Premium SUPPLY DC-45169 Hydraulic Trailer Jack and Pump Jack User Manual
- June 4, 2024
- Premium SUPPLY
Table of Contents
- Premium SUPPLY DC-45169 Hydraulic Trailer Jack and Pump Jack
- Bleed Cycle Instructions
- Troubleshooting
- References
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Premium SUPPLY DC-45169 Hydraulic Trailer Jack and Pump Jack
Hydraulic Trailer Jack and Pump on a Jack
Operator’s Manual and Installation Instructions
Premium Supply
2038 West Interstate 30 Greenville, Texas
866-934-0777 Proud members of:
This manual covers proper trailer jack hydraulic connections, wiring and
service of the Premium Supply hydraulic trailer jacks.
NOTICE: It is the end users responsibility to determine appropriate
support member strength and weld size to properly sup- port the load being
lifted. Illustrations are for instructional purposes only.
Standard Warranty
Premium Supply warrants your product to be free from defects in material
and workmanship for a period of 36 months from the original date of purchase.
If you discover a defect in a product covered by this warranty, we will repair
at our option using new or refurbished components, or if repair is not
possible, replace the item. This warranty is non-transferable.
Warranty Extension
Premium Supply warrants for 5 years from the date of purchase any of its kits
that have the three prod- ucts listed below in the circuit and have a
hydraulic fluid pre-filtration process in place. The hydraulic fluid must be
pre-filtered while being put into the hydraulic pump reservoir, with a FPH
cleanliness code of at least (ISO 4406) 15/12. All single acting circuits must
be plumbed with a hydraulic hose going to both sides of the cylinder. (Contact
Premium Supply for instructions on how to implement these quality control
- KTI power unit (single or double acting, “with a ground wire connected directly from the battery post to the electric motor of the pump”)
- Bridon Load Control Valve (on the load holding port)
- SP-2 SolarPulse Solar Panel (mounted per our recommendation)
This warranty covers defects in manufacturing discovered while using the product as recommended by the manufacturer. The warranty does not cover loss or theft, nor does coverage extend to damage caused by misuse, improper installation, abuse, unauthorized modification, improper storage conditions, or natural disasters. This warranty does not cover parts that are subject to normal wear and tear. Paint, finishes or paint preparation done by the customer are not covered under this warranty, nor is the deterioration of the paint and appearance caused by normal wear and tear. This warranty becomes void upon modifications not authorized by Premium Supply.
Limits of Liability:
Should the product fail, your sole recourse is repair or replacement, as
described in the preceding paragraphs. Premium Supply will not be liable to
you or any other party for damages resulting from failure of the product.
Damages not covered by this warranty include, but are not limited to, lost
profits, lost sav- ings, damage to other equipment, and incidental or
consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use this product.
In no event will Premium Supply be liable for more than the amount of your
purchase price, not to exceed the current list price of the product and
excluding tax, shipping and handling charges. By using this product, user
accepts all terms stated herein. Premium Supply reserves the right to make
improvements to any model or product without notice. This warranty supersedes
all previous warranties written or implied.
- This symbol is used to call attention to instructions concerning personal safety. Be sure to observe and follow these instructions. Take time to be careful! A brief description of signal words that are used in this manual follows:
- DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury.
- WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury and includes hazards that are exposed when guards are removed.
- CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. It is also used to alert against unsafe practices.
- Read all safety signs on the trailer and in this manual. Keep these signs clean and replace any lost or destroyed signs.
- Installing or operating this equipment without first understanding proper installation and operation procedures could lead to serious injury or death. Always read and fully understand all installation and operation manuals before installing or operating this equipment. Contact Premium Supply with any questions.
- Damage to brake lines during manufacturing and installation of the jack, as well as installing any hardware (bolts, nuts, brackets) in a way that they may rub and damage the brake system, could lead to brake failure. This can cause an accident that could cause injury or death. ALWAYS take adequate steps to prevent brake system damage during installation of the jack, and take precautions to ensure that installed equipment does not interfere with the brake system.
- Malfunctioning equipment could cause property damage, injury or death. ALWAYS have faulty equipment repaired before continuing use. Consult the trailer manufacturer if required.
- Welding, oxy-fuel cutting, or grinding could cause fuel to ignite. This could lead to injury or death. ALWAYS take adequate steps to avoid the ignition of fuel from fuel tanks when welding, oxy-fuel cutting, and/or grinding during installation.
- Heat from the vehicles exhaust system could cause hydraulic component failure. This could lead to a fire that can lead to injury or death. ALWAYS install equipment in locations where the exhaust system heat will not damage any components critical to operation.
Mount HPU (hydraulic power unit) in a weather tight enclosure on the trailer.
See additional instructions supplied with the Jack for mounting, electrical,
wireless remote and hydraulic fluid requirements.
- CAUTION If hydraulic components other than those supplied by Premium Supply are used in the hydraulic circuit, it is the purchaser’s responsibility to verify that the components are compatible with the components supplied by Premium Supply. Incom- patible components may cause failure of the jack that, in turn, may cause damage to the trailer, vehicle, other property, and may cause human injury or death.
- Connecting the jack to a hydraulic system with more pressure (PSI) or flow (GPM) than is recommended by Premium Supply could cause the jack to fail during operation. This could lead to damage, serious injury, or death. Be sure you have correct pressure and flow before operation. Consult Premium Supply if you are unsure about your hydraulic system.
- Adjusting the hydraulic pressure to more than the recommended setting could cause the jack to fail during operation. This could cause damage, serious injury, or death. NEVER adjust the pres- sure on your own. Consult the trailer manufacturer if the hydraulic pressure is in question. Only qualified personnel should adjust the hydraulic pressure. NEVER adjust the pressure to more than the recommended amount.
Hydraulic System Pre-Operation
The hydraulic system supplied with the trailer jack manufactured by Premium
Supply consists of components (pump, valves, reservoir, hoses, cylinder, etc.)
that are de-signed to be compatible with each other. All Premium Supply’s
trailer jack liability and warranty will be voided if determined by Premium
Supply that substituted hydraulic components were used that were incompatible
with those supplied by Premium Supply. Jack hydraulic parameters are shown on
the following pages. These are listed as a general guide to ensure proper
compatibility (when using other hydraulic components). If you have any
questions, please contact Premium Supply.
- Shorting of the electrical system could cause a fire or equipment damage that could lead to injury or death. ALWAYS disconnect the battery prior to installing, servicing, or repairing power unit. Mount battery in a weather tight enclosure on the trailer. See additional instructions supplied with the HPU for mounting, electrical and hydraulic fluid requirements.
It is highly recommended that the trailer battery be kept charged using one of the Pulsetech products shown on Premium supply website at www.premium-
- Power ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 12VDC
- Maximum Load (Static) ……………………………………………………………… 12,000 Lbs.
- Maximum Load (Raising) …………………………………………………………… 10,000 Lbs.
- Maximum Hydraulic Flow ………………………………………………………………. 2.0 GPM
- Maximum Hydraulic Pressure Extending……………………………………………3200PSI
- Maximum Hydraulic Pressure Retracting …………………………………………..1500PSI
- Required Hydraulic Oil …………………………………………………………………… 2 Quarts
- Required Oil Type …………………………………………………………………….. ATF Type F
- Maximum Jack Stroke ………………………………………………………………….. 20 inches
- Max #2 electrical wire length for acceptable voltage drop ………………………. 10 feet
Bolt to trailer frame using the mounting bracket locations as it works for
your specific application (hardware not included). (For direct weld
applications follow ASTM for welding to carbon and low alloy steel tubes. Weld
per specific application. Weld however should not exceed 1” from the top of
the outer tube nor 1” from the bottom of the outer tube.
After bolting the jack to the trailer: With supplied hardware attach the housing and unit to the jack. Up body, hose is attached to extend port “raising” on the hydraulic jack (bottom port on jack). (hose supplied) Attach another end to Port A of Jack unit. Torque both connections to 18 ft-lbs.
Down body hose is attached to retract port “lowering” on the hydraulic jack
(upper port on the jack). (hose supplied) Attached other end of the hose to
Port B of Jack unit. Torque both connections to 18 ft lbs. Using full size
deep cycle RV/Marine battery (not supplied) run battery positive (red) and
negative (black) battery cables (not supplied) to the Jack unit. Should also
install insulating boots (not supplied) after connecting battery cables to HPU
Shorting of the electrical system could cause a fire or equipment damage that could lead to injury or death. ALWAYS disconnect the battery prior to installing, servicing, or repairing the power unit. Mount battery in a weather tight enclosure on the trailer. See additional instructions supplied with the Jack for additional electrical and hydraulic fluid requirements. See the top of the reservoir for instruction to ensure optimum performance and system life. Do not use biodegradable hydraulic fluid. Do not mix hydraulic fluids.
Battery Cables
To minimize voltage drop, increase the gauge size of the battery cables as the
length of the positive and ground cables increase. Low voltage will cause the
motor to run higher amps causing damage to other electrical components
Bleed Cycle Instructions
- Remove the breather cap to view the hydraulic fluid while operating the hydraulic power unit
- Press the up button on the remote pendant and run hydraulic jack or hoist cylinder 1/3 of the way up. You may see fluid returning into the reservoir. If you see air pockets or aeration of the fluid, stop and allow the fluid to settle and continue to raise 1/3 way up.
- Once 1/3 of the way up, press the down button to return fully seated position of the hydraulic jack or hoist cylinder.
- Make sure the fluid level does not drop below the half full level of the reservoir while running the power unit
- Press the up button again on the remote pendant and run hydraulic jack or hoist cylinder 2/3 of the way up. Once 2/3 of the way up is reached, press down button on the remote pendant to a fully seated position again.
- Again make sure the fluid level doesn’t drop below the half full level of the reservoir
- Press the up button again on the remote pendant and run hydraulic jack or hoist cylinder to full stroke
- While running and if you see any air pockets or aeration of the fluid in the reservoir, stop and let the fluid settle, then continue to raise the hydraulic jack or the hoist cylinder
- You may have to repeat this process more than once to completely purge all the air out of the system
15K Hydraulic Jack Operation and Maintenance
Before operating the hydraulic jack, make sure the trailer is on a flat/even surface. Make sure that surface is capable of holding the weight of the trailer. Do not lubricate tubes on jacks. It can attract dirt which could affect the operation of the jack. After all, steps are completed, using supplied hardware attach the front metal panel over Jack housing.
If the jack is not extending or retracting check the following:
- Make sure all electrical connections are secure and battery is fully charged and grounded.
- Make sure hydraulic fluid is flowing from the Jack unit and through the lines. Check to make sure there are no leaks or pinch points in the hoses and all hydraulic connections are secure.
- If jack retracts after leveled to desired location, check fluid level in the Jack unit and all connections are secure.
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