NANOMOTION XCDH458001-00 XCD HR Motherboard User Guide

June 16, 2024

NANOMOTION XCDH458001-00 XCD HR Motherboard User Guide

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2011 by Nanomotion Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, modified, transmitted, transcribed, stored in retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the express written permission of Nanomotion Ltd., Mordot

HaCarmel Industrial Park, Yokneam, 20692, Israel.

This document contains proprietary information and shall be respected as a proprietary document with permission for review and usage given only to the rightful owner of the equipment to which this document is associated.

Limited Warranty

Nanomotion Ltd. (hereinafter NM) warrants the product (other than software) manufactured by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of time of one year (except those parts normally considered as consumable/expendable components such as motor conditioning brushes). The warranty commences thirty (30) days from the date of shipment.

NM warrants those parts replaced under warranty for a period equal to the remaining warranty coverage of the original part.

NM’s sole and exclusive obligation under this warranty provision shall be to repair, or at its sole option exchange defective products or the relevant part or component, but only if: (i) the Purchaser reports the defect to NM in writing and provides a description of the defective product and complete information about the manner of its discovery within ten (10) days of its discovery; (ii) NM has the opportunity to investigate the reported defect and to determine that the defect arises from faulty material, parts or workmanship; and (iii) the Purchaser returns the affected product to a location designated by NM. These provisions constitute the exclusive remedy of the Purchaser for product defects or any other claim of liability in connection with the purchase or use of NM products.

This warranty policy applies only to NM products purchased directly from NM or from an authorized NM distributor or representative.

This warranty shall not apply to (i) products repaired or altered by anyone other than those authorized by NM; (ii) products subjected to negligence, accidents or damage by circumstances beyond NM control; (iii) product subjected to improper operation or maintenance (i.e. operation not in accordance with NM Installation

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NM shall not in any event have obligations or liabilities to the Purchaser or any other party for loss of profits, loss of use or incidental, increased cost of operation or delays in operation, special or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or any other theory or form of action, even if NM has been advised of the possibility thereof, arising out of or in connection with the manufacture, sale, delivery, use, repair or performance of the NM products. Without limiting the generality of the preceding sentence, NM shall not be liable to the Purchaser for personal injury or property damages.

Patent Information

One or more of the patents listed in the following table may apply to Nanomotion products.

5,453,653; 5,616,980; 5,714,833; 111597; 5,640,063; 6,247,338; 6,244,076; ,747,391; 6,661,153; 69838991.3; 6,384,515; 7,119,477; 7,075,211; 69932359.5; 1186063; 7,211,929; 69941195.5; 1577961; 4813708; 6,879,085; 6,979,936; 7,439,652; 7061158; 1800356; 1800356; 1800356; 2007-533057 (pending); 2011- 093431 (pending); 7,876,509; 10-2007-7009928 (pending); 200780019448.6; 7713361.9 (pending); 12/294,926 (pending); GB2008000004178 (pending); GB2009000003796 (pending); 12/398,216 (pending); GB2446428; 12/517,261(pending); 08702695.1 (pending); 10-2009-7017629 (pending); 12/524,164 (pending); 12/581,194 (pending)

Revision History

ECO Revision Release date Details
CO-0433 00/B May 2012 Deleted reference to specific XCD Software version

number. Added patent and trademark information
CO-0465| 00/C| Aug. 2012| Added reference to XCD HR1, and list of Nanomotion patents
CO-0693| 00/D| Jan. 2014| Revised images of the motherboard and added instructions for use of SINGLE-ENDED encoder.
EC19000058| 00/E| Aug.2019| Added P/N of MOTHERBOARD

About this Guide

This user guide provides the required information for interfacing with the XCD HR Motherboard.
Intended Users
This user guide is intended for engineers or technicians directly involved in installation, operation and maintenance of positioning systems and control systems.
Reference Documentation
XCD HR1/2/4 Controller Driver User Guide, D/N: XCDH458000.
XCD Software User Guide for installed firmware version

D/N Document Number
GPIO General Purpose Input / Output
I2C (IIC) Inter-Integrated CircuitSerial Communication Interface
I/O Input / Output
MB Motherboard
NM Nanomotion
PWM Pulse-Width Modulation
P/N Part Number
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SW Software
TP Test Point



  • Keep your hands off the XCD HR Motherboard while it is turned on.
  • Approaching your fingers to the XCD HR Motherboard, may result in an electrical shock.\
  • Before operating the stage, ensure that the motor is grounded.

Use the XCD HR Motherboard only for the purposes and tasks described in this manual, or in related documentation. Always perform tasks according to the instructions provided in the documentation.


Item Name Product Number
XCD HR Motherboard XCDH150100-XX

The XCD HR Motherboard is an interface connection board for the XCD HR1/2/4 Controller Driver. With the XCD HR Motherboard the user can easily access all signals on the XCD HR1/2/4 Controller Driver.
The user can use the XCD HR Motherboard as a reference evaluation board for designing a user-defined motherboard.

Figure 1. XCD Motherboard Major Component Locations

Figure 2. XCD HR Motherboard Connections Diagram****

XCD HR Motherboard Interface

This section provides the required information for interfacing with the XCD HR Motherboard.

Functional Interface

Controlling an HR Motor Through the XCD HR Motherboard

Figure 3. System Connection

Operating the HR1/2/4 motor requires a setup consisting of the following components:

  1. A Host PC, running the XCD Commander application version that is the same as the FW version installed on the Controller Drive. This application is developed especially for evaluation and development purposes.
  2. An XCD HR Motherboard: either the XCD HR Motherboard, P/N: XCDH150100 or a user-customized motherboard that meets the inerface requirements, as specified in section 0.
  3. The XCD Controller Driver:
  4. XCD HR1 – P/N XCD-HR1-BD-XX
  5. XCD HR2 – P/N: XCD-HR2-BD-XX
  6. XCD HR4 – P/N: XCD-HR4-BD-XX.
  7. A single axis NM stage (or user-customized power stage) with mounted HR1, HR2, or HR4 motor.
  8. A 12VDC power supply.

Mechanical Interface

Figure 4. XCD HR Motherboard – Top View (all dimensions are in mm)
Install the XCD HR Motherboard, using six 3×10 spacers, and six M3 mounting screws to be inserted in the card mounting holes, marked red (see 6 holes lengthwise the edge of the motherboard card).

Electrical Interface

Figure 5. XCD HR Motherboard Connectors

Power Supply
Input power supply voltage: 12V DC ±5%.
Power Connector
Singatron Enerprize 2DC-0005D100 DC Power Jack (JP4).
Power Indicators
LED D5 indicates 5V power is on.
LED D6 indicates 12V power is on.

Figure 6. XCD HR Motherboard Jumper Locations

Encoder Connections

The XCD HR Motherboard supports operation of two types of encoders (Differential, Single-ended). The default configuration is for a differential encoder.
To enable use of single-ended encoders refer to Singl-Ended Encoder.

Differential Encoder
Connect the differential encoder to P1 on the Motherboard.For mating connector use: DB, 15 pins, male connector.

Table 1:      Encoder Connector Pinout

Pin| Pin Name| In/Out| Function
1| N.C.| N/A| Not connected
2| 0V| Power| DC power out
3| N.C.| N/A| Not connected
4| Z-/Q-| Input| Reference mark
5| B-| Input| Incremental signal
6| A-| Input| Incremental signal
7| 5V| Power| DC power out
8| 5V| Power| DC power out
9| 0V| Power| DC power out
10| N.C.| N/A| Not connected
11| N.C.| N/A| Not connected
12| Z+/Q+| Input| Reference mark
13| B+| Input| Incremental signal
14| A+| Input| Incremental signal
15| Shield| N/A| Shorted to the shield

Single-Ended Encoder
Connect the single-ended encoder to J22 on the Motherboard. Place jumpers on J20, J21, and J22. Refer to Figure 6 for jumper locations.

Ensure that P1 has no connection.

Limit Switch Connector
Enables internal limit switches. To enable external limit switches remove the jumpers.

Jumper JP19-1, 2 shorts to ground Limit Switch Right.
Jumper JP19-3, 4 shorts to ground Limit Switch Left.

Figure 7. Table 1: Limit Switch Connector Pinout
Header, 3 friction lock (J17). For mating connector use: Molex Crimp terminal housing (P/N: 22-29-2031), with Molex Crimp terminal pins (P/N: 0008500113).

Table 2:       Limit Switch Connector

Pin #| Name| In/Out| Function
1| LS Right| Input| Limit Switch signals can be used if an axis is equiped with limit switch sensors indicating if the axis is too close to hard stop.By default, when the signals are active low; i.e. zero level, causes fault: stops motion, XMS program.
2| LS Left| Input
3| GND| Ground| System ground

Analog Inputs Connector
Use this connector for connecting analog signals (range 0 – 3.3 V) to be processed in XMS script.
Three terminal blocks (J35, J36, J37).

Figure 8. Table 2: Analog Inputs Connector Pinout

Table 3:       Analog Input

Pin| Name| In/Out| Description
J35 – 1| AN1| Input| Analog Input 1 (voltage range of 0 ÷ 3.3V)
J35 – 2| GND| Ground| System ground
J36 – 1| AN2| Input| Analog Input 2 (voltage range of 0 ÷ 3.3V)
J36 – 2| GND| Ground| System ground
J37 – 1| AN3| Input| Analog Input 3 (voltage range of 0 ÷ 3.3V)
J37 – 2| GND| Ground| System ground

I/O Connector
Use this connector to connect digital signals (CMOS 3.3 V levels) to be processed in XML script. Connections are across five terminal blocks (J33, J28, J29, J30, J31). To disable the inputs place jumpers on J34 connectors.

Figure 9. Table 3: I/O Connector Pinout

Table 4:       I/O Connector

**Name| ****Pin| ****In/Out| Jumper to Disable| ****Description**
Emergency Stop| J33 – 1| Input| J34 1-2| Emergency input signal, CMOS 3.3V.Default is active low (zero), causes fault and stops motion.
J33 – 2| Ground| System ground
GPIO_1| J28 – 1| Input| J34 3-4| CMOS 3.3V.Customer defined.
J28 – 2| Ground| System ground
GPIO_2| J29 – 1| N.C.| J34 5-6| Not connected
J29 – 2| Ground| System ground
GPIO_3| J30 – 1| Output| J34 7-8| CMOS 3.3V.Customer defined.
J30- 2| Ground| System ground
GPIO_4| J31 – 1| Output| J34 9-10| CMOS 3.3V.Customer defined.
J31 – 2| Ground| System ground

I 2C Serial Communication Connector

Header, 6 shrouded (J13).
For mating connector use: IDC socket 6 pins CVILUX CA21-06-S-A-1-0, with Strain Releaf CA21-06-S-R-1-0.

Figure 10. Table 4: Limit Switches Connector Pinout

Table 5:       IIC Serial Communication Connector

Pin| Name| In/Out| Description
1| SDA| Bi-directional| Serial data
2| SCL| Bi-directional| Serial clock
3| 5V| Power| 5VDC power out
4| GND| Ground| System ground
5| 5V| Power| 5VDC power out
6| GND| Ground| System ground

RS232 Serial Communication Connector
DB Type, 9 pins, female connector (P3). For mating connector use: DB Type, 9 pins, male connector.

Table 6:       Encoder Connector Pin out

Pin #| Signal Name| In/Out| Function
1| N.C| NA| Not connected
2| RS232-TxD| Output| RS232 transmit line
3| RS232-RxD| Input| RS232 receive line
4| N.C.| NA| Not connected
5| GND| Ground| System ground
6-9| N.C.| NA| Not connected

Electrical Schematics

** Figure 11. XCD HR Motherboard Electrical Schematics – sheet 1 ** Figure 1. XCD HR Motherboard Electrical Schematics – sheet 2

Contact Information
Contact Information
Customer Service
Contact your local distributor or email Nanomotion Ltd. Technical Support Department at, with detailed problem description, additions, corrections or suggestions.

Nanomotion Ltd. Worldwide Headquarters
Mordot HaCarmel Industrial Park
HaYetsira Street, PO Box 623
Yokneam 20692
Tel: +972-73-249-8000
Fax: +972-73-249-8099
Nanomotion Inc – US Headquarters
1 Comac Loop, Suite 14B2
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Tel: +1-800-8216266
Fax: +1-631-5851947
Document No. XCDH458001-00 rev E 19


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