Rockwell Automation 2711P-QS002 PanelView Plus Series B Terminals User Guide
- June 13, 2024
- Rockwell Automation
Table of Contents
Rockwell Automation 2711P-QS002 PanelView Plus Series B Terminals User
IMPORTANT The instructions in this Quick Start Guide are for the Series B PanelView™ Plus 7 Performance terminals, and the Series C PanelView Plus 7 Performance Stainless Steel terminals, which run on the Windows® 10 IoT Core operating system. The startup procedure for these terminals is different than for a Series A terminal. Please follow this quick start guide for the initial startup. Note that AC power is not available on Series B terminals. Ensure that you are applying power correctly to the terminal during installation. For detailed instructions on how to install and operate the terminal, see the publications that are listed in Additional Resources.
Summary of Changes
This publication contains new and updated information as indicated in the
following table.
Before You Begin
- Verify that you have all of the following components:
- PanelView™ Plus 7 Performance Series B terminal (Series C for Stainless Steel)
- Removable DC power terminal block, black (included with the terminal)
- 1585J Cat 5e Ethernet cable, or equivalent (purchased separately, if required)
- Optional peripheral devices (for example, mouse or keyboard, purchased separately)
- Product information (included with the terminal)
- Cutout template (included with the terminal)
- Mounting levers for panel installation (for aluminum terminals, included with the terminal)
- Stainless steel terminals come with the following items included in the box:
- Mounting clips for panel installation
- Backing plate
- Hygienic gasket
- In addition to these items, make sure that you have ready access to the following publications:
- PanelView Plus 7 Performance Terminals User Manual, publication 2711P-UM008
- FactoryTalk™ ViewMachine Edition User Manual, publication VIEWME-UM004
Power up the Terminal
- Unpack the terminal and any other components you ordered.
- Place the terminal face down on a stable surface.
- If you are using a mouse or a keyboard, insert each connector into one of the USB ports located at the bottom of the terminal.
- Connect the Ethernet cable to one of the network ports located at the bottom of the terminal, and connect to the other end of the network.
- Connect the terminal to an appropriately rated DC power source
WARNING: Series B terminals are designed for use with DC power only. Do not apply AC power or attempt to insert an AC terminal block (gray in color) into a Series B terminal. See the PanelView Plus 7 Performance Terminals User Manual, publication 2711P-UM008, for additional information about how to connect to DC Power. After the initial power-up, the terminal displays the Calibration Menu. Continue with Configure the Terminal on page 5
IMPORTANT In some cases, the terminal displays the Maintenance Menu at initial power-up. If this happens, select Calibrate Touch Screen, and then continue with Configure the Terminal on page 5.
Configure the Terminal
For the following procedures, if you do not have a keyboard or mouse connected to your terminal, you can tap commands and icons on the screen.
- On the Calibration Menu screen, tap Touch Screen Calibration
- In the Touch Screen Calibration dialog box, tap Yes.
On the first calibration screen, calibrate the touch screen boundaries as prompted.
- Carefully tap the blue portion of the target as close to the edge as possible and slide it off the edge of the display.
- The target moves after your finger slides off the display.
- Repeat as the target moves around the screen.
- The terminal saves these settings and then displays the second calibration screen.
- On the second calibration screen, calibrate the touch screen as prompted:
- Carefully tap and hold the center of the target for at least 1 second.
- The target moves after you do this.
- Repeat as the target moves around the screen.
- To save the calibration settings, tap the screen, as prompted.IMPORTANT If this is not done within 30 seconds, the settings are not saved
- In the Success dialog box, tap OK.
- Tap the Exit Calibration Menu.
- In the Exit Calibration Menu dialog box, tap Yes.
- The terminal reboots and displays the first Welcome to PanelView Plus screen
- Review the information on this screen, and then tap the Next button The terminal displays the second Welcome to PanelView Plus screen. For all of the following PanelView screens, if you do not have a keyboard or mouse connected to your terminal, tap inside a field to display an on-screen keyboard. On the keyboard, tap each character for the information you want to enter. When you are finished entering the information, tap the X in the upper-right corner of the keyboard. The keyboard closes and the information appears in the appropriate field.
- In the Administrator password field, type a password for the PanelView Plus Windows 10 IoT Core Control Panel. The only requirement for the password is that it must be between 1 and 64 characters.
- Retype the password in the Confirm password (must match the password above) field.
- Tap Next. The terminal displays the Network Adapters setup screen.
- Type information about your network into the following fields:
- Automatic address—The default setting is On, which means that the system provides dynamic IP addresses for you. If you prefer to use a static IP address, turn this field Off by tapping the button indicator and sliding it to the left. The Automatic DNS field becomes inactive, and the following fields become active so that you can type your information into them:
- IP address
- Subnet Mask
- Gateway
- Automatic DNS—The default setting is On, which means that the system generates DNS information for you. If you prefer to specify your own DNS information, turn this field Off by tapping the button indicator and sliding it to the left. The following fields become active so that you can type your information into them:
- Preferred DNS
- Alternate DNS If the Automatic DNS field is inactive, you may first need to turn the Automatic address field On by tapping that button indicator and sliding it to the right.
- Then slide the Automatic DNS button indicator to the right to turn that field Off.
- Tap the Next button. The terminal displays a verification screen.
- Tap Save and Reboot. If you need to change your network settings after this initial setup, you can do that in FactoryTalk View ME Station by tapping Terminal Settings [F4] > Networks and Communications > Network Connections > Network Adapters. The terminal restarts and displays the PanelView Plus Firmware Update Utility screen.
IMPORTANT If a USB Storage Device is not plugged into the terminal, the Update from USB Storage button is not visible on the screen. Plug in a USB storage device and the button is automatically added.
- Continue with Update the Firmware on page 9.
Update the Firmware
You can update the firmware on your terminal by using one of the following
- USB storage device
- ControlFLASH™ client, which is available in the following formats:
- ControlFLASH Plus™
- ControlFLASH
USB Storage Device
Access the Rockwell Automation Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC) at rok.
On the home page, click Available Versions.
Click the Select a Product link, and in the Select, a Product dialog box, type PanelView Plus 7 Performance in the search field and then click the Search button.
Select PanelView Plus 7 Performance, and then select B for the Series B firmware.
Click the Show Downloads icon for the desired firmware version for PanelView Plus 7 Performance (Series B). Firmware for Series B terminals starts at version 12.00.
Select and download the CAB Files for the desired firmware version.IMPORTANT Do not download the DMK file. It does not work to update firmware via a USB Storage Device.
After the. ZIP file has been downloaded, extract the contents to the root of the USB Storage Device. Use a USB Storage Device with at least 8 GB of storage available. Any Windows file system (including FAT32 or NTFS) is acceptable.
Insert the removable storage device into one of the USB ports located at the bottom of the PanelView terminal.
Tap Update from USB Storage and wait for the firmware update to complete. Before the update starts, the terminal displays the warning message shown in the following graphic. As the message states, do not remove the USB storage device while the file is being copied. Wait until you are prompted to remove the USB storage device.
Tap OK when you are ready to continue. While the firmware is updating, the terminal displays the update status. When the update is complete, the terminal displays the message shown in the following graphic. It is recommended that you remove the USB Storage device when prompted with the message shown in the image.
Tap OK to continue.
When the update is complete, the terminal reboots again and then displays the Password Entry screen. -
Continue with Enter a Password on page 18.
ControlFLASH Client
The following ControlFLASH clients are available to update the firmware:
- ControlFLASH Plus
- ControlFLASH
Before you can use ControlFLASH Plus or ControlFLASH, you must download the DMK file from the Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC). Downloading the ControlFLASH Plus or ControlFLASH File
- Access the Rockwell Automation Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC)
- On the home page, click Available Versions.
- Click the Select a Product link, and in the Select, a Product dialog box, type PanelView Plus 7 Performance in the search field and then click the Search button.
- Select PanelView Plus 7 Performance, and then select B for the Series B firmware.
- Click the Show Downloads icon for the desired firmware version for PanelView Plus 7 Performance (Series B). Firmware for Series B terminals starts at version 12.00.
- Select and download the DMK file for the desired firmware version.
- Save the DMK file in the desired Firmware Kits location. The default location is C:\Users\Public\Documents\RockwellAutomation\Firmware Kits
- On the PanelView terminal, under System Firmware, tap the Start Update Utility button.
Using ControlFLASH Plus
For details about how to install ControlFLASH Plus software, see the
ControlFLASH Plus Quick Start Guide, publication CFP-QS001.
IMPORTANT Use ControlFLASH Plus, version 4, or higher. The following
procedure uses ControlFLASH Plus, version 4.
- After you save the DMK file in the desired Firmware Kits location, launch ControlFLASH Plus.
- Browse to and select the PanelView Plus 7 Performance Series B terminal (series C if it is a Stainless Steel terminal).
- Click Next.
- Confirm that the information is correct, and then click Flash. On the ControlFLASH Plus screen, the Status field displays the Transmitting update status. On the PanelView terminal, the status changes to CONNECTED: transferring updates…
- Once the firmware file transmission is complete, on the ControlFLASH Plus screen, the Status field displays the Polling for power-up status.
On the PanelView terminal, the status changes to PLEASE WAIT: verifying and preparing updates….
The PanelView terminal reboots, and on the ControlFLASH Plus screen, the Flash
Results dialog box displays a Succeeded message.
Click Close, and then click Done. When the firmware update is complete, the
terminal reboots and displays moving gears while the update installs
Continue with Enter a Password on page 18. For information on how to install
ControlFLASH, see the ControlFLASH User Manual, publication 1756-UM105 To use
the ControlFLASH software to update the firmware in a PanelView Plus 7
Performance Series B terminal, follow these steps
- Click Start>Programs>FLASH Programming Tools>ControlFLASH.
- Make sure that you know the required information in the Welcome dialog box, then click Next.
- Select the catalog number of the PanelView Plus 7 Performance Series B terminal that you want to update and click Next.
- Browse to and select the device to update on the EtherNet/IP™ network and click OK.
- Select the firmware revision to install and click Next.
- Read the Danger information in the Summary dialog, then click Finish.
- Click Yes to confirm that you want to update the target device.
- The update starts and can take several minutes to complete
IMPORTANT Do not cycle power to the terminal during this process or the firmware update will not complete successfully.
When the firmware is sent to the terminal, the terminal resets and performs diagnostics. The Update Status dialog box opens when the update is complete. If the update was successful, the Status area is green click OK. If the update fails, the status area is red and reads Update failure.
For troubleshooting information, see the ControlFLASH User Manual, publication 1756-UM105.
Close the ControlFLASH software. Continue with Enter a Password on page 18
Enter a Password
After the PanelView terminal is updated with the desired firmware version, the
terminal displays the Change Desktop Access Password screen. The password that
you enter here is used to exit ME Station and access the Windows 10 IoT Core
Control Panel.
IMPORTANT Do not cycle power to the terminal during this process or the
firmware update will not complete successfully.
If you need to change (reset) your password after this initial setup, you can do that in FactoryTalk View ME Station by clicking or tapping Terminal Settings [F4] > Desktop Access Setup > Reset Password [F4].
- On the Change Desktop Access Password screen, tap the Password field, and type a password that meets the following criteria:
- Contains from 8 to 20 characters
- Contains at least one lowercase and one uppercase character
- Contains at least one numerical or special character
- Is not any form of the word password
- Contains from 8 to 20 characters
If you do not have a keyboard or mouse connected to your terminal, tap the Set Password button to display an on-screen keyboard. On the keyboard, tap each character for your password. When you are finished typing the password, tap the Enter button. The password appears in the Password field. The buttons that appear next to the other fields on the Change Desktop Access Password screen, for example, Confirm Password, Set Challenge, and Set Response display the same on-screen keyboard. Use the on-screen keyboard for these fields as described in the previous Note. If you do not have a keyboard or mouse connected to your terminal, tap the Set Password button to display an on- screen keyboard. On the keyboard, tap each character for your password. When you are finished typing the password, tap the Enter button. The password appears in the Password field. The buttons that appear next to the other fields on the Change Desktop Access Password screen, for example, Confirm Password, Set Challenge, and Set Response display the same on-screen keyboard. Use the on-screen keyboard for these fields as described in the previous Note. Continue with Transfer Runtime Files (.mer) on page 20. Transfer Runtime Files (.mer) You can transfer runtime files (.mer) to your terminal by using one of the following methods:
- Transfer Utility (via ethernet)
- Removable storage device (USB drive or SD card)
Transfer Utility
To transfer runtime files (.mer) by using the Transfer utility, complete the
following steps:
- From the FactoryTalk View Studio application on your PC, click Tools, and then click Transfer Utility.
- In the Transfer Utility dialog box, click the ellipsis to the right of the Source file field, browse to the location of the .mer file, select the .mer file, and click Open.
- In the Select destination terminal field, browse to the location of the PanelView Plus 7 Series B terminal (Series C for Stainless Steel), and select it.
- Click Download.
- The runtime file (.mer) is then downloaded to your PanelView terminal.
- Continue with Install the Terminal on page 22
Removable Storage Device
To transfer runtime files (.mer) by using a removable storage device, complete
the following steps:
- Insert the removable storage device in the appropriate port on your work station.
- On your workstation, browse to the following location: C:\Users\Public\Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\Runtime
- Select the desired .mer file and press CTRL+C to copy it.
- Create a folder on the removable media device named: Rockwell Software\RSViewME\Runtime
- Paste the .mer file into the Runtime folder by using CTRL+V.
- Insert the removable storage device into the PanelView Plus 7 terminal.
- Tap Terminal Settings, then choose File Management>Copy Files>Copy Applications.
- To select the location of the file you want to copy, tap Source:
- Internal Storage – nonvolatile memory of the terminal.
- External Storage 1 – SD card that is loaded in the card slot of the terminal.
- External Storage 2 – USB drive that is loaded in the USB host port of the terminal.
- select a file that appears in the list for the selected storage area.
- Tap Destination in the same dialog box.
- To select the storage location to copy the file, tap Destination. The destination must be different than the source location.
- Select Internal Storage, and tap Copy. If the file exists, you are asked if it is okay to overwrite the file. Respond by tapping Yes or No.
- Continue with Install the Terminal on page 22.
Install the Terminal
After you complete all of the previous procedures, you are ready to install
your PanelView Plus 7 Performance Series B terminal in your work area. For
instructions on how to complete the installation, see the following
- PanelView Plus 7 Performance Terminals User Manual, publication 2711P-UM008.
- PanelView Plus 7 Performance and PanelView 5500 Terminals Mounting Levers Installation Instructions, publication VIEW-IN001.
- Adapter Kit for PanelView 5000 and PanelView Plus 7 Performance Terminals Installation Instructions, publication VIEW-IN002.
- PanelView Plus 7 Performance Stainless Steel Terminal Gasket Replacement Kit Installation Instructions, publication 2711P-IN012.
- ArmorView Plus 7 Installation Instructions, publication 2711P-IN013
Additional Resources
These documents contain additional information concerning related products
from Rockwell Automation.
Resource | Description |
PanelView Plus 7 Performance Series B Terminals Important Information,
publication 2711P-
RN005| Lists the functions of the PanelView Plus 7
Performance Series A terminals that are not included in the initial version of
the PanelView Plus 7 Performance Series B terminals. Also indicates which of
these functions will be available in a future release.
2711P PanelView Plus 7 Performance 12.101 Release Notes, publication 2711P-
RN006| Describes the new features, feature enhancements, and
anomalies fixed in firmware release
12.101 for the PanelView Plus 7 Performance Series B terminals.
PanelView Plus 7 Performance Terminals User Manual, publication 2711P-
UM008| Describes how to install, configure, operate, and
troubleshoot the PanelView Plus 7 Performance terminals.
PanelView Plus 7 Performance Terminals Technical Data, publication 2711P-
TD009| Provides technical specifications, environmental
specifications, and certifications for the performance models of the PanelView
Plus 7 Performance terminals.
ControlFLASH User Manual, publication
1756-UM105| Describes how to use the ControlFLASH™ software to upgrade
device firmware.
FactoryTalk View Machine Edition Installation Instructions, publication
IN003| Provides instructions on how to install and activate
the FactoryTalk® View Machine Edition (ME) software.
FactoryTalk ViewMachine Edition User Manual, publication VIEWME-
UM004| Provides instructions on how to use the FactoryTalk
View (ME) software.
Rockwell Automation Support
Use these resources to access support information.
Technical Support Center| Find help with how-to videos, FAQs,
chat, user forums, and product notification updates.|
Knowledgebase| Access Knowledgebase articles.|
Local Technical Support Phone Numbers| Locate the telephone number for
your country.|
Literature Library| Find installation instructions, manuals,
brochures, and technical data publications.|
Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC)|
Download firmware, associated files (such as AOP, EDS, and DTM), and access
product release notes.|
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QS002B-EN-P — April 2022 Supersedes Publication 2711P-QS002A-EN-P — February
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