maze 18L Indoor Composter System Owner’s Manual

June 12, 2024

maze 18L Indoor Composter System

The Indoor Composter System

You can transform ALL food waste (including cooked food, meat, fish and cheese) into a super healthy nutrient rich compost with the help of this small and compact system in your kitchen or laundry – no smells, no flies!
Once treated in the Kitchen Composter, this material can safely be dug into your garden or placed in your compost bin.

What is the Indoor Composting System?

It is one of the most effective methods of recycling kitchen organic waste.
It is carried out in an air tight container using Bokashi as a compost activator.
Bokashi is a Japanese term meaning “Fermented Organic Matter”. It is bran based material that has been fermented with EM (friendly bacteria) and dried for storage. Also available in a liquid spray, Maze Microbe Solution can be used instead of grains, and as an eco friendly household cleaner and deodorizer.
Bokashi aids the fermentation of organic matter.
The fermentation process does not produce adverse smells so you can keep the bucket under the sink or anywhere in the home.


100% organic waste recycling. Cooked and uncooked food including meat, fish, fruit and vegetables may be safely composted in a home compost bin when processed with the Indoor Composter system.
Small & compact for the kitchen.
No smells because friendly safe bacteria are used.
No fruit flies because the process does not require air.
Avoids trips to an outdoor composter after every meal. Ideal in winter or for the elderly or enfeebled.
Reduced greenhouse gas emission
Will rebuild the soil in your garden and will decontaminate soil from harmful pathogens and pollutants.
Watch your garden bloom with new life if you bury your fermented food waste directly under the soil or make into compost in a compost bin.
Be part of an organic solution by directing food waste away from the landfill.

Items that CAN and CANNOT be put into the Indoor Composter

Food Scraps & Leftovers
Fruit & Veg Dairy Products Meat & Bones Fish
Prepared Foods
Pizza, Burgers, Snacks 0 Baked foods, cakes
Other Organic Material
Spent flowers 0 Coffee Grounds

Bottles & Cans
Plastic Glass
Metal (Foil, Staples)

Maze Indoor Composter

The Maze Indoor Composter can be purchased at various retail outlets. Stores may sell different versions of the unit and in kit form. The unit itself may vary in colour and the kit may include a compacter and scoop as in picture on the right or they may differ. To be able to use the Indoor Composter you will need Bokashi microbes to activate the fermentation process. They will come in the form of a liquid spray or grains and may be included in a kit when sold. They will also be available for sale separately.

Instructions for Use

Before use fit the tap to the Indoor Composter.

  1. Simply put your cooked and uncooked food scraps into the Indoor Composter.
  2. Sprinkle a handful of Bokashi grains OR 6-1 O sprays of Liquid Bokashi on top of the food waste at the end of the day.
  3. Press the material down using the trowel provided to extract the air from the organic matter.
  4. Keep the lid shut at all times. This is an anaerobic composting system – the less air the better.
  5. Drain any excess liquid produced using the tap at the base of the composter as often as possible. This allows the material to decompose at a quicker rate.
    (Instructions for what to do with the liquid are overleaf).

When the bucket is full, empty the contents into a small hole or trench in your garden. The waste material will be fermented, but it will not be broken down at this stage – it needs to go into the soil to physically break down into humus (soil). Alternatively the material in the bucket can be added to your garden composter.
For best results keep this material covered with soil and other compostable material.

Rinse the bucket with water (no detergent or soap), drain and repeat the whole process.

Contents smell bad Not enough Bokashi has been added Add more Bokashi each

time you add material
Liquid needs draining more regularly| Drain liquid more frequently
Lid hasn’t been closed tightly enough| Ensure the lid is closed firmly after material is added.
White mould appears on material| Material is fermenting correctly| Continue to fill the bucket in the normal way
Green mould appears on material| Material has failed to ferment| Dispose of material with your refuse collection

Important Information

When adding the fermented material to a compost bin – spread it out and then layer it between fresh soil and composting material. Do not empty the bucket in a solid mass this will slow down the decomposition of the material.

If burying the material in the ground it should ideally be spread out about l inch thick and covered with around 3 to 4 inches of soil. Try not to bury the fermented material too near to plant and tree roots, as the compost is quite acidic at first but it becomes less acidic soon afterwards.

Liquid Feed

The amount and colour of the liquid drained will depend on the type of foods you have put into the bucket.

Fruit and vegetables tend to release more liquid than other foods.

The liquid feed produced during the fermentation process is highly beneficial and can be used as follows:

Watering the garden: The liquid contains nutrients from the food organics and is alive with beneficial microbes. For garden and house plants use a teaspoon to 5 litres of water and apply directly to the soil. For trees and shrubs use 2 teaspoons to 5 litres of water. Do not apply directly to foliage.
Around the house: Pour the concentrated liquid directly into your kitchen and bathroom sinks, toilets or septic system. The EM will help to prevent algae build-up and control odours. The liquid feed should be used within a day or two after draining from the bucket.

See our website for more environmentally friendly products

  • Outdoor Com posters

  • Organic Bags (not plastic)

  • Greenhouses

  • Vertical Gardens

  • MINI tanks

Maze Products
Telephone: 1300449107

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