SQlab 20230127 Handlebars Instruction Manual

June 16, 2024

SQlab 20230127 Handlebars

Notes on the Operating Instructions
In the following, please pay special attention to the notes that are highlighted. The possible consequences described are not described separately for each note!
Indicates a possibly harmful situation. If not avoided, the handlebar or other parts may be damaged.
Indicates a possible imminent danger. If not avoided, a minor or slight injury may result.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation. If not avoided, death or serious injury may result.
Indicates an imminent danger. If not avoided, death or serious injury will result.

User Information

SQlab Handlebar 3OX and 311 FL-X Series
Product Name

SQlab Lenker 3OX (Carbon) Low 12° SQlab Lenker 3OX (Carbon) Med 12°

SQlab Lenker 3OX (Carbon) High 12°

| SQlab Lenker 3OX (Carbon) Low 16° SQlab Lenker 3OX (Carbon) Med 16°

SQlab Lenker 3OX (Carbon) High 16°

| SQlab Lenker 3OX Trial Fabio Wibmer SQlab Lenker 3OX Fabio Wibmer

SQlab Lenker 3OX ltd. Camo 9°

SQlab Lenker 311 FL-X Carbon Low 12°

SQlab Lenker 311 FL-X Carbon Med 12°

| SQlab Lenker 311 FL-X Carbon Low 16°

SQlab Lenker 311 FL-X Carbon Med 16°


Congratulations on your new SQlab handlebar. We have developed this handlebar with the highest requirements in terms of ergonomics, weight, component flexibility, appearance and, last but not least, durability.
The notes on safety, product-specific information, assembly compatibility and use contained in this user information are intended for the less knowledgeable, but also for long-time bicycle experts. Especially the chapters “Intended Use” and “Mounting” contain product specific information that may differ from that of similar products. The entire user information must be read carefully and observed before assembly and use.
Keep it in a safe place for information purposes maintenance work or ordering spare parts, and pass it on to a third party for use or sale.

This user information does not replace the trained two-wheeler mechanic, his experience and training.
If you are in doubt before or during assembly, or you lack the tools or craftsmanship, please do not hesitate and ask your SQlab dealer for help.


Intended Use

Depending on the model, the various models of SQlab handlebars have been developed for the different areas of use MTB Tech&Trail, Gravity & E-Performance and Trial and have been tested accordingly in numerous tests. An overload and damage to the handlebars is influenced by the nature of the travelled surface, the riding skill, riding style, rider weight or total system weight and other special events, such as riding errors, falls and accidents. When describing the intended use, we follow the international categorizations ASTM F2043- 13/ DIN EN 17406, which describe the different areas of use as precisely as possible.

Product Name


Maximum Rider Weight


Application Category according to ASTM F2043-13

| Application Category according to DIN EN 17406|

eBike Ready Certification

SQlab 3OX Low 12°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Med 12°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX High 12°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Low 16°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Med 16°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX High 16°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Carbon Low 12°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Carbon Med 12°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Carbon High 12°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Carbon Low 16°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Carbon Med 16°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Carbon High 16°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX ltd. Camo 9°| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Fabio Wibmer| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes
SQlab 3OX Trial Fabio Wibmer| 120 kg| Category 3| Category 3| No
SQlab 311 FL-X Carbon Low 12°| 120 kg| Category 4| Category 4| Yes
SQlab 311 FL-X Carbon Med 12°| 120 kg| Category 4| Category 4| Yes
SQlab 311 FL-X Carbon Low 16°| 120 kg| Category 4| Category 4| Yes
SQlab 311 FL-X Carbon Med 16°| 120 kg| Category 4| Category 4| Yes
SQlab Handlebar sleeve Alu| 120 kg| Category 2| Category 2| No
SQlab Handlebar sleeve Alu 2.0| 120 kg| Category 5| Category 5| Yes

The SQlab Handlebar sleeve Alu 31.8 mm to 35.0 mm reduces the release of the SQlab handlebar which is used in combination with this to Category 2 according to ASTM F2043-13/ DIN EN 17406 or a lower category at a maximum system weight (rider + bike + luggage) of 120 kg.

Category 2 according to DIN EN 17406
This applies to bicycles and EPACs to which condition 1 applies and which are also used on unpaved roads and gravel paths with moderate uphill and downhill gradients. Under these conditions, contact with uneven terrain and repeated loss of tire contact with the ground may occur. Drops are limited to 15 cm or less.

  • Average speed in km/h 15 – 25
  • Maximum Drop-/ Jump Height in cm < 15 cm
  • Intended use Leisure Trips & Trekking
  • Bike-type Trekking & Travel Bikes

Category 2 according to ASTM F2043-13
Bicycles/mounted parts in this category can also be used on gravel and unpaved roads with moderate inclines in addition to the operating conditions specified in Category 1. Rougher terrain in this category may cause the tires to briefly lose contact with the ground. Jumps (drops) from a height of max. 15 cm may occur.

  • The SQlab handlebar 3OX Trial Fabio Wibmer is to be used exclusively for trial riding on bicycles under the conditions of Category 3 according to ASTM F2043-13/ DIN EN 17406 or a lower category at a maximum system weight (rider + bike + luggage) of 120 kg.

Category 3 according to DIN EN 17406
Refers to bicycles and EPACs to which categories 1 and 2 apply, and which are also used on rough trails, rough unpaved roads, difficult terrain and undeveloped trails, and which require technical skill to use. Jumps and drops shall be less than 60 cm.

  • The average speed in km/h is not relevant
  • Maximum Drop/Jump Height in cm < 60 cm
  • Intended to use Sports & Competition Rides
  • Bike type Cross Country & Marathon Bikes

Category 3 according to ASTM F2043-13
Bikes/attachments of this category can be used in addition to the conditions of use specified in categories 1 and 2 also on rough trails, rough terrain and difficult routes that require good riding technique. Jumps and drops can occur here up to a height of max. 61 cm.

The SQlab 311 FL-X carbon handlebars are to be used exclusively on bicycles under the conditions of Category 4 according to ASTM F2043-13/DIN EN 17406 or a lower category at a maximum system weight (rider + bicycle + luggage) of 120 kg.

Category 4 according to DIN EN 17406
Refers to bicycles and EPACs to which categories 1, 2 and 3 apply and which are used for descents on unpaved roads at speeds of less than 40 km/h. Jumps shall be less than 120 cm.

  • The average speed in km/h is not relevant
  • Maximum Drop-/ Jump Height in cm < 120
  • Intended to use Sports & Competition Rides (high technical demand)
  • Bike type Mountainbikes & Trailbikes
  • Recommended riding skills Technical skills, practice & good bike control

Category 4 according to ASTM F2043-13
Bicycles/attachments of this category can, in addition to the conditions mentioned in categories 1, 2 and 3 conditions of use, they can also be used for descents in rough terrain up to a speed of max. 40 km/h. can be used. Jumps and drops can occur here up to a height of max. 122 cm.

  • All SQlab 3OX handlebars are to be used exclusively on bicycles under the conditions of Category 5 according to ASTM F2043-13/ DIN EN 17406 or a lower category at a maximum system weight (rider + bicycle + luggage) of 120 kg.

Category 5 according to DIN EN 17406
Refers to bicycles and EPACs to which categories 1, 2, 3, and 4 apply and which are used for extreme jumps or descents on dirt roads at speeds above 40 mph, or any combination thereof.

  • The average speed in km/h is not relevant
  • Maximum Drop-/ Jump Height in cm > 120
  • Intended use of Extreme sports
  • Bike type Downhill, dirt jump & freeride bikes
  • Recommended riding skills extreme technical skills, practice & wheel control

Category 5 according to ASTM F2043-13
Bicycles/attachments in this category may, in addition to the conditions specified in categories 1, 2, 3, and 4 for extreme jumps and descents in rough terrain at speeds above 40 km/h. speeds above 40 km/h.

  • On our website www.sq-lab.com you will find a list of all areas of use according to ASTM F2043 in the service area under downloads.

Keep in mind that Category 5 is a dangerous extreme sport in which unexpectedly high and unforeseen loads can occur even with very good riding skills and knowledge of the route. In extreme cases, this will lead to overload and component failure of the bike and its components, especially the handlebars. The aforementioned range of use is very risky. Expect unavoidable falls, injuries and paralysis, even death.
Illustrations of SQlab aluminium handlebars and SQlab carbon handlebars in advertisements, social media, magazines and catalogues often show riders in extreme situations that are very dangerous and can lead to serious injuries and even death. The riders depicted are usually professionals, with very great experience and Yeshrelanger practice. Do not attempt to recreate these driving maneuvers without the necessary experience and practice.

  • Always wear appropriate protective equipment (full-face helmet, knee and elbow pads, back protector, gloves, etc.).
  • Attend riding technique courses that prepare you according to the condition of use.
  • Ask the race organizer, track supervisor and/or other riders about current track conditions.
  • Increase unscheduled inspection intervals depending on use.
  • Replace handlebars more frequently and prophylactically, especially when there is the slightest doubt of overloading and the slightest sign of a defect.
  • Always anticipate your limits and those of your equipment during fast descents, jumps, drops and other extreme riding maneuvers.
  • Always expect serious injuries despite protective equipment, lots of practice and long experience.

Exceeding the individual load limit of the components
Risk of falling due to breakage of the components

  • Adhere to the permissible system and rider weight.
  • Use your handlebars only in the intended use category or in a lower use category (according to ASTM F2043-13/ DIN EN 17406).
  • Make an extraordinary inspection after situations with particular or unexpectedly large force impact, such as after a fall, driving error or an accident.
  • In case of doubt, the possibly damaged component should be replaced prophylactically. In such a case, better play it safe and ask your SQlab dealer for advice.

For the protection of third parties, a component that is not immediately recognizable as defective should be marked as unusable.


Mounting of the Handlebar
When mounting a new handlebar, be sure to pay attention to the following:

  • Wider handlebars significantly change the steering characteristics of your bike.
  • The changed handlebar width can lead to higher forces acting on the stem.
  • Handlebars with a changed width can hit the frame and possibly damage it.
  • You will find the handlebar width of your handlebar in the technical data of this manual.

Incorrectly mounted components

  • Improperly mounted components can cause you to fall.
  • You must read and understand the instructions and notes before you begin installation.
  • If you have any questions about the installation of these components, contact your SQlab dealer or have the handlebars installed by an experienced mechanic at your SQlab dealer.


  • For the equipment of an eMTB, eBikes and pedelecs, country-specific standards, rules and regulations must be observed.
  • In Germany, observe the “Guide for Modifications to Pedelecs” of the Zweirad-Industrie-Verband e.V. (http://www.zivzweirad.de) in cooperation with Verbund Service und Fahrrad g.e.V. (www.vsf.de) and Zedler-Institut für Fahrradtechnik und -Sicherheit GmbH (www.zedler.de).
  • SQlab saddles are not generally approved for fast pedelecs (S-pedelecs, up to 45 km/h). Please observe the country-specific requirements. In Germany, the “Guidelines for a component replacement for fast e-bikes/pedelecs with a pedal assist up to 45 km/h” must be observed in particular.

The SQlab handlebars are designed for mounting in all conventional aluminium stems with a handlebar clamp diameter of 31.8 mm in combination with 2 and 4-bolt clamps. The clamping width of the stem must not be less than 46 mm and not exceed 58 mm.
Before mounting, carefully read the user information of the stem and the add- on components to be attached to the handlebar (shift and brake levers, grips, remote levers, etc.). If there are any questions, doubts or conflicting specifications, ask your SQlab specialist dealer for advice before mounting.
For the assembly of the handlebar, in addition to basic assembly and mechanical knowledge, the tool specified by the stem (usually 4 mm or 5 mm Allen key) and an appropriate torque wrench is required.

  1. Wet the cleaned and grease-free clamping surfaces of the handlebar and stem with assembly paste and place the handlebar centrally in the stem. The assembly paste increases the desired frictional force between the components to be mounted so that the screw-tightening torque does not have to be tightened higher than necessary.
  2. Place the shift and brake levers and, if present, the remote or lockout lever in the correct order on the handlebars, but without tightening the mounting bolts.
  3. Now mount the handlebar on the stem and fix the handlebar with the stem cover, tighten the screws at this time only with a low tightening torque.
  4. Set the desired angle of the handlebar around its transverse axis. In the basic setting, the middle line of the mark in the centre of the handlebar should be centred in the stem clamp when viewed from the front.
  5. Then tighten the clamping screws according to the torque specifications of the respective stem model and the sequence for tightening the clamping cap screws.

On SQlab 8OX stems and some other stems, special design features snap the handlebars into the stem by applying slight pressure to hold them in place.
If your item is not accompanied by specifications regarding torque and tightening sequence, contact your SQlab dealer.

Mounting the Handlebar with Handlebar Sleeve
The SQlab handlebars are compatible with the SQlab Handlebar sleeve Alu 31.8 mm to 35.0 mm. With the help of this special handlebar sleeve, the SQlab handlebars can be mounted in all aluminium stems with a handlebar clamp diameter of 35.0 mm in combination with 2- and 4-bolt clamps.
The clamping width of the stem must not be less than 46 mm and not exceed 54 mm.
The assembly is similar to the first step, the assembly in conventional 31.8 mm stems. In the first step of assembly, the two halves of the handlebar sleeve must be placed centrally on the handlebar. Fix them now with the help of the enclosed O-ring. Please note that the O-ring must be pushed onto the handlebar before the other parts are mounted. Now continue with the assembly of the handlebar.
From the manufacturer’s point of view, we always advise that handlebar-stem combinations with the same clamping diameter are used.


  • The use of the SQlab Handlebar sleeve Alu 31.8 mm to 35.0 mm reduces the durability of the handlebar which is used in conjunction with this.
  • The combination of handlebar and handlebar sleeve has a Category 2 approval (ASTM F2043 – 13/DIN EN 17406).
  • The SQlab Handlebar sleeve 2.0, however, has the release according to the handlebar used up to Category 5.
  • With a clamping diameter of 35.0 mm, the strength is lower than with a clamping diameter of 31.8 mm.
  • The use of a stem with a clamping diameter of 31.8 mm in combination with a handlebar with a clamping diameter of 31.8 mm is expressly recommended here.
  • This combination ensures an ideal interaction of the components in terms of function and maximum durability.

Tightening torque outside the specified range
Risk of falling due to sudden and unmediated breakage of the handlebar due to deformation or necking.

  • Observe the specified tightening torque of the stem clamp. in the operating instructions belonging to the stem.
  • Never exceed the maximum tightening torque of 8 Nm. In the event of a conflict in the specifications of the tightening torque, please contact your specialist dealer.

Steiner Groove

  • The SQlab aluminium handlebars and SQlab carbon handlebars are characterized by their back sweep, upsweep, rise and handlebar width, that is, the geometric angles and dimensions.

  • Accordingly, the adjustment of the handlebar in the stem is important for proper ergonomics.

  • To make the basic setting, a scale is applied to the front of the handlebar centre, which should point horizontally forward.

  • Since the scale, or the crosshairs are not always easy and clear to see, we have milled a horizontal groove in the right end of the handlebars on the idea of Sascha Steiner, the editor-in-chief of the Swiss Ride Magazine. You can insert a credit card or similar into this groove to adjust the handlebar.

  • While the bike is on level ground, you then turn the handlebars to the basic setting so that the map is horizontal. This is quite easy to see by eye, but you could also check this with a corresponding spirit level app on your smartphone.

  • From there, you can turn the handlebars as desired to vary the upsweep, and backsweep and the reach slightly forward or backward.

Please note that not all SQlab 3OX and SQlab 311 FL-X handlebars are provided with the Steiner groove.

Mounting the Add-On Components
Now mount the remaining components on the handlebar (e.g. speedometer, grips and Innerbarends).
To keep the screw tightening torque low and still prevent the components from twisting, also use assembly paste when assembling the brake and shift levers, inner bar ends (if present) and the grips.

Damage to the handlebar due to incorrect clamping or burrs
Risk of accident due to sudden and unmediated breakage of the handlebar during use.

  • Never mount components that are clamped in the bends of the handlebar.
  • Do not mount bar ends or bar ends that are mounted outside the handlebar grips or inside the brake levers.
  • Do not mount any components with sharp edges
  • Do not mount any components with a tightening torque higher than 6 Nm.
  • Do not mount any components with asymmetrical clamping slots, internal clamping slots or segment clamping.

Explicitly allowed are Innerbarends made of plastic or carbon fibre, which are mounted between the brake lever and handle. For example, the SQlab Innerbarends 410/402, 411 and 411 R Carbon. Innerbarends with a clamp made of aluminium are not allowed.
After 20-50 km and at least 1/4-yearly thereafter, check the screw tightening torque of the clamping screws on the stem to the abovementioned torque and retighten them if necessary. When checking, also make sure not to exceed the maximum tightening torque.

Riding with one or more screws loose in the stem.
The handlebar can be damaged or slip so badly that it can no longer be used safely.

  • After 20-50 km and at least every 3 months thereafter, check the screw tightening torque of the clamping screws on the stem for the correct torque and retighten them if necessary.
  • When checking the tightening torque, also make sure not to exceed the maximum tightening torque.
  • Never ride with a loose handlebar.

Shortening the Width of the Handlebar

  • Note that by shortening the width of the handlebars, you affect the driving and steering characteristics of the bike.
  • Therefore, do not ride in traffic or off-road until you have become accustomed to the new feel. Only after you have become completely accustomed to the new steering characteristics can the handlebars be used as usual in the area of application assigned to them under ASTM F2043-13/ DIN EN 17406.
  • Before first use, pay attention to country-specific standards, rules and regulations that may prescribe a minimum and maximum dimension for the handlebar width.
  • Shortening the overall width to less than the minimum width listed below will void the warranty and a subsequent Crash Replacement will not be possible. The widths listed below only indicate up to which width the product can still be driven.
  • As soon as these minimum specifications fall short, the product is no longer drivable!
  • Shortening the overall width of your SQlab handlebars is possible as follows:
  • The SQlab aluminium handlebars can be shortened with a fine-toothed metal saw or a pipe cutter. After shortening, deburr the end of the handlebar.
  • The SQlab carbon handlebars can be shortened with a fine-toothed metal saw. Attention, that special model 3OX Fabio Wibmer may only be shortened to max. 780 mm. Never use a pipe cutter to shorten SQlab carbon handlebars, such as is used to shorten aluminium handlebars. The reinforced carbon braid would be damaged.

Structural modification of the handlebar
The handlebar can be damaged to such an extent that it can no longer be used safely.

  • Do not add holes to the handlebars
  • Do not carry out any additional painting

eBike Ready

  • SQlab products with the eBike Ready award are suitable for use on pedelecs in their respective ASTM F2043-13/ DIN EN 17406 category from the point of view of function, ergonomics and operational stability (under the DIN EN ISO 4210 and DIN EN ISO 15194 standards).
  • The SQlab eBike Ready award refers exclusively to use on pedelecs with a pedal assist of up to 25 km/h. The eBike Ready award can be found on the packaging, the user manual as well as the product page of their SQlab product.

Exchange of SQlab Handlebars on Pedelec25

  • E-bikes and pedelecs with CE mark and pedal assistance up to 25 km/h fall under the Machinery Directive, so components of these bikes may not be exchanged or modified without further ado. To provide clarity, the Zweirad-Industrie-Verband (ZIV) and Verbund Service and Fahrrad (VSF) associations, in cooperation with the Zedler Institute and the Bundesinnungsverband Fahrrad (BIV), have published a joint guide to component replacement on e-bikes/pedelecs 25.
  • What bicycle dealers and workshops are allowed to change on these vehicles, and for which components they must obtain the approval of the vehicle manufacturer or system provider, is regulated by the guide and can thus be classified as a recommended course of action.
  • An exchange of SQlab handlebars with the eBike Ready designation is possible based on the recommended action “Guide for component exchange on CE-marked e-bikes/pedelecs with a pedal assist of up to 25 km/h” of the Zweirad-Industrie-Verband (ZIV) and Verbund Service und
  • Fahrrad (VSF) associations in cooperation with the Zedler Institute and the Bundesinnungsverband Fahrrad (BIV).
  • On our website www.sq-lab.com/service/downloads/ you will find a document called eBike Ready in the service area under
  • Downloads. There you will find detailed information on component replacement on Pedelec25, as well as the guidelines for component replacement from the Zweirad-Industrie-Verband (ZIV), Verbund Service und Fahrrad (VSF), the Zedler Institute and the Bundesinnungsverband Fahrrad (BIV).

Exchange of SQlab Handlebars on Pedelec45
Attention: SQlab handlebars and stems are currently NOT approved for fast pedelecs, so-called S-Pedelec. A release is being worked on.

Inspection, Maintenance

  • Check the surface of the handlebars regularly at least 2 times a year, after 2000 km at the latest and especially after falls or other situations with unusually high forces attentively for possible damage.
  • Damage may be difficult to detect. Cracking and creaking noises as well as discoloration, cracks and waves in the surface of the handlebars may indicate damage due to overloading.

Riding with a damaged handlebar

  • Risk of falling due to sudden and unmediated breakage of the handlebar during use.
  • If in doubt, do not continue riding under any circumstances and ask your SQlab dealer immediately.


Clean the handlebar regularly with water and a soft cloth. For heavier soiling, a commercial washing-up liquid or detergent and warm water can also be used.

Incorrect cleaning
Damage to the handlebar

  • Do not use a high-pressure cleaner.
  • Avoid solvent-containing or aggressive cleaning agents such as acetone, nitro (thinner), cleaning gasoline or trichloroethylene.
  • Noises such as creaking, cracking, and squeaking are undesirable. The cause is usually difficult to find out. The most common source on the handlebar is the handlebar clamp.

Make sure that the clamping surfaces of the stem and the clamping area of the handlebars are free of dirt.

Technical Data



Item Nr.


Weight (g)


Rise (mm)


Back-/ Down- sweep


Width (mm)

| Max. short e to (mm)|

Clamp diameter (mm)


Handlebar diameter outside (mm)


Max. torque (Nm)



SQlab 3OX Low 12°|







12 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Med 12°|







12 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX High 12°|







12 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Low 16°|







16 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Med 16°|







16 / 4










8 Nm





Item Nr.


Weight (g)


Rise (mm)


Back-/ Down- sweep


Width (mm)

| Max. short e to (mm)|

Clamp diameter (mm)


Handlebar diameter outside (mm)


Max. torque (Nm)



SQlab 3OX High 16°|







16 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Low 12° Carbon|







12 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Med 12° Carbon|







12 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX High 12° Carbon|







12 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Low 16° Carbon| 206







16 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Med 16° Carbon|







16 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX High 16° Carbon|







16 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX ltd. Camo 9°|







9 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Fabio Wibmer|







7 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 3OX Trial Fabio Wibmer|







9 / 5










8 Nm



SQlab 311 FL-X

Carbon Low 12°








12 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 311 FL-X

Carbon Med 12°








12 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 311 FL-X

Carbon Low 16°








16 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab 311 FL-X

Carbon Med 16°








16 / 4










8 Nm



SQlab Handlebar sleeve Alu

31.8 mm auf 35.0 mm



|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |


SQlab Handlebar sleeve Alu

31.8 mm auf 35.0 mm



|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |


Liability for Material Defects and Warranty

Within the EU, the statutory liability for material defects applies to all sales contracts between private individuals and commercial sellers. From the date of purchase, buyers have 2 Yearlong warranty rights. In the event of a defect occurring or a warranty request, the SQlab partner from whom you purchased the product is your contact.
This regulation is only valid in European countries. Ask your SQlab dealer about any deviating regulations in your country.

  • The following specialist dealer warranty is in addition to the statutory liability for material defects of your contractual partner and does not affect it.
  • In addition to the statutory liability for material defects, SQlab GmbH extends the manufacturer’s warranty from 24 to 36 months for products purchased from specialist dealers in Germany.
  • In the event of a defect occurring or a warranty inquiry, your SQlab specialist dealer is the contact.
  • The following end customer warranty is in addition to the statutory liability for material defects of your contract partner and does not affect it.
  • For irreparable damage to your SQlab product, which was caused by a fall, SQlab GmbH offers you up to 10 years after the purchase date when buying a new SQlab replacement product a discount of 50%.

If you want to take advantage of the Crash Replacement, send us your defective product to the following address:

  • SQlab GmbH
  • Crash Replacement
  • Postweg 4
  • D-82024 Taufkirchen

The originally purchased product automatically becomes the property of SQlab GmbH. SQlab will contact you after a thorough examination regarding a suitable replacement product.
Claims from the end customer warranty exist only if:

  • The SQlab product has been registered in the SQlab Crash Replacement Program (can be found on our website www.sq-lab.com in the service area under Crash Replacement).
  • The purchase can be proven by receipt.
  • No modifications have been made to the product.
  • The product has been used for its intended use.
  • The defect of the handlebar is not due to improper assembly or lack of maintenance.
  • Damage due to wear and tear is excluded
  • The supplementary end-customer warranty is only valid in Germany.

Further claims of the end customer against SQlab GmbH from this warranty do not exist. In the event of a defect occurring or a warranty inquiry, SQlab GmbH is the contact person.

Wear and Storage

Bicycles and their components are subject to function-related, mostly use- dependent wear, such as abrasion on tires, grips and brake pads. Environment- related wear occurs when stored under aggressive environmental conditions, such as sunshine radiation and the influence of rain, wind and sand. Wear and tear is not covered by the warranty.

Incorrect storage of the SQlab handlebar when mounted or remounted.

  • Premature wear due to solar irradiation, temperature or humidity.
  • Avoid direct solar irradiation on the handlebars.
  •  Store the handlebar at temperatures between -10° and 40° and humidity below 60%.

Manufacturer and Distribution
SQlab GmbH, Postweg 4, 82024 Taufkirchen, Germany
Foreign Distributors, Dealers and Addresses
You can find a list of our national and international sales partners and specialist dealers on our website: http://www.sq-lab.com.


  • SQlab GmbH
  • Sports Ergonomics
  • www.sq-lab.com.
  • Postweg 4
  • 82024 Taufkirchen
  • Germany
  • Phone +49 (0)89 – 666 10 46-0
  • Fax +49 (0)89 – 666 10 46-18
  • E-Mail info@sq-lab.com.


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