sound oasis VTS-2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024
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Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus
Proven to help you sleep, relax, renew

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Instruction Manual

VTS-2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus

Thank you, for choosing Sound Oasis
Thank you for choosing Sound Oasis®. Sound Oasis® is the world leader in sound therapy systems and electronic sleep masks. We are dedicated to making your life healthier and more enjoyable with creative sound solutions that combine superior quality with the very latest technology.
The revolutionary Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus uses clinically proven, doctor developed sounds and vibration to help you sleep, relax and renew your body ­ naturally! Vibroacoustic therapy systems, costing several thousands of dollars, have been successfully used in hospitals and clinics around the world. Now you can enjoy this same therapeutic technology at a fraction of the price.
This VTS-2000 model advances technology further by including Bluetooth technology. This allows you to enjoy new music/sounds by Bluetooth streaming from your own music library or from our free Sound Oasis vibroacoustic app.
Please take a few moments to review the following important information before using this item.
Thank You!

Important safeguards

When using electrical products, especially when children are present, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:

  • Always unplug the appliance from the electrical outlet immediately after using and before cleaning.
  • DO NOT reach for an appliance that has fallen into water . Unplug it immediately.
  • DO NOT use while bathing or showering .
  • DO NOT place or store appliance where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink . Do not place in or drop into water or other liquid .

CAUTION: Do not use this appliance if you are pregnant or use a pacemaker. This appliance uses a large magnet to generate low frequency vibrations.
If you have diabetes or any other medical illness, consult your doctor before using this appliance.


  • An appliance should never be left unattended when plugged in . Unplug from outlet when not in use and before putting on or taking off parts or attachments .
  • Close supervision is necessary when this appliance is used by, on or near children, invalids or disabled persons .
  • DO NOT use outdoors .
  • Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual . Do not use attachments not recommended by Sound Oasis; specifically any attachments not provided with the unit .
  • DO NOT carry this appliance by the power or remote control cords or use the cords as a handle .
  • Never operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water . Return it to Sound Oasis’ Service Center for examination and repair .
  • Keep cords away from heated surfaces .
  • Never drop or insert any object into any opening .
  • DO NOT operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen is being administered .
  • DO NOT use on or near eyes or other highly sensitive areas .
  • DO NOT operate under a blanket or pillow . Excessive heating can occur and cause fire, electrocution or injury to persons .
  • To disconnect, turn all controls to the “OFF” position, then remove plug from outlet .
  • Periodically straighten cord if it becomes twisted .

Caution: Please read all instructions carefully before operatingConsult your doctor prior to using this product, if

  • You are pregnant – You have a pacemaker – You have any concerns regarding your health
  • Never leave the appliance unattended, especially if children are present . THIS IS NOT A TOY.
  • Never use this product directly on swollen or inflamed areas or skin eruptions .

The Unique Benefits of Vibroacoustic Therapy

What is Vibroacoustic Therapy?
Vibroacoustic therapy is the use of low frequency vibrations to stimulate body cells into therapeutic states of relaxation and healing . With this Sound Oasis® Vibroacoustic Therapy  System Plus, we include sound therapy that provides soothing music and clinically proven brainwave entrainment for additional stress reduction, relaxation and healing .

Why is Vibroacoustic Therapy so effective?
The cells in your body respond to vibrations that they feel .
Clinical studies throughout the world have proven the positive effects of vibration on circulation, temporary pain relief, increased mobility and many other medical ailments (please refer to Table A on page 6) .

sound oasis VTS 2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus - Feature

Your Sound Oasis Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus delivers precise therapeutic vibration frequencies to your body that massagers alone cannot provide .
Sound penetrates deeper. Vibroacoustic Therapy provides massage therapy to muscles and joints that hand/mechanical massage can not reach . For comparison purposes, ultrasound is a well known and accepted sound technology for viewing tissue inside a body and it operates at 20 KHz + (please see Graph A below) .
Vibroacoustic Therapy frequencies correspond to key brainwave activities. Vibroacoustic Therapy functions at 20 Hz to 100 Hz, the same frequency range that the body’s energy channels operate at . We can bring these energy channels into healthy alignment with Vibroacoustic Therapy .
Vibroacoustic Therapy provides sensual stimulation.
Like hand/mechanical massage, Vibroacoustic Therapy aids circulation, relaxes muscles and feels good .

What Medical Benefits have been Proven to Result from Vibroacoustic


Clinical studies have proven the following benefits from vibroacoustic therapy:

Table A

Benefit/Medical Study
Music has a powerful therapeutic effect on our health and well being.
Low frequency sound vibration has a therapeutic effect on our health and well being. Olav Skille, 1988
Brainwave entrained music has a therapeutic effect on our health and well being. McCraty and Eha Ruutel
Vibroacoustic therapy can relieve stress.
Wigram Thesis Abstract
Vibroacoustic therapy can increase blood circulation and healing.
Olav Skille, 1988
Vibroacoustic therapy can increase mobility and flexibility.
Wigram Thesis Abstract
Vibroacoustic therapy can decrease pain.
Vibroacoustic therapy massages muscles.
Wigram Thesis Abstract

Vibroacoustic therapy can decrease insomnia. Olav Skille, 1989; Skille, O., Wigram, T. & Weeks, L. 1989; Skille, O. and Wigram, T. 1995.

Why is Sound Therapy so Effective?

Your brain responds to sounds that it hears . Your Sound Oasis Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus plays back nature, music and therapy sounds with Delta, Alpha or Theta  brainwaves to coax your brain to match these frequencies, thus entering states of sleep, relaxation or renewal .

A significant strengthening of the immune system occurred when study participants were exposed to music and vibration.
Study participants experienced the rise of self confidence, fewer stomach troubles, fewer headaches, less depression and asthenia.
Emotional states and feelings of health and comfort were dramatically increased by the use of brainwave entrained vibroacoustic therapy.
60 participants in this study showed a significantly greater effect of arousal and heart rate reduction.
Blood circulation improved, the temperature of limbs rose, systolic and diastolic blood pressure dropped and headache and nausea vanished.
Vibroacoustic therapy was found to be much more effective than music alone in increasing range of movement.
Total knee replacement patients experienced significant reduction in pain following surgery when vibroacoustic therapy was used.
Two separate studies showed effective muscle massaging at vibroacoustic frequencies of 30 — 68 hz and 52 — 88 hz.
Participants noticed measurable reduction in insomnia.

The Scientific Breakthrough of Sound Therapy with Brainwave Entrainment

All of us experience differenct states of consciousness throughout our daily lives . Some states are frequent – like ordinary waking consciousness, sleep and dreaming – while others  are less frequent states such as when we are particularly aware or extra creative . All of these states exhibit a unique pattern of brainwaves that have been mapped and measured over  the years by many experts, including Dr . Lee Bartel .

By understanding the variety of brainwaves that occur during these different states, Dr . Bartel has been able to develop sounds, music and techniques that cause your brain to produce the state that you want to experience . Totally safe and clinically proven, this work has helped millions of people sleep better, relax easier and think more effectively .
One  technique commonly used by Dr . Bartel is “entrainment” . This naturally derived technique is the tendency of our brainwaves to adjust to our sound environment so they vibrate in  harmony (for example, two pendulum clocks mounted side by side on the same wall will gradually start to swing at the same rate as they become “entrained”) . The principle is  universal and found in chemistry, pharmacology, biology, medicine, psychology, sociology, astronomy, architecture and more .
Your Sound Oasis Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus incorporates these effective techniques.

Delta Waves (0.5 – 4.0 Hz)
Delta waves are associated with the deepest levels of physical relaxation .
Delta is the rhythm of dreamless sleep and its presence usually corresponds with physical rejuevenation and healing .

Theta Waves (4.0 – 7.0 Hz)
Theta waves reflect a state of mind that is attuned to intense creativity, visualization, imagination, and subconscious problem solving in a non-sleep state and emotional healing in the  sleep state . Theta waves are produced during deep meditation, dreaming and daydreaming .

Alpha Waves (7.0 – 12.0 Hz)
Alpha waves indicate an alert state with a quiet mind (e .g . a person who has completed a task and sits down to rest is often in an Alpha state) . In this state attention may be focused  outward for reflection or inward to achieve an alert meditative state (e .g . pondering) . Increased Alpha is often present in the brainwaves of people who practice meditation, yoga and tai chi .

Beta Waves (12.0 – 27.0 Hz)
Beta waves are associated with normal waking states that we experience from day to day at work and play . In beta states we are highly alert and focused – busy computing, arranging,  and organizing – making sense of the external world . Beta is increased in moments of stress or anxiety, enabling us to manage situations and solve immediate problems .

Key Buttons & Features

sound oasis VTS 2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus - Feature

1. Vibroacoustic Back Support
2. Stereo Audio Speakers
3. Low Frequency Generator| 4. Power Adapter Jack
5. Remote Control Jack
6. Headphone Jack

sound oasis VTS 2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus - Feature

1. Display
2. Therapy Track Selection Buttons
3. Vibration Intensity Selection Buttons
4. Power On/Off Button (Press twice to turn on Bluetooth)
5. Sound Volume Buttons| 6. Timer Selection Button
7. Remote Control Pocket
8. AC Adapter
9. External Sound Source Cable
10. External Input Jack

Vibroacoustic Soundtrack Descriptions

Your VTS-2000 contains 20 built-in sound tracks.
Please see the following summary of each track.
Energize Track 1 – [total track length 5:18] Guitar, piano, digital keyboards, bass Low pitch 41 Hz – 73 Hz with 41 Hz dominant
Mono and binaural high alpha and beta entrainment

Energize Track 2 – [total track length: 4:40] Guitar, piano, digital keyboards, bass Low pitch 36 Hz – 61 Hz with 41 Hz dominant Mono and binaural high alpha and beta  entrainment
Energize Track 3 – [total track length: 5:55] Guitar, piano, digital keyboards, bass Low pitch 36 Hz – 65 Hz Mono and binaural high alpha and beta entrainment

Relax Track 1 – [total track length 5:15] Ocean surf nature sound .
Instrumentation: keyboards, vocal, guitar .

Low pitches centered around 40 Hz, 52 Hz and 68 Hz (34 Hz)
Mono and binaural alpha – theta entrainment (5 Hz – 8 Hz)
Relax Track 2 – [total track length 4:40] Ocean surf nature sound .
Digital sound
Low pitch – 36 Hz
Binaural Alpha theta entrainment
Relax Track 3 – [total track length 5:35] Ocean surf nature sound .
Digital Sound
Low pitch – 32 Hz
Binaural Alpha theta entrainment

Sleep Track 1 – [total track length 4:58] Digital Sound
Low pitch – 32 Hz

Mono and binaural Delta entrainment
Sleep Track 2 – [total track length 5:00] Digital Sound
Low pitch – multiple between 27 .5 – 44 Hz
Mono and binaural Delta entrainment
Sleep Track 3
[total track length 6:05] Digital keyboards
Low pitch – multiple between 34 – 52 Hz
Mono and binaural Delta entrainment

Stress Relief
Stress Relief Track 1 – [total track length 3:30] Piano, flute, digital sound
Low Frequencies – 36 Hz – 41 Hz
Mono and binaural theta entrainment 4 Hz – 6 Hz
Stress Relief Track 2 – [total track length 3:00] Piano, flute, digital sound
Low Frequencies – 32 Hz – 65 Hz
Mono and binaural theta entrainment 4 Hz – 6 Hz
Stress Relief Track 3 – [total track length 3:40] Piano, flute, digital sound
Low Frequencies – 27 .5 Hz – 55 Hz
Mono entrainment at delta, theta and alpha . Binaural theta
entrainment 4 Hz – 6 Hz

Demo Track

For a personal introduction to vibroacoustic therapy by Dr . Lee Bartel, press and hold down the Timer Selection Button for about 3 seconds while the unit is turned on . When the Demo track is playing, the following will show on the display .


  1. Unpack the product and make sure that any and all tape and protective wrap is removed from the various parts .

  2. Connect the Remote Control to the Remote Control Jack located on the side of the Vibroacoustic Back Support .
    sound oasis VTS 2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus - Feature

  3. Connect the supplied AC Adapter to the AC Adapter Jack located on the side of the Vibroacoustic Back Support . Plug the AC Adapter into an electrical wall outlet .
    Note: Your AC Adapter is dual voltage and may be used worldwide with the included adapter wall plugs .

  4. Place the Vibroacoustic Back Support on a chair, sofa or on top of a bed .
    Note: If used on a bed, place pillows under the upper portion of the Vibroacoustic Back Support to position it more comfortably .

sound oasis VTS 2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus - Feature


Sound Track Selection

  1. Press the Power Button to turn the unit on . The unit will automatically start playing the ENERGIZE THERAPY SESSION .
    The Remote Control Display will show:
    Adjust the vibration intensity and sound volume to your desired levels (Please see page 18) .

  2. The unit will play all three (3) ENERGIZE tracks and then continue looping all three (3) tracks unless you press the ENERGIZE BUTTON . Pressing the ENERGIZE BUTTON  will play and loop ENERGIZE THERAPY TRACK 1 . The Remote Control Display will show:

  3. Pressing the ENERGIZE BUTTON a second time will play and loop ENERGIZE THERAPY TRACK 2 . The Remote Control Display will show:

  4. Pressing the ENERGIZE BUTTON a third time will play and loop ENERGIZE THERAPY TRACK 3 . The Remote Control Display will show:

  5. Pressing the ENERGIZE BUTTON a fourth time will place you at the beginning (where all three (3) tracks will play and then loop continuously) . The Remote Control Display will show:

To change sound themes, simply press your desired sound theme ENERGIZE, RELAX, SLEEP and STRESS RELIEF . The operation is the same for each sound theme .

Vibration Intensity – Vibration therapy is projected to your body from the proprietary Low Frequency Generator . To change the intensity vibration therapy, press the (+) Button to increase vibration and press the (-) Button to decrease vibration .
Volume – Sound therapy is projected to your ears from the two Stereo Audio Speakers . To change the sound volume, press the (+) Button to increase volume and press the (-) Button  to decrease volume .
Timer – A built-in timer allows you to automatically turn your vibroacoustic session off . The following timer selections are available and selected by pressing the Timer Button until  the display shows your desired timer selection .

| | Display Shows
First Press| 60 minutes|
Second Press| 45 minutes|
Third Press| 30 minutes|
Fourth Press| 15 minutes|
Fifth Press| Timer Off|

The display will count down the time.

Using Bluetooth

Your VTS-2000 includes Bluetooth technology so you can enjoy new music and sounds by connecting your VTS-2000 to your selected Bluetooth enabled device (e .g . smartphone, tablet, computer, etc .) .
To stream music/sounds from your Bluetooth enabled device, please follow these steps:

  1. Quickly press the Power On/Off Button twice . The word Bluetooth will be visible on the Remote Control Display when Bluetooth is activated .

  2. On your Bluetooth enabled device, turn Bluetooth on, locate the Bluetooth device list and select the device named VTS-2000 . Pair your VTS-2000 with your Bluetooth enabled device . You will hear a chime when pairing is successful .

  3. Start playing music/sounds from your Bluetooth enabled device . You can adjust the sound volume and vibration intensity on your VTS-2000 Remote Control . You can also adjust the sound volume on your Bluetooth enabled device .
    To enjoy new Sound Oasis VTS-2000 music, please download the Sound Oasis Vibroacoustic Therapy APP from iTunes or Google Play .

Please Note:
If you insert the External Sound Source Cable into the External Input Jack during the Bluetooth mode, Bluetooth will be disabled and sounds from the device connected to the External Input Jack will begin to play.

Using an External Sound Source

Your Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus can play sounds from external sources like an iPod®, iPhone®, iPad®, MP3 player, CD player, etc .
To use this feature, please follow these steps: a. Connect your external product to the External Input Jack on your Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus using the included 1/8″ (3 .5 mm) External Sound Source Cable . One end of the External Sound Source Cable must exit your external product’s headphone jack (e .g . the earphone jack on your iPod) and the other end must connect with the External Input Jack on your Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus .

b. Whatever sound you select on your external sound source will now be played through your Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus .

Using Headphones

You can use headphones with your Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus for improved sound quality or privacy . Simply connect your headphones to the Headphone Jack located on the side of the Vibroacoustic Back Support . Headphone sound volume is controlled by the Sound Volume Buttons .

Note: Brainwave entrainment is even more effective with headphones .

Care & Maintenance

Always turn the unit off and unplug it before cleaning.
Clean the outer surface of your unit by wiping it with a damp cloth soaked with mild soap . Do not use stronger chemical cleaners as they may damage the plastic and cushion material.
Caution: Never operate unit near or in water.
iPod®, iPhone®, iPad® are trademarks of Apple, Inc . ARTWORK#: 11/14/22

1 Year Limited Warranty

Sound Oasis Company warrants that this product is free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase .
If the product fails to operate in accordance with our specifications, simply return the product to the retail location where you purchased it or call our toll free number below within one (1) year of the date of purchase . Proof of date of purchase is required . Sound Oasis Company will, at its option, repair or replace the product at no charge to you .
This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, misuse or abuse, lack of reasonable care, the affixing of any attachment not provided with the product, or loss of parts, or subjecting the product to anything but the specified batteries .
This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, express or implied.
All implied warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, are limited in duration to one (1) year from the date of original purchase.
In no event will Sound Oasis Company be responsible for incidental, consequential, or special damages resulting from the use of this product.
Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you . This warranty gives you specific legal rights which vary from state to state .
To speak with a Sound Oasis representative, please call: 1-866-625-3218 or email us at [email protected] Thank you for choosing Sound Oasis®.

FCC   Notice: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules .
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference; and
  2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation .

Online Registration

Thank you for purchasing the Sound Oasis® Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus (VTS-2000) .
Please register your purchase online at and receive a 20% discount toward any other Sound Oasis® product from our website . Use coupon code: SLEEP We will never sell your personal information or allow others to see it . We simply want to know how we are doing and if we can do anything better so we can bring more innovative products to you .
Thank you!

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Vibroacoustic Therapy
System Plus

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| sound oasis VTS-2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus [pdf] Instruction Manual
VTS-2000 Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus, VTS-2000, Vibroacoustic Therapy System Plus, Therapy System Plus, System Plus


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