ONLY S-1SHU-4B Automation System Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

ONLY S-1SHU-4B Automation System

ONLY S-1SHU-4B Automation System


Distributed command
Many families only come home when it is already night, especially in winter time. Usually we switch on the lights of the entry, hallway, kitchen, living room and maybe garden or terraces. We also open some blinds in order not to feel too enclosed and close others to help to keep the warmth in. In short, a routine that is repeated every day.

On the other hand when leaving the house we want to be sure that all the lights are switched off, that the shutters are closed and that the air conditioning at the office is switched off. It is a series of actions that always take time to do.

Command panel
In a house with domotics the configuration of the house when coming home or leaving can be done by pressing just 1 button, saving the routine work. The automation system ONLY allows you to rationalize the lights and blind commands of your house, automating routines and combining functions in a way to minimize the number of necessary actions for the user to set up the house in a certain way. As such, the functioning of lights and shutters is done by electronic commands that, in addition to providing electric switching, can be controlled from any point in the house. This manual explains how it works and how to make the system configuration.


You house is equipped with specific commands to the electric function they perform, the actuators, which do the power switching, shutter control, flow regulation, etc distributed to control points. These support panels with keys or touch sensors that can be pressed by the user, from now on called buttons.

Your house may also have actuator modules in the switch board, these are multiple switches with 4 and 8 outputs, commands for 4 blinds and at least one BUS driver. In an automation system the actuators and the buttons are independent entities, this means that they function in a total independent way. A button can command an actuator that is in another room

E.g. in a bedroom you can command the blinds and the lights via the buttons of the same command panel, although the electric switching is done in different actuators.

ONLY has the following type of actuators:

  • multiple command switch for switch board
  • multiple shutter command switch for switch board
  • dimmer command switch for switch board
  • double command switch
  • simple command switch
  • dimmer command switch
  • shutter command switch
  • command for 2 gates
  • without function

Operating Principle

The last one is a command that does not have any electrical function but it only serves to receive command buttons. It is installed for instance in a hallway where we need several command points for the same light. In this case one of the commands executes the function and the other just support the buttons.
Depending on the series that you choose, the actuators may have 4 mechanical keys (press buttons) or panels with 2, 4, 6 or 9 touch sensors. You can still have climatization, security and ambient sound commands but these are described in the respective user manuals.


In the ONLY system, every button is the same, whether it is a push button of a command, a touch sensor of a command panel, a button of a remote control, a key of a telephone during a telephone call or a virtual button on a visualization and control application on a PC, locally or remotely.
It sends a unique number and a command. The number serves to identify the button, the command serves to define the desired action with the button
All the actuators receive simultaneously this number and this command. If the number is in the list of buttons associated to this actuator, it executes the command. If it is not in the list, it ignores the command.
This operating principle permits to associate buttons (inputs) to actuators (outputs) in a simple and intuitive way, without deep technical knowledge or the help of computers.


Each ONLY command has a programming key.
On the distributed commands it is placed on the command just above the connector
On the touch panels the key is repeated on the bottom part of the panel, in the opening on the left side. It is accessible with a toothpick

On the modules for the switchboard, the PROG key is clearly identified as seen in the picture.

The distributed commands have outputs or actuators and inputs or buttons. The

PROG button serves for both, being the difference the time that the PROG key is pressed when starting programming:

  • short press output programming
  • long press (>1 second)input programming

The switchboard modules only have outputs and as such only function with a short press.


The choice of a command to be sent by every button is the first programming step.

Every button can send one of the following commands:


  1. TOGGLE inverts the state of the output
  2. ON/UP switches the output on or goes up
  3. OFF/DOWN switches the output off or goes down
  4. TIMER switches on during a predefined period
  5. DELAY switches on after a predefined delay time.
  6. SCENARIO selects a set of states of various outputs.

This command is an order for the outputs that are associated to the button. For example, if a command is ON, an associated lamp lights up. As a factory default the ONLY modules send the commands as illustrated below, depending on the number of buttons:

Choosing The Command For The Buttons

At any time you can change the command that a certain button sends. For this perform the following steps:

  1. Keep the PROG key pressed for 2 seconds.

  2. Press the button or touch sensor that you wish to program: the PROG LED blinks the number or times corresponding to the selected command. On the touch panels you also hear a number of beeps according to the selection.
    1 = Toggle
    2 = On/Up
    3 = Off/Down
    4 = Timer switch on
    5 = Switch on after delay
    6 = Scenario

  3. Press PROG repeatedly to select the desired mode.

  4. Press the button to confirm and leave the programming mode


Every output, independent of type or function, has a table of buttons to which they are linked.

As a factory default, the distributed ONLY commands have 1 or 3 local buttons associated to the respective outputs so that the module works when it is installed.

The link to these buttons, however, can be deleted so that they are free for another function.

Each button has an identification number. The position of the buttons of each panel is as follows:

Linking A Button To Na Output

Factory default programming of the distributed commands is as follows:
Commands with 2 outputs: buttons 1 and 2
Commands with 1 output: button 1
Shutter commands: button 3 and 4
Dimmer commands: button 3 and 4

To associate a button to an output it is necessary to activate the output in programming mode. For this you should proceed as follows:

Linking A Button To Na Output

  1. Press the PROG button on the command or output module.

  2. Now, select the desired output(s): – on the distributed commands with 2 outputs, the PROG button allows you to select sequentially the outputs: 1, 2, 1+2, the loads being switched for better identification.
    – at the switchboard modules the selection is made on the respective button indicating only on the module, so without output switching.
    Linking A Button To Na Output

  3. Now press the button you wish to associate to the selected output(s).
    From now on the button commands the output(s) that you selected.
    Programming can be done for all desired outputs in one go or individually

Attention: if you enter programming mode of a module or command and then leave the mode again, this cancels the programming mode for all modules and commands in the installation.

Programming can be done for all desired outputs in one go or individually. Attention: if you enter programming mode of a module or command and then leave the mode again, this cancels the programming mode for all modules

Some considerations about the command TOGGLE TOGGLE master

More than one output can be associated to a button that sends a TOGGLE command. Since there may also be individual commands for each of these outputs, it may happen that, at a certain moment, one of the outputs is switched on and another switched off. If the outputs execute the TOGGLE command, this causes one to switch on and another to switch off.

For this reason, the ONLY system chooses automatically a MASTER for the TOGGLE command which informs the others if they should switch on or switch off. This MASTER is the first output that is put in programming mode for a certain button.

Note that when programming with ON or OFF, the PROG LED on the modules goes out immediately in programming mode. In case of the TOGGLE command, there is a short waiting period destined to verify if a MASTER already exists for this command.: if it exists, this module sends immediately the ON or OFF (depending on its state) command and then programming is made. If it doesn’t exist yet, it will be negotiated who will be the MASTER for this command.
This function has the disadvantage that it might happen that a group of outputs does not react to the TOGGLE command because the Master output has been deleted. In this case, just put one of the outputs in programming mode and press the button so that the new Master is selected.

TOGGLE for shutters or dimmers

The TOGGLE command can also be used to command shutters or light dimmers, being modules with the functions UP and DOWN. In this case the function is slightly different:

  • When pressed the first time, if the last manoeuvre of the module was UP but the module is in pause mode (output without movement), the output will go DOWN.
  • If you press the button during the movement, this stops the movement.
  • If you press the button again, it will send UP.
  • If you press the button during the movement, it stops the movement.

While for switching outputs (ON/OFF) the command TOGGLE is translated by the master as ON/UP and the next time as OFF/DOWN, in case of the modules UP/DOWN the first and second command TOGGLE generates the command DOWN and the 3rd and 4th command TOGGLE generates the command UP. If this was not done, it would not be possible to stop the movement of the module.

Hence it should be noted that, in case you want to associate to the same button a switching output and a movement output, you should first press the PROG key of the movement output and only then the switching output, to ensure that the movement output is the Master of this command.

A switching output, if it is off when it receives and OFF command, doesn’t do anything because it is already in this state.

Some considerations on the command SCENARIO

The command CENÁRIO serves to associate different states of multiple outputs in a single button. For example, you can associate closing a shutter, open another, put another one halfway open, switch on a light, switch off another and dim a lamp to 20%. All this can be done by pressing just one button that is configured to Scenario.
For a Scenario button to work it is necessary to first define the outputs to be associated to it. To do so you should put the desired outputs in programming mode and press then the Scenario button. This action only defines which outputs will be part of the scenario.
To define the state of the desired outputs for the scenario proceed as follows:
Blinds – put the shutters in the desired position.
Dimmers – regulate the light to the desired level by pressing the respective command
UP or DOWN, and stop at the desired intensity.
Switches ON/OFF – turn the lights on/off as intended.
When all the elements of the scenario are in the desired state, hold the button SCENARIO pressed for more than 5 seconds.

Deleting a programme

The ONLY modules provide several ways to delete a programme that should be used according to the needs.

Warning: If you delete the Master output of the TOGGLE command, all other outputs associated to this master will no longer function (see above).

Restoring the factory setting of a module

When using a module that was already used in another installation or if a provisionary programme was made, it is convenient to reset the module to the factory setting before starting the final configuration. Whatever the module, the resetting is done by pressing the PROG key for more than 10 seconds:

  • All the LEDs light up one time after approx. 5 seconds and again after 10 seconds. On the touch panels you will hear a long beep at the end of the 10 seconds.

Deleting a button from the list of an output

It may happen that you wish to withdraw one of the lamps from a button that controls various points of light. For this, you have to delete the number of the input of the module that controls this lamp. Proceed as follows:

Deleting A Programme

  • Press the PROG button on the output module that controls the output you wish to delete, select the respective output, and keep the PROG button pressed until the PROG LED starts blinking (approx. 1 second): when it blinks, it indicates that the module is in DELETE mode.
  • Now press the button you wish to exclude from this output.
  • The button no longer controls this output.

Deleting all buttons from the list of an output

In case you wish to clear all buttons that trigger a particular output, proceed as follows:

  • Press the PROG button on the output module you wish to delete
  • Select the respective output.
  • Press the PROG button of the output module for more than 5 seconds. All inputs that command this output are deleted.

Deleting all outputs that respond to a particular button

If you want that a button has no output associated it is easy to do this from the button itself. Proceed as follows:

  • Press PROG on the input module for more than 1 second.
  • Then press the button you wish to clear: the PROG LED PROG blinks the number of times corresponding to the command that this input sends when it is being pressed.
  • Hold the PROG key pressed for more than 5 seconds: the PROG LED stops blinking and all outputs delete the respective number.


Radio Frequency

The ONLY system was designed in a way to allow communication both by BUS line and by radio frequency or other wireless system.

Although it is possible to make an installation exclusively by radiofrequency, and as such wireless, ONLY proposes, where possible, the use of the BUS line. This is due to the fact that communication by BUS line is much more secure than RF communication which is subject to various external phenomena such as reflections, interference and propagation loss in materials.

The RF band used in the system is UHF (868.3MHz), a band scheduled for domestic applications, subject to power limitations and hence range limitations.

While in the open field the range could reach 500 meters, inside the house the range could be around 30 meters, depending on the used constructions materials. Walls or concrete floors are obstacles that severely limit the range of RF signals.

Various ONLY automation modules have versions with radio frequency. An RF module that is not connected to a BUS line, sends automatically all its commands by radio frequency.

If, however, a BUS line is present, all its commands are only sent by BUS line.

Your RF receiver repeats to the BUS line all the commands it receives, obviously if this command is not yet circulating on the BUS line.

You can however activate the Repeat function of any RF module (except the shutter module and remote controls) which makes the module repeat by RF all commands that flow in the BUS line, or if the BUS line is not present, that it receives by RF.

This way it is possible to “connect” independent BUS segments (isolated) or include wireless modules in a system with BUS line.

Note that, in case an RF transmitter does not reach a particular receiver, just install one or more repeaters along the way, so that the signal reaches its destination.

The ONLY system is based on modules with unique addresses defined in production.

These addresses cannot be changed. Therefore, there is no chance of interference between one installation and another nearby because the addresses are always different.

As such, a whole building can be installed with radio frequency without running the risk of confusing commands.

There is however one critical moment when there may be cross-commands: when, at the time of programming, a neighbour command is pressed, it may happen that the output is associated to the button of the neighbour. In this case, you should delete the programming of the module and repeat its programming again.

We suggest therefore to select a moment of programming of the system where it is less likely that people are operating the neighbour system. This obviously applies only to installations with RF.


The reading of this manual is essential to understand how the ONLY system works and as such understand how to do the programming.

This chapter assumes that the reader is already familiar with the details and is only intended to be a quick programming guide.

The programming of the ONLY system is summarized in the diagram below:

Quick Guide

Programming steps:

Button programming

Button Programming

  1. Press PROG during 2 seconds.
    Press the button: LED PROG blinks and you hear beep sounds according to the selection.
    1 = Toggle
    2 = On/Up
    3 = Off/Down
    4 = Timer on
    5 = Delay on
    6 = Scenario

  2. Press PROG to select the desired mode

  3. Press the button to confirm and leave the programming mode.

Output programming

  1. Press PROG briefly and select the desired output(s).
  2. Press the button with which you wish to command the output(s).

Deleting a button from an output

  1. Press PROG and select the desired output(s).
  2. Press PROG for 2 seconds until the PROG LED starts blinking or until you hear a beep.
  3. Press the button you wish to delete: you hear a long beep and the button is deleted.

Deleting all buttons from an output

  1. Press PROG and select the desired output(s).
  2. Press PROG during 5 seconds until all LEDs light up or until you hear a long beep.

Deleting all outputs from a button

  1. Keep PROG pressed during 2 seconds.
  2. Press the button or sensor you wish to programme.
  3. Press PROG during 5 seconds.

Return to factory settings

  1. Press PROG for more than 10 seconds.

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Tel: +351 253 221 484



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