F360 Driver’s App User Guide

June 12, 2024

Driver’s ManualF360 Driver’s App

In-vehicle information

A motor carrier must ensure that its drivers possess onboard a commercial motor vehicle an ELD information packet containing the following items:

  • A user’s manual for the driver describing how to operate the ELD (this document).
  • An instruction sheet for the driver describing the data transfer mechanisms supported by the ELD and step-by-step instructions for the driver to produce and transfer the driver’s hours-of-service records to an authorized safety  official (this document).
  • An instruction sheet for the driver describing ELD malfunction reporting requirements and recordkeeping procedures during ELD malfunctions (this document).
  • A supply of blank driver’s records of duty status graph-grids sufficient to record the driver’s duty status and other related information for a minimum of 8 days.
    Please contact your motor carrier immediately if something from the list above is missing.

Connect your vehicle

Follow the steps below to attach an ELD sensor to your vehicle’s diagnostic port.

  • Power down your vehicle.

  • Locate the diagnostic port. The diagnostic port is usually located in one of the following places:
    o Underneath the dash on the left side
    o Underneath the steering wheel
    o Near the driver’s kick panel
    o Below the driver’s seat

  • Attach the provided ELD sensor to the diagnostic port and ensure it is firmly seated.

  • Blue light should start blinking once connected.

Sign in

Your username and password are configured and provided to you by your motor carrier. Please contact your motor carrier if you did not receive your username or password or forgot either one.

  • For Android phones and tablets, download the F360 ELD app from the Google Play Store. If you own an iPhone or iPad, download the F360 ELD app from the App Store.
  • Start the F360 ELD app on your device.
  • On the first startup, you will be prompted for permission to use your location. Access to the GPS signal is required for the proper functioning of the app. Allow this permission to proceed.
  • Your ELD sensor will be connected automatically, and the Login button will appear on the screen. If the ELD sensor cannot be found, check if it is correctly connected to your vehicle’s diagnostic port.
  • Tap the Login button and enter your login and password provided by the motor carrier personnel.
  • The vehicle ID will appear on the screen once you start the engine. If you see a VIN instead, contact your motor carrier personnel.
    F360 Driver’s App - vehicle 2

Record Hours of Service

After logging in, you will be greeted with the Hours-of-Service (HOS) Dashboard screen. The Dashboard screen is the central place of the F360 ELD app. It allows you to set your current duty status, check the remaining time and manage your logs.

  • At the top of the screen, you can see four clocks. These clocks allow you to see how many hours you have left in your Hours-of-Services. The clocks are automatically calculated based on your log.
    o Break clock shows hours left until you need to take a 30-minute break.
    o Drive clock shows how many hours you have left for driving.
    o Shift clock shows the time until your shift ends.
    o Cycle clock shows total hours available according to your cycle rule.
    F360 Driver’s App - Record

  • Under the clocks, you can find the list of available duty statuses. Tap on it to change your current duty status. On devices with smaller screens, you may have to scroll the list horizontally to reveal additional duty statuses.

  • When your vehicle moves at 5 MPH or greater, your duty status is automatically set to Driving.

  • At 0 MPH, you can change your duty status by tapping one of the alternate duty statuses from the list. If the vehicle remains stopped for 5 minutes in Driving status and nothing is selected, your duty status will automatically be changed to On Duty.

Fill in your trip details

The Form screen allows you to manage trailers and fill in shipment information. You can navigate the Form screen by tapping a Form icon on the bottom bar.

  • To add a trailer, enter its ID into the Trailer ID input field and confirm it with your Android/iOS keyboard.
  • Use the Document ID input field to add a new shipment document number.
  • To enter your start location and destination, use the From Address and To Address input fields.
  • You can add a note to the current logbook using the Notes input field.
    F360 Driver’s App - details

Driver Vehicle Inspection Report

A Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) must be completed for your vehicle and trailer at the beginning and end of each day’s work. DVIRs can be accessed from the Hours-of-Service (HOS) Dashboard screen by selecting the Inspection tab.

  • Once in the Inspection, tap the New Inspection button to begin inspecting a vehicle (and trailer).

  • If you did not set your duty status to On Duty manually, your duty status would switch to On Duty automatically. It will be annotated to reflect that the inspection has occurred.

  • Check if the correct vehicle is selected, check odometer value, and add trailer number if present.

  • Select the type of inspection: Pre-Trip or Post-Trip.
    F360 Driver’s App - Inspection

  • Walk around the vehicle and check your vehicle and trailer (if present) for any defects. You can take walk-around photos of the vehicle by pressing the Front, Back, Driver Side, and Passenger side buttons in the Walkaround section.

  • If any defects are found, use the Add Vehicle Defects and Add Trailer defects buttons to select the defects from the list, specify the defect severity, and add a defect photo and a note describing what is wrong.

  • If there were defects in the previous report for the selected vehicle, the driver must review them and indicate whether the defects were corrected or do not need to be corrected.

  • Select the vehicle safety status and click the Save button to proceed to the Signature screen.

  • Add your signature and press the Agree and Sign button to save the Inspection Report.

Edit and annotate your logs

The driver and authorized carrier personnel can make limited edits to ELD records to correct mistakes or add the missing information. All edits must include a note (annotation) to explain the reason for the edit. In addition, the driver  must certify that any carrier edit is accurate.

  • To edit the log, on the HOS Dashboard screen, in the Previous Days list, press on the logbook where the record you want to edit is located. For the current day, tap on the log graph.
  • In the list of logs, find the log you want to edit and swipe it to the left to reveal Edit and Annotate commands. If you want to add a missing record, which is not in the log, use the Add Missing Log button under the log graph.
  • On the log edit screen, make the needed adjustments, add a note (up to 60 characters) to describe the changes, and press the Save button to save the log.

F360 Driver’s App - logs

When authorized carrier personnel makes the change, the notification will appear in the Pending Edits list on the HOS Dashboard screen. Press it to review the proposed changes. Then press the Accept or Reject button in the right top corner of the screen.

Certify your logs

According to the ELD mandate, drivers must certify their HOS logs at least once per 24-hour period. You are the only one who can certify your logs.
Do this when you complete your day.

  • To certify the logs for a previous day, on the HOS Dashboard screen, in the Previous Days list, locate the logbook you want to certify and tap to open it. Not Signed text is displayed in the same line if it is not yet signed. Tap the Signature icon on the bottom bar.
  • To certify the logs for the current day, tap the Signature icon on the HOS Dashboard screen on the bottom bar.
  • On the Signature screen, sign and press the Agree button to certify the logs for the selected date.
  • Use the Not Ready button to cancel the operation and clear your signature.
    F360 Driver’s App - Certify

Team driving

If you are driving in a team, the F360 ELD app allows you to switch an active driver (who is in the driver’s seat) at any time when the vehicle is not moving. All drivers must have their accounts on F360.

  • Tap a Menu icon in the top left corner, select the Login button under the Co-Driver label, and use personal credentials to log in and add a second driving team member.
  • Once the co-driver is logged in, the driver names will be displayed on the Dashboard under the logbook graph.
  • The name of the active driver is on the left side of the screen under the Active Driver label.
  • Use the Switch Driver button between the driver names to switch the active driver when the vehicle is not moving.
  • To inspect the logs without switching an active driver, tap on the driver’s name to highlight it. After this, the Dashboard will be updated, and records for the selected driver will appear. You can inspect and manage the co-driver’s logs even when the vehicle is moving.
    F360 Driver’s App - driving

Let an Officer Inspect Your Logs

The DOT inspection mode provides a simple way to show or transfer your logs to the DOT officer whenever required. F360 ELD allows you to lock the app with a PIN code in DOT inspection mode to maintain a high level of privacy. The  DOT officer will not be able to access anything but the past eight days of logs.

  • Tap on the Menu icon from the top left corner and select DOT Inspection.
  • Set a 4-digit PIN code to lock the app in DOT inspection mode, and tap Begin Inspection button. Once the app is protected with the PIN code in DOT inspection mode, it’s not possible to go back without entering the PIN code, even after the app restart.
  • The logs for the current 24-hour period and the previous seven consecutive days will be displayed on the device.
  • To transfer the ELD logs, use the right lower corner buttons. Tap the button with globe (for web service transfer) or envelope (for email transfer). Enter the code provided by the officer in the Official Comment field and tap Send  button. This will transfer your logs for today and the last seven days using an encrypted service to the FMCSA.
    F360 Driver’s App - Logs 2

Diagnostic Notifications and Malfunctions

The F360 ELD app constantly monitors itself for issues that prevent it from logging according to FMCSA compliance requirements. It creates diagnostic events in your logs when specific data is absent. The most common problems include:

  • No connection to the vehicle ECM
  • Absent or low GPS signal
  • Incorrect time is set on your device
  • No connection with FMCSA data transfer web service

When there is a diagnostic issue, the F360 ELD app will notify you by displaying Diagnostic Data Indicator (yellow icon) in the lower part of the screen.
Often, these diagnostic issues will auto-resolve. However, if they persist for a certain amount of time, a malfunction will be set, and the Malfunction Status Indicator (red icon) will appear next to the Diagnostic Data Indicator. You can tap on both indicators to reveal the Diagnostics screen and check active events.

Driver’s actions in case of ELD malfunctions

According to CFR 395.34, in case of a malfunction that hinders the ELD’s accurate recording of the hours of service, a driver must do the following:F360 Driver’s App - malfunctions

  • Note the malfunction of the ELD and provide written notice of the malfunction to the motor carrier within 24 hours.
  • Reconstruct the record of duty status for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days and record the records of duty status on graph-grid paper logs, unless the driver already possesses the records or the records  are retrievable from the ELD.
  • Continue to manually prepare RODS according to CFR 395.8 until the ELD is serviced and back in compliance. The recording of the driver’s hours of service on a paper log cannot continue for more than 8 days after the malfunction. A driver that continues to record their hours of service on a paper log beyond 8 days risks being placed out of service.

If the malfunction or event does not hinder the correct recording of hours of service and has been cleared by the ELD automatically, the additional reporting requirements under CFR 395.34 do not apply. In addition, drivers must  follow any motor carrier instructions for diagnostic events, review their records of duty status (RODS), and certify they are correct. Motor carriers should continue monitoring short-term diagnostic events and malfunctions to ensure the ELD operates correctly.
Please check the troubleshooting guides on the pages below for the detailed instructions per diagnostic event or malfunction.

Carrier’s responsibilities in case of ELD malfunctions

Under CFR 395.22, in case of an ELD malfunction, a motor carrier must:

  • Correct, repair, replace, or service the malfunctioning ELD within 8 days of discovering the condition or a driver’s notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first.
  • Require the driver to maintain a paper record of duty status (RODS) until the ELD is back in service.

Data Diagnostic Events Troubleshooting

Code Description Cause What to do
1 Power Data Diagnostic

An ELD must monitor data it receives from the engine ECM or alternative sources as allowed in sections, its onboard sensors, and data  record history to identify instances when it may not have complied with  the power requirements.| This may be caused by an intermittent or  complete absence of connection to the vehicle’s  ECM.
The vehicle was in use, and the F360 ELD app  was not running.| • Same steps as for the Engine Synchronization  Diagnostic
• Contact your motor carrier if the problem persists
2| Engine Synchronization Diagnostic
An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM. It must record  an engine synchronization data diagnostics event when it no longer can  acquire updated values for the ELD parameters required for records  within 5 seconds.| This may be caused by an intermittent or  complete absence of connection to the vehicle’s  ECM.| • Check the ELD sensor. It should be attached appropriately
• Reconnect the ELD sensor and restart your  smartphone/tablet device
• Contact your motor carrier if the problem persists
3| Missing Required Data Elements Data Diagnostic An ELD must monitor  the completeness of the ELD event record information about the required  data elements for each event type. It must record a missing data element  anddata diagnostics event for the driver if any required field is missing at the recording time.| Disconnected ELD sensor at the time of event  recording (duty status change, intermediate event).
Loss of GPS signal at the time of event  recording.| • Same steps as for the Engine Synchronization  Diagnostic
• Contact your motor carrier if the problem persists
4| Data Transfer Data Diagnostic
An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that  the data transfer mechanism(s) are functioning correctly. An ELD must  verify this functionality at least once every seven days. Suppose the  monitoring mechanism fails to confirm proper in-service operation of the  data transfer mechanism(s). In that case, an ELD must record a data transfer data diagnostic event and enter an unconfirmed data transfer mode.| ELD app fails to communicate with FMCSA data transfer web service| • Check internet connection and network coverage  on your device.
• Contact your cellular provider and motor carrier  when the problem persists.
• It will be automatically cleared when the network  connection is restored.
5| Unidentified Driving Records Data Diagnostic
If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period show an  unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an  unidentified driving records data diagnostic event, and the data  diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following seven days.| More than 30 minutes driving without a logged- in driver during the last 24 hours| • Review and accept any unassigned time while  driving and not logged in.
• It will be automatically cleared when all  unassigned driving time is claimed or under 30  minutes for the last 24 hours.

Malfunction Events Troubleshooting

Code Description Cause What to do
E Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction An ELD must set an  engine

synchronization compliance malfunction if connectivity to any of the required data sources (ELD sensor) is lost for more than 30 minutes  overthe last 24 hours, aggregated across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile.| This may be caused by an intermittent or  complete absence of connection to the vehicle’s  ECM.| • Check the ELD sensor. It should be attached  appropriately
• Reconnect the ELD sensor and restart your  smartphone/tablet device
• Contact your motor carrier if the problem persists
P| Power Compliance Malfunction An ELD must set a power compliance malfunction when anaggregated driving time understatement of 30 minutes or more is detected during the last 24 hours across all drivers, including the unidentified driver profile.| The vehicle was in motion for 30 minutes or more in 24 hours, and the F360 ELD app was not  running, or there was an intermittent or  complete absence of connection to the vehicle’s ECM| • Same steps as for the Engine Synchronization  Malfunction
• Contact your motor carrier if the problem persists
T| Timing Compliance Malfunction
An ELD must periodically cross-check its compliance with an
accurate external UTC source. It must record a timing
compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the
underlying compliance requirement of fewer than 10
minutes of time deviation.| Incorrect time on the smartphone/tablet| • Check the date and time on your smartphone/tablet and set it to synchronize automatically
• Contact your motor carrier if the problem persists
R| Data Recording Compliance Malfunction An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity. It must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not cataloged remotely by the motor carrier.| Insufficient storage available on the  smartphone/tablet
Smartphone/tablet hardware fault| • Contact your motor carrier as soon as possible
L| Positioning Compliance Malfunction
An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to  acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of the CMV’s  movement. The ELD must record a positioning compliance malfunction  when such elapsed time exceeds 60 minutes over 24 hours.| GPS signal is intermittent or absent due to hardware or software issue| • Same steps as for the Engine
Synchronization Malfunction
• Contact your motor carrier if the
problem persists
S| Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction
After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24 hours. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the subsequent three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction.| ELD app fails to communicate with FMCSA data  transfer web service| • Check internet connection and network coverage  on your device
• Contact your motor carrier as soon as possible

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