freemie FG063 Closed System Collection Cups User Manual

June 4, 2024

freemie FG063 Closed System Collection Cups


Intended Use

IMPORTANT – Read this manual prior to use. Please save this manual. Review the most current manual at
This manual contains important information for the proper sanitization, use and care of your Freemie collection cup system. Please visit our website,, for customer service and all your spare parts needs.
Congratulations on your purchase and thank you for choosing Freemie Closed System Collection Cups. Your Freemie cups are designed to help make your pumping experience compatible with your life, allowing you greater flexibility to pump whenever and wherever necessary.
The Freemie Closed System Collection Cups are designed to be used only with a compatible breast pump to be used by lactating women to express and collect milk from their breasts. The Freemie Closed System Collection Cups are intended for use by a single user.

Contraindications For Use

There are no known contraindications for use of this product.

Product Description

The Freemie Closed System Collection Cups are capable of single and double pumping. The operating life of the Freemie Collection kit is defined as 60 days.

Important Notice
If you have any concerns about your health, or experience any pain while nursing or using any breast pump, stop pumping immediately and consult your health care or lactation professional immediately. DAO Health does not give medical advice or lactation advice, make diagnoses or recommend treatment.
WARNING: Never use your Freemie Closed System Collection Cups in any location, situation or circumstances that are unsafe for you, your infant or others.

Important Safety Instructions

This is a single user product. Use by more than one person may present a health risk and will void the warranty.

  • Do not use solvents or abrasives on any components.
  • Do not put any Freemie components in the dishwasher or steam sterilize. WARNING: To avoid health risk and reduce the risk of injury:
  • Never use a damaged device. Replace damaged or worn parts.
  • Never use if moisture or liquid is detected in pump’s tubing.
  • Always inspect the flexible tongue-shaped barrier (page 6) for damage (cuts, tears, or holes). Use of a damaged barrier will cause milk to flow into the tubing and pump motor. This can damage the pump motor and compromise hygiene. Use of a damaged barrier will void your warranty.
  • If pumping is uncomfortable or causing pain, turn the unit off and if necessary break the seal between the breast and breast funnel immediately with your finger and remove the breast funnel from your breast.
  • Do not try to express with vacuum that is too high and uncomfortable (painful). If all breast pumps are painful for you even on their lowest suction settings, consider consulting with your lactation or health care professional.
  • Always inspect funnels, cups, valve bases, duckbill valves, barriers, and tubing prior to use for cleanliness.
  • Clean, sanitize and dry all parts that come in contact with your breast and breast milk prior to first use. See page 8 and 9 for sanitization cleaning instructions.
  • Disassemble, clean and dry all parts that come into contact with your breast and breast milk after every use.
  • Do not store wet or damp parts where mold may develop.
  • Use Freemie Closed System Collection Cups only with Freemie compatible pumps. Use with non compatible pumps may cause injury to you or damage your pump. Misuse may void warranty. Visit for the current compatibility list.
  • As a general rule, use Freemie only as often and only as long as you normally breastfeed your baby. Consult a lactation professional if you have questions about your milk supply.
  • Consult your lactation professional if you have questions about whether Freemie is appropriate for you or to help determine the correct funnel size for you.
  • Freemie is not recommended if you must watch your milk ejection reflex or aggressively massage your breasts while pumping to ensure that they are completely emptying.
  • Do not share. Freemie is a personal use item.
  • Do not use Freemie for simultaneous breastfeeding and pumping with compromised infants without first consulting your healthcare or lactation professional.
  • Do not continue to use Freemie if you experience pain or discomfort in the breast or nipple while pumping. Do not pump or pump and nurse in situations or places that may present any risk to you or your infant.
  • Keep out of reach of infants and children. Freemie has small parts that can be choking hazards.
  • If you are a mother who is infected with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), pumping breast milk will not reduce or remove the risk of transmitting the virus to your baby through your breast milk.

Freemie Closed System Collection Cups

The Freemie Closed System Collection Cups include:

Collection Componentsfreemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-

Connection Kit, Closed System (FG067)freemie-FG063-Closed-System-

Pump the Freemie Way

Pump Efficiently
Freemie can be used for single or double pumping as desired.

Pump and Relax At Home
You can close your eyes and sit in the recliner and make baby’s milk for tomorrow while tonight’s dinner is in the oven!

Pump discreetly at your work station without ever undressing. Get your work done and get home!

Travel with Freemie to express your milk on the go. Pump anytime, anywhere.

Pump While Bonding
Freemie can be used to pump milk while breastfeeding. Place baby on one breast and Freemie cup on the other. Sleep in a little longer, and pump that first bottle of the day while baby fills up!
Milk contacting components not made with BPA, DEHP or natural rubber latex. Freemie® Collection Cup Features Overflow Protection to Keep Milk Out Of The Tubing!freemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-Cups-3

Preparing Freemie for First Use

Disassemble and clean Freemie Closed System Collection Cups prior to first use. Follow the instructions below to sanitize these parts.freemie-FG063

Sanitize Parts
Do not steam sterilize or dishwash any Freemie components. Doing so may cause the parts to warp or not fit securely and will void your warranty. Parts must be thoroughly dry before use.

Boil These Parts

  • Boil only these parts for 10 minutes to sanitize and ensure parts fit securely in an uncovered pot. Covered pots or other systems that trap steam can generate super heated steam which may damage parts.
  • Do not let parts sit on the bottom of the boiling pot.
  • Parts should float freely.
  • Carefully remove from water and be sure to wash and dry parts after boiling.

DO NOT Boil These Parts

  • DO NOT boil or steam these parts. Hand wash only.
  • Hand wash valve and barrier using plenty of hot water and liquid dishwashing soap, then rinse clean with hot water for 10 – 15 seconds. Allow parts to cool and dry completely before use.

Regular Cleaning After Each Use

Do not steam or boil tubing, barriers or valves, as it will cause damage. Do not put any Freemie components in dishwasher or steam sterilizer, as it can cause parts to warp and leak. Before each use visually inspect the individual components for cracks, chips, tears, discoloration or deterioration. In the event that damage to the device is observed, please discontinue use until the parts have been replaced.

Dry parts completely and leave parts disassembled

  1. Disassemble and wash all components that come into contact with breast milk (Cup, Breast Funnel, Valve, Valve Base, Barrier).
  2. Hand wash parts using plenty of warm water and liquid dishwashing soap, then rinse clean with hot water for 10 to 15 seconds. Allow part to cool and dry completely before use.
  3. Treat all parts with special care. Avoid abrasives and excessive heat. Inspect the Closed System Barrier for rips or tears prior to each use. Rips or tears will cause the Closed System Barrier to not function properly, possibly causing damage to your pump. If the barrier has been compromised replace prior to pumping.
  4. Clean and dry as soon as possible after each use.
  5. When not in use, store parts un-assembled and out of reach from infants and children.
  6. Do not store assembled Freemie parts in refrigerator, parts may become loose or leak.

Assembling Freemie Closed System Collection Cups

Always wash hands prior to assembling Freemie Closed System Collection Cups. All parts must be completely dry, correctly positioned, and pressed securely together.
Inspect the device before each use for signs of wear or damage and replace parts if signs of wear are noted.

  1. Place Barrier onto funnel mounting ridge and against cone surface.
  2. Align Valve Base with Barrier and Funnel and push together.
  3. Press Breast Funnel and Valve Base firmly together.
  4. Place Valve onto Valve Base.
  5. Align Cup arrow with Funnel tubing port, seat cup rim into outer ring of funnel, and snap together. You should feel a crisp ‘snap,’ and then assembly is secure.freemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-Cups-11

Connecting to Your Freemie Compatible Pump

Single Pumping
Note: For all tubing connections, press in firmly until you get a secure connectionfreemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-

Double Pumpingfreemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-

Freemie-Compatible Pumps

  • Freemie Liberty and Independence
  • Philips Twin Electric
  • Philips Comfort
  • Ameda Purely Yours
  • Ameda Purely Yours
  • Ultra Unimom Forte
  • Spectra M1
  • Spectra S1 Plus
  • Spectra S2 Plus
  • Spectra S1
  • Spectra S2
  • Spectra 9plus
  • Lucina Melodi Prime
  • ARDO Calypso
  • Evenflo Advanced

AVOID SETUP FRUSTRATION BEFORE PLACING THE FREEMIE CUPS IN YOUR BRA: After the cups are assembled and connected to the pump, turn on pump, and observe the tongue-shaped barrier inside each cup. If all parts are assembled securely and correctly, you will be able to observe movement or compression in the tongue- shaped barrier when the pump is running. At the highest suction settings, the barrier will collapse and curl with each cycle, similar to the movement of your baby’s tongue while sucking. If there is no movement in one or both cups, re-check the assembly and all tubing connections.

Positioning Within Your Bra

Finding The Ideal Bra Fit For You
When getting started with your new Freemie Closed System Collection Cups, be aware that bra fit is critical to the proper use of this device because your bra must now do the job that your hands would be required to do with a traditional pump.

  1. Before choosing a bra, pump with your new Freemie cups using your hands to hold the Cups in place. Consider how much pressure you normally apply against your breasts to pump and observe the optimal position and orientation of the cups on each of your breasts. (Note most women are not perfectly symmetrical, and improper positioning or pressure on one or both breasts may result in low output. This may happen with any traditional or hands free pumping systems if you do not spend the necessary time to figure out how to make the pump work well and effectively for you, on each of your breasts). This needed pressure may be different when your breasts are engorged versus when they are empty. To achieve the same pressure and sensation with the Freemie Cups in your bra, it may be necessary to adjust your bra or try different bras to get the best fit for you. A sports bra works well for many women.
  2. Be sure your bra keeps the Freemie cups in an upright position and does not allow the device to slip around, sag downward, or tilt off to the side during use as a loss of suction may occur.
  3. Place Freemie inside your bra with the Breast Funnel opening centered over the nipple.
  4. Make sure you achieve a good seal between Freemie’s funnels and your skin.

Correct Nipple Position & Funnel Sizing
Ensure nipple is centered in the Breast Funnel and not bent or pinched off. If the tip of the nipple hurts while expressing, check that the nipple is in the center of the funnel.freemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-

Check Breast Funnel Fit
Turn on the pump and check the following points:

  • Is the nipple rubbing or sticking against the side?
  • Does the base of the nipple blanche during the expression session?
  • Does it feel painful?

If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above, a different size funnel may be needed. With properly fitted breast funnels, the nipple moves in and out of the funnel freely. The areolar tissue should move only a little and there should be no pain. See our sizing guides at Note you may need a different size funnel for each breast for an optimal pumping experience. You need a different size if the provided funnels are too big or too small.freemie-FG063-Closed-

DAO Health cannot help you determine your correct funnel size by email or phone. If you have questions about how to find the right breast funnel size for you, please consult with your lactation professional.freemie-FG063

Tubing Port Should Be In The 12 O’Clock Position
When connected to a pump, tubing port and pour spout must be in the 12 o’clock position.freemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-

Correct When filling with milk, keep in the upright position.

Incorrect Placement at any other position can cause milk to flow out of cups while you are pumping.freemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-

Before Pumping With Freemie Breast Pump System

Pump with Freemie Closed System Collection Cups in an upright position, such as sitting or standing
You may pump in any of these positions. The position of the cups relative to the horizon is important, as your milk needs to flow downhill in the funnel .freemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-Cups-20

Note: Depending on the shape and orientation of your breasts, you may be able to comfortably pump in a wide variety of positions.

Pumping with Your Freemie Closed System Collection Cups

As with any new pump, expect a period of adjustment to the hands free
and fully concealed pumping experience. After a few days using your Freemie Closed System Collection Cups, review the instructions for bra and funnel fit to evaluate any needed adjustments. Consider what items in your wardrobe work well and make you comfortable while pumping. You may also find that other people are more comfortable in your presence while you are pumping with your clothes on, when compared to alternatives. Each Freemie Cup holds 8 ounces (240 mL) of breast milk.
NOTE: When the Freemie Cups are full, turn off pump and pull tubing from Freemie Cups while still wearing Freemie Cups in your bra. (See below, When You Are Done Pumping)
If you produce more than 8 ounces (240 mL) per breast, stop pumping when the Freemie Cups are full and empty each cup. If you have a second Freemie Closed System Collection Set that is compatible with your pump, switch out full Freemie Cups with empty Freemie Cups to minimize pumping interruptions.

Stop the pump
To stop the pump, shut it off or break the suction by inserting your fingers between the funnels and your breasts if necessary. If you experience pain in your breast or nipple, even if you think the pump is not the source of the pain, consult your health care or lactation specialist.

Disconnecting and Transferring Milk

When you are done pumping

  1. Turn off pump.
  2. Leave Freemie in your bra and gently pull the tubing from the device.
  3. Carefully remove cups from your bra.
  4. Freemie cups may be set flat on a table until ready to transfer to a storage container. freemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-Cups-21

Pouring Milk into a Container

Practice with water first to achieve successful transfers without spilling –
it’s easy! Handle a full Freemie cup with care. Milk that has not passed through the valve and into the cup can spill out of the Breast Funnel .freemie-FG063-Closed-System-Collection-Cups-22

Proper Storage of Breast Milk

How long can I store breast milk?

Human MHuman Milk Silk Sttororage Guidelinesage Guidelines

Type of Breast Milk

| Countertop 77°F (25°C) or colder (room temperature)| Refrigerator 40°F (4°C)| Freezer

0°F ( -18°C )or colder


Freshly Expressed or Pumped


Up to 4 Hours

| Up to 4 Days| Within 6 months is best; Up to 12 months is acceptable

Thawed, Previously Frozen


1-2 Hours

| Up to 1 Day

(24 hours)

| NEVER refreeze human milk after it has been thawed

Leftover from a Feeding (baby did not finish the bottle)


Use within 2 hours after the baby is finished feeding

These guidelines are for healthy full-term babies and may vary for premature or sick babies.
Check with your health care provider.
Find more breastfeeding resources at: or
Source: Proper Handling and Storage of Human Milk,

How do I thaw and use stored breast milk?

  • Always make sure to check the date on the milk’s container before using. Do not use undated milk, or milk that has been stored too long.
  • Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator or under cool, running water.
  • Heat the milk under warm, running water and gently swirl the container to mix the milk.
  • If warm water is not available, heat a pan of water on the stove. Once the water is warm, not boiling, remove the pan from the stove and place the milk container in the pan. Never warm the milk container directly on the stove.
  • Never microwave breast milk because microwaves can cause dangerous hot spots that could burn you or a baby.
  • Always test the temperature of the milk on the inside of your wrist before feeding it to a baby. The milk should feel warm, not hot.
  • After thawing, milk should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.
  • Never refreeze thawed milk. Throw away previously frozen milk that is not used within 24 hours.

Troubleshooting Tips

Breasts Not Emptying – Review Positioning Within Your Bra, Page 12-14

  • Always center Breast Funnel over nipple. If the Breast Funnel is off the center of the nipple you may impede milk release, experience loss of suction, or prevent the complete emptying of the breast.

  • Try adjusting the position of Freemie cups. Comfortably position your body to help create the best seal between Freemie cups and your skin. Experiment with your body position by sitting up straighter, leaning forward a little, or pulling your shoulders back.

  • The Breast Funnels come in the standard 25mm and 28mm. Visit www. for the latest in sizing options and accessories.
    Note: If you require a funnel diameter or depth that we do not currently offer, then unfortunately we do not recommend the Freemie system as your full time pump.

  • If problems emptying your breasts persist, consult your lactation professional.

Loss of Suction – Review Assembling Freemie Closed System Collection Cups, Pages 10-11

  • Make sure pump is turned on, motor is running, and suction level is turned up to your regular setting.
  • Make sure that parts are correctly assembled and fit together as snugly as possible, and that connection to the pump is secure. (see pages 9 and 10)
  • If the fit between the valve base and funnel is loose, try replacing the valve base with a new valve base.
  • If suction is diminished, try replacing the duckbill valve with a new duckbill valve.
  • Make sure tubing is not kinked or pinched. Make sure tubing is pushed securely into its port on the breast funnel. (see page 11)
  • Make sure Breast Funnel is securely pressed against breast creating a seal around nipple, and is properly seated in bra. Check that no bra material or tubing is between the device and your skin. The device should not be tilting upward, downward, or to the side. (see pages 14 and 15)
  • Make sure nipple is not bent or pinched inside the Breast Funnel. (see page 12)
  • Try a tighter fitting bra to ensure that the bra is able to support and maintain an adequate seal and hold Freemie in an upright position. Consider trying a sports bra. (see page 12)
  • When single pumping, be sure Y-connector plug is on securely inserted into open port. (see page 11)
  • Ensure barrier is properly assembled.
  • If pump is on, but no vibration is detected from pump even at highest suction settings, contact pump manufacturer for customer service.

Milk in Tubing

  • Ensure that all parts are firmly assembled and that barrier is not damaged.

Warranty & Specifications

Note: The Freemie Closed System Collection Cups are Personal Use Items, and cannot be returned once opened.
The Freemie Closed System Collection Cups are guaranteed against defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of 60 days. Warranty can only be claimed in the country of purchase through authorized Freemie distributors. Warranty does not cover misuse, abuse or excessive wear and tear. Spare parts are available at Plastic parts do wear out with regular use, so plan ahead to avoid disruptions to your pumping routine. In the event of a verifiable defect that is not the result of misuse, abuse, excessive wear and tear or alteration, Dao Health will replace or repair this product at Dao Health’s discretion. Returns will not be accepted without a return merchandise authorization, which must be obtained from Dao Health’s customer service. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the shipper.
Note: Failure to use and maintain the Barrier in good condition may cause damage to your pump and will void your warranty. If milk flows into the tubing, turn off the pump immediately. Refer to the user manual for instructions on cleaning or replacing tubing, replace Barrier. Failure to turn off the pump when milk gets in the tubing will cause damage to your pump.

Spare Parts & Customer Service

Available on our website Closed System Collection Cups

Part # Part Name Picture
FG063 Closed System Collection Cups Set See Website
FG067 Closed System Connection Kit See Website
FG068 Closed System Cups Spare Parts See Website
FG069 25mm Closed System Breast Funnel See Website
FG070 28mm Closed System Breast Funnel See Website
FG071 Closed System Valve Base See Website
FG072 Closed System Barrier See Website
FG073 Closed System Duckbill See Website
FG109 15mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG110 16mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG111 17mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG112 18mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG113 19mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG064 21mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG065 22mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG115 23mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG116 24mm Fitmie Accessories See Website
FG062 25, 26mm Fitmie Accessories See Website

For help with your Freemie product visit us at Customer Service 916-339-7388
Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm PST


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