beaulieu CANADA ELVF Engineered Luxury Vinyl Instructions
- June 13, 2024
- beaulieu CANADA
Table of Contents
ELVF Engineered Luxury Vinyl
Prior to installation, please ensure that the product received is the correct
style and color as well as to the customer’s satisfaction. If there are any
doubts, do not install the flooring and contact the retailer. Beaulieu Canada®
will not be held responsible for any costs relating to the installation of
unsatisfactory or incorrect product.
Acclimation is a required procedure prior to the installation of Engineered Luxury Vinyl Flooring (ELVF). Store the UNOPENED BOXES in the room where the flooring is to be installed for at least 48 hours prior to installation. Always store the boxes on a flat and level surface; never store the boxes on their sides. Heating and air conditioning should be operational and set between 64.4 °F – 77 °F (18 °C – 25 °C) for the acclimation and installation period.
- Safety glasses
- Measuring tape
- Square
- Utility knife
- Straight edge
- Spacers
- Chalk line
- Embossing leveler/floor patch (if necessary)
- 6 mil (0.006’’/0.15 mm) polyethylene (if necessary)
Underlayment is optional – Underlayment that is used should be no thicker than
0.06″ (1.5 mm) and the density should be a minimum of 25 lb per cubic foot
(11.34 kg per 0.028 m³ ).
Beaulieu Canada ELVF can be installed over many floor like concrete, tiles,
wood and most existing hard surface floor coverings provided that the subfloor
is smooth, dry and clean. All carpeting and padding need to be removed. Make
sure that the surface is clean, dry, structurally sound and flat within 3/16″
per 10 foot or 1/8’’ per 6 foot radius (4.7 mm per 3 m / 3.2 mm per 1.8 m).
Supporting floors must be rigid as too much deflection can result in a failed
installation. Maximum deflection should not exceed 3/64″ (1.1 mm).
Beaulieu Canada ELVF should not be installed over plank floors, cushioned-
backed vinyl flooring, asphalt based floors, carpet, self-adhering plank or
tile, laminate or other floating flooring or structurally-damaged concrete;
concrete should be free from dust, solvents, paint, wax, grease, oil, sealing
compounds or curing agents.
Concrete subfloors must be inspected prior to installation and if they do not
meet the following requirements, do not install flooring. Concrete shall have
a minimum compressive strength of 3500 psi. Concrete subfloors must be cured
for 60 days prior to installation of the flooring, and should be tested for
excessive moisture. Moisture vapor emission rate should not exceed 5 lb/1000
sq. ft. (2.27 kg/92.9 sq. m)/24 hours per ASTM F1869. When using the ASTM
F2170 test method, the internal relative humidity should not exceed 80%, and
the pH level should be between 7 and 9. If the concrete subfloor is not tested
for moisture and pH and/or does not meet the stated requirements, a 6 mil
(0.006’’/0.15 mm) polyethylene must be installed over the concrete prior to
the installation of the finished flooring.’’
Wood floors should be a minimum of 3/4″ (19 mm) thick, APA approved grade
tongue and groove plywood or 23/32″ (18.25 mm) OSB, with a smooth finish, free
from spring and deflection. If the wooden subfloor is not an APA approved
flooring grade underlayment, a minimum of 1/4″ (6.35 mm) approved wood
underlayment must be adhered to the existing substrate. Make sure that the
surface is clean, dry, structurally sound and flat within 3/16″ per 10 foot
radius (4.7 mm per 3 m). All fastener indentations and joints should be level
and smooth using appropriate patching compounds. Deflection should not exceed
3/64″ (1.1 mm).
When installing Beaulieu Canada ELVF over existing resilient flooring, ensure
that the existing sheet good or tile product is in good condition, that it was
installed in the full spread glue method and is properly secured. Beaulieu
Canada ELVF can be installed over one layer of non-cushioned sheet good
flooring. Existing tile or sheet resilient floorings should be stripped using
a product that is an appropriate stripper for vinyl to remove wax or other
contamination, rinsed with clear water and allowed to dry. Very smooth or
high-gloss floors need to be lightly abraded to rough up the surface to allow
proper adhesive bonding.
Beaulieu Canada ELVF can be installed as floating floor over flooring grade
gypsum subfloors when properly installed over a subfloor that is structurally
sound and flat within 3/16″ per 10 foot radius (4.7 mm per 3 m).
Properly cleanse substrate using a commercial degreasing/dewaxing solution.
Grind or abrade any highly polished or irregular surfaces. Fill any low areas,
chips and grout joints that may telegraph through the new flooring.
Beaulieu Canada ELVF can be installed over embedded radiant-heated floors
provided the operating temperature never exceeds 80.6 °F (27 °C). The radiant
system should be in operation for three (3) weeks prior to installation of the
flooring. For 48 hours prior to and during installation, the system should be
kept at 59 °F (15 °C). Once the installation is completed, the heat should be
gradually increased by a maximum of 5 °F (2.8 °C) per day until the desired
setting is reached. With electrical underfloor heating, we advise not to
exceed 60W/m². Do not use radiant heat systems that expose the flooring to
wide variations in temperature, such as a wire induction mat system. The
installation area of the flooring shall not contain heated and nonheated
areas, unless expansion joints separate them. Keep in mind that loose rugs or
carpets may accidentally function as heat insulators and raise the temperature
to more than the tolerated maximum surface temperature of 80.6 °F (27 °C).
- Room temperature must be maintained between 64.4 °F (18 °C) and 77 °F (25 °C) at all times.
- Substrate should be free of dust, debris from paint, varnish, wax, oils, curing sealers, solvents and other foreign matter. Any adhesive residue from prior installations should be completely removed.
- Any looseness of the substrate should be secured.
- High spots should be levelled and low spots should be filled with a proper material to ensure substrate is flat within 3/16″ per 10 foot radius (4.7 mm per 3 m).
- All construction seams, expansion joints, and holes should be filled level with the surrounding surface to eliminate telegraphing of such irregularities.
Caution: If you plan to remove old resilient flooring material or any type of old adhesive, please be aware that it may contain asbestos fibers or crystalline silica; therefore, avoid creating dust. Inhalation of such dust is a cancer and respiratory tract hazard and local regulations may require professional removal. Instructions for the removal of old flooring materials and adhesives may be found in the RFCI Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings. You may contact the Resilient Floor Covering Institute at 706-882-3833 or
Use only cement-based patching and leveling compounds. Check with patching and
leveling compound manufacturers for curing times. Check moisture levels before
starting installation to ensure moisture levels are within guidelines as
outlined in the “Concrete Substrates” paragraph.
The contractor or owner is responsible for cure time, moisture content
testing, and the structural integrity of any leveling or patching compound
When installing over an existing resilient flooring material, an embossing
leveler may be required to prevent the existing material pattern from
telegraphing through the new material.
- Cartons should be stored horizontally at all times.
- Protect carton corners from damage.
- Do not install cabinets or kitchen island on your floating floors.
- Inspect all planks/tiles for visible defects and damage before and during installation. Do not install damaged planks/tiles. Beaulieu Canada will not accept responsibility for claims on flooring installed with visible defects. During installation, inspect the groove area and remove any debris that may prevent proper assembly of planks/tiles.
- Beaulieu Canada ELVF is production-run sensitive. Ensure that all planks/tiles you are installing come from the same production run. Beaulieu Canada cannot guarantee that any future replacement or additional installation will match the originally-installed product.
- Ensure that all boxes are of the correct product and when installing, open several boxes at a time and mix planks/tiles from different boxes for best results and overall look.
- Room temperature should be no less than 64.4 °F (18 °C) for 48 hours before, during and after installation.
- Remove all existing moldings.
- Undercut doorway moldings to the thickness of the flooring.
- Beaulieu Canada ELVF is a floating floor and should never be nailed down to the substrate.
- Beaulieu Canada ELVF is intended for indoor use only.
- Determine in which direction the planks/tiles will be installed. It is recommended that the flooring be installed running parallel to the longest wall.
- Carefully measure the room to determine the width of the last row of planks/tiles. If the width is less than 2″ (50 mm), excluding the tongue, the width of the first row of planks/tiles will have to be cut accordingly.
- A minimum of 1/4″ (6.35 mm) expansion space is required around the perimeter of the room and all vertical objects.
All commercial installations require approval by a Beaulieu Canada sales
Contact your Beaulieu Canada retailer for further details.
The planks can be installed in a variety of different patterns. Here are a few
- Do not use a hammer to put planks together.
- Cut boards with a trimming knife, decor side up.
- When you need to cut a board in a different shape than one straight line, use a saw.
- Begin laying planks/tiles from the left side of the starting wall and work to the right side. For the first row only, cut the locking tabs on the side of the plank facing the wall.
- Place 1/4″ (6.35 mm) spacers between the short and long side of the planks/tiles and the wall. Always position one spacer between the wall and where the planks/tiles join.
- Always ensure that the short end joints are staggered by a minimum of 30 cm (= 3 click elements) when you start the next row. Use the leftover piece from the previous row as the first piece of the next row, provided that this piece is at least 30 cm long. In order to find a connection with the locking tabs of the previous row, it may be necessary to cut off an extra part of the leftover piece.
- The click elements of the new row, need to be positioned, exactly in the middle of two locks of the previous row. From second row on, always connect the short side first and then the long side.
- To install the last row, position a loose panel exactly on top of the last laid. Place another panel upside down up to the wall and mark the panel underneath.
- Cut the marked panel to size and fit in place.
- This method should be repeated for each panel until the last row is complete.
- For door moldings, lay a panel face down next to the door molding. Saw the panel, then slide the plank under the molding. Make sure the molding doesn’t support on the floor.
- Transition moldings are required every 65 feet (20 m) in any direction and at all doorways.
- After all planks/tiles have been installed, remove spacers from perimeter of room.
- Do not fasten any moldings through the flooring.
- Install quarter-round or baseboard molding. Molding should be of sufficient size to cover the 1/4″ (6.35 mm) space and should be fastened to the wall, not to the flooring.
- Use plywood to cover the top of the flooring when moving heavy furniture or appliances into position.
- Use floor protectors under the legs of furniture and chairs.
- Heavy furnishing loads placed on the locking ELVF can pin the product down to the substrate which may prevent the product from expanding and contracting evenly, causing side or end separation, peaking or gapping.
- Do not nail down Beaulieu Canada ELVF.
- Beaulieu Canada ELVF is intended for indoor use only.
- Beaulieu Canada ELVF is warranted a floor covering only.
- Post-installation temperature should be maintained between 64.4 °F – 77 °F (18 °C – 25 °C). Relative humidity should be maintained between 40% and 70%.
- Engineered luxury vinyl flooring must be protected from direct sunlight exposure. Beaulieu Canada recommends using UV protective film, blinds or curtains in all windows that provide direct sunlight to ensure that the products are not overheated. Engineered luxury vinyl floor coverings exposed to excessive heat are subject to thermal expansion which may lead to buckling or peaking. Beaulieu Canada will not be held liable for any claims or damages arising out of or related to the failure of the installation when the flooring is exposed to direct sunlight.
Follow the Beaulieu Canada Care and Maintenance instructions to properly care
for your flooring. These can be found on our website at or
you may contact your Beaulieu Canada retailer.
Homeowner Obligations
To maintain warranty coverage and ensure fast and easy warranty service, the
homeowner is responsible for the following:
- Keep five (5) planks/tiles of the ELVF product after installation for testing purposes.
- Keep and be able to provide the original sales receipt or documentation illustrating proof of purchase and installation date of the product.
- Make sure the flooring is installed according to Beaulieu Canada Installation Instructions.
- Keep a list of cleaners used to maintain the flooring.
Please visit our website at
for the most up-to-date version of this document
as it may have been revised and updated since this printed version.
Warranty Guide as well as Care and Maintenance instructions can also be found
on our website at, or you may contact your
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