbooks for (details)
Satellite or ‘video’ pictures not appearing on remote TV’s| TV(s) not tuned-in to sat RF channels VCR modulators disabled (SCART connection used to main TV)| Tune TV(s) in (refer to TV handbook) Enable modulators – usually an OSD menu option (refer to handbooks)
Off-air TV channels disappear (or ‘snowy’) when VCR in playback mode| Some older VCRs do not pass off-air channels whilst in play On some recent models this feature is selectable in an OSD menu| Old VCR: modify VCR (consult dealer) or replace New VCR

Remote Control Extender Problems

Question Ans. The problem may be Solution
Is Receiver green light flickering even when no remote control is being used?
Yes Interference to the Receiver from lights, e.g. compact fluorescents Move

lamps and Receiver away from each other
No| On to next question|
Does Receiver green light flash when a remote control handset is operated in the remote room| No| No mains connection to Base Unit| Check fuse, plug in and switch on!
| Faulty connections from Distribution Unit to Coupler| Check wiring, see troubleshooting hints
| Wrong type of TV wall socket in remote room| Replace wall socket with non- isolated type – see troubleshooting hints
| Loose connection to Receiver| Ensure Receiver is correctly plugged into coupler
| Direct sunlight falling on Receiver| Move Receiver out of sunlight
Yes| On to next question|
Does base unit light also flash when a remote control handset is operated?| No| Sender is not plugged in correctly

/Sender wires cut or damaged

| Plug Sender into SENDER socket on Base Unit Replace Sender (s)
Yes| Sender buttons are not correctly placed on controlled equipment| Adjust position of Sender buttons

  • Check Your Coaxial Plugs – Check that the coaxial plugs on the cable run to the remote room are correctly fitted, as shown in the diagram on page ?. The inner wire of the coax cable must be firmly connected in the centre pin of the plug. On plugs without a clamping screw, this wire must be soldered.
  • Outlet Plates – The Handylink PRO remote control extension facility will only work with non-isolated outlets. If you have re-used wiring from an older distribution system, you will need to replace any isolated outlets.

Earthing the system
This section is included mainly for professional installers wishing to comply with BS EN 50083-1. The Handylink PRO system has provision for protective earth bonding. An earth terminal (capacity 6mm2) is provided at the Distribution Unit since this is the central network star point’. For compliance with BS EN 50083-1 a minimum 4mm2 bonding conductor is required from the main earth terminal of the electrical installation.

Important safety advice

  • Fitted mains plug – The Base Unit in this kit is supplied with a standard fused plug already fitted. If this is not suitable, refer to the instructions below. In the unlikely event that you need to change the fuse in this plug, a 3 Amp fuse to BS 1362 carrying the ASTA or BSI approval mark must be used. Always re-fit the plastic fuse carrier when replacing the fuse.
  • Changing the plug – If the fitted mains plug is not suitable for the socket outlets in your home, it should be cut off and an appropriate new plug fitted.
  • Wiring a new plug – Any instructions supplied with the new plug should be followed (these may state how much insulation to remove from the wires in the mains cord). The brown wire must be connected to the live (L) terminal of the plug and the blue wire to the neutral (N) terminal. Neither wire should be connected to the earth (E) terminal of a 3-pin plug (this appliance does not require an earth connection). Ensure that the cord grip in the plug is correctly used and clamps the sheath of the cord firmly.
    Fuse Rating: If the new plug is a fused type, the fuse fitted should be rated at not more than 3 Amp.
    CAUTION: The old plug should be destroyed promptly since it would be dangerous if plugged into a live socket.

2 Year Guarantee

Your Handylink PRO distribution and remote control extender system is guaranteed against faulty components or poor workmanship for two years from the date of purchase. This guarantee does not cover accidental or malicious damage (including damage from natural causes such as lightning) and will be invalidated by installation or use other than by these instructions, repair or attempted repair other than by the manufacturer, or opening or removal of the case. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

For further information or any queries please contact Customer Careline: 08457 573 479
(Local rate – UK only)
Technical Support:

Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority for recycling advice.


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