DPS Skis PHANTOM Cure Station Instructions

June 16, 2024
DPS Skis

DPS Skis PHANTOM Cure Station Instructions
DPS Skis PHANTOM Cure Station

Product Information

Product InformationThe PHANTOM Cure Station TM is designed to work together with PHANTOM NordicTM to provide consistent and rapid UV cure for nordic skis. The formula has been specifically developed and tested to work with the temperature, UV concentration, and combinations of wavelengths produced by this equipment. It is a permanent glide solution formulated for human-powered movement over snow.


A permanent glide solution specifi cally formulated for human-powered movement over snow.

PHANTOM Nordic requires specific UV light and temperature conditions to cure properly. We recommend a professional application where possible. PHANTOM erfordert bestimmte UV-Licht- und Temperaturbedingungen, um richtig auszuhärten. Wir empfehlen, wenn möglich, eine professionelle Anwendung. PHANTOM nécessite une lumière UV et des conditions de température spécifiques pour bien durcir. Nous recommandons une application professionnelle lorsque cela est possible. Per una polimerizzazione corretta, PHANTOM richiede condizioni specifiche di luce UV e temperatura. Si raccomanda un’applicazione professionale, ove possibile. PHANTOM nécessite des conditions spécifiques de température et de lumière UV pour durcir correctement. Nous vous recommandons une application professionnelle lorsque cela est possible. PHANTOM trenger et bestemt UV-lys og riktige temperaturforhold for korrekt herding. Vi anbefaler at dette gjøres av en profesjonell der det er mulig. PHANTOM kräver specifika UV-ljus- och temperaturförhållanden för att härda ordentligt. Vi rekommenderar en professionell applicering när det är möjligt.

Warning: Flammable liquid and vapor. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Liquid can cause eye and skin irritation. Use in a well ventilated area and wear protective gloves, eye and face protection. Please read all instructions and warnings before starting. Once cured on a Nordic Ski, this is an inert material that is non- hazardous and emits no vapors.

In the event of a medical or chemical emergency contact ChemTel, North America +1-800-255-3924 or Worldwide +1-813-248-0585. All other non- emergency inquiries about the product should be directed to DPS Skis: +1-801-413-1737 or Toll Free DPS Skis, North America +1-833-DPS-SKIS (+1-833-377-7547) or phantom.support@dpsskis.com.

PHANTOM Cure Station
Serial #:


PHANTOM Cure Station™ and PHANTOM Nordic™ are designed to work together in a shop environment to provide consistent and rapid UV cure for nordic skis. The formula has been specifi cally designed and tested with the temperature and UV concentration and combinations of wavelengths created by this equipment. No processes other than using the cure station as described, or following the instructions for natural outdoor strong sunlight cure, should be attempted.

Please read the PHANTOM Nordic™ bulk application instructions and warnings before beginning.

Minimum recommended shop temperature is 58°F/15°C for a reasonable 15-30 minute cure station preheat. Longer preheat may be required at lower starting ambient temperatures.

Refer to Storage and Handling instructions (pg 12) for correct care of your PHANTOM Nordic™. Each bulk bottle contains 110ml of PHANTOM Nordic™ liquid.

Disposal: If entire contents of individual packets or bulk containers are not used up, remaining liquid can be poured into absorbent cloth or paper and disposed of once entirely dry.

Please contact DPS Skis at +1.801.413.1737 or phantom.support@dpsskis.com if you have any troubles or questions regarding the PHANTOM Cure Station™ or PHANTOM Glide™.

  • Two Person Lift Required. PHANTOM Cure Station™ is a long, heavy object.
  • Hot Surface. Do not touch the internal heating unit during or after operation.
  • Disconnect PHANTOM Cure Station™ from power source when servicing.

Cleaning Information

Over time moisture or evaporative residue may build up inside of the station. Wear appropriate gloves and wipe down fi rst with a damp absorbent cloth or paper and then give a fi nal wipe down with a dry absorbent cloth or paper.

IMPORTANT Power Cable Information

Please, ensure that your PHANTOM Cure Station™ is electrically rated to operate with the AC power available in your location. North America voltage: 110 VAC. Europe and Japan voltage: 220 VAC.

  • Only use the power cable that was provided with your PHANTOM Cure Station™.
  • Do not plug the equipment power cable into an electrical outlet if the power cable is damaged.
  • To prevent electric shock, plug the equipment power cable into properly grounded electrical outlets. If the equipment is provided with a 3-prong power cable, do not use adapter plugs that bypass the grounding feature, or remove the grounding feature from the plug or adapter.
  • Connect the power cable to a grounded electrical outlet only.
  • If you use an extension power cable, ensure that the total ampere rating of the products plugged in to the extension power cable does not exceed the ampere rating of the extension cable.
  • If you must use an extension cable or power strip, ensure the extension cable or power strip is connected to a wall power outlet and not to another extension cable or power strip. The extension cable or power strip must be designed for grounded plugs and plugged into a grounded wall outlet.
  • If you are using a multiple-outlet power strip, use caution when plugging the power cable into the power strip. Some power strips may allow you to insert a plug incorrectly. Incorrect insertion of the power plug could result in permanent damage to your equipment, as well as risk of electric shock and/or fi re. Ensure that the ground prong of the power plug is inserted into the mating ground contact of the power strip.
  • Be sure to grasp the plug, not the cable, when disconnecting equipment from an electric socket.


Operation Instruction
A :  Power Cord Inlet/Main Power Switch
B : Preheat
C : Start D Cancel
E : Saw Horse
F : Door Limit Switch


STEP : 1
Install the 4 custom UV light bulbs into the light clips. Insert with pins vertical and rotate 90° until “click”.
A. Best if done by two people to securely insert each end to the light clips.
B. UV light is directional. Make sure the bulb logo faces down once installed.
Install the 4 custom UV light
STEP : 2
Attach the supplied power cord to A.

NOTE: If a fi rmware update is required, you will be sent an email with a zipped fi rmware code. You then install the cord into the slot in the back left side of the display screen (B) and follow the emailed instructions to install.

To switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius, at initial power up press “cancel” to toggle between Fahrenheit (F) or Celsius (C).

Pushing cancel at initial power up will display current installed fi rmware version, i.e. 2.49 Fahrenheit (F).

STEP : 3
The door limit switch (G) may need to be adjusted in/out to ensure switch activation, while not creating a signifi cant gap in the door seal. Do this by adjusting the order of the nuts holding the switch onto the metal tab. If any issues persist please contact us.


STEP : 1
Turn on the main power switch on the back left (A).
STEP : 2

Triple display button (Cure Station version 2 and up):
a. With the door closed, press Preheat once. Both the heater and fan and the 4 UV lights should be on during Preheat.
i. After temperature is reached, the station will maintain this temperature for a maximum of two hours and will automatically shut off if there is no activity.
b. Insert the gear base side up centered under the lights, close the door, and press the Start button.
The cure cycle timer will only be initiated at this point if ‘Ready to Cure’ is displayed. Have the door open for minimum time to retain heat and ensure effi cient curing.
c. To cancel at anytime during Preheat, or a cure cycle, press **Cancel.


  • Initial preheat can take up to 30 minutes depending on ambient temperatures.
  • The station is not designed for shop temperature below 58°F/14°C or may take longer to preheat.
  • The fi rst few heat cycles may have a slight burning odor while the heating elements clean off any manufacturing oils or dust.


NOTE: These instructions are only applicable to PHANTOM Nordic™, a spray- on product released in Winter of 2023/2024.
PHANTOM 2.0 from 2018 is a two-part process requiring a Part A cure and a Part B cure.
PHANTOM CSF from 2019 is offered in bulk bottles for shops and demo needs and is a one-part process with a single cure.
Instructions for both PHANTOM 2.0 and PHANTOM CSF have key differences, and can be found at:
CSF: https://csf.phantomglide.com
DIY: https://diy.phantomglide.com

STEP : 1 Prepare Equipment Surface

Prepare Equipment SurfaceNew Nordic Skis
Thoroughly clean the factory wax from the base using an industry approved citrus base cleaner. Do not use unapproved solvent based cleaners.
Allow the base to dry completely and wipe with a clean paper towel to remove any remaining residue or dust.
Clean the base either by a fresh stone-grind or a thorough base cleaning.

Used Nordic Skis
Thoroughly clean any wax from the base using an industry approved citrus base cleaner. Do not use unapproved solvent based cleaners.

Allow the base to dry completely and wipe with a clean paper towel to remove any remaining residue or dust.
Repair any base damage with P-tex or base welds where necessary.

If relevant, A stone grind is the most effi cient way to restore structure or to remove abrasion, oxidation and/or damage due to use, and is critical to ensure good PHANTOM Nordic™ performance.

If the bases are in good shape use a citrus base cleaner (solventbased cleaners are not recommended.
If a stone grind is not possible, and the base is particularly abraded, oxidised or dirty; brush it out with a stiff roto or hand  brush and then repeat the base cleaning process.

STEP : 2 Apply PHANTOM Nordic™ Formula

IMPORTANT: PHANTOM Glide™ should be at ambient room temperature (65°F – 85°F / 18°C – 30°C).

With the lid closed, thoroughly shake the bulk bottle container before each use. For most nordic ski bases, this is between 3-4 full sprays with the spray nozzle held 2 inches from the ski base. You should move quickly down the ski while spraying. For skis with skins/gripzones 1 full spray per 60cm section is reasonable. Applying light pressure with non-absorbent pad, spread evenly between the contact points, working from the center of the base out to the edges (to minimize mess and clean-up later). Spread PHANTOM Nordic™ out to tips and tails, trying to minimise run off. Wipe off any excess PHANTOM Nordic™ that spills over onto the top sheet. Continue to work PHANTOM Nordic™ into the base until the surface has an even, thin polished sheen along the entire length of the running surface. Make sure to close the spray nozzle after each use.
Recommended PHANTOM Nordic™ Application Volume
Application Volume

  • For most nordic ski bases use 3-4 full sprays with the spray nozzle held 2 inches from the ski base.
  • You should move quickly down the ski while spraying.
  • For skis with skins/gripzones 1 full spray per 60cm section is reasonable.u

STEP : 3 Put Equipment into Cure Station
Once the surfaces have been prepared as described in Step 2, the equipment is ready to go directly into the cure station.

Ensure the bases have an even, thin polished sheen, with no excess PHANTOM Nordic™ anywhere along the running surface.

NOTE: Bases should be treated at a minimum shop temperature of 58°F/15°C. For optimum results bases should be at 75 – 100 F prior to applying PHANTOM Nordic™

STEP : 4 Run Cure Station Cycle
With any nordic binding materials securely strapped fl at, insert into the cure station on the supplied stands with tips facing the heater (to improve cure effi ciency) and close the door. Minimize time the door is open to retain internal Cure Station heat.
A. UV lights will NOT come on unless the door is closed and the limit switch in the upper left corner is activated.
B. If the internal temperature is below a threshold the cure station may go through a pre-heat period before the timer begins the countdown.
Once the cure cycle is done, remove the equipment from the cure station and allow it to return to room temperature. The base should be dry with a nice polished appearance. If any signifi cant wetness exists, wipe off with a paper towel and continue curing for another 5-10 minutes. A small amount of residue is OK. Once the base is properly cured, you can move
onto the fi nishing process described below in Step 5.
Run Cure Station Cycle
NOTE: Properly cured PHANTOM Nordic™ is essential to long-term performance and you should be sure this step is completed prior to moving onto step 5.
STEP : 6 Final Inspection

Inspect the remaining equipment surfaces for PHANTOM Nordic™ residue. Wipe off the edges, sidewalls and topsheet.
Visually inspect to make sure that everything looks clean.

Place PHANTOM Nordic™ sticker on each ski or snowboard topsheet.

STEP : 7 Continued Maintenance

A PHANTOM Nordic™ treated base will continue to have consistent and fast glide as long as the base is kept in good condition. In practice, this means that some maintenance is required at regular intervals.

When the bases begin to look dry/white, this is a sign that abrasion has formed micro-hairs on the base. Regular dry polishing using the PHANTOM Nordic™ polishing pad and intermittent polishing with water will help keep bases clean and maintain glide performance. For hard to remove adhesives and residue, use a citrus base cleaner or rubbing alcohol.

Dirt and grease may also need to be cleaned off periodically. In this case, use a citrus base cleaner, and follow up with polishing. After using any solvents on the gliding surface, always make sure bases are completely dry before thoroughly polishing.

If the structure of the bases becomes damaged or severely abraded, a base grind is recommended. A base grind should always be followed by polishing.

Storage and Handling
Opened bottles should be kept at less than 85F (30C). Vigorously shake before each use, and keep the spray nozzle locked closed after each use. Bottles should be used within 9 months, otherwise please contact DPS for situation specifi c advice.

For long-term storage (i.e. during the off season), the following steps are meant as best practice:

  1. Remove the spray nozzle and close the bottle with the original cap.
  2. Double bag the bottle(s) in ziplock bags or other similar freezer bags. Place the packaged bottles in a freezer (or fridge) and leave long term.
  3. Remove bottles from cold storage a day before intended use and let sit out until they have reached room temperature.
  4. Wait until the bottles have returned to room temperature and shake before using.

For local European 24/7 spill or accidents service in specifi c countries, call your regional poison control center, or the global service listed which has our SDS on fi le and product information.

Best Practices:

  • Store unopened bulk bottles over time in a cool dry place.
  • Completely fi nish a bulk bottle within 9 months of opening.
  • Always close the lid after each application.
  • Avoid direct UV light, except for curing inside the box.
  • Use protective gloves to avoid contact with skin.
  • PHANTOM Nordic™ is harmful if ingested. Clean up spills and keep away from children and pets.
  • Wear protective eyewear and mask while rotobrushing.
  • Apply in a well ventilated area

Servicing Items (available by contacting DPS):

  • Fuse 10A 250VAC 5X20MM
  • Power Cord 110v Type B – IEC 320 connection (NA/JP)
  • Power Cord 220v Type F – IEC 320 connection (Europe)
  • Power Cord 220v Type J – IEC 320 connection (Switzerland)
  • Power Cord 220v Type G – IEC 320 connection (UK)
  • Power Cord 220v Type I – IEC 320 connection (Southern Hemisphere)
  • USB cord A Male × B Male 3’
  • PHANTOM UV Bulbs
  • Replacement Limit Switch (G)
  • Extra masks, squeegees, available upon request.

In the event of a medical or chemical emergency contact ChemTel, North America 1-800-255-3924 or Worldwide +1-813-248-0585. All other non- emergency inquiries about the product should be directed to DPS Skis: +1-801-413-1737 or phantom.support@dpsskis.com.

PHANTOM Nordic™ Instructions Troubleshooting/FAQs:

Cure Station Troubleshooting

Why won’t the cure station turn on?

  • Check the exterior plug connection.
  • Check the fuse box in the plug power box.

The UV lights will not turn on?

  • Check the limit switch connection is securely connecting to the door. You can adjust the contact pressure by adjusting the positioning nuts.
  • Inspect wiring of the limit switch for proper connection.
  • Move a functional light from another slot into the slot where a non-working light is. This will check if the issue is with the UV light itself, or with the light clips.
  • Order NEW UV lights through customer service at phantom.support@dpsskis.com. Light specifi cations are specifi c to the PHANTOM Cure Station™ and no other lights should be used other than DPS provided.

What do I do if the Cure Station won’t reach ‘Ready to Cure’ temperature?

  • Check all 4 x UV lights are functional.
  • Check the fan is running, you should be able to hear a ‘whirr’.
  • Check the seal between the main body of the box and the door is tight.
  • Check that the door latches are tightened and not bent.
  • Be mindful of how often or how long you open the door.
  • Start the preheat cycle before prep work on the skis.
  • Make sure your ambient shop temperature is within reason.

PHANTOM Nordic™ Troubleshooting

Why is there no soak period for PHANTOM Nordic™?

  • PHANTOM Nordic™ uses a thinner, improved formula that penetrates more effi ciently and eliminates the need for a soak period prior to the cure station cycle.

What do I do if the bases are still wet after 20 minutes curing in the cure station?

  • Take the skis/board out, and using a fresh paper towel wipe down any wet areas. Place the skis/board back in the Cure Station for another 5 – 10 minutes, or until the base(s) are 100 % dry.
  • For future applications more diligently work the excess PHANTOM Nordic™ into the base until the base is left with a thin, even shine, leaving no excess PHANTOM Nordic™ pooled on the gliding surface.

What if the bases don’t have a polished sheen after curing and brushing?

  • The base is most likely heavily oxidized or abrasion damaged with micro-hairs. Polishing with a PHANTOM Nordic™ polishing pad will reduce abrasion but may not remove it entirely. If the abrasion is severe, a stone grind is the best solution to reset the damaged surface and restore peak performance.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding Cure Station Firmware, please emailphantomsupport@dpsskis.com.

Mac Firmware Update Instructions

Follow the instructions provided at the links below.

Cure Station Firmware Update Instructions – MAC:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MctXts2U2z- F1pKhnqRO7Mt5OumB7l0L/view?usp=sharing
3-Button Cure Station Firmware Update Instructions – MAC – INO File Link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JXMEXSggCWGVBQLC- 2TGmHklmIfU6sL2/view?usp=sharing
1-Button Cure Station Firmware Update Instructions – MAC – INO File Link:


If you have any questions or concerns regarding Cure Station Firmware, please email phantomsupport@dpsskis.com.
PC Firmware Update Instructions
Follow the instructions provided at the link below.
3-Button Cure Station Firmware Update Instructions – PC:
3-Button Cure Station Firmware Update Instructions – PC – Hex File Link:
Fuse Ratings and Characteristics
Miniature Fuse, 5 x 20 mm, Time-Lag T, L, 250 VAC
IEC Standard Fuse
L = Low Breaking Capacity (Glass Tube)
Primary Protection in Equipment
Technical Data
Rated Voltage: 250VAC
Rated current : 0.05 – 20A
Breaking Capacity : 35A – 200A
Characteristic : Time-Lag T
Admissible Ambient Air Temp : -55°C to 125°C
Climatic Category : 55/125/21 acc. to IEC 60068-1
Material : Tube Glass
Material: Endcaps Nickel-Plated Copper Alloy
Unit Weight : 1g
Storage Conditions : 0°C to 60°C, max. 70% r.h.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

Drake Powderworks, Inc.
647 South 600 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Phone: +1.801.413.1737
Email: phantom.support@dpsskis.com
Website: www.phantomglide.com
DPS Skis Logo


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