SECURAM B22 ProLogic Smart Safe Lock Instructions
- June 13, 2024
- SecuRAM
Table of Contents
- System Installation
- Lock Operation
- Set Date and Time
- Code Management
- Smartphone Management
- System Info – System Identification
- Lock Settings
- Data Management
- Recovering the System – Reset to Default
- Shortcut Operations
- Menus
- Specification
- Precaution
- Certification
- FCC Warning
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
ProLogic B22 Operation Instructions
Document No: EC-1701A-B22-190502
Version No: V1.0
System Installation
1.1 System Components
The system consists of (1) Entry Pad – Part # EC-1701A-B22 plus (1) Lock body
as follows:
- SwingBolt with Status– Part # EL-0601-S
- Deadbolt – Part # EL-0701
- SpringBolt – Part #EL-0801
1.2 Pairing the Entry Pad and the Lock
SECURAM safe lock systems can operate in two different modes depending upon
the type of Entry Pad being used with the lock body. The ProLogic B22 is a
digital lock system and therefore the lock must also be programmed in digital
mode. Both modes follow the same steps to reset / set which is done by
following the steps detailed below:
Step 1: Ensure the battery is connected to the Entry Pad.
Step 2: Ensure the lock cable is disconnected from the lock body.
Step 3: Locate the Reset Hole on the back of the lock (under the QC sticker).
Step 4: Using a paper clip, depress the reset button inside the reset hole 3
times to dissipate any latent energy in the lock.
Step 5: Next, depress the reset button and hold.
Step 6: While continuing to depress the reset button, connect the lock cable
to the lock body.
Step 7: Continue to hold down the reset button for 5 seconds and then release.
Step 8: Verify that the pairing is complete by opening the lock with the
default code 111111.
Step 9: Press any button on the Entry Pad to initiate a lock communication
test. The Entry Pad will display the following information:
Followed by:
Enter a valid code to test the lock.
The default codes are as follows:
- Super Code (ID00) is 111111
- Manager Code (ID01) is 123456
*Note: In many cases, the Super Code (ID00) is changed from default and
maintained by the safe manufacturer as a reset code for your security.
If you have difficulty resetting the lock, please call SECURAM Tech Support at
805-988-8088 or email
1.3 Lock and EntryPad Installation
Included within your installation kit are (2) shoulder bolts and (3) lock
mounting bolts.
- Install the shoulder bolts on the safe door in the pre-drilled holes above and below the spindle hole.
- Next, insert the lock cable (attached to the Entry Pad) through the spindle hole.
- On the backside of the safe door, you will see the lock mounting plate and the predrilled lock mounting holes.
- Connect the lock cable to the lock body and position the lock body appropriately on the lock mounting plate.
- Ensure that the lock cable is positioned so that it lies in the channel on the back of the lock. This channel is provided to protect the lock cable from damage or crimping during installation.
- Using the provided lock bolts, secure the lock body to the mounting plate.
Note: it is very important to ensure that there is an adequate gap between the lock bolt and the bolt work. This gap must be 0.125”.
1.4 Installing the Battery – Sure Lock Battery Compartment (removable battery compartment)
- Locate the Sure Lock Battery Compartment at the 5 o’clock position of the Entry Pad. See Fig. 3.
- Release the latch of the battery compartment, by pulling lever downward. See Fig 4.
- Pull out the battery compartment from the bottom of the Entry Pad. See Fig 5.
- Install a new 9V alkaline battery (Duracell or Energizer brands are recommended) into the compartment. The battery compartment will only receive the battery when the positive and negative terminals are oriented correctly. See Fig. 6
- Put the battery compartment back into the Entry Pad. Push the latch of the battery compartment up until it snaps closed. See Fig. 3
1.5 Testing the Lock Operation
The ProLogic B22 comes with two factory default codes:
- Super Code (ID00) is 111111
- Manager Code (ID01) is 123456
Enter one of the valid codes to verify the communication between the lock and Entry Pad. The lock will open.
Lock Operation
Upon initial power up, the LCD screen starts a communications test as shown below:
- Model Number
- Software Version Number
- No. of Users/ No. Users Programmed
- Lock Status
After this initial power up, it will check to ensure that the system is communicating correctly. The display will read “Link with Lock OK”.
If the Display reads: “Fail to Link with Lock” proceed to Section 1.2 entitled
“Pairing the Entry pad and the Lock”
2.1 Opening the Lock
The safe lock system has two default codes installed as follows:
- Super Code (ID00) 1-1-1-1-1-1
- Manager Code (ID01) 1-2-3-4-5-6
Step 1: Enter a valid code, then press the Menu/OK button. The display will
read “Manager or [Name] Verified” and the Lock will open.
The display will read:
The lock will relock after 6 seconds.
All codes for (ID 00 – ID 03) work in this manner.
Note: With the B22, you have the opportunity to mask your code in case
someone is watching you enter your code. On the Entry Pad, you can enter up to
9 digits – your 6-digit code plus up to 3 additional digits to mask your code.
For example, if your code is 1-2-3-4-5-6,
- Enter 1-2-3-4-5-6 and Press Menu/OK button to open
- Enter 3-4-1-2-3-4-5-6-7, where the 2 masking digits before your code (3-4) and the single masking digit after your code (7) are concealing or masking your actual code.
- If you enter less than 9 digits, you must always press the Menu/OK button to send the code to the lock.
- Note: the additional 3 masking digits can be added before and/or after your code.
Set Date and Time
3.1 Set Clock Time
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code, enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: Scroll “▼” to the menu selection “Set Time” and Press OK Step 5: Each of the elements of the date and time will flash when it is available to be set. Use the “▼”or “▲” to scroll to the correct value and Press OK to move to the next element.
Code Management
The ProLogic B22 comes with two default codes:
- Super Code (ID00) is 111111
- Manager Code (ID01) is 123456
It is strongly recommended that both these default codes are changed before
the lock system is put into service.
4.1 Change Code
The B22 has 2 codes by default:
- Super Code: 1 1 1 1 1 1
- Manager Code: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: The default codes must be changed before usage; otherwise you
cannot add new users or pair the lock to the APP.
Please follow the steps below to change the code:
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button
Step 3: The display will prompt you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: Scroll “▼” to the menu selection “Change My Code” and Press Menu/OK Step 5: Enter the new 6-digit code. Note: Code cannot be set to 1 1 1 1 1 1 or 1 2 3 4 5 6
Step 6: Repeat the new 6-digit code.
The New Code has now been saved and is available for use.
4.2 Enroll Manager 2
The ProLogic B22 can add a second Manager and one User, in addition to the
default codes.
Note: Manager Codes have full access to the programming menu. The User
Code only has access to the change code menu option, and cannot modify any
lock settings.
Step 1: Press the Menu/OK button.
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After logging in, the screen will show “Users”. Press Menu/OK.
Step 5: Next the screen will show “Enroll Manager2”. Press Menu/OK
Note – Manager2 must be enrolled before you can enroll the user code
(ID03) Step 6: Now enter a 6-digit code Step 7: Repeat new 6-digit code
Step 8: System will verify that code has been saved. The new code is now
enrolled and available to be used to open the lock.
4.3 Enroll New User
After Manager2 has been added, you can add a User.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button.
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button
Step 3: The display will prompt you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK. Step 4: After logging in, the screen will show “Users”. Press Menu/OK.
Step 5: Next the screen will show “Enroll New User”. Press Menu/OK Step 6: Now enter a 6-digit code
Step 7: Repeat new 6-digit code Step 8: System will verify that code has been saved.
The new code is now enrolled and available to be used to open the lock.
4.4 Delete One User
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, the screen will show
Press Menu/OK. Step 5: Scroll “▼”or “▲” to the menu selection “Delete One
User” and Press Menu/OK Step 6: Press the “Menu/OK” button first, then select
the user to be deleted through the “▼” or “▲” button, and finally press the
“Menu/OK” button to prompt the screen: Step 7: Press Menu/OK
This User Code is now deleted from the system.
4.5 Delete All Users
This feature is used to delete all users from the system. Upon executing this
command, all users will be deleted and Manager Code will be reset to default:
Manager Code (ID01) 123456
Note: Super Code will not be changed to default, only recover system
operation can do this.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, the screen will show
“Users”. Press Menu/OK. Step 4: Scroll “▼”or “▲” to the menu selection “Delete
All Users” and Press Menu/OK
Step 5: Press the “Menu/OK” to confirm Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Now all users are deleted.
Smartphone Management
The ProLogic B22 uses a smartphone to allow for remote management and control.
Download the SECURAM app from the App Store for iPhones or on the Google Play
Store for Android.
5.1 Pair Phone
This feature is used to pair a smartphone to the system. This option will only
appear after the default code has been changed.
To begin, please download SECURAM Smart Home app.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, the screen will show
“Users”. Step 5: Scroll “▼”or “▲” to the menu selection “Pair Phone” and Press
Follow the steps on the app to complete the pairing option.
5.2 Delete Phone
This feature is used to remove any mobile device connected to the system.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, the screen will show “Users”. Press Menu/OK. Step 5: Scroll “▼”or “▲” to the menu selection “Delete Phone” and Press Menu/OK Step 6: Press the “Menu/OK” to confirm
Step 7: Press the Menu/OK button Note: If this operation is performed, the smartphone app will not be able to open the lock. If the operation, such as opening the lock through the app is required, it needs to be paired again.
System Info – System Identification
6.1 Check System Info
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: Press the “▼” button to the menu selection “System Info”
Step 3: Press “Menu/OK” and the screen will display information about the
This menu selection can be accessed within the root menu.
Lock Settings
7.1 Factory Reset (Firmware)
After the Factory Reset, the firmware version is restored to the Factory
version with the user information and parameter Settings unchanged.
Please follow below steps to do Factory Reset:
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, scroll “▼”or “▲”to the
menu selection “Lock Settings” and Press Menu/OK Step 5: The screen will now
show “Factory Reset” press Menu/OK
Step 6: Press Menu/OK to confirm Step 7: The screen will prompt the following
and complete the factory reset. 7.2 Show Audit Trail
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, scroll “▼”or “▲”to the menu selection “Lock Settings” and Press Menu/OK
Step 5: Scroll “▼”or “▲”to the menu selection “Show Audit Trail”
Step 6: Press menu/OK and the screen will show the most recent event
Step 7: The records are viewed by “▼” or “▲”.
Note: You can view the history log, up to 400, and overwrite the oldest record
after the loop.
7.3 Enable/Disable Vibration Sensor
The ProLogic B22 has a built-in vibration sensor. The vibration sensor will
send a notification to the app in the event that the safe is being attacked.
By default, the vibration sensor is enabled.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button Step 3: The display will prompt
you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, scroll “▼”or “▲”to the
menu selection “Lock Settings” and Press Menu/OK Step 5: Scroll “▼”or “▲”to
the menu selection “Disable Alarm” Step 6: Press Menu/OK to select disable
alarm. Screen will prompt: If the screen shows “Disable Vibration”: The
Vibration Alert is enabled. When vibration is sensed, the display will show
Vibration Alert and the buzzer will sound. A notification will be sent to the
paired smartphone app.
If the screen shows “Enable Vibration”: The Vibration Alert is disabled: no
alert is displayed.
Note: When alarming, use of a valid code to open the lock will cancel the
vibration alarm on the app.
7.4 Set Vibration Sensitivity
This menu will appear only if Vibration Alert is enabled. Please refer to 7.3
to enable Vibration Sensor.
There are five levels of vibration sensitivity with Level 1 being the least
sensitive and Level 5 being the most sensitive. To set the sensitivity follow
these steps:
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button
Step 3: The display will prompt you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK. Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, scroll “▼”or “▲”to the menu selection “Lock Settings” and Press Menu/OK
Step 5: Scroll “▼”or “▲”to the menu selection “Set VIB SENS” Step 6: Scroll “▼”or “▲”to the select the level of sensitivity and press Menu/OK.
7.5 Set Battery Efficiency
There are two battery efficiency levels: HI and LOW. When battery efficiency
is set to HI, the system will conserve power consumption and the battery will
last longer. However, this reduces the communication range to the Smart Hub.
If the communication signal to the Smart Hub is too weak, causing issues with
lock management and operation from the app, you may want to either move the
Smart Hub closer to the safe lock, or set the Battery Efficiency to LOW –
power consumption will increase but the communication will be more stable.
To set the Battery Efficiency follow these steps:
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: At “My Menu”, press the Menu/OK button
Step 3: The display will prompt you to enter a code. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code, and press Menu/OK.
Step 4: After entering a valid Super or Manager code, scroll “▼”or “▲”to the
menu selection “Lock Settings” and Press Menu/OK Step 5: Scroll “▼”or “▲”to
the menu selection “HI Battery Efficiency” or “LO Battery Efficiency”
Step 6: Press Menu/OK to change to high or low battery efficiency.
Data Management
As a security measure, all data that is transmitted between the Entry Pad and
lock is encrypted, such as User codes, etc.
8.1 Encryption Key Set
The ProLogic B22 sends and receives data to the lock in an encrypted form.
This is a security measure to ensure that all data is protected. The
Encryption Key is set during the manufacturing process with a default
encryption key value. This value can be changed using the Encryption Key Set
menu selection.
- The Encryption Key factory default is 685198
**Note: If the Encryption Key is changed from the default setting, this value
must be maintained, as it is a vital element to communicate with the lock
inside the safe.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: Press the “▼” button to the menu selection “Encryption Key Set”
Step 3: Enter the existing Encryption Key (default: 685198)
Step 4: Enter new Encryption Key value. Step 5: Repeat new Encryption Key value.
Note: Once the default value is modified, the modified value must be maintained and kept confidential.
Recovering the System – Reset to Default
The ProLogic Series safe lock systems have the ability to be reset to factory
default settings using a very unique secure method. Each system has a default
recovery code. The Default code is 999999 – this code can be changed as
necessary (refer to the Recovery Code Set selection).
Upon entry of the recovery code, the LCD screen displays an alpha-numeric
code. This code cannot be used to open the safe lock system or to change the
code to factory default. The alpha numeric code must be deciphered using
SECURAM’s Authorization Code Generator Software.
The alpha-numeric code is entered into the software together with the
encryption code. Through the software, these codes are deciphered to generate
a One-Time Use Reset Code.
When entered into the ProLogic safe lock, the lock and Entry Pad are reset to
factory default and the system is recovered. Once used, the OTC (One-Time-
Code) is no longer valid.
There is no limit to the number of times a system can be recovered using this
This is a vast improvement over other commonly used reset functions, as it
offers a very secure recovery method.
9.1 Recovery Code Set
The default Recovery Code for the ProLogic Series is 999999. It is not
necessary to change this code, but if preferred, this code can be changed with
the following procedure.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: Press the “▼” button to the menu selection “Recovery Code Set” and
press Menu/OK
Step 3: The display will prompt you to enter the recovery code (default 9 9 9 9 9 9)
Step 4: The LCD screen will display a key Code. Record this number and call an authorized SECURAM Recovery Center or SECURAM Tech Support at 1-805-988-8088 for an Authorization Code. (This code remains valid for a period of 20 minutes only). Step 7: After receiving the One-Time Use Authorization Code from the Recovery Center, press the “back” button; and you will be prompted to enter your Authorization Code. Step 8: Next, you will be prompted to enter your new 6-digit Recovery Code.
Step 9: Repeat the 6-digit Recovery Code. The new Recovery Code has now been set.
DO NOT lose this code. Without this code your system cannot be recovered.
After recovery, you can recover without using OTC for 20 minutes.
9.2 Recover System
In the event that you need to recover the system during its use, the following
procedure is to be followed.
System Recover would be required in a number of circumstances such as:
- All Managerial User Codes have been lost or forgotten.
- The system is unresponsive to commands and may need to be reset.
Step1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: Press the “▼” button to the menu selection “Recover System” and press
Menu/OK Step 3: To confirm the action, press Menu/OK. The display will now
prompt you to enter the recovery code (default 9 9 9 9 9 9)
Step 4: The LCD screen will display a key Code. Record this number and call an authorized SECURAM Recovery Center or SECURAM Tech Support at 1-805-988-8088 for an Authorization Code. (This code remains valid for a period of 20 minutes only). Step 7: After receiving the One-Time Use Authorization Code from the Recovery Center, press the “back” button; and you will be prompted to enter your Authorization Code.
Step 8: To continue with the reset, press Menu/OK
Step 9: System will be restored
The Super Code will now be reset to 111111.
The Manager Code will now be reset to 123456.
9.3 Mechanical Reset
SECURAM Safe Locks can operate in either Analog mode or Digital mode. When
they are paired with the SafeLogic Series (Entry Pads with no LCD screen or
fingerprint reader) the safe lock operates in analog mode.
When paired with a ProLogic Series (Entry Pads with an LCD screen) or Scan
Logic (Entry Pads with a fingerprint reader and/or LCD screen), the safe lock
operates in digital mode.
The ProLogic B22 is a digital system and can be paired with any SecuRam safe
lock body.
Note: The pairing of the Strikeout and the ProLogic B22 Entry Pad is not
UL listed.
If the lock body that you are pairing the ProLogic B22 with has been paired
previously with an analog system, for example the SafeLogic Basic (or any
other SafeLogic Series Entry Pad) or was set at the factory in the default
Analog mode, the following Mechanical Reset procedure must be followed:
Step 1: Ensure that the Entry Pad is not connected to the lock, and that the
battery is connected to the Entry Pad.
Step 2: Find the reset hole on the back of the lock (under the QC sticker).
Step 3: Using a poke tool, depress the reset button on the back of the lock 3
times. This discharges any latent energy within the lock’s capacitors.
Step 4: Depress the reset button and hold it in its depressed position. While
the reset button is depressed, connect the cable to the lock.
Step 5: Continue to hold the reset button in its depressed position for
another 5 seconds, then release.
A communication signal has now been sent to the Lock body telling it to
convert from analog to digital mode. The ProLogic will now be able to operate
the lock body.
Q: How do you know if the lock has been reset?
• The ProLogic will not sound or beep when it resets. When a button is
pressed, the LCD will report “Link with Lock OK”. This indicates that the lock
is now in digital mode and has been successfully paired and the default codes
will operate the lock. If the LCD reports “Fail to Link with Lock”, repeat
the reset process.
Shortcut Operations
10.1 Add User: “Menu/OK” + “1”
Step 1: Press the Menu/OK button Step 2: Press the number “1” button, the
screen prompts:
Step 3: Enter a valid Super or Manager Code and press Menu/OK
Step 4: The display will prompt you to enter the new code for the user:
Step 5: Repeat the user code
Code has been successfully enrolled.
10.2 Delete User: “Menu/OK” + “2”
Step 1: Press the “Menu/OK”, the screen prompts: Step 2: Press the number “2”
button and the screen prompts:
Step 3: The display will prompt you to login. Enter a valid Super or Manager Code and press Menu/OK. Step 4: Press the “▼” or “▲” to select the user you want to delete, and finally press Menu/OK.
Step 5: Press Menu/OK, the screen prompts:
ProLogic B22 Menu
Root Menu
- My Menu
- System Info
- Encryption Key Set
- Recovery Code Set
- Recover System
Sub Menu – Super/Manager Codes
- Users
- Pair Phone
- Change My Code
- My Finger
- Lock Settings
- Set Time
- Set/Cancel Time Delay
2nd Level Sub Menu – Users
- Enroll New User
- Delete One User
- Delete All Users
- Add User Finger
- Delete Finger
- Delete Phone
2nd Level Sub Menu – Users
- Factory Reset
- Show Audit Trail
- Security Level 2
- Enable Vibration/ Disable Vibration
- HI / LO Battery Efficiency
Name | ProLogic B22 |
Model | EC-1701A-B22-II |
Input | 9 V Alkaline Battery |
Working Current | 1.5A |
Standby Current | 80 uA |
Battery Lifetime | 1 Year |
(10 openings/day)
User Number| 3
Support System| Android 6.0 and above
iOS 9 and above
Wireless Standard| WIFI 2.4 GHz
Operating environment
- Keep away from strong magnetic appliances or objects when installing equipment.
- Please use this product within the temperature range of 0°C~49°C.
- This device is to be used indoors only.
Child Safety
- This device and its accessories may contain small parts. Keep the device and its accessories out of the reach of children.
- This device is not a toy. Children should use the device under adult supervision.
- Equipment damage caused by human factors is not covered by the warranty.
- When the battery is too low, please replace the battery in time to prevent the device from working properly due to low battery.
Packing list
(1) Entrypad
(1) Lock Body
(2) Shoulder bolt for Entrypad
(3) Mounting Screw for Lock
(1) Operation Manual
Battery NOT included
Smartphone NOT included
FCC Warning
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, this equipment
should be installed and operated with minimum distance between 20cm the
radiator your body: Use only the supplied antenna. Specific Absorption Rate
(SAR) information:
This Mobile Phone meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio
waves. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by
independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation
of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin
designed to assure the safety of all persons regardless of age or health.
FCC RF Exposure Information and Statement the SAR limit of USA (FCC) is 1.6
W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. Device types: S100 (FCC ID: RGF-S0816)
has also been tested against this SAR limit. The highest SAR value reported
under this standard during product certification for use at the ear is
0.538W/kg and when properly worn on the body is 1.264W/kg. This device was
tested for typical bodyworn operations with the back of the handset kept 0mm
from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use
accessories that maintain a 10mm separation distance between the user’s body
and the back of the handset. The use of belt clips, holsters and similar
accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use of
accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF
exposure requirements, and should be avoided. Body-worn Operation This device
was tested for typical body-worn operations. To comply with RF exposure
requirements, a minimum separation distance of 5mm must be maintained between
the user’s body and the handset, including the antenna. Third-party belt-
clips, holsters, and similar accessories used by this device should not
contain any metallic components. Body-worn accessories that do not meet these
requirements may not comply with RF exposure requirements and should be
avoided. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna.
IC Caution:
RSS-Gen Issue 4 December 2014″&”CNR-Gen 4e December 2014:
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
- This device may not cause interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including
SECURAM Safe Lock systems are protected by a 12-month warranty against
Manufacturer’s defects. This warranty is applicable for 12 months from the
Date of Manufacture or 12 months from the Date of Consumer Purchase, if the
product has been registered for the Consumer Purchase Warranty. Customers are
invited to register their product for this 12-month Consumer Purchase Warranty
upon installation or receipt of their safe lock. The Consumer Purchase
Warranty Registration form is packaged with each product.
Contact us
Manufacturer: SECURAM Systems, Inc
Address: 3325 Grande Vista Drive Newbury Park, CA 91320
Designed in CA, USA
Assembled in CHINA
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