ienRon 6 Port 2.5G PoE Switch Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024

6 Port 2.5G PoE Switch

Product Information


  • Managed Switch Software: 174 Rev. 1.0

Product Usage Instructions

Port Fields

  • Port Trust: Display port ID.

  • Source MAC Address: Display enable/disabled
    source MAC address validation attribute of interface.

  • Destination MAC Address: Display
    enable/disabled destination MAC address validation attribute of

  • IP Address: Display enable/disabled IP address
    validation attribute of interface. Allow zero which means allow IP address.

  • Rate Limit: Display rate limitation value of

Edit Property Port Dialog

  • Port Trust: Display selected port to be

  • Source MAC Address: Set checkbox to enable or
    disable source MAC address validation of interface.

  • Destination MAC Address: Set checkbox to
    enable or disable destination MAC address validation of

  • IP Address: Set checkbox to enable or disable
    IP address validation of interface. All ARP packets will be checked
    whether the IP address is,, or multicast
    address. Default is disabled.

  • Rate Limit: Set checkbox to enable or disable
    allow zero of IP address validation. IP address is valid if
    allow zero is enabled. Default is disabled.


To display the Statistics page, click Security > Dynamic ARP
Inspection > Statistics. This page allows the user to browse all
statistics recorded by the Dynamic ARP Inspection function.

  • Port: Display port ID.

  • Forwarded: Display how many packets were
    forwarded normally.

  • Source MAC Failures: Display how many packets
    were dropped by source MAC validation.

  • Destination MAC Failures: Display how many
    packets were dropped by destination MAC validation.

  • Source IP Validation Failures: Display how
    many packets were dropped by source IP validation.

  • Destination IP Validation Failures: Display
    how many packets were dropped by destination IP validation.

  • IP-MAC Mismatch Failures: Display how many
    packets were dropped by IP-MAC mismatch in the IP Source Guard
    binding table.

DHCP Snooping

Use the DHCP Snooping pages to configure settings of DHCP


To display the Property page, click Security > DHCP Snooping

Property. This page allows the user to configure global and
per interface settings of DHCP Snooping.

  • State: Set checkbox to enable/disable DHCP
    Snooping function. Select VLANs in the left box then move to the
    right to enable DHCP Snooping. Or select VLANs in the right box
    then move to the left to disable DHCP Snooping.


  1. 1. What is the default state of IP address validation?

The default state of IP address validation is disabled.

  1. 1. What is the unit of rate limitation for ARP packets?

The unit of rate limitation for ARP packets is pps (packets per

Field Port Trust


Web User Interface User Guide

Display port ID.

Display enable/disabled trust attribute of interface

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Source MAC Address

Display enable/disabled source mac address validation attribute of interface

Destination MAC Address
IP Address
Rate Limit

Display enable/disabled destination mac address validation attribute of interface
Display enable/disabled IP address validation attribute of interface. Allow zero which means allow IP address
Display rate limitation value of interface.

Table 10-34 Property Port Fields

Figure 10-35 Edit Property Port Dialog



Port Trust
Source MAC Address
Destination MAC Address

Display selected port to be edited.
Set checkbox to enable/disabled trust of interface. All ARP packet will be forward directly if enable trust. Default is disabled. Set checkbox to enable or disable source mac address validation of interface. All ARP packets will be checked whether sender mac is same as source mac in Ethernet header if enable source mac address validation. Default is disabled. Set checkbox to enable or disable destination mac address validation of interface. All ARP packets will be checked whether target mac is same as destination mac in Ethernet header if enable destination mac address validation. Default is disabled.

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Rev. 1.0

IP Address

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Set checkbox to enable or disable IP address validation of interface. All ARP packets will be checked whether IP address is, or multicast address. Default is disabled.

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IP Address ­ Allow Zero
Rate Limit

Set checkbox to enable or disable allow zero of IP address validation. IP address is valid if allow zero enable. Default is disabled.
Input rate limitation of ARP packets. The unit is pps. 0 means unlimited. Default is unlimited.
le 10-35 Edit Property Port Fields

10.10.2. Statistics
To display Statistics page, click Security > Dynamic ARP Inspection > Statistics

This page allow user to browse all statistics that recorded by Dynamic ARP Inspection function.
Figure 10-36 Statistics Page




Display port ID


Display how many packets forwarded normally.

Source MAC Failures

Display how many packets dropped by source MAC validation.

Destination MAC Failures

Display how many packets dropped by destination MAC validation.

Source IP Validation Failures

Display how many packets dropped by source IP validation.

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Destination IP Validation Failures

Display how many packets dropped by destination IP validation

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IP-MAC Mismatch Display how many packets dropped by IP-MAC doesn’t match in IP


Source Guard binding table.

Table 10-36 Statistics Fields

10.11. DHCP Snooping
Use the DHCP Snooping pages to configure settings of DHCP Snooping

10.11.1. Property
To display property page, click Security > DHCP Snooping > Property
This page allow user to configure global and per interface settings of DHCP Snooping.

Field State

Figure 10-37 Property Page
Set checkbox to enable/disable DHCP Snooping function. Select VLANs in left box then move to right to enable DHCP Snooping. Or select VLANs in right box then move to left to disable DHCP Snooping.
Table 10-37 Property Fields

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Figure 10-38 Property Port Page

Field Port Trust
Verify Chaddr Rate Limit

Description Display port ID. Display enable/disabled trust attribute of interface Display enable/disabled chaddr validation attribute of interface Display rate limitation value of interface.
Table 10-38 Property Port Fields

Figure 10-39 Edit Property Port Dialog

Field Port Trust
Verify Chaddr
Managed Switch Software


Display selected port to be edited.

Set checkbox to enable/disabled trust of interface. All DHCP packet will be forward directly if enable trust. Default is disabled.
Set checkbox to enable or disable chaddr validation of interface. All DHCP packets will be checked whether client hardware mac address is same as source mac in Ethernet header if enable chaddr


Rev. 1.0

Rate Limit

Web User Interface User Guide
validation. Default is disabled.
Input rate limitation of DHCP packets. The unit is pps. 0 means unlimited. Default is unlimited.
le 10-39 Edit Property Port Fields

10.11.2. Statistics
To display Statistics page, click Security > DHCP Snooping > Statistic

This page allow user to browse all statistics that recorded by DHCP snooping function.

Figure 10-40 DHCP Snooping Statistics Page

Chaddr Check Drop
Untrusted Port Drop
Untrusted Port with Option82

Description Display port ID Display how packets forwarded normally.
Display how many packets dropped by chaddr validation.
Display how many DHCP server packets that are received by untrusted port dropped.
Display how many packets dropped by untrusted port with option82 checking.

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Invalid Drop

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Display how many packets dropped by invalid checking.
Table 10-40 Statistics Fields

10.11.3. Option82 Property
To display Option82 Property page, click Security > DHCP Snooping > Option82 Property
This page allow user to set string of DHCP option82 remote ID filed. The string will attach in option82 if option inserted.

Figure 10-41 Option82 Property Page

Field User Defined Remote ID

Set checkbox to enable user-defined remote-ID. By default, remote ID is switch mac in byte order. Input user-defined remote ID. Only available when enable userdefine remote ID
Table 10-41 DHCP Snooping Option82 Fields

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Figure 10-42 Option82 Port Page 179

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Display port ID


Display option82 enable/disable status of interface

Allow untrusted Display allow untrusted action of interface

Table 10-42 Option82 Port Fields

Figure 10-43 Edit Option82 Port Dialog




Display selected port to be edited

State Allow untrusted

Set checkbox to enable/disable option82 function of interface
Select the action perform when untrusted port receive DHCP packet has option82 filed. Default is drop.
Keep: Keep original option82 content. Replace: Replace option82 content by switch setting Drop: Drop packets with option82.
Table 10-43 Edit Option82 Port Fields

10.11.4. Option82 Circuit ID
To display Option82 Circuit ID page, click Security > DHCP Snooping > Option82 Circuit ID
This page allow user to set string of DHCP option82 circuit ID filed. The string will attach in option82 if option inserted.

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Figure 10-44 Option82 Circuit ID Page

Field Port VLAN
Circuit ID

Description Display port ID of entry Display associate VLAN of entry Display circuit ID string of entry
Table 10-44 Option82 Circuit ID Fields

Figure 10-45 Add and Edit Option82 Circuit ID Dialog



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Port VLAN Circuit ID

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Select port from list to associate to CID entry. Only available on Add dialog. Input VLAN ID to associate to circuit ID entry. VLAN ID is not mandatory. Only available on Add dialog. Input String as circuit ID. Packets match port and VLAN will be inserted circuit ID.
Table 10-45 Option82 Circuit ID Fields

10.12. IP Source Guard
Use the IP Source Guard pages to configure settings of IP Source Guard.
10.12.1. Port Setting
To display Port Setting page, click Security > IP Source Guard > Port Setting This page allow user to configure per port settings of IP Source Guard.

Figure 10-46 Port Setting Page




Display port ID


Display IP Source Guard enable/disable status of interface

Verify Source Display mode of IP Source Guard verification

Current Binding Entry

Display current binding entries of a interface.

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Max Binding Entry Display the number of maximum binding entry of interface
Table 10-46 Port Setting Fields

Figure 10-47 Edit Port Setting Dialog




Display selected port to be edited.

Status Verify Source Max Binding Entry

Set checkbox to enable or disable IP Source Guard function. Default is disabled
Select the mode of IP Source Guard verification IP: Only verify source IP address of packet IP-MAC: Verify source IP and source MAC address of packet
Input the maximum number of entries that a port can be bounded. Default is un- limited on all ports. No entry will be bound if limitation reached.

Table 10-47 Edit Port Setting Fields

10.12.2. IMPV Binding
To display IPMV Binding page, click Security > IP Source Guard > IMPV Binding

This page allow user to add static IP source guard entry and browse all IP source guard entries that learned by DHCP snooping or statically create by user.

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Figure 10-48 IPMV Binding Page

Field Port VLAN
MAC Address IP Address Binding
Lease Time

Display port ID of entry.
Display VLAN ID of entry Display MAC address of entry. Only available of IP- MAC binding entry Display IP address of entry. Mask always to be for IP-MAC binding. IP binding entry display user input. Display binding type of entry Type of existing binding entry
Static: Entry added by user. Dynamic: Entry learned by DHCP snooping.
Lease time of DHCP Snooping learned entry. After lease time entry will be deleted. Only available of dynamic entry.
Table 10-48 IPMV Binding Fields

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Field Port VLAN

Figure 10-49 Add and Edit IPMV Binding Dialog
Select port from list of a binding entry.
Specify a VLAN ID of a binding entry Select matching mode of binding entry
IP-MAC-Port-VLAN: packet must match IP address MAC addressPort and VLAN ID.
IP-Port-VLAN: packet must match IP address or subnet Port and VLAN ID.

MAC Address IP Address

Input MAC address. Only available on IP-MAC-Port-VLAN mode.
Input IP address and mask. Mask only available on IP-MAC-Port mode.
Table 10-49 Add and Edit IPMV Binding Fields

10.12.3. Save Database

To display Save Database page, click Security > DHCP Snooping > Save Database

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This page allow user to configure DHCP snooping database which can backup and restore dynamic DHCP snooping entries.

Figure 10-50 Save Database Page

Filename Address Type Server Address Write Delay
11. ACL

Select the type of database agent. None: Disable database agent service. Flash: Save DHCP dynamic binding entries to flash. TFTP: Save DHCP dynamic binding entries to remote TFTP server.
Input filename for backup file. Only available when selecting type “flash” and “TFTP”.
Select the type of TFTP server. Hostname: TFTP server address is hostname. IPv4: TFTP server address is IPv4 address.
Input remote TFTP server hostname or IP address. Only available when selecting type “TFTP”
Input delay timer for doing backup after change happened. Default is 300 seconds.
Input aborts timeout for doing backup failure. Default is 300 seconds.
Table 10-50 Save Database Fields

Use the ACL pages to configure settings for the switch ACL features.

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11.1. MAC ACL
To display MAC ACL page, click ACL > MAC ACL
This page allow user to add or delete ACL rule. A rule cannot be deleted if under binding.

Field ACL Name

Figure 11-1 MAC ACL Page
Description Input MAC ACL name
Table 11-1 MAC ACL Fields

Field ACL Name Rule Port

Figure 11-2 MAC ACL Table Page
Description Display MAC ACL name Display the number ACE rule of ACL Display the port list that bind this ACL
Table 11-2 MAC ACL Table Fields

11.2. MAC ACE
To display MAC ACE page, click ACL > MAC ACE

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This page allow user to add, edit or delete ACE rule. An ACE rule cannot be edited or deleted if ACL under binding. New ACE cannot be added if ACL under binding.

Figure 11-3 MAC ACE Page



ACL Name

Select the ACL name to which an ACE is being added.


Display the sequence of ACE.


Display the action of ACE

Source MAC Display the source MAC address and mask of ACE.

Destination MAC Display the destination MAC address and mask of ACE.


Display the Ethernet frame type of ACE.


Display the VLAN ID of ACE

802.1p Value Display the 802.1p value of ACE.

802.1p Mask Display the 802.1p mask of ACE.

Table 11-3 MAC ACE Fields

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Figure 11-4 Add and Edit MAC ACE Dialog

Field ACL Name Sequence

Display the ACL name to which an ACE is being added. Specify the sequence of the ACE. ACEs with higher sequence are processed first (1 is the highest priority). Only available on Add

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Action Source MAC Destination MAC Ethertype
VLAN ID 802.1p

Select the action after ACE match packet. Permit: Forward packets that meet the ACE criteria. Deny: Drop packets that meet the ACE criteria. Shutdown: Drop packets that meet the ACE criteria, and disable the port from where the packets were received. Such ports can be reactivated from the Port Settings page.
Select the type for source MAC address. Any: All source addresses are acceptable. User Defined: Only a source address or a range of source addresses which users define are acceptable. Enter the source MAC address and mask to which will be matched.
Select the type for Destination MAC address. Any: All destination addresses are acceptable. User Defined: Only a destination address or a range of destination addresses which users define are acceptable. Enter the destination MAC address and mask to which will be matched.
Select the type for Ethernet frame type. Any: All Ethernet frame type is acceptable. User Defined: Only an Ethernet frame type which users define is acceptable. Enter the Ethernet frame type value to which will be matched.
Select the type for VLAN ID. Any: All VLAN ID is acceptable. User Defined: Only a VLAN ID which users define is acceptable. Enter the VLAN ID to which will be matched.
Select the type for 802.1p value. Any: All 802.1p value is acceptable. User Defined: Only an 802.1p value or a range of 802.1p value which users define is acceptable. Enter the 802.1p value and mask to which will be matched.
Table 11-4 Add and Edit MAC ACE Fields

11.3. IPv4 ACL
To display IPv4 ACL page, click ACL > IPv4 ACL
This page allow user to add or delete Ipv4 ACL rule. A rule cannot be deleted if under binding.

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Field ACL Name

Figure 11-5 IPv4 ACL Page
Description Input IPv4 ACL name
Table 11-5 IPv4 ACL Fields

Field ACL Name Rule Port

Figure 11-6 IPv4 ACL Table Page
Description Display IPv4 ACL name Display the number ACE rule of ACL Display the port list that bind this ACL
Table 11-6 IPv4 ACL Table Fields

11.4. IPv4 ACE
To display IPv4 ACE page, click ACL > IPv4 ACE
This page allow user to add, edit or delete ACE rule. An ACE rule cannot be edited or deleted if ACL under binding. New ACE cannot be added if ACL under binding.

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Figure 11-7 IPv4 ACE Page



ACL Name Select the ACL name to which an ACE is being added.

Sequence Display the sequence of ACE.

Action Display the action of ACE

Protocol Display the protocol value of ACE

Source IP Display the source IP address and mask of ACE

Destination IP

Display the destination IP address and mask of ACE

Source Port

Display single source port or a range of source ports of ACE. Only available when protocol is TCP or UDP.

Destination Display single destination port or a range of destination ports of ACE. Only available


when protocol is TCP or UDP.

TCP Flags Display the TCP flag value if ACE. Only available when protocol is TCP.

Type of Service

Display the ToS value of ACE which could be DSCP or IP Precedence.

ICMP Display the ICMP type and code of ACE. Only available when protocol is ICMP

Table 11-7 IPv4 ACL Fields

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Figure 11-8 Add and Edit IPv4 ACE Dialog

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ACL Name Display the ACL name to which an ACE is being added.

Sequence Action
Source IP Destination
Source Port
Destination Port

Specify the sequence of the ACE. ACEs with higher sequence are processed first (1 is the highest sequence). Only available on Add dialog.
Select the action for a match. Permit: Forward packets that meet the ACE criteria. Deny: Drop packets that meet the ACE criteria. Shutdown: Drop packets that meet the ACE criteria, and disable the port from where the packets were received. Such ports can be reactivated from the Port Settings page.
Select the type of protocol for a match. Any (IP): All IP protocols are acceptable. Select from list: Select one of the following protocols from the drop-down list. (ICMP/IPinIP/TCP/EGP/IGP/UDP/HMP/RDP/IPV6/IPV6:ROUT/IPV6:FRAG/ RSVP/IPV6:ICMP/OSPF/PIM/L2TP) Protocol ID to match: Enter the protocol ID.
Select the type for source IP address. Any: All source addresses are acceptable. User Defined: Only a source address or a range of source addresses which users define are acceptable. Enter the source IP address value and mask to which will be matched.
Select the type for destination IP address. Any: All destination addresses are acceptable. User Defined: Only a destination address or a range of destination addresses which users define are acceptable. Enter the destination IP
address value and mask to which will be matched.
Select the type of protocol for a match. Only available when protocol is TCP or UDP.
Any: All source ports are acceptable. Single: Enter a single TCP/UDP source port to which packets are matched. Range: Select a range of TCP/UDP source ports to which the packet is
matched. There are eight different port ranges that can be configured (shared between source and destination ports). TCP and UDP protocols each have eight port ranges.
Select the type of protocol for a match. Only available when protocol is TCP or UDP.
Any: All source ports are acceptable. Single: Enter a single TCP/UDP source port to which packets are matched.

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TCP Flags Type of Service

Range: Select a range of TCP/UDP source ports to which the packet is matched. There are eight different port ranges that can be configured (shared between source and destination ports). TCP and UDP protocols each have eight port ranges.
Select one or more TCP flags with which to filter packets. Filtered packets are either forwarded or dropped. Filtering packets by TCP flags increases packet control, which increases network security. Only available when protocol is TCP. Select the type of service for a match.
Any: All types of service are acceptable. DSCP to match: Enter a Differentiated Serves Code Point (DSCP) to match. IP Precedence to match: Enter a IP Precedence to match.
Either select the message type by name or enter the message type number. Only available when protocol is ICMP.
Any: All message types are acceptable. Select from list: Select message type by name. Protocol ID to match: Enter the number of message type. Select the type for ICMP code. Only available when protocol is ICMP. Any: All codes are acceptable. User Defined: Enter an ICMP code to match.

Table 11-8 Add and Edit IPv4 ACL Fields

11.5. IPv6 ACL
To display IPv6 ACL page, click ACL > IPv6 ACL
This page allow user to add or delete Ipv6 ACL rule. A rule cannot be deleted if under binding.

Field ACL Name

Figure 11-9 IPv6 ACL Page
Description Input IPv6 ACL name
Table 11-9 IPv6 ACL Fields

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Field ACL Name Rule Port

Figure 11-10 IPv6 ACL Table Page
Description Display IPv6 ACL name Display the number ACE rule of ACL Display the port list that bind this ACL
Table 11-10 IPv6 ACL Table Fields

11.6. IPv6 ACE
To display IPv6 ACE page, click ACL > IPv6 ACE
This page allow user to add, edit or delete ACE rule. An ACE rule cannot be edited or deleted if ACL under binding. New ACE cannot be added if ACL under binding.

Figure 11-11 IPv6 ACE Page



ACL Name Select the ACL name to which an ACE is being added.

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Sequence Display the sequence of ACE.

Action Display the action of ACE

Protocol Display the protocol value of ACE

Source IP Display the source IP address and prefix of ACE

Destination IP

Display the destination IP address and prefix of ACE

Source Port

Display single source port or a range of source ports of ACE. Only available when protocol is TCP or UDP.

Destination Display single destination port or a range of destination ports of ACE. Only available


when protocol is TCP or UDP.

TCP Flags Display the TCP flag value if ACE. Only available when protocol is TCP.

Type of Service

Display the ToS value of ACE which could be DSCP or IP Precedence.

ICMP Display the ICMP type and code of ACE. Only available when protocol is ICMP

Table 11-11 IPv6 ACE Fields

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Figure 11-12 Add and Edit IPv6 ACE Dialog

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ACL Name Sequence
Source IP Destination IP
Source Port
Destination Port

Display the ACL name to which an ACE is being added.
Specify the sequence of the ACE. ACEs with higher sequence are processed first (1 is the highest sequence). Only available on Add dialog.
Select the action for a match. Permit: Forward packets that meet the ACE criteria. Deny: Drop packets that meet the ACE criteria. Shutdown: Drop packets that meet the ACE criteria, and disable the port from where the packets were received. Such ports can be reactivated from the Port Settings page.
Select the type of protocol for a match. Any (IP): All IP protocols are acceptable. Select from list: Select one of the following protocols from the dropdown list. (TCP / UDP / ICMP) Protocol ID to match: Enter the protocol ID.
Select the type for source IP address. Any: All source addresses are acceptable. User Defined: Only a source address or a range of source addresses which users define are acceptable. Enter the source IP address value and prefix length to which will be matched.
Select the type for destination IP address. Any: All destination addresses are acceptable. User Defined: Only a destination address or a range of destination addresses which users define are acceptable. Enter the destination IP address value and prefix to which will be matched.
Select the type of protocol for a match. Only available when protocol is TCP or UDP.
Any: All source ports are acceptable. Single: Enter a single TCP/UDP source port to which packets are
matched. Range: Select a range of TCP/UDP source ports to which the packet is
matched. There are eight different port ranges that can be configured (shared between source and destination ports). TCP and UDP protocols each have eight port ranges.
Select the type of protocol for a match. Only available when protocol is TCP or UDP.
Any: All source ports are acceptable. Single: Enter a single TCP/UDP source port to which packets are

Managed Switch Software


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TCP Flags Type of Service

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matched. Range: Select a range of TCP/UDP source ports to which the packet is
matched. There are eight different port ranges that can be configured (shared between source and destination ports). TCP and UDP protocols each have eight port ranges. Select one or more TCP flags with which to filter packets. Filtered packets are either forwarded or dropped. Filtering packets by TCP flags increases packet control, which increases network security. Only available when protocol is TCP. Select the type of service for a match. Any: All types of service are acceptable. DSCP to match: Enter a Differentiated Serves Code Point (DSCP) to match. IP Precedence to match: Enter a IP Precedence to match. Either select the message type by name or enter the message type number. Only available when protocol is ICMP. Any: All message types are acceptable. Select from list: Select message type by name. Protocol ID to match: Enter the number of message type. Select the type for ICMP code. Only available when protocol is ICMP. Any: All codes are acceptable. User Defined: Enter an ICMP code to match.
Table 11-12 Add and Edit IPv6 ACE Fields

11.7. ACL Binding
To display ACL Binding page, click ACL > ACL Binding
This page allow user to bind or unbind ACL rule to or from interface. IPv4 and Ipv6 ACL cannot be bound to the same port simultaneously.

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Field Port

Figure 11-13 ACL Binding Page
Description Display port entry ID.

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Display mac ACL name that bound of interface. Empty means no rule bound. Display ipv4 ACL name that bound of interface. Empty means no rule bound. Display ipv6 ACL name that bound of interface. Empty means no rule bound.
Table 11-13 ACL Binding Fields

Field Port

Figure 11-14 Add and Edit ACL Binding Dialog
Description Display port entry ID. Select mac ACL name from list to bind. Select IPv4 ACL name from list to bind. Select IPv6 ACL name from list to bind.
Table 11-14 Add and Edit ACL Binding Fields

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12. QoS
Use the QoS pages to configure settings for the switch QoS interface.
12.1. General
Use the QoS general pages to configure settings for general purpose.
12.1.1. Property
To display Property web page, click QoS > General > Property

Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 12-1 QoS Global Setting

Field State
Trust Mode
Managed Switch Software

Set checkbox to enable/disable QoS.
Select QoS trust mode CoS: Traffic is mapped to queues based on the CoS field in the VLAN tag, or based on the per-port default CoS value (if there is no VLAN tag on the incoming packet), the actual mapping of the CoS to queue can be configured on port setting dialog. DSCP: All IP traffic is mapped to queues based on the DSCP field in the IP header. The actual mapping of the DSCP to queue can be configured on the DSCP mapping page. If traffic is not IP traffic, it is mapped to the best effort queue. CoS-DSCP: Uses the trust CoS mode for non-IP traffic and


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trust DSCP mode for IP traffic. IP Precedence: Traffic is mapped to queues based on the IP
precedence. The actual mapping of the IP precedence to queue can be configured on the IP Precedence mapping page.
Table 12-1 QoS Global Setting Fields

Figure 12-2 QoS Port Setting Table

Field Port CoS
Remarking (CoS)

Port name
Port default CoS priority value for the selected ports Port trust state
Enabled: Traffic will follow trust mode in global setting Disabled: Traffic will always use best efforts Port CoS remaking admin state Enabled: CoS remarking is enabled Disabled: CoS remarking is disabled

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Remarking (DSCP)

Port DSCP remaking admin state Enabled: DSCP remarking is enabled Disabled: DSCP remarking is disabled

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Remarking (IP PRecedence)

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Port IP Precedence remaking admin state Enabled: IP Precedence remarking is enabled Disabled: IP Precedence remarking is disabled
Table 12-2 QoS Port Setting Table Fields

Figure 12-3 Edit QoS Port Setting




Select port list


Set default CoS/802.1p priority value for the selected ports


Set checkbox to enable/disable port trust state

Remarking (CoS)

Set checkbox to enable/disable port CoS remarking

Remarking (DSCP) Set checkbox to enable/disable port DSCP remarking

Remarking (IP PRecedence)

Set checkbox to enable/disable port IP Precedence remarking

Table 12-3 Edit QoS Port Setting Fields

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12.1.2. Queue Scheduling
To display Queue Scheduling web page, click QoS > General > Queue Scheduling.
The switch supports eight queues for each interface. Queue number 8 is the highest priority queue. Queue number 1 is the lowest priority queue. There are two ways of determining how traffic in queues is handled, Strict Priority (SP) and Weighted Round Robin (WRR). · Strict Priority (SP)–Egress traffic from the highest priority queue is transmitted first. Traffic from the lower queues is processed only after the highest queue has been transmitted, which provide the highest level of priority of traffic to the highest numbered queue. · Weighted Round Robin (WRR)–In WRR mode the number of packets sent from the queue is proportional to the weight of the queue (the higher the weight, the more frames are sent).
The queuing modes can be selected on the Queue page.When the queuing mode is by Strict Priority, the priority sets the order in which queues are serviced, starting with queue_8 (the highest priority queue) and going to the next lower queue when each queue is completed. When the queuing mode is Weighted Round Robin, queues are serviced until their quota has been used up and then another queue is serviced. It is also possible to assign some of the lower queues to WRR, while keeping some of the higher queues in Strict Priority. In this case traffic for the SP queues is always sent before traffic from the WRR queues. After the SP queues have been emptied, traffic from the WRR queues is forwarded. (The relative portion from each WRR queue depends on its weight).

Managed Switch Software

Figure 12-4: Queue Scheduling Table 209

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Queue ID to configure

Strict Priority Set queue to strict priority type


Set queue to Weight round robin type


If the queue type is WRR, set the queue weight for the queue.

WRR Bandwidth

Percentage of WRR queue bandwidth
Table 12-4: Queue Scheduling Table fields.

12.1.3. CoS Mapping

To display CoS Mapping web page, click QoS > General > CoS Mapping
The CoS to Queue table determines the egress queues of the incoming packets based on the 802.1p priority in their VLAN tags. For incoming untagged packets, the 802.1p priority will be the default CoS/802.1p priority assigned to the ingress ports. Use the Queues to CoS table to remark the CoS/802.1p priority for egress traffic from each queue.

Figure 12-5 CoS to Queue Mapping Table

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Rev. 1.0

Field CoS

Description CoS value Select queue id for the CoS value
Table 12-5 CoS to Queue Mapping Table Fields

Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 12-6 Queue to CoS Mapping Table

Field Queue Cos

Description Queue ID Select CoS value for the queue id
Table 12-6 Queue to CoS Mapping Table Fields

12.1.4. DSCP Mapping

To display DSCP Mapping web page, click QoS > General > DSCP Mapping

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The DSCP to Queue table determines the egress queues of the incoming IP packets based on their DSCP values. The original VLAN Priority Tag (VPT) of the packet is unchanged.
Use the Queues to DSCP page to remark DSCP value for egress traffic from each queue.

Field DSCP Queue

Figure 12-7 DSCP to Queue Mapping Table
Description DSCP value Select queue id for DSCP value
Table 12-7 DSCP to Queue Mapping Table Fields

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Figure 12-8 Queue to DSCP Mapping Table

Field Queue DSCP

Description Queue ID Select DSCP value for queue id
Table 12-8 Queue to DSCP Mapping Table Fields

12.1.5. IP Precedence Mapping

To display IP Precedence Mapping web page, click QoS > General > IP Precedence Mapping
This page allow user to configure IP Precedence to Queue mapping and Queue to IP Precedence mapping.

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 12-9 IP Precedence to Queue Mapping Table



IP Precedence IP Precedence value


Queue value which IP Precedence is mapped

Table 12-9 IP Precedence to Queue Mapping Table Fields

Figure 12-10 Queue to IP Precedence Mapping Table

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Queue ID

IP Precedence IP Precedence value which queue is mapped

Table 12-10 Queue to IP Precedence Mapping Table Fields

12.2. Rate Limit

Use the Rate Limit pages to define values that determine how much traffic the switch can receive and send on specific port or queue.

12.2.1. Ingress / Egress Port

To display Ingress / Egress Port web page, click QoS > Rate Limit > Ingress / Egress Port
This page allow user to configure ingress port rate limit and egress port rate limit. The ingress rate limit is the number of bits per second that can be received from the ingress interface. Excess bandwidth above this limit is discarded.

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Ingress (State)
Ingress (Rate)
Egress (State)
Egress (Rate)

Figure 12-11 Ingress/Egress Port Table
Description Port name Port ingress rate limit state
Enabled: Ingress rate limit is enabled Disabled: Ingress rate limit is disabled Port ingress rate limit value if ingress rate state is enabled Port egress rate limit state Enabled: Egress rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress rate limit is disabled Port egress rate limit value if egress rate state is enabled
Table 12-11 Ingress/Egress Port Table Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 12-12 Edit Ingress/Egress Port

Field Port
Ingress Egress

Select port list
Set checkbox to enable/disable ingress rate limit. If ingress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned. Set checkbox to enable/disable egress rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned.
Table 12-12 Edit Ingress/Egress Port Fields

12.2.2. Egress Queue
To display Egress Queue web page, click QoS > Rate Limit > Egress Queue. Egress rate limiting is performed by shaping the output load.

Managed Switch Software

Figure 12-13: Egress Queue Table 215

Rev. 1.0

Queue 1 (State)
Queue 1 (CIR)
Queue 2 (State)
Queue 2 (CIR)
Queue 3 (State)
Queue 3 (CIR)
Queue 4 (State)
Queue 4 (CIR)
Queue 5 (State)
Queue 5 (CIR)
Queue 6 (State)
Queue 6 (CIR)
Queue 7 (State)

Description Port name Port egress queue 1 rate limit state
Enabled: Egress queue rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress queue rate limit is disabled Queue 1 egress committed information rate Port egress queue 2 rate limit state Enabled: Egress queue rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress queue rate limit is disabled Queue 2 egress committed information rate Port egress queue 3 rate limit state Enabled: Egress queue rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress queue rate limit is disabled Queue 3 egress committed information rate Port egress queue 4 rate limit state Enabled: Egress queue rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress queue rate limit is disabled Queue 4 egress committed information rate Port egress queue 5 rate limit state Enabled: Egress queue rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress queue rate limit is disabled Queue 5 egress committed information rate Port egress queue 6 rate limit state Enabled: Egress queue rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress queue rate limit is disabled Queue 6 egress committed information rate Port egress queue 7 rate limit state Enabled: Egress queue rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress queue rate limit is disabled

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Web User Interface User Guide
Rev. 1.0

Queue 7 (CIR)
Queue 8 (State)
Queue 8 (CIR)

Queue 7 egress committed information rate
Port egress queue 8 rate limit state Enabled: Egress queue rate limit is enabled Disabled: Egress queue rate limit is disabled
Queue 8 egress committed information rate
Table 12-13: Egress Queue Table Fields.

Web User Interface User Guide

Field Port

Figure 12-14: Edit Egress Queue
Description Select port list

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Rev. 1.0

Queue 1 Queue 2 Queue 3 Queue 4 Queue 5 Queue 6 Queue 7 Queue 8

Web User Interface User Guide
Set checkbox to enable/disable egress queue 1 rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned. Set checkbox to enable/disable egress queue 2 rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned. Set checkbox to enable/disable egress queue 3 rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned. Set checkbox to enable/disable egress queue 4 rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned. Set checkbox to enable/disable egress queue 5 rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned. Set checkbox to enable/disable egress queue 6 rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned. Set checkbox to enable/disable egress queue 7 rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned. Set checkbox to enable/disable egress queue 8 rate limit. If egress rate limit is enabled, rate limit value need to be assigned.
Table 12-14: Edit Egress Queue Fields.

13. Diagnostics
Use the Diagnostics pages to configure settings for the switch diagnostics feature or operating diagnostic utilities.

13.1. Logging
13.1.1. Property
To enable/disable the logging service, click Diagnostic > Logging > Property.

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Web User Interface User Guide

Field State
Field State
Minimum Severity

Figure 13-1: Logging Property page.
Description Enable/Disable the global logging services. When the logging service is enabled, logging configuration of each destination rule can be individually configured. If the logging service is disabled, no messages will be sent to these destinations.
Table 13-1: Logging Property fields.
Description Enable/Disable the console logging service.
The minimum severity for the console logging.
Table 13-2: Console Logging fields.

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Rev. 1.0

Minimum Severity

Description Enable/Disable the RAM logging service.
The minimum severity for the RAM logging.
Table 13-3: RAM Logging fields.

Web User Interface User Guide

Minimum Severity

Description Enable/Disable the flash logging service.
The minimum severity for the flash logging.
Table 13-4: Flash Logging fields.

13.1.2. Remove Server
To configure the remote logging server, click Diagnostic > Logging > Remote Server.

Figure 13-2: Remote Server page.



Server Address The IP address of the remote logging server.

Server Ports Facility Severity

The port number of the remote logging server.
The facility of the logging messages. It can be one of the following values: local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, and local7. The minimum severity. Emergence: System is not usable.

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Alert: Immediate action is needed. Critical: System is in the critical condition. Error: System is in error condition Warning: System warning has occurred Notice: System is functioning properly, but a system notice has occurred. Informational: Device information. Debug: Provides detailed information about an event.
Table 13-5: Remote Server fields.
13.2. Mirroring
To display Port Mirroring web page, click Diagnostics > Mirroring

Field Session ID
Monitor Port Ingress port Egress ports

Figure 13-3 Mirroring Page
Select mirror session ID Select mirror session state : port-base mirror or disable
Enabled: Enable port based mirror Disabled: Disable mirror. Select mirror session monitor port, and select whether normal packet
could be sent or received by monitor port.
Select mirror session source rx ports
Select mirror session source tx ports
Table 13-6 Mirroring Fields

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Rev. 1.0

13.3. Ping
For the ping functionality, click Diagnostic > Ping.

Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 13-4: Ping page.



Address Type Specify the address type to “Hostname”, “IPv6”, or “IPv4”.

Server Address Specify the Hostname/IPv4/IPv6 address for the remote logging server.


Specify the numbers of each ICMP ping request.

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Rev. 1.0

Table 13-7: Ping fields.
13.4. Traceroute
For trace route functionality, click Diagnostic > Traceroute.

Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 13-5: Traceroute page.



Address Type Specify the address type to “Hostname”, or “IPv4”.

Server Address Specify the Hostname/IPv4 address for the remote logging server.

Time to Live

Specify the max hops of hosts for traceroute.
Table 13-8: Traceroute fields.

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Rev. 1.0

13.5. Copper Test
For copper length diagnostic, click Diagnostic > Copper Test.

Web User Interface User Guide

Field Port

Figure 13-6: Copper Test page.
Description Specify the interface for the copper test.
Table 13-9: Copper Test fields.

Field Port

The interface for the copper test.
The status of copper test. It include: OK: Correctly terminated pair. Short Cable: Shorted pair. Open Cable: Open pair, no link partner. Impedance Mismatch: Terminating impedance is not in the reference range. Line Drive: Distance in meter from the port to the location on the cable where the fault was discovered.
Table 13-10: Copper Result fields.

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13.6. Fiber Module

Web User Interface User Guide

The Optical Module Status page displays the operational information reported by the Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) transceiver. Some information may not be available for SFPs without the supports of digital diagnostic monitoring standard SFF-8472.
To display the Optical Module Diagnostic page, click Diagnostic > Fiber Module.

Figure 13-7: Fiber Module page.




Interface or port number.

Temperature Internally measured transceiver temperature.


Internally measured supply voltage.


Measured TX bias current.

Output Power Measured TX output power in milliwatts.

Input Power Measured RX received power in milliwatts.

Transmitter Fault State of TX fault.

OE Present Indicate transceiver has achieved power up and data is ready.

Loss of Signal Loss of signal.


Refresh the page.

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Rev. 1.0


The detail information on the specified port.
Table 13-11: Fiber Module fields.

Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 13-8: Fiber Module Status page.
13.7. UDLD
Use the UDLD pages to configure settings of UDLD function.

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Rev. 1.0

13.7.1. Property
To display Property page, click Diagnostics > UDLD > Property

Web User Interface User Guide

This page allow user to configure global and per interface settings of UDLD.

Figure 13-9: Property page.

Field Message Time

Description Input the interval for sending message. Range is 1 -90 seconds.
Table 13-12 Property Fields

Figure 13-10: Property Port page.




Display port ID of entry.


Display UDLD running mode of interface.

Bidirectional State Display bidirectional state of interface.

Operational Status

Display operational status of interface


Display the number of neighbor of interface

Managed Switch Software


Rev. 1.0

Table 13-13 Property Port Fields

Web User Interface User Guide

Field Port

Figure 13-11: Edit Property Port page.
Display selected port to be edited. Select UDLD running mode of interface.
Disabled: Disable UDLD function. Normal: Running on normal mode that port goes to Link Up
One phase after last neighbor ages out. Aggressive: Running on aggressive mode that port goes to
Re-Establish phase after last neighbor ages out.
Table 13-14 Edit Property Port Fields

13.7.2. Neighbor
To display Neighbor page, click Diagnostics > UDLD > Neighbor

Figure 13-12: Neighbor page.




Display entry index.

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Expiration Time

Display expiration time before age out.

Current Neighbor State

Display neighbor current state

Device ID Display neighbor device ID.

Device Name Display neighbor device name.

Port ID

Display neighbor port ID that connected.

Message Interval

Display neighbor message interval.

Timeout Interval

Display neighbor timeout interval

14. Management

Table 13-15: Neighbor fields.

Use the Management pages to configure settings for the switch management features.

14.1. User Account

To display User Account web page, click Management > User Account
The default username/password is admin/admin. And default account is not able to be deleted.
Use this page to add additional users that are permitted to manage the switch or to change the passwords of existing users.

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Field Username

Figure 14-1 User Account Table
User name of the account Select privilege level for new account.
Admin: Allow to change switch settings. Privilege value equals to 15.
User: See switch settings only. Not allow to change it. Privilege level equals to 1.
Table 14-1 User Account Table Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-2 Add/Edit User Account Dialog




User name of the account


Set password of the account

Confirm Password Privilege

Set the same password of the account as in “Password” field
Select privilege level for new account. Admin: Allow to change switch settings. Privilege value equals to 15. User: See switch settings only. Not allow to change it. Privilege level equals to 1.
Table 14-2 Add/Edit User Account Fields

14.2. Firmware
14.2.1. Upgrade / Backup
To display firmware upgrade or backup web page, click Management > Firmware > Upgrade/Backup This page allow user to upgrade or backup firmware image through HTTP or TFTP server.

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Web User Interface User Guide

Field Action Method

Figure 14-3 Upgrade Firmware through HTTP
Description Firmware operations
Upgrade: Upgrade firmware from remote host to DUT Backup: Backup firmware image from DUT to remote host Firmware upgrade / backup method TFTP: Using TFTP to upgrade/backup firmware HTTP: Using WEB browser to upgrade/backup firmware Use browser to upgrade firmware, you should select firmware image file on your host PC.
Table 14-3 Upgrade Firmware through HTTP Fields


Figure 14-4 Upgrade Firmware through TFTP

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Rev. 1.0

Action Method
Address Type Server Address

Web User Interface User Guide
Firmware operations Upgrade: Upgrade firmware from remote host to DUT Backup: Backup firmware image from DUT to remote host
Firmware upgrade / backup method TFTP: Using TFTP to upgrade/backup firmware HTTP: Using WEB browser to upgrade/backup firmware
Specify TFTP server address type Hostname: Use domain name as server address IPv4: Use IPv4 as server address IPv6: Use IPv6 as server address
Specify TFTP server address.
Firmware image file name on remote TFTP server
Table 14-4 Upgrade Firmware through TFTP Fields

Figure 14-5 Backup Firmware through HTTP

Field Action Method

Firmware operations Upgrade: Upgrade firmware from remote host to DUT Backup: Backup firmware image from DUT to remote host
Firmware upgrade / backup method TFTP: Using TFTP to upgrade/backup firmware HTTP: Using WEB browser to upgrade/backup firmware
Firmware partition need to backup Image0: Firmware image in flash partition 0 Image1: Firmware image in flash partition 1
Table 14-5 Backup Firmware through HTTP Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-6 Backup Firmware through TFTP

Field Action Method
Address Type Server Address

Description Firmware operations
Upgrade: Upgrade firmware from remote host to DUT Backup: Backup firmware image from DUT to remote host Firmware upgrade / backup method TFTP: Using TFTP to upgrade/backup firmware HTTP: Using WEB browser to upgrade/backup firmware Firmware partition need to backup Image0: Firmware image in flash partition 0 Image1: Firmware image in flash partition 1 Specify TFTP server address type Hostname: Use domain name as server address IPv4: Use IPv4 as server address IPv6: Use IPv6 as server address Specify TFTP server address.
File name saved on remote TFTP server
Table 14-6 Backup Firmware through TFTP Fields

14.2.2. Active Image
To display the Active Image web page, click Management > Firmware > Active Image.

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This page allow user to select firmware image on next booting and show firmware information on both flash partitions

Figure 14-7 Active Image Page

Field Active Image Firmware Version Name Size Created

Description Select firmware image to use on next booting Firmware flash partition name Firmware version Firmware name Firmware image size Firmware image created date
Table 14-7 Active Image Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide
14.3. Configuration
14.3.1. Upgrade / Backup
To display firmware upgrade or backup web page, click Management > Configuration > Upgrade/Backup
This page allow user to upgrade or backup configuration file through HTTP or TFTP server.

Figure 14-8 Upgrade Configuration through HTTP

Field Action Method

Configuration operations Upgrade: Upgrade firmware from remote host to DUT Backup: Backup firmware image from DUT to remote host
Configuration upgrade / backup method TFTP: Using TFTP to upgrade/backup firmware HTTP: Using WEB browser to upgrade/backup firmware
Configuration types Running Configuration: Merge to current running configuration file Startup Configuration: Replace startup configuration file

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Web User Interface User Guide
Backup Configuration: Replace backup configuration file
Use browser to upgrade configuration, you should select configuration file on your host PC.
Table 14-8 Upgrade Configuration through HTTP Fields

Figure 14-9 Upgrade Configuration through TFTP

Field Action Method
Address Type

Configuration operations Upgrade: Upgrade firmware from remote host to DUT Backup: Backup firmware image from DUT to remote host
Configuration upgrade / backup method TFTP: Using TFTP to upgrade/backup firmware HTTP: Using WEB browser to upgrade/backup firmware
Configuration types Running Configuration: Merge to current running configuration file Startup Configuration: Replace startup configuration file Backup Configuration: Replace backup configuration file
Specify TFTP server address type Hostname: Use domain name as server address IPv4: Use IPv4 as server address

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Rev. 1.0

Server Address Filename

IPv6: Use IPv6 as server address Specify TFTP server address. Configuration file name on remote TFTP server
Table 14-9 Upgrade Firmware through TFTP Fields

Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-10 Backup Configuration through HTTP

Field Action Method

Configuration operations Upgrade: Upgrade configuration from remote host to DUT Backup: Backup configuration from DUT to remote host
Configuration upgrade / backup method TFTP: Using TFTP to upgrade/backup configuration HTTP: Using WEB browser to upgrade/backup configuration
Configuration types Running Configuration: Backup running configuration file Startup Configuration: Backup start configuration file Backup Configuration: Backup backup configuration file RAM Log: Backup log file stored in RAM Flash Log: Backup log files store in Flash
Table 14-10 Backup Configuration through HTTP Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-11 Backup Configuration through TFTP

Field Action Method
Address Type Server Address

Description Firmware operations
Upgrade: Upgrade firmware from remote host to DUT Backup: Backup firmware image from DUT to remote host Firmware upgrade / backup method TFTP: Using TFTP to upgrade/backup firmware HTTP: Using WEB browser to upgrade/backup firmware Configuration types Running Configuration: Backup running configuration file Startup Configuration: Backup start configuration file Backup Configuration: Backup backup configuration file RAM Log: Backup log file stored in RAM Flash Log: Backup log files store in Flash Specify TFTP server address type Hostname: Use domain name as server address IPv4: Use IPv4 as server address IPv6: Use IPv6 as server address
Specify TFTP server address.
File name saved on remote TFTP server

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Rev. 1.0

Table 14-11 Backup Firmware through TFTP Fields

Web User Interface User Guide

14.3.2. Save Configuration
To display the Save Configuration web page, click Management > Configuration > Save Configuration.
This page allow user to manage configuration file saved on DUT and click “Restore Factory Default” button to restore factory defaults.

Figure 14-12 Save Configuration Page

Field Source File
Destination File

Source file types Running Configuration: Copy running configuration file to destination Startup Configuration: Copy startup configuration file to destination Backup Configuration: Copy backup configuration file to destination
Destination file Startup Configuration: Save file as startup configuration Backup Configuration: Save file as backup configuration
Table 14-12 Save Configuration Fields

14.4. SNMP
14.4.1. View
To configure and display the SNMP view table, click Management > SNMP > View.

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-13 SNMP View Table Page

Field View
Subtree OID View Type

Description The SNMP view name. Its maximum length is 30 characters.
Specify the ASN.1 subtree object identifier (OID) to be included or excluded from the SNMP view. Include or exclude the selected MIBs in the view.
Table 14-13 SNMP View Fields

14.4.2. Group
To configure and display the SNMP group settings, click Management > SNMP > Group.

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Figure 14-14 SNMP Group Table Page

Web User Interface User Guide

Field Group Version
Security Level

Specify SNMP group name, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
Spedify SNMP version SNMPv1: SNMP Version 1. SNMPv2: Community-based SNMP Version 2c. SNMPv3: User security model SNMP version 3. Specify SNMP security level No Security : Specify that no packet authentication is performed. Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without entryption is
performed. Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with
entryption is performed.


Read Write Notify

Group read view name
Group write view name.
The view name that sends only traps with contents that is included in SNMP view selected for notification.
Table 14-14 SNMP Group Table Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-15 SNMP Group Add Page

Field Group Version
Security Level

Specify SNMP group name, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
Spedify SNMP version SNMPv1: SNMP Version 1. SNMPv2: Community-based SNMP Version 2c. SNMPv3: User security model SNMP version 3. Specify SNMP security level No Security : Specify that no packet authentication is performed. Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without entryption is
performed. Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with
entryption is performed.


Read Write

Select read view name if Read is checked Select write view name, if Write is checked

Managed Switch Software


Rev. 1.0


Select notify view name, if Notify is checked
Table 14-15 SNMP Group Add Fields

Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-16 SNMP Group Edit Page

Field Group Version
Security Level

Display the edit group name
Spedify SNMP version SNMPv1: SNMP Version 1. SNMPv2: Community-based SNMP Version 2c. SNMPv3: User security model SNMP version 3. Specify SNMP security level No Security : Specify that no packet authentication is performed. Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without entryption is
performed. Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with
entryption is performed.

Managed Switch Software


Rev. 1.0

Read Write Notify

Select read view name if Read is checked Select write view name, if Write is checked Select notify view name, if Notify is checked
Table 14-16 SNMP Group Edit Fields

Web User Interface User Guide

14.4.3. Community
To configure and display the SNMP community settings, click Management > SNMP


Figure 14-17 SNMP Community Table Page



Community The SNMP community name. Its maximum length is 20 characters.

Community Mode
Group Name

SNMP Community mode Basic: snmp community specifies view and access right. Advanced: snmp community specifies group.
Specify the SNMP group configured by the command snmp group to define the object available to the community.

View Name Specify the SNMP view to define the object available to the community.

Access Right

SNMP access mode Read-Only: Read only. Read-Wrtie: Read and write.

Table 14-17 SNMP Community Table Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Field Community Type View Access Group

Figure 14-18 SNMP Community Add Page
Description The SNMP community name. Its maximum length is 20 characters.
SNMP Community mode Basic: SNMP community specifies view and access right. Advanced: SNMP community specifies group.
Specify the SNMP view to define the object available to the community.
SNMP access mode Read-Only: Read only. Read-Write: Read and write. Specify the SNMP group configured by user to define the object available to the community.
Table 14-18 SNMP Community Add Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-19 SNMP Community Edit Page

Field Community Type View Access Group

Description The Edit SNMP community name
SNMP Community mode Basic: SNMP community specifies view and access right. Advanced: SNMP community specifies group.
Specify the SNMP view to define the object available to the community.
SNMP access mode Read-Only: Read only. Read-Write: Read and write. Specify the SNMP group configured by user to define the object available to the community.
Table 14-19 SNMP Community Edit Fields

14.4.4. User
To configure and display the SNMP users, click Management > SNMP > User.

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-20 SNMP User Table Page

Field User Group
Security Level
Authentication Method
Privacy Method

Specify the SNMP user name on the host that connects to the SNMP agent. The max character is 30 characters. For the SNMP v1 or v2c, the user name must match the community name Specify the SNMP group to which the SNMP user belongs.
SNMP privilege mode No Security : Specify that no packet authentication is performed. Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without encryption is
performed. Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with
encryption is performed. Authentication Protocol which is available when Privilege Mode is Authentication or Authentication and Privacy. None: No authentication required. MD5: Specify the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication protocol. SHA: Specify the HMAC-SHA-96 authentication protocol. Encryption Protocol None: No privacy required. DES: DES algorithm
Table 14-20 SNMP User Table Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-21 SNMP User Add Page

Field User Group
Security Level
Authentication Method

Description Specify the SNMP user name on the host that connects to the SNMP agent. The max character is 30 characters. Specify the SNMP group to which the SNMP user belongs.
SNMP privilege mode No Security : Specify that no packet authentication is performed. Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without encryption is
performed. Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with
encryption is performed.
Authentication Protocol which is available when Privilege Mode is Authentication or Authentication and Privacy. None: No authentication required.

Managed Switch Software


Rev. 1.0

Password Privacy Method

Web User Interface User Guide
MD5: Specify the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication protocol. SHA: Specify the HMAC- SHA-96 authentication protocol. The authentication password, The number of character range is 8 to 32 characters.
Encryption Protocol None: No privacy required. DES: DES algorithm The privacy password, The number of character range is 8 to 64 characters.
Table 14-21 SNMP User Add Fields

Figure 14-22 SNMP User Edit Page

Field User

Description Edit User name


Specify the SNMP group to which the SNMP user belongs.

Security Level

SNMP privilege mode No Security : Specify that no packet authentication is performed.

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Rev. 1.0

Authentication Method Password

Web User Interface User Guide
Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without encryption is performed.
Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with encryption is performed.
Authentication Protocol which is available when Privilege Mode is Authentication or Authentication and Privacy. None: No authentication required. MD5: Specify the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication protocol. SHA: Specify the HMAC-SHA-96 authentication protocol.
The authentication password, The number of character range is 8 to 32 characters.

Privacy Method Password

Encryption Protocol None: No privacy required. DES: DES algorithm The privacy password, The number of character range is 8 to 64 characters.
Table 14-22 SNMP User Edit Fields

14.4.5. Engine ID
To configure and display SNMP local and remote engine ID, click Management > SNMP > Engine ID.

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-23 SNMP Engine ID Page



Local Engine ID

Engine ID

If checked “User Defined”, the local engine ID is configure by user, else use the default Engine ID which is made up of MAC and Enterprise ID. The user defined engine ID is range 10 to 64 hexadecimal characters, and the hexadecimal number must be divided by 2.

Remote Engine ID Table

Server Address Remote host

Engine ID

Specify Remote SNMP engine ID. The engine ID is range10 to 64 hexadecimal characters, and the hexadecimal number must be divided by 2.
Table 14-23 SNMP Engine ID Fields

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Web User Interface User Guide

Figure 14-24 SNMP Remote Engine ID Add Page

Field Address Type Server Address Engine ID

Description Remote host address type for Hostname/IPv4/IPv6
Remote host
Specify Remote SNMP engine ID. The engine ID is range10 to 64 hexadecimal characters, and the hexadecimal number must be divided by 2.
Table 14-24 SNMP Remote Engine ID Add Fields

Figure 14-25 SNMP Remote Engine ID Edit Page

Field Server Address Engine ID

Description Edit Remote host address
Specify Remote SNMP engine ID. The engine ID is range10 to 64 hexadecimal characters, and the hexadecimal number must be divided by 2.

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Table 14-25 SNMP Remote Engine ID Edit Fields

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14.4.6. Trap Event
To configure and display SNMP trap event, click Management > SNMP > Trap Event.

Figure 14-26 SNMP Trap Event Page

Field Authentication Failure Link Up/Down Cold Start
Warm Start

Description SNMP authentication failure trap, when community not match or user authentication password not match.
Port link up or down trap
Device reboot configure by user trap
Device reboot by power down trap
Table 14-26 SNMP Trap Event Fields

14.4.7. Notification
To configure the hosts to receive SNMPv1/v2/v3 notification, click Management

SNMP > Notification.

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Figure 14-27 SNMP Notification Table Page



Server Address IP address or the hostname of the SNMP trap recipients.

Server Port Recipients server UDP port number


Specify the SNMP informs timeout


Specify the retry counter of the SNMP informs.

Version Type

Specify SNMP notification version SNMPv1: SNMP Version 1 notification. SNMPv2: SNMP Version 2 notification. SNMPv3: SNMP Version 3 notification. Notification Type Trap: Send SNMP traps to the host. Inform: Send SNMP informs to the host. SNMP community/user name for notification. If version is SNMPv3 the name is user name, else is community name

UDP Port

Specify the UDP port number.


Specify the SNMP informs timeout

Security Level

SNMP trap packet security level No Security: Specify that no packet authentication is performed. Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without encryption is
performed. Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with

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encryption is performed.
Table 14-27 SNMP Notification Table Fields

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Figure 14-28 SNMP Notification Add Page

Field Address Type

Description Notify recipients host address type

Server Address Version Type

IP address or the hostname of the SNMP trap recipients.
Specify SNMP notification version SNMPv1: SNMP Version 1 notification. SNMPv2: SNMP Version 2 notification. SNMPv3: SNMP Version 3 notification. Notification Type Trap: Send SNMP traps to the host. Inform: Send SNMP informs to the host.(version 1 have no inform)

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Security Level
Server Port Timeout Retry

SNMP community/user name for notification. If version is SNMPv3 the name is user name, else is community name
SNMP notification packet security level, the security level must less than or equal to the community/user name No Security: Specify that no packet authentication is performed. Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without encryption is
performed. Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with
encryption is performed.
Recipients server UDP port number, if “use default” checked the value is 162, else user configure
Specify the SNMP informs timeout, if “use default” checked the value is 15, else user configure
Specify the SNMP informs retry count, if “use default” checked the value is 3, else user configure
Table 14-28 SNMP Notification Add Fields


Figure 14-29 SNMP Notification Edit Page

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Server Address Edit SNMP notify recipients address.

Version Type
Security Level
Server Port Timeout Retry

Specify SNMP notification version SNMPv1: SNMP Version 1 notification. SNMPv2: SNMP Version 2 notification. SNMPv3: SNMP Version 3 notification.
Notification Type Trap: Send SNMP traps to the host. Inform: Send SNMP informs to the host.(version 1 have no inform)
SNMP community/user name for notification. If version is SNMPv3 the name is user name, else is community name
SNMP notification packet security level, the security level must less than or equal to the community/user name No Security: Specify that no packet authentication is performed. Authentication: Specify that no packet authentication without encryption is
performed. Authentication and Privacy: Specify that no packet authentication with
encryption is performed.
Recipients server UDP port number, if “use default” checked the value is 162, else user configure
Specify the SNMP informs timeout, if “use default” checked the value is 15, else user configure
Specify the SNMP informs retry count, if “use default” checked the value is 3, else user configure
Table 14-29 SNMP Notification Edit Fields

14.5. RMON
14.5.1. Statistics
To display RMON Statistics, click Management > RMON > Statistics.

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Figure 14-30: RMON Statistics page.

Field Port
Bytes Received Drop Events

The port for the RMON statistics. Number of octets received, including bad packets and FCS octets, but excluding framing bits. Number of packets that were dropped.

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Packets Received

Number of packets received, including bad packets, Multicast packets, and Broadcast packets.

Broadcast Packets

Number of good Broadcast packets received. This number does not include Multicast packets.

Multicast Packets

Number of good Multicast packets received.

CRC & Align Errors

Number of CRC and Align errors that have occurred.

Undersize Packages

Number of undersized packets (less than 64 octets) received.

Oversize Packages Fragments
Collision Frames of 64

Number of oversized packets (over 1518 octets) received.
Number of fragments (packets with less than 64 octets, excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) received. Number of received packets that were longer than 1632 octets. This number excludes frame bits, but includes FCS octets that had either a bad FCS (Frame Check Sequence) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral octet (Alignment Error) number. A Jabber packet is defined as an Ethernet frame that satisfies the following criteria: Packet data length is greater than MRU. Packet has an invalid CRC. RX error event has not been detected. Number of collisions received. If Jumbo Frames are enabled, the threshold of Jabber Frames is raised to the maximum size of Jumbo Frames.
Number of frames, containing 64 bytes that were received.

Frames of 65 to 127 Bytes

Number of frames, containing 65 to 127 bytes that were received.

Frames of 128 to 255 Bytes

Number of frames, containing 128 to 255 bytes that were received.

Frames of 256 to 511 Bytes

Number of frames, containing 256 to 511 bytes that were received.

Frames of 512 to Number of frames, containing 512 to 1023 bytes that were received.

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1024 Bytes

FramesGreater than 1024 Bytes

Number of frames, containing 1024 to 1518 bytes that were received.


Clear the statistics for the selected ports


View the statistics on the specified port.

Table 14-30: RMON Statistics fields.

Figure 14-31: View RMON Statistics page.

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14.5.2. History
For the RMON history, click Management > RMON > History.

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Figure 14-32: RMON History page.




The port for the RMON history.


The number of seconds for each sample.


The owner name of event (0~31 characters).

Sample Maximum

The maximum number of buckets.

Sample Current The current number of buckets.

Table 14-31: RMON History fields.




Add the new RMON history entries


Edit the RMON history


Delete the RMON histories.


View the history log.

Table 14-32: RMON History buttons.

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Figure 14-33: RMON History Add page.

Field Port
Max Sample Interval Owner

Description Specify port for the RMON history. Specify the maximum number of buckets. Specify the number of seconds for each sample. Specify the owner name of event (0~31 characters).
Table 14-33: RMON History Add fields.

Figure 14-34: RMON History Edit page

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Field Port
Max Sample Interval Owner

Description Specify port for the RMON history. Specify the maximum number of buckets. Specify the number of seconds for each sample. Specify the owner name of event (0~31 characters).
Table 14-34: RMON History Edit fields.

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Figure 14-35: RMON History Log page.



Port Bytes Received
Drop Events

The port for the RMON statistics.
Number of octets received, including bad packets and FCS octets, but excluding framing bits.
Number of packets that were dropped.

Packets Received

Number of packets received, including bad packets, Multicast packets, and Broadcast packets.

Broadcast Packets

Number of good Broadcast packets received. This number does not include Multicast packets.

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Multicast Packets CRC & Align Errors Undersize Packages Oversize Packages Fragments
Collision Utilization

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Number of good Multicast packets received.
Number of CRC and Align errors that have occurred.
Number of undersized packets (less than 64 octets) received.
Number of oversized packets (over 1518 octets) received.
Number of fragments (packets with less than 64 octets, excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) received. Number of received packets that were longer than 1632 octets. This number excludes frame bits, but includes FCS octets that had either a bad FCS (Frame Check Sequence) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral octet (Alignment Error) number. A Jabber packet is defined as an Ethernet frame that satisfies the following criteria: Packet data length is greater than MRU. Packet has an invalid CRC. RX error event has not been detected. Number of collisions received. If Jumbo Frames are enabled, the threshold of Jabber Frames is raised to the maximum size of Jumbo Frames. Percentage of current interface traffic compared to the maximum traffic that the interface can handle.
Table 14-35: RMON History Log fields.

14.5.3. Event

For the RMON event, click Management > RMON > Event.

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Field Community Description
Time Owner

Figure 14-36: RMON Event page.
Description The SNMP community when the notification type is specified as trap. The description for the event. The notification type for the event, and the possible value are: None: Nothing for notification. Event Log: Logging the event in the RMON Event Log table. Trap: Send a SNMP trap. Event Log and Trap: Logging the event and send the SNMP trap. The time that the event was triggered. The owner for the event.
Table 14-36: RMON Event fields.

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Field Community Description

Figure 14-37: RMON Event Add page.
Description Specify the SNMP community when the notification type is specified as “Trap” pr “Event Log and Trap”. Specify the description for the event. Specify the notification type for the event, and the possible value are: None: Nothing for notification. Event Log: Logging the event in the RMON Event Log table. Trap: Send a SNMP trap. Event Log and Trap: Logging the event and send the SNMP trap. Specify owner for the event.
Table 14-37: RMON Event Add fields.

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Field Community Description

Figure 14-38: RMON Event Edit page.
Description Specify the SNMP community when the notification type is specified as “Trap” pr “Event Log and Trap”. Specify the description for the event. Specify the notification type for the event, and the possible value are: None: Nothing for notification. Event Log: Logging the event in the RMON Event Log table. Trap: Send a SNMP trap. Event Log and Trap: Logging the event and send the SNMP trap. Specify owner for the event.
Table 14-38: RMON Event Edit fields.

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Figure 14-39: RMON Event Log page. 268

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Field Log ID Time

Description The log identifier. The time that the event was triggered. The description for the event.
Table 14-39: RMON Event Log fields.

14.5.4. Alarm

For the RMON Alarm, click Management > RMON > Alarm.

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Figure 14-40: RMON Alarm page.




The port configuration for the RMON alarm.


The counter for sampling DropEvents (Drop Event): Total number of events received in which the
packets were dropped. Octes (Received Bytes): Octets. Pkts (Received Packets): Number of packets. BroadcastPkts (Broadcast Packets Received): Broadcast packets. MulticastPkts (Multicast Packets Received): Multicast packets. CRCAlignError (CRC and Align Error): CRC alignment error. UndersizePkts (Undersize Packets): Number of undersized packets.

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Sampling Interval

OversizePkts (Oversize Packets): Number of oversized packets. Fragments (Fragments): Total number of packet fragment. Jabbers (Jabbers): Total number of packet jabber. Collisions (Collisions): Collision. Pkts64Octetes (Frames of 64 Bytes): Number of packets size 64 octets. Pkts65to127Octetes (Frames of 65 to 127 Bytes): Number of packets size 65
to 127 octets. Pkts128to255Octetes (Frames of 128 to 255 Bytes): Number of packets size
128 to 255 octets. Pkts256to511Octetes (Frames of 256 to 511 Bytes): Number of packets size
256 to 511 octets. Pkts512to1023Octetes (Frames of 512 to 1023 Bytes): Number of packets size
512 to 1023 octets. Pkts1024to1518Octets (Frames Greater than 1024 Bytes): Number of packets
size 1024 to 1518 octets.
The sampling type including: Absolute: The selected variable value is compared directly with the
thresholds at the end of the sampling interval. Delta: The selected variable value of the last sample is subtracted from the
current value and the difference is compared with the thresholds.
The number of seconds for each sample.


The owner for the alarm entry.


The type of event triggering.

Rising Threshold The threshold for firing rising event.

Rising Event The rising event when alarm was fired.

Falling Threshold The threshold for firing falling event.

Falling Event The falling event when alarm was fired.

Table 14-40: RMON Alarm fields.

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Field Port

Figure 14-41: RMON Alarm Add page.
Specify the port for sampling Specify the counter for sampling Drop Event: Total number of events received in which the packets were
dropped. Received Bytes (Octets): Octets. Received Packets: Number of packets. Broadcast Packets Received: Broadcast packets. Multicast Packets Received: Multicast packets. CRC and Align Error: CRC alignment error. Undersize Packets: Number of undersized packets. Oversize Packets: Number of oversized packets.

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Sampling Interval

Fragments: Total number of packet fragment. Jabbers: Total number of packet jabber. Collisions: Collision. Frames of 64 Bytes: Number of packets size 64 octets. Frames of 65 to 127 Bytes: Number of packets size 65 to 127 octets. Frames of 128 to 255 Bytes: Number of packets size 128 to 255 octets. Frames of 256 to 511 Bytes: Number of packets size 256 to 511 octets. Frames of 512 to 1023 Bytes: Number of packets size 512 to 1023 octets. Frames Greater than 1024 Bytes: Number of packets size 1024 to 1518 octets. Specify the sampling type. Absolute: The selected variable value is compared directly with the
thresholds at the end of the sampling interval. Delta: The selected variable value of the last sample is subtracted from the
current value and the difference is compared with the thresholds.
Specify the sampling interval.


Specify the owner for the sampling.


Specify the type for the alarm trigger.

Rising Threshold Specify the threshold for firing rising event.

Rising Event Specify the index of rising event when alarm was fired.

Falling Threshold Specify the threshold for firing falling event.

Falling Event Specify the index of falling event when alarm was fired.

Table 14-41: RMON Alarm Add fields.

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Field Port

Figure 14-42: RMON Alarm Edit page.
Specify the port for sampling Specify the counter for sampling Drop Event: Total number of events received in which the packets were
dropped. Received Bytes (Octets): Octets. Received Packets: Number of packets. Broadcast Packets Received: Broadcast packets. Multicast Packets Received: Multicast packets. CRC and Align Error: CRC alignment error. Undersize Packets: Number of undersized packets. Oversize Packets: Number of oversized packets.

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Sampling Interval

Fragments: Total number of packet fragment. Jabbers: Total number of packet jabber. Collisions: Collision. Frames of 64 Bytes: Number of packets size 64 octets. Frames of 65 to 127 Bytes: Number of packets size 65 to 127 octets. Frames of 128 to 255 Bytes: Number of packets size 128 to 255 octets. Frames of 256 to 511 Bytes: Number of packets size 256 to 511 octets. Frames of 512 to 1023 Bytes: Number of packets size 512 to 1023 octets. Frames Greater than 1024 Bytes: Number of packets size 1024 to 1518 octets. Specify the sampling type. Absolute: The selected variable value is compared directly with the thresholds
at the end of the sampling interval. Delta: The selected variable value of the last sample is subtracted from the
current value and the difference is compared with the thresholds.
Specify the sampling interval.


Specify the owner for the sampling.


Specify the type for the alarm trigger.

Rising Threshold Specify the threshold for firing rising event.

Rising Event Specify the index of rising event when alarm was fired.

Falling Threshold Specify the threshold for firing falling event.

Falling Event Specify the index of falling event when alarm was fired.

Table 14-42: RMON Alarm Edit fields.

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