Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer Instruction Manual

June 14, 2024

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer Instruction Manual

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer Instruction


Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a Greenstar Pro Juicer – the next generation of the revolutionary Greenstar Juicers. With the Greenstar, you can juice a wider variety of fruits and vegetables – from carrots and apples, to wheatgrass and pine needles, all without having to stop and change any parts! You can also use your Greenstar Juicer to make other delicious foods, such as, baby foods, breadsticks, nut butters, pâtés, frozen fruit sorbets, and much more!

The Greenstar Pro Juicer unleashes the very best nutrition that nature has to offer, utilizing advanced all stainless-steel twin gears to get the most out of all your fruits and vegetables. The unique shape of Greenstar’s twin gears extracts more juice and performs better than other twin gear juicers. The new twin gears are coupled with other design improvements that make Greenstar easier to set up, easier to use, and easier to clean than ever before.

The all stainless-steel twin gears are an advanced impeller press system that rotates at a low 110 rpm and generates minimal heat while juicing. The Greenstar also has bioceramic and magnetic technology embedded in the twin gears that produce fresher juice that can be stored longer, with minimal loss of the precious enzyme and vitamin content in the juice. The bioceramic and magnetic technology contained within the Greenstar’s twin gears helps stabilize your fresh juices, allowing for longer storage times with less enzyme and nutrient loss.

We recommend that you wash all of the parts with warm water and a mild detergent before you start using your Greenstar Pro Juicer. Once all parts are cleaned, you are ready to begin juicing with your Greenstar Pro Juicer. We hope you enjoy your Greenstar experience as you embark on your journey to better nutrition and better health.

Please take the time to read through the entire operation manual for proper use and care of the machine. Following the instructions in this manual will ensure that your Greenstar Pro Juicer operates properly for many years to come.

If you have any questions, comments, or need any tips, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-888-254-7336 or via email at [email protected]. We are always happy to help.
We graciously ask that you rate the Tribest Greenstar Pro Juicer at We appre- ciate your feedback.


When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following:

  1. Read all instructions carefully before operating.

  2. To protect against risk of electric shock, do not put the Main Body in water or any other liquid.

  3. Only use an approved power cord included with your machine or supplied by the manufacturer.

  4. Only plug the machine into an electrical outlet that has a compatible electricity rating as your machine. Failure to do so will damage the motor and void the warranty.

  5. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used near children.

  6. Unplug the appliance from the electrical outlet when not in use, before assembling or disassembling and before cleaning.

  7. Always make sure that all juicing parts are properly fastened before the motor is turned on.

  8. While the machine is in operation:
    • Do not touch moving parts.
    • Do not attempt to disassemble it.

  9. NEVER put your fingers or other foreign objects such as spoons, knives, or any other kitchen utensils into the feeding chute or any juicer openings while it is in operation. If food becomes lodged in the feeding chute, use one of the enclosed tampers to push it down. If this does not work, turn the motor off, unplug the machine, and disassemble the juicer to remove the remaining food.

  10. Be sure to turn the switch to the “OFF” position after each use. Make sure the motor stops completely and unplug the machine before disassembling.

  11. Do not disassemble any parts other than those necessary for normal operation or cleaning of your juicer (such as housing, twin gears, screen). Opening the Main Body will void your warranty.

  12. Do not operate your Greenstar Pro and have it serviced by a certified technician for examination and possible repair to prevent electrical shock or injury if:
    • It has a damaged cord or plug
    • It malfunctions
    • It is dropped or is damaged in any manner

  13. Using attachments or accessories not recommended by the manufacturer may cause fire, electrical shock, or injury.

  14. Your Greenstar Pro must be electrically grounded for proper and safe operation. Use only the power cord and plug provided and plug into a properly grounded electrical outlet. Do not attempt to force the plug into your wall socket as this may cause fire, electrical shock, or injury.

  15. Do not use the power cord as a handle and never yank or pull on the cord to remove the plug from the electrical outlet.

  16. Do not let the cord hang over the edge of a table or counter or come in contact with any hot surfaces such as the stove.

  17. For indoor household use only.

  18. Please refer to “When You Need Service” in case your juicer is functioning abnormally.

  19. Do not use the appliance for other than its intended use.




  • Very important! When combining the Twin Gears for assembly, make sure to align the locating dots marked on the surface of the gears.

  • 10 minutes of rest after 30 minutes of operation!
    When operating your Greenstar Pro Juicer continuously, stop operation for 10 minutes after each 30 minutes of continuous use, and then resume operation.

  • Always put the Safety Hood over the feeding chute before using. The machine will not operate without the Safety Hood in place.


  • Do not lift your Greenstar Pro Juicer with wet hands because it is heavy and it may accidentally slip from your grip.
  • Do not assemble or disassemble while the power cord is plugged into an outlet.
  • Do not put fingers or hands into the Feeding Chute. Always use the Tamper.
  • Do not disconnect the power plug from the electrical outlet with wet hands.
  • Do not keep the juicer where children can reach it.
  • Do not operate Greenstar Pro Juicer on an unstable surface.
  • Do not put any articles such as knives, spoons, or forks into the Feeding Chute.
  • Do not forcibly operate the juicer or overload the Feeding Chute.



Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - GREENSTAR PRO

Standard Parts
Make sure to unpack your Greenstar Pro and make sure that all parts are there. If any parts are missing, please call your nearest authorized service center immediately. It’s a good idea to disassemble and assemble the machine a few times to familiarize yourself with the machine before juicing.

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - Standard

  1. Juicing Knob

  2. Breadstick Knob

  3. Soft Fruit Knob
    (Optional Accessory)

  4. Fine Screen

  5. Coarse Screen

  6. Homogenizing Screen
    (Open Screen)

  7. Breadstick Screen
    (Closed Screen)

  8. Jumbo Twin Gear Set
    8a. Drive Gear
    8b. Free Wheel Gear

  9. Seal Protective Cap

  10. Twin Gear Housing

  11. Safety Tray Lid

  12. Outlet Casing

  13. Drip Tray

  14. Juice Pitcher

  15. Plastic Tamper

  16. Wooden Tamper

  17. Strainer

  18. Scraper Set

  19. Cleaning Brush

  20. Power Cord

  21. Pasta Maker Set
    (Optional Accessory)
    21a. Pasta Screen
    21b. Pasta Screw
    21c. Pasta Guide

  22. Safety Hood

  23. Main Body


A. Assembly
IMPORTANT : Make sure your Greenstar Pro is unplugged from the electrical outlet before assembly.

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer -

B. Disassembly

IMPORTANT: Make sure your juicer is switched off before disassembly

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer -

C. Using the Screens

A few screens are provided to increase the versatility of your Greenstar Pro.

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - Using the

D. Using the Knobs

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - Using the

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - Using the Knobs

E. Using the Tampers

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - Using the

F. Using the Drip Tray
Simply slide the narrow end of the drip tray between the two feet of the Greenstar Pro and place the juice pitcher on top of the drip tray to prevent messy drips from staining your counter.

G. Using the Scraper Set
Attach the scraper attachment to the handle and use the tool to scrape off the pulp residue on the juicing screen. Remove the scraper attachment and replace it with the cleaning brush attachment to brush away the remaining pulp residue. Watch the Scraper Set tutorial here:


A. Making Juices

  1. Assemble your Greenstar Pro with the Fine Screen or Coarse Screen and the Juicing Knob.
  2. Place the Drip Tray on the counter underneath the Juice Outlet and put the Juice Pitcher on top of the Drip Tray.
  3. Position a large bowl or plastic bag under the Pulp Outlet to catch the ejected pulp.
  4. Prepare your vegetables and fruits for juicing and juice them according to the following instructions:
  • Note : it is normal for a few drops of juice to come out of the pulp outlet when first starting juicing.
    As you continue juicing, only pulp will come out of the pulp outlet.

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - Making

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - Making Juices

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - USING YOUR

B. Homogenizing: Making Pâtés and Basic Food Processing
Follow these instructions when you are making delicious pâtés or mock meats, or if you are grinding soaked nuts, beans, or when making other recipes where basic food processing is required. The food will be processed by the Twin Gears and will be ejected through the juice outlet underneath.

  1. Assemble your Greenstar Pro with the Homogenizing Screen (rectangular hole facing downward) and the Juicing Knob.
  2. Place the Juice Pitcher or other container to catch the processed food underneath the Juice Outlet.
  3. Position a large bowl or plastic bag under the Pulp Outlet to catch any food that might come out of the Pulp Outlet.
  4. Prepare your ingredients and feed them into the feeding chute one small handful at a time. Press down with the desired tamper.

C. Making Raw Breadsticks, Mochi, Frozen Fruit Sorbets, etc.
Follow these instructions when you are making delicious raw breadsticks made from soaked nuts and grains, mochi from sticky rice, sorbets from frozen fruits, or other recipes where a smoother consistency is required. These instructions utilize the full food processing power of Greenstar Pro.
The processed food will be ejected in a cylindrical shape through the pulp outlet on the front of the machine.

  1. Assemble your Greenstar Pro with the Breadstick Screen and the Breadstick Knob.
  2. Position a large bowl under the Pulp Outlet to catch the processed food.
  3. Prepare your ingredients and feed them into the feeding chute one small handful at a time. Press down with the desired tamper.
    a. When making raw breadsticks, use a knife to cut the breadsticks to the desired length as it is coming out of the pulp outlet. Dehydrate breadsticks for a delightful crunch.
    b. When making nut butters, if a smoother consistency is required, try adding some of the nut’s oils, available at health food stores.

D. Making Pasta (with the optional accessory)
How to assemble the Pasta Maker Set onto your machine.


  1. Attach the Twin Gear Housing to the juicer body
  2. Remove the Jumbo Twin Gears from the machine and insert the Pasta Screw onto the motor drive shaft (left side as you are looking at the front of the body.)
  3. Put the Pasta Guide over the Pasta Screw, making sure the long side of the Pasta Guide faces the left side.
  4. Select the desired pasta setting from the two shapes provided on the Pasta Screen and fit it onto the Pasta Guide.
  5. Close each latch over the ears of the Pasta Screen and snap the latches shut by pushing back on the metal tabs.
  6. The machine is now ready to make pasta.
    Note : Be sure the dough is not too moist.
    Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - Making Pasta
\(with the optional accessory\)


Keeping your Greenstar Pro clean is extremely important for both your health and the peak per- formance of the machine. We recommend cleaning the juicer immediately after each use, before food particles have a chance to dry. Since Greenstar Pro extracts minerals, such as calcium, from the produce so well, we recommend cleaning all of the juicing parts immediately after use to prevent troublesome mineral build-up.

Cleaning Greenstar Pro

  1. Switch off your Greenstar Pro and unplug it from the electrical outlet. Detach the power cord from the rear of the machine.
  2. Disassemble the machine according to the instructions on page 11 and immerse the juicing components in warm water.
  3. Using the included cleaning brushes, rinse and scrub the juicing components under warm running water and a mild detergent.
  4. Use the cleaning brush to remove any remaining bits of pulp that remain on the Twin Gears or on the housings.
  5. If using the Fine Screen, brush away from the corners and remove any pulp buildup.
  6. Rinse all soapy water from the components; dry them thoroughly before they are reassembled.
    All parts, expect the Safety Hood are dishwasher safe.
    • NEVER allow water to enter the Main Body of the machine.
    • NEVER use harsh chemicals, such as bleach, to remove food stains from the juicer.
    • NEVER drop any of the components, particularly the Twin Gears. Our warranty does not cover accidental damage.

Cleaning the Screen: Attach the scraper attachment to the handle and use the tool to scrape off the pulp residue on the juicing screen. Remove the scraper attachment and replace it with the cleaning brush attachment to brush away the remaining pulp residue. For pulp that is embedded firmly in the holes of the screen, try brushing away as much pulp as possible, soaking the screen for a couple of hours in water, and then brush the screen again.

Cleaning the Main Body: Turn off and unplug the machine. To clean the Main Body of your juicer, position the front two legs over the edge of the sink. With either the sink top sprayer, a spray bottle filled with water, or an empty detergent bottle filled with water and equipped with its squirt-top, spray water directly onto the front plate of the juicer where the drive shaft, mounting peg and free wheel gear seats to remove pulp residue. Wipe any other exterior surfaces with a damp cloth. DO NOT SUBMERGE THE MAIN BODY INTO WATER AT ANY TIME.

Multiple Juicing Sessions: If you want to juice throughout the day in multiple sessions without disassembling the machine, completely remove the Juicing Knob, place a large bowl under both the Juice Outlet and the Pulp Discharge Outlet, and pour about 16 oz. of water through the feeding chute while the machine is running, before and after each juicing session. Make sure to thoroughly clean the juicer after the last juicing session of the day.

Stains : Colored stains on parts of a well-used juicer and may be difficult to remove. Many people leave the colored stains as a ‘badge of honor.’ But if you would like to try to remove the color stains, try using a 25%-50% white vinegar/water solution and soak the parts overnight and then scrub with the cleaning brush. This may be repeated if necessary. Juicing green honeydew or cantaloupe melons may also lighten stains.

Calcium and Mineral Deposits on the Twin Gears: After using the machine for some time, you may notice a calcium or mineral deposit on the surfaces of the Twin Gears. To remove these deposits from your Twin Gears try one of the following methods:

  • After juicing carrots, feed one tablespoon of carrot pulp into the feeding chute with two teaspoons of granulated sugar. Alternate pulp and sugar several times and then run the machine. Disassemble and thoroughly clean all of the juicing parts.
  • Mix a solution of 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 2 cups (16 oz.) of lukewarm water. Soak the parts in the solution overnight to loosen the mineral deposits and to remove stains. Wash with soap and water and use a hard bristled brush to remove mineral deposits. Wipe with cloth to dry.
  • Run soaked almonds through the machine to remove mineral deposits from the tips of the Twin Gears.
  • Soak the affected parts in a pure vinegar bath overnight. This loosens the scaling and much of it can be brushed off. Repeat as necessary.

Other Helpful Hints

  • Use the narrow, pointed end of the cleaning brush to push food out through the pulp outlet.
  • Dried fruits and nuts can be very sticky on the inside surfaces of the juicer. To remove the residue more easily run a couple of stalks of celery through before disassembling the machine.


NOISES : Even though the Greenstar Pro Juicer is very quiet, some noises are normal during operation. If you are unsure whether the noises you are hearing are normal:

  1. Squeaking: Your Greenstar Pro may make a squeaking noise during operation. To check if this is normal, assemble the machine without the Twin Gears and screen and switch it on. If you hear squeaking, your drive shaft may need more lubrication. You may continue to use the machine even if you hear this squeaking noise. If you would like instructions on lubricating the drive shaft, please contact your nearest service center.
  2. Fully assemble your juicer and turn it on without adding any produce. You will hear the Twin Gear sound. You may hear a repetitive thumping sound, which is normal. The Twin Gears may have minor variations and the thumping sound is considered normal. This minor variation will not affect the function and will not damage any parts.
  3. While you are juicing you may hear a squeaking or chirping sound that is also considered to be normal.

MOVEMENTS : A great deal of pressure is built up in the juicing chamber while in operation. In order to alleviate some of this pressure, Greenstar Pro is designed to wiggle and flex while juicing to prevent damage to other parts of the machine. This flexing is normal and will not cause damage to your machine.

Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer -

WARNING : Never stick a knife, spoon, or other foreign object down the feeding chute while the machine is in operation!


In the unlikely event that you require service on your Tribest® Greenstar Pro Juicer, or if it fails to function properly within the warranty period during normal household operation, please contact the Tribest Warranty Service Center.

For all service inquiries, please contact the Warranty Service Center for a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number and proper routing instructions.

If you need service:

  1. Call the Warranty Service Center (888-254-7336) to get a Return Merchandise Authorization
    (RMA) number to send your Tribest Greenstar Pro to the service center. Returns will NOT be accepted without an RMA number clearly written on the box.

  2. Pack your Tribest Greenstar Pro securely in the original shipping box. Make sure all affected parts are enclosed.

  3. Fill out the service request form, detach it and enclose it in the shipping box.

  4. Seal the shipping box securely with packing tape.

  5. Address the box to the warranty service center. Be sure to put your return address on the outside of the package.

  6. It is always wise to insure the package against possible damages or loss in transit. Ship prepaid.



Tribest GS-P502 Greenstar Jumbo Slow Masticating Juicer - PRODUCT


Tribest Corporation
1143 N. Patt St., Anaheim, CA 92801
toll free: 888-254-7336 | tel: 714-879-7150 | [email protected]

v20161115/ This version of the manual supersedes all previous versions of the manual / © 2016 Tribest Corporation

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