REVI BIKES OASIS Electric Commuter Bike User Manual

June 12, 2024

REVI BIKES OASIS Electric Commuter Bike User Manual

Warnings and caution statements:

Electric bikes can be dangerous to use. The user or consumer assumes all risk of personal injuries, damage, or failure of the bicycle or system and all other losses or damages to themselves and others and to any property arising out of or as aresult of using the bicycle. As with all mechanical components, your bicycle is subjected to wear and high stresses. Different materials and components may react to wear or stress fatigue in different ways. If the design life of a component has been exceeded, it may suddenly fail, possibly causing injuries to the rider. Any form of crack, scratches or change of coloring in highly stressed areas indicate the life of the component has been reached and should be replaced. If you have an impairment or disability such as visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical impairment, cognitive/language impairment, and/or a seizure disorder, consult your physician before riding our bikes. For replacement parts, technical information and warranty assistance, please contact Revi Mobility Inc.

PLEASE NOTE: This manualis not intended as a user, service, repair ormaintenance manual. Please seek assistance from a qualifies technician for service, repairs or maintenance. Your insurance policies may not provide coverage for accidents involving the use of this bicycle. To determine if coverage is provided, you should contact your insurance company or agent. Do not disassemble, modify or replace electrical parts. This manual contains many “Warnings” and “Cautions” concerning the consequences of failure to maintain or inspect your bicycle and of failure to follow safe cycling practices. The caution symbol 1 canbe seenthroughout this manual, andindicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death, oris an alert against unsafe practices.

Key parts operations:

Hand throttle control
When the pedal assist mode is set to “0”, the pedal assist function does not engage and the throttle will NOT accelerate the bike forward. The throttle controlis operated on the right hand side. You control the throttle by twisting throttle attachment. The farther the throttle switch is from its resting position, the more power is delivered to the motor to accelerate the bike. When you want to slow down, you simply release the throttle and let it return to its resting position and simultaneously apply the brakes. This bike also comes with a throttle override function, which allows the throttle to work in pedal assist modes.

Your electric bike is equipped with disc brakes for maximum reliability. Applying hand pressure to the brake levers will cause the wheel brake to cause friction against the brake disc, slowing the wheel. The more hand pressure applied to the brake lever, the faster the electric bike will come to a stop. A Therear brake should always be applied before and while the front brake is applied. Applying only the front brake to slow or stop at high speeds may result in the rider being ejected from the saddle and continuing forward over the handlebars. Itis best to apply even pressure to both brake levers when slowing or stopping. Bicycles equipped with disc brakes will occasionally make a slight scraping noise when the wheels are turning without the brakes being applied. This is normal. Make sure that the brake lever does not contact the handlebar when full hand pressure is applied. If so, then the brakes must be adjusted by increasing the tension on the cable. With disc brakesisit vitalthey are bled properly and by a certified bike mechanic – please service and maintain your brakes every 500 miles or every 6 months or whenever necessary. Brakes are a critical part of the bike and it is essential that both are working greatly.

Disc brake rotors become hot during use. Do not touch or come in contactwith the disc rotor shortly after use.
Wet weather will require a longer distance to stop. Brake earlier and avoid sudden stops when riding in wet conditions.

Riding on hills:
If you encounter a hill that causes the speed of your bicycle to drop below 7 miles per hour (11km/h) on electric power only (throttle mode) with the throttle fully applied, you should pedal to assist the bicycle up the hill.Failure to pedal can overstress the motor and controller, possibly causing those components to overheat. Failure to pedal up steep hills to assist the bicycle also will overstress the battery reducing its capacity and shortening its useful life.

Riding in adverse weather conditions:
A Your electric bike is built with components that are sealed against dust and water, and can safely operate in most weather conditions. To ensure the longest life of your components, however you should avoid riding in wet weather when possible. The battery, however, cannot handle heavy raining conditions. You should refrain from using the bicycle in heavy or long lasting rain (more than 3-4 minutes). Never charge or use the USB outlet after riding in the rain. Park the bike inadry, warm place and wait at least 24 hours before charging or using the USB port. Since electric bikes are faster and heavier than normal bikes, when riding in wet weather, you should use extreme caution. You are more likely to fall from a wet road surface when traveling at high speed. Heavy electric bikes also take longerto slow down and the required stopping distance in wet weather is even greater. Be sure to leave ample room for stopping and brake gently and evenly to avoid falling.


Some service and maintenance can and should be performed by the owner,and require no special tools or knowledge beyond what is presented in this manual. You should have your bicycle and its components checked periodically by your dealer for indicators of stress and/or potential failure, including cracks, deformation, corrosion, paint peeling, dents and any other indicators of potential failure, including cracks, deformation, corrosion, paint peeling, dents and any other indicators of potential problems, inappropriate use or abuse. These are important safety/maintenance checks and very important to help prevent accidents, bodily injury to the rider and shortened product life.
The following are examples of the type of service you should perform yourself. Break In Period: Your bike will last longer and perform more efficiently if you breakitin before riding it hard. Control cables and wheel spokes may stretch when a new bike is first used and may require readjustment by your dealer. Your Mechanical Safety Check (below) will help you identify some things that need readjustment.
Even if everything on your bike seems to be in working order, it is best to takeyour bike back to the dealer periodically for check-ups. Dealers typically suggest you bring your bike in for a 30-day check-up.
Another way to judge when it is time for the first check-up is to bring the bike in after three to five hours of on the road. Of course, if at any time you suspect something is wrong with the bike, take it to your dealer for a check-up prior to riding it again.
Mechanical Safety Check – Perform the following maintenance after every long or hard ride, and especially if the bike has been exposed to water or grit; or at least every 100 miles.
Clean the bike (consult the drive system manufacturer’’s user manual for specific cleaning instructions or warnings). Lightly lubricate the chains rollers with a good quality bicycle lubricant. Wipe off excess lubricant with a lint-free cloth. Lubricationis a function of climate. Talk to your dealer about the best lubricants and the recommended lubrication frequency for your area.

Squeeze the front brake and rock the bike forward and back. Make sure everything feels solid. If you feel a clunk with any forward or backward movement of the bike, you probably have a loose headset. Have your bike checked by your dealer. If either brake lever fails, don’t ride the bike. Have your dealer check and repair or replace. Lift the front wheel off the ground and swing side to side. If you feel any binding or roughness in the steering, you may have a tight headset. Have it checked by your dealer.
Rock one of the pedals toward and away from the centerline of the bike; then do the same with the other pedal. If anything feels loose, have your dealer checkit. Examine the brake pads. If they are starting to look worn or not hitting the wheel rim squarely, have the dealer adjust or replace them. Check the control cables and cable housing. If you observe any kinks or fraying, have your dealer replace them.
Squeeze each adjoining pair of spokes on either side of each wheel between your thumb and index finger. They should feel the same. If any spokes feel loose, have your dealer check the wheel for tension and trueness. Check the tires for excess wear, cuts or tears. If you are unsure whether your tires are worn or damaged, ask your dealer, who can replace them if necessary. Check the wheel rims for excess wear, dings, dents and scratches. Consult your dealer if you see any rim damage. Check to make sure that all parts and accessories are still secured, and tighten any which are not.
Check the frame, particularly in the area around all tube joints, the handlebars, the stem; and the seat post for any deep scratches, cracks or discoloration. There are signs of stress-caused fatigue and indicate that a part is at the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced. If the chain won’t shift smoothly and quietly from gear to gear, the derailleur is out of adjustment, and you should see your dealer.

Thanks for purchasing a REVIBIKES™ Oasis electric bike.REVIBIKES™ are one of the best electric bike companies based in Ontario, CA. We produce high-quality and unique style electric bike with high-profile components. After receiving your new bike, firstly please check exterior of package. If you found severe damage on the surface or at the corner, please contact REVIBIKES™ by email to or call (909)738-5668 to check whether you need a return and refund.

Open the carton box and take out your Oasis carefully. The package has following items:


Remove all zip ties and packing material. Attention: be careful when it comes to the edge of frame, tire and rim..

Follow steps to assembly your Oasis !
Rotating Stem
Rotate the stem 180°, then fasten the 3 bolts marked with arrows.

Install Handle Bar

Handle Installation

Loosen the bolts to put handle barin between.
Use the reserved 4 bolts to install handle bar as shown in the picture.
Adjust handle bar angle and fasten the 4 bolts one by one to 20N.M.

Install Front Wheel

Wheel Installation

Make sure the brake discis placed in the center of caliper gap and front wheel can rotatefreely without any noise. When the brake discisnotin the gap, DO NOT pull brake lever.
Check the quick release nuts before riding! Loosen nuts can cause serious danger.

Install Pedals

Pedals Installation

se the pedal marked with an “L” on the left side and the right pedal marked with an “R” on the right side (side with drivetrain gears). The right-side pedal has a right-hand thread (removes counterclockwise, installs clockwise); the left side pedal has a left-hand thread (removes clockwise, installs counterclockwise). Be careful to not cross thread the pedals.

Insert, Remove or Adjust Saddle Height

Adjust Height

Make sure it’s fastened before riding.

Charge Battery before Your First Ride
*On charger, red light stands for charging, while green light stands for charging finished.
Battery Charging

Battery Warning

  • Lithium battery capacity drops down by times it’s been used for. REVIBIKES™ genuine battery provides 600~800 charging cycles.
  • Stay away from extreme environment. Most suitable temperature for batteryis 14 °F ~113°F . Do not approach heat, fire, inflammable, and prevent battery from falling and getting wet. Do notinsert metal into battery.
  • Battery indicator bar on LCD display sometimes is biased. If you want to get more accurate indication, try to run totally out of battery then charge it charged to full. BMS willreset the indicator randomly.
  • Frequent accelerating and brake drain your battery much more quickly than you expected. When you don’t have enough battery power, twist throttle gently to be safe back.
  • 8 hours not using the battery still consumes around 5% battery capacity to stand by and support BMS.
  • If you are not going to use the battery for long time, take out the battery out of your REVI™ BIKE, and store it with 50% battery left. Do not use battery when it has less than 10% capacity left.
  • Our bike is water proof but only splash proof. Please do not put the bike in water deeperthan 7.0 inch, otherwise controller box has a risk of mould.
  • If you keep charging your battery more than 12 hrs but not full yet, stop charging and contact with REVIBIKES™ as soon as possible.

Uninstall & Install Battery

Battery Installation

Besides charging the battery with it’sin the ebike, you can also take out the battery home or office to find a safe place to charge. Turn the key to unlock position, then PULL the lever on top of battery to remove battery . When you install battery, do the same but start from the bottom part.

LCD Brief Manual
LCD Instruction

  • To switch on the eBike system, hold the MODE button for 2s. Same way to shut off.
  • After switching on the eBike system, the display shows Running Speed. On the condition of riding, to change the indicated information, press MODE to show in turn as below: Current Speed — Trip Distance —Trip Time — Average Speed— Max Speed. Each screen will display for 2 seconds then automatically returns to the Current Speed screen. On the condition that the speed is 0 km/h, Total Distance will be added to the circulation interface.
  • Press =+ button for 3 seconds to turn ON/OFF lighting system.
  • To access the Pushing-Assist mode, hold the DOWN button for 2 s, the eBike will go on at a stable speed of 3.8mph, “P” isshowed on the screen at the same time. The push-assist function switches off as soon as you release the DOWN button.
  • To access the push-assistance mode, hold the DOWN button for 2 s, the eBike will go on at a uniform speed of 6 Km/h, “P” is showed on the screen at the same time. The push-assistance function switches off as soon as you release the DOWN button.
  • After the eBike system is switched on, to access general settings menu, hold both the UP and DOWN button for 2 s. Press the Up or DOWN button to select the content, press MODE to confirm the corresponding settings.
  • For more advanced settings, visit


If there are errors about the electronic control system, the error code will appear automatically.

Error Code Definition Solution
21 Current Abnormality Replace controller
22 Throttle Abnormality Disconnect throttle wire(located in

controller box, orin front of handle
bar if the bike has water proof
quick release connector) tosee
whether the ERROR code
disappears. If disappear, replace
23| Motor Abnorma| Re-connect motor wire(located
underneath chain stay at right
side). If still doesn’t work, replace
a hew motor.
24| Motor Hall Abnormality| Contact with seller, return full rear
wheelto replace a motor rotor.
25| Brake Abnormality| Disconnect 2 brake lever
wires(located in front of handle
bar toseewhetherthe ERROR
code disappears. If yes, replace
the brake lever and reconnect
brake lever wire to controller.
30| Communication
Abnormality| Disconnect all wires (brake lever,
display, throttle, and motor) then
reconnect. Check all connectors
are in good connection.


To make a warranty claim always keep handy the vehicle model, date of purchase, vehicle serial number as well as information from the retailer where you purchase the vehicle from.

The warranty is limited to the terms listed below:
Motor and controller: 1year for parts. 3 months for labor
Frame: 3 years, 1year for labor
Charger: 1year for parts
Battery: Warranty on the battery starts the date of purchase of the vehicle as new. The batteryis sealed and cannot be opened or fixed. The battery should not have a percentage of nominal charge retention of 60% or less. Misuse of the battery, negligence or attempt to openor repair it will void the warranty.

General vehicle: The vehicle is backed up by a 1-year main warranty, certain components listed on this chart or consumables may be subject to a different period of coverage or not included in this warranty.

Consumables: Components subject to wear are not covered by the warranty: Tires, inner tubes, brake lines, brake pads, basket, wheel lining tape, light bulbs, LEDS, fuses, etc.

If the warranty is void for any reason the customer shall bear any repair or replacement costs resulting from vehicle misuse, negligence or abuse. Always follow care and preventive maintenance procedures Always keep receipts from any services performed to the vehicle by an authorized distributor or service center.

The warranty will be voided by any of the following circumstances:

  1. Failure to follow all directions or recommendations listed in this warranty and user’’s manual.
  2. Cycling collision, accident or vehicle damage caused by careless parking or storage.
  3. Actsinviolation of laws and regulations.
  4. Never performed service or maintenance on components
  5. DlY repair son electronic components.
  6. Abusive use the vehicle in off-road terrain, mud, snow, water, sand, gravel and water puddles.
  7. If vehicle is used as rental unit or taxi
  8. Damages caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, lightning, fire, flooding and other hazards.
  9. Rustand/or paint fading caused to heavy exposure to rain, hail, snow or sunlight.
  10. Overloading beyond recommended capacity.
  11. Damages caused by nails, needles, broken glass, debris, sharp rocks or other foreign objects.
  12. If vehicle is used but not limited to stunts, jumping from ramps, stairs or elevated surfaces.
  13. If vehicle is used in competitions or racing
  14. If vehicle has been modified for any purposes on the motor, electrical system, suspension frame, wheels.
  15. Use of other components not approved by the manufacturer
  16. Damages resulted from improper transportation Due to the nature of the product some components must be exclusive from the manufacturer such as but not limited to the battery, motor, main gauge cluster, controllers, Led headlights, brake drums or disc rotors and pads etc. Other components such astires, tubes, saddle, racks, baskets may be used from market-ready or compatible products previous approval from the retailer or  manufacturer.

4055 E. GUASTIRD., STE 111, ONTARIO, CA 91761
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