June 12, 2024




Product Information

The ONYX BOOX KONTIKI 3 is an ebook reader that allows users to operate and store different types of text and graphic files. It also has the capability to connect to the internet, although video files cannot be played back.

The complete set includes the ONYX BOOX device, a cover case, a USB cable, a quick start guide, and a warranty card.

Product Usage Instructions


  • Power button: Press and hold for about 2-3 seconds to turn on the device. A longer press for 15-20 seconds reboots the device. A short press turns the device into standby (sleeping) mode.
  • Back button: Exits applications and ebooks or cancels a current operation.


  • USBC jack: Connects the device to a computer using the enclosed USB cable to share data or charge the ereader.
  • Microphone: Records audio notes.


  • Speaker: Plays sounds.

How to turn on the device?

  1. Press and hold the Power button for about 3 seconds.
  2. Release the power button.
  3. Wait for the device to load.

How to charge the battery of the device?
Plug the USB cable into the jack of the device and connect it to a USB port on a PC. The full charge time depends on the voltage of the PC.

How to connect the device to a PC?

  1. Turn on the BOOX.
  2. Connect the BOOX to a USB port of a PC using the USB cable.
  3. After the device is detected, an actions selection menu will appear on the computer screen.
  4. Choose “Open the device to view files”.
  5. Now you have access to files in the internal memory.


  • The device should not be operated when connected to the PC.
  • Before turning off the device, disconnect it from the PC.
  • Recommended versions of Windows are 7 and higher.
  • Mac OS requires the Android File Transfer application.

How to turn off the device?

  1. Press and hold the Power button for about 2 seconds.
  2. The menu with “Power off” and “Restart” options will appear. Choose “Power off”.

The main page allows quick access to e-books, files, installed applications, and settings. It includes various indicators and virtual buttons:

  1. Time
  2. Lighting indicator
  3. Screen mode indicator
  4. Network connection indicator
  5. Charge indicator
  6. Battery charge
  7. Book number indicator
  8. Appearance
  9. Information type

When retrieving the context menu by pressing the book pictogram for several seconds, the option “Delete” will become available. Choosing this action will delete the book not only from the Favorites list but from storage as well. To go to the Library, file manager, or Recent Files list, use the Information types icon (three dots).

Thank  you  for  choosing  our  product.  We  would  like  to  remind you that the device requires careful handling in accordance with operating rules.
New software versions may change the device’s functions and their number. In these cases, the information, con‑ tained in this manual, may become outdated. New versions of user manuals will be available on the web‑page http://onyxboox.com/

Complete set:

  • ONYX BOOX device;
  • Cover case;
  • USB cable;
  • Quick start guide;
  • Warranty card.

The purpose and functionality of the device
The main purpose of the device is operating and storing different types of text and graphic files. Also, connection to the  Internet  is  possible. Video  files,  however,  cannot  be  played back.




Power button| Press and hold for about 2‑3 seconds, if the e‑reader is off, this turns it on. A longer press for 15‑20 seconds reboots the device. A short press turns the device into a standby (sleeping) mode.
Back button| Exits applications and e‑books or cancels a current operation.



USB‑C jack| Connects the device to a computer using the enclosed USB cable to share data or to charge the e‑reader.
Microphone| Records audio notes.


Speaker Plays sounds.


How to turn on the device?

  • Press and hold the Power button for about 3 seconds. The device will start loading.
  • Release the power button.
  • Wait for the device to load.

How to charge the battery of the device?
Plug the USB cable into the jack of the device and connect it to a USB port on a PC.
Full charge time depends on the voltage of the PC.

How to connect the device to a PC?

  • Turn on the BOOX.
  • Connect the BOOX to a USB port of a PC using the USB cable.
  • After the device is detected, an actions selection menu will appear on the computer screen.
  • Choose “Open the device to view files”.
  • Now you have access to files in the internal memory.

NOTE 1. The device should not be operated when connected to the PC.
NOTE 2. Before turning off the device, disconnect it from the PC.
NOTE 3. Recommended versions of Windows are 7 and higher.
NOTE 4. Mac OS requires the Android File Transfer application.

How to turn off the device?

  • Press and hold the Power button for about 2 seconds.
  • The menu with “Power off” and “Restart” will appear. Choose “Power off”.


The main page allows the user to get quick access to e‑ books, files, installed applications and settings. The description of virtual buttons and indicators is given below.

  1. Time
  2. Lighting  indicator
  3. Screen  mode  indicator
  4. Network connection indicator
  5. Charge indicator
  6. Battery charge
  7. Book number indicator
  8. Appearance
  9. Information type

The Library
The  library  displays  e‑book‑format  files  in  sorted  view.  Grouping and search by authors, genre, series are possible only  for  formats  containing this  information  (fb2,  epub,  mobi, pdf). For other files, the file name is shown as the title and the document type is shown as the series and author (txt, doc etc.).
Thanks to this feature you don’t have to spend time sorting books into folders and renaming files.

The “Now reading” section
This section appears when a book is opened for the first time.  It  contains the  cover  of  the  last  book  that  was  opened. Additional information can be found on the right:

  • The number of a page being read and the total number of pages in the book;
  • Reading progress scale;
  • Date and time of the last opening;
  • Book title (if there are no titles in metadata, the file name is displayed);
  • Name  of  the  author  or  authors  (if  this  information  is contained in metadata).
    At the top right there is an indicator of the book currently being read as well as the three previous books.
    To access a previously read book, swipe from the right to the left on the “Now reading” field. The indicator will show which of the four recently read books is displayed at the moment.


Getting started with the library
The  first  time  you  open  the  library,  you  must  scan  the  internal memory. This will help the system extract metadata, add books to the catalogue and sort them. To launch this procedure, press the SCAN LIBRARY button. Each time you record or delete books from the memory of the device it is necessary to launch the scan manually to refresh the library.

Sorting and filtering
In the library, books are grouped by authors, series and titles  (for  each group  the  number  of  items  in  it  is  dis‑ played). Within these groups the items are sorted alpha‑ betically (in the series books are sorted by their numbers in the series), for authors and series the number of books is indicated.  The  items  beginning  with  digits  or  without  a  name are located at the end of the list.
On the main page of the library it is possible to set the filter by language, genre, text, date of the book’s publication and date of file creation.

  • After setting the filter in the groups “Authors”, “Series”, “Titles” books will be displayed by their corresponding filter parameters.
  • The “Text” filter allows the user to sort books by a part of the title, the name of the author or by a part of the series name. For this filtering it is necessary to enter at least two letters. If the entered text is contained in the name of the element (title of a book or of series, name of the author), this element and all the elements related to it will be selected. For example, if the searched text is contained in the name of the series, this same series will be shown in the “Series” group after filtering, in the “Authors” group –authors from this series, in the “Titles” group – all the books from this series, even though the names of the authors and the book titles do not contain the entered text.
  • The “Clear all” option clears all the filter parameters. If you want to clear only one of the filters, go to the corresponding filter and choose “Clear” or erase the text in the “Text” filter.

Working with lists and books
A  short  tap  on  a  list  opens  it  and  shows  its  content.  To  return to a level up on the list, touch the arrow in the upper part of the list or press the BACK button.
A short tap on a book opens the page with the description of the book. Here you can read the details of the book: title, author, genre and annotations. But these details appear only  if  they  are  contained  in  the  file metadata.  Unfortunately, not all the e‑book files contain them or contain them entirely. In this case the corresponding fields will be empty.

A long tap on a book calls the following menu:

  • Read ‑ choose a reading app;
  • Properties – the book information;
  • Delete – deleting the book from the device. If the book is in the archive, all of the archive with all the files in it will be deleted.
    To go to the main page of the library press the BACK button several times or press the “Arrow to the left” icon in the top tray.

The library view setup
You  can  change  the  view  of  the  library  by  touching  the  ‘’eye” icon and choosing one of two variants

  • One column
  • Two columns

Choosing the type of displayed information
Touching the “Information types” icon (three dots) calls the following menu:

  • Open File – The file manager (storage) displaying folders.
  • Favorites – A user’s list of favorite books.
  • Recent Files – The list of recently opened books.
  • Sort – Ordering books. This option is only available in the file manager.

The file manager
To launch the file manager of the library, press the “Information type” icon (three dots) and choose “Open file”. In the file manager only those files are displayed which can be opened with one of the reading programs.

NOTE:   A  folder  containing  thousands  of  files  may  not  display the entire list of files but only its beginning.
In the upper line the current path is shown. The “Arrow’ icon on the right as well as the BACK button serves to go a level up in the catalogue.
Attention!  The  Library,  the  file  manager,  Favorites  and  Recent files are single‑level types of displaying informa‑ tion. Multiple presses of the BACK button in the file manager will lead to the root directory of the file system. To  go  to  the  library,  use  the  “Information  types”  icon (three dots) and then choose the “Library” option.
Files and folders can be sorted (Menu – Sort) by name, by date and by size.
A short tap on a file opens it.
A long tap on a file calls up the following menu:

  • Read ‑ choose a reading app;
  • Properties – the book information;
  • Delete – deleting the book file from the device.   If the book is in the archive, the entire archive with all the files in it will be deleted.

Recent Files
To  go  to  the  list  of  recently  opened  books,  touch  the  “Information types” icon (three dots) on the main page of the library and choose “Recent files”.
The size of this list is limited to 256 books.
The view and the actions here are similar to those in the file manager except displaying folders.
To go to the library, to the file manager or to “Favorites” use the “Information types” icon (three dots).

To go to the list of favorite books, touch the “Information types”  icon (three  dots)  on  the  home  page  and  choose  “Favorites”.
The view and the actions here are similar to those in the file manager except displaying folders.
To  add  a  book  to  the  Favorites,  you  need  to  open  the  “Properties” windows then press the “Star” icon in the top right. The star will become dark.
To delete the book from the favorite list press briefly the book icon – the “Properties” window will open. Press the “Star” icon in the top right. The star will become light. You can also completely clear the list of favorites by pressing the  “Information  types”  icon  (three  dots)  and  choosing “Remove all”. The files themselves in this case are not deleted and remain in storage.
Files” list use the “Information types” icon (three dots).

Attention! When retrieving the context menu by pressing the  book pictogram  for  several  seconds,  the  option  “Delete” will become available. Choosing this action will delete the book not only from the “Favorites” list but from storage as well.
To go to the Library, to the file manager or to the “Recent Files” list use the “Information types” icon (three dots).


The reading programs pre‑installed in the e‑reader serve for reading the following files TXT, HTML, RTF, FB2, FB2.zip, DOC, MOBI, CHM, EPUB, PDF, DJVU and others.
To turn pages simply touch the sensor screen.
The reading program allows you to add bookmarks. In the AlReaderX app bring up the menu and then choose the option “Add Bookmark”. In the NeoReader program it is enough to go to a desired page and briefly press the icon in the upper right corner of the screen. It will change. Clicking the icon again will delete the bookmark and the icon will return to its original state. The menu in both programs will allow you to see previously added bookmarks and to go to a corresponding page.
You can open settings with a short touch to the center of the screen


A new battery achieves its maximum capacity after 2‑3 cycles of recharging.
To avoid important data loss, we strongly recommend you  to  save  them periodically  on  alternative  data  storages. It is especially important to save data before updating the device. Our company does not bear any responsibility for your data preservation.
Please, do not dismantle the device on your own.
Avoid  twisting  and  bending  the  device  and  other
deformations of the casing.
Avoid hitting the device against hard surfaces.
Avoid  placing  excessive  pressure  on  the  screen  or  hitting it. The screen has a glass base.
Do not allow water to get into or onto your device. Do not use it close to open water sources.
Avoid using the BOOX in the following conditions:

  • Low temperature;
  • High temperature;
  • Intense magnetic field;
  • High humidity;
  • High dust content;
  • Direct  sunlight.
    NOTE:   The  range  of  temperature  and humidity is indicated in the Product specifications of this manual.

Do  not  use  concentrated  detergents.  To  clean  the  device, use a dry cotton cloth.
Do not replace parts of the device.
Use batteries, power adaptors and other accessories recommended by the manufacturer. Using third‑party accessories may be dangerous and can invalidate the warranty.
When recycling outdated products, follow the rules and laws of the territory of usage.
If any problems occur with the device, get in touch with a nearest service center. Information about how to  contact  service  centers  can  be  found on  the  warranty card.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the device without notifying the consumers.


Display| E Ink Carta Plus, 7,8″ touch capacitive, resolution 1872×1404, 300 ppi, 16 shades of grey
Frontlight| MOON Light 2
Processor| 4‑core, 2 GHz
ROM| 32 GB
Wireless intarfaces| Wi‑Fi IEEE 802.11 ac

Bluetooth 5.0

Wired interface| USB‑С
Operating system| Android 11
Supported file formats| TXT, HTML, RTF, FB2, FB2.zip, FB3, DOC, DOCX, PRC, MOBI, CHM, PDB, EPUB, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, PDF, DjVu, CBR, CBZ, MP3, WAV
Audio| Speaker, microphone
Battery| Li‑Pol, 3150 mAh
Recommended power adaptor| AC input: 100 – 240 V, 50/60 GHz
DС output: 5V – 1 A
Size| 197,3 х 137 х 7,7 mm
Weight| 265 gr
Operating temperature / acceptable humidity| 0 – 50С / 0% ‑ 90%
Durability| 2 years
Warranty period| 1 year
Standards conformity| СЕ/ЕАС

Note: Since part of the flash memory volume is occupied by the system software, the portion available to the user, is less than the total size of the memory chip.
Detailed information is available on the webpage http://onyxboox.com/


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