innova n420930a High Efficiency Heat Recovery Unit Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

innova n420930a High Efficiency Heat Recovery Unit

Product Information

This manual is for a high efficiency heat recovery unit with integrated air treatment and an inverter compressor. The product is designed to recover heat and treat air, providing energy-efficient and comfortable indoor air quality.


This section provides an overview of the product and its features.

Basic Safety Rules:
This section outlines important safety guidelines that should be followed during installation, use, and maintenance of the product.

This section explains the symbols used in the manual to indicate specific instructions or warnings.

This section highlights important warnings and precautions that need to be taken into consideration for safe operation of the product.

This section provides information on the product’s compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

This section specifies the range of the product and its capabilities.

This section explains how to identify the product and its components.

Construction Features:
This section provides details about the construction and design features of the product.

Packing and Transport:
This section provides instructions on how to handle and transport the product safely.

Reception, Control, and Handling:
This section explains the procedures for receiving, inspecting, and handling the product upon delivery.

Disassembly and Disposal:
This section provides guidelines on how to properly disassemble and dispose of the product when necessary.


This section provides instructions on how to install the product.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Read the entire user manual before installing, using, or maintaining the product.
  2. Follow the basic safety rules outlined in section 1.1.2 to ensure safe operation.
  3. Identify the product and its components using the information provided in section 1.1.7.
  4. Handle and transport the product carefully, following the instructions in section 1.1.9.
  5. Upon delivery, follow the reception, control, and handling procedures described in section 1.1.10.
  6. If necessary, refer to section 1.1.11 for guidelines on disassembling and disposing of the product.
  7. To install the product, refer to section 2 for detailed installation instructions.


INTRODUCTION This manual was conceived with the aim of making installation and management of your system as simple as possible. By reading and applying the suggestions in this manual, you will be able to obtain the best performance from the purchased product. We would like to thank you for the choice you made by purchasing our product. Read this booklet carefully before carrying out any operation on the unit. The unit must not be installed or performed on it in any way unless this manual has been carefully read and understood beforehand. all its parts. In particular, all the precautions listed in the manual must be taken. The documentation supplied with the unit must be handed over to the system manager so that he can keep it carefully (at least 10 years) for any future assistance, maintenance and repairs. The installation of the unit must take into account both the purely technical requirements for correct operation and any local legislation in force and specific provisions. Make sure that when the unit is delivered, there are no obvious signs of transport damage. In this case, indicate it on the delivery note. This manual reflects the state of the art at the time the machine was marketed and cannot be considered inadequate because it is subsequently updated on the basis of new experiences. The Manufacturer reserves the right to update the production and the manuals, without the obligation to update the previous ones, except in exceptional cases. Contact the Manufacturer’s Sales Department to receive further information or updates to the technical documentation and for any improvement proposal to this manual. All reports received will be rigorously screened.

BASIC SAFETY RULES We remind you that the use of products that use electricity and water implies the observance of some basic safety rules:
· Use of the appliance by disabled and unassisted persons is prohibited · It is forbidden to touch the appliance with bare feet and with wet or damp parts of the body · Any cleaning operation is prohibited before having disconnected the appliance from the mains power supply by setting the
main system switch to off · It is forbidden to modify the safety or adjustment devices without the authorization and indications of the appliance
manufacturer · It is forbidden to pull, disconnect or twist the electric cables coming out of the appliance, even if this is disconnected from the
mains power supply. · It is forbidden to introduce objects and substances through the air intake and delivery grilles. · It is forbidden to open the access doors to the internal parts of the appliance without having first turned the main switch of the
system to off. · It is forbidden to disperse and leave the packaging material within the reach of children as it can be a potential source of
danger. · Respect the safety distances between the machine and other equipment or structures to guarantee sufficient access space to
the unit for maintenance and assistance operations as indicated in this booklet. · The power supply of the unit must take place with electric cables having a section suitable for the power of the unit. The
voltage and frequency values must correspond to those indicated for the respective machines; all machines must be earthed as per current legislation in the various countries. · Do not release R134A into the atmosphere: R134A is a fluorinated greenhouse gas, referred to in the Kyoto protocol, with a global warming potential (GWP)=1975.

SYMBOLOGY The symbols shown in the following file allow you to quickly provide the information necessary for correct use of the unit. Safety related symbols

ATTENTION Authorized personnel only

Warns that the operations indicated are important for the safe operation of the machines

DANGER Risk of electric shock

Warns that failure to observe the instructions involves a risk of electric shock.


Warns that failure to observe the instructions involves a risk of harm to exposed persons.


It warns that failure to observe the instructions involves a risk of damage to the unit or the system.
Warns that there is the presence of moving parts and involves a risk of harm to exposed persons


The installation of the unit must be carried out by qualified and authorized personnel according to the regulations in force in the various countries. If the installation is not performed it could become a dangerous situation
Avoid installing the unit in very humid rooms or with the presence of large heat sources.
On the electrical side, to prevent any risk of electrocution, it is essential to disconnect the main switch before making electrical connections and carrying out any maintenance operation.
In the event of water leaks inside the unit, turn the main switch of the system to “Off”, close the water taps and contact the technical service
It is recommended to use a dedicated power circuit; Never use a power supply in common with other appliances.


It is recommended to install an earth leakage breaker; failure to install this device could result in electric shock.
For the connection, use a cable long enough to cover the entire distance, without any connection; do not use extension cords and do not apply other loads on the power supply but use a dedicated power circuit.
After connecting the electrical cables, make sure that the cables are arranged so as not to exert excessive forces on the covers or electrical panels; any incomplete connection of the covers may cause overheating of the terminals.
Make sure that the earth connection is made; do not earth the appliance on distribution pipes. High intensity surge currents could damage the unit
Installations carried out outside the warnings of this manual or use outside the operating limits immediately void the guarantee.

Make sure that the first start-up is carried out by personnel authorized by the company (see first start-up request form)


The CE marking (present on each machine) certifies compliance with the following EU standards:

· Low Voltage Directive


· Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive


· Ecodesign


· RoHS2




1.1.6 RANGE



HRD+ 3+2 30/15 h




  1. Defines the Total flow rate and the fresh air flow rate Models from 300/150 m³/h to 600/300 m³/h

  2. Type of installation H: Horizontal

  3. Electronic typology K: K electronics

  4. Construction typology DC: Version for dehumidification and integration in cold and hot


IDENTIFICATION – The unit can be identified by the plate placed on the lower front panel of the same. – On the packaging there will be an additional identification plate with the unit model and shipping references. -The plate on the packaging has no value for the traceability of the product in the years following the sale.
The removal, deterioration and illegibility of the plate placed on the unit, involves major problems in identifying the machine, in finding spare parts and therefore in any future maintenance.


Inside the unit there is an algorithm which, through some measured parameters, continuously defines and calculates the operating frequency of the BLDC compressor; In this way, according to the temperature and humidity of the incoming air, the unit automatically manages the dehumidification power so as to constantly have high output air that is useful for the room;


The unit differs from the rest of the market as it can also dehumidify at reduced flow rates, for example night-time operating flow rates or CMV only; Compared to traditional systems, the volume of air treated can be considerably reduced, increasing the comfort of the occupants and respecting the philosophies of radiant systems which must have as little convective motion as possible;


If necessary, the unit with the self-adaptive logic carries out a power increase to restore the ambient conditions following an event that brings the system up to speed or a situation with a heavy thermal load.


The unit prevents phenomena such as lack of water or reduced inlet water flow by monitoring the working temperature of the compressor.


The inverter compressor in the integration phase controls the cooling capacity by monitoring the ambient temperature; The air will therefore always be treated but when the comfort conditions are reached, the air delivery will be less cold and more comfortable.



The particular refrigerant circuit allows a reduced refrigerant charge and avoids the double condenser present on this type of unit; the cooling circuit is thus more efficient in respect of the environment;


Compared to traditional units, the water temperature is not essential for the dehumidification capacity; Even in the phases of full operation or where the water temperature should rise following a particular thermal request, the cooling circuit does not lose its capacity; By working with unconstrained water temperatures, the central generator becomes more efficient;

1. Heat recovery unit 2. Supply fan 3. Exhaust fan 4. Compressor and refrigerant circuit compartment 5. Finned coils

6. Electrical panel 7. Recirculation air damper 8. Air filters 9. Free cooling damper 10 Optional outside air damper


PACKING AND TRANSPORT The units are supplied for transport fixed on a wooden pallet and inserted in cardboard boxes. To facilitate movement, the units are equipped with a wooden pallet and hooks on the base which allow them to be lifted and positioned on the installation site. The unit can be stored in a place protected from atmospheric agents with temperatures not lower than 0°C, up to a maximum of 40°C.

RECEPTION, CONTROL AND HANDLING The unit is shipped completely preloaded with refrigerant gas in the circuits and with non-freezing oil in the compressors. Under no circumstances can water be present in the hydraulic circuits, since after testing the unit is carefully emptied. Upon arrival, the customer is required to inspect the unit also in the internal areas to verify that it has not been damaged during transport; the unit left the factory in perfect condition. Otherwise, it is necessary to take immediate recourse against the carrier, reporting the extent of the damage in detail on the document, producing photographic evidence of the apparent damage and notifying any apparent damage to the shipper by registered mail. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for damage due to transport, even in if he did the shipping himself. Great care must be taken in handling the units during unloading and positioning on site, in order to avoid damage to the casing and to the more delicate internal components such as compressors, exchangers, etc. In any case, keep the unit horizontal without tilting it. All the indications regarding the precautions necessary to ensure that no damage is done to the unit and the indication of the weight of the same are given on the packaging. The materials that make up the packaging can be of various kinds such as wood, cardboard or polyethylene (plastic). It is good practice to send them for disposal or recycling through specialized companies to reduce their environmental impact.
1.1.11 DISASSEMBLY AND DISPOSAL Do not disassemble or dispose of the product yourself. The disassembly, demolition, disposal of the product must be carried out by authorized personnel in accordance with local regulations.


INSTALLATION CONDITIONS The unit must be installed according to the national and local standards governing the use of electrical devices and according to the following indications:
· install the unit inside residential buildings with an ambient temperature between 0°C and 45°C; · avoid areas near sources of heat, steam, flammable and/or explosive gases and particularly dusty areas; · install the unit in a place not subject to frost (the condensed water must be discharged not frozen, at a certain angle, using a
siphon); · do not install the unit in areas with a high relative humidity (such as the bathroom or toilet) to avoid condensation on the
external surface; · choose an installation site where there is sufficient space around the unit for the connections of the air ducts and to be able to
carry out maintenance operations; · check the consistency of the ceiling/wall/floor where the unit will be installed so that it is suitable for the weight of the unit and
does not cause vibrations.
In the environment chosen for installation there must be: – air duct connections; – 230V single-phase electrical connection – connection for the condensate drain – hydraulic connection

Ceiling mount To mount the unit on the ceiling you will need: · Position 4 threaded rods inside the brackets provided on the 4 corners of the unit; · Fix the unit to the ceiling, using the brackets, using suitable anchoring systems (dowels, chains…) and check its leveling using a spirit level. · Ensure sufficient space for carrying out maintenance activities: the opening of the cover of the unit (from below) must be guaranteed. Do not mount the unit with the sides in direct contact with the walls to avoid possible contact noise, insert rubber or neoprene strips in this case.
Ceiling mount

Floor mounted
To mount the unit on the floor you need:
Position 4 threaded rods inside the brackets provided on the 4 corners of the unit;
Fix the unit to the floor using the brackets, using suitable anchoring systems (dowels, chains…) and check its leveling using a spirit level.
Ensure sufficient space for carrying out maintenance activities: the opening of the cover of the unit (from below) must be guaranteed.
Do not mount the unit with the sides in direct contact with the walls to avoid possible contact noise, insert rubber or neoprene strips in this case.

Due to the heat recovery system (the hot expelled air is cooled by the incoming air inside the heat exchanger), and the dehumidification coils, the humidity contained in the internal air condenses inside the ‘unit.
For the correct functioning of the heat recovery unit, it is therefore necessary to connect two condensate drains to the plumbing system (drain) of the house. Furthermore, to allow the correct outflow of the condensate water and avoid air suction, the condensate drains must be equipped with special siphons to be supplied and installed by the installer;
For the installation of the condensate drain, comply with the following standards:
· give the drain pipe a slope of at least 2%;
· provide for the possibility of disconnecting the drain pipe for any maintenance (particularly in the case of ceiling installation);
· make sure that the discharge end of the hose is at least below the water level of the siphon;
· make sure that the siphon complies with the following rules and is always full of water:
H1 > 40mm H2 > 40mm

Floor mounted Condensate drain connection



3.1.1 AREAUAL ORIENTATIONS The unit is equipped with 4 male circular rear connections of different Ø and with a front rectangular mouth depending on the size; For the correct connection of the air ducts, refer to the following diagram and the stickers placed on the unit.

Table of unit aeraulic connection diameters SIZE



Ø Recirculation mm Stale air Ø mm External air Ø mm Ø Ejection mm
Inlet section mm

160 160 350×180

200 160 490×255

We recommend the installation of at least 500mm of flexible piping to avoid the dragging of vibrations and annoying noises due to the installation. Depending on the system in which the unit is to be installed, it will be possible to suitably orient the four aeraulic connections. Here is the configuration:

Rear connections

Front connections




– The units are equipped with hydronic coils with water/air exchange; – The connections on the units, even in the different applications and versions, are always common to all units.

-Make sure to respect the flows indicated on the plates: inlet (water entering the unit), outlet (water leaving the unit)

– Make sure that the weight of the pipes does not weigh on the connections provided

– Provide shut-off valves on the delivery and return pipes to the system

-All the chilled water pipes must be insulated to minimize unwanted heat exchanges and the formation of condensate.

-Before filling the pipes, make sure they do not contain foreign materials: such as sand, stones, rust flakes, welding drops, slag, etc. Otherwise, wash the hydraulic circuit by-passing the unit.

– Absolutely avoid pump cavitation and the consequent presence of air in the hydraulic circuit.

Chemical-physical characteristics of water Incompatible chemical-physical characteristics could jeopardize the integrity of the hydraulic parts of the unit.

Check the characteristics of the water;


Limit value


< 10°F

PH value

7.5 / 9


< 2mg/l


< 500uS/cm


< 2 mg/l


< 1 mg/l


< 70 mg/l


< 70 mg/l

Chlorine compounds

< 300 mg/l

Carbon dioxide free radical

< 10 mg/l


< 20 mg/l


The hydraulic connections are positioned on the side of the unit;
The connections are with female thread;
Respect IN as water inlet to the unit and OUT as water outlet from the unit


Connect the pipes with a threaded male fitting, and tighten it with dedicated tools; Be careful not to rotate or twist the pipes coming from inside the unit; By rotating the pipes during connection, the connections inside the unit could be damaged and water leaks during operation; 4.1.3 2-3 WAY VALVE CONNECTION
The connections of the optional 2 / 3-way valves are to be made as indicated; Be careful to respect the indications placed on the valve!

-CONNECTION TO THE RADIANT SYSTEM MANIFOLD:The unit is powered by a collector circuit of the radiant system. Make sure there is the necessary flow rate on the circuit. NB: With this type of installation it is necessary to guarantee the machine the nominal flow rate described in the technical data sheet; CONNECTION BEFORE THE RADIANT SYSTEM MANIFOLD: The unit is fed in parallel to the radiant system manifold, thus guaranteeing the water flow required for correct operation. NB: In both cases, the failure of the nominal water flow rate of the unit causes the blocking of the unit.

CO Compressor PH High pressure switch PS Service outlet IV Evaporator B.A Water battery FI Filter drier LM rolling organ
CD Water condenser 2 LM rolling organ
VC Post-heating valve for ext dehumidification ensi on

Scheme DC version



-Before starting any operation to make the electrical connections, make sure that the unit is not electrically powered -Make the necessary electrical connections by consulting only the electrical diagram attached to this manual. – Install a suitable interrupting and differential protection device for the exclusive service of the unit. – It is essential that the unit is connected to an earth socket. – Check that the electrical components chosen for installation (main switch, circuit breakers, cable section and terminals) are suitable for the electrical power of the installed unit and that they take into account the compressor peak currents as well as the maximum load that can be reached. The relative data are indicated on the attached wiring diagram and on the unit identification plate. – It is forbidden to enter the unit with electric cables unless specified in this booklet. – Use cables and electrical conductors with adequate sections and compliant with the regulations in force in the various countries. – Absolutely avoid running the electrical cables in direct contact with pipes or components inside the unit – After the first moments of operation, check the tightness of the screws of the power supply terminals Power line sizing table

CUT Diet Max absorbed current

V/Ph/Hz TO

30/15 7.3


50/25 7.9


The electrical cable entry is located on the side of the unit;
Four passages dn 20 mm are arranged;




L ­ PE – No

Unit power supply


V3V (L1) ­ V3V (N) ­ V3V (L2) PM ­ PM

2-point valve control Pump command

L1-N Fixed voltage L2 ­ Command 230/1/50 Max (2A)


Remote On Off command Summer / winter command Dehumidification command
Integration command Air flow regulation
Generic alarm signal of the unit or high humidity

Closed contact unit ON Contact closed / summer Contact closed / function active Contact closed / function active
0-10vdc input signal Contact closed unit in alarm

0 ­ 24 ­ Y – GND RS485

Modulating outside air damper control Modbus RTU

24Vac power supply – 0-10vdc signal RS485 RTU connection

12 ­ 0 ­ A+ B-

Remote display connection (optional)

12-0 Power supply A+ B- Communication


5.1.4 POSSIBLE OPERATING MODES AND CONFIGURATIONS FOR THE UNIT The unit has been designed to be managed with three operating modes;
1 OPERATION WITH STAND ALONE REMOTE PANEL The unit operates via the temperature / humidity control panel (OPTIONAL) where it is possible to select the set point, fan speed, activation, time slots and all the unit parameters
2 OPERATION WITH COMMANDSLike a classic dehumidifier, the unit is managed via digital commands; It is possible to activate the ON OFF, SUMMER/WINTER, DEHUMIDIFICATION, INTEGRATION functions, receive an ALARM signal, and regulate the speed of the fans via the 010 v dc signal; The inputs can also be activated by the classic wall thermostats/humidistats;
3 OPERATION WITH MODBUS RS485 RTU The unit can also be controlled via Modbus RS485 which is always present on the unit; Through serial communication from an external Master device it will be possible to activate and modify all the functions of the unit;

The electronics installed on the unit include a semi-graphic remote terminal with capacitive keys and an internal temperature / humidity sensor; The graphic terminal can be mounted on the wall or outside the 503 box;
The terminal is always supplied, in the configuration for wall mounting or on a 503 box, which protrudes with respect to the wall;
For the connection, use a shielded/braided cable (min. 1mm) with a maximum distance of 15m between the remote terminal and the board on the unit.
· 12 – Feeding · 0 – Power · A+ – Communication · B- – Communication Check the type of connection according to the installation distance in the following diagrams:

Dimensions in mm CNU display connection


The display can be connected directly to the unit up to distances of 15mt; This connection provides both the power supply and the communication signal to the display;
NB Do not reverse the connections on the display; This could cause damage to both the display and the unit;

Recommended wire = 4 x 0.75mm Display connection (up to 15mt)

If the connection distance is greater than 15mt, it becomes necessary to power the display from an external power supply to be supplied by the installer; The power supply must be: Voltage = 12 vdc Power = 10VA
This connection is only the two-wire signal connection between unit and display;
NB Do not reverse the connections on the display; This could cause damage to both the display and the unit;

Recommended wire 2 x 0.75mm Display connection with external power supply (above 15mt)

Auxiliary Connections Some auxiliary functions have been implemented in the card which can be connected through the following descriptions: CONNECTION ON / OFF UNIT REMOTELY

The unit can be connected via a dry contact to a device for remotely switching the unit on/off such as a switch or a timer.

With closed contact, the unit will be ON, with open contact, the unit will be forced to remote OFF.


Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 2×0.5mm / 2 x 0.75mm Remote on off command


The unit can be connected via a clean contact to a device for selecting the operating season;
With closed contact, the unit will be in summer mode, with open contact, the unit will be forced to winter mode;
Through the remote control it will be possible to enable or disable this function;



A humidistat or dehumidification control can be connected to the unit which forces the unit into dehumidification mode;

A contact is foreseen through a standard thermostat with clean output contact;

Contact Closed: unit in dehumidification
Through the remote control, it will be possible to enable or disable this function;


Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 2×0.5mm / 2 x 0.75mm Contact summer winter

Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 2×0.5mm / 2 x 0.75mm

Temperature request contact


It is possible to connect a thermostat to the unit which forces the unit into integration mode;

A contact is foreseen through a standard thermostat with clean output contact;

Contact Closed: unit in integration
Through the remote control, it will be possible to enable or disable this function;


Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 2×0.5mm / 2 x 0.75mm

Temperature request contact


The unit can be managed through a 0-10vdc signal to increase and decrease the speed of the fans;
Each phase of the unit, ventilation, dehumidification and integration have a minimum and a maximum;
The input signal is linear and goes from:
Minimum fans = 10%
Max fans = 100%


Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 2×0.5mm / 2 x 0.75mm Fan regulation contact



The unit can signal a machine alarm through the generic alarm contact; the contact is a clean contact;

Contact closed, alarm signal active;


Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 2×0.5mm / 2 x 0.75mm External alarm contact


The unit provides for the command of a generator or post battery, a 230 V command on the terminal block;
Contact closed, presence of 230 v, with active request;


Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 2×0.5mm / 2 x 0.75mm Pump / generator control

The unit provides for the command of a 2/3-point On-off or 3-point modulating valve/coil, via the commands provided on the terminal board;
· V3V (N) – Neutral
· V3V (L1) ­ Fixed power supply V3V V3V V3V · V3V (L2) ­ Opening command
Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 3×0.75mm / 3 x 1mm

Water Valve Connection



The unit provides for the command and management of a modulating damper to be installed on the outside air with a 010v command signal, through the commands provided on the terminal board;

· 0 ­ Power · 24 ­ Nutrition

0 24 Y GND

· Y ­ 0-10vdc signal

· Gnd ­ Reference signal for 4wire dampers

Screw terminals

Recommended wire = 3 x 0.75mm or 4 x 0.75mm Shielded

The damper has the function of choking the external air according to the relative humidity in summer to allow greater dehumidification;

Modulating damper connection



The control panel of the units is a graphic keyboard with a screen resolution of 82×156 mm and IP65 front protection. The interface is structured through masks, in which there are writings, graphic symbols and numbers. The keys are located on the black bar at the bottom of the display. From the main screen, the day of the week can be displayed in the upper part, the ambient temperature in the upper line and the ambient humidity in the lower line. There are also status LEDs, which indicate the current operation of the unit according to the table described below.
The keyboard is equipped with 6 navigation keys and value editing keys with the following functions (black background for the commands of the built-in display while white background for the commands of the LCD display):
When alarm pages are displayed, if pressed, the ENTER key scrolls through all active alarms.

allows you to change parameters or otherwise move the cursor

displays the pages on the same level in succession

confirm the value or otherwise send commands associated with the text on which the cursor is positioned.
If held down while an alarm page is displayed, this key will reset the alarm.
If pressed and held for about 2 seconds, the ESC key turns the machine on or off.

If pressed and held for about 2 seconds, it allows access to the main menu.
clear the value or otherwise request the default page which may be associated with the current page
If pressed when in the main page, the key allows access to the list of active alarms


-The unit can be enabled and disabled in two different ways. 1) Through a clean contact connected to a device for remotely switching the unit on/off, such as a switch or a timer. With the contact closed, the unit will perform the actions indicated in point 2, while with the contact open, the machine will remain off and will display the “OFF Di” status.

Graphic icon display



– If on, the machine is in summer mode.

– – If on, the machine is in winter operation.
– If off, there are no active alarms. – If flashing, there are new alarms not yet displayed. – If on, at least one alarm is active. – If off, you are in the main display. – If on, you have entered the setup menus. – If off, the time slots are active. – If on, the machine is in manual operation. – If off, the machine is in manual operation. – If on, the time slots are active. – If off, there is no dehumidification request. – If on, there is a dehumidification request.



– If off, the water valve is closed. – If on, the water valve is open. – If off, defrosting is not active. – If flashing, the dripping phase is active. – If on, the defrost is active. – If flashing, it indicates which day the time slots are being modified. – If on, it indicates the day of the week.
-If on, the comfort band is active.
– If flashing, the Economy digital input is active. – If on, the economy band is active.
If turned on, the night band is active.

If turned on, the holiday is active.

– If off, the fans are off. – If flashing, the supply or return fan is waiting to be switched on or off according to the safety times. – If on, at least one fan is active.

– If off, there is no effective request for heat integration. – If on, there is an actual request for heat backup.

– If off, the compressor is off. – If flashing slowly, the compressor is waiting to be switched on or off according to the safety times. – If flashing quickly, the compressor is in manual operation. – If on, the compressor is active.
– If off, the recuperator is off. – If on, the recuperator is active.

Current speed of the supply fan. – No step on, the fan speed is less than 33%. – First step on, fan speed is 33% higher – Second step on, fan speed is 67% higher. – Third step on, the fan speed is equal to 100%. – If off, the shutters are closed. – If on, at least one damper is open (outside air or recirculation).


The unit can be enabled and disabled in two different ways:

  1. Through a clean contact connected to a device for remotely switching the unit on/off, such as a switch or a timer. With the contact closed, the unit will perform the actions indicated in point 2, while with the contact open, the machine will remain off and will display the “OFF Di” status.

  2. Through the key

in the main screen of the display. If the

contact described in point 1 is closed, the message “OFF KEY” will be

displayed. By pressing the key for about 2 seconds, the machine will

turn on; pressing the button again will turn it off

The general menu has no level and is the access point for all the other system menus.

To access, press and hold the key

for 2 seconds from each point

of the interface. The menus available are the following






RTC (rtc)





INFO (Info)

From this menu you can choose the menu you want to display by

pressing the keys

, followed by the key

to confirm.


On off General menu SEASONAL CHANGE
-The unit with remote panel connected provides for the seasonal change through the same remote panel; If the remote panel is not present, the seasonal change takes place via digital input (unit closed contact in summer)

– Press the button

for 2 seconds to access the USER menu;

– Press the button

to enter the user menu;

– The MODE parameter and the operating season between HEAT (winter) and COOL (summer) will be shown on the display

-To change the season, press the key

, then press the keys

to select the season and confirm with the key


To exit the menu, press the key


-If the panel is present, the temperature and humidity will be detected by the internal sensors of the CNU; However, the forcing dehumidification and integration functions from digital inputs on the terminal board will also remain active; The settings of the various set points are therefore possible; – Press the


for 2 seconds to access the USER menu; – Press the button

to enter the user menu; – The MODE parameter will appear on the display, then

press the keys

to select the set points to modify ;

The following will be displayed in sequence:

STC = Summer temperature set point

STH = Winter temperature set point

UO1 = Humidity set point

To change the sets, press the key

on the desired parameter, then press

the keys

to select the desired value and confirm with the key


To exit the menu, press the key

Seasonal change Set point setting



-Inside the units there are (except in the version without recirculation) EC fans with modulating brushless motors; The minimum and maximum speeds are already configured in the factory but through the 0-10vdc input, or through the CNU command if present, it will be possible to select the most suitable speed with respect to the system ducts to obtain the best performance / noise ratio;
– press the key for 2 seconds to decrease the speed while the key
to increase speed;

The bar with 3 segments indicated

reports the indications as

described below:

– No step on, the fan speed is less than 33%. – First step on, fan speed

is 33% higher – Second step on, fan speed is 67% higher. – Third step

on, the fan speed is equal to 100%.


This menu contains the functions of the RTC (Real Time Clock) system. When the controller remains without voltage for a few days, the RTC system clock loses the active time. When restarting it is necessary to reset the current date and time. In this case, when the machine is switched on, the pages for setting the time shown on the side are presented. To configure the clock:

– Press the button

for 2 seconds to access the USER menu; – Then

press the keys

to select the rtc menu – Press the key


enter the Rtc menu

-Set RTC will be shown on the display, then press the keys


select the day, month, year, hour and minutes to modify;

To change the values, press the key

on the desired parameter,

then press the keys

to select the desired value and confirm

with the key


Once the clock has been configured, press the ENTER key on “SAVE”.

If the “AL26 ­ RTC alarm” alarm does not disappear, remove and re-

apply voltage and repeat the procedure.

To exit the menu, press the key

Fan speed setting Clock setting (RTC)


This section contains the parameters visible and modifiable by the user, listed on the side.

– Press the button

for 2 seconds to

access the USER menu;

– Press the button menu;

to enter the user

– The MODE parameter will appear on the display, then press the keys
to select and display the user menu parameters;

(MOD) summer/winter operation

– To modify the parameters, press the


on the desired parameter, then (STH) Set point for winter operation

press the keys

to select the

desired value and confirm with the key

(SCC) Comfort range cold set point

; To exit the menu, press the key

(OEC) economy band cold offset

(ONC) cold offset night band

(STC) Set point for summer operation
(UO1 Room humidity set point (SCH) Comfort band hot set point (OEH) economy band hot offset (ONH) warm offset band night

(SDC) Cooling set point forcing from DI

(SDH) Hot set point forcing from DI

(FSC) Comfort range fans set point

(ESF) Economy band fans set point

(FSN) Night band fan set point

(BYN) backlight display mode

(BYU) display backlight percentage

(BYT) display backlight timeout

(BYU) Cooling set point forcing from DI

(BYT) Hot set point forcing from DI

(PS1) user password

User menu parameters


con unit in ON, by pressing the keys

, you can view

the status pages of each family. In each page / family of

states, the information can be displayed by pressing the keys

. The screens available are: SETdisplay of time slots and release of the current slotIn these screens you can: – enable time band regulation via “Etb”. – view the current time band using “tb” (“—” = no band active, OFF” = band OFF active, “COMF” = comfort band active, “ECO” = economy band active, “nIGH” = night band active, “H” = holiday band active), – view and modify the set currently in use using “SEt”. With time band regulation, the modification of the current set will be valid only for the band currently in progress. FAN fans status display In these screens you can view: – the status (“—” = fan disabled, “OFF” = fan off, “tOn” = fan waiting for ignition, “On”= fan on, “tOFF” = fan waiting for switching off) – the status and speed of the supply fan indicated with “SUP” and of the expulsion fan indicated with the label “rEt”. CMP compressor status display In these screens it is possible to view whether or not there is: – the dehumidification request “dEH” – the humidity set point “SEt” – compressor status “StS” (“—-” = compressor disabled, “ALrM” = compressor in alarm, “MAnU” = compressor in manual operation, “tOn” = compressor waiting for ignition, “On” = compressor on, “tOFF” = compressor waiting for shutdown, “OFF” = compressor off) – the status of the on/off compressor digital output, – the status of the air condensing valve “Air” and the status of the water condensing valve “H2O”. H2O water valve status display In these screens it is possible to view the status of the water valve (“—-” = valve disabled, “OFF” = valve closed, “On” = valve open). DAMP dampers status display In these screens it is possible to view: the status of the recirculation damper “rEC” and the status of the external air damper “StS” (“—” = damper disabled, “OFF” = damper closed, “tOFF” = damper closing , “On” = damper open) – the opening percentage of the “AO” modulating outside air damper RECO heat recovery status display In this screen you can view: – the value of the “EFC” efficiency – the status of the recovery unit “StS” (“—” = recovery unit disabled, “OFF” = recovery unit off, “OFFd” = recovery unit off for defrost, “OFCH” = recovery unit off for freecooling/heating, “On” = recuperator active) – the status of the digital output “dO”. PROB probe status display


Time slots screen Ventilators screen Compressor screen
Water valve screen Shutters screen Recovery screen
Sensor status screen

In these screens it is possible to view the status of the sensors indicated with the following wording: “trE” = ambient/return T., “tOd” = external T., “tUA” = water T., “tEH” = expulsion T., , “HUM” = Room humidity, “FAn” = Fan remote potentiometer input value. ALARMS MENU

Pressing the key in the main display screen, it allows access to the alarm menu; the writing ALM PAGE will be displayed. By pressing the SET key it is possible to view the alarms in progress. Two types of text will be displayed:
-No ALAr: No alarm present
-ALM Alxx: Indicates the presence of an alarm, where xx indicates the error code. For further information, refer to the Alarm Table section.
There are two types of alarms, those with manual reset and those with automatic reset, and both will be displayed in the alarm menu. Once the conditions for which the alarm occurred are restored, if the alarm has automatic reset the alarm will reset without the user having to intervene; in the event of manual reset, to reset, proceed as follows:

– Position yourself with the keys alarm to be reset

on the page of the

-press and hold the key

for about 2 seconds

At this point, if there are no other alarms, the message “No ALAr” will be displayed; the alarm icon will go off and the machine will return to its regular operation, or the page relating to the next active alarm will be displayed.

To exit the menu, press the key

Display menu display and information

This section contains the history of the alarms memorized by the controller:

Press the button menu;

for 2 seconds to access the USER

– then press the keys


to access it ;

to select the HIST menu and

This menu allows you to view the alarm history.

The ALARM HISTORY page shows the last alarm. To view

previous alarms, press the key

By repeating this

procedure, all the elements of the history are scrolled until

the first alarm is displayed. The history display is circular.

To exit the menu, press the key

Visualization of alarm history menu


In this section it is possible to access the menus reserved for MAINTENANCE / INSTALLER / MANUFACTURER level settings:

– Press the button menu;

for 2 seconds to access the USER

– then press the keys

to select the desired menu

and press

to access it;

This menu is protected by a password which is requested before accessing it;

Press the button

, then press the keys


select the password and confirm with

To exit the menu, press the key
ATTENTION: Modifications of these parameters involve an unapproved and dangerous modification for the operation of the unit; Contact authorized personnel only!

Maintenance / installer / builder menu



To always guarantee the correct and optimal functioning of the unit, it is necessary to carry out all the maintenance interventions periodically.

CLEANING To replace the filters, or clean them, proceed as follows: · remove power to the unit; · open the lids of the filters through · take out the dirty filters; · gently insert the new filters; · close the lid with the dedicated knobs; If the conditions of the filters allow it, they can be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner or a low pressure compressor.

It is advisable to check the condition of the heat exchanger each time you clean/change the filters and to clean it if deemed appropriate. This operation must only be carried out by qualified personnel (installer). To clean the heat exchanger proceed as follows:
· remove power to the unit · in case of ceiling installation, disconnect the condensate drain pipe; · open the cover of the unit by releasing the fastening hooks and
removing the screws; · extract the heat exchanger using the specific green clamp/straps; · proceed with cleaning very delicately using a vacuum cleaner or a low
pressure compressor (to prevent dirt from entering the heat exchanger, clean in the opposite direction to that of the air flow); · put the exchanger back in place; · close the cover locking it in position by blocking the fixing hooks and inserting the screws; Attention! Never touch the fins of the exchanger, handle the exchanger keeping it only on the closed sides.

View for filter extraction View for exchanger extraction


It is advisable to occasionally check and, if necessary, clean the fans, the condensate drain and the internal walls of the unit. These operations must only be carried out by qualified personnel (installer). To carry out the above operations, proceed as follows: remove power to the unit in case of ceiling installation, disconnect the condensate drain pipe; open the cover of the unit by releasing the fixing hooks on it; check and if necessary clean the fans, the condensate drain and the walls; close the cover locking it with the fixing hooks on the unit connect the power cord and turn on the unit from the switch on the side panel. For cleaning it is possible to use a vacuum cleaner, a cloth slightly moistened with water, a soft bristle brush or a low pressure compressor.
Attention! On the blades there are small metal clips for balancing the blades themselves, DO NOT remove them.

Unit views for general cleaning



GENERALITY In the event of problems or failures, take note of any error code that has appeared on the display of the electronic control unit or of the remote control, take note of the model and serial number of the unit you have (present on the identification plate attached to the side of the unit) and contact the installer.


Problem Display off
Little or no air flow The premises remain humid

Causes No power (illuminated switch off) Clogged filters Clogged exchanger Ice cream exchanger

Dirty fan Clogged fan ducts Outside temperature below 0 °C

High noise

Noise coming from the unit

Vibrations Elevate

Noise coming from the ducts Panels that vibrate

Fan blades out of balance

Condensate leak

Clogged condensate drain
Condensate does not flow from the drain duct into the collection tray

Remedies Check the connection to the electrical network.
Replace filters Clean the exchanger Take the exchanger to a warm place and wait for it to defrost, do not heat with direct heat sources. Clean the fan Clean the ventilation ducts The unit may be in anti-freeze mode, wait until the outside temperature rises or install an electric heater for preheating. Check for cracks and/or air leaks from the unit panels Check the siphon connection Check if the motors turn correctly (bearings) Check for cracks on the intake / intake / exhaust ducts Verify the integrity of the unit panels and profiles Check that the cover of the unit and the panel covering the electronic board are closed correctly Check that there are no walls that can transmit vibrations to the wall / floor / false ceilings Check the integrity of the blades Clean the fans Check that the small metal clips for balancing the blades are still present on the fans Clean the condensate drain Verify that the unit is perfectly level Check that the condensate drain connections are not blocked


8.1.3 TABLE OF ALARMS INDICATED BY THE DISPLAY Below is a list of all the alarms managed by the application. The order of presentation is the same as the order in which alarms appear when active. The alarms can all be viewed even when the machine is off.



AL01 High humidity warning AL02 High humidity alarm AL03 High water temperature in summer AL04 Low water temperature in winter AL12 Compressor high pressure switch. AL16 Antifreeze

AL17 Water flow switch

AL18 Generic alarm

AL19 Generic warning

AL22 Dirty filters alarm

AL25 I/O configuration error

AL26 RTC clock faulty or disconnected


Ambient/return temperature probe faulty or disconnected

AL29 External temperature probe faulty or disconnected

AL30 Water temperature probe faulty or disconnected

AL31 Faulty or disconnected exhaust temperature probe

AL34 Ambient/return humidity probe faulty or disconnected

Automatic Manual after PA22
Automatic Automatic Manual after PA35 events/hour Automatic

Stops the return fan External air damper closed if digital External air damper partialization if analogical View only Heat integration inhibition Dehumidification inhibition if PU03=0 Heat integration inhibition
Stop the compressor
Stop the fans

Automatic Manual after PA11

Heat integration inhibition Dehumidification inhibition if (PU04=0) Closing the water valve

Auto/Manu Auto/Manu
Manual Automatic Auto/Manu Automatic

Turn off all devices Reporting only Reporting only Turn off all devices Time band management inhibition Inhibition of regulation dependent on it

Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic

Inhibition of regulation dependent on it Inhibition of regulation dependent on it Inhibition of regulation dependent on it Inhibition of regulation dependent on it


AL35 Air quality probe faulty or disconnected AL36 Fan remote potentiometer faulty or disconnected

Automatic Automatic

Inhibition of regulation dependent on it Inhibition of regulation dependent on it


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The data contained in this manual may be changed by the manufacturer without notice. Page39

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