Sonic Driver Ultrasonic Flow Transmitter Modbus RTU Slave Meter Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024
Sonic Driver

Sonic Driver Ultrasonic Flow Transmitter Modbus RTU Slave Meter Instruction Manual
Sonic Driver Ultrasonic Flow Transmitter Modbus RTU Slave


Modbus RTU Slave functionality is implemented on the Sonic Driver TM clampon Ultrasonic Flow Transmitter(UFT).

Meter settings are fully configurable on the UFT using a Windows based program running on a PC or laptop. In addition a full range of flow measurements and diagnostics can be read from the meter.

Once installed and commissioned the computer can be disconnected and the meter wired back to a control room PCL or similar.


The Modbus RTU protocol is implemented over RS485 hardware.
Mobile connection uses a USB-RS45 converter cable.

Baud rate

The RS485 baud rate is 19200.


The RS485 parity is Even.

Stop Bits

The RS485 stop bits is 1.

Modbus Address

The UFT Slave address is programmable from 1 to 255.

The default Slave address is set to 1.

Data bits

RS485 serial data is fixed at 8 bits.

Register format

In the UFT each Modbus register is a 16-bit word, consisting of two 8-bit bytes.

Register data in Modbus messages are packed as 2 bytes per register. The binary contents are right justified in each byte. For each register the first byte contains the high order bits and the second byte contains the low order bits.

A floating-point number is stored as 32 bits using 4 bytes and therefore occupies 2 Modbus registers.

Representation of floating-point values

The UFT stores floating point values in IEEE 754 single precision format.

The bus Master accesses a floating-point value from any one of 4 different register tables. Each register table represents a different byte order.

Table start Byte order Common Description
0x0000 1,0,3,2 Floating-point Little-Endian with byte swap (Default)
0x1000 0,1,2,3 Floating-point Little-Endian Format
0x2000 3,2,1,0 Floating-point Big-Endian Forma
0x3000 2,3,0,1 Floating point Big-Endian with byte swap

By reading the first 2 registers of each table the user can determine which format matches their system when a fixed test value of 1234.0 is received.

Modbus Commands

The UFT implements Modbus commands 03, 04, 06 and 16.

Read Holding Registers 03

This function code is used to read from 2 to 110 contiguous holding registers from the UFT. Registers are addressed starting at zero. Therefore holding registers numbered 1-110 are addressed as 0-109.

The Modbus Master specifies a start address and register count.

Read Input Registers 04

This function code is used to read from 2 to 110 contiguous input registers from the flowmeter. Registers are addressed starting at zero. Therefore input registers numbered 1-110 are addressed as 0-109.

The Modbus Master specifies a start address and register count.

Write Single Register 06

This function code is used to write a single register. This function code is used to program integer values in the UFT.

The Master specifies an address and 16-bit data value for write.

The value is an unsigned 16-bit value. Valid values are defined for each register address, see appendix 3

Writing a value of 0x00 to register 60011 will clear the unit’s internal error log.

Write Single Register 16

This function code is used to write multiple registers. This function code is used to program 32-bit floating-point values in the UFT.

The Master specifies an address and 32-bit data value for write

The value is a pair of unsigned 16-bit values. Valid values are defined for each register address, see appendix 3.

Broadcast address

The UFT supports broadcast address 0.

In broadcast address mode the Modbus master can send a command to all slaves.

No response is sent by the slaves.

Communications Software

There are several communications programs available for download online.

The UFT has been tested using Modbus Poll (for Windows platform) and Modbus Monitor (for Android and Windows platforms).

Appendix 1: Communication Command Structure

Read holding registers| |
| Slave ID| (1 byte)
| Function| (1 byte=03H)
| Start Address| (2 bytes)
| No. of Registers R| (2 bytes)
| CRC code| (2 bytes)
Reply| |
| Slave ID| (1 byte)
| Function| (1 byte)
N = 2R| Byte Count N| (1 byte)
| Hex Data| (N bytes)
| CRC code| (2 bytes)
Read input registers| |
| Slave ID| (1 byte)
| Function| (1 byte=04H)
| Start Address| (2 bytes)
| No. of Registers R| (2 bytes)
| CRC code| (2 bytes)
Reply| |
| Slave ID| (1 byte)
| Function| (1 byte)
N = 2R| Byte Count N| (1 byte)
| Hex Data| (N bytes)
| CRC code| (2 bytes)
Write single register| Slave ID| (1 byte)
| Function| (1 byte=06H)
| Start Address| (2 bytes)
| Hex Data| (2 bytes)
| CRC code| (2 bytes)
Write multiple registers| Slave ID| (1 byte)
| Function| (1 byte=10H)
| Start Address| (2 bytes)
| No. of Registers R| (2 bytes)
N = 2R| Hex Data| (N bytes)
| CRC Code| (2 bytes)

Appendix 2: Command 03 and 04 UFT Register Map

Modbus Address Measurement/Variable Bytes Format
40001 Fixed test pattern 1234.0 4 IEEE
40003 Flow Velocity (m/s) 4 IEEE
40005 Flow Rate Volumetric (l/min) 4 IEEE
40007 Flow Rate Mass (kg/min) 4 IEEE
40009 NA 4 IEEE
40011 Amplifier gain (dB) 4 IEEE
40013 Signal Amplitude (dB) 4 IEEE
40015 Signal Noise (dB) 4 IEEE
40017 SNR (dB) 4 IEEE
40019 Delta Time Difference (ns) 4 IEEE
40021 Upstream Transit Time (us) 4 IEEE
40023 Downstream Transit Time (us) 4 IEEE
40025 Arrival Bin 4 IEEE
40027 Signal Quality 1 (us) 4 IEEE
40029 Signal Quality 2 (ADU) 4 IEEE
40031 Meter Error Code 4 IEEE
40033 Transducer Type (List) 4 IEEE
40035 Transducer Wedge Angle (deg) 4 IEEE
40037 Transducer SOS at 20 deg C (m/s) 4 IEEE
40039 Transducer SOS at 60 deg C (m/s) 4 IEEE
40041 Transducer Crystal Offset (m) 4 IEEE
40043 Transducer Spacing Offset (m) 4 IEEE
40045 Transducer Frequency Code (List) 4 IEEE
40047 Transducer Delta Time Offset(ns) 4 IEEE
40049 Transducer K Factor 4 IEEE
40051 Pipe Type (List) 4 IEEE
40053 Pipe SOS (m/s) 4 IEEE
40055 Pipe Outer Diameter (m) 4 IEEE
40057 Pipe Wall Thickness (m) 4 IEEE
40059 Pipe Inner Wall Roughness (m) 4 IEEE
40061 Fluid Type (List) 4 IEEE
40063 Fluid Temperature (deg C) 4 IEEE
40065 Fluid SOS (m/s) 4 IEEE
40067 Fluid Density (kg/m3) 4 IEEE
40069 Fluid Kinematic (cSt) 4 IEEE
40071 Fluid SHC (J/(kg.K)) 4 IEEE
40073 Flow Minimum Cut-off (m/s) 4 IEEE
40075 Flow Damping (s) 4 IEEE
40077 Modbus Address 4 IEEE
40079 Corrected SOS (m/s) 4 IEEE
40081 Window Delay (us) 4 IEEE
40083 Zero Tracking (On/Off) 4 IEEE
40085 Zero Calibration (On/Off) 4 IEEE
40087 NA 4 IEEE
40089 NA 4 IEEE
40091 NA 4 IEEE
40093 Flow Profile K Factor 4 IEEE
40095 Reynolds Number 4 IEEE
40097 Number of Passes 4 IEEE
40099 Tup Method 4 IEEE
40101 Transducer Spacing (m) 4 IEEE
40103 ATA/ETA (%) 4 IEEE
40105 NA 4 IEEE
40107 NA 4 IEEE
40109 NA 4 IEEE
40111 Interval On/Off 4 IEEE
40113 NA 4 IEEE
40115 NA 4 IEEE
40117 NA 4 IEEE
40119 Positive Volumetric Total (l) 4 IEEE
40121 Negative Volumetric Total (l) 4 IEEE
40123 Net Volumetric Total (l) 4 IEEE

Text Strings, company name (26 chars), model code (26 chars), serial number (8 chars), HW/SW version (6 chars)

Modbus Address Text Strings, 2 chars Bytes Format
40300 So 2 Word
40301 ni 2 Word
40302 c< > 2 Word
40303 Dr 2 Word
40304 Iv 2 Word
40305 er 2 Word
40306 < >< > 2 Word
40307 < >< > 2 Word
40308 < >< > 2 Word
40309 < >< > 2 Word
40310 < >< > 2 Word
40311 < >< > 2 Word
40312 < >< > 2 Word
40313 UF 2 Word
40314 T<> 2 Word
40315 <><> 2 Word
40316 <><> 2 Word
40317 <><> 2 Word
40318 <><> 2 Word
40319 <><> 2 Word
40320 <><> 2 Word
40321 <><> 2 Word
40322 <><> 2 Word
40323 < >< > 2 Word
40324 < >< > 2 Word
40325 < >< > 2 Word
40326 30 2 Word
40327 00 2 Word
40328 00 2 Word
40329 00 2 Word
40330 10 2 Word
40331 01 2 Word
40332 00 2 Word

Serial number in the example is 3000000, HW and SW versions are 1.00 and 1.00.

Signal Data Trace Values, as pairs of 8-bit values.

Modbus Address Signal Data Trace Value Pairs Bytes Format
40401 8-bit data point 0, 8-bit data point 1 2 WORD
40402 8-bit data point 2, 8-bit data point 3 2 WORD
40403 8-bit data point 4, 8-bit data point 5 2 WORD
40404 8-bit data point 6, 8-bit data point 7 2 WORD
40405 8-bit data point 8, 8-bit data point 9 2 WORD
40406 8-bit data point 10, 8-bit data point 11 2 WORD
.. …,… ..
.. …,… ..
40649 8-bit data point 496, 8-bit data point 497 2 WORD
40650 8-bit data point 498, 8-bit data point 499 2 WORD

Appendix 3: Command 06 and 16 Definitions

| Write Single| Write Multiple| 16/32 bit Write| Value| Default| Minimum| Maximum| SI Unit|
Value| CMD 06| CMD 16| | | | | | |
Transducer Type| 0| | 16| 1| 1| 0| 3| List| DN40/DM10/DM20/DS10
Transducer Wedge Angle| | 0| 32| 40.000| 40.000| 1.000| 90.000| deg|
Transducer SOS at 20degC| | 2| 32| 2522.000| 2522.000| 500.000| 7000.000| m/s|
Transducer SOS at 60degC| | 4| 32| 2522.000| 2522.000| 500.000| 7000.000| m/s|
Transducer Crystal Offset| | 6| 32| 0.012| 0.012| 0.001| 0.100| m|
Transducer Spacing Offset| | 8| 32| 0.030| 0.030| 0.001| 0.100| m|
Transducer Transmit Code| 1| | 16| 1| 1| 0| 2| | 4/1/2 MHz
Transducer Delta Transit Time Offset| | 10| 32| 0| 0| -2.00E-08| 2.00E-08| s|
Transducer K Factor| | 12| 32| 1.000| 1.000| 0.001| 1000.000| |
Pipe Type| 2| | 16| 0| 0| 0| 6| List| Carbon Steel/Stainless Steel/Copper/PVC/Cast Iron/Ductile Iron/HDPE
Pipe SOS| | 14| 32| 3230.0| 3230.0| 500.0| 7000.0| m/s|
Pipe Outer Diameter| | 16| 32| 0.0606| 0.0606| 0.01| 6.50| m|
Pipe Wall Thickness| | 18| 32| 0.0032| 0.0032| 0.0005| 0.1| m|
Pipe Inner Wall Roughness| | 20| 32| 0.00001| 0.00001| 0.000001| 0.002| m|
Fluid Type| 3| | 16| 0| 0| 0| 3| List| Water/Petrol/Diesel/Glycol-Water
Fluid Temperature| | 22| 32| 18.000| 18.000| 0.000| 150.000| deg C|
Fluid SOS| | 24| 32| 1475.000| 1475.000| 50.000| 3000.000| m/s|
Fluid Density| | 26| 32| 998.520| 998.520| 50.000| 3000.000| kg/m2|
Fluid Kinematic| | 28| 32| 1.080| 1.080| 0.001| 40000.000| cSt|
Fluid Specific Heat Capacity| | 30| 32| 4184.000| 4184.000| 10.000| 10000.000| J/(g.K)|
Minimum Flow Cut Off| | 32| 32| 0.025| 0.025| 0.000| 1.000| m/s|
Flow damping| 4| | 16| 10| 10| 0| 255| s|
Modbus Address| 5| | 16| 1| 1| 1| 255| |
Transducer Wedge Corrected SOS| | 34| 32| 2522.000| 2522.000| 500.000| 7000.000| m/s|
Sampling Window delay| 6| | 16| 169| 169| 11| 65535| us|
Zero Tracking On/Off| 7| | 16| 1| 1| 0| 1| On/Off|
Zero calibration On/Off| 8| | 16| 0| 0| 0| 1| On/Off|
Number of Passes| 10| | 16| 4| 4| 1| 16| | |
Tup Method| 12| | 16| 3| 3| 0| 4| List| Method 0, 1, 2, 3, 4|
Interval On/Off| 13| | 16| 0| 0| 0| 5| On/Off| 0 – Off, 5 – On|

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