DIODES AP61302QZ6-EVM 2.3v To 5.5v Input 3a Synchronous Buck Converter Owner’s Manual
- June 12, 2024
Table of Contents
The DIODES AP61302Q is a 3A, synchronous buck converter with an input voltage
range of 2.4V to 5.5V and fully integrates a 70mΩ highside power MOSFET and a
50mΩ low-side power MOSFET to provide high-efficiency step- down DC-DC
The AP61302Q device is easily used by minimizing the external component count
due to its adoption of constant on-time (COT) control to achieve fast
transient responses, ease loop stabilization, and low output voltage ripple.
Moreover, AP61302Q also features force PWM mode control through EN pin.
The device is available in a SOT563 package.
Pin Assignments
Input Range: 2.4V to 5.5V
Wide Output Voltage Range: 0.6V to VIN
3A Continuous Output Current
0.6V ± 2% Reference Voltage
19µA Ultralow Quiescent Current (Pulse Frequency Modulation)
2.2MHz Switching Frequency
Programmable Modulation Mode Through EN
o PFM (Vin –VEN < 200mV)
o PWM Regardless of Output Load ( Vin –VEN > 200mV ) -
Protection Circuitry
o Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
o VIN Overvoltage Protection (OVP)
o Peak Current Limit
o Valley Current Limit
o Thermal Shutdown
- 5V Input Distributed Power Bus Supplies
- White Goods and Small Home Appliances
- FPGA, DSP, and ASIC Supplies
- Network Video Cameras
- Wireless Routers
- Consumer Electronics
- General Purpose Point of Load
Functional Block
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) (At TA = +25°C, unless
otherwise specified.)
Symbol | Parameter | Rating | Unit |
VIN | Supply Pin Voltage | -0.3 to +6.5 (DC) | V |
-0.3 to + 7.0 (400ms)
VFB| Feedback Pin Voltage| -0.3 to VIN + 0.3| V
VSW| Switch Pin Voltage| -1.0 to VIN + 0.3 (DC)| V
-2.5 to VIN + 2.0 (20ns)
VEN| Enable Pin Voltage| -0.3 to VIN + 0.3| V
TST| Storage Temperature| -65 to +150| °C
TJ| Junction Temperature| +160| °C
TL| Lead Temperature| +260| °C
ESD Susceptibility (Note 2)
HBM| Human Body Model| 6000| V
CDM| Charged Device Model| 1500| V
- Stresses greater than the Absolute Maximum Ratings specified above may cause permanent damage to the devic e. These are stress ratings only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions exceeding those indicated in this specification is not implied. Device reliability may be affected by exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time.
- Semiconductor devices are ESD sensitive and may be damaged by exposure to ESD events. Suitable ESD precautions should be take n when handling and transporting these devices.
Recommended Operating Conditions (At TA = +25°C, unless otherwise specified.)
Symbol | Parameter | Min | Max | Unit |
VIN | Supply Voltage | 2.4 | 5.5 | V |
VOUT | Output Voltage | 0.6 | VIN | V |
TA | Operating Ambient Temperature Range | -40 | +125 | °C |
TJ | Operating Junction Temperature Range | -40 | +150 | °C |
Quick Start Guide
The AP61302QZ6-EVM has a simple layout and allows access to the appropriate signals through test points. To evaluate the performance of the AP61302QZ6, follow the procedure below:
- For evaluation board configured at VOUT=1.8V, connect a power supply to the input terminals VIN and GND. Set VIN to 5V.
- Connect the positive terminal of the electronic load to VOUT and negative terminal to GND.
- For Enable, place a jumper to “H” position to enable IC. Jump to “L” position to disable IC.
- The evaluation board should now power up with a 1.8V output voltage.
- Check for the proper output voltage of 1.8V (±1%) at the output terminals VOUT and GND. Measurement can also be done with a multimeter with the positive and negative leads between VOUT and GND.
- Set the load to 3A through the electronic load. Check for the stable operation of the SW signal on the oscilloscope. Measure the switching frequency.
Measurement/Performance Guidelines:
- When measuring the output voltage ripple, maintain the shortest possible ground lengths on the oscilloscope probe. Long ground leads can erroneously inject high frequency noise into the measured ripple.
- For efficiency measurements, connect an ammeter in series with the input supply to measure the input current. Connect an electronic load to the output for output current. Test the input capacitor voltage and output capacitor oltage with a multimeter as input voltage and output voltage.
Setting the Output Voltage of AP61302Q
- Setting the output voltage
The AP61302Q features external programmable output voltage by using a resistor divider network R1 and R2 as shown in the typical application circuit. The output voltage is calculated as below, First, select a value for R2 according to the value recommended in the table 1. Then, R2 is determined. The output voltage is given by Table 1 for reference. For accurate output voltage, 1% tolerance is required.
Table 1. Resistor selection for output voltage setting
AP 61300QIAP61302Q
Output Voltage (V)| 111 (k0)| R2 (kO)| L (pH)| C1 (pF)| C2 (pF)| C3 (pF)
AP61300Q| AP61302Q
1.0| 200.0| 301.0| 1.0| 22| 22| OPEN| 33
1.2| 200.0| 200.0| 1.0| 22| 22| OPEN| 33
1.5| 200.0| 133.0| 1.0| 22| 22| OPEN| 33
1.8| 200.0| 100.0| 1.0| 22| 22| OPEN| 33
2.5| 200.0| 63.| 1.0| 22| 22| OPEN| 33
3.5| 200.0| 44.2| 1.0| 22| 22| OPEN| 33
Evaluation Board Schematic
PCB Top Layout
PCB Bottom Layout
EV Board View
Bill of Materials for
AP61302QZ6-EVM (VOUT=1.8V)
Item | Value | Type | Rating | Description | Description |
C2 | 22uF | X5R/X7R, Ceramic/0805 | 10V | Input coupling CAP | TAIYO YUDEN |
C3| 22uF| X5R/X7R, Ceramic/0805| 10V| Output coupling CAP| TAIYO YUDEN
L| 1.0uH| SMD| >5A| Inductor| WURTH ELEC
R1| 200K| 0805| 1%| *** Voltage set RES|
R2| 100K| 0805| 1%|
R3| 100K| 0805| 1%| EN RES*|
R4| 100K| 0805| 1%| PG RES|
U1| | AP61302Q| | SOT563| Diodes BCD
Typical Performance Characteristics
- The Information contained herein is for informational purpose only and is provided only to illustrate the operation of Diodes’ products described herein and application examples. Diodes does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this document or any product described herein. This document is intended for skilled and technically trained engineering customers and users who design with Diodes’ products. Diodes’ products may be used to facilitate safety-related applications; however, in all instances customers and users are responsible for (a) selecting the appropriate Diodes products for their applications, (b) evaluating the suitability of Diodes’ products for their intended applications, (c) ensuring their applications, which incorporate Diodes’ products, comply the applicable legal and regulatory requirements as well as safety and functional-safety related standards, and (d) ensuring they design with appropriate safeguards (including testing, validation, quality control techniques, redundancy, malfunction prevention, and appropriate treatment for aging degradation) to minimize the risks associated with their applications.
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Issue 1 – March, 2023
© Diodes Incorporated
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