Weldline WTT2 18W ED C5B 4M Torch Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024

Weldline WTT2 18W ED C5B 4M Torch



  • Compliance: European Directive 2002/96/EC
  • Intended Use: Arc welding/cutting equipment
  • Collection and Recycling: Must be collected separately and subjected to an environmentally friendly recycling process
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility: Class B equipment compliant with electromagnetic compatibility requirements in both industrial and residential environments
  • Operator’s Safety: Personal protection should be upgraded by using insulating floors or mats
  • Electrical Connections: Correct tightening and cleanliness of electrical connections required

Safety instructions

LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. thanks you for your confidence in purchasing this arc welding/cutting equipment. The equipment will give you complete satisfaction provided you follow:

  1. the operating and maintenance instructions and
  2. the important safety and environmental information hereafter This arc welding/cutting equipment has been built in strict con-formity with the following standards:
  3. European Directive 2014/30/EU (Electromagnetic Compat-ibility) and
  4. European Directive 2014/35/EU (Low Voltage)(LVD) by application of the respective harmonised standards
  5. EN 60974-1 (Arc welding equipment – Part 1: Welding current sources) and
  6. EN 60974-10 (Arc welding equipment – Part 10: Electromagnetic Compatibility (ECM) requirements.

LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. accepts no responsibility in the event of modification, addition of components or sub-units or any conversion of the arc welding/cutting equipment, carried out by the customer or a third party, without prior written agreement from LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o.. Electromagnetic emissions from elec-trical equipment are mainly caused by radiation from the installation wiring. In the event of a problem of proxim- ity between electrical appliances, you should contact LIN-COLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. who will be pleased to examine individual situations. When associated with other equipment, arc welding/cutting equipment may constitute a machine within the meaning of European Directive 2006/42/EC (Machines). This machine must satisfy the essential requirements of the European Directive. LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. cannot accept responsibility for combinations of equipment not defined by them.


Electrical appliances must not be thrown out with ordinary rubbish! According to European Directive 2002/96/EC covering electrical equipment waste (EEEW), and its transposition into national legislation, arc welding/cutting equipment must be collected separately and subjected to an environmentally friendly recycling process.
As the owner of the equipment you have a responsibility to obtain information about the approved collection systems from LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o..
Applying this European Directive will improve the environment and public health!

For your safety, LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o.

provides the following non-exhaustive list of recommendations and obligations, a large number of which figure in national laws.

It is essential to read the following safety pages before switching on the arc welding/cutting equipment:
Electrical safety
Safety against smoke, vapours, and noxious and toxic gases

Safety against light radiation
Safety against noise
Fire safety
Safety when using gas
Personnel safety

Safety against electromagnetic fields

Note : Please inform LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. if you discover an anomaly in the text of these important items relating to safety and the environment.
Welding/cutting equipment must only be used for the purpose for which it is intended. It must never be used for any other purpose, such as battery charging, thawing out frozen water pipes, heating premises by the addition of heating.


Note : Additional information is available in the EN 60974- 9 Arc welding equipment – Installation and use, International Standard


Work on electrical installations must be done by personnel qualified to do it. By qualified personnel, we mean personnel who are qualified within the meaning of national legislation and/or practice and who, because of their technical training, are able to appreciate the dangers of arc welding and electricity.

Before connecting up any arc welding equipment make sure that:

  1. the main switch is in the “OFF” position;
  2. the meter, the overload and short circuit protection device, the supply sockets and plugs and the electrical installation are compatible with the maximum power and the supply voltage rating (refer to the welding/cutting equipment manufacturer’s plate) and are in conformity with the national standards and regulations in force;
  3. the connection, single or 3-phase with a protection wire, is protected by a residual differential current sensitive circuit breaker capable of operating with a seepage current not exceeding if possible 30 mA;
  4. the protection wire is not disconnected by the electric shock protection device;
  5. the supply cable is of the “HEAVY DUTY” type;
  6. the electricity supply circuit is fitted with an emergency stop device, easily recognisable and positioned to be easily and quickly accessible
  7. Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low-voltage supply system. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in those locations, due to conducted as well as radiated disturbances. Only Class B equipment complies with electromagnetic compatibility requirements in both industrial and residential environments, including residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low voltage supply system.


Arc welding and cutting requires strict observance of the safety precautions applicable in relation to electricity.

Before any welding/cutting operation, check that

  1. no metal part accessible to operators or their assistants can come into direct or indirect contact with a supply circuit phase or neutral wire;
  2. the electrode holders, torches and welding cables are properly insulated;
  3. the operator is insulated from the ground and from the work piece (gloves, safety shoes, dry clothes, leather apron, etc);
  4. the current return cable is firmly connected as close as possible to the welding area;
  5. the welding circuit is made up exclusively of wiring conform-ing with Harmonisation Document HD 22.6 S2: Conductors and cables insulated with cross-linked materials with maximum assigned voltages of 450/750 V – Part 6: Arc welding cables.

When welding operations are carried out in environments with a high risk of electric shocks, e.g.

  1. in places where the limited freedom of movement obliges the operator to weld in an uncomfortable position (kneeling, sitting or lying down), in physical contact with conductors;
  2. in areas totally or partially surrounded by conductors, presenting a high risk of involuntary or accidental contact by the operator;
  3. in wet, damp or hot places where perspiration considerably reduces the resistance of human skin and the insulating properties of accessories.

Extra precautions are needed, and especially

  1. welding/cutting equipment marked must be used;
  2. the operator’s personal protection should be upgraded by using insulating floors or mats;
  3. the power source should be placed out of the reach of the operator during welding/cutting operations;
  4. all the equipment connected to the circuit and situated near to the operator should be protected by a residual current sensitive circuit breaker able to operate with a seepage current not exceeding 30 mA.

Never touch the electrode wire (or the nozzle) and the workpiece at the same time.

Maintenance and repair of electrical installations must be delegated to personnel qualified to do it. By qualified personnel, we mean personnel who are qualified within the meaning of national legislation and/or practice and who, because of their technical training, are able to appreciate the dangers of arc welding and electricity.
European Directive 2009/104/EC (working equipment) imposes regular inspections to guarantee that the health and safety regulations are respected and that any deterioration is identified and repaired in time. In ge, the case of welding/cutting equipment special attention should be paid to:

  1. the condition of the insulation (e.g.: electrode holders, and welding torches and cables);
  2. correct tightening and cleanliness of the electrical connections (e.g.: plugs, connectors, extension leads, part clamps, etc).

Specific recommendations applicable to your welding/cutting equipment can be found in the “Maintenance” chapter in the operating and maintenance manual.
Note : additional information is available in the standard EN 60974-4: In-service inspection and testing.

Repairs must only be done by specialists approved by LIN-COLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. who will replace faulty parts with genuine LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. parts.
Before any internal inspection and repair make sure that the unit is disconnected from the electrical installation by a recognized procedure (by recognized procedure » we mean a set of operations intended to separate and keep the unit disconnected from the power supply).


European Directive 98/24/CE (Chemical agents) lays down the ur leur minimum requirements in the field of worker protection against risks duits par to their health and safety resulting, or likely to result, from effects e activité produced by chemical agents present in the workplace, or consequent upon any professional activity involving chemical agents. Emissions in the form of gas, or smoke that is unsanitary, annoying or dangerous workers’ health, must be trapped on production, as close as possible to the emission source and as effectively as possible.
Welding/cutting operations should be done in suitably ventilated stème areas. Smoke sensors should be connected to an extraction system so that any pollutant concentrations do not exceed the maximum values for worker exposure to European Directives 2000/39/EC and 2006/15/EC and the currently applicable national legislation in the national legislation in force. piration LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. offers a wide range of extraction systems to suit your requirements.

Note : We advise you to contact the National Safety Institutes to obtain application guides to the national legislation in force.
Special case of chlorinated solvents (used for cleaning and degreasing): Vapour from chlorinated solvents exposed to radiation from an electric arc, even a long way away, can be transformed into toxic gasses. The use of these sol vents should be prohibited in areas where electric arcs are present.
Always check that work pieces are dry before carrying out welding/cutting operations.


Infrared and ultraviolet radiation from the electrical arc cannot be avoided or sufficiently limited during welding/cutting operations. The exposure value limits set by Directive 2006/25/CE are generally exceeded during the welding/cutting. It is essential to respect the requirements for protection of the operator and the persons in the vicinity of the operator described in European Directive 89/656/CEE (personal protection equipment) and its amendments.
The operator must be protected from the effect of radiation on his skin (burns) and eyes (stray flashes), by appropriate personal protection. This means he must wear:

  1. Suitable clothes (e.g.: apron, jacket, trousers, gaiters, gloves, etc);
  2. A welding mask fitted with appropriate eye protection filters and conforming with European Standards EN 169 (Personal eye protection – Filters for welding and connected techniques
    Requirements relative to the transmission factor and recommended use) or EN 379 (Personal eye protection – Automatic welding filters).

Persons in the vicinity of the operator, should be protected from direct or reflected radiation by the interposition of suitable curtains, screens or flexible strip curtains and, if necessary, appropriate clothing and a mask with a suitable filter. Suitable warning signs should be installed to warn of the radiation risks operation in accordance with Directive 92/58/CEE (health & safety signs at work).
LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. offers a whole range of personal and collective protection equipment to satisfy your needs.

Note : European Standard EN 169 gives the recommended thresholds for various arc welding and connected techniques should be carried out. To reduce fire risks inflammable material should be removed from the welding area whenever possible. Whenever possible proceed as follows:

  1. cover the inflammable material with incombustible material for example, beams or planks in combustible wood
  2. keep the work environment under observation for a sufficient period after the end of the welding/cutting operation;
  3. keep «hot points» and their immediate vicinity under observation until their temperature falls to normal;
  4. have available fire extinguishing equipment suitable for the equipment used and suitable for use in electrical environments.

Note : national regulations may require a clearance for work procedure prior to the welding/cutting operation.


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European Directive 2003/10/CE lays down the minimum health and safety requirements in relation to the exposure of workers as follows:\

  1. When the exposure to noise exceeds 80 dB(A), the employer provides personal ear protection for his workers;
  2. When the exposure to noise reaches or exceeds 85 dB(A), workers use personal ear protection.
  3. Noise exposure may not exceed 87 dB (A), taking account of the use of personal ear protectors

The noise produced by a welding/cutting machine mainly depends on the process, the current used and the environment. The off-load noise of LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. welding/cutting generators is normally less than 70 dB (A). During welding or cutting the noise level (sound pressure level) of these generators can exceed 85 dB (A) at the workstation.
The employer must take appropriate measures in relation to the working conditions. If necessary the employer provides the operator with suitable personal ear protection (ear plugs, safety earmuffs, etc) and installs appropriate warning signs in the work place. Conf 92/58/CEE LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. offer a wide range of personal protection equipment to suit your needs.


Welding/cutting processes can cause fires and explosions. Before any Welding/Cutting operation, a preliminary risk analysis

Unsatisfactory gas usage conditions expose the user to two main dangers

  1. danger of asphyxiation and intoxication;
  2. danger of fire or explosion.
    These dangers are increased when working in confined spaces.

The gas supplier’s safety instructions must be followed, and in particular:

  1. Storage and usage areas must have good ventilation, be sufficiently far from the welding/cutting area and other heat sources and be secure from any technical incident.
  2. The cylinders should be tied down.
  3. Shocks should be avoided.
  4. The temperature should not be excessive.
  5. The cylinder should contain the gas necessary for the process.
  6. Taps must never be greased and should be operated gently.


The gas supplier’s safety instructions must be followed, and in particular:

  1. Pipes colour coded for the gasses must be used.
  2. The recommended distribution pressure must be adhered to.
  3. Fixed pipes and rubber hoses should be checked for leaks regularly. To do this use a suitable sensor, or if this is not available, a paint brush and soapy water. Never use a flame to find a leak.
  4. Pipes should be protected to minimise damage in the work shop.


The gas supplier’s safety instructions must be followed, and in particular:

  1. The cylinder taps should be bled before connecting the pressure valve.
  2. The pressure adjusting screw should be unscrewed before connection to the cylinder.
  3. Check the tightness of the connection union before opening the cylinder tap.
  4. Open the cylinder tap slowly and by a fraction of a turn.
  5. Never loosen a union under pressure, close the cylinder tap first.
  6. The pressure valve should correspond with the gas necessary for the process


A working permit system defining all the safety measures should always be des implemented before starting welding/cutting operations in confined spaces such as galleries, pipes, pipe-lines, holds of ships, wells, inspection holes cellars, tanks, vats, reservoirs, ballast tanks, silos and reactors. Suitable ventilation should be installed paying particular attention to on shortages of oxygen, excesses of oxygen and excesses of combustible gasses.


In the event of an unignited leak

  • Turn off the gas supply; do not use a flame or any electrical appliance in the leakage area.

In the event of an ignited leak

  • If the tap is accessible, turn off the gas supply and use powder fire extinguishers;
  • If it is not possible to stop the leak, let it burn and cool the cylinders and the neighboring installations.

In the event of asphyxiation

  • The work area should only be entered wearing protective gear; otherwise you could become the second victim.
  • Transport the victim into the fresh air and start artificial respiration. Call the emergency services.

Note : additional information is available in IGC DOC 44/09/E of the EIGA.

If these gasses or mixtures replace the oxygen in the air there is a risk of asphyxiation because an atmosphere containing less than 17 % of oxygen is dangerous.

In the event of a leak, the hydrogen and hydrogen-based gas mixtures collect under the ceiling or in cavities. Install ventilation in the danger areas and store cylinders in the open air or in a well-ventilated place. Reduce the risk of leaks by limiting the number of unions.
Hydrogen and hydrogen-based gas mixtures are inflammable. There is a danger of burns or explosion. Air / hydrogen and oxygen / hydrogen mixtures are explosive in the following ranges of proportions: 4 to 74,5 % of hydrogen in air and 4 to 94 % of hydrogen in oxygen.

The operator should always wear personal protective equipment designed for welding/cutting work. This procedure should be:

  • insulating (kept dry) to prevent electric shocks;
  • clean (no oil present) to prevent ignition;
  • and in good condition (no tears) to prevent burns.

LINCOLN ELECTRIC BESTER Sp. z o.o. offers a wide range of personal protective equipment to satisfy your requirements. Welding/cutting equipment may be heavy. To avoid work-related musculoskeletal disorders, adopt a good technique when handling the load.

Keep protective equipment on while the welds are cooling as slag and slag components may spit.

Any electric current passing through a conductor creates a localised electrical and magnetic field. The welding/cutting current causes an electromagnetic field around the cables and equipment. Exposure to electromagnetic fields may have effects that are currently unknown. It is possible to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields caused by the welding circuit by taking the following action:

  1. Join the electrode holder cable or the welding harness and the return current cable together over the longest length possible – Fix them together with adhesive tape;
  2. Never wrap the welding/cutting cable round your body or rest it on your shoulder;
  3. The operator should not be inside the loop formed by the welding circuit – Place the electrode holder/torch cable and the current return cable on the same side of the operator.
  4. The operator should not be near the power source during welding/cutting operations

Electromagnetic fields can affect the operation of active im-plants (pacemakers). Active implant carriers should consult their doctors before doing any welding/cutting work.
Some TIG welding and PLASMA cutting power sources use remote “HF” striking systems that can damage electronic equipment in the vicinity of the welding/cutting operation. Before any welding/cutting operation decide to use a contact striking system, or place all sensitive equipment well away from the area.

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