KOLLER PRODUCTS Plastic 6 Gallon AquaView 360 Aquarium Kit Instructions

June 13, 2024

KOLLER PRODUCTS Plastic 6 Gallon AquaView 360 Aquarium Kit


Product Information

The product is an aquarium designed for housing fish and enhancing the beauty of the surroundings. It comes with a programmable LED light unit and a filter system. The aquarium is made of plastic and should be handled with care to avoid damage. For any questions or assistance, contact the Customer Service Department at 800.545.1344 or email customercare@kollerproducts.com.

Product Usage Instructions

1. Aquarium Placement:

  • Pick a location away from direct sunlight, heat, or air conditioning to prevent unwanted algae growth and maintain proper temperature.
  • Ensure the surrounding air temperature is relatively stable.
  • Place the aquarium where it can be easily seen and appreciated.

Number of Fish

  • General recommendation is one inch of fish per gallon of aquarium.
  • Add only a few recommended fish at first, gradually introducing more over the next 4-6 weeks.
  • Start with one to two fish that are each approximately 2 inches long.
  • Choose active and healthy fish, avoiding overcrowding.

Foamy Water

If the aquarium is newly set up, foam may be caused by the tap water conditioner used. Wait a couple of days and the foam will disappear. If the aquarium has been set up for a couple of weeks, perform a partial water change.

LED Light Troubleshooting

  • Check the battery installation, ensuring they are inserted correctly.
  • Press the blue button on the LED light to the ON position.
  • If the light still does not work, contact the Customer Service Department.

Programmable Timer

The LED light unit has a built-in programmable timer. Follow these steps to set the timer:

  1. Select 2H or 4H using the selector.
  2. Press the blue on/off button at the desired time (e.g., 7:00pm).
  3. The LED light will cycle on the same time of day going forward.

Cleaning the Aquarium

  • Use a soft microfiber cloth with warm water only to clean the outside of the aquarium.
  • Never use chemicals, soap, or detergent as they can damage the plastic.
  • Avoid using used rags or sponges that may contain harmful chemicals and can scratch the tank.

Water Change and Filter Maintenance

  • Perform a 25% water change monthly (more frequently if necessary).
  • Use a vacuum gravel siphon to remove uneaten food and waste buildup.
  • Replace the filter cartridge every 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Rinse filter pads once or twice before changing.
  • As carbon gets older, it becomes less efficient in removing discolorations and odors.

For any further assistance or questions, please contact the Customer Service Department at 800.545.1344 or email customercare@kollerproducts.com.


  • Q: Where should I set up my aquarium?

  • A: Pick a location away from direct sunlight, heat, or air conditioning. Direct sunlight can cause unwanted algae growth that can cover your rocks and decorations. Placement of the aquarium away from heating and air conditioning vents is also important, because it is easier to maintain proper aquarium temperature when the surrounding air temperature is relatively stable. Place your new aquarium where you will be able to see and appreciate the beauty of it.

  • Q: How long after setting up the aquarium should I wait before adding fish?

  • A: Allow the aquarium’s water to stabilize to room temperature before adding fish. You will reduce the stress on the new fish by doing so. Usually one to two days will be sufficient to enable the aquarium to achieve room temperature. Also have your aquarium store test your water to be sure the water is safe to add fish. In fact, most aquarium specialty dealers will test your water as a service to ensure a balanced environment before adding fish. It is our strongest recommendation that you follow their advice; their expertise will provide you with invaluable information and assistance along the way.

  • Q: What kind of fish can I have?

  • A: Begin by talking to your pet store people about which fish are best suited for your aquarium, which fish are compatible with each other, and how many would be appropriate for your aquarium. Inform them that you have just set up a new aquarium so they can recommend hardy fish. Select fish that are healthy and active. Be sure that the fish are eating and acting normally. Check for ragged fins that can be caused by bacteria and white spots caused by parasites. Always choose healthy looking fish.
    Avoid difficult species or those with special feeding requirements until you have gained enough experience and confidence. Some good choices for first fish include zebra danios, white clouds, swordtails, platies, mollies and guppies. If possible, purchase tank raised fish because they are more likely to adapt quickly to the aquarium and their new surroundings. They will also be less stressed and more apt to be eating than non-captive raised fish. Bring your fish home directly from the store; you do not want them to be in the bag any longer than necessary.

  • Q: How many fish can I have?

  • A: General recommendation is one inch of fish per gallon of aquarium. Add only a few recommended fish at first, gradually introducing more over the next 4-6 weeks. One to two fish in the beginning that are each approximately 2 inches long is a good guide to follow. Remember to choose only fish that are active and healthy. Take special care not to overcrowd your aquarium. Fewer, healthier fish are better than an overcrowded, stressed population. Q. How often should I feed my fish?

  • A. Feed your fish twice a day. A few pellets or flakes per fish is sufficient, do not overfeed as it can affect the health of your fish and aquarium. The fish should eat all the food in one minute or less. Overfeeding your aquarium is one of the most common mistakes made in aquarium ownership and is the major causes of fish loss. Overfeeding results in the accumulation of waste due to uneaten, leftover fish food plus increased amounts of waste produced by the fish eating more than they need. It’s easy to feed extra since your fish always appears hungry and seems happy to see you especially when it’s feeding time. Keep in mind that your fish will always become excited when they see you coming towards the tank with food. Don’t be fooled by their ability to look hungry as this is typically only a conditioned feeding response when you approach the tank.

  • Q: Why is there excessive bubbles on water surface?

  • A: Bubbles are caused on water due to surface tension. The natural properties of the water or rather the impurities in the water will increase surface tension. The impurities in water come about due to overfeeding, improper filter maintenance and irregular water changes.
    Recommendation: Perform a 25% partial water change by siphoning water from the gravel with a gravel cleaner. Then add fresh water that has been treated with a water conditioner. Tank maintenance and correct feeding of your fish are very essential to maintaining a healthy environment in the tank. Also have your aquarium water checked by the local pet shop and treat the water depending on what the testing indicates.

  • Q: Why is my aquarium’s water turning green?

  • A: Unwanted algae results from overfeeding or too much light. Reduce the amount of fish food you are feeding your fish, overfeeding means more waste and unwanted algae may result. Also, reduce the amount of light your tank is getting. If you have your lights on eight hours per day lower the length of time down to six or less. If the tank is getting direct sunlight from a window put up a blackout curtain to minimize the amount of light getting to your aquarium. If possible move your aquarium to another location away from direct window light.
    To rid your aquarium of algae perform a partial water change using a gravel siphon that allows you to get down into the gravel. Perform a 20%-25% water change every two weeks to lower the level of fish waste that algae utilizes a fuel source. Lastly, try adding some live aquarium plants. Live aquarium plants can help “lock up” nutrients in your aquarium that algae need as a fuel source in order to thrive and grow.

  • Q: Why is my aquarium’s water foamy?

  • A: If your aquarium is newly set up it may be from the tap water conditioner you used. Some water conditioners contain aloe or a thickening agent that can cause foam to form at the aquarium’s surface. Wait a couple days and the foam will disappear. If you aquarium has been set up a couple weeks it is time for your to do a partial water change.

  • Q: How often should I clean my aquarium?

  • A: Ideally, you should change 20% – 25% of the aquarium’s water monthly by performing a partial water change using a gravel siphon. A gravel siphon will enable you to remove fish waste and other detritus that have accumulated in the gravel. Be sure to use a tap water conditioner to remove chlorine, chloramines and ammonia from your tap water that can be harmful to your fish. It is recommended to fill an unused bucket with freshwater the night before performing a water change to allow the water to get to room temperature.

  • Q: My LED light is not working and I have changed the batteries. What should I do?

  • A: First, make sure you installed the batteries in the LED light in the proper directions. Positive to positive and negative to negative. Then press the blue button to the ON position. If it still does not work, contact our Customer Service Department at 800.545.1344.

  • Q : What affects battery life in my LED light?

  • A: There are 3 main things that affect battery life in the LED light unit. The first is the quality of the battery. Be sure you are using a high quality alkaline battery. The second has to do with the features on your LED light. If you turn your LED light on and off manually using the on/off button on top of the light, you can expect to see longer battery life. Use of the timer mode will shorten battery life slightly. If the LED light is left on for long periods, you will see shorter battery life. Lastly temperature plays an important role in the life of batteries. Batteries exposed to prolonged heat will have diminished battery life.

  • Q: What is the programmable timer?

  • A: Taking simplicity even a step further, the LED light unit will turn off all by itself. Set the timer by selecting 2H or 4H with the selector. Beginning at the actual desired time by pressing the blue on/off button (as an example 7:00pm). The LED will cycle on the same time of day going forward.

  • Q: How should I clean the outside of my aquarium?

  • A: Use a soft micro fiber cloth with warm water only—NEVER USE CHEMICALS TO CLEAN THE TANK since soap and detergent can damage the plastic. Avoid using any used rags or sponges that were used for cleaning and can contain harmful chemicals; these can be scratch and damage your tank also.

  • Q: How often should I do a water change?

  • A: Perform a 25% water change monthly (more frequently if necessary, depending on the number of fish and amount of daily feedings) use a vacuum gravel siphon to thoroughly remove any uneaten food and waste buildup. At the same time, replace your filter cartridge every 3 to 4 weeks. Filter pads can be rinsed once or twice before changing and as carbon gets older, it becomes less efficient in removing discolorations and odors.

  • Q: What size tank do I need for a betta fish?

  • A: A betta fish tank should be a one gallon or larger to support your pet nicely. There are a number of things to look at besides the size of the tank, you have to consider how many plants and decorations you are adding to it, how often you are performing partial water changes and the number of daily feedings, and all have to be considered. Betta fish have certain needs such as a constant room temperature between 71 and 84 degrees that does not regularly have large fluctuations. Keep the aquarium water clean and water parameters healthy, by faithfully performing a 25% water change every 2 to 3 weeks and not overfeeding. When feeding it is best to feed your pet small amounts of pelleted food a couple times a day, emphasizing again small amounts. Pet owners tend to overfeed and unfortunately to the detriment of their pet. So often people think just because they have a large tank they are not required to perform necessary monthly maintenance, so untrue. Monitor your water chemistry weekly, check the temperature of the tank, perform scheduled maintenance, don’t overfeed and observe your fish daily. Be responsible and you will have many years of enjoyment with your pet.

  • Q: Heater or No Heater for Your Fish?

  • A: One of the most important considerations in maintaining a healthy aquarium and stable environment is your aquarium’s water temperature. A steady water temperature is a must so your fish are not stressed and susceptible to disease. If you find the aquarium’s water temperature is fluctuating daily by more than a couple of degrees you should consider adding an aquarium heater and thermometer. Fish cannot regulate their body temperature; they have to rely on the temperature of the water in their tank. So what water temperature is best for your pet? The safe temperature zone should always be determined by the type of fish you have. Goldfish do better in cooler water while cichlids and most other tropical fish require higher temperatures. Freshwater tropical aquariums should be kept at approximately 74 ºF to 80 ºF for optimal fish health while goldfish tend to do better when their aquarium water temperature is between 65ºF and 72ºF. Although tropical fish can survive in water ranging from 65ºF to 84ºF, most tropical fish do best when kept in temperatures around the 74 ºF to 80 ºF mark. There are a number of easy to use, inexpensive aquarium thermometers to choose from that will help you monitor the water temperature of your fish tank or bowl. Choose one that best suits your aquarium shape and size, such as a Digital Thermometer (stick on), Stainless Steel Thermometer (hang-on tank); Plastic Thermometer (suction cup) or Floating Glass Thermometer (includes suction cup also), all will enable you to monitor water temperature. Which size heater should you use? For desktop aquariums 5 watts per gallon is recommended, so a 3-gallon aquarium will require a 15-watt heater in order to keep the tank at a steady temperature. Go with a reputable aquarium heater manufacturer such as Tetra that has been in the heater business for decades. You do not want to purchase a low cost, inferior heater that can malfunction, harming your fish.

Tropical Fish

  • Tropical fish are most healthy in the range of 74 ºF to 80°F. Some tropical fish may need to be kept cooler while some may need a warmer temperature. Check with your local aquarium store or online for the temperature requirements that best suit your fish.

Betta Fish

  • If you own a Betta fish, you might be wondering if you need an aquarium heater. The answer is yes, Bettas are tropical fish that prefer warm water ideally between 74 ºF to 80°F.

Coldwater Fish

  • There are several different species of fish that qualify as cold-water fish and tend to do better in colder water temperatures. Zebra Danios and White Clouds are two popular coldwater fish, also goldfish are included in this category. Many true coldwater fish cannot tolerate the warm water that we generally keep tropical fish in. A water temperature between 65ºF and 72ºF provides an optimum environment for these fish.
  • Goldfish are happiest when their aquarium water temperature is between 65ºF and 72ºF.
  • If your ambient room temperature remains constant and does not fluctuate, there is a good chance that you may not need to add an aquarium heater. Use an aquarium thermometer to monitor tank temperature. If you see that the water temperature is bouncing up and down then add a small heater to keep the temperature steady at the same temperature.
  • Q. How can I tell if my fish is sick?
  • A. If your fish shows signs of being sick, it is best to remove him from the aquarium and quarantine him by itself in another smaller fish tank. Treat the sick fish in the quarantine tank rather than medicating the main aquarium and potentially harming beneficial bacteria living there. Your sick fish should be treated with the appropriate medication to cure the infection, check with your pet store for medication recommendations. Signs of possible illness:
  1. Cloudy eyes,
  2. Open skin sores with reddening edges
  3. Sunken body or stomach
  4. Rapid or labored breathing
  5. Refusal of food
  6. Paleness or discoloration of the skin
  7. Fins clamped against body
  8. Ragged and/or frayed fins
  9. Excessive hiding
  10. Erratic or disoriented swimming
  11. White spots on skin or fins
  12. Scratching against decorations or gravel
  13. Red streaks in fins with discolorations around edges of fins

Questions or Need Help, Contact Us at 800.545.1344 or customercare@kollerproducts.com.

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