ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

S60 Drone
for 14+ AGES
ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera

‘Thank you for your purchase of this product. Please read the Operation Instruction carefully and conduct operation and usage according to the.
Operation Instruction. Please keep this User Manual for your reference when conducting daily maintenance and adjustment.


  1. The packaging and instructions contain Impatant information and should be retained
  2. It is your responsibility to ensure that this aircraft does not cause injury to the person or property of others.
  3. When setting ib the flying machine, you should fdlow the operating *Abuttals strictly and pay attention to keeping a detente of 2-3 metes from tie user a other people when tie flying machine is in flight so as b avoid the flying machine hitting people’s h ead. face aid body when flying or landing and causing duty.
  4. Our company and the seller are not responsible fa any Loss a damage caused by improper use a operation and for any injury to the human body.
  5. Children should be guided by adults when operating the airaaft.
  6. Please follow the instruclons or package Settlers for proper instalation and use.
  7. The product contain small parts. please keep them out of the reach of children to prevent accidertal ingest on a choking hazards.
  8. Do not play on the road or in waterlogged areas b avoid accidents.
  9. Please put the packaging materials away in bme to avid injury b the children.
  10. Do not disassemble a modify the flying machine. disassemblyor medication may cause the machine to malfunction.
  11. The Ma rg ng cable must be plugged into the same 5V-t 2A poser supply as indicated on the product.
  12. Using other charging cables may cause damage to the battery and may lead to accidental danger.
  13. The charging cable is nol a toy.
  14. When charging the rechargeable battery. it must be supervised by an adult and mist be kept away from flammable materials.
  15. Do not short-arcut or squeeze the battery to avcid explosion.
  16. Do not mix different types of lithium baltenes.
  17. When using a rechargeable lithium battery. the a raatt must be unplugged and charged.
  18. Do not short-circuit. a °assemble or put the battery into the Ike; do not put the battery in a hot or healed place (e.g. n fire a new electric heaters).
  19. Use the aircrat as far away as possible Fran other electrical equipment and magnetic objects. which may They may cause interference with each other.
  20. Keep a sale distance from spinning spirals at high speeds to avod the risk of strangulation and cuts.
  21. The motor is a hot part. do not touch a to avoid burrs.
  22. Light ernttrig diode laser radiation. do not shod the bean directly
  23. Do not use tie model dose to your ear! Misuse may lead to healing damage.
  24. The USB charging cable must be used to charge the battery with the dab cable provided by the company, otherwise it will cause battery darnage can cause serious danger of accident.
  25. To ensure the requirements of the magnetic environment of aviation radio stations. During radio =tot orders issued by the national authorities The use of model remote controls should be discontinued during Me period of radio mottol orders issued by tie national authailes.
  26. When the battery of the aircraft ribs out of power, it es important b lum oft the switch and unpkg tie battery and leave it for 30 minutes before charging. Otherwise. the battery may be damaged.

Items List

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera - list

Know Your Drone

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera - led

 Installine Protection Brackets

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera - fig1

Abgn the protection Ixacket components vath the arm apertures according b the diagram to make site they ace on place before flying to avoid dropping dung the fight. Note. Make site that tie protective ring is before Hying!

propelers Installation Diagram

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

4.1 Remove the sack* try unscrewing the screws. 4.2 Open the two &riots and t ie connechng pans by unscrewing the screws and removing tie aril 4or replacement.
Note : The arid es stamped with lie letters Al, A2, 61, 62, Al 4A2, 61 462, please instal it correctly acrording to the diagram, otherwise it we not take

How to Unfold Drone

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

Know the Remote Control

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

Remote Control Batte Installation(Batteries ale not included)

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

Charging precautions:

  • Do not place tie charged eatery in a hot or healed area. such as fere or an electric heater, as iris may cause damage or explosion.
  • Do not al had suttees vain battery.
  • Do not ornate tie eatery in wafer and store it in a dry place.
  • Do not lease tie battery while it is berg charged. 11
  • Do not disassemble the battery.

Instructions For Charging  The Lithium Battery

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

8.3 Charging: Plug the USB charging connector Into the USB port of your compute (or use a power adapter volt) an output of 5V2A) and connect the other end b the battery. When charging. the USB indicator bght does net light up. when the battery is fully charged. the indicator bp! MI light up red to indocale that chatseng is complete.

Pre-fl’. ht Environmental Requirements

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

Please choose an outdoor ermrorrnent lmth no rain or snow. wind less than level 4. Please stay away from people, trees, power lines. tat bu Id Ing s airports and signal towers.

Preparation Before Fl

Walling!. The drone and remote control must be 74,41, kept rutty charged or they can’t take oft!
10.1 Match the Frequency Turn on the power of the drore and paced on a horizontal surface at To Inv tie secret placed ail a hanzontal surface ad onalcaty enters the tegtency alignment state. Tie tont Carden and rear ma red brio rushes.
Note. Race Ire drones dreden cooecily. viti Ire rose to the tent out make sure b place ri on ahcarontal strtate.

Turn on the power sirecti of tie remote coati (step 1), the power arxlmalor of the remote coital lashes, the throttle lever is pushed up b the lop (step 2) and then down to the bottom (step 3), tie light bpi changes from flashing toconstant brit to undicale successful frequency pairing. 10.2 Honzontal Calibration Operabon Press and hold the calibration button on the remote contol and the LED on the drone yr lash. V’tien the LED on the drone slops flashing, the calibrate is complete and the remote control emits a “DC sound (Figure 1).

Note: Calibration can only be completed if the aircraft is placed on a level surface. Position the aircraft in the right direction (lie direr:Ice vedh the camera) and operate the remote control in the position of the balleey in tie rear of the aircraftROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

Introduction To The Operation Of The Remote Control Functions:

11.1 One Key Take-off and Landing
When the frequency alignment is completed, press the remote contol one button lake-oft/landing” function button (Fire 2), the drone vai automatically rise to an altitude of about 1 meter and keep tying stably al this altitude; when you press this function button again, the drone vd automatically land slovey.

11.2 Headless Mode
When headless mode ts not &pirated, be forward direction of the drone dunng flight debuts to the camera Section. When the heatless mode button is pressed (Figure 3), be remote control wr emit a tii” sound, and the front and rear lights of be drone wi flash Whatever the direction of be drone rs al this poet, the front of the remote control we be used as be font of the drone. When the left slick of the drone is pushed upwards, the drone moves forward, away from be operator; when be left slick is pushed downwards, the drone mines baCkWaf0S, closer to be operator.
11.3 One Key Return
When the flight is too far away , you can use be return function to recall the drone. unng flight, the remote contra must be lacing the rear of be aircraft, long press the one-key return button (Figure 4), the remote contra vvi emit a ‘131″ sound and the drone vrl enter return mode, automatically backing up in a straight tie; vitien any Joystick is used, the return function is released. 11.4 High/Middle/Low Speed Switching
When the drone takes off, be (*fate is low speed mode, belly press the button (Figure 5), be remote caeca vS eat a 1:1″ sound for low speed, IT “DC two limes for medium speed, “Di ‘ell” Wee limes for high speed.

11.5 360° Rolling
Press the 360′ roll button briefly, then push the tight joystick to the loft aid the drone flip 360 to the left accordingly.
11.5.1 Rolling 36r to the left
Press te aer mil billion &idly, then push the vigil joystick to the and the done  mll tip 380° to the new socarcfrgly. 11.5.2 Roil 360′ to the right
Press tie 387 rdl baton &rely, ten push the VII Oysfick to the right and tie &ore will tip 3130° to the rilit accordin 11.5.3 RoU Forward 360′
Press tie 390′ roll button tray, then push tee (Ott pin°, taward and the drone
II bp froward by 390° accordngry. 11.5.4 Rolling Backwards 360′
Pest tie Mr roll balm beefy and ten push the rictil lags* ick backwards, the &metal lip backwaids by 360′ accordingly. 11.6 Obstacle Avoidance Mode
Duing Sight, pen the (Intact awittance button &idly to open tie obstacle avoidance mode 4Figure 8), tie tort and tea lights of ttedrtriefbsh tithe drone is dose to a wall or alma tintede in the froreretraght dtecikon, I MI autcenailtally evade too sate aerie because tie drone has tie obstacle avoidance tram enabled_ To svAith to noinal note, press It bullion again.
Note: In s unicorn ar bright kohl, under transparent and reflective objects such as MSS s, and under black objects, the avoidance effect will deteriorate or even be lost.

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

Control Method:

Common Pro ble ens So hrin Guidelines:

Problems Reasons Solutions
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  1. Install App on Your Smartphone to Control the Drone
    a. Please scan the OR code below to download and install “VS FPV PRO” on your smartphone.
    b. Go to Apple Appstore or Google Play and search for “VS FPV PRO” directly to download and install.|

  2. Connect to W-Fi Connect your smart phone to the W-Fi network created by the drone. Check the drone’s status in ‘VS FPV PRO” app.
    a. Power on the drone
    b.Open your phone’s settings button. your smartphone will launch a search of the available Wi-Fi networks. find “VSLCAM_ “” and connect to it. as shown in Figure 1.

  3. Run the app “VS FPV PRO”, you will see the interface as shown in Figure 2ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera - fig20

  4. Click on “Introduction” to see the introduction of APP features, as shown in the following picturesROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera - fig21

  5. Return to the main interface and click “Start” to enter the drone operation interface
    a. Click to open the control interface as shown in Figure 4.
    b. Click the Height Fix button to open the function buttons related to Height Fix. As shown in Figure 5.
    c. Click the menu button to open the hidden button. As shown in Figure 6.
    d. Click the follow button  to enter the follow function as shown in Figure 7.
    e. Click to hide the control interface as shown in Figure 8. generate a green rectangle in the yellow dotted box to select a target. click the button to start following. the drone will follow the targets movement and fly as shown in Figure 9
    f. When not in follow mode. press the button and hold the victory gesture with your right hand as shown in Figure 10. the APP will automatically take a photo after 3 seconds. and hold the palm gesture as shown in Figure 11. the APP will automatically start or stop recording .
    g. Click the music button to enter the interface and then press “dick to select music »” to select the one you want. the video recording function can be turned on. as shown in Figure 12.
    h. Click the filter button to select the filter color you want to take photos and videos as shown in Figure 13.
    i. Click to switch the front camera and bottom camera.

ROVPRO S60 Remote Control Aircraft Drone Camera -

FCC Statement

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
    The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.


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