CAS Scale CL-5200 Barcode Label Printing Scale Instructions

June 13, 2024
CAS Scale

CAS Scale CL-5200 Barcode Label Printing Scale Instructions
CAS Scale CL-5200 Barcode Label Printing Scale

Setup Label Templates & Aux. Label

Usually these settings are completed before the scale is sent out, however you may want to check and adjust accordingly. These instructions are for pre- installed CAS labels and label templates, if you have redesigned your labels or are using labels that come from elsewhere, you will need to adjust settings accordingly. (Genuine CAS labels are LS-5840R/B/BK, LS5860R/B/BK and 8-58110).

To enter User Menu press Menu key then either scroll through the menu or simply type in the menu number starting from the second digit – example type 144 to get to menu 1144 “Select PLU Items” then make the necessary changes and press Save key (Note: If the menu number ends in 0 you do not need to type the 0). Press the ESC key until you return to the main menu 1000 “Program Mode”, then repeat process. If asked for the password, enter 011 (Or contact your dealer) and press Print key.
Once you have completed/checked the below setting changes simply press ESC until you return to weighing mode.

  1. menu 1144 – Select PLU Items : Scroll down using down arrow/PLU key until you see “Au. Label No. and change to Y by pressing 1. Then Save key. (not always needed unless you printing a second label with ingredients and/or Nutrition Table)
  2. menu 1510 – Label Format : Make sure “Use global label” is set to Y (press 1 = Y). Then scroll down to “PLU Label No.” and enter the appropriate label ID number according to the “Choosing Label Templates – CL5200/CL5500/CL7200” Document provided by your dealer. Then scroll down to “MISC Label No.” and enter the appropriate label ID number according to the “Choosing Label Templates – CL5200/CL5500/CL7200” Document. Then press Save.
  3. menu 1732 – Label Size : Make sure Width is set to 60 and Height is set to the size of the chosen label (either 60 or 110). Press Save.

Loading Printer Cassette

We recommend using our Blank Labels 58 x 60mm (Order code: LS-5860BK) or 58 x 110mm (Order code: LS-58110). Label templates supplied are design for these labels. Place chosen label roll in the printer cassette by following the instructions on the inside of the cassette door found on the scale. Then place the cassette back into place, lock the printer head lever and close the door.
To calibrate the print sensor follow the instructions below:

  1. menu 1733 – Sensor Calibration: Don’t change any numbers, just simply press the Test key and the scale will print out 3 labels. Once done just return to weighing mode by pressing ESC key 3 times. Then test by printing 2 labels.

Install CL-Works Pro Software – Latest Version

CL-Works will only work on Windows. Please install the latest version. Make sure you delete any previous version.
When installing the new CL-Works Pro, select “Australia”. Follow install instructions.

CL-Works Pro Settings

After Install, open CL-Works Pro. In the icon menu on the right is Config, select Config and a pop up window will appear. In General, change Nutrition Decimal Point to 1, Then press save. Then in PLU Fields, scroll through the list and make sure Nutrifact No and Aux Label No are turned on. Press Save.

You will need these settings changed if you intend to print a second label, Ingredients and/or Nutrition Table for a selected PLU(s).

Connecting Scale to PC & CL-Works Pro Software

Two options for connecting the scale to a Windows PC:

  1. If you have an Ethernet cable you can connect the scale directly to a Wifi Router. You will need to set the scale up with its own IP address (For information on setting up IP please read CL5200/CL5500/CL7200 Setting IP Address.pdf – ALSO note that when using CL-7200 and transferring the keypad layout you must use RS-232 Cable instead of Ethernet cable).
  2. If you can’t access a Wifi router, then use the provided RS-232 serial cable and plug directly into the PC. You may require a USB converter if you do not have a serial port. When purchasing a USB converter make sure it is FTDI Chipped.

CL-Works Pro Software – Connecting to the Scale via TCP/IP:

  1. In CL-Works Pro.- Select the “Scale Icon” from the top menu. Make sure TCP/IP is selected.
  2. Click “Add”.
  3. Fill in the IP Address of the scale. (For information on setting up IP please read CL5200/CL5500/CL7200 Setting IP Address.pdf).
  4. In TCP Port type 20304.
  5. In Model – Use dropdown menu to select the correct model name.
  6. In Type – Use dropdown menu to select Bench or Pole depending on the scale you have.
  7. In Name – You can add a name for reference if you like but not required.
  8. leave State and Version blank.
  9. Click “Connection Test” and State should show Connected. Once connection is established click the “Save Icon” from top menu.
  10. In the left hand menu click “Date/Time Sync” and then Click the “Download icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the time and date from your computer to the scale.

Connecting to the Scale via RS-232 Serial Cable (RS-232/USB converter may be required):

  1. Same instructions as above but make sure Serial is selected.
  2. Click “Add

The only difference is in “Port” you must select the PC’S COM port where the RS232 or USB converter is plugged in. Also set “Baudrate” to 57600.

(Optional) CL-Works Pro – Scale Data & Label Template Import

Usually all scales are pre-loaded with the following demo PLU, Store, Origin, Barcode, Ingredient and Nutrifact data files as examples that you can override or delete. So you do not need to do this step. However, the following process is also how you would import backup or updated files.
Demo Data Folder – CL-Works Pro CoOL Demo Data.

Import PLU Data:

  1. In CL-Works Pro.- Select the “PLU Icon” from the top menu (if you are not already in PLU menu), then select File then select Import.
  2. Navigate to the folder “CL-Works Pro CoOL Demo Data”, open the folder and then select the file CL-Works Pro – CoOL Demo – PLUData.xls. Click Open.
  3. Make sure the “Associated field name pairs” match each other. Then click OK.
  4. If the “Select Update Type” window pops up, select “Clear All Data in the List and Insert the Imported Data”. Once import is complete, click close.
  5. Now select the tick box near the word “Department (column)” to select all PLU and then click the “Download Icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the data to the scale.

Import Origin Data (used for imported items):

  1. In CL-Works Pro.- Select the “Data Icon” from the top menu.
  2. In the left hand menu click on “Origin” then select File, then select Import.
  3. Navigate to the folder “CL-Works Pro CoOL Demo Data”, open the folder and then select the file CL-Works Pro – CoOL Demo – Origin.xls. Click Open.
  4. Make sure the “Associated field name pairs” match each other. Then click OK.
  5. If the “Select Update Type” window pops up, select “Clear All Data in the List and Insert the Imported Data”. Once import is complete, click close.
  6. Now select the tick box near the word “Code” to select all and then click the “Download Icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the data to the scale.

Import Barcode Data (custom barcode):

  1. Now click on “Barcode” from the left hand menu – You will be asked to save modified data first so just click Yes.
  2. Now while in Barcode menu select File, then select Import.
  3. Navigate to the folder “CL-Works Pro CoOL Demo Data”, open the folder and then select the file CL-Works Pro – CoOL Demo – Barcode.xls. Click Open.
  4. Make sure the “Associated field name pairs” match each other. Then click OK.
  5. If the “Select Update Type” window pops up, select “Clear All Data in the List and Insert the Imported Data”. Once import is complete, click close.
  6. Now select the tick box near the word “Code” to select all and then click the “Download Icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the data to the scale.

Import Ingredient Data:

  1. Now click on “Ingredient” from the left hand menu – You will be asked to save modified data first so just click Yes.
  2. Now while in Ingredient menu select File, then select Import.
  3. Navigate to the folder “CL-Works Pro CoOL Demo Data”, open the folder and then select the file CL-Works Pro – CoOL Demo – Ingredient.xls. Click Open.
  4. Make sure the “Associated field name pairs” match each other. Then click OK
  5. If the “Select Update Type” window pops up, select “Clear All Data in the List and Insert the Imported Data”. Once import is complete, click close.
  6. Now select the tick box near the word “Code” to select all and then click the “Download Icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the data to the scale.

Import Nutrifact Data:

  1. Now click on “Nutrifact” from the left hand menu – You will be asked to save modified data first so just click Yes.
  2. Now while in Nutrfact menu select File, then select Import.
  3. Navigate to the folder “CL-Works Pro CoOL Demo Data”, open the folder and then select the file CL-Works Pro – CoOL Demo – Nutrition.xls. Click Open.
  4. Make sure the “Associated field name pairs” match each other. Then click OK.
  5. If the “Select Update Type” window pops up, select “Clear All Data in the List and Insert the Imported Data”. Once import is complete, click close.
  6. Now select the tick box near the word “Code” to select all and then click the “Download Icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the data to the scale.

Import Store Data:

  1. Select the “Store Icon” from the top menu.
  2. Now while in Store menu select File, then select Import.
  3. Navigate to the folder “CL-Works Pro CoOL Demo Data”, open the folder and then select the file CL-Works Pro – CoOL Demo – Store.xls. Click Open.
  4. Make sure the “Associated field name pairs” match each other. Then click OK.
  5. If the “Select Update Type” window pops up, select “Clear All Data in the List and Insert the Imported Data”. Once import is complete, click close.
  6. Now select the tick box near the word “Code” to select all and then click the “Download Icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the data to the scale.

Import Label Templates:

  1. Follow this link to download label templates required – “CL-WorksProCoOL  Label Templates”. Save the files you want to use on your PC.
  2. While in CL-Works Pro – Select the “Label Icon” from the top menu. The label Editor Pro window will pop up.
  3. Click the “Open Icon”.
  4. Navigate to the folder then select the required file. Click Open.
  5. Now click the “Transfer Icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the label to the scale.
  6. Repeat this process using for additional files if needed.

You can now return to the scale and test PLU’s 1 to 6. (Note: If you have used the medium blank labels with ID51~ID53 then you will notice PLU 2 is set up to print two labels, one with CoOL info and second label with Ingredients and Nutrition Table. PLU 5 is set as a count item that is imported from NZ. PLU 6 is for an item that does not require CoOL info on the label.)

CL-Works Pro – Export Backup Files

You should regularly export and keep backup files of important data that changes often or would simply be a major job to re-enter manually such as PLU, Ingredients, Nutrifact data and Label Template files. We recommend you create a backup folder somewhere safe on your computer and easy to navigate to.

Export PLU Data:

  1. In CL-Works Pro.- Select the “PLU Icon” from the top menu (if you are not already in PLU menu), then select File then select Export.
  2. Navigate to the folder you created for backups, click on the folder and then adjust the file name to something suitable then click save.
  3. A window will pop up as the excel export file is being generated. When the progress bar is complete you can click close.
  4. Open the excel file created in excel and check the information is correct. You can make changes to this file and import back into CL-Works Pro if needed.

Export Other Data – eg. Ingredients:
The process is the same as above, however you must first navigate to the correct area before you export. Below is an example of exporting the Ingredients section.

  1. In CL-Works Pro.- Select the “Data Icon” from the top menu, then select Ingredients from the list on the left hand side menu.
  2. Then select File then select Export.
  3. Navigate to the folder you created for backups, click on the folder and then adjust the file name to something suitable then click save.
  4. A window will pop up as the excel export file is being generated. When the progress bar is complete you can click close.
  5. Open the excel file created in excel and check the information is correct. You can make changes to this file and import back into CL-Works Pro if needed.

Saving Label Templates:
Please ask your dealer to provide a copy the label template files used on your scale or download a copy of the pre-installed formats available in “CL-Works Pro CoOL Label Templates”. Once you have downloaded the formats you need, you can open each file in CL-Works Pro, make any edits required and then transfer from the PC to the scale. Then save the file in the backup folder you created.

  1. Select the “Label Icon” from the top menu. The label Editor Pro window will pop up.
  2. Click the “Open Icon”.
  3. Navigate to the label you want to edit. Click Open. Then make any changes you need.
  4. Now click the “Transfer Icon” from top menu. A pop up window will appear, select the scale and press Start, once complete press Close. This will transfer the label to the scale.
  5. Now click on File and “Save AS”, edit the file name if needed and save the file in the backup file you created.
  6. Repeat this process for additional files if needed.

Explanation on how to use CoOL
Once you have installed latest CL-Works Pro and setup you PLU & other data you will be able to see how the CoOL function works. (The below demo PLU numbers will only display properly if you have the ID51~ID53 Label Templates and installed the demo data – Alternatively you can view a copy of the labels at the bottom of this document).

In CL-Works Pro’s PLU section you will notice 3 columns:

  1. Column – AU Ingredient % – This column is used to enter the percentage of AU ingredients. For example, Demo PLU 3 (Sheppard’s Pie) is Made in Australia from 50% Australian ingredients. So the number 50 is entered in this column.

  2. Column – Origin Type – This column has 6 options to select from. Simply select the most zppropriate:
    Don’t use Australian Origin – Use this option if the PLU does not require CoOL info to be printed. (Print demo PLU 6 label to see this option)

  3. Grown in Australia – This option will print the CoOL logo and bar graph (showing 100% full – you do not need to enter AU Ingredient % if selecting this option). The text will read “Grown in Australia”. (Print demo PLU 1 label to see this option)

  4. Produced in Australia – This option will print the CoOL logo and bar graph (showing 100% full – you do not need to enter AU Ingredient % if selecting this option). The text will read “Produced in Australia”. (Print demo PLU 2 label to see this option)

  5. Made in Australia – This option will print the CoOL logo and bar graph (showing the % you entered in the AU Ingredient % column). The text will read “Made in Australia from at least #% Australian Ingredients”. (Print demo PLU 3 label to see this option)

  6. Packed in Australia – This option will NOT print the CoOL logo; it will only print the bar graph (showing the % you entered in the AU Ingredient % column). The text will read “Packed in Australia from at least #% Australian Ingredients”. (Print demo PLU 4 label to see this option)

  7. Imported – In order for the Imported option to work you must have “Origin” data set up and linked to the PLU. For example, in the demo Origin data we upload a file which had New Zealand as the country and used code 1. In the PLU data you will notice PLU 5 has number 1 selected in column “Origin No”, This is how you link the country to the individual PLU. This option will NOT print the CoOL logo. If you have not entered a numerical value in the “AU Ingredients %” then the bar graph will not print and the text will simply say “Produced in New Zealand” If you enter an amount into the “AU Ingredients %” then the bar graph will print showing the % you entered in the AU Ingredient % column. The text will then read “Produce in New Zealand from at least #% Australian Ingredients”. (Print demo PLU 5 label to see this option) .

  8. Column – Custom CoOL Text – This column can be used to customize the CoOL message, so if the above Origin Type options do not match exact needs then use this column.

Explanation on how to use second labels (Ingredient/Nutrition Table)

If you have installed latest CL-Works Pro and imported the demo data you will be able to see how the second label is set up.
During set up of the demo data (Section – (Optional) CL-Works Pro Demo Data & Label Template Import), 3 label templates were transferred to the scale. The label template called “ID53 – Ingredients & Nutri Table 60×60 – Demo.lfm” uses ID code 53. The ID number is what is used to link this label template to the PLU that requires a second label with Ingredient &
Nutrition info. The ingredients data and the nutrition data are also linked to the PLU in the same fashion.
In CL-Works Pro’s PLU section you will notice a column called “Aux Label No” here is where we enter 53. (Print demo PLU 2 label to see this option)

Explanation on Label Templates used in CoOl Demo Data

For the demos mentioned in this document, we are often referring to the most commonly used label templates for CoOL function. The label templates below are for label size 58 x 60.

Label templates:

  1. ID51 – CoOL PLU Item 60×60 – Demo.lfm (uses ID code 51 – Main Label for CoOL)
  2. ID52 – CoOL MISC Item 60×60 – Demo.lfm (uses ID code 52 – Used for MISC Items only)
  3. ID53 – Ingredients & Nutri Table 60×60 – Demo.lfm (uses ID code 53 – Secondary Label)

In the User Menu Settings under Global Setting – Label Format, we set Label ID51 to be used as the main label for all PLU items. We also set any MISC items to use Label ID52 which does not include the CoOL field. And Label ID53 was linked to any PLU requiring a second label via the PLU data in CL-Works Pro.

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