DRAPER 92433 Auto and Manual Ranging Digital Multimeter Instructions

June 13, 2024

DRAPER 92433 Auto and Manual Ranging Digital Multimeter

DRAPER 92433 Auto and Manual Ranging Digital

Important Information

IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions carefully to ensure the safe and effective use of this product and save these instructions for future reference. This manual has been compiled by Draper Tools and is an integrated part of the product with which it is enclosed and should be kept with it for future references.

This manual describes the purpose for which the product has been designed and contains all the necessary information to ensure its correct and safe use. We recommend that this manual is read before any operation or, before performing
any kind of adjustment to the product and prior to any maintenance tasks. By following all the general safety instructions contained in this manual, it will ensure both product and operator safety, together with longer life of the product itself.

All photographs and drawings in this manual are supplied by Draper Tools to help illustrate the operation of the product. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of information contained in this manual, the Draper Tools policy of continuous improvement determines the right to make modifications without prior warning.


Stock no. 92433
Part no. DMM404


Date first published November 2019
First revision February 2023

As our user manuals are continually updated, users should make sure that they use the very latest version.

Downloads are available from: http://www.drapertools.com/manuals

WEBSITE: drapertools.com
PRODUCT HELPLINE: +44 (0) 23 8049 4344
GENERAL FAX: +44 (0) 23 8026 078


WARNING! Information that draws attention to the risk of injury or death.

CAUTION! Information that draws attention to the risk of damage to the product or surroundings.


Copyright© Draper Tools Limited.
Permission is granted to reproduce this publication for personal & educational use only. Commercial copying, redistribution, hiring or lending is prohibited. No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without written permission from Draper Tools Limited.

In all cases this copyright notice must remain intact.


Draper tools have been carefully tested and inspected before shipment and are guaranteed to be free from defective materials and workmanship.
Should the tool develop a fault, please return the complete tool to your nearest distributor or contact Draper Tools Limited, Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO531YF. England. Telephone Sales Desk: (023) 8049 4333 or Product Help Line (023) 8049 4344.

A proof of purchase must be provided with the tool.

If upon inspection it is found that the fault occurring is due to defective materials or workmanship, repairs will be carried out free of charge. This warranty period covering labour is 12 months from the date of purchase except where tools are hired out when the warranty period is 90 days from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to any consumable parts, any type of battery or normal wear and tear, nor does it cover any damage caused by misuse, careless or unsafe handling, alterations, accidents, or repairs attempted or made by any personnel other than the authorised Draper warranty repair agent.

Note : If the tool is found not to be within the terms of warranty, repairs and carriage charges will be quoted and made accordingly.

This warranty applies in lieu of any other warranty expressed or implied and variations of its terms are not authorised.
Your Draper warranty is not effective unless you can produce upon request a dated receipt or invoice to verify your proof of purchase within the warranty period.
Please note that this warranty is an additional benefit and does not affect your statutory rights.

Draper Tools Limited.


Display mode: liquid crystal display (LCD).
Maximum display: 5999, 3 5/6 automatic polarity display and unit display.
Sampling rate: approx 3 times per second.
Auto power off time: 15 mins with no signal.
Over range display: display “OL”.
Low battery display: “ ” symbol appears.
Work environment: 18 – 28 °c
Storage condition: – 10 – 50 °C
Battery: 6F22 9V battery.
Size: 190mmx90mmx50mm (length x width x height).
Weight : about 380g (include battery).

DC Voltage

Range Accuracy Resolution
600mV ± (0.5% of rdg + 3 digits) 0.1mV
6V 1mV
60V 0.01mV
600V ± (0.8% of rdg + 5 digits) 0.1mV
1000V 1V

Input impedance: 10MΩ
Overload protection:
1000 V DC or 750V AC peak.

AC Voltage

Range Accuracy Resolution
600mV ± ( 1.2% rdg + 5 digits) 0.1mV
6V ± (0.8% rdg + 3 digits) 0.001mV
60V 0.01mV
600V ± ( 1.0% rdg + 1 O digits) 0.1mV
750V 1V

Input impedance: 10 MΩ
Overload protection: 1 OOOV DC or 750V AC peak.
Frequency response: 40 – 1000Hz.
Display: True RMS (sine wave RMS calibration)

DC Current

Range Accuracy Resolution
60uA ± (0.8% rdg + 3 digits) 0.01µA
600uA 0.1µA
6000uA 1µA
60mA ± (0.8% rdg + 3 digits) 0.01mA
600mA 0.1mA
20A ± (2.0% rdg + 1O digits) 0.01A

Maximum input current: mA range: 600mA DC or AC rms.
20A range: 20A DC or AC rms.

AC Current

Range Accuracy Resolution
60uA ± (1.0% rdg + 3 digits) 0.01µA
600uA 0.1µA
6000uA 1µA
60mA ± (1.0% rdg + 3 digits) 0.01mA
600mA 0.1mA
20A ± (2.5 % rdg + 10 digits) 0.01A

Maximum input current: mA: 600mA DC or AC rms. 20A range: 20A DC or AC rms.
Frequency response: 40 ~ 1000 Hz.
Display: True RMS (sine wave RMS calibration)


Range Accuracy Resolution
600Ω ±(0.8% rdg + 3 digits) 0.1Ω
6kΩ 0.001kΩ
60kΩ 0.01kΩ
600kΩ 0.1kΩ
6MΩ ± (1.2% rdg + 3 digits) 0.001MΩ
60MΩ 0.01MkΩ

Open circuit voltage: about 1.0V.
Overload protection: 250V DC or AC peak.


Range Display Test condition
Positive voltage Positive DC current about 1.0mA, Reverse voltage 3.0V.

Overload protection: 250V DC current or AC current peak value.


Range Accuracy Resolution
9.999nF ±(4.0% rdg+ 3 digit) 0.001nF
99.99nF 0.01nF
999.9nF 0.1nF
9.999µF 0.001µF
99.99µF 0.01µF
999.9µF 0.1µF
9.999mF ±(5.0% rdg + 3 digit) 0.001mF
99.99mF Not calibrated 0.01mF

Overload protection: 250V DC current or AC current peak value.


Range Accuracy Resolution
9.999Hz ±(1.0% rdg + 3 digit) 0.001Hz
99.99Hz 0.01Hz
999.9Hz 0.1Hz
9.999kHz 0.001kHz
99.99kHz 0.01kHz
999.9kHz 0.1kHz
9.999MHz 0.001MHz

Input voltage range: 200mV ~ 10V AC.
Overload protection: 250V DC or AC peak.

Duty cycle

Range Accuracy Resolution
0.1% – 99.9% ± 3.0% 0.1%


Range Description Test condition
hFE hFE approximation (0 ~ 1000) Base current approx. 10uA; Vee approx .


Temperature Measurement

Range Accuracy Resolution
-20°C-300°C ±(1.0%+4d) 1°c
301°c-1000°c ±(1.9%+5d) 1°c
-4°F-600°F ±(1.2%+6d) 1°F
601°F-1832°F ±(1.9%+6d) 1°F

Overload protection: 250V DC or AC peak.


Care must still be taken when handling, dropping this machine will have an effect on the accuracy.

The environment will have a negative result on its operation if you are not careful. If the air is damp, components will rust. If the machine is unprotected from dust and debris; components will become clogged.



This instrument complies with IEC 1010 (International Electrotechnical Commission promulgated safety standards). Design and production using the pollution level 2 safety requirements.


To avoid electrical shock or personal injury.
Please read the safety information and “warnings and precautions” before use.

Warning: When measuring voltage above 30V, current above 10ma, AC power with an inductive load. Use caution not to touch exposed contacts due to the risk of electric shock, only use approved probes or clamps.

  1. Before measuring, check whether the measurement function switch is in the correct position, check whether the test probe is connected correctly to avoid electric shock.
  2. The meter is only to be used in conjunction with the supplied test leads to comply with safety standards. If the test leads are broken or damaged, replace the test leads of the same type or the same electrical specifications.
  3. Do not use an unapproved fuse to replace the fuse inside the meter. Only replace with the same model or the same specifications of the fuse. Before changing, remove the test leads to ensure that there is no signal input.
  4. Do not use unapproved batteries to replace the battery inside the meter. Replace only with the same model or the same electrical specifications of the battery. Before changing, remove the test leads to ensure that there is no signal input.
  5. During electrical measurements, the body must not be directly in contact with the earth, use insulating materials to keep your body insulated from the earth.
  6. Do not store or use in high temperature, high humidity, flammable, explosive and strong magnetic field environments.
  7. Measurements exceeding the limit values of the instrument may damage the instrument and endanger the safety of the operator.
  8. Do not attempt to calibrate or service the instrument.
  9. When the LCD shows “ “, please replace the battery.
  10. Do not insert the test leads to be inserted into the current terminals to measure the voltage!


  1. Torch.
  2. NCV and buzzer indicator.
  3. LCD screen.
  4. Transistor test socket.
  5. Function selection button (SEL).
  6. Function range switch.
  7. Probe sockets.
  8. Reading hold/backlight button ( ).
  9. Non-contact voltage sensing area.

For reading hold or backlight control.

Measuring functions switch. Switch between diode and buzzer for diode and buzzer tests; switch between Celsius and fahrenheit for temperature tests; switch between frequency and duty cycle measurement in HZ% tests. In the AC voltage test can also switch to the measurement frequency state.


Power OFF.


Voltage, resistance, frequency, duty ratio, capacitance, diode, circuit on/off, and temperature input terminals.


Voltage, resistance, frequency, duty ratio, capacitance, diode, circuit on/off and temperature and other public terminals.


Used to select function and measuring range.

Symbol Description
AUTO Automatic Measuring range mode
DC DC current
AC AC current
Diode, Continuity Buzzer on/off
NCV Non-contact AC voltage detect
hFE Transistor test status
Low Battery Display
oc, OF Temperature measurement status
H Data Hold
% Percentage (duty ratio)
mV,V Millivolt, volt (voltage)
A Ampere (current)
nF, 1,1F, mF NaFala, micro-Farah, millifarad
Ω, kΩ, Ohm, kilo-ohm, mega-ohm (resistance)
Hz, kHz, MHZ Hertz, kilohertz, mega hertz (frequency)



Carefully remove the product from the packaging and examine it for any sign of damage caused during shipping. Lay the contents out and check them. If any part is damaged or missing, do not attempt to use the tool and contact the Draper Helpline immediately (see back page for details).
Retain the packaging material at least during the guarantee period: in case the machine needs to be returned for repair.
Warning! Some of the packaging materials used may be harmful to children, keep them out of reach from children.
Disposed of any packaging correctly and according to local regulations.


As well as the product; there are several parts not fitted or attached to it.

10. Test probe
11. Temperature probe
12. Storage case
13. Magnetic hang strap




If the meter is not used for approx. 15 minutes the meter will automatically switch off. The buzzer will sound approx. 1 minute before. To restart from automatic shut down press the SEL button.


DC voltage has five ranges, 600.0mV, 6.000V, 60.00V, 600.0V, 1000V.
AC voltage has four ranges, 6.000V, 60.00V, 600.0V, 750V.

  1. Set the switch to the V⎓DC voltage position, or the V~ AC voltage position.
  2. Connect the red and black test leads to the COM and input jacks.
  3. Connect the measuring ends of the test pens to the voltage source.
  4. The LCD screen will display the voltage connected the red test lead.
    Do not connect to voltages outside of 1 000V – 750V DC or AC for risk of electric shock or damage to the meter. If the meter detects voltages outside of this range it will issue a “beep” alarm sound and display Lt. warning symbol.

The meter’s AC and DC current range is, 60uA, 600uA, 6000uA, 60mA, 600mA, 20A.

  1. Connect the black test lead into the “COM” probe socket. If the measured current is less than 600mA connect the red test lead to the test lead to the uAmA probe socket. If the current is higher than 600mA connect the red test lead to the 20A probe socket.

  2. Disconnect the circuit under test. Connect the black lead to the disconnected (lower voltage) end of the test circuit, and the red test lead to the other end of the disconnected circuit {higher voltage).

  3. Connect the circuit power, then read the displayed readings on the LCD screen. If the display shows “OL”, this means that the input exceeds the selected range and the rotary switch should be placed in a higher range.
    Do not attempt to make current measurements on the circuit when the voltage between the open circuit voltage and the cround exceeds 250V. If the fuse is blown during measurement, it may damage the meter or yourself.
    To avoid damage to the meter or the device under test, check the fuse of the meter before making current measurements. When measuring, use the correct input sockets, function settings and measuring range. When the test pen is inserted in the current input socket, do not connect the other end of the test pen to any circuit in parallel.



This meters resistance ranges: 600.0Ω, 6.000kΩ, 60.00kΩ, 600.0kΩ, 6.000MΩ, 60.00MΩ

  1. Connect the black test lead to the COM probe socket and the red to probe socket.
  2. Set the measurement function range switch to the DC voltage function.
  3. Note: If “OL” is displayed on the display to indicate that the current range has been exceeded, select a higher range to complete.
    When measuring the resistance, ensure all the power is switched off, and all the capacitors should be fully discharged. In the high-resistance range, it takes a few seconds for a stable reading. This is normal for high-resistance measurements.
    The measured resistance on the circuit will usually differ from the resistance rating.
  1. Connect the black test lead to the “COM” probe socket and the red to probe socket. Turn the switch to the diode selection and press SEL button to switch to * status.
  2. Connect the red test pen to the diode anode and the black to the diode cathode for testing.
  3. The meter shows the approximate forward voltage drop of the diode under test. If the polarity of the test leads is reversed, the meter will display “OL”.
    In the circuit, the normal diode should produce a forward voltage drop of 0.5V to 0.8V; however, the reverse bias reading will depend on the change in the resistance of the other channels between the two test leads.
    When checking the diode, switch off all power and all capacitors should be fully discharged.
  1. Connect the black test lead to the “COM” probe socket and the red to ) probe socket. Turn the switch to the buzzer selection and press SEL button to switch to  status.
  2. Connect the two test pens to the resistance of the circuit under test. If the resistance of the circuit under test is less than 50Ω, the buzzer inside the meter may sound. Different indicator lights will illuminate dependant on resistance detected. 40 – 60Ω only the two rightmost lights will illuminate, less than 30Ω the four rightmost lights, and less than 5Ω all six will light.
    If the test leads are open or the measured line resistance is greater than 600Ω the display will show “OL”.
  1. Connect the black test lead to the “COM” probe socket and the red to probe socket.
  2. Set the the rotary switch to capacitance setting.
  3. After the capacitor is discharged, connect the test pens to the two ends of the capacitor under test. The measured capacitance value is displayed on screen.
  4. If “OL” is displayed, the measured capacitance value has exceeded the current range or the capacitor is short-circuited.
    When measuring the capacitance, all the power must be disconnected from the circuit under test and all the capacitors should be fully discharged. When measuring large capacitance, it may take time before a stable reading is displayed.
    When measuring polar capacitor, pay attention to the corresponding polarity to avoid damaging the instrument.


  1. Connect the black test lead to the “COM” probe socket and the red to probe socket.
  2. It is possible to carry out these measurements from both the AC voltage setting and the Hz% setting.
  3. In either mode after testing press the SEL key to enter the duty measurement mode, press again to return to the frequency measurement mode.
    The measurement range frequency is 1 0Hz – 10MHz. If the measured frequency is less than 10Hz, the LCD will display h “000.0”. It is possible to measure frequency above 10 MHz but the accuracy is not guaranteed.
  1. Turn the switch to the temperature setting (°C/°F) and press SEL to switch between celcius and fahrenheit.
  2.  Insert the temperature probe black connection into the “COM” and red into the connection and hold the test end close to the surface of the measured object.
  3.  Read the current measurement from the display.



Before attempting to open the battery cover or case, make sure that the test leads have been disconnected from the meter and that the unit is switched off.

  1. If “ “appears on the LCD display, it indicates that the battery should be replaced.
  2. Loosen the screw fixing the battery cover and remove it.
  3. Replace the used battery with a new one.
  4. Refit the battery cover.


Full in compliance with safety standards can be guaranteed only if used with test leads supplied. If necessary, they must be replaced with the same model or same electric ratings.
Electric ratings of the test leads: 1000 V 1 0A.


Do not dispose of Waste Electrical  & Electronic Equipment in with domestic rubbish
| For indoor use.
Do not expose to rain.
| Class II construction
(Double insulated)
| European conformity
| UK Conformity Assessed
| Earth
| Back light
| Warning!
Read instruction manuals before operating and servicing this equipment.
| Diode test
Symbol| Temperature
| Capacitance
| Frequency
| Fuse
| Attention.
| High voltage/ current! Danger
| Voltage AC
| Voltage DC
| Current DC
| Current AC
| Resistance in Ohms
| Continuity test buzzer
| Data hold / Screen lock
| Auto power off
| Low battery display


  • At the end of the machine’s working life, or when it can no longer be repaired, ensure that it is disposed of according to national regulations.
  • Contact your local authority for details of collection schemes in your area.

In all circumstances:

  • Do not dispose of power tools with domestic waste.

  • Do not incinerate.

  • Do not abandon in the environment.

  • Do not dispose of WEEE* as unsorted municipal waste.

  • Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment.

Customer Support


Draper Tools Limited, Hursley Road,
Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire. SO53 1YF. UK.

Delta International BV, Oude Graaf 8, 6002 NL,
Weert, Netherlands

Helpline: +44 (0) 23 8049 4344
Sales Desk: +44 (0) 23 8049 4333
Internet: www.drapertools.com
E-mail: sales@drapertools.com
General Enquiries: (023) 8026 6355
Service/Warranty Repair Agent: For after sales servicing or warranty repairs, please contact the Draper Tools Helpline for details of an agent in your local area.

©Published by Draper Tools Limited.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission in writing from Draper Tools Ltd.


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