EVAL-L99H02QF STMicroelectronics User Manual
- June 4, 2024
- ST
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EVAL-L99H02QF STMicroelectronics
User Manual
The EVAL-L99H02QF is an evaluation board designed to control 4 external N-channel MOS transistors in bridge configuration for DC-motor driving in automotive applications.
EVAL-L99H02QF board
The EVAL-L99H02QF is composed of a motherboard and a daughterboard on which is
pre-assembled the EVALL99H02QF (see Figure 1). The system features an enhanced
power management power supply functionality including various standby modes.
The motherboard, based on the STM8 microcontroller, provides the logic section
for monitoring and driving the EVAL-L99H02QF assembled in the daughterboard.
With the aim to make the board usage and setting simpler, STM provides a
dedicated Graphic User Interface (GUI). This enables the user to set EVAL-
L99H02QF parameters and at the same time, it shows real-time device
Hardware description and setup
This section provides a description of the main components of this evaluation
kit, giving instructions for a quick setup of the system.
2.1 Components description
The evaluation kit consists of two main components:
- 1 Motherboard based on STM8A microcontroller, interfacing host PC with daughterboard. The communication with the PC is established through an isolated USB.
- 1 Daughterboard assembling EVAL-L99H02QF.
The daughterboard with EVAL-L99H02QF and the motherboard is already properly plugged provided.
2.2 Motherboard schematic
A universal motherboard is used to control and drive the daughterboard
containing the EVAL-L99H02QF. The motherboard has the following functions:
- USB-to-UART conversion: an FT232RL USB-to-serial UART interface is used to convert the data from the GUI, in the PC, in commands that are processed by the microcontroller.
- STM8AF51xAT microcontroller: it is used to convert the commands from the GUI in control signals for the L99H02QF in the daughterboard. Also, it processes the data received from the L99H02QF and returns the results to the GUI by USB.
- L4995R LDO: this LDO is used to convert the +12 V used to supply the motherboard to a +5 V voltage used to supply the microcontroller and the L99H02QF in the daughterboard.
- Socket and connectors to plug the daughterboard.
The motherboard schematic is shown in the following figures. The Schematic and BOM of the motherboard can be found on the ST website.
2.3 Daughterboard schematic
Figure 6 shows the schematic of the daughterboard.
In the daughterboard the following sections are present:
- 1 EVAL-L99H02QF and the components necessary for its functionality.
- 1 connector to the motherboard.
- 1 temperature sensor LM135.
- 1 DC motor connector.
- 1 reverse battery network and VB connector.
- 1 H-bridge.
The schematic and BOM of the daughterboard can be found on the ST website.
Motherboard layout
The EVAL-L99H02QF motherboard was designed in a 2 layers board. The
motherboard’s Top and Bottom layers are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. Gerber
files of the motherboard can be found on the ST website 2.5 Daughterboard layout
Different choices regarding the number of layers can be used. A two-layer or
an N-layers (where N can be 3 or 4) application board can be used to develop
the board for the L99H02QF application.
A 4 layers solution was chosen to design the EVAL-L99H02QF daughterboard to
increase the ground area on which to disperse the heat.
The Top, Inner 1, Inner 2, and Bottom layers are shown in the following
Gerber files of the daughterboard can be found on the ST website. 2.6 Board connection and setup
Figure 13 shows the placement of the components on the motherboard. Also, the
placement of the connectors to be used to supply the evaluation board and to
connect with a host PC through a USB cable is shown. Figure 14 shows the placement of the components on
the daughterboard.
The jumpers of the
motherboard are already set in their default position.
Table 1. Motherboard jumper configuration
Jumper | Description | Default position |
JP2 | +5 V_DB | Not present |
JP2 | +5 V_STM8 | Present |
JP4 | RxD | USART |
JP5 | TxD | USART |
JP6 | Reset | STM8 |
JP7 | Swim | STM8 |
Revision history
Table 2. Document revision history
Date | Version | Changes |
2-Nov-21 | 1 | Initial release. |
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EVAL-L99H02QF STMicroelectronics, EVAL-L99H02QF, STMicroelectronics
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